#ifndef __CFOLDER_H__ #define __CFOLDER_H__ /*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: cfolder.h Abstract: header file for cfolder.cpp. Author: William Hsieh (williamh) created Revision History: --*/ class CFolder; class CResultView; class CViewTreeByType; class CViewTreeByConnection; class CViewResourceTree; class CComponent; const int IMAGE_INDEX_START = 20; const int IMAGE_INDEX_DEVMGR = IMAGE_INDEX_START; const int OPEN_IMAGE_INDEX_DEVMGR = IMAGE_INDEX_DEVMGR; typedef enum tagViewType { VIEW_DEVICESBYTYPE = 0, VIEW_DEVICESBYCONNECTION, VIEW_RESOURCESBYTYPE, VIEW_RESOURCESBYCONNECTION, VIEW_NONE }VIEWTYPE, *PVIEWTYPE; typedef struct tagMMCMenuItem { int idName; int idStatusBar; long lCommandId; VIEWTYPE Type; }MMCMENUITEM, *PMMCMENUITEM; const VIEWTYPE VIEW_FIRST = VIEW_DEVICESBYTYPE; const VIEWTYPE VIEW_LAST = VIEW_RESOURCESBYCONNECTION; const int TOTAL_VIEWS = VIEW_LAST - VIEW_FIRST + 1; const int TOTAL_RESOURCE_TYPES = 4; extern const MMCMENUITEM ViewDevicesMenuItems[]; typedef struct tagDevMgrFolderStates { COOKIE_TYPE Type; VIEWTYPE CurViewType; BOOL ShowHiddenDevices; }DEVMGRFOLDER_STATES, *PDEVMGRFOLDER_STATES; typedef DWORD FOLDER_SIGNATURE; const FOLDER_SIGNATURE_DEVMGR = 0x00FF00FF; // // This is the class created and maintained by IComponentData // class CScopeItem { public: CScopeItem(COOKIE_TYPE ct, int iImage, int iOpenImage, int iNameStringId, int iDescStringId, int iDisplayNameFormatId) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(iDisplayNameFormatId); m_iImage = iImage; m_iOpenImage = iOpenImage; m_iNameStringId = iNameStringId; m_iDescStringId = iDescStringId; m_Enumerated = FALSE; m_hScopeItem = NULL; m_Type = ct; } virtual CFolder* CreateFolder(CComponent* pComponent); virtual HRESULT AddMenuItems(LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pCallback, long* pInsertionAllowed); virtual HRESULT MenuCommand(long lCommandId); virtual HRESULT QueryPagesFor(); virtual HRESULT CreatePropertyPages(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle); virtual ~CScopeItem(); virtual BOOL Create(); HRESULT GetDisplayInfo(LPSCOPEDATAITEM pScopeDataItem); void SetScopeItemID(HSCOPEITEM hScopeItem) { m_hScopeItem = hScopeItem; } const int GetImageIndex() const { return m_iImage; } const int GetOpenImageIndex() const { return m_iOpenImage; } const TCHAR* GetNameString() const { return(LPCTSTR)m_strName; } const TCHAR* GetDescString() const { return(LPCTSTR)m_strDesc; } operator HSCOPEITEM() { return m_hScopeItem; } BOOL EnumerateChildren(int Index, CScopeItem** ppChild); int GetChildCount() { return m_listChildren.GetCount(); } COOKIE_TYPE GetType() { return m_Type; } void SetHandle(HSCOPEITEM hScopeItem) { m_hScopeItem = hScopeItem; } BOOL IsEnumerated() { return m_Enumerated; } void Enumerated() { m_Enumerated = TRUE; } HRESULT Reset(); protected: CCookie* FindSelectedCookieData(CResultView** ppResultView); int m_iNameStringId; int m_iDescStringId; int m_iImage; int m_iOpenImage; String m_strName; String m_strDesc; BOOL m_Enumerated; HSCOPEITEM m_hScopeItem; COOKIE_TYPE m_Type; CList m_listFolder; CList m_listChildren; }; // While ScopeItem objects are created and managed by CComponentData, // CFolder objects are created and managed by CComponent class. // CComponent objects are created and managed by CComponentData. // A CComponent object is created when a new window is created. // For each CScopeItem, CComponent creates a CFolder object to // represent that CScopeItem in the CComponent's window. // CFolder is responsible for painting the result pane that represents // the visual states of its associated CScopeItem. // class CFolder { public: CFolder(CScopeItem* pScopeItem, CComponent* pComponent); virtual ~CFolder(); virtual HRESULT Compare(MMC_COOKIE cookieA, MMC_COOKIE cookieB, int nCol, int* pnResult); virtual HRESULT GetDisplayInfo(LPRESULTDATAITEM pResultDataItem); virtual HRESULT AddMenuItems(CCookie* pCookie, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pCallback, long* pInsertionAllowed); virtual HRESULT MenuCommand(CCookie* pCookie, long lCommandId); virtual HRESULT QueryPagesFor(CCookie* pCookie); virtual HRESULT CreatePropertyPages(CCookie* pCookie, LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle); virtual HRESULT OnShow(BOOL fShow); virtual HRESULT GetResultViewType(LPOLESTR* ppViewType, long* pViewOptions); virtual CResultView* GetCurResultView() { return m_pCurView; } virtual int GetPersistDataSize() { return sizeof(DEVMGRFOLDER_STATES); } virtual HRESULT GetPersistData(PBYTE pBuffer, int BufferSize); virtual HRESULT SetPersistData(PBYTE pData, int Size); LPCTSTR GetNameString() { return m_pScopeItem->GetNameString(); } LPCTSTR GetDescString() { return m_pScopeItem->GetDescString(); } FOLDER_SIGNATURE GetSignature() { return m_Signature; } virtual HRESULT tvNotify(HWND hwndTV, CCookie* pCookie, TV_NOTIFY_CODE Code, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param); virtual HRESULT MachinePropertyChanged(CMachine* pMachine); virtual HRESULT OnOcxNotify(MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE event, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param); virtual HRESULT OnRestoreView(BOOL* pfHandled); virtual HRESULT OnSelect() { // If the folder is selected, reset the console verbs. if (m_bSelect) return S_FALSE; else return S_OK; } ULONG AddRef() { return ++m_Ref; } ULONG Release() { ASSERT(m_Ref); --m_Ref; if (!m_Ref) { delete this; return 0; } return m_Ref; } virtual HRESULT Reset(); BOOL ShowHiddenDevices() { return m_ShowHiddenDevices; } BOOL SelectView(VIEWTYPE ViewType, BOOL fShowHiddenDevices); HRESULT DoProperties(HWND hwndParent, CCookie* pCookie); CComponent* m_pComponent; CScopeItem* m_pScopeItem; CMachine* m_pMachine; BOOL m_bSelect; // Saved by MMCN_SELECT for MenuCommand protected: FOLDER_SIGNATURE m_Signature; BOOL m_Show; String m_strScratch; LPOLESTR m_pOleTaskString; ULONG m_Ref; private: CViewTreeByType* m_pViewTreeByType; CViewTreeByConnection* m_pViewTreeByConnection; CViewResourceTree* m_pViewResourcesByType; CViewResourceTree* m_pViewResourcesByConnection; CResultView* m_pCurView; VIEWTYPE m_CurViewType; BOOL m_ShowHiddenDevices; BOOL m_FirstTimeOnShow; }; class CResultView { public: CResultView(int DescStringId) : m_DescStringId(DescStringId), m_pFolder(NULL), m_pMachine(NULL), m_pCookieComputer(NULL), m_pIDMTVOCX(NULL), m_hwndTV(NULL), m_pSelectedCookie(NULL), m_SelectOk(FALSE), m_pSelectedItem(NULL) { String stringWorking, stringProblem, stringDisabled, stringForced; stringWorking.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ANNOTATION_WORKING); stringProblem.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ANNOTATION_PROBLEM); stringDisabled.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ANNOTATION_DISABLED); stringForced.LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ANNOTATION_FORCED); m_stringAnnotationMap.Format(TEXT("A:2:%d:%s:%d:%s:%d:%s:%d:%s:"), 0, (LPTSTR)stringWorking, (IDI_PROBLEM_OVL - IDI_CLASSICON_OVERLAYFIRST + 1), (LPTSTR)stringProblem, (IDI_DISABLED_OVL - IDI_CLASSICON_OVERLAYFIRST + 1), (LPTSTR)stringDisabled, (IDI_FORCED_OVL - IDI_CLASSICON_OVERLAYFIRST + 1), (LPTSTR)stringForced); } virtual ~CResultView(); virtual HRESULT GetDisplayInfo(LPRESULTDATAITEM pResultDataItem) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pResultDataItem); return S_OK; } virtual HRESULT OnShow(BOOL fShow); LPCTSTR GetStartupDeviceId(); LPCTSTR GetStartupCommand(); void SetFolder(CFolder* pFolder) { m_pFolder = pFolder; } int GetDescriptionStringID() { return m_DescStringId; } virtual CCookie* GetSelectedCookie() { return m_pSelectedCookie; } void SetSelectOk(BOOL fSelect) { m_SelectOk = fSelect; } HRESULT MachinePropertyChanged(CMachine* pMachine); void SaveTreeStates(CCookie* pCookieStart); void DestroySavedTreeStates(); void RestoreSavedTreeState(CCookie* pCookie); BOOL DisplayTree(); HRESULT GetResultViewType(LPOLESTR* ppViewType, long* pViewOptions); HRESULT AddMenuItems(CCookie* pCookie, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pCallback, long* pInsertionAllowed, BOOL fContextMenu); HRESULT MenuCommand(CCookie* pCookie, long lCommandId); HRESULT QueryPagesFor(CCookie* pCookie); HRESULT CreatePropertyPages(CCookie* pCookie, LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK pProvider, LONG_PTR handle); HRESULT tvNotify(HWND hwndTV, CCookie* pCookie, TV_NOTIFY_CODE Code, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param); HRESULT OnOcxNotify(MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE event, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param); HRESULT DoProperties(HWND hwndParent, CCookie* pCookie); HRESULT DoContextMenu(HWND hwndParent, CCookie* pCookie, POINT* pPoint); HRESULT DoPrint(); protected: BOOL DisplaySubtree(HTREEITEM htiParent, CCookie* pCookieStart, BOOL* pReportProblem = NULL); HRESULT UpdateConsoleVerbs(CCookie* pCookie); CFolder* m_pFolder; int m_DescStringId; CMachine* m_pMachine; CCookie* m_pCookieComputer; IDMTVOCX* m_pIDMTVOCX; CCookie* m_pSelectedCookie; BOOL m_SelectOk; HWND m_hwndTV; CList m_listExpandedItems; CItemIdentifier* m_pSelectedItem; String m_stringAnnotationMap; private: HRESULT RemoveDevice(CDevice* pDevice); }; class CViewDeviceTree : public CResultView { public: CViewDeviceTree(int DescStringId) : CResultView(DescStringId) {} virtual ~CViewDeviceTree() {} virtual HRESULT OnShow(BOOL fShow); virtual BOOL CreateDeviceTree(); protected: private: }; class CViewTreeByType : public CViewDeviceTree { public: CViewTreeByType() : CViewDeviceTree(IDS_STATUS_DEVICES_BYTYPE) {} virtual BOOL CreateDeviceTree(); }; class CViewTreeByConnection : public CViewDeviceTree { public: CViewTreeByConnection() : CViewDeviceTree(IDS_STATUS_DEVICES_BYCONN) {} virtual BOOL CreateDeviceTree(); private: BOOL CreateSubtree(CCookie* pCookieParent, CCookie* pCookieSibling, CDevice* pDeviceStart); }; class CViewResourceTree : public CResultView { public: CViewResourceTree(int DescStringId) : CResultView(DescStringId) { int i; for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_RESOURCE_TYPES; i++) { m_pResourceList[i] = NULL; m_pResourceType[i] = NULL; } } ~CViewResourceTree(); virtual HRESULT OnShow(BOOL fShow); protected: private: void CreateResourceTree(); void CreateResourceSubtree(CCookie* pCookieParent, CCookie* pCookieSibling, CDevice* pDevice, CCookie** ppLastCookie = NULL); BOOL InsertCookieToTree(CCookie* pCookie, CCookie* pCookieStart, BOOL ForcedInsert); void DestroyResourceTree(); CResourceList* m_pResourceList[TOTAL_RESOURCE_TYPES]; CResourceType* m_pResourceType[TOTAL_RESOURCE_TYPES]; }; typedef BOOL (CALLBACK* PROPSHEET_PROVIDER_PROC)( PSP_PROPSHEETPAGE_REQUEST PropPageRequest, LPFNADDPROPSHEETPAGE lpfnAddPropPageProc, LPARAM lParam ); class CPropPageProvider { public: CPropPageProvider() : m_hDll(NULL) {} virtual ~CPropPageProvider() { if (m_hDll) FreeLibrary(m_hDll); } virtual BOOL EnumPages(CDevice* pDevice, CPropSheetData* ppsd) = 0; protected: HMODULE m_hDll; }; class CBusPropPageProvider : public CPropPageProvider { public: virtual BOOL EnumPages(CDevice* pDevice, CPropSheetData* ppsd); }; #endif // __CFOLDER_H__