//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File : Pager.cpp // Description : // This file implements the pager control //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ctlspriv.h" #include "pager.h" #define MINBUTTONSIZE 12 //Timer Flags #define PGT_SCROLL 1 void DrawScrollArrow(HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, WORD wControlState); //Public Functions //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { //This function registers the pager window class BOOL InitPager(HINSTANCE hinst) { WNDCLASS wc; TraceMsg(TF_PAGER, "Init Pager"); wc.lpfnWndProc = CPager::PagerWndProc; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.hInstance = hinst; wc.lpszClassName = WC_PAGESCROLLER; wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1); // NULL; wc.style = CS_GLOBALCLASS; wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof(LPVOID); wc.cbClsExtra = 0; return (RegisterClass(&wc) || (GetLastError() == ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS)); } }; // extern "C" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPager::CPager() { _clrBk = g_clrBtnFace; //Initialize Static Members _iButtonSize = (int) g_cxScrollbar * 3 / 4; if (_iButtonSize < MINBUTTONSIZE) { _iButtonSize = MINBUTTONSIZE; } _ptLastMove.x = -1; _ptLastMove.y = -1; _cLinesPerTimeout = 0; _cPixelsPerLine = 0; _cTimeout = GetDoubleClickTime() / 8; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Static Pager Window Procedure LRESULT CPager::PagerWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CPager *pp = (CPager*)GetWindowPtr(hwnd, 0); if (uMsg == WM_CREATE) { ASSERT(!pp); pp = new CPager(); if (!pp) return 0L; } if (pp) { return pp->v_WndProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LRESULT CPager::PagerDragCallback(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CPager *pp = (CPager*)GetWindowPtr(hwnd, 0); if (pp) { return pp->_DragCallback(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CControl Class Implementation //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LRESULT CControl::v_WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lres = 0; if (uMsg == WM_THEMECHANGED) // Check for theme changes { if (_hTheme) CloseThemeData(_hTheme); _hTheme = OpenThemeData(ci.hwnd, GetThemeClass()); InvalidateRect(ci.hwnd, NULL, TRUE); } switch (uMsg) { case WM_CREATE: SetWindowPtr(hwnd, 0, this); CIInitialize(&ci, hwnd, (CREATESTRUCT*)lParam); _hTheme = OpenThemeData(ci.hwnd, GetThemeClass()); return v_OnCreate(); case WM_NCCALCSIZE: if (v_OnNCCalcSize(wParam, lParam, &lres)) break; goto DoDefault; case WM_SIZE: v_OnSize(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)); break; case WM_NOTIFYFORMAT: return CIHandleNotifyFormat(&ci, lParam); case WM_NOTIFY: return v_OnNotify(wParam, lParam); case WM_STYLECHANGED: v_OnStyleChanged(wParam, lParam); break; case WM_COMMAND: return v_OnCommand(wParam, lParam); case WM_NCPAINT: v_OnNCPaint(); goto DoDefault; case WM_PRINTCLIENT: case WM_PAINT: _OnPaint((HDC)wParam); break; case WM_DESTROY: SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, 0, 0); if (_hTheme) CloseThemeData(_hTheme); delete this; break; case TB_SETPARENT: { HWND hwndOld = ci.hwndParent; ci.hwndParent = (HWND)wParam; return (LRESULT)hwndOld; } default: if (CCWndProc(&ci, uMsg, wParam, lParam, &lres)) return lres; DoDefault: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return lres; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CControl::v_OnNCCalcSize(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *plres) { return FALSE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CControl::v_OnStyleChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPSTYLESTRUCT lpss = (LPSTYLESTRUCT) lParam; DWORD dwChanged = 0; if (wParam == GWL_STYLE) { ci.style = lpss->styleNew; dwChanged = (lpss->styleOld ^ lpss->styleNew); } else if (wParam == GWL_EXSTYLE) { // // Save the new ex-style bits // dwChanged = (lpss->styleOld ^ lpss->styleNew); ci.dwExStyle = lpss->styleNew; } TraceMsg(TF_PAGER, "cctl.v_osc: style=%x ret dwChged=%x", ci.style, dwChanged); return dwChanged; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CControl::_OnPaint(HDC hdc) { if (hdc) { v_OnPaint(hdc); } else { PAINTSTRUCT ps; hdc = BeginPaint(ci.hwnd, &ps); v_OnPaint(hdc); EndPaint(ci.hwnd, &ps); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CPager Class Implementation //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int CPager::_GetButtonSize() { return _iButtonSize; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LRESULT CPager::_DragCallback(HWND hwnd, UINT code, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { LRESULT lres = -1; switch (code) { case DPX_DRAGHIT: if (lp) { POINT pt; int iButton; pt.x = ((POINTL *)lp)->x; pt.y = ((POINTL *)lp)->y; MapWindowPoints(NULL, ci.hwnd, &pt, 1); iButton = _HitTest(pt.x, pt.y); if (iButton >= 0) { if(!_fTimerSet) { _fTimerSet = TRUE; _iButtonTrack = iButton; SetTimer(ci.hwnd, PGT_SCROLL, _cTimeout, NULL); } } else { _KillTimer(); _iButtonTrack = -1; } } else lres = -1; break; case DPX_LEAVE: _KillTimer(); _iButtonTrack = -1; break; default: lres = -1; break; } return lres; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::_NeedScrollbars(RECT rc) { int parentheight; int childheight; POINT ptPos = _ptPos; if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc); FlipPoint(&ptPos); } //Get Parent Window height parentheight = RECTHEIGHT(rc); //Get Child Window height rc = _rcChildIdeal; if (ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc); } childheight = RECTHEIGHT(rc); TraceMsg(TF_PAGER, "cps.nsb: cyChild=%d cyParent=%d _yPos=%d", childheight, parentheight, ptPos.y); if (childheight < parentheight ) { ptPos.y = 0; } int iButton = _HitTestCursor(); //See if we need top scrollbar if (ptPos.y > 0 ) { // if this button is the one that is hot tracked and the style is not PGS_AUTOSCROLL // then we set the state to PGF_HOT otherwise the state is set to PGF_NORMAL _dwState[PGB_TOPORLEFT] |= PGF_NORMAL; _dwState[PGB_TOPORLEFT] &= ~PGF_GRAYED; } else { if (!(ci.style & PGS_AUTOSCROLL) && (iButton == PGB_TOPORLEFT || _iButtonTrack == PGB_TOPORLEFT)) { _dwState[PGB_TOPORLEFT] |= PGF_GRAYED; } else { _dwState[PGB_TOPORLEFT] = PGF_INVISIBLE; } } if (_dwState[PGB_TOPORLEFT] != PGF_INVISIBLE) { parentheight -= _GetButtonSize(); } //See if we need botton scrollbar if ((childheight - ptPos.y) > parentheight ) { //We need botton scroll bar // if this button is the one that is hot tracked and the style is not PGS_AUTOSCROLL // then we set the state to PGF_HOT otherwise the state is set to PGF_NORMAL _dwState[PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT] |= PGF_NORMAL; _dwState[PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT] &= ~PGF_GRAYED; } else { if (!(ci.style & PGS_AUTOSCROLL) && (iButton == PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT || _iButtonTrack == PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT)) { _dwState[PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT] |= PGF_GRAYED; } else { _dwState[PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT] = PGF_INVISIBLE; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CPager::v_OnNCCalcSize(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *plres) { *plres = DefWindowProc(ci.hwnd, WM_NCCALCSIZE, wParam, lParam ) ; if (wParam) { BOOL bHorzMirror = ((ci.dwExStyle & RTL_MIRRORED_WINDOW) && (ci.style & PGS_HORZ)); DWORD dwStateOld[2]; NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS* pnp = (NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS*)lParam; _rcDefClient = pnp->rgrc[0]; InflateRect(&_rcDefClient, -_iBorder, -_iBorder); _GetChildSize(); dwStateOld[0] = _dwState[0]; dwStateOld[1] = _dwState[1]; _NeedScrollbars(pnp->rgrc[0]); // invalidate only if something has changed to force a new size if ((dwStateOld[0] != _dwState[0] && (dwStateOld[0] == PGF_INVISIBLE || _dwState[0] == PGF_INVISIBLE)) || (dwStateOld[1] != _dwState[1] && (dwStateOld[1] == PGF_INVISIBLE || _dwState[1] == PGF_INVISIBLE)) ) { RedrawWindow(ci.hwnd, NULL,NULL,RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_ERASE); } // Check and change for horizontal mode if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&(pnp->rgrc[0])); } if( _dwState[PGB_TOPORLEFT] != PGF_INVISIBLE ) { // // Check for RTL mirrored window // if (bHorzMirror) pnp->rgrc[0].bottom -= _GetButtonSize(); else pnp->rgrc[0].top += _GetButtonSize(); } else pnp->rgrc[0].top += _iBorder; if( _dwState[PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT] != PGF_INVISIBLE ) { // // Check for RTL mirrored window // if (bHorzMirror) pnp->rgrc[0].top += _GetButtonSize(); else pnp->rgrc[0].bottom -= _GetButtonSize(); } else pnp->rgrc[0].bottom -= _iBorder; if (pnp->rgrc[0].bottom < pnp->rgrc[0].top) pnp->rgrc[0].bottom = pnp->rgrc[0].top; //Change back if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&(pnp->rgrc[0])); } } return TRUE; } int CPager::_HitTestCursor() { POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); return _HitTestScreen(&pt); } int CPager::_HitTestScreen(POINT* ppt) { RECT rc, rc1; GetWindowRect(ci.hwnd, &rc); if (!PtInRect(&rc, *ppt)) { return -1; } //Get the button Rects; rc = _GetButtonRect(PGB_TOPORLEFT); rc1 = _GetButtonRect(PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT); if (PtInRect(&rc, *ppt)) { return (_dwState[PGB_TOPORLEFT] != PGF_INVISIBLE ? PGB_TOPORLEFT : -1); }else if (PtInRect(&rc1, *ppt)) { return (_dwState[PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT] != PGF_INVISIBLE ? PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT : -1); } return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CPager::_HitTest(int x, int y) { POINT pt; pt.x = x; pt.y = y; ClientToScreen(ci.hwnd, &pt); return _HitTestScreen(&pt); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // _DrawBlank is theme aware void CPager::_DrawBlank(HDC hdc, int button) { RECT rc; UINT uFlags = 0; int iHeight; BOOL fRelDC = FALSE; if (!_hTheme) { if (hdc == NULL) { hdc = GetWindowDC(ci.hwnd); fRelDC = TRUE; } GetWindowRect(ci.hwnd, &rc); MapWindowRect(NULL, ci.hwnd, &rc); // client to window coordinates OffsetRect(&rc, -rc.left, -rc.top); //Check for horizontal mode if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc); } iHeight = _dwState[button] == PGF_INVISIBLE ? _iBorder : _GetButtonSize(); switch(button) { case PGB_TOPORLEFT: rc.bottom = rc.top + iHeight; break; case PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT: rc.top = rc.bottom - iHeight; break; } if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc); } FillRectClr(hdc, &rc, _clrBk); if (fRelDC) ReleaseDC(ci.hwnd, hdc); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // _DrawButton is theme aware void CPager::_DrawButton(HDC hdc, int button) { RECT rc; UINT uFlags = 0; BOOL fRelDC = FALSE; GetWindowRect(ci.hwnd, &rc); MapWindowRect(NULL, ci.hwnd, &rc); int state = _dwState[button]; int iPartId; int iStateId; if (state == PGF_INVISIBLE) return; if (hdc == NULL) { hdc = GetWindowDC(ci.hwnd); fRelDC = TRUE; } // All states for all Pager parts are the same enumeration value for // their meaning. Use the UP part version for all parts iStateId = UPS_NORMAL; if (state & PGF_GRAYED ) { uFlags |= DCHF_INACTIVE; iStateId = UPS_DISABLED; } else if (state & PGF_DEPRESSED ) { uFlags |= DCHF_PUSHED; iStateId = UPS_PRESSED; } else if (state & PGF_HOT ) { uFlags |= DCHF_HOT; iStateId = UPS_HOT; } // screen to window coordinates OffsetRect(&rc, -rc.left, -rc.top); //Check for horizontal mode if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc); } if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) uFlags |= DCHF_HORIZONTAL; if (button == PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT) uFlags |= DCHF_FLIPPED; switch(button) { case PGB_TOPORLEFT: rc.bottom = rc.top + _GetButtonSize(); rc.left += _iBorder; rc.right -= _iBorder; if (_hTheme) { iPartId = (ci.style & PGS_HORZ) ? PGRP_DOWNHORZ : PGRP_DOWN; rc.bottom += 1; } break; case PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT: rc.top = rc.bottom - _GetButtonSize(); rc.left += _iBorder; rc.right -= _iBorder; if (_hTheme) { iPartId = (ci.style & PGS_HORZ) ? PGRP_UPHORZ : PGRP_UP; rc.top -= 1; } break; default: if (_hTheme) iPartId = PGRP_UP; ASSERT(FALSE); } if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc); } if (_hTheme) { DrawThemeBackground(_hTheme, hdc, iPartId, iStateId, &rc, 0); } else { SetBkColor(hdc, _clrBk); DrawScrollArrow(hdc, &rc, uFlags, CLR_INVALID); } if (fRelDC) ReleaseDC(ci.hwnd, hdc); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::v_OnNCPaint() { HDC hdc = GetWindowDC(ci.hwnd); _DrawBlank(hdc, PGB_TOPORLEFT); _DrawButton(hdc, PGB_TOPORLEFT); _DrawBlank(hdc, PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT); _DrawButton(hdc, PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT); ReleaseDC(ci.hwnd, hdc); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::v_OnPaint(HDC hdc) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CPager::_OnPrint(HDC hdc, UINT uFlags) { //We'll be partying with the hdc in this function so save it. int iDC = SaveDC(hdc); //Print only the Non Client Area. if (uFlags & PRF_NONCLIENT) { int cx = 0; int cy = 0; RECT rc; //Draw the top/left button _DrawBlank(hdc, PGB_TOPORLEFT); _DrawButton(hdc, PGB_TOPORLEFT); //Draw the bottom/left button _DrawBlank(hdc, PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT); _DrawButton(hdc, PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT); //Is the top button visible if (_dwState[PGB_TOPORLEFT] != PGF_INVISIBLE) { //yes, find the space taken if ( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { cx = _GetButtonSize(); }else { cy = _GetButtonSize(); } } //Restrict the child draw area to our client area GetClientRect(ci.hwnd, &rc); IntersectClipRect(hdc, cx, cy, cx + RECTWIDTH(rc), cy + RECTHEIGHT(rc)); //Since We have drawn the non client area, Nuke the PRF_NONCLIENT flag uFlags &= ~PRF_NONCLIENT; } //Pass it to the def window proc for default processing DefWindowProc(ci.hwnd, WM_PRINT, (WPARAM)hdc, (LPARAM)uFlags); //Restore the saved DC RestoreDC(hdc, iDC); return TRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LRESULT CPager::v_OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // forward to parent return SendMessage(ci.hwndParent, WM_COMMAND, wParam, lParam); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LRESULT CPager::v_OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // forward to parent LPNMHDR lpNmhdr = (LPNMHDR)lParam; return SendNotifyEx(ci.hwndParent, (HWND) -1, lpNmhdr->code, lpNmhdr, ci.bUnicode); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CPager::v_OnStyleChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD dwChanged = CControl::v_OnStyleChanged(wParam, lParam); if (dwChanged & PGS_DRAGNDROP) { if ((ci.style & PGS_DRAGNDROP) && !_hDragProxy) { _hDragProxy = CreateDragProxy(ci.hwnd, PagerDragCallback, TRUE); } else if (! (ci.style & PGS_DRAGNDROP) && _hDragProxy) { DestroyDragProxy(_hDragProxy); } } if (dwChanged) CCInvalidateFrame(ci.hwnd); // SWP_FRAMECHANGED etc. return dwChanged; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LRESULT CPager::v_OnCreate() { if (ci.style & PGS_DRAGNDROP) _hDragProxy = CreateDragProxy(ci.hwnd, PagerDragCallback, TRUE); return TRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::_GetChildSize() { if (_hwndChild) { RECT rc; NMPGCALCSIZE nmpgcalcsize; int width , height; rc = _rcDefClient; if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { nmpgcalcsize.dwFlag = PGF_CALCWIDTH; } else { nmpgcalcsize.dwFlag = PGF_CALCHEIGHT; } nmpgcalcsize.iWidth = RECTWIDTH(rc); // pager width nmpgcalcsize.iHeight = RECTHEIGHT(rc); // best-guess for child CCSendNotify(&ci, PGN_CALCSIZE, &nmpgcalcsize.hdr); if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { width = nmpgcalcsize.iWidth; height = RECTHEIGHT(rc); } else { width = RECTWIDTH(rc); height = nmpgcalcsize.iHeight; } GetWindowRect(_hwndChild, &rc); MapWindowRect(NULL, ci.hwnd, &rc); if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { rc.top = _iBorder; } else { rc.left = _iBorder; } rc.right = rc.left + width; rc.bottom = rc.top + height; _rcChildIdeal = rc; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::v_OnSize(int x, int y) { if (_hwndChild) { RECT rc = _rcChildIdeal; _SetChildPos(&rc, 0); // SetWindowPos } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //*** _SetChildPos -- SetWindowPos of child, w/ validation // NOTES // 'validation' means in sane state -- min size, and not off end. // WARNING: we don't update *prcChild. void CPager::_SetChildPos(IN RECT * prcChild, UINT uFlags) { POINT ptPos = _ptPos; RECT rcChild = *prcChild; RECT rcPager; ASSERT(!(uFlags & SWP_NOMOVE)); // won't work ASSERT(IS_VALID_HANDLE(_hwndChild, WND)); rcPager = _rcDefClient; if ( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipPoint(&ptPos); FlipRect(&rcChild); FlipRect(&rcPager); } int yNew = ptPos.y; if (RECTHEIGHT(rcChild) < RECTHEIGHT(rcPager)) { // force to min height // this handles the case where: i have an ISFBand that fills up the // whole pager, i stretch the pager width, and the ISFBand reformats // to take less height, so it shrinks its height and ends up shorter // than the pager. TraceMsg(TF_PAGER, "cps.s: h=%d h'=%d", RECTHEIGHT(rcChild), RECTHEIGHT(rcPager)); ASSERT(!(uFlags & SWP_NOSIZE)); // won't work rcChild.bottom = rcChild.top + RECTHEIGHT(rcPager); yNew = 0; } // Maximum we can scroll is child height minus pager height. // Here rcPager also includes scrollbutton so we need to add that also /* ___________ Button Width | V ---------------- Max we can scroll (yMax) __ | / \V - ---------pager----------- | |-------------------------|-------------------------------- | || | | | || child | | | |-------------------------|-------------------------------- - ------------------------- \/\/ Border | | <----- -------------->We need to take care of this gap. \-----------------------------/ ^ |______ RECTHEIGHT(rcChild) - RECTHEIGHT(rcPager) rcPager We need to add the difference between the button size and border to */ int yMax = RECTHEIGHT(rcChild) - RECTHEIGHT(rcPager) + (_GetButtonSize() - _iBorder); // make sure we don't end up off the top/end, and we always show // at least 1 page worth (if we have that much) // n.b. pager can override client's policy if (yNew < 0) { // 1st page yNew = 0; } else if (yNew > yMax) { // last page yNew = yMax; } int yOffset = yNew; // When the top button is grayed we do not want to display our child away from the button . // it should be drawn right below the button. For this we tweak the position of the child window. //Check for the condition of grayed top button in which case we need to set position even behind // so that the child window falls below the grayed button if( _dwState[PGB_TOPORLEFT] & PGF_GRAYED ) { yOffset += (_GetButtonSize() - _iBorder); } //yOffset is the tweaked value. Its just for making the child window to appear below the grayed button OffsetRect(&rcChild, 0, -yOffset - rcChild.top); //yNew is the actual logical positon of the window . ptPos.y = yNew; if (ci.style & PGS_HORZ) { // restore for copy and SWP FlipPoint(&ptPos); FlipRect(&rcChild); } _ptPos = ptPos; SetWindowPos(_hwndChild, NULL, rcChild.left, rcChild.top, RECTWIDTH(rcChild), RECTHEIGHT(rcChild), uFlags); return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //*** PGFToPGNDirection -- convert PGB_TOPORLEFT/btmorright to up/down/left/right // NOTES // REARCHIT maybe PGN_* should we just take the PGF flags? DWORD CPager::_PGFToPGNDirection(DWORD dwDir) { ASSERT(dwDir == PGB_TOPORLEFT || dwDir == PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT); if (ci.style & PGS_HORZ) { return (dwDir == PGB_TOPORLEFT) ? PGF_SCROLLLEFT : PGF_SCROLLRIGHT; } else { return (dwDir == PGB_TOPORLEFT) ? PGF_SCROLLUP : PGF_SCROLLDOWN; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::_Scroll(DWORD dwDirection) { RECT rc; NMPGSCROLL nmpgscroll; int iXoffset =0, iYoffset=0; WORD fwKeys = 0; int iNewPos ; // if grayed, you can't scroll. if (_dwState[dwDirection] & PGF_GRAYED) return; if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0 ) fwKeys |= PGK_CONTROL; if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 ) fwKeys |= PGK_SHIFT; if (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0 ) fwKeys |= PGK_MENU; dwDirection = _PGFToPGNDirection(dwDirection); // set some defaults GetClientRect(ci.hwnd, &rc); nmpgscroll.fwKeys = fwKeys; nmpgscroll.rcParent = rc; nmpgscroll.iXpos = _ptPos.x; nmpgscroll.iYpos = _ptPos.y; nmpgscroll.iDir = dwDirection; int iScroll = (ci.style & PGS_HORZ) ? RECTWIDTH(rc) : RECTHEIGHT(rc); if (_cLinesPerTimeout) iScroll = _cLinesPerTimeout * _cPixelsPerLine; nmpgscroll.iScroll = iScroll; // let client override CCSendNotify(&ci, PGN_SCROLL, &nmpgscroll.hdr); // do it switch (dwDirection) { case PGF_SCROLLDOWN: iNewPos = _ptPos.y + nmpgscroll.iScroll; break; case PGF_SCROLLUP: iNewPos = _ptPos.y - nmpgscroll.iScroll; break; case PGF_SCROLLRIGHT: iNewPos = _ptPos.x + nmpgscroll.iScroll; break; case PGF_SCROLLLEFT: iNewPos = _ptPos.x - nmpgscroll.iScroll; break; } _OnSetPos(iNewPos); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::_OnLButtonChange(UINT uMsg,LPARAM lParam) { POINT pt; int iButton; pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); iButton = _HitTest(pt.x, pt.y); if( uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN ) { // Check the button is valid and is not grayed // if it is grayed then dont do anything if (iButton >= 0) { SetCapture(ci.hwnd); _fOwnsButtonDown = TRUE; _iButtonTrack = iButton; _dwState[iButton] |= PGF_DEPRESSED; _DrawButton(NULL, iButton); _Scroll(iButton); SetTimer(ci.hwnd, PGT_SCROLL, _cTimeout * 4, NULL); } } else { if (_iButtonTrack >= 0) { _dwState[_iButtonTrack] &= ~PGF_DEPRESSED; _DrawButton(NULL, _iButtonTrack); _iButtonTrack = -1; } _KillTimer(); if (iButton < 0) _OnMouseLeave(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECT CPager :: _GetButtonRect(int iButton) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(ci.hwnd, &rc); if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc); } // // Mirror the rects if the parent is mirrored // if (((ci.dwExStyle & RTL_MIRRORED_WINDOW) && (ci.style & PGS_HORZ))) { switch (iButton) { case PGB_TOPORLEFT: iButton = PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT; break; case PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT: iButton = PGB_TOPORLEFT; break; } } switch(iButton) { case PGB_TOPORLEFT: rc.bottom = rc.top + _GetButtonSize(); rc.left += _iBorder; rc.right -= _iBorder; break; case PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT: rc.top = rc.bottom - _GetButtonSize(); rc.left += _iBorder; rc.right -= _iBorder; break; } if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc); } return rc; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager :: _OnMouseLeave() { //Whether we leave the window (WM_MOUSELEAVE) or Leave one of the scroll buttons (WM_MOUSEMOVE) // We do the same thing. // We are leaving the pager window. if (GetCapture() == ci.hwnd) { CCReleaseCapture(&ci); } // if we are tracking some button then release that mouse and that button if (_iButtonTrack >= 0) { _iButtonTrack = -1; } int iButton = _HitTest(_ptLastMove.x, _ptLastMove.y); _OnHotItemChange(iButton, FALSE); if (_dwState[PGB_TOPORLEFT] & (PGF_HOT | PGF_DEPRESSED)) { _dwState[PGB_TOPORLEFT] &= ~(PGF_HOT | PGF_DEPRESSED); _DrawButton(NULL, PGB_TOPORLEFT); } if (_dwState[PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT] & (PGF_HOT | PGF_DEPRESSED)) { _dwState[PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT] &= ~(PGF_HOT | PGF_DEPRESSED); _DrawButton(NULL, PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT); } _KillTimer(); _fOwnsButtonDown = FALSE; //If any of the button is in gray state then it needs to be removed. if ((_dwState[PGB_TOPORLEFT] & PGF_GRAYED) || (_dwState[PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT] & PGF_GRAYED)) { //This forces a recalc for scrollbars and removes those that are not needed CCInvalidateFrame(ci.hwnd); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::_OnMouseMove(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lparam) { RECT rc; POINT pt; int iButton; pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lparam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lparam); // Ignore zero-mouse moves if (pt.x == _ptLastMove.x && pt.y == _ptLastMove.y) return; _ptLastMove = pt; iButton = _HitTest(pt.x, pt.y); if (_iButtonTrack >= 0 ) { if (_dwState[_iButtonTrack] != PGF_INVISIBLE) { //Some Button is pressed right now ClientToScreen(ci.hwnd, &pt); rc = _GetButtonRect(_iButtonTrack); DWORD dwOldState = _dwState[_iButtonTrack]; if (PtInRect(&rc, pt)) { _dwState[_iButtonTrack] |= PGF_DEPRESSED; } else { _dwState[_iButtonTrack] &= ~PGF_DEPRESSED; } if (dwOldState != _dwState[_iButtonTrack]) _DrawButton(NULL, _iButtonTrack); } // if we were tracking it, but the mouse is up and gone if (GetCapture() == ci.hwnd && !((wParam & MK_LBUTTON) || (ci.style & PGS_AUTOSCROLL)) && iButton != _iButtonTrack) _OnMouseLeave(); } else { // No button is pressed . if( iButton >= 0 ) { //Capture the mouse so that we can keep track of when the mouse is leaving our button SetCapture(ci.hwnd); // notify parent that we entered a scroll button _OnHotItemChange(iButton, TRUE); // if the style is PGS_AUTOSCROLL then we dont make the button hot when hovering // over button. //Is PGS_AUTOSCROLL set _dwState[iButton] |= PGF_HOT; if (ci.style & PGS_AUTOSCROLL) { _dwState[iButton] |= PGF_DEPRESSED; } //If the lbutton is down and the mouse is over one of the button then // someone is trying to do drag and drop so autoscroll to help them. // Make sure the lbutton down did not happen in the button before scrolling if ( ((wParam & MK_LBUTTON) && (_iButtonTrack < 0)) || (ci.style & PGS_AUTOSCROLL) ) { _iButtonTrack = iButton; SetTimer(ci.hwnd, PGT_SCROLL, _cTimeout, NULL); } _DrawButton(NULL, iButton); } else { //Mouse is not over any button or it has left one of the scroll buttons. //In either case call _OnMouseLeave _OnMouseLeave(); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::_OnSetChild(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndChild) { ASSERT(IS_VALID_HANDLE(hwndChild, WND)); RECT rc; _hwndChild = hwndChild; _ptPos.x = 0; _ptPos.y = 0; _fReCalcSend = FALSE; if (GetCapture() == ci.hwnd) { CCReleaseCapture(&ci); } _iButtonTrack = -1; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); _OnReCalcSize(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::_OnReCalcSize() { RECT rc; CCInvalidateFrame(ci.hwnd); // SWP_FRAMECHANGED etc. _fReCalcSend = FALSE; rc = _rcChildIdeal; _SetChildPos(&rc, 0); // SetWindowPos } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::_OnSetPos(int iPos) { RECT rc = _rcChildIdeal; if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc); FlipPoint(&_ptPos); } int height; if (iPos < 0) iPos = 0; height = RECTHEIGHT(rc); if( iPos < 0 || iPos > height || _ptPos.y == iPos ) { //Invalid Position specified or no change . Igonore it. return; } _ptPos.y = iPos; if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc); FlipPoint(&_ptPos); } CCInvalidateFrame(ci.hwnd); _SetChildPos(&rc , 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CPager::_OnGetPos() { if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { return _ptPos.x; }else{ return _ptPos.y; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CPager::_GetButtonState(int iButton) { DWORD dwState = 0; // Is the button id valid ? if ((iButton == PGB_TOPORLEFT) || (iButton == PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT)) { //yes , Get the current state of the button dwState = _dwState[iButton]; } return dwState; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::_OnTimer(UINT id) { switch (id) { case PGT_SCROLL: if (_iButtonTrack >= 0) { // set it again because we do it faster every subsequent time SetTimer(ci.hwnd, PGT_SCROLL, _cTimeout, NULL); if (_HitTestCursor() == _iButtonTrack) { _Scroll(_iButtonTrack); } else if (!_fOwnsButtonDown) { // if we don't own the mouse tracking (ie, the user didn't button down on us to begin with, // then we're done once we leave the button _OnMouseLeave(); } } break; } } void CPager::_KillTimer() { KillTimer(ci.hwnd, PGT_SCROLL); _fTimerSet = FALSE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CPager::_OnSetBorder(int iBorder) { int iOld = _iBorder; int iNew = iBorder; //Border can't be negative if (iNew < 0 ) { iNew = 0; } //Border can't be bigger than the button size if (iNew > _GetButtonSize()) { iNew = _GetButtonSize(); } _iBorder = iNew; CCInvalidateFrame(ci.hwnd); RECT rc = _rcChildIdeal; _SetChildPos(&rc, 0); // SetWindowPos return iOld; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CPager::_OnSetButtonSize(int iSize) { int iOldSize = _iButtonSize; _iButtonSize = iSize; if (_iButtonSize < MINBUTTONSIZE) { _iButtonSize = MINBUTTONSIZE; } // Border can't be bigger than button size if (_iBorder > _iButtonSize) { _iBorder = _iButtonSize; } CCInvalidateFrame(ci.hwnd); RECT rc = _rcChildIdeal; _SetChildPos(&rc, 0); // SetWindowPos return iOldSize; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPager::_OnHotItemChange(int iButton, BOOL fEnter) { NMPGHOTITEM nmhot = {0}; if (fEnter) { nmhot.idNew = iButton; nmhot.dwFlags = HICF_ENTERING; } else { nmhot.idOld = iButton; nmhot.dwFlags = HICF_LEAVING; } CCSendNotify(&ci, PGN_HOTITEMCHANGE, &nmhot.hdr); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LRESULT CPager::v_WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case PGM_GETDROPTARGET: if (!_hDragProxy) _hDragProxy = CreateDragProxy(ci.hwnd, PagerDragCallback, FALSE); GetDragProxyTarget(_hDragProxy, (IDropTarget**)lParam); break; case PGM_SETSCROLLINFO: _cLinesPerTimeout = LOWORD(lParam); _cPixelsPerLine = HIWORD(lParam); _cTimeout = (UINT)wParam; break; case PGM_SETCHILD: _OnSetChild(hwnd, (HWND)lParam); break; case PGM_RECALCSIZE: if (!_fReCalcSend ) { _fReCalcSend = TRUE; PostMessage(hwnd, PGMP_RECALCSIZE, wParam, lParam); } break; case PGMP_RECALCSIZE: _OnReCalcSize(); break; case PGM_FORWARDMOUSE: // forward mouse messages _fForwardMouseMsgs = BOOLIFY(wParam); break; case PGM_SETBKCOLOR: { COLORREF clr = _clrBk; if ((COLORREF) lParam == CLR_DEFAULT) _clrBk = g_clrBtnFace; else _clrBk = (COLORREF)lParam; _fBkColorSet = TRUE; CCInvalidateFrame(ci.hwnd); //Force a paint RedrawWindow(ci.hwnd, NULL,NULL,RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_ERASE); return clr; } case PGM_GETBKCOLOR: return (LRESULT)_clrBk; case PGM_SETBORDER: return _OnSetBorder((int)lParam); case PGM_GETBORDER: return (LRESULT)_iBorder; case PGM_SETPOS: _OnSetPos((int)lParam); break; case PGM_GETPOS: return _OnGetPos(); case PGM_SETBUTTONSIZE: return _OnSetButtonSize((int)lParam); case PGM_GETBUTTONSIZE: return _GetButtonSize(); case PGM_GETBUTTONSTATE: return _GetButtonState((int)lParam); case WM_PRINTCLIENT: CCForwardPrint(&ci, (HDC)wParam); return 0; case WM_PRINT: return _OnPrint((HDC)wParam, (UINT)lParam); case WM_NCHITTEST: { POINT pt; pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); if (_HitTestScreen(&pt) == -1) return HTTRANSPARENT; return HTCLIENT; } case WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: if (!_fBkColorSet) { InitGlobalColors(); _clrBk = g_clrBtnFace; CCInvalidateFrame(ci.hwnd); } break; case WM_SETFOCUS: SetFocus(_hwndChild); return 0; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: //Fall Through case WM_LBUTTONUP: if(!(ci.style & PGS_AUTOSCROLL)) { _OnLButtonChange(uMsg,lParam); } break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: // Only forward if the point is within the client rect of pager. if (_fForwardMouseMsgs && _hwndChild) { POINT pt; RECT rcClient; GetClientRect(ci.hwnd, &rcClient); pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); // Is this point in our client rect? if (PtInRect(&rcClient, pt)) { // Yes; then convert coords and forward it pt.x += _ptPos.x; pt.y += _ptPos.y; SendMessage(_hwndChild, WM_MOUSEMOVE, wParam, MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y)); } } _OnMouseMove(wParam,lParam); break; case WM_MOUSELEAVE : _OnMouseLeave(); break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: { LRESULT lres = CCForwardEraseBackground(ci.hwnd, (HDC) wParam); if (_iBorder) { // paint the borders RECT rc; RECT rc2; GetClientRect(ci.hwnd, &rc); rc2 = rc; if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc2); } rc2.right = rc2.left + _iBorder + 1; if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc2); } FillRectClr((HDC)wParam, &rc2, _clrBk); rc2 = rc; if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc2); } rc2.left = rc2.right - _iBorder - 1; if( ci.style & PGS_HORZ ) { FlipRect(&rc2); } FillRectClr((HDC)wParam, &rc2, _clrBk); } return TRUE; } case WM_TIMER: _OnTimer((UINT)wParam); return 0; case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: InitGlobalMetrics(wParam); _iButtonSize = (int) g_cxScrollbar * 3 / 4; if (_iButtonSize < MINBUTTONSIZE) { _iButtonSize = MINBUTTONSIZE; } break; case WM_DESTROY: if (_hDragProxy) DestroyDragProxy(_hDragProxy); break; } return CControl::v_WndProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // call with cyCh == 0 to specify auto vsizing BOOL DrawChar(HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, UINT wState, TCHAR ch, UINT cyCh, BOOL fAlwaysGrayed, BOOL fTopAlign, COLORREF rgbOveride) { COLORREF rgb; BOOL fDrawDisabled = !fAlwaysGrayed && (wState & DCHF_INACTIVE); BOOL fDrawPushed = wState & DCHF_PUSHED; // Bad UI to have a pushed disabled button ASSERT (!fDrawDisabled || !fDrawPushed); RECT rc = *lprc; UINT uFormat = DT_CENTER | DT_SINGLELINE; if (fAlwaysGrayed) rgb = g_clrBtnShadow; else if (fDrawDisabled) rgb = g_clrBtnHighlight; else rgb = g_clrBtnText; if (rgbOveride != CLR_INVALID) { rgb = rgbOveride; } rgb = SetTextColor(hdc, rgb); if (cyCh) { if (fTopAlign) rc.bottom = rc.top + cyCh; else { rc.top += ((RECTHEIGHT(rc) - cyCh) / 2); rc.bottom = rc.top + cyCh; } uFormat |= DT_BOTTOM; } else uFormat |= DT_VCENTER; if (fDrawDisabled || fDrawPushed) OffsetRect(&rc, 1, 1); DrawText(hdc, &ch, 1, &rc, uFormat); if (fDrawDisabled) { OffsetRect(&rc, -1, -1); SetTextColor(hdc, g_clrBtnShadow); DrawText(hdc, &ch, 1, &rc, uFormat); } SetTextColor(hdc, rgb); return(TRUE); } void DrawBlankButton(HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, DWORD wControlState) { BOOL fAdjusted; if (wControlState & (DCHF_HOT | DCHF_PUSHED) && !(wControlState & DCHF_NOBORDER)) { COLORSCHEME clrsc; clrsc.dwSize = 1; if (GetBkColor(hdc) == g_clrBtnShadow) { clrsc.clrBtnHighlight = g_clrBtnHighlight; clrsc.clrBtnShadow = g_clrBtnText; } else clrsc.clrBtnHighlight = clrsc.clrBtnShadow = CLR_DEFAULT; // if button is both DCHF_HOT and DCHF_PUSHED, DCHF_HOT wins here CCDrawEdge(hdc, lprc, (wControlState & DCHF_HOT) ? BDR_RAISEDINNER : BDR_SUNKENOUTER, (UINT) (BF_ADJUST | BF_RECT), &clrsc); fAdjusted = TRUE; } else { fAdjusted = FALSE; } if (!(wControlState & DCHF_TRANSPARENT)) FillRectClr(hdc, lprc, GetBkColor(hdc)); if (!fAdjusted) InflateRect(lprc, -g_cxBorder, -g_cyBorder); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawCharButton(HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, UINT wControlState, TCHAR ch, UINT cyCh, BOOL fAlwaysGrayed, BOOL fTopAlign, COLORREF rgbOveride) { RECT rc; CopyRect(&rc, lprc); DrawBlankButton(hdc, &rc, wControlState); if ((RECTWIDTH(rc) <= 0) || (RECTHEIGHT(rc) <= 0)) return; int iOldBk = SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT); DrawChar(hdc, &rc, wControlState, ch, cyCh, fAlwaysGrayed, fTopAlign, rgbOveride); SetBkMode(hdc, iOldBk); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // DrawScrollArrow // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DrawScrollArrow(HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, UINT wControlState, COLORREF rgbOveride) { #define szfnMarlett TEXT("MARLETT") TCHAR ch = (wControlState & DCHF_HORIZONTAL) ? TEXT('3') : TEXT('5'); // // Flip the direction arrow in case of a RTL mirrored DC, // since it won't be flipped automatically (textout!) // if (IS_DC_RTL_MIRRORED(hdc) && (wControlState & DCHF_HORIZONTAL)) wControlState ^= DCHF_FLIPPED; LONG lMin = min(RECTWIDTH(*lprc), RECTHEIGHT(*lprc)) - (2 * g_cxBorder); // g_cxBorder fudge notches font size down HFONT hFont = CreateFont(lMin, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, SYMBOL_CHARSET, 0, 0, 0, 0, szfnMarlett); HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, hFont); if (wControlState & DCHF_FLIPPED) ch++; DrawCharButton(hdc, lprc, wControlState, ch, 0, FALSE, FALSE, rgbOveride); SelectObject(hdc, hOldFont); DeleteObject(hFont); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define CX_INCREMENT 1 #define CX_DECREMENT (-CX_INCREMENT) #define MIDPOINT(x1, x2) ((x1 + x2) / 2) #define CHEVRON_WIDTH(dSeg) (4 * dSeg) // DrawChevron is theme-aware void DrawChevron(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, DWORD dwFlags) { RECT rc; CopyRect(&rc, lprc); if (hTheme) { // Get state id from dwFlags int iStateId = CHEVS_NORMAL; if (dwFlags & DCHF_HOT) iStateId = CHEVS_HOT; if (dwFlags & DCHF_PUSHED) iStateId = CHEVS_PRESSED; DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, iPartId, iStateId, &rc, 0); } else { // draw the border and background DrawBlankButton(hdc, &rc, dwFlags); // offset the arrow if pushed if (dwFlags & DCHF_PUSHED) OffsetRect(&rc, CX_INCREMENT, CX_INCREMENT); // draw the arrow HBRUSH hbrSave = SelectBrush(hdc, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); int dSeg = (g_cxVScroll / 7); dSeg = max(2, dSeg); if (dwFlags & DCHF_HORIZONTAL) { // horizontal arrow int x = MIDPOINT(rc.left, rc.right - CHEVRON_WIDTH(dSeg)); int yBase; if (dwFlags & DCHF_TOPALIGN) yBase = rc.top + (3 * dSeg); else yBase = MIDPOINT(rc.top, rc.bottom); for (int y = -dSeg; y <= dSeg; y++) { PatBlt(hdc, x, yBase + y, dSeg, CX_INCREMENT, PATCOPY); PatBlt(hdc, x + (dSeg * 2), yBase + y, dSeg, CX_INCREMENT, PATCOPY); x += (y < 0) ? CX_INCREMENT : CX_DECREMENT; } } else { // vertical arrow int y = rc.top + CX_INCREMENT; int xBase = MIDPOINT(rc.left, rc.right); for (int x = -dSeg; x <= dSeg; x++) { PatBlt(hdc, xBase + x, y, CX_INCREMENT, dSeg, PATCOPY); PatBlt(hdc, xBase + x, y + (dSeg * 2), CX_INCREMENT, dSeg, PATCOPY); y += (x < 0) ? CX_INCREMENT : CX_DECREMENT; } } // clean up SelectBrush(hdc, hbrSave); } }