# # # R E A D T H I S # # See the inference rules below (the section marked "Inference rules") to # see if any of them cover the rule that you want performed for your file. # The inference rules should cover most of the cases. If they don't, try # to add a new inference rule rather than adding a special-case rule for # your file. # # # Explicit dependencies for .w files -- needed to make inference rules apply # # cmnquery.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\cmnquery.h # (reinerf) - why are we splitting this if we only use the public file?? $(O)\cmnquery.h : cmnquery.w # commctrl.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\commctrl.h, $(SDK_INC_PATH)\commctrl.rh, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\comctrlp.h $(O)\commctrl.h $(O)\commctrlp.h : commctrl.w # commdlg.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\commdlg.h, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\commdlgp.h $(O)\commdlg.h $(O)\commdlgp.h : commdlg.w # cpl.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\cpl.h, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\cplp.h $(O)\cpl.h $(O)\cplp.h : cpl.w # dsclient.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\dsclient.h, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\dsclintp.h $(O)\dsclient.h $(O)\dsclientp.h : dsclient.w # dsquery.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\dsquery.h, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\dsqueryp.h $(O)\dsquery.h $(O)\dsqueryp.h : dsquery.w # intshcut.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\intshcut.h, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\intshctp.h $(O)\intshcut.h $(O)\intshcutp.h : intshcut.w # multimon.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\multimon.h, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\multimop.h $(O)\multimon.h $(O)\multimonp.h : multimon.w # prsht.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\prsht.h, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\prshtp.h $(O)\prsht.h $(O)\prshtp.h : prsht.w # powrprof.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\powrprof.h, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\powrprofp.h $(O)\powrprof.h $(O)\powrprofp.h : powrprof.w # shellapi.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\shellapi.h, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\shlapip.h $(O)\shellapi.h $(O)\shellapip.h : shellapi.w #shlguid.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\shlguid.h, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\shlguidp.h $(O)\shlguid.h $(O)\shlguidp.h : shlguid.w # shlobj.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\shlobj.h, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\shlobjp.h $(O)\shlobj.h $(O)\shlobjp.h : shlobj.w # shlwapi.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\shlwapi.h, $(PROJECT_INC_PATH)\shlwapip.h $(O)\shlwapi.h $(O)\shlwapip.h : shlwapi.w # winver.w -> $(SDK_INC_PATH)\winver.h $(O)\winver.h : winver.w $(O)\commctrl.rh: $(O)\commctrl.h type << > $@ /*++ BUILD Version: ???? Increment this if a change has global effects $(COPYRIGHT_STRING) Module Name: commctrl.rh Abstract: This module defines the 32-Bit Windows resource codes from commctrl.h. Revision History: --*/ << hextract -o $@ -lt r_commctrl -bt begin_r_commctrl end_r_commctrl $(O)\commctrl.h # # Explicit dependencies for public files that must be done on pass0 # $(O)\shobjidl_pub.idl : shobjidl.idl hsplit -e -o $(O)\shobjidl_pub.idl $(O)\shobjidl_priv.idl $** $(O)\shobjidl_pub.h : $(O)\shobjidl.h hsplit -e -o $(O)\shobjidl_pub.h $(O)\shobjidl_priv.h $** # # Explicit dependencies for private files that must be done on pass0 # $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$(O)\brdispp.tlb : $(O)\brdispp.tlb $(O)\brdispp.tlb : brdispp.idl $(O)\brdispp.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)\brdispp.h : $(O)\brdispp.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$O\brdispp_i.c : $(O)\brdispp_i.c $(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)\intshctp.h : $(O)\intshcut.h copy $(O)\intshcutp.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)\intshctp.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)\navbar.h : $(O)\navbar.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)\navlog.h : $(O)\navlog.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)\shobjidlp.h : $(O)\shobjidl_pub.h copy $(O)\shobjidl_priv.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)\shobjidlp.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$(O)\msieftp.tlb : $(O)\msieftp.tlb $(O)\msieftp.tlb : msieftp.idl $(O)\msieftp.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)\msieftp.h : $(O)\msieftp.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$O\msieftp_i.c : $(O)\msieftp_i.c $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$(O)\theme.tlb : $(O)\theme.tlb $(O)\theme.tlb : theme.idl $(O)\theme.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)\theme.h : $(O)\theme.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$O\theme_i.c : $(O)\theme_i.c $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$(O)\shgina.tlb : $(O)\shgina.tlb $(O)\shgina.tlb : shgina.idl $(O)\shgina.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$(O)\shldisp.tlb : $(O)\shldisp.tlb $(O)\shldisp.tlb : shldisp.idl $(O)\shldisp.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$(O)\shimgvw.tlb : $(O)\shimgvw.tlb $(O)\shimgvw.tlb : shimgvw.idl $(O)\shimgvw.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)\shimgvw.h : $(O)\shimgvw.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$(O)\shimgvw_i.c : $(O)\shimgvw_i.c $(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)\opsprof.h : $(O)\opsprof.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$(O)\webvw.tlb : $(O)\webvw.tlb $(O)\webvw.tlb : webvw.idl $(O)\webvw.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)\webvw.h : $(O)\webvw.h $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$(O)\webvw_i.c : $(O)\webvw_i.c $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$(O)\shpriv_i.c : $(O)\shpriv_i.c $(O)\shpriv_i.c : shpriv.idl $(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$(O)\iepriv_i.c : $(O)\iepriv_i.c $(O)\iepriv_i.c : iepriv.idl # # Inference rules. These help build whatever is in the NTTARGETFILES and # NTTARGETFILE0 lists. # .SUFFIXES:.w .h .tlb # generate header.h and headerp.h from header.w {}.w{$O}.h: hsplit -e -o $(*R).x $(*R)p.x $** wcshdr < $(*R)p.x > $(*R)p.h wcshdr < $(*R).x > $(*R).y shfusion2 $(*R).y > $@ # copy generated headers to shell\inc {$O}.h{$(PROJECT_ROOT)\inc\$(O)}.h: copy $** $@ # copy generated tlb's to shell\lib\$O {$O}.tlb{$(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$O}.tlb: copy $** $@ # copy generated c's to shell\lib\$O {$O}.c{$(PROJECT_ROOT)\lib\$O}.c: copy $** $@