// report view stuff (details) #include "ctlspriv.h" #include "listview.h" #include void ListView_RGetRectsEx(LV* plv, int iItem, int iSubItem, LPRECT prcIcon, LPRECT prcLabel); int ListView_RXHitTest(LV* plv, int x); void NEAR PASCAL ListView_RInitialize(LV* plv, BOOL fInval) { MEASUREITEMSTRUCT mi; if (plv && (plv->ci.style & LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED)) { int iOld = plv->cyItem; mi.CtlType = ODT_LISTVIEW; mi.CtlID = GetDlgCtrlID(plv->ci.hwnd); mi.itemHeight = plv->cyItem; // default SendMessage(plv->ci.hwndParent, WM_MEASUREITEM, mi.CtlID, (LPARAM)(MEASUREITEMSTRUCT FAR *)&mi); plv->cyItem = max(mi.itemHeight, 1); // never let app set height=0 or we fault-o-rama! if (fInval && (iOld != plv->cyItem)) { RedrawWindow(plv->ci.hwnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE); } } } DWORD ListView_RApproximateViewRect(LV* plv, int iCount, int iWidth, int iHeight) { RECT rc; ListView_RGetRects(plv, iCount, NULL, NULL, &rc, NULL); rc.bottom += plv->ptlRptOrigin.y; rc.right += plv->ptlRptOrigin.x; return MAKELONG(rc.right, rc.bottom); } void CCDrawRect(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int dx, int dy) { RECT rc; rc.left = x; rc.top = y; rc.right = x + dx; rc.bottom = y + dy; ExtTextOut(hdc,0,0,ETO_OPAQUE,&rc,NULL,0,NULL); } void NEAR PASCAL ListView_RAfterRedraw(LV* plv, HDC hdc) { if (plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_GRIDLINES) { int i; int x; COLORREF clrBk; clrBk = SetBkColor(hdc, g_clrBtnFace); x = -plv->ptlRptOrigin.x; for (i = 0 ; (i < plv->cCol) && (x < plv->sizeClient.cx); i++) { HD_ITEM hitem; hitem.mask = HDI_WIDTH; Header_GetItem(plv->hwndHdr, SendMessage(plv->hwndHdr, HDM_ORDERTOINDEX, i, 0), &hitem); x += hitem.cxy; if (x > 0) { CCDrawRect(hdc, x, 0, g_cxBorder, plv->sizeClient.cy); } } for (x = plv->yTop - 1; (x < plv->sizeClient.cy); x += plv->cyItem) { CCDrawRect(hdc, 0, x, plv->sizeClient.cx, g_cxBorder); } SetBkColor(hdc, clrBk); } } // // Internal function to Get the CXLabel, taking into account if the listview // has no item data and also if RECOMPUTE needs to happen. // SHORT NEAR PASCAL ListView_RGetCXLabel(LV* plv, int i, LISTITEM FAR* pitem, HDC hdc, BOOL fUseItem) { SHORT cxLabel = SRECOMPUTE; if (!ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { cxLabel = pitem->cxSingleLabel; } if (cxLabel == SRECOMPUTE) { LISTITEM item; if (!pitem) { ASSERT(!fUseItem) pitem = &item; fUseItem = FALSE; } ListView_RecomputeLabelSize(plv, pitem, i, hdc, fUseItem); cxLabel = pitem->cxSingleLabel; } // add on the space around the label taken up by the select rect cxLabel += 2*g_cxLabelMargin; return(cxLabel); } // // Returns FALSE if no more items to draw. // BOOL ListView_RDrawItem(PLVDRAWITEM plvdi) { BOOL fDrawFocusRect = FALSE; RECT rcIcon; RECT rcLabel; RECT rcBounds; RECT rcT; LV* plv = plvdi->plv; int iCol = 0; LVITEM item; HDITEM hitem; TCHAR ach[CCHLABELMAX]; UINT fText = 0; UINT uSubItemFlags; int iIndex = 0; int xOffset = 0; int yOffset = 0; ListView_RGetRects(plv, (int)plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec, NULL, NULL, &rcBounds, NULL); if (rcBounds.bottom <= plv->yTop) return TRUE; if (plvdi->prcClip) { if (rcBounds.top >= plvdi->prcClip->bottom) return FALSE; // no more items need painting. // Probably this condition won't happen very often... if (!IntersectRect(&rcT, &rcBounds, plvdi->prcClip)) return TRUE; } // REVIEW: this would be faster if we did the GetClientRect // outside the loop. // if (rcBounds.top >= plv->sizeClient.cy) return FALSE; if (plvdi->lpptOrg) { xOffset = plvdi->lpptOrg->x - rcBounds.left; yOffset = plvdi->lpptOrg->y - rcBounds.top; OffsetRect(&rcBounds, xOffset, yOffset); } item.iItem = (int)plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec; item.stateMask = LVIS_ALL; // for first ListView_OnGetItem call item.state = 0; if (plv->ci.style & LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) { goto SendOwnerDraw; } SetRectEmpty(&rcT); for (; iCol < plv->cCol; iCol++) { DWORD dwCustom = 0; UINT uImageFlags; iIndex = (int) SendMessage(plv->hwndHdr, HDM_ORDERTOINDEX, iCol, 0); SendOwnerDraw: if (iIndex == 0) { item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_STATE | LVIF_INDENT; } else { // Next time through, we only want text for subitems... item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_STATE; } item.iImage = -1; item.iSubItem = iIndex; item.pszText = ach; item.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(ach); ListView_OnGetItem(plv, &item); uSubItemFlags = plvdi->flags; if (iIndex == 0) { // if it's owner draw, send off a message and return. // do this after we've collected state information above though if (plv->ci.style & LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) { DRAWITEMSTRUCT di = {0}; di.CtlType = ODT_LISTVIEW; di.CtlID = GetDlgCtrlID(plv->ci.hwnd); di.itemID = (int)plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec; di.itemAction = ODA_DRAWENTIRE; di.hwndItem = plv->ci.hwnd; di.hDC = plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc; di.rcItem = rcBounds; if (plvdi->pitem) di.itemData = plvdi->pitem->lParam; if (item.state & LVIS_FOCUSED) { di.itemState |= ODS_FOCUS; } if (item.state & LVIS_SELECTED) { di.itemState |= ODS_SELECTED; } SendMessage(plv->ci.hwndParent, WM_DRAWITEM, di.CtlID, (LPARAM)(DRAWITEMSTRUCT FAR *)&di); return TRUE; } } hitem.mask = HDI_WIDTH | HDI_FORMAT; Header_GetItem(plv->hwndHdr, iIndex, &hitem); // first get the rects... ListView_RGetRectsEx(plv, (int)plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec, iIndex, &rcIcon, &rcLabel); OffsetRect(&rcIcon, xOffset, yOffset); OffsetRect(&rcLabel, xOffset, yOffset); if (plvdi->dwCustom & CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW) { RECT rcTemp; UINT uItemStateOld = plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.uItemState, uItemStateNew; SendMessage(plv->hwndHdr, HDM_GETITEMRECT, iIndex, (LPARAM)&rcTemp); plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.rc.left = rcTemp.left; plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.rc.right = rcTemp.right; plvdi->nmcd.iSubItem = iIndex; // Note: IE4 didn't reset nmcd.clrText or nmcd.clrTextBk // before each subitem. This is arguably a bug, but we // shipped that way so I guess we're stuck with it. dwCustom = CICustomDrawNotify(&plvdi->plv->ci, CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT, &plvdi->nmcd.nmcd); uItemStateNew = plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.uItemState; plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.uItemState = uItemStateOld; if (dwCustom & CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT) continue; uSubItemFlags &= ~(LVDI_FOCUS | LVDI_SELECTED | LVDI_SELECTNOFOCUS | LVDI_HOTSELECTED); if (uItemStateNew & CDIS_FOCUS) uSubItemFlags |= LVDI_FOCUS; if (uItemStateNew & CDIS_SELECTED) { if (plvdi->plv->flags & LVF_FOCUSED) uSubItemFlags |= LVDI_SELECTED; else uSubItemFlags |= LVDI_SELECTNOFOCUS; if (plvdi->plv->iHot == (int)plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec) uSubItemFlags |= LVDI_HOTSELECTED; } } if (iIndex != 0) { // for right now, add this in because the get rects for // non 0 doesn't account for the icon (yet) if (item.iImage != -1) rcLabel.left += plv->cxSmIcon; } uImageFlags = uSubItemFlags; if (item.iImage == -1) { if (iIndex != 0) // just use ListView_DrawImage to get the fText uImageFlags |= LVDI_NOIMAGE; } else if (ListView_FullRowSelect(plv) && iCol) { int iLeft = rcIcon.left; int iRight = rcIcon.right; // for full row select when the icon is not in the first column, // we need to explicitly paint the background so focus rect // remnants aren't left behind (jeffbog -- 07/09/96) /// need to deal with the state image if index == 0. // all the otehr columns don't have state images. if (iIndex == 0) { rcIcon.left -= plv->cxState + g_cxEdge; } rcIcon.right = rcLabel.right; FillRect(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, &rcIcon, plv->hbrBk); rcIcon.left = iLeft; rcIcon.right = iRight; } fText = ListView_DrawImageEx(plv, &item, plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, rcIcon.left, rcIcon.top, uSubItemFlags, rcLabel.right); if (ListView_FullRowSelect(plv) && (uSubItemFlags & LVDI_FOCUS)) { // if we're doing a full row selection, collect the union // of the labels for the focus rect UnionRect(&rcT, &rcT, &rcLabel); } if (item.pszText) { int xLabelRight = rcLabel.right; UINT textflags; // give all but the first columns extra margins so // left and right justified things don't stick together textflags = (iIndex == 0) ? SHDT_ELLIPSES : SHDT_ELLIPSES | SHDT_EXTRAMARGIN; // rectangle limited to the size of the string textflags |= fText; if ((!ListView_FullRowSelect(plv)) && ((fText & (SHDT_SELECTED | SHDT_SELECTNOFOCUS)) || (item.state & LVIS_FOCUSED))) { int cxLabel; // if selected or focused, the rectangle is more // meaningful and should correspond to the string // if (iIndex == 0) { LISTITEM litem; LISTITEM FAR *pitem = plvdi->pitem; if (!pitem) { pitem = &litem; litem.pszText = item.pszText; } cxLabel = ListView_RGetCXLabel(plv, (int)plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec, pitem, plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, TRUE); } else { // add g_cxLabelMargin * 6 because we use SHDT_EXTRAMARGIN // on iIndex != 0 // and if you look inside shdrawtext, there are 6 cxlabelmargins added... cxLabel = ListView_OnGetStringWidth(plv, item.pszText, plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc) + g_cxLabelMargin * 6; } if (rcLabel.right > rcLabel.left + cxLabel) { rcLabel.right = rcLabel.left + cxLabel; } } if ((iIndex != 0) || (plv->iEdit != (int)plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec)) { COLORREF clrText; HFONT hFontTemp = NULL; int cxEllipses; clrText = plvdi->nmcd.clrText; if ((clrText == GetSysColor(COLOR_HOTLIGHT)) || ((plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_UNDERLINEHOT) && ((plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_ONECLICKACTIVATE) || ((plvdi->plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_TWOCLICKACTIVATE) && ListView_OnGetItemState(plvdi->plv, (int) plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec, LVIS_SELECTED))))) { if (iIndex != 0 && !ListView_FullRowSelect(plv)) { hFontTemp = SelectFont(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, plv->hfontLabel); if (hFontTemp != plv->hFontHot) { // they've overridden... leave it. SelectFont(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, hFontTemp); hFontTemp = NULL; } clrText = plv->clrText; } } if ((textflags & SHDT_SELECTED) && (uSubItemFlags & LVDI_HOTSELECTED)) textflags |= SHDT_HOTSELECTED; //TraceMsg(TF_LISTVIEW, "LISTVIEW: SHDrawText called. style = %lx, WS_DISABLED = %lx, plvdi->clrBk = %lx, plvdi->nmcd.clrTextBk = %lx", (DWORD)plv->ci.style, (DWORD)WS_DISABLED, plvdi->clrBk, plvdi->nmcd.clrTextBk); if( plv->dwExStyle & WS_EX_RTLREADING) { // // temp hack for the find.files to see if LtoR/RtoL mixing // works. if ok, we'll take this out and make that lv ownerdraw // if ((item.pszText[0] != '\xfd') && (item.pszText[lstrlen(item.pszText)-1] != '\xfd')) textflags |= SHDT_RTLREADING; } // // If the app customized the font, we need to get the new // ellipsis size. We could try to optimize not doing this // if ellipses aren't needed, but tough. That's what you // get if you use customdraw. // if ((plvdi->dwCustom | dwCustom) & CDRF_NEWFONT) { SIZE siz; GetTextExtentPoint(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, c_szEllipses, CCHELLIPSES, &siz); cxEllipses = siz.cx; } else cxEllipses = plv->cxEllipses; SHDrawText(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, item.pszText, &rcLabel, hitem.fmt & HDF_JUSTIFYMASK, textflags, plv->cyLabelChar, cxEllipses, clrText, plvdi->nmcd.clrTextBk); // draw a focus rect on the first column of a focus item if ((uSubItemFlags & LVDI_FOCUS) && (item.state & LVIS_FOCUSED) && !(CCGetUIState(&(plvdi->plv->ci)) & UISF_HIDEFOCUS) ) { if (ListView_FullRowSelect(plv)) { fDrawFocusRect = TRUE; } else { DrawFocusRect(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, &rcLabel); } } // If we didn't SHDrawText into the full label rectangle // (because the selection or focus rectangle seemed more // applicable), draw emptiness into the unused part so // garbage doesn't show through. Use SHDrawText so we // draw in exactly the same way that the rest of the code does. if (rcLabel.right < xLabelRight) { rcLabel.left = rcLabel.right; rcLabel.right = xLabelRight; SHDrawText(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, c_szNULL, &rcLabel, LVCFMT_LEFT, textflags & SHDT_TRANSPARENT, plv->cyLabelChar, cxEllipses, clrText, plvdi->nmcd.clrTextBk); } // restore the font if (hFontTemp) SelectFont(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, hFontTemp); } } if (dwCustom & CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT) { CICustomDrawNotify(&plvdi->plv->ci, CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT, &plvdi->nmcd.nmcd); } } if (fDrawFocusRect) { DrawFocusRect(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, &rcT); } return TRUE; } #ifndef HDS_FULLDRAG #define HDS_FULLDRAG 0x0080 #endif BOOL_PTR NEAR ListView_CreateHeader(LV* plv) { // enable drag drop always here... just fail the notify // if the bit in listview isn't set DWORD dwStyle = HDS_HORZ | WS_CHILD | HDS_DRAGDROP; if (plv->ci.style & LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER) dwStyle |= HDS_HIDDEN; if (!(plv->ci.style & LVS_NOSORTHEADER)) dwStyle |= HDS_BUTTONS; dwStyle |= HDS_FULLDRAG; plv->hwndHdr = CreateWindowEx(0L, c_szHeaderClass, // WC_HEADER, NULL, dwStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, plv->ci.hwnd, (HMENU)LVID_HEADER, GetWindowInstance(plv->ci.hwnd), NULL); if (plv->hwndHdr) { #ifdef POST_BETA NMLVHEADERCREATED nmhc; nmhc.hwndHdr = plv->hwndHdr; // some apps blow up if a notify is sent before the control is fully created. CCSendNotify(&plv->ci, LVN_HEADERCREATED, &nmhc.hdr); plv->hwndHdr = nmhc.hwndHdr; #endif FORWARD_WM_SETFONT(plv->hwndHdr, plv->hfontLabel, FALSE, SendMessage); if (plv->himlSmall) SendMessage(plv->hwndHdr, HDM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)plv->himlSmall); } return (BOOL_PTR)plv->hwndHdr; } int NEAR ListView_OnInsertColumnA(LV* plv, int iCol, LV_COLUMNA * pcol) { LPWSTR pszW = NULL; LPSTR pszC = NULL; int iRet; //HACK ALERT -- this code assumes that LV_COLUMNA is exactly the same // as LV_COLUMNW except for the pointer to the string. ASSERT(sizeof(LV_COLUMNA) == sizeof(LV_COLUMNW)); if (!pcol) return -1; if ((pcol->mask & LVCF_TEXT) && (pcol->pszText != NULL)) { pszC = pcol->pszText; if ((pszW = ProduceWFromA(plv->ci.uiCodePage, pszC)) == NULL) { // NT's IE4 returned -1, so we keep doing it in IE5. return -1; } else { pcol->pszText = (LPSTR)pszW; } } iRet = ListView_OnInsertColumn(plv, iCol, (const LV_COLUMN FAR*) pcol); if (pszW != NULL) { pcol->pszText = pszC; FreeProducedString(pszW); } return iRet; } int NEAR ListView_OnInsertColumn(LV* plv, int iCol, const LV_COLUMN FAR* pcol) { int idpa = -1; HD_ITEM item; ASSERT(LVCFMT_LEFT == HDF_LEFT); ASSERT(LVCFMT_RIGHT == HDF_RIGHT); ASSERT(LVCFMT_CENTER == HDF_CENTER); if (iCol < 0 || !pcol) return -1; if (!plv->hwndHdr && !ListView_CreateHeader(plv)) return -1; item.mask = (HDI_WIDTH | HDI_HEIGHT | HDI_FORMAT | HDI_LPARAM); if (pcol->mask & LVCF_IMAGE) { // do this only if this bit is set so that we don't fault on // old binaries item.iImage = pcol->iImage; item.mask |= HDI_IMAGE; } if (pcol->mask & LVCF_TEXT) { item.pszText = pcol->pszText; item.mask |= HDI_TEXT; } if (pcol->mask & LVCF_ORDER) { item.iOrder = pcol->iOrder; item.mask |= HDI_ORDER; } item.cxy = pcol->mask & LVCF_WIDTH ? pcol->cx : 10; // some random default item.fmt = ((pcol->mask & LVCF_FMT) && (iCol > 0)) ? pcol->fmt : LVCFMT_LEFT; item.hbm = NULL; item.lParam = pcol->mask & LVCF_SUBITEM ? pcol->iSubItem : 0; // Column 0 refers to the item list. If we've already added a // column, make sure there are plv->cCol - 1 subitem ptr slots // in hdpaSubItems... // if (plv->cCol > 0) { if (!plv->hdpaSubItems) { plv->hdpaSubItems = DPA_CreateEx(8, plv->hheap); if (!plv->hdpaSubItems) return -1; } // WARNING: the max(0, iCol-1) was min in Win95, which was // just wrong. hopefully(!) no one has relied on this brokeness // if so, we may have to version switch it. idpa = DPA_InsertPtr(plv->hdpaSubItems, max(0, iCol - 1), NULL); if (idpa == -1) return -1; } iCol = Header_InsertItem(plv->hwndHdr, iCol, &item); if (iCol == -1) { if (plv->hdpaSubItems && (idpa != -1)) DPA_DeletePtr(plv->hdpaSubItems, idpa); return -1; } plv->xTotalColumnWidth = RECOMPUTE; plv->cCol++; ListView_UpdateScrollBars(plv); if (ListView_IsReportView(plv) && ListView_RedrawEnabled(plv)) { RedrawWindow(plv->ci.hwnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE); } return iCol; } int NEAR ListView_FreeColumnData(LPVOID d, LPVOID p) { PLISTSUBITEM plsi = (PLISTSUBITEM)d; ListView_FreeSubItem(plsi); return 1; } BOOL NEAR ListView_OnDeleteColumn(LV* plv, int iCol) { if (iCol < 0 || iCol >= plv->cCol) // validate column index { RIPMSG(0, "LVM_DELETECOLUMN: Invalid column index: %d", iCol); return FALSE; } if (plv->hdpaSubItems) { int iDeleteColumn = -1; // Default to "can't delete column". if (0 < iCol) { iDeleteColumn = iCol; // Deleting col 1+. Simple delete OK. } else if (5 <= plv->ci.iVersion) { // // Version 5 and later can delete column 0. Prior versions can't. // if (1 < plv->cCol && !ListView_IsOwnerData(plv)) { // if deleting column 0, // we have to do something a little special... // set all item 0 strings to what column 1 has and // delete column 1 int i; int iCount = ListView_Count(plv); for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { LISTSUBITEM lsi; LVITEM lvi; ListView_GetSubItem(plv, i, 1, &lsi); lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.iItem = i; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE; lvi.iImage = lsi.iImage; lvi.pszText = lsi.pszText; lvi.state = lsi.state; lvi.stateMask = 0xffffffff; ListView_OnSetItem(plv, &lvi); } iDeleteColumn = 1; } } if (0 < iDeleteColumn) { HDPA hdpa = (HDPA)DPA_DeletePtr(plv->hdpaSubItems, iDeleteColumn - 1); DPA_DestroyCallback(hdpa, ListView_FreeColumnData, 0); } } if (!Header_DeleteItem(plv->hwndHdr, iCol)) return FALSE; plv->cCol--; plv->xTotalColumnWidth = RECOMPUTE; ListView_UpdateScrollBars(plv); if (ListView_IsReportView(plv) && ListView_RedrawEnabled(plv)) { RedrawWindow(plv->ci.hwnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE); } return TRUE; } int NEAR ListView_RGetColumnWidth(LV* plv, int iCol) { HD_ITEM item; item.mask = HDI_WIDTH; Header_GetItem(plv->hwndHdr, iCol, &item); return item.cxy; } // The FakeCustomDraw functions are used when you want the customdraw client // to set up a HDC so you can do stuff like GetTextExtent. // // Usage: // // LVFAKEDRAW lvfd; // LV_ITEM item; // ListView_BeginFakeCustomDraw(plv, &lvfd, &item); // for each item you care about { // item.iItem = iItem; // item.iItem = iSubItem; // item.lParam = ; // use ListView_OnGetItem to get it // ListView_BeginFakeItemDraw(&lvfd); // // ListView_EndFakeItemDraw(&lvfd); // } // ListView_EndFakeCustomDraw(&lvfd); // void ListView_BeginFakeCustomDraw(LV* plv, PLVFAKEDRAW plvfd, LV_ITEM *pitem) { plvfd->nmcd.nmcd.hdc = GetDC(plv->ci.hwnd); plvfd->nmcd.nmcd.uItemState = 0; plvfd->nmcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec = 0; plvfd->nmcd.nmcd.lItemlParam = 0; plvfd->hfontPrev = SelectFont(plvfd->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, plv->hfontLabel); // // Since we aren't actually painting anything, we pass an empty // paint rectangle. Gosh, I hope no app faults when it sees an // empty paint rectangle. // SetRectEmpty(&plvfd->nmcd.nmcd.rc); plvfd->plv = plv; plvfd->dwCustomPrev = plv->ci.dwCustom; plvfd->pitem = pitem; plv->ci.dwCustom = CIFakeCustomDrawNotify(&plv->ci, CDDS_PREPAINT, &plvfd->nmcd.nmcd); } DWORD ListView_BeginFakeItemDraw(PLVFAKEDRAW plvfd) { LV *plv = plvfd->plv; LV_ITEM *pitem; // Early-out: If client doesn't use CustomDraw, then stop immediately. if (!(plv->ci.dwCustom & CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW)) return CDRF_DODEFAULT; pitem = plvfd->pitem; // Note that if the client says CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT (i.e., is owner-draw) // we measure the item anyway, because that's what IE4 did. // Make sure we do have the lParam. Office will fault if you give // bogus lParams during customdraw callbacks. plvfd->nmcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec = pitem->iItem; if (ListView_IsOwnerData(plv)) { // OwnerData always gets lItemlParam = 0 ASSERT(plvfd->nmcd.nmcd.lItemlParam == 0); // should still be 0 } else { ASSERT(pitem->mask & LVIF_PARAM); plvfd->nmcd.nmcd.lItemlParam = pitem->lParam; } if (!(plv->ci.dwCustom & CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT)) { plvfd->nmcd.iSubItem = 0; plvfd->dwCustomItem = CIFakeCustomDrawNotify(&plv->ci, CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT, &plvfd->nmcd.nmcd); } else { plvfd->dwCustomItem = CDRF_DODEFAULT; } // // Only report view supports sub-items. // if (!ListView_IsReportView(plv)) plvfd->dwCustomItem &= ~CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW; if (plvfd->dwCustomItem & CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW) { plvfd->nmcd.iSubItem = pitem->iSubItem; plvfd->dwCustomSubItem = CIFakeCustomDrawNotify(&plv->ci, CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT, &plvfd->nmcd.nmcd); } else { plvfd->dwCustomSubItem = CDRF_DODEFAULT; } return plvfd->dwCustomItem | plvfd->dwCustomSubItem; } void ListView_EndFakeItemDraw(PLVFAKEDRAW plvfd) { LV *plv = plvfd->plv; // Early-out: If client doesn't use CustomDraw, then stop immediately. if (!(plv->ci.dwCustom & CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW)) return; if (!(plvfd->dwCustomSubItem & CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT) && (plvfd->dwCustomSubItem & CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT)) { ASSERT(plvfd->dwCustomItem & CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW); ASSERT(plvfd->nmcd.iSubItem == plvfd->pitem->iSubItem); CIFakeCustomDrawNotify(&plv->ci, CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT, &plvfd->nmcd.nmcd); } if ((plvfd->dwCustomItem | plvfd->dwCustomSubItem) & CDRF_NEWFONT) // App changed font, so SelectFont(plvfd->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, plv->hfontLabel); // restore default font if (!(plvfd->dwCustomItem & CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT) && (plvfd->dwCustomItem & CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT)) { plvfd->nmcd.iSubItem = 0; CIFakeCustomDrawNotify(&plv->ci, CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT, &plvfd->nmcd.nmcd); } } void ListView_EndFakeCustomDraw(PLVFAKEDRAW plvfd) { LV *plv = plvfd->plv; // notify parent afterwards if they want us to if (!(plv->ci.dwCustom & CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT) && plv->ci.dwCustom & CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT) { CIFakeCustomDrawNotify(&plv->ci, CDDS_POSTPAINT, &plvfd->nmcd.nmcd); } // Restore previous state plv->ci.dwCustom = plvfd->dwCustomPrev; SelectObject(plvfd->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, plvfd->hfontPrev); ReleaseDC(plv->ci.hwnd, plvfd->nmcd.nmcd.hdc); } BOOL NEAR PASCAL hasVertScroll ( LV* plv ) { RECT rcClient; RECT rcBounds; int cColVis; BOOL fHorSB; // Get the horizontal bounds of the items. ListView_GetClientRect(plv, &rcClient, FALSE, NULL); ListView_RGetRects(plv, 0, NULL, NULL, &rcBounds, NULL); fHorSB = (rcBounds.right - rcBounds.left > rcClient.right); cColVis = (rcClient.bottom - plv->yTop - (fHorSB ? ListView_GetCyScrollbar(plv) : 0)) / plv->cyItem; // check to see if we need a vert scrollbar if ((int)cColVis < ListView_Count(plv)) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); } BOOL NEAR ListView_RSetColumnWidth(LV* plv, int iCol, int cx) { HD_ITEM item; HD_ITEM colitem; SIZE siz; LV_ITEM lviItem; int i; int ItemWidth = 0; int HeaderWidth = 0; TCHAR szLabel[CCHLABELMAX + 4]; // CCHLABLEMAX == MAX_PATH int iBegin; int iEnd; // Should we compute the width based on the widest string? // If we do, include the Width of the Label, and if this is the // Last column, set the width so the right side is at the list view's right edge if (cx <= LVSCW_AUTOSIZE) { LVFAKEDRAW lvfd; // in case client uses customdraw if (cx == LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER) { // Special Cases: // 1) There is only 1 column. Set the width to the width of the listview // 2) This is the rightmost column, set the width so the right edge of the // column coinsides with to right edge of the list view. if (plv->cCol == 1) { RECT rcClient; ListView_GetClientRect(plv, &rcClient, FALSE, NULL); HeaderWidth = rcClient.right - rcClient.left; } else if (iCol == (plv->cCol-1)) { // BUGBUG This will only work if the listview as NOT // been previously horizontally scrolled RECT rcClient; RECT rcHeader; ListView_GetClientRect(plv, &rcClient, FALSE, NULL); if (!Header_GetItemRect(plv->hwndHdr, plv->cCol - 2, &rcHeader)) rcHeader.right = 0; // Is if visible if (rcHeader.right < (rcClient.right-rcClient.left)) { HeaderWidth = (rcClient.right-rcClient.left) - rcHeader.right; } } // If we have a header width, then is is one of these special ones, so // we need to account for a vert scroll bar since we are using Client values if (HeaderWidth && hasVertScroll(plv)) { HeaderWidth -= g_cxVScroll; } // Get the Width of the label. // We assume that the app hasn't changed any attributes // of the header control - still has default font, margins, etc. colitem.mask = HDI_TEXT | HDI_FORMAT; colitem.pszText = szLabel; colitem.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szLabel); if (Header_GetItem(plv->hwndHdr, iCol, &colitem)) { HDC hdc = GetDC(plv->ci.hwnd); HFONT hfPrev = SelectFont(hdc, plv->hfontLabel); GetTextExtentPoint(hdc, colitem.pszText, lstrlen(colitem.pszText), &siz); siz.cx += 2 * (3 * g_cxLabelMargin); // phd->iTextMargin if (colitem.fmt & HDF_IMAGE) { siz.cx += plv->cxSmIcon; siz.cx += 2 * (3 * g_cxLabelMargin); // pdh->iBmMargin } HeaderWidth = max(HeaderWidth, siz.cx); SelectFont(hdc, hfPrev); ReleaseDC(plv->ci.hwnd, hdc); } } iBegin = 0; iEnd = ListView_Count( plv ); // // Loop for each item in the view // if (ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { iBegin = (int)((plv->ptlRptOrigin.y - plv->yTop) / plv->cyItem); iEnd = (int)((plv->ptlRptOrigin.y + plv->sizeClient.cy - plv->yTop) / plv->cyItem) + 1; iBegin = max( 0, iBegin ); iEnd = max(iEnd, iBegin + 1); iEnd = min( iEnd, ListView_Count( plv ) ); ListView_NotifyCacheHint( plv, iBegin, iEnd-1 ); } // // To obtain the widths of the strings, we have to pretend that // we are painting them, in case the custom-draw client wants // to play with fonts (e.g., Athena). // ListView_BeginFakeCustomDraw(plv, &lvfd, &lviItem); // // If column 0, then we also need to take indent into account. // lviItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM; if (iCol == 0) { lviItem.mask |= LVIF_INDENT; } // Loop for each item in the List for (i = iBegin; i < iEnd; i++) { lviItem.iImage = -1; lviItem.iItem = i; lviItem.iSubItem = iCol; lviItem.pszText = szLabel; lviItem.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szLabel); lviItem.iIndent = 0; lviItem.stateMask = 0; ListView_OnGetItem(plv, &lviItem); // If there is a Text item, get its width if (lviItem.pszText || (lviItem.iImage != -1)) { if (lviItem.pszText) { ListView_BeginFakeItemDraw(&lvfd); GetTextExtentPoint(lvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc, lviItem.pszText, lstrlen(lviItem.pszText), &siz); ListView_EndFakeItemDraw(&lvfd); } else { siz.cx = 0; } if (lviItem.iImage != -1) siz.cx += plv->cxSmIcon + g_cxEdge; siz.cx += lviItem.iIndent * plv->cxSmIcon; ItemWidth = max(ItemWidth, siz.cx); } } ListView_EndFakeCustomDraw(&lvfd); // Adjust by a reasonable border amount. // If col 0, add 2*g_cxLabelMargin + g_szSmIcon. // Otherwise add 6*g_cxLabelMargin. // These amounts are based on Margins added automatically // to the ListView in ShDrawText. // BUGBUG ListView Report format currently assumes and makes // room for a Small Icon. if (iCol == 0) { ItemWidth += plv->cxState + g_cxEdge; ItemWidth += 2*g_cxLabelMargin; } else { ItemWidth += 6*g_cxLabelMargin; } TraceMsg(TF_LISTVIEW, "ListView: HeaderWidth:%d ItemWidth:%d", HeaderWidth, ItemWidth); item.cxy = max(HeaderWidth, ItemWidth); } else { // Use supplied width item.cxy = cx; } plv->xTotalColumnWidth = RECOMPUTE; item.mask = HDI_WIDTH; return Header_SetItem(plv->hwndHdr, iCol, &item); } BOOL NEAR ListView_OnGetColumnA(LV* plv, int iCol, LV_COLUMNA FAR* pcol) { LPWSTR pszW = NULL; LPSTR pszC = NULL; BOOL fRet; //HACK ALERT -- this code assumes that LV_COLUMNA is exactly the same // as LV_COLUMNW except for the pointer to the string. ASSERT(sizeof(LV_COLUMNA) == sizeof(LV_COLUMNW)) if (!pcol) return FALSE; if ((pcol->mask & LVCF_TEXT) && (pcol->pszText != NULL)) { pszC = pcol->pszText; pszW = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, pcol->cchTextMax * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pszW == NULL) return FALSE; pcol->pszText = (LPSTR)pszW; } fRet = ListView_OnGetColumn(plv, iCol, (LV_COLUMN FAR*) pcol); if (pszW != NULL) { if (fRet && pcol->cchTextMax) ConvertWToAN(plv->ci.uiCodePage, pszC, pcol->cchTextMax, pszW, -1); pcol->pszText = pszC; LocalFree(pszW); } return fRet; } BOOL NEAR ListView_OnGetColumn(LV* plv, int iCol, LV_COLUMN FAR* pcol) { HD_ITEM item; UINT mask; if (!pcol) { RIPMSG(0, "LVM_GETCOLUMN: Invalid pcol = NULL"); return FALSE; } mask = pcol->mask; if (!mask) return TRUE; item.mask = HDI_FORMAT | HDI_WIDTH | HDI_LPARAM | HDI_ORDER | HDI_IMAGE; if (mask & LVCF_TEXT) { if (pcol->pszText) { item.mask |= HDI_TEXT; item.pszText = pcol->pszText; item.cchTextMax = pcol->cchTextMax; } else { // For compatibility reasons, we don't fail the call if they // pass NULL. RIPMSG(0, "LVM_GETCOLUMN: Invalid pcol->pszText = NULL"); } } if (!Header_GetItem(plv->hwndHdr, iCol, &item)) { RIPMSG(0, "LVM_GETCOLUMN: Invalid column number %d", iCol); return FALSE; } if (mask & LVCF_SUBITEM) pcol->iSubItem = (int)item.lParam; if (mask & LVCF_ORDER) pcol->iOrder = (int)item.iOrder; if (mask & LVCF_IMAGE) pcol->iImage = item.iImage; if (mask & LVCF_FMT) pcol->fmt = item.fmt; if (mask & LVCF_WIDTH) pcol->cx = item.cxy; return TRUE; } BOOL NEAR ListView_OnSetColumnA(LV* plv, int iCol, LV_COLUMNA FAR* pcol) { LPWSTR pszW = NULL; LPSTR pszC = NULL; BOOL fRet; //HACK ALERT -- this code assumes that LV_COLUMNA is exactly the same // as LV_COLUMNW except for the pointer to the string. ASSERT(sizeof(LV_COLUMNA) == sizeof(LV_COLUMNW)); if (!pcol) return FALSE; if ((pcol->mask & LVCF_TEXT) && (pcol->pszText != NULL)) { pszC = pcol->pszText; if ((pszW = ProduceWFromA(plv->ci.uiCodePage, pszC)) == NULL) return FALSE; pcol->pszText = (LPSTR)pszW; } fRet = ListView_OnSetColumn(plv, iCol, (const LV_COLUMN FAR*) pcol); if (pszW != NULL) { pcol->pszText = pszC; FreeProducedString(pszW); } return fRet; } BOOL NEAR ListView_OnSetColumn(LV* plv, int iCol, const LV_COLUMN FAR* pcol) { HD_ITEM item; UINT mask; if (!pcol) return FALSE; mask = pcol->mask; if (!mask) return TRUE; item.mask = 0; if (mask & LVCF_SUBITEM) { item.mask |= HDI_LPARAM; item.lParam = iCol; } if (mask & LVCF_FMT) { item.mask |= HDI_FORMAT; item.fmt = (pcol->fmt | HDF_STRING); } if (mask & LVCF_WIDTH) { item.mask |= HDI_WIDTH; item.cxy = pcol->cx; } if (mask & LVCF_TEXT) { RIPMSG(pcol->pszText != NULL, "LVM_SETCOLUMN: LV_COLUMN.pszText should not be NULL"); item.mask |= HDI_TEXT; item.pszText = pcol->pszText; item.cchTextMax = 0; } if (mask & LVCF_IMAGE) { item.mask |= HDI_IMAGE; item.iImage = pcol->iImage; } if (mask & LVCF_ORDER) { item.mask |= HDI_ORDER; item.iOrder = pcol->iOrder; } plv->xTotalColumnWidth = RECOMPUTE; return Header_SetItem(plv->hwndHdr, iCol, &item); } BOOL NEAR ListView_SetSubItem(LV* plv, const LV_ITEM FAR* plvi) { LISTSUBITEM lsi; BOOL fChanged = FALSE; int i; int idpa; HDPA hdpa; if (plvi->mask & ~(LVIF_DI_SETITEM | LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_STATE)) { RIPMSG(0, "ListView: Invalid mask: %04x", plvi->mask); return FALSE; } if (!(plvi->mask & (LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_STATE))) return TRUE; i = plvi->iItem; if (!ListView_IsValidItemNumber(plv, i)) { RIPMSG(0, "LVM_SETITEM: Invalid iItem: %d", plvi->iItem); return FALSE; } // sub item indices are 1-based... // idpa = plvi->iSubItem - 1; if (idpa < 0 || idpa >= plv->cCol - 1) { RIPMSG(0, "LVM_SETITEM: Invalid iSubItem: %d", plvi->iSubItem); return FALSE; } hdpa = ListView_GetSubItemDPA(plv, idpa); if (!hdpa) { hdpa = DPA_CreateEx(LV_HDPA_GROW, plv->hheap); if (!hdpa) return FALSE; DPA_SetPtr(plv->hdpaSubItems, idpa, (void FAR*)hdpa); } ListView_GetSubItem(plv, i, plvi->iSubItem, &lsi); if (plvi->mask & LVIF_TEXT) { if (lsi.pszText != plvi->pszText) { Str_Set(&lsi.pszText, plvi->pszText); fChanged = TRUE; } } if (plvi->mask & LVIF_IMAGE) { if (plvi->iImage != lsi.iImage) { lsi.iImage = (short) plvi->iImage; fChanged = TRUE; } } if (plvi->mask & LVIF_STATE) { DWORD dwChange; dwChange = (lsi.state ^ plvi->state ) & plvi->stateMask; if (dwChange) { lsi.state ^= dwChange; fChanged = TRUE; } } if (fChanged) { PLISTSUBITEM plsiReal = DPA_GetPtr(hdpa, i); if (!plsiReal) { plsiReal = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(LISTSUBITEM)); if (!plsiReal) { // fail! bail out return FALSE; } } *plsiReal = lsi; if (!DPA_SetPtr(hdpa, i, (void FAR*)plsiReal)) { ListView_FreeSubItem(plsiReal); return FALSE; } } // all's well... let's invalidate this if (ListView_IsReportView(plv)) { RECT rc; ListView_RGetRectsEx(plv, plvi->iItem, plvi->iSubItem, NULL, &rc); RedrawWindow(plv->ci.hwnd, &rc, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE); } return TRUE; } int ListView_RDestroyColumn(LPVOID d, LPVOID p) { HDPA hdpa = (HDPA)d; DPA_DestroyCallback(hdpa, ListView_FreeColumnData, 0); return 1; } void NEAR ListView_RDestroy(LV* plv) { DPA_DestroyCallback(plv->hdpaSubItems, ListView_RDestroyColumn, 0); plv->hdpaSubItems = NULL; } VOID NEAR ListView_RHeaderTrack(LV* plv, HD_NOTIFY FAR * pnm) { // We want to update to show where the column header will be. HDC hdc; RECT rcBounds; // Statics needed from call to call static int s_xLast = -32767; hdc = GetDC(plv->ci.hwnd); if (hdc == NULL) return; // // First undraw the last marker we drew. // if (s_xLast > 0) { PatBlt(hdc, s_xLast, plv->yTop, g_cxBorder, plv->sizeClient.cy - plv->yTop, PATINVERT); } if (pnm->hdr.code == HDN_ENDTRACK) { s_xLast = -32767; // Some large negative number... } else { RECT rc; // // First we need to calculate the X location of the column // To do this, we will need to know where this column begins // Note: We need the bounding rects to help us know the origin. ListView_GetRects(plv, 0, NULL, NULL, &rcBounds, NULL); if (!Header_GetItemRect(plv->hwndHdr, pnm->iItem, &rc)) { rc.left = 0; } rcBounds.left += rc.left; // Draw the new line... s_xLast = rcBounds.left + pnm->pitem->cxy; PatBlt(hdc, s_xLast, plv->yTop, g_cxBorder, plv->sizeClient.cy - plv->yTop, PATINVERT); } ReleaseDC(plv->ci.hwnd, hdc); } // try to use scrollwindow to adjust the columns rather than erasing // and redrawing. void NEAR PASCAL ListView_AdjustColumn(LV * plv, int iWidth) { int x; RECT rcClip; int dx = iWidth - plv->iSelOldWidth; if (iWidth == plv->iSelOldWidth) return; // find the x coord of the left side of the iCol // use rcClip as a temporary... if (!Header_GetItemRect(plv->hwndHdr, plv->iSelCol, &rcClip)) { x = 0; } else { x = rcClip.left; } x -= plv->ptlRptOrigin.x; // compute the area to the right of the adjusted column GetWindowRect(plv->hwndHdr, &rcClip); rcClip.left = x; rcClip.top = RECTHEIGHT(rcClip); rcClip.right = plv->sizeClient.cx; rcClip.bottom = plv->sizeClient.cy; if ((plv->pImgCtx == NULL) && (plv->clrBk != CLR_NONE) && (plv->clrTextBk != CLR_NONE)) { // // We have a solid color background, // so we can smooth scroll the right side columns. // SMOOTHSCROLLINFO si = { sizeof(si), 0, plv->ci.hwnd, dx, 0, NULL, &rcClip, NULL, NULL, SW_ERASE | SW_INVALIDATE, }; rcClip.left += min(plv->iSelOldWidth, iWidth); SmoothScrollWindow(&si); // if we shrunk, invalidate the right most edge because // there might be junk there if (iWidth < plv->iSelOldWidth) { rcClip.right = rcClip.left + g_cxEdge; InvalidateRect(plv->ci.hwnd, &rcClip, TRUE); } plv->xTotalColumnWidth = RECOMPUTE; // adjust clipping rect to only redraw the adjusted column rcClip.left = x; rcClip.right = max(rcClip.left, x+iWidth); // Make the rectangle origin-based because ListView_UpdateScrollBars // may scroll us around. OffsetRect(&rcClip, plv->ptlRptOrigin.x, plv->ptlRptOrigin.y); ListView_UpdateScrollBars(plv); // Okay, now convert it back to client coordinates OffsetRect(&rcClip, -plv->ptlRptOrigin.x, -plv->ptlRptOrigin.y); // call update because scrollwindowex might have erased the far right // we don't want this invalidate to then enlarge the region // and end up erasing everything. UpdateWindow(plv->ci.hwnd); RedrawWindow(plv->ci.hwnd, &rcClip, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW); } else { // // We don't have a solid color background, // erase and redraw the adjusted column and // everything to the right (sigh). // plv->xTotalColumnWidth = RECOMPUTE; ListView_UpdateScrollBars(plv); rcClip.left = x; RedrawWindow(plv->ci.hwnd, &rcClip, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_ERASE); } } BOOL ListView_ForwardHeaderNotify(LV* plv, HD_NOTIFY FAR *pnm) { return BOOLFROMPTR(SendNotifyEx(plv->ci.hwndParent, pnm->hdr.hwndFrom, pnm->hdr.code, (NMHDR FAR *)pnm, plv->ci.bUnicode)); } LRESULT ListView_HeaderNotify(LV* plv, HD_NOTIFY *pnm) { LRESULT lres = 0; switch (pnm->hdr.code) { case HDN_BEGINDRAG: if (!(plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP)) return TRUE; return ListView_ForwardHeaderNotify(plv, pnm); case HDN_ENDDRAG: if (pnm->pitem->iOrder != -1) { InvalidateRect(plv->ci.hwnd, NULL, TRUE); return ListView_ForwardHeaderNotify(plv, pnm); } goto DoDefault; case HDN_ITEMCHANGING: if (pnm->pitem->mask & HDI_WIDTH) { HD_ITEM hitem; hitem.mask = HDI_WIDTH; Header_GetItem(plv->hwndHdr, pnm->iItem, &hitem); plv->iSelCol = pnm->iItem; plv->iSelOldWidth = hitem.cxy; TraceMsg(TF_LISTVIEW, "HDN_ITEMCHANGING %d %d", hitem.cxy, pnm->pitem->cxy); return ListView_ForwardHeaderNotify(plv, pnm); } else if (pnm->pitem->mask & HDI_FILTER) { return ListView_ForwardHeaderNotify(plv, pnm); } goto DoDefault; case HDN_ITEMCHANGED: if (pnm->pitem->mask & HDI_WIDTH) { ListView_DismissEdit(plv, FALSE); if (pnm->iItem == plv->iSelCol) { // Must do this even if there are no items, since // we have to redo the scrollbar, and the client // may have custom-drawn gridlines or something. ListView_AdjustColumn(plv, pnm->pitem->cxy); } else { // sanity check. we got confused, so redraw all RedrawWindow(plv->ci.hwnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE); } plv->iSelCol = -1; lres = ListView_ForwardHeaderNotify(plv, pnm); } else if (pnm->pitem->mask & HDI_FILTER) { lres = ListView_ForwardHeaderNotify(plv, pnm); } else goto DoDefault; break; case HDN_ITEMCLICK: // // BUGBUG:: Need to pass this and other HDN_ notifications back to // parent. Should we simply pass up the HDN notifications // or should we define equivlent LVN_ notifications... // // Pass column number in iSubItem, not iItem... // ListView_DismissEdit(plv, FALSE); ListView_Notify(plv, -1, pnm->iItem, LVN_COLUMNCLICK); lres = ListView_ForwardHeaderNotify(plv, pnm); SetFocus(plv->ci.hwnd); break; case HDN_TRACK: case HDN_ENDTRACK: ListView_DismissEdit(plv, FALSE); ListView_RHeaderTrack(plv, pnm); lres = ListView_ForwardHeaderNotify(plv, pnm); SetFocus(plv->ci.hwnd); break; case HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK: ListView_DismissEdit(plv, FALSE); ListView_RSetColumnWidth(plv, pnm->iItem, -1); lres = ListView_ForwardHeaderNotify(plv, pnm); SetFocus(plv->ci.hwnd); break; case HDN_FILTERCHANGE: case HDN_FILTERBTNCLICK: return ListView_ForwardHeaderNotify(plv, pnm); case NM_RCLICK: return (UINT)SendNotifyEx(plv->ci.hwndParent, plv->hwndHdr, NM_RCLICK, NULL, plv->ci.bUnicode); default: DoDefault: if (plv->ci.iVersion >= 5) return ListView_ForwardHeaderNotify(plv, pnm); break; } // in v < 5 we always returned 0 // but for newer clients we'd like to have them deal with the notify if (plv->ci.iVersion >= 5) return lres; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- ** Check for a hit in a report view. ** ** a hit only counts if it's on the icon or the string in the first ** column. so we gotta figure out what this means exactly. yuck. ** ** BONUS FEATURE: If piSubItem is non-NULL, then we also hit-test ** against subitems. But if we find nothing, we return iSubItem = 0 ** for compatibility with the other hit-test functions. **----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int NEAR ListView_RItemHitTest(LV* plv, int x, int y, UINT FAR* pflags, int *piSubItem) { int iHit; int i, iSub; UINT flags; RECT rcLabel; RECT rcIcon; if (piSubItem) *piSubItem = 0; flags = LVHT_NOWHERE; iHit = -1; i = ListView_RYHitTest(plv, y); if (ListView_IsValidItemNumber(plv, i)) { if (plv->ci.style & LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) { flags = LVHT_ONITEM; iHit = i; } else { RECT rcSelect; ListView_GetRects(plv, i, &rcIcon, &rcLabel, NULL, &rcSelect); // is the hit in the first column? if ((x < rcIcon.left - g_cxEdge) && x > (rcIcon.left - plv->cxState)) { iHit = i; flags = LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON; } else if ((x >= rcIcon.left) && (x < rcIcon.right)) { iHit = i; flags = LVHT_ONITEMICON; } else if (x >= rcLabel.left && (x < rcSelect.right)) { iHit = i; flags = LVHT_ONITEMLABEL; if (ListView_FullRowSelect(plv)) { // this is kinda funky... in full row select mode // we're only really on the label if x is <= rcLabel.left + cxLabel // because GetRects returns a label rect of the full column width // and rcSelect has the full row in FullRowSelect mode // (it has the label only width in non-fullrow select mode. // // go figure.. // int cxLabel; LISTITEM FAR* pitem = NULL; if (!ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { pitem = ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, i); } cxLabel = ListView_RGetCXLabel(plv, i, pitem, NULL, FALSE); if (x >= min(rcLabel.left + cxLabel, rcLabel.right)) { if (!piSubItem) flags = LVHT_ONITEM; else goto CheckSubItem; } } } else if (x < rcSelect.right && ListView_FullRowSelect(plv)) { // we can fall into this case if columns have been re-ordered iHit = i; flags = LVHT_ONITEM; } else if (piSubItem) { CheckSubItem: iSub = ListView_RXHitTest(plv, x); if (iSub >= 0) { iHit = i; *piSubItem = iSub; // Flags still say LVHT_NOWHERE } } } } *pflags = flags; return iHit; } void ListView_GetSubItem(LV* plv, int i, int iSubItem, PLISTSUBITEM plsi) { HDPA hdpa; PLISTSUBITEM plsiSrc = NULL; ASSERT( !ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )); // Sub items are indexed starting at 1... // RIPMSG(iSubItem > 0 && iSubItem < plv->cCol, "ListView: Invalid iSubItem: %d", iSubItem); #ifdef DEBUG // Avoid the assert in DPA_GetPtr if somebdy tries to get a subitem // when no columns have been added. We already RIP'd above. hdpa = plv->cCol ? ListView_GetSubItemDPA(plv, iSubItem - 1) : NULL; #else hdpa = ListView_GetSubItemDPA(plv, iSubItem - 1); #endif if (hdpa) { plsiSrc = DPA_GetPtr(hdpa, i); } if (plsiSrc) { *plsi = *plsiSrc; } else { // item data exists.. give defaults plsi->pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK; plsi->iImage = I_IMAGECALLBACK; plsi->state = 0; } } // this will return the rect of a subitem as requested. void ListView_RGetRectsEx(LV* plv, int iItem, int iSubItem, LPRECT prcIcon, LPRECT prcLabel) { int x; int y; LONG ly; RECT rcLabel; RECT rcIcon; RECT rcHeader; if (iSubItem == 0) { ListView_RGetRects(plv, iItem, prcIcon, prcLabel, NULL, NULL); return; } // otherwise it's just the header's column right and left and the item's height ly = (LONG)iItem * plv->cyItem - plv->ptlRptOrigin.y + plv->yTop; x = - (int)plv->ptlRptOrigin.x; // // Need to check for y overflow into rectangle structure // if so we need to return something reasonable... // For now will simply set it to the max or min that will fit... // if (ly >= (INT_MAX - plv->cyItem)) y = INT_MAX - plv->cyItem; else if ( ly < INT_MIN) y = INT_MIN; else y = (int)ly; ASSERT(iSubItem < plv->cCol); Header_GetItemRect(plv->hwndHdr, iSubItem, &rcHeader); rcLabel.left = x + rcHeader.left; rcLabel.right = x + rcHeader.right; rcLabel.top = y; rcLabel.bottom = rcLabel.top + plv->cyItem; rcIcon = rcLabel; rcIcon.right = rcIcon.left + plv->cxSmIcon; if (SELECTOROF(prcIcon)) *prcIcon = rcIcon; if (SELECTOROF(prcLabel)) *prcLabel = rcLabel; } int ListView_RGetTotalColumnWidth(LV* plv) { if (plv->xTotalColumnWidth == RECOMPUTE) { plv->xTotalColumnWidth = 0; if (plv->cCol) { RECT rcLabel; int iIndex; // find the right edge of the last ordered item to get the total column width iIndex = (int) SendMessage(plv->hwndHdr, HDM_ORDERTOINDEX, plv->cCol - 1, 0); Header_GetItemRect(plv->hwndHdr, iIndex, &rcLabel); plv->xTotalColumnWidth = rcLabel.right; } } return plv->xTotalColumnWidth; } // get the rects for report view void NEAR ListView_RGetRects(LV* plv, int iItem, RECT FAR* prcIcon, RECT FAR* prcLabel, RECT FAR* prcBounds, RECT FAR* prcSelectBounds) { RECT rcIcon; RECT rcLabel; int x; int y; LONG ly; LVITEM lvitem; BOOL fItemSpecific = (prcIcon || prcLabel || prcSelectBounds); // use long math for cases where we have lots-o-items ly = (LONG)iItem * plv->cyItem - plv->ptlRptOrigin.y + plv->yTop; x = - (int)plv->ptlRptOrigin.x; // // Need to check for y overflow into rectangle structure // if so we need to return something reasonable... // For now will simply set it to the max or min that will fit... // if (ly >= (INT_MAX - plv->cyItem)) y = INT_MAX - plv->cyItem; else y = (int)ly; if (ListView_Count(plv) && fItemSpecific) { // move this over by the indent level as well lvitem.mask = LVIF_INDENT; lvitem.iItem = iItem; lvitem.iSubItem = 0; ListView_OnGetItem(plv, &lvitem); } else { lvitem.iIndent = 0; } rcIcon.left = x + plv->cxState + (lvitem.iIndent * plv->cxSmIcon) + g_cxEdge; rcIcon.right = rcIcon.left + plv->cxSmIcon; rcIcon.top = y; rcIcon.bottom = rcIcon.top + plv->cyItem; rcLabel.left = rcIcon.right; rcLabel.top = rcIcon.top; rcLabel.bottom = rcIcon.bottom; // // The label is assumed to be the first column. // rcLabel.right = x; if (plv->cCol > 0 && fItemSpecific) { RECT rc; Header_GetItemRect(plv->hwndHdr, 0, &rc); rcLabel.right = x + rc.right; rcLabel.left += rc.left; rcIcon.left += rc.left; rcIcon.right += rc.left; } if (SELECTOROF(prcIcon)) *prcIcon = rcIcon; // Save away the label bounds. if (SELECTOROF(prcLabel)) { *prcLabel = rcLabel; } // See if they also want the Selection bounds of the item if (prcSelectBounds) { if (ListView_FullRowSelect(plv)) { prcSelectBounds->left = x; prcSelectBounds->top = y; prcSelectBounds->bottom = rcLabel.bottom; prcSelectBounds->right = prcSelectBounds->left + ListView_RGetTotalColumnWidth(plv); } else { int cxLabel; LISTITEM FAR* pitem = NULL; if (!ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { pitem = ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, iItem); } cxLabel = ListView_RGetCXLabel(plv, iItem, pitem, NULL, FALSE); *prcSelectBounds = rcIcon; prcSelectBounds->right = rcLabel.left + cxLabel; if (prcSelectBounds->right > rcLabel.right) prcSelectBounds->right = rcLabel.right; } } // And also the Total bounds // // and now for the complete bounds... // if (SELECTOROF(prcBounds)) { prcBounds->left = x; prcBounds->top = y; prcBounds->bottom = rcLabel.bottom; prcBounds->right = prcBounds->left + ListView_RGetTotalColumnWidth(plv); } } BOOL ListView_OnGetSubItemRect(LV* plv, int iItem, LPRECT lprc) { LPRECT pRects[LVIR_MAX]; RECT rcTemp; int iSubItem; int iCode; if (!lprc) return FALSE; iSubItem = lprc->top; iCode = lprc->left; if (iSubItem == 0) { return ListView_OnGetItemRect(plv, iItem, lprc); } if (!ListView_IsReportView(plv) || (iCode != LVIR_BOUNDS && iCode != LVIR_ICON && iCode != LVIR_LABEL)) { return FALSE; } pRects[0] = NULL; pRects[1] = &rcTemp; // LVIR_ICON pRects[2] = &rcTemp; // LVIR_LABEL pRects[3] = NULL; if (iCode != LVIR_BOUNDS) { pRects[iCode] = lprc; } else { // choose either pRects[LVIR_ICON] = lprc; } ListView_RGetRectsEx(plv, iItem, iSubItem, pRects[LVIR_ICON], pRects[LVIR_LABEL]); if (iCode == LVIR_BOUNDS) { UnionRect(lprc, lprc, &rcTemp); } return TRUE; } int ListView_RXHitTest(LV* plv, int x) { int iSubItem; for (iSubItem = plv->cCol - 1; iSubItem >= 0; iSubItem--) { RECT rc; // see if its in this rect, if (!Header_GetItemRect(plv->hwndHdr, iSubItem, &rc)) return -1; OffsetRect(&rc, -plv->ptlRptOrigin.x, 0); if (rc.left <= x && x < rc.right) { break; } } return iSubItem; } int ListView_OnSubItemHitTest(LV* plv, LPLVHITTESTINFO plvhti) { int i = -1; int iSubItem = 0; UINT uFlags = LVHT_NOWHERE; if (!plvhti) { return -1; } if (ListView_IsReportView(plv)) { iSubItem = ListView_RXHitTest(plv, plvhti->pt.x); if (iSubItem == -1) { goto Bail; } } if (iSubItem == 0) { // if we're in column 0, just hand it off to the old stuff ListView_OnHitTest(plv, plvhti); plvhti->iSubItem = 0; return plvhti->iItem; } if (!ListView_IsReportView(plv)) { goto Bail; } i = ListView_RYHitTest(plv, plvhti->pt.y); if (i < ListView_Count(plv)) { RECT rcIcon, rcLabel; if (i != -1) { ListView_RGetRectsEx(plv, i, iSubItem, &rcIcon, &rcLabel); if (plvhti->pt.x >= rcIcon.left && plvhti->pt.x <= rcIcon.right) { uFlags = LVHT_ONITEMICON; } else if (plvhti->pt.x >= rcLabel.left && plvhti->pt.x <= rcLabel.right){ uFlags = LVHT_ONITEMLABEL; } else uFlags = LVHT_ONITEM; } } else { i = -1; } Bail: plvhti->iItem = i; plvhti->iSubItem = iSubItem; plvhti->flags = uFlags; return plvhti->iItem; } // BUGBUG: this is duplicate code with all the other views! // See whether entire string will fit in *prc; if not, compute number of chars // that will fit, including ellipses. Returns length of string in *pcchDraw. // BOOL NEAR ListView_NeedsEllipses(HDC hdc, LPCTSTR pszText, RECT FAR* prc, int FAR* pcchDraw, int cxEllipses) { int cchText; int cxRect; int ichMin, ichMax, ichMid; SIZE siz; cxRect = prc->right - prc->left; cchText = lstrlen(pszText); if (cchText == 0) { *pcchDraw = cchText; return FALSE; } GetTextExtentPoint(hdc, pszText, cchText, &siz); if (siz.cx <= cxRect) { *pcchDraw = cchText; return FALSE; } cxRect -= cxEllipses; // If no room for ellipses, always show first character. // ichMax = 1; if (cxRect > 0) { // Binary search to find character that will fit ichMin = 0; ichMax = cchText; while (ichMin < ichMax) { // Be sure to round up, to make sure we make progress in // the loop if ichMax == ichMin + 1. // ichMid = (ichMin + ichMax + 1) / 2; GetTextExtentPoint(hdc, &pszText[ichMin], ichMid - ichMin, &siz); if (siz.cx < cxRect) { ichMin = ichMid; cxRect -= siz.cx; } else if (siz.cx > cxRect) { ichMax = ichMid - 1; } else { // Exact match up up to ichMid: just exit. // ichMax = ichMid; break; } } // Make sure we always show at least the first character... // if (ichMax < 1) ichMax = 1; } *pcchDraw = ichMax; return TRUE; } void NEAR ListView_RUpdateScrollBars(LV* plv) { HD_LAYOUT layout; RECT rcClient; RECT rcBounds; WINDOWPOS wpos; int cColVis, cyColVis, iNewPos, iyDelta = 0, ixDelta = 0; BOOL fHorSB, fReupdate = FALSE; SCROLLINFO si; ListView_GetClientRect(plv, &rcClient, FALSE, NULL); if (!plv->hwndHdr) ListView_CreateHeader(plv); if (!plv->hwndHdr) TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "ListView_RUpdateScrollBars could not create hwndHdr"); layout.pwpos = &wpos; // For now lets try to handle scrolling the header by setting // its window pos. rcClient.left -= (int)plv->ptlRptOrigin.x; layout.prc = &rcClient; Header_Layout(plv->hwndHdr, &layout); rcClient.left += (int)plv->ptlRptOrigin.x; // Move it back over! SetWindowPos(plv->hwndHdr, wpos.hwndInsertAfter, wpos.x, wpos.y, wpos.cx, wpos.cy, wpos.flags | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); // Get the horizontal bounds of the items. ListView_RGetRects(plv, 0, NULL, NULL, &rcBounds, NULL); // If v3 or better, take a cyEdge off the top if (plv->ci.iVersion >= 3) rcClient.top += g_cyEdge; plv->yTop = rcClient.top; // fHorSB = Do I need a horizontal scrollbar? // cyColVis = number of pixels per screenful fHorSB = (rcBounds.right - rcBounds.left > rcClient.right); // First guess. cyColVis = rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top - (fHorSB ? ListView_GetCyScrollbar(plv) : 0); // If screen can't fit the entire listview... if (cyColVis < ListView_Count(plv) * plv->cyItem) { //then we're going to have a vertical scrollbar.. make sure our horizontal count is correct rcClient.right -= ListView_GetCxScrollbar(plv); if (!fHorSB) { // if we previously thought we weren't going to have a scrollbar, we could be wrong.. // since the vertical bar shrunk our area fHorSB = (rcBounds.right - rcBounds.left > rcClient.right); // First guess. cyColVis = rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top - (fHorSB ? ListView_GetCyScrollbar(plv) : 0); } } // cColVis = number of completely visible items per screenful cColVis = cyColVis / plv->cyItem; si.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO); si.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE | SIF_POS; si.nPos = (int)(plv->ptlRptOrigin.y / plv->cyItem); si.nPage = cColVis; si.nMin = 0; si.nMax = ListView_Count(plv) - 1; ListView_SetScrollInfo(plv, SB_VERT, &si, TRUE); // make sure our position and page doesn't hang over max if ((si.nPos > (int)si.nMax - (int)si.nPage + 1) && si.nPos > 0) { iNewPos = (int)si.nMax - (int)si.nPage + 1; if (iNewPos < 0) iNewPos = 0; if (iNewPos != si.nPos) { iyDelta = iNewPos - (int)si.nPos; fReupdate = TRUE; } } si.nPos = (int)plv->ptlRptOrigin.x; si.nPage = rcClient.right - rcClient.left; // We need to subtract 1 here because nMax is 0 based, and nPage is the actual // number of page pixels. So, if nPage and nMax are the same we will get a // horz scroll, since there is 1 more pixel than the page can show, but... rcBounds // is like rcRect, and is the actual number of pixels for the whole thing, so // we need to set nMax so that: nMax - 0 == rcBounds.right - rcBound.left si.nMax = rcBounds.right - rcBounds.left - 1; ListView_SetScrollInfo(plv, SB_HORZ, &si, TRUE); // SWP_FRAMECHANGED redraws the background if the client // area has changed (taking into account scrollbars and // the Header window). SetScrollInfo does this automatically // when it creates a scrollbar - we do it ourselves when // there is no scrollbar. if ((UINT)si.nPage > (UINT)si.nMax && ((plv->pImgCtx && plv->fImgCtxComplete) || plv->hbmBkImage)) SetWindowPos(plv->ci.hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); // make sure our position and page doesn't hang over max if ((si.nPos + (LONG)si.nPage - 1 > si.nMax) && si.nPos > 0) { iNewPos = (int)si.nMax - (int)si.nPage + 1; if (iNewPos < 0) iNewPos = 0; if (iNewPos != si.nPos) { ixDelta = iNewPos - (int)si.nPos; fReupdate = TRUE; } } if (fReupdate) { // we shouldn't recurse because the second time through, si.nPos >0 ListView_RScroll2(plv, ixDelta, iyDelta, 0); ListView_RUpdateScrollBars(plv); TraceMsg(TF_LISTVIEW, "LISTVIEW: ERROR: We had to recurse!"); } } // // We need a smoothscroll callback so our background image draws // at the correct origin. If we don't have a background image, // then this work is superfluous but not harmful either. // int CALLBACK ListView_RScroll2_SmoothScroll( HWND hwnd, int dx, int dy, CONST RECT *prcScroll, CONST RECT *prcClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT prcUpdate, UINT flags) { LV* plv = ListView_GetPtr(hwnd); if (plv) { plv->ptlRptOrigin.x -= dx; plv->ptlRptOrigin.y -= dy; } // Now do what SmoothScrollWindow would've done if we weren't // a callback return ScrollWindowEx(hwnd, dx, dy, prcScroll, prcClip, hrgnUpdate, prcUpdate, flags); } void FAR PASCAL ListView_RScroll2(LV* plv, int dx, int dy, UINT uSmooth) { LONG ldy; if (dx | dy) { RECT rc; GetClientRect(plv->ci.hwnd, &rc); rc.top = plv->yTop; // We can not do a simple multiply here as we may run into // a case where this will overflow an int.. ldy = (LONG)dy * plv->cyItem; // handle case where dy is large (greater than int...) if ((ldy > rc.bottom) || (ldy < -rc.bottom)) { InvalidateRect(plv->ci.hwnd, NULL, TRUE); plv->ptlRptOrigin.x += dx; plv->ptlRptOrigin.y += ldy; } else { SMOOTHSCROLLINFO si; si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SSIF_SCROLLPROC; si.hwnd = plv->ci.hwnd; si.dx = -dx; si.dy = (int)-ldy; si.lprcSrc = NULL; si.lprcClip = &rc; si.hrgnUpdate = NULL; si.lprcUpdate = NULL; si.fuScroll =SW_INVALIDATE | SW_ERASE | uSmooth; si.pfnScrollProc = ListView_RScroll2_SmoothScroll; SmoothScrollWindow(&si); /// this causes horrible flicker/repaint on deletes. // if this is a problem with UI scrolling, we'll have to pass through a // flag when to use this ///UpdateWindow(plv->ci.hwnd); } // if Horizontal scrolling, we should update the location of the // left hand edge of the window... // if (dx != 0) { RECT rcHdr; GetWindowRect(plv->hwndHdr, &rcHdr); MapWindowRect(HWND_DESKTOP, plv->ci.hwnd, &rcHdr); SetWindowPos(plv->hwndHdr, NULL, rcHdr.left - dx, rcHdr.top, rcHdr.right - rcHdr.left + dx, rcHdr.bottom - rcHdr.top, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make sure that specified item is visible for report view. // Must handle Large number of items... BOOL NEAR ListView_ROnEnsureVisible(LV* plv, int iItem, BOOL fPartialOK) { LONG dy; LONG yTop; LONG lyTop; yTop = plv->yTop; // lyTop = where our item is right now lyTop = (LONG)iItem * plv->cyItem - plv->ptlRptOrigin.y + plv->yTop; // If visible below yTop and our bottom is visible above client bottom, // then we're happy. if ((lyTop >= (LONG)yTop) && ((lyTop + plv->cyItem) <= (LONG)plv->sizeClient.cy)) return(TRUE); // we are visible dy = lyTop - yTop; if (dy >= 0) { // dy = how many pixels we need to scroll to come into view dy = lyTop + plv->cyItem - plv->sizeClient.cy; if (dy < 0) dy = 0; } if (dy) { int iRound = ((dy > 0) ? 1 : -1) * (plv->cyItem - 1); // Now convert into the number of items to scroll... dy = (dy + iRound) / plv->cyItem; ListView_RScroll2(plv, 0, (int)dy, 0); if (ListView_RedrawEnabled(plv)) { ListView_UpdateScrollBars(plv); } else { ListView_DeleteHrgnInval(plv); plv->hrgnInval = (HRGN)ENTIRE_REGION; plv->flags |= LVF_ERASE; } } return TRUE; } void NEAR ListView_ROnScroll(LV* plv, UINT code, int posNew, UINT sb) { int cLine; cLine = (sb == SB_VERT) ? 1 : plv->cxLabelChar; ListView_ComOnScroll(plv, code, posNew, sb, cLine, -1); } int NEAR ListView_RGetScrollUnitsPerLine(LV* plv, UINT sb) { int cLine; cLine = (sb == SB_VERT) ? 1 : plv->cxLabelChar; return cLine; }