########################################################################## # # Shell DLL Makefile # Microsoft Confidential # Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991 # All Rights Reserved. # ########################################################################## !ifdef NTMAKEENV # # Build using BUILD.EXE (Do not edit this section of this file, edit SOURCES) # !INCLUDE $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def !else # NTMAKEENV ROOT=..\..\.. SRCDIR=..\.. RES_DIR=..\.. NAME=comdlg32 BUILDDLL=TRUE DLLBASE=PREFBASE INFERPCH=TRUE !ifdef VERDIR ROOT=..\$(ROOT) WIN32=TRUE !else #VERDIR VERSIONLIST = debug retail !endif #VERDIR CLEANLIST = *.rlb *.rxp *.pdb !ifdef LEGO LEGOCFLAGS= -Zi /GFy /GX- !endif !ifndef ILINK !if "$(VERDIR)" == "retail" L32FLAGS=$(L32FLAGS) /ORDER:@$(SRCDIR)\comdlg32.ord !endif !endif CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) -Gy AFLAGS=$(AFLAGS) -Gz -Zp4 -DSTD_CALL -DM4 RCFLAGS=$(RCFLAGS) -DWIN32 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WIN32 object files and libraries #------------------------------------------------------------------------- PCHOBJ0 = color.obj color2.obj data.obj dlgs.obj fileopen.obj find.obj PCHOBJ1 = font.obj init.obj parse.obj prnsetup.obj MISCOBJ0 = filenew.obj LIB0= kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib !if "$(VERDIR)" == "debug" LIB1= libcmt.lib !endif #------------------------------------------------------------------------- !include $(ROOT)\shell\common.mk !ifdef VERDIR THKASM = $(ROOT)\shell\thunk\$(VERDIR)\dlgthk.asm dlgthk32.obj : $(THKASM) set ML=$(AFLAGS) $(ASM) -Fo$@ $(THKASM) # To catch all the dependencies, use ours: comdlg32.res : $(SRCDIR)\comdlg32.rc $(SRCDIR)\isz.h $(SRCDIR)\cdids.h $(SRCDIR)\sz.src $(RC) $(RCFLAGS) -fo$*.res -r $(SRCDIR)\comdlg32.rc # # Rule to generate source file dependencies # $(SRCDIR)\depend.mk:: !if "$(BUILD)" == "depend" echo # > $@ echo # Warning: This file is generated automatically. >> $@ echo # >> $@ echo. >> $@ $(INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES_SWITCHES) @<< | sed "s/pch.obj/pch.obj .\\pchcpp.obj .\\comdlg32.pch .\\pchcpp.pch/" >> $@ -D..\.. pch.c << $(INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES_SWITCHES) @<< >> $@ -D..\.. -nshellprv.h ..\..\*.c ..\..\*.asm << $(INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES_SWITCHES) @<< >> $@ -D..\.. -npchcpp.h ..\..\*.cpp << !if exist($(SRCDIR)\$(NAME).rc) $(INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES_SWITCHES) -C=acl -C=dlg -C=mnu -C=rc -C=stb -C=ver -sres @<< >> $@ $(NAME).rc << !endif !else @echo Use "nmake BUILD=depend" to build dependencies. !endif !endif #VERDIR !endif # NTMAKEENV