#ifdef WIN32 // These things have direct equivalents. // Shouldn't be using these things. #define _huge #define _export #define SELECTOROF(x) ((UINT_PTR)(x)) #define OFFSETOF(x) ((UINT_PTR)(x)) #define ISLPTR(pv) (pv) #define MAKELP(hmem,off) ((LPVOID)((LPBYTE)hmem+off)) #define MAKELRESULTFROMUINT(i) ((LRESULT)i) #define ISVALIDHINSTANCE(hinst) (hinst) #define DATASEG_READONLY TEXT(".text") #define DATASEG_PERINSTANCE TEXT(".instanc") #define DATASEG_SHARED TEXT(".data") #define GetWindowInt GetWindowLong #define SetWindowInt SetWindowLong #define SetWindowID(hwnd,id) SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_ID, id) #define MCopyIconEx(hinst, hicon, cx, cy, flags) CopyIconEx(hicon, cx, cy, flags) #define MLoadIconEx(hinst1, hinst2, lpsz, cx, cy, flags) LoadIconEx(hinst2, lpsz, cx, cy, flags) #endif // WIN32