;begin_both /*****************************************************************************\ * * * shlwapi.h - Interface for the Windows light-weight utility APIs * * * * Version 1.0 * * * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * * * \*****************************************************************************/ ;end_both #ifndef _INC_SHLWAPI #define _INC_SHLWAPI #ifndef _INC_SHLWAPIP ;internal #define _INC_SHLWAPIP ;internal ;begin_both #ifndef NOSHLWAPI #include #include ;end_both #ifndef _WINRESRC_ #ifndef _WIN32_IE #define _WIN32_IE 0x0501 #else #if (_WIN32_IE < 0x0400) && defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) #error _WIN32_IE setting conflicts with _WIN32_WINNT setting #endif #endif #endif #ifdef UNIX typedef interface IInternetSecurityMgrSite IInternetSecurityMgrSite; typedef interface IInternetSecurityManager IInternetSecurityManager; typedef interface IInternetHostSecurityManager IInternetHostSecurityManager; #endif // // Define API decoration for direct importing of DLL references. // #ifndef WINSHLWAPI #if !defined(_SHLWAPI_) #define LWSTDAPI EXTERN_C DECLSPEC_IMPORT HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE #define LWSTDAPI_(type) EXTERN_C DECLSPEC_IMPORT type STDAPICALLTYPE #define LWSTDAPIV EXTERN_C DECLSPEC_IMPORT HRESULT STDAPIVCALLTYPE #define LWSTDAPIV_(type) EXTERN_C DECLSPEC_IMPORT type STDAPIVCALLTYPE #else #define LWSTDAPI STDAPI #define LWSTDAPI_(type) STDAPI_(type) #define LWSTDAPIV STDAPIV #define LWSTDAPIV_(type) STDAPIV_(type) #endif #endif // WINSHLWAPI ;begin_both #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // // Users of this header may define any number of these constants to avoid // the definitions of each functional group. // // NO_SHLWAPI_STRFCNS String functions // NO_SHLWAPI_PATH Path functions // NO_SHLWAPI_REG Registry functions // NO_SHLWAPI_UALSTR Unaligned string functions ;internal // NO_SHLWAPI_STREAM Stream functions // NO_SHLWAPI_HTTP HTTP helper routines ;internal // NO_SHLWAPI_INTERNAL Other random internal things ;internal // NO_SHLWAPI_GDI GDI helper functions // NO_SHLWAPI_UNITHUNK Unicode wrapper functions ;internal // NO_SHLWAPI_TPS Thread Pool Services ;internal // NO_SHLWAPI_MLUI Multi Language UI functions ;internal #ifndef NO_SHLWAPI_STRFCNS // //=============== String Routines =================================== // ;end_both LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrChrA(LPCSTR lpStart, WORD wMatch); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrChrW(LPCWSTR lpStart, WCHAR wMatch); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrChrIA(LPCSTR lpStart, WORD wMatch); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrChrIW(LPCWSTR lpStart, WCHAR wMatch); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpNA(LPCSTR lpStr1, LPCSTR lpStr2, int nChar); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpNW(LPCWSTR lpStr1, LPCWSTR lpStr2, int nChar); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpNIA(LPCSTR lpStr1, LPCSTR lpStr2, int nChar); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpNIW(LPCWSTR lpStr1, LPCWSTR lpStr2, int nChar); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCSpnA(LPCSTR lpStr, LPCSTR lpSet); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCSpnW(LPCWSTR lpStr, LPCWSTR lpSet); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCSpnIA(LPCSTR lpStr, LPCSTR lpSet); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCSpnIW(LPCWSTR lpStr, LPCWSTR lpSet); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrDupA(LPCSTR lpSrch); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrDupW(LPCWSTR lpSrch); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrFormatByteSizeA(DWORD dw, LPSTR szBuf, UINT uiBufSize); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrFormatByteSize64A(LONGLONG qdw, LPSTR szBuf, UINT uiBufSize); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrFormatByteSizeW(LONGLONG qdw, LPWSTR szBuf, UINT uiBufSize); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrFormatKBSizeW(LONGLONG qdw, LPWSTR szBuf, UINT uiBufSize); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrFormatKBSizeA(LONGLONG qdw, LPSTR szBuf, UINT uiBufSize); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrFromTimeIntervalA(LPSTR pszOut, UINT cchMax, DWORD dwTimeMS, int digits); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrFromTimeIntervalW(LPWSTR pszOut, UINT cchMax, DWORD dwTimeMS, int digits); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) StrIsIntlEqualA(BOOL fCaseSens, LPCSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2, int nChar); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) StrIsIntlEqualW(BOOL fCaseSens, LPCWSTR lpString1, LPCWSTR lpString2, int nChar); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrNCatA(LPSTR psz1, LPCSTR psz2, int cchMax); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrNCatW(LPWSTR psz1, LPCWSTR psz2, int cchMax); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrPBrkA(LPCSTR psz, LPCSTR pszSet); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrPBrkW(LPCWSTR psz, LPCWSTR pszSet); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrRChrA(LPCSTR lpStart, LPCSTR lpEnd, WORD wMatch); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrRChrW(LPCWSTR lpStart, LPCWSTR lpEnd, WCHAR wMatch); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrRChrIA(LPCSTR lpStart, LPCSTR lpEnd, WORD wMatch); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrRChrIW(LPCWSTR lpStart, LPCWSTR lpEnd, WCHAR wMatch); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrRStrIA(LPCSTR lpSource, LPCSTR lpLast, LPCSTR lpSrch); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrRStrIW(LPCWSTR lpSource, LPCWSTR lpLast, LPCWSTR lpSrch); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrSpnA(LPCSTR psz, LPCSTR pszSet); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrSpnW(LPCWSTR psz, LPCWSTR pszSet); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrStrA(LPCSTR lpFirst, LPCSTR lpSrch); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrStrW(LPCWSTR lpFirst, LPCWSTR lpSrch); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrStrIA(LPCSTR lpFirst, LPCSTR lpSrch); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrStrIW(LPCWSTR lpFirst, LPCWSTR lpSrch); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrToIntA(LPCSTR lpSrc); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrToIntW(LPCWSTR lpSrc); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) StrToIntExA(LPCSTR pszString, DWORD dwFlags, int * piRet); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) StrToIntExW(LPCWSTR pszString, DWORD dwFlags, int * piRet); #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0600) LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) StrToInt64ExA(LPCSTR pszString, DWORD dwFlags, LONGLONG * pllRet); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) StrToInt64ExW(LPCWSTR pszString, DWORD dwFlags, LONGLONG * pllRet); #endif LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) StrTrimA(LPSTR psz, LPCSTR pszTrimChars); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) StrTrimW(LPWSTR psz, LPCWSTR pszTrimChars); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrCatW(LPWSTR psz1, LPCWSTR psz2); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpW(LPCWSTR psz1, LPCWSTR psz2); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpIW(LPCWSTR psz1, LPCWSTR psz2); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrCpyW(LPWSTR psz1, LPCWSTR psz2); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrCpyNW(LPWSTR psz1, LPCWSTR psz2, int cchMax); ;begin_internal LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrCpyNXA(LPSTR psz1, LPCSTR psz2, int cchMax); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrCpyNXW(LPWSTR psz1, LPCWSTR psz2, int cchMax); ;end_internal LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) StrCatBuffW(LPWSTR pszDest, LPCWSTR pszSrc, int cchDestBuffSize); LWSTDAPI_(LPSTR) StrCatBuffA(LPSTR pszDest, LPCSTR pszSrc, int cchDestBuffSize); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) ChrCmpIA(WORD w1, WORD w2); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) ChrCmpIW(WCHAR w1, WCHAR w2); LWSTDAPI_(int) wvnsprintfA(LPSTR lpOut, int cchLimitIn, LPCSTR lpFmt, va_list arglist); LWSTDAPI_(int) wvnsprintfW(LPWSTR lpOut, int cchLimitIn, LPCWSTR lpFmt, va_list arglist); LWSTDAPIV_(int) wnsprintfA(LPSTR lpOut, int cchLimitIn, LPCSTR lpFmt, ...); LWSTDAPIV_(int) wnsprintfW(LPWSTR lpOut, int cchLimitIn, LPCWSTR lpFmt, ...); #define StrIntlEqNA( s1, s2, nChar) StrIsIntlEqualA( TRUE, s1, s2, nChar) #define StrIntlEqNW( s1, s2, nChar) StrIsIntlEqualW( TRUE, s1, s2, nChar) #define StrIntlEqNIA(s1, s2, nChar) StrIsIntlEqualA(FALSE, s1, s2, nChar) #define StrIntlEqNIW(s1, s2, nChar) StrIsIntlEqualW(FALSE, s1, s2, nChar) LWSTDAPI StrRetToStr%(STRRET *pstr, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPTSTR% *ppsz); LWSTDAPI StrRetToBuf%(STRRET *pstr, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPTSTR% pszBuf, UINT cchBuf); LWSTDAPI StrRetToBSTR(STRRET *pstr, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, BSTR *pbstr); // helper to duplicate a string using the task allocator LWSTDAPI SHStrDup%(LPCTSTR% psz, WCHAR **ppwsz); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpLogicalW(LPCWSTR psz1, LPCWSTR psz2); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) StrCatChainW(LPWSTR pszDst, DWORD cchDst, DWORD ichAt, LPCWSTR pszSrc); LWSTDAPI SHLoadIndirectString(LPCWSTR pszSource, LPWSTR pszOutBuf, UINT cchOutBuf, void **ppvReserved); ;begin_internal #define ORD_SHLOADREGUISTRINGA 438 #define ORD_SHLOADREGUISTRINGW 439 LWSTDAPI SHLoadRegUIString%(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR% pszValue, LPTSTR% pszOutBuf, UINT cchOutBuf); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsCharCntrlW(WCHAR wch); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsCharDigitW(WCHAR wch); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsCharXDigitW(WCHAR wch); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsCharSpaceW(WCHAR wch); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsCharBlankW(WCHAR wch); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsCharPunctW(WCHAR wch); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetStringType3ExW( LPCWSTR, int, LPWORD ); // StrCmp*C* - Compare strings using C runtime collation rules. // These functions are faster than the StrCmp family of functions // above and can be used when the character set of the strings is // known to be limited to seven ASCII character set. LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpNCA(LPCSTR lpStr1, LPCSTR lpStr2, int nChar); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpNCW(LPCWSTR lpStr1, LPCWSTR lpStr2, int nChar); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpNICA(LPCSTR lpStr1, LPCSTR lpStr2, int nChar); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpNICW(LPCWSTR lpStr1, LPCWSTR lpStr2, int nChar); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpCA(LPCSTR lpStr1, LPCSTR lpStr2); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpCW(LPCWSTR lpStr1, LPCWSTR lpStr2); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpICA(LPCSTR lpStr1, LPCSTR lpStr2); LWSTDAPI_(int) StrCmpICW(LPCWSTR lpStr1, LPCWSTR lpStr2); // This is a true-Unicode version of CompareString. It only supports // STRING_SORT, however. After better test coverage, it shall replace // the CompareString Unicode wrapper itself. In the mean time, we only // call this from the find dialog/OM method of Trident. LWSTDAPI_(int) CompareStringAltW( LCID lcid, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR lpchA, int cchA, LPCWSTR lpchB, int cchB ); ;end_internal #ifdef UNICODE #define StrChr StrChrW #define StrRChr StrRChrW #define StrChrI StrChrIW #define StrRChrI StrRChrIW #define StrCmpN StrCmpNW #define StrCmpNI StrCmpNIW #define StrStr StrStrW #define StrStrI StrStrIW #define StrDup StrDupW #define StrRStrI StrRStrIW #define StrCSpn StrCSpnW #define StrCSpnI StrCSpnIW #define StrSpn StrSpnW #define StrToInt StrToIntW #define StrPBrk StrPBrkW #define StrToIntEx StrToIntExW #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0600) #define StrToInt64Ex StrToInt64ExW #endif #define StrFromTimeInterval StrFromTimeIntervalW #define StrIntlEqN StrIntlEqNW #define StrIntlEqNI StrIntlEqNIW #define StrFormatByteSize StrFormatByteSizeW #define StrFormatByteSize64 StrFormatByteSizeW #define StrFormatKBSize StrFormatKBSizeW #define StrNCat StrNCatW #define StrTrim StrTrimW #define StrCatBuff StrCatBuffW #define ChrCmpI ChrCmpIW #define wvnsprintf wvnsprintfW #define wnsprintf wnsprintfW #define StrIsIntlEqual StrIsIntlEqualW ;begin_internal // // Macros for IsCharAlpha, IsCharAlphaNumeric, IsCharLower, IsCharUpper // are in winuser.h // // #define IsCharCntrl IsCharCntrlW #define IsCharDigit IsCharDigitW #define IsCharXDigit IsCharXDigitW #define IsCharSpace IsCharSpaceW #define IsCharBlank IsCharBlankW #define IsCharPunct IsCharPunctW #define GetStringType3Ex GetStringType3ExW ;end_internal #else #define StrChr StrChrA #define StrRChr StrRChrA #define StrChrI StrChrIA #define StrRChrI StrRChrIA #define StrCmpN StrCmpNA #define StrCmpNI StrCmpNIA #define StrStr StrStrA #define StrStrI StrStrIA #define StrDup StrDupA #define StrRStrI StrRStrIA #define StrCSpn StrCSpnA #define StrCSpnI StrCSpnIA #define StrSpn StrSpnA #define StrToInt StrToIntA #define StrPBrk StrPBrkA #define StrToIntEx StrToIntExA #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0600) #define StrToInt64Ex StrToInt64ExA #endif #define StrFromTimeInterval StrFromTimeIntervalA #define StrIntlEqN StrIntlEqNA #define StrIntlEqNI StrIntlEqNIA #define StrFormatByteSize StrFormatByteSizeA #define StrFormatByteSize64 StrFormatByteSize64A #define StrFormatKBSize StrFormatKBSizeA #define StrNCat StrNCatA #define StrTrim StrTrimA #define StrCatBuff StrCatBuffA #define ChrCmpI ChrCmpIA #define wvnsprintf wvnsprintfA #define wnsprintf wnsprintfA #define StrIsIntlEqual StrIsIntlEqualA #endif ;begin_internal #ifdef UNICODE #define StrCmpNC StrCmpNCW #define StrCmpNIC StrCmpNICW #define StrCmpC StrCmpCW #define StrCmpIC StrCmpICW #define StrCpyNX StrCpyNXW #else #define StrCmpNC StrCmpNCA #define StrCmpNIC StrCmpNICA #define StrCmpC StrCmpCA #define StrCmpIC StrCmpICA #define StrCpyNX StrCpyNXA #endif ;end_internal // Backward compatible to NT's non-standard naming (strictly // for comctl32) // LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IntlStrEqWorkerA(BOOL fCaseSens, LPCSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2, int nChar); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IntlStrEqWorkerW(BOOL fCaseSens, LPCWSTR lpString1, LPCWSTR lpString2, int nChar); #define IntlStrEqNA( s1, s2, nChar) IntlStrEqWorkerA( TRUE, s1, s2, nChar) #define IntlStrEqNW( s1, s2, nChar) IntlStrEqWorkerW( TRUE, s1, s2, nChar) #define IntlStrEqNIA(s1, s2, nChar) IntlStrEqWorkerA(FALSE, s1, s2, nChar) #define IntlStrEqNIW(s1, s2, nChar) IntlStrEqWorkerW(FALSE, s1, s2, nChar) #ifdef UNICODE #define IntlStrEqN IntlStrEqNW #define IntlStrEqNI IntlStrEqNIW #else #define IntlStrEqN IntlStrEqNA #define IntlStrEqNI IntlStrEqNIA #endif #define SZ_CONTENTTYPE_HTMLA "text/html" #define SZ_CONTENTTYPE_HTMLW L"text/html" #define SZ_CONTENTTYPE_CDFA "application/x-cdf" #define SZ_CONTENTTYPE_CDFW L"application/x-cdf" #ifdef UNICODE #define SZ_CONTENTTYPE_HTML SZ_CONTENTTYPE_HTMLW #define SZ_CONTENTTYPE_CDF SZ_CONTENTTYPE_CDFW #else #define SZ_CONTENTTYPE_HTML SZ_CONTENTTYPE_HTMLA #define SZ_CONTENTTYPE_CDF SZ_CONTENTTYPE_CDFA #endif #define PathIsHTMLFileA(pszPath) PathIsContentTypeA(pszPath, SZ_CONTENTTYPE_HTMLA) #define PathIsHTMLFileW(pszPath) PathIsContentTypeW(pszPath, SZ_CONTENTTYPE_HTMLW) // Flags for StrToIntEx #define STIF_DEFAULT 0x00000000L #define STIF_SUPPORT_HEX 0x00000001L #define StrCatA lstrcatA #define StrCmpA lstrcmpA #define StrCmpIA lstrcmpiA #define StrCpyA lstrcpyA #define StrCpyNA lstrcpynA #define StrToLong StrToInt #define StrNCmp StrCmpN #define StrNCmpI StrCmpNI #define StrNCpy StrCpyN #define StrCatN StrNCat #ifdef UNICODE #define StrCat StrCatW #define StrCmp StrCmpW #define StrCmpI StrCmpIW #define StrCpy StrCpyW #define StrCpyN StrCpyNW #define StrCatBuff StrCatBuffW #else #define StrCat lstrcatA #define StrCmp lstrcmpA #define StrCmpI lstrcmpiA #define StrCpy lstrcpyA #define StrCpyN lstrcpynA #define StrCatBuff StrCatBuffA #endif ;begin_both #endif // NO_SHLWAPI_STRFCNS ;end_both ;begin_both #ifndef NO_SHLWAPI_PATH // //=============== Path Routines =================================== // ;end_both LWSTDAPI_(LPTSTR%) PathAddBackslash%(LPTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathAddExtension%(LPTSTR% pszPath, LPCTSTR% pszExt); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathAppendA(LPSTR pszPath, LPCSTR pMore); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathAppendW(LPWSTR pszPath, LPCWSTR pMore); LWSTDAPI_(LPTSTR%) PathBuildRoot%(LPTSTR% pszRoot, int iDrive); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathCanonicalizeA(LPSTR pszBuf, LPCSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathCanonicalizeW(LPWSTR pszBuf, LPCWSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(LPTSTR%) PathCombine%(LPTSTR% pszDest, LPCTSTR% pszDir, LPCTSTR% pszFile); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathCompactPathA(HDC hDC, LPSTR pszPath, UINT dx); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathCompactPathW(HDC hDC, LPWSTR pszPath, UINT dx); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathCompactPathExA(LPSTR pszOut, LPCSTR pszSrc, UINT cchMax, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathCompactPathExW(LPWSTR pszOut, LPCWSTR pszSrc, UINT cchMax, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(int) PathCommonPrefixA(LPCSTR pszFile1, LPCSTR pszFile2, LPSTR achPath); LWSTDAPI_(int) PathCommonPrefixW(LPCWSTR pszFile1, LPCWSTR pszFile2, LPWSTR achPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathFileExists%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(LPTSTR%) PathFindExtension%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(LPTSTR%) PathFindFileName%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(LPTSTR%) PathFindNextComponent%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathFindOnPathA(LPSTR pszPath, LPCSTR * ppszOtherDirs); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathFindOnPathW(LPWSTR pszPath, LPCWSTR * ppszOtherDirs); LWSTDAPI_(LPTSTR%) PathGetArgs%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(LPCTSTR%) PathFindSuffixArray%(LPCTSTR% pszPath, const LPCTSTR% *apszSuffix, int iArraySize); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsLFNFileSpec%(LPCTSTR% lpName); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) PathGetCharTypeA(UCHAR ch); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) PathGetCharTypeW(WCHAR ch); // Return flags for PathGetCharType #define GCT_INVALID 0x0000 #define GCT_LFNCHAR 0x0001 #define GCT_SHORTCHAR 0x0002 #define GCT_WILD 0x0004 #define GCT_SEPARATOR 0x0008 LWSTDAPI_(int) PathGetDriveNumber%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsDirectory%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsDirectoryEmpty%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsFileSpec%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsPrefix%(LPCTSTR% pszPrefix, LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsRelative%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsRoot%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsSameRoot%(LPCTSTR% pszPath1, LPCTSTR% pszPath2); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsUNC%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsNetworkPath%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsUNCServer%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsUNCServerShare%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsContentTypeA(LPCSTR pszPath, LPCSTR pszContentType); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsContentTypeW(LPCWSTR pszPath, LPCWSTR pszContentType); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsURL%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathMakePrettyA(LPSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathMakePrettyW(LPWSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathMatchSpecA(LPCSTR pszFile, LPCSTR pszSpec); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathMatchSpecW(LPCWSTR pszFile, LPCWSTR pszSpec); LWSTDAPI_(int) PathParseIconLocationA(LPSTR pszIconFile); LWSTDAPI_(int) PathParseIconLocationW(LPWSTR pszIconFile); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathQuoteSpacesA(LPSTR lpsz); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathQuoteSpacesW(LPWSTR lpsz); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathRelativePathToA(LPSTR pszPath, LPCSTR pszFrom, DWORD dwAttrFrom, LPCSTR pszTo, DWORD dwAttrTo); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathRelativePathToW(LPWSTR pszPath, LPCWSTR pszFrom, DWORD dwAttrFrom, LPCWSTR pszTo, DWORD dwAttrTo); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathRemoveArgsA(LPSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathRemoveArgsW(LPWSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(LPTSTR%) PathRemoveBackslash%(LPTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathRemoveBlanksA(LPSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathRemoveBlanksW(LPWSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathRemoveExtensionA(LPSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathRemoveExtensionW(LPWSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathRemoveFileSpecA(LPSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathRemoveFileSpecW(LPWSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathRenameExtensionA(LPSTR pszPath, LPCSTR pszExt); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathRenameExtensionW(LPWSTR pszPath, LPCWSTR pszExt); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathSearchAndQualifyA(LPCSTR pszPath, LPSTR pszBuf, UINT cchBuf); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathSearchAndQualifyW(LPCWSTR pszPath, LPWSTR pszBuf, UINT cchBuf); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathSetDlgItemPathA(HWND hDlg, int id, LPCSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathSetDlgItemPathW(HWND hDlg, int id, LPCWSTR pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(LPTSTR%) PathSkipRoot%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathStripPath%(LPTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathStripToRoot%(LPTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathUnquoteSpacesA(LPSTR lpsz); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathUnquoteSpacesW(LPWSTR lpsz); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathMakeSystemFolder%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathUnmakeSystemFolder%(LPCTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsSystemFolder%(LPCTSTR% pszPath, DWORD dwAttrb); LWSTDAPI_(void) PathUndecorate%(LPTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathUnExpandEnvStrings%(LPCTSTR% pszPath, LPTSTR% pszBuf, UINT cchBuf); ;begin_internal #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0600) LWSTDAPI SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate(PCWSTR pszCmdTemplate, PWSTR *ppszApplication, PWSTR *ppszCommandLine, PWSTR *ppszParameters); // // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() // * enforces stricter validation before calling CreateProcess(). may also be // used before calling ShellExecute(). // * should be used when caller wants the deterministic behavior from a command template // regardless of execution context. it ignores the current process state, // such as the %PATH%, GetCurrentDirectory(), and parent process directory. // * should be used when the command is hardcoded. // * is used by ShellExecute() when handling file associations from HKCR. // * reduces CreateProcess() commandline exploits // * is not designed for processing user input, and may generate unexpected failures. // // INPUT: // pszCmdTemplate = command line, this may or may not include parameters. // if the parameters are substitution parameters then this API // should be called before parameters have been replaced. // (check the examples below to see sample supported inputs.) // // OUTPUT on return: S_OK // ppszApplication = verified path to the Application. this should be passed as the lpApplication // parameter to CreateProcess() or the lpFile parameter to ShellExecute(). // (allocated using CoTaskMemAlloc(), free with CoTaskMemFree()) // // ppszCommandLine = OPTIONAL - use if planning to call CreateProcess(). // resulting command line template. parameters should be replaced based on this template, // and then passed as the lpCommandLine parameter to CreateProcess(). // it is guaranteed to be of a form that PathGetArgs() will always succeed correctly. // (allocated using CoTaskMemAlloc(), free with CoTaskMemFree()) // // ppszParameters = OPTIONAL - use if planning to call ShellExecute(). // resulting parameter list template. parameters should be replaced based on this template, // and then passed as the lpParameters parameter to ShellExecute(). // NOTE: identical to PathGetArgs(*ppszCommandLine). // (allocated using CoTaskMemAlloc(), free with CoTaskMemFree()) // // OUTPUT on return: FAILED() // all outputs will be NULL'ed on failure // // NOTES: the parsing logic to determine a valid Application path is non-trivial, although // the extension is not required and if missing will be completed // in the following standard order: { .PIF, .COM, .EXE, .BAT, .CMD } // // Relative Paths are System Paths - if the first token has no path qualifiers // then the token is first checked to see if a key of the same name has // been installed under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths. // if the key or default value does not exist, it is assumed to be a child // of the system directories. the following directories will be searched // in order for the relative token: { CSIDL_SYSTEM, CSIDL_WINDOWS } // // Prefer Quoted Paths - if the first token in pszCmdTemplate is quoted and appears // to be an absolute path then the token is the only possible result. // // Limit Forms of Unquoted Paths - if the first token is unquoted and appears // to be an absolute path, then it is subject to more stringent limitations. // if the token is a substring of CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES or does not // exist on the file system, then SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() will // attempt to complete using a token delimited by the first space of the // last valid path segment (usually the file name). if this token also doesnt exist, // then the next space will be used, etc. // // USAGE: used before calling into CreateProcess() or ShellExecute(), callers // would typically look like the following: /* #if 0 // SAMPLE CODE HRESULT MyCreateProcessPriv(PCWSTR pszCmd) { PWSTR pszApp; PWSTR pszCmdLine; HRESULT hr = SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate(pszCmd, &pszApp, &pszCmdLine); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // if this was a real template, maybe some kind of wnsprintf() first? PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si = {0}; si.cb = sizeof(startup); si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; if (CreateProcess(pszApp, pszCmdLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { // we are good ASSERT(hr == S_OK); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } CoTaskMemFree(pszApp); CoTaskMemFree(pszCmdLine); } return hr; } HRESULT MyShellExec(PCWSTR pszCmd) { PWSTR pszApp; PWSTR pszCmdLine; HRESULT hr = SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate(pszCmd, &pszApp, &pszCmdLine); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // if this was a real template, maybe some kind of wnsprintf() first? SHELLEXECUTEINFOW sei = { sizeof(sei), // cbSize; 0, // fMask NULL, // hwnd NULL, // lpVerb pszApp, // lpFile PathGetArgs(pszCmdLine), // lpParameters NULL, // lpDirectory SW_SHOWNORMAL, // nShow 0, // hInstApp NULL, // lpIDList NULL, // lpClass NULL, // hkeyClass 0, // dwHotKey NULL, // hIcon NULL // hProcess }; if (ShellExecuteEx(&sei)) { // we are good ASSERT(hr == S_OK); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } CoTaskMemFree(pszApp); CoTaskMemFree(pszCmdLine); } return hr; } #endif // 0 // SAMPLE CODE */ // EXAMPLE: Each example will show an input parameter and the results returned by // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate(). Also included is the alternate result // of what CreateProcess() would have created if pszCmdTemplate were // passed directly as lpCommandLine and lpApplication were NULL. // (results marked with an asterisk (*) indicate differences.) // // Assume for the examples that the following paths and values exist: // // SHGetFolderPath() values: // CSIDL_SYSTEM = C:\windows\system32 // CSIDL_WINDOWS = C:\windows // CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES = C:\Program Files // // Environment settings // GetModuleFileName(NULL) = C:\Program Files\Example\sample.exe // GetCurrentDirectory() = \\server\share\foo // HKLM\...\App Paths\pbrush.exe = C:\windows\system32\mspaint.exe // HKLM\...\App Paths\mycl.exe = C:\Program Files\Compilers\mycl.exe // PATH = c:\windows\system32;C:\windows;c:\;C:\Program Files\Compilers\ // // Valid Application paths: // C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe // C:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe // C:\windows\system32\notepad.exe // C:\windows\notepad.exe // C:\Program Files\Example\sample.exe // C:\Program Files\Compilers\cl.exe // C:\Other Programs\prog.exe // // Suspicious (possibly hostile) Application paths: // C:\Program.exe // C:\Program Files\Internet.exe // C:\Program Files\Example\regedit.bat // C:\mycl.exe // \\server\share\foo\rundll32.exe // \\server\share\foo\myapp.exe // // // Relative Path Example #1 // pszCmdTemplate = notepad.exe %1 // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\windows\system32\notepad.exe // pszCommandLine = "notepad.exe" %1 // CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\windows\system32\notepad.exe // // Relative Path Example #2 // pszCmdTemplate = rundll32.exe shell32.dll,RunDll // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe // pszCommandLine = "rundll32.exe" shell32.dll,RunDll // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = \\server\share\foo\rundll32.exe // // Relative Path Example #3 // pszCmdTemplate = regedit %1 // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\windows\system32\regedit.exe // pszCommandLine = "regedit.exe" %1 // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Program Files\Example\regedit.bat // // Relative Path Example #4 // pszCmdTemplate = pbrush "%1" // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\windows\system32\mspaint.exe // pszCommandLine = "mspaint.exe" "%1" // * CreateProcess() would return FALSE // // Relative Path Example #5 // pszCmdTemplate = mycl "%1" "%2" // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\Program Files\Compilers\mycl.exe // pszCommandLine = "mycl.exe" "%1" "%2" // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\mycl.exe // // Relative Path Example #6 // pszCmdTemplate = myapp.exe // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: CO_E_APPNOTFOUND // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = \\server\share\foo\myapp.exe // // Quoted Path Example #1 // pszCmdTemplate = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -nohome // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe // pszCommandLine = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -nohome // CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe // // Quoted Path Example #2 // pszCmdTemplate = "C:\Program Files\Internet" -url // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\Program Files\Internet.exe // pszCommandLine = "C:\Program Files\Internet.exe" -url // CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Program Files\internet.exe // // Quoted Path Example #3 // pszCmdTemplate = "C:\Program" -url // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\Program.exe // pszCommandLine = "C:\Program.exe" -url // CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Program.exe // // Unquoted Example #1 // pszCmdTemplate = C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe -nohome // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe // pszCommandLine = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -nohome // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Program.exe // // Unquoted Example #2 // pszCmdTemplate = C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe -url fool.htm // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe // pszCommandLine = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -url fool.htm // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Program.exe // // Unquoted Example #3 // pszCmdTemplate = C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe -url C:\fool.htm // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe // pszCommandLine = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -url C:\fool.htm // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Program.exe // // Unquoted Example #4 // pszCmdTemplate = C:\Program Files\Internet -url // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\Program Files\Internet.exe // pszCommandLine = "C:\Program Files\Internet.exe" -url // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Program.exe // // Unquoted Example #5 // pszCmdTemplate = C:\Other Programs\prog.exe -go %1 \fool %2 // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\Other Programs\prog.exe // pszCommandLine = "C:\Other Programs\prog.exe" %1 \fool %2 // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Other Programs\prog.exe // // Unquoted Example #6 // pszCmdTemplate = C:\Other Programs\prog.exe -go "\fool" "%1" // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: S_OK // pszApplication = C:\Other Programs\prog.exe // pszCommandLine = "C:\Other Programs\prog.exe" -go "\fool" "%1" // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Other Programs\prog.exe // // Unquoted Example #7 // pszCmdTemplate = C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe -url \fool.htm // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: CO_E_APPNOTFOUND // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Program.exe // // Unquoted Example #8 // pszCmdTemplate = C:\Program -url // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: E_ACCESSDENIED // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Program.exe // // Unquoted Example #9 // pszCmdTemplate = C:\Other Programs\prog.exe -go \fool us // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: CO_E_APPNOTFOUND // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Other Programs\prog.exe // // Unquoted Example #10 // pszCmdTemplate = C:\Other Programs\prog.exe -go \fool %1 // SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate() returns: CO_E_APPNOTFOUND // * CreateProcess() would return TRUE // new process = C:\Other Programs\prog.exe // #endif //(_WIN32_IE >= 0x0600) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathUnExpandEnvStringsForUser%(HANDLE hToken, LPCTSTR% pszPath, LPTSTR% pszBuf, UINT cchBuf); LWSTDAPI_(void) PrettifyFileDescription%(LPTSTR pszDesc%, LPCTSTR% pszCutList); #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) #if defined(WINNT) && (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0550) //====== ACL helpers ================================================== // // shell struct to identify user/group for each ACE // typedef struct _SHELL_USER_SID { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY sidAuthority; DWORD dwUserGroupID; DWORD dwUserID; } SHELL_USER_SID, *PSHELL_USER_SID; // // common SHELL_USER_SID's // // NOTE: you need to link to stocklib.lib to resolve these // extern const SHELL_USER_SID susCurrentUser; // the current user extern const SHELL_USER_SID susSystem; // the "SYSTEM" group extern const SHELL_USER_SID susAdministrators; // the "Administrators" group extern const SHELL_USER_SID susPowerUsers; // the "Power Users" group extern const SHELL_USER_SID susGuests; // the "Guests" group extern const SHELL_USER_SID susEveryone; // the "Everyone" group // // shell struct that is passed to GetShellSecurityDescriptor() // typedef struct _SHELL_USER_PERMISSION { SHELL_USER_SID susID; // identifies the user for whom you want to grant permissions to DWORD dwAccessType; // this is either ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE or ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE BOOL fInherit; // the permissions inheritable? (eg a directory or reg key and you want new children to inherit this permission) DWORD dwAccessMask; // access granted (eg FILE_LIST_CONTENTS, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, etc...) DWORD dwInheritMask; // mask used for inheritance, usually (OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE | CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | INHERIT_ONLY_ACE) DWORD dwInheritAccessMask; // the inheritable access granted (eg GENERIC_ALL) } SHELL_USER_PERMISSION, *PSHELL_USER_PERMISSION; // // The GetShellSecurityDescriptor API takes an array of PSHELL_USER_PERMISSION's // and returns a PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR based on those permission (an ACL is // contained in the PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR). // // NOTE: The PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR returned to the caller must be freed with LocalFree() // if it is non-null. // // // Parameters: // apUserPerm - Array of shell_user_permission structs that defines what type // of access various users are allowed // // cUserPerm - count of elements in apUserPerm. // // Returns: // SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR* or NULL if failed. // LWSTDAPI_(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR*) GetShellSecurityDescriptor(PSHELL_USER_PERMISSION* apUserPerm, int cUserPerm); #endif // defined(WINNT) && (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0550) ;end_internal #ifdef UNICODE #define PathAppend PathAppendW #define PathCanonicalize PathCanonicalizeW #define PathCompactPath PathCompactPathW #define PathCompactPathEx PathCompactPathExW #define PathCommonPrefix PathCommonPrefixW #define PathFindOnPath PathFindOnPathW #define PathGetCharType PathGetCharTypeW #define PathIsContentType PathIsContentTypeW #define PathIsHTMLFile PathIsHTMLFileW #define PathMakePretty PathMakePrettyW #define PathMatchSpec PathMatchSpecW #define PathParseIconLocation PathParseIconLocationW #define PathQuoteSpaces PathQuoteSpacesW #define PathRelativePathTo PathRelativePathToW #define PathRemoveArgs PathRemoveArgsW #define PathRemoveBlanks PathRemoveBlanksW #define PathRemoveExtension PathRemoveExtensionW #define PathRemoveFileSpec PathRemoveFileSpecW #define PathRenameExtension PathRenameExtensionW #define PathSearchAndQualify PathSearchAndQualifyW #define PathSetDlgItemPath PathSetDlgItemPathW #define PathUnquoteSpaces PathUnquoteSpacesW #else #define PathAppend PathAppendA #define PathCanonicalize PathCanonicalizeA #define PathCompactPath PathCompactPathA #define PathCompactPathEx PathCompactPathExA #define PathCommonPrefix PathCommonPrefixA #define PathFindOnPath PathFindOnPathA #define PathGetCharType PathGetCharTypeA #define PathIsContentType PathIsContentTypeA #define PathIsHTMLFile PathIsHTMLFileA #define PathMakePretty PathMakePrettyA #define PathMatchSpec PathMatchSpecA #define PathParseIconLocation PathParseIconLocationA #define PathQuoteSpaces PathQuoteSpacesA #define PathRelativePathTo PathRelativePathToA #define PathRemoveArgs PathRemoveArgsA #define PathRemoveBlanks PathRemoveBlanksA #define PathRemoveExtension PathRemoveExtensionA #define PathRemoveFileSpec PathRemoveFileSpecA #define PathRenameExtension PathRenameExtensionA #define PathSearchAndQualify PathSearchAndQualifyA #define PathSetDlgItemPath PathSetDlgItemPathA #define PathUnquoteSpaces PathUnquoteSpacesA #endif typedef enum { URL_SCHEME_INVALID = -1, URL_SCHEME_UNKNOWN = 0, URL_SCHEME_FTP, URL_SCHEME_HTTP, URL_SCHEME_GOPHER, URL_SCHEME_MAILTO, URL_SCHEME_NEWS, URL_SCHEME_NNTP, URL_SCHEME_TELNET, URL_SCHEME_WAIS, URL_SCHEME_FILE, URL_SCHEME_MK, URL_SCHEME_HTTPS, URL_SCHEME_SHELL, URL_SCHEME_SNEWS, URL_SCHEME_LOCAL, URL_SCHEME_JAVASCRIPT, URL_SCHEME_VBSCRIPT, URL_SCHEME_ABOUT, URL_SCHEME_RES, URL_SCHEME_MSSHELLROOTED, URL_SCHEME_MSSHELLIDLIST, URL_SCHEME_MSHELP, URL_SCHEME_MAXVALUE } URL_SCHEME; typedef enum { URL_PART_NONE = 0, URL_PART_SCHEME = 1, URL_PART_HOSTNAME, URL_PART_USERNAME, URL_PART_PASSWORD, URL_PART_PORT, URL_PART_QUERY, } URL_PART; typedef enum { URLIS_URL, URLIS_OPAQUE, URLIS_NOHISTORY, URLIS_FILEURL, URLIS_APPLIABLE, URLIS_DIRECTORY, URLIS_HASQUERY, } URLIS; #define URL_UNESCAPE 0x10000000 #define URL_ESCAPE_UNSAFE 0x20000000 #define URL_PLUGGABLE_PROTOCOL 0x40000000 #define URL_WININET_COMPATIBILITY 0x80000000 #define URL_DONT_ESCAPE_EXTRA_INFO 0x02000000 #define URL_DONT_UNESCAPE_EXTRA_INFO URL_DONT_ESCAPE_EXTRA_INFO #define URL_BROWSER_MODE URL_DONT_ESCAPE_EXTRA_INFO #define URL_ESCAPE_SPACES_ONLY 0x04000000 #define URL_DONT_SIMPLIFY 0x08000000 #define URL_NO_META URL_DONT_SIMPLIFY #define URL_UNESCAPE_INPLACE 0x00100000 #define URL_CONVERT_IF_DOSPATH 0x00200000 #define URL_UNESCAPE_HIGH_ANSI_ONLY 0x00400000 #define URL_INTERNAL_PATH 0x00800000 // Will escape #'s in paths #define URL_FILE_USE_PATHURL 0x00010000 #define URL_ESCAPE_PERCENT 0x00001000 #define URL_ESCAPE_SEGMENT_ONLY 0x00002000 // Treat the entire URL param as one URL segment. #define URL_PARTFLAG_KEEPSCHEME 0x00000001 #define URL_APPLY_DEFAULT 0x00000001 #define URL_APPLY_GUESSSCHEME 0x00000002 #define URL_APPLY_GUESSFILE 0x00000004 #define URL_APPLY_FORCEAPPLY 0x00000008 LWSTDAPI_(int) UrlCompareA(LPCSTR psz1, LPCSTR psz2, BOOL fIgnoreSlash); LWSTDAPI_(int) UrlCompareW(LPCWSTR psz1, LPCWSTR psz2, BOOL fIgnoreSlash); LWSTDAPI UrlCombineA(LPCSTR pszBase, LPCSTR pszRelative, LPSTR pszCombined, LPDWORD pcchCombined, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI UrlCombineW(LPCWSTR pszBase, LPCWSTR pszRelative, LPWSTR pszCombined, LPDWORD pcchCombined, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI UrlCanonicalizeA(LPCSTR pszUrl, LPSTR pszCanonicalized, LPDWORD pcchCanonicalized, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI UrlCanonicalizeW(LPCWSTR pszUrl, LPWSTR pszCanonicalized, LPDWORD pcchCanonicalized, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) UrlIsOpaqueA(LPCSTR pszURL); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) UrlIsOpaqueW(LPCWSTR pszURL); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) UrlIsNoHistoryA(LPCSTR pszURL); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) UrlIsNoHistoryW(LPCWSTR pszURL); #define UrlIsFileUrlA(pszURL) UrlIsA(pszURL, URLIS_FILEURL) #define UrlIsFileUrlW(pszURL) UrlIsW(pszURL, URLIS_FILEURL) LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) UrlIsA(LPCSTR pszUrl, URLIS UrlIs); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) UrlIsW(LPCWSTR pszUrl, URLIS UrlIs); LWSTDAPI_(LPCSTR) UrlGetLocationA(LPCSTR psz1); LWSTDAPI_(LPCWSTR) UrlGetLocationW(LPCWSTR psz1); LWSTDAPI UrlUnescapeA(LPSTR pszUrl, LPSTR pszUnescaped, LPDWORD pcchUnescaped, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI UrlUnescapeW(LPWSTR pszUrl, LPWSTR pszUnescaped, LPDWORD pcchUnescaped, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI UrlEscapeA(LPCSTR pszUrl, LPSTR pszEscaped, LPDWORD pcchEscaped, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI UrlEscapeW(LPCWSTR pszUrl, LPWSTR pszEscaped, LPDWORD pcchEscaped, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI UrlCreateFromPathA(LPCSTR pszPath, LPSTR pszUrl, LPDWORD pcchUrl, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI UrlCreateFromPathW(LPCWSTR pszPath, LPWSTR pszUrl, LPDWORD pcchUrl, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI PathCreateFromUrlA(LPCSTR pszUrl, LPSTR pszPath, LPDWORD pcchPath, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI PathCreateFromUrlW(LPCWSTR pszUrl, LPWSTR pszPath, LPDWORD pcchPath, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI UrlHashA(LPCSTR pszUrl, LPBYTE pbHash, DWORD cbHash); LWSTDAPI UrlHashW(LPCWSTR pszUrl, LPBYTE pbHash, DWORD cbHash); LWSTDAPI UrlGetPartW(LPCWSTR pszIn, LPWSTR pszOut, LPDWORD pcchOut, DWORD dwPart, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI UrlGetPartA(LPCSTR pszIn, LPSTR pszOut, LPDWORD pcchOut, DWORD dwPart, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI UrlApplySchemeA(LPCSTR pszIn, LPSTR pszOut, LPDWORD pcchOut, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI UrlApplySchemeW(LPCWSTR pszIn, LPWSTR pszOut, LPDWORD pcchOut, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI HashData(LPBYTE pbData, DWORD cbData, LPBYTE pbHash, DWORD cbHash); ;begin_internal LWSTDAPI UrlFixupW(LPCWSTR pszIn, LPWSTR pszOut, DWORD cchOut); // NTRAID:108139 akabir We need to move the components stuff from wininet.h to shlwapi. typedef WORD SHINTERNET_PORT; typedef SHINTERNET_PORT * LPSHINTERNET_PORT; // // SHINTERNET_SCHEME - enumerated URL scheme type // typedef enum { SHINTERNET_SCHEME_PARTIAL = -2, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_UNKNOWN = -1, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_DEFAULT = 0, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_FTP, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_GOPHER, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_HTTP, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_HTTPS, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_FILE, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_NEWS, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_MAILTO, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_SOCKS, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_JAVASCRIPT, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_VBSCRIPT, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_RES, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_FIRST = SHINTERNET_SCHEME_FTP, SHINTERNET_SCHEME_LAST = SHINTERNET_SCHEME_RES } SHINTERNET_SCHEME, * LPSHINTERNET_SCHEME; // // SHURL_COMPONENTS - the constituent parts of an URL. Used in InternetCrackUrl() // and InternetCreateUrl() // // For InternetCrackUrl(), if a pointer field and its corresponding length field // are both 0 then that component is not returned. If the pointer field is NULL // but the length field is not zero, then both the pointer and length fields are // returned if both pointer and corresponding length fields are non-zero then // the pointer field points to a buffer where the component is copied. The // component may be un-escaped, depending on dwFlags // // For InternetCreateUrl(), the pointer fields should be NULL if the component // is not required. If the corresponding length field is zero then the pointer // field is the address of a zero-terminated string. If the length field is not // zero then it is the string length of the corresponding pointer field // #pragma warning( disable : 4121 ) // disable alignment warning typedef struct { DWORD dwStructSize; // size of this structure. Used in version check LPTSTR% lpszScheme; // pointer to scheme name DWORD dwSchemeLength; // length of scheme name SHINTERNET_SCHEME nScheme; // enumerated scheme type (if known) LPTSTR% lpszHostName; // pointer to host name DWORD dwHostNameLength; // length of host name SHINTERNET_PORT nPort; // converted port number LPTSTR% lpszUserName; // pointer to user name DWORD dwUserNameLength; // length of user name LPTSTR% lpszPassword; // pointer to password DWORD dwPasswordLength; // length of password LPTSTR% lpszUrlPath; // pointer to URL-path DWORD dwUrlPathLength; // length of URL-path LPTSTR% lpszExtraInfo; // pointer to extra information (e.g. ?foo or #foo) DWORD dwExtraInfoLength; // length of extra information } SHURL_COMPONENTS%, * LPSHURL_COMPONENTS%; BOOL WINAPI UrlCrackW(LPCWSTR lpszUrl, DWORD dwUrlLength, DWORD dwFlags, LPSHURL_COMPONENTSW lpUrlComponents); ;end_internal #ifdef UNICODE #define UrlCompare UrlCompareW #define UrlCombine UrlCombineW #define UrlCanonicalize UrlCanonicalizeW #define UrlIsOpaque UrlIsOpaqueW #define UrlIsFileUrl UrlIsFileUrlW #define UrlGetLocation UrlGetLocationW #define UrlUnescape UrlUnescapeW #define UrlEscape UrlEscapeW #define UrlCreateFromPath UrlCreateFromPathW #define PathCreateFromUrl PathCreateFromUrlW #define UrlHash UrlHashW #define UrlGetPart UrlGetPartW #define UrlApplyScheme UrlApplySchemeW #define UrlIs UrlIsW ;begin_internal #define UrlFixup UrlFixupW ;end_internal #else //!UNICODE #define UrlCompare UrlCompareA #define UrlCombine UrlCombineA #define UrlCanonicalize UrlCanonicalizeA #define UrlIsOpaque UrlIsOpaqueA #define UrlIsFileUrl UrlIsFileUrlA #define UrlGetLocation UrlGetLocationA #define UrlUnescape UrlUnescapeA #define UrlEscape UrlEscapeA #define UrlCreateFromPath UrlCreateFromPathA #define PathCreateFromUrl PathCreateFromUrlA #define UrlHash UrlHashA #define UrlGetPart UrlGetPartA #define UrlApplyScheme UrlApplySchemeA #define UrlIs UrlIsA ;begin_internal // no UrlFixupA ;end_internal #endif //UNICODE #define UrlEscapeSpaces(pszUrl, pszEscaped, pcchEscaped) UrlCanonicalize(pszUrl, pszEscaped, pcchEscaped, URL_ESCAPE_SPACES_ONLY |URL_DONT_ESCAPE_EXTRA_INFO ) #define UrlUnescapeInPlace(pszUrl, dwFlags) UrlUnescape(pszUrl, NULL, NULL, dwFlags | URL_UNESCAPE_INPLACE) ;begin_internal // // Internal APIs which we're not yet sure whether to make public // // Private IHlinkFrame::Navigate flags related to history // This navigate should not go in the History ShellFolder #define SHHLNF_WRITENOHISTORY 0x08000000 // This navigate should not automatically select History ShellFolder #define SHHLNF_NOAUTOSELECT 0x04000000 // The order of these flags is important. See the source before // changing these. #define PFOPEX_NONE 0x00000000 #define PFOPEX_PIF 0x00000001 #define PFOPEX_COM 0x00000002 #define PFOPEX_EXE 0x00000004 #define PFOPEX_BAT 0x00000008 #define PFOPEX_LNK 0x00000010 #define PFOPEX_CMD 0x00000020 #define PFOPEX_OPTIONAL 0x00000040 // Search only if Extension not present #define PFOPEX_DEFAULT (PFOPEX_CMD | PFOPEX_COM | PFOPEX_BAT | PFOPEX_PIF | PFOPEX_EXE | PFOPEX_LNK) LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathFileExistsDefExt%(LPTSTR% pszPath, UINT uFlags); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathFindOnPathEx%(LPTSTR% pszPath, LPCTSTR% * ppszOtherDirs, UINT uFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LPCTSTR%) PathSkipLeadingSlashes%(LPCTSTR% pszURL); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) SHGetSystemWindowsDirectory%(LPTSTR% lpBuffer, UINT uSize); #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) // // These are functions that used to be duplicated in shell32, but have // be consolidated here. They are exported privately until someone decides // we really want to document them. // LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathFileExistsAndAttributes%(LPCTSTR% pszPath, OPTIONAL DWORD* pdwAttributes); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathFileExistsDefExtAndAttributes%(LPTSTR% pszPath, UINT uFlags, DWORD *pdwAttribs); LWSTDAPI_(void) FixSlashesAndColon%(LPTSTR% pszPath); LWSTDAPI_(LPCTSTR%) NextPath%(LPCTSTR% lpPath, LPTSTR% szPath, int cchPath); LWSTDAPI_(LPTSTR%) CharUpperNoDBCS%(LPTSTR% psz); LWSTDAPI_(LPTSTR%) CharLowerNoDBCS%(LPTSTR% psz); // // flags for PathIsValidChar() // #define PIVC_ALLOW_QUESTIONMARK 0x00000001 // treat '?' as valid #define PIVC_ALLOW_STAR 0x00000002 // treat '*' as valid #define PIVC_ALLOW_DOT 0x00000004 // treat '.' as valid #define PIVC_ALLOW_SLASH 0x00000008 // treat '\\' as valid #define PIVC_ALLOW_COLON 0x00000010 // treat ':' as valid #define PIVC_ALLOW_SEMICOLON 0x00000020 // treat ';' as valid #define PIVC_ALLOW_COMMA 0x00000040 // treat ',' as valid #define PIVC_ALLOW_SPACE 0x00000080 // treat ' ' as valid #define PIVC_ALLOW_NONALPAHABETIC 0x00000100 // treat non-alphabetic exteneded chars as valid #define PIVC_ALLOW_QUOTE 0x00000200 // treat '"' as valid // // standard masks for PathIsValidChar() // #define PIVC_SFN_NAME (PIVC_ALLOW_DOT | PIVC_ALLOW_NONALPAHABETIC) #define PIVC_SFN_FULLPATH (PIVC_SFN_NAME | PIVC_ALLOW_COLON | PIVC_ALLOW_SLASH) #define PIVC_LFN_NAME (PIVC_ALLOW_DOT | PIVC_ALLOW_NONALPAHABETIC | PIVC_ALLOW_SEMICOLON | PIVC_ALLOW_COMMA | PIVC_ALLOW_SPACE) #define PIVC_LFN_FULLPATH (PIVC_LFN_NAME | PIVC_ALLOW_COLON | PIVC_ALLOW_SLASH) #define PIVC_SFN_FILESPEC (PIVC_SFN_FULLPATH | PIVC_ALLOW_STAR | PIVC_ALLOW_QUESTIONMARK) #define PIVC_LFN_FILESPEC (PIVC_LFN_FULLPATH | PIVC_ALLOW_STAR | PIVC_ALLOW_QUESTIONMARK) LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsValidCharA(UCHAR ch, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PathIsValidCharW(WCHAR ch, DWORD dwFlags); #ifdef UNICODE #define PathIsValidChar PathIsValidCharW #else #define PathIsValidChar PathIsValidCharA #endif // !UNICODE #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) // parsed URL information returned by ParseURL() // // Internet_CrackURL is the correct function for external components // to use. URL.DLL calls this function to do some work and the shell // uses this function as a leight-weight parsing function as well. typedef struct tagPARSEDURL% { DWORD cbSize; // Pointers into the buffer that was provided to ParseURL LPCTSTR% pszProtocol; UINT cchProtocol; LPCTSTR% pszSuffix; UINT cchSuffix; UINT nScheme; // One of URL_SCHEME_* } PARSEDURL%, * PPARSEDURL%; LWSTDAPI ParseURL%(LPCTSTR% pcszURL, PARSEDURL% * ppu); ;end_internal ;begin_both #endif // NO_SHLWAPI_PATH ;end_both ;begin_both #ifndef NO_SHLWAPI_REG // //=============== Registry Routines =================================== // ;end_both // SHDeleteEmptyKey mimics RegDeleteKey as it behaves on NT. // SHDeleteKey mimics RegDeleteKey as it behaves on Win95. LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHDeleteEmptyKey%(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR% pszSubKey); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHDeleteKey%(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR% pszSubKey); LWSTDAPI_(HKEY) SHRegDuplicateHKey(HKEY hkey); ;begin_internal // SHDeleteOrphanKey is the old name for SHDeleteEmptyKey. // SHDeleteOrphanKey already maps to SHDeleteEmptyKey in the DLL exports. LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHDeleteOrphanKey%(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR% pszSubKey); ;end_internal // These functions open the key, get/set/delete the value, then close // the key. LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHDeleteValue%(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR% pszSubKey, LPCTSTR% pszValue); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHGetValue%(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR% pszSubKey, LPCTSTR% pszValue, DWORD *pdwType, void *pvData, DWORD *pcbData); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHSetValue%(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR% pszSubKey, LPCTSTR% pszValue, DWORD dwType, LPCVOID pvData, DWORD cbData); // // SRRF - Shell Registry Routine Flags (for SHRegGetValue) // typedef DWORD SRRF; #define SRRF_RT_REG_NONE 0x00000001 // restrict type to REG_NONE (other data types will not return ERROR_SUCCESS) #define SRRF_RT_REG_SZ 0x00000002 // restrict type to REG_SZ (other data types will not return ERROR_SUCCESS) #define SRRF_RT_REG_EXPAND_SZ 0x00000004 // restrict type to REG_EXPAND_SZ (other data types will not return ERROR_SUCCESS) #define SRRF_RT_REG_BINARY 0x00000008 // restrict type to REG_BINARY (other data types will not return ERROR_SUCCESS) #define SRRF_RT_REG_DWORD 0x00000010 // restrict type to REG_DWORD (other data types will not return ERROR_SUCCESS) #define SRRF_RT_REG_MULTI_SZ 0x00000020 // restrict type to REG_MULTI_SZ (other data types will not return ERROR_SUCCESS) #define SRRF_RT_REG_QWORD 0x00000040 // restrict type to REG_QWORD (other data types will not return ERROR_SUCCESS) #define SRRF_RT_DWORD (SRRF_RT_REG_BINARY | SRRF_RT_REG_DWORD) // restrict type to *32-bit* SRRF_RT_REG_BINARY or SRRF_RT_REG_DWORD (other data types will not return ERROR_SUCCESS) #define SRRF_RT_QWORD (SRRF_RT_REG_BINARY | SRRF_RT_REG_QWORD) // restrict type to *64-bit* SRRF_RT_REG_BINARY or SRRF_RT_REG_DWORD (other data types will not return ERROR_SUCCESS) #define SRRF_RT_ANY 0x0000ffff // no type restriction #define SRRF_RM_ANY 0x00000000 // no mode restriction (default is to allow any mode) #define SRRF_RM_NORMAL 0x00010000 // restrict system startup mode to "normal boot" (other startup modes will not return ERROR_SUCCESS) #define SRRF_RM_SAFE 0x00020000 // restrict system startup mode to "safe mode" (other startup modes will not return ERROR_SUCCESS) #define SRRF_RM_SAFENETWORK 0x00040000 // restrict system startup mode to "safe mode with networking" (other startup modes will not return ERROR_SUCCESS) #define SRRF_NOEXPAND 0x10000000 // do not automatically expand environment strings if value is of type REG_EXPAND_SZ #define SRRF_ZEROONFAILURE 0x20000000 // if pvData is not NULL, set content to all zeros on failure // Function: // // SHRegGetValue() // // Purpose: // // Gets a registry value. SHRegGetValue() provides the following benefits: // // - data type checking // - boot mode checking // - auto-expansion of REG_EXPAND_SZ data // - guaranteed NULL termination of REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ data // ;begin_internal // This is the single, one stop shop for all your 'get registry data' needs. // If this function doesn't do what you're looking for now, ask yourself if // it can be enhanced in a simple way to do it before you go adding yet // another API. // ;end_internal // Parameters: // // hkey - handle to a currently open key. // // pszSubKey - pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the relative // path from hkey to one of its subkeys from which the data is // to be retrieved. this will be opened with KEY_READ sam. // // Note1: pszSubKey can be NULL or "". In either of these two // cases, the data is retrieved from the hkey itself. // Note2: *** PERF *** // If pszSubKey is not NULL or "", the subkey will be // automatically be opened and closed by this routine // in order to obtain the data. If you are retrieving // multiple values from the same subkey, it is better // for perf to open the subkey via RegOpenKeyEx() prior // to calling this method, and using this opened key as // hkey with pszSubKey set to NULL. // // pszValue - pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the name of // the value to query for data // // Note1: pszValue can be NULL or "". In either of these two // cases, the data is retrieved from the unnamed or // default value. // // dwFlags - bitwise or of SRRF_ flags, which cannot be 0: at least one // type restriction must be specified (SRRF_RT_...), or if any // type is desired then SRRF_RT_ANY can be specified // // Note1: SRRF_RT_ANY will allow any data type to be returned. // Note2: The following two type restrictions have special // handling semantics: // // SRRF_RT_DWORD == SRRF_RT_REG_BINARY | SRRF_RT_REG_DWORD // SRRF_RT_QWORD == SRRF_RT_REG_BINARY | SRRF_RT_REG_QWORD // // If either of these are specified, with no other type // restrictions, then in the prior case the restriction // will limit "valid" returned data to either REG_DWORD // or 32-bit REG_BINARY data, and in the latter case // the restriction will limit "valid" returned data to // either REG_QWORD or 64-bit REG_BINARY. // // pdwType - pointer to a dword which receives a code indicating the // type of data stored in the specified value // // Note1: pdwType can be NULL if no type information is wanted // Note2: If pdwType is not NULL, and the SRRF_NOEXPAND flag // has not been set, data types of REG_EXPAND_SZ will // be returned as REG_SZ since they are automatically // expanded in this method. // // pvData - pointer to a buffer that receives the value's data // // Note1: pvData can be NULL if the data is not required. // pvData is usually NULL if doing either a simple // existence test, or if interested in the size only. // Note2: *** PERF *** // Reference 'perf' note for pcbData. // // pcbData - when pvData is NULL: // optional pointer to a dword that receives a size in bytes // which would be sufficient to hold the registry data (note // this size is not guaranteed to be exact, merely sufficient) // when pvData is not NULL: // required pointer to a dword that specifies the size in // bytes of the buffer pointed to by the pvData parameter // and receives a size in bytes of: // a) the number of bytes read into pvData on ERROR_SUCCESS // (note this size is guaranteed to be exact) // b) the number of bytes which would be sufficient to hold // the registry data on ERROR_MORE_DATA -- pvData was of // insufficient size (note this size is not guaranteed to // be exact, merely sufficient) // // Note1: pcbData can be NULL only if pvData is NULL. // Note2: *** PERF *** // The potential for an 'extra' call to the registry to // read (or re-read) in the data exists when the data // type is REG_EXPAND_SZ and the SRRF_NOEXPAND flag has // not been set. The following conditions will result // in this 'extra' read operation: // i) when pvData is NULL and pcbData is not NULL // we must read in the data from the registry // anyway in order to obtain the string and perform // an expand on it to obtain and return the total // required size in pcbData // ii) when pvData is not NULL but is of insufficient // size we must re-read in the data from the // registry in order to obtain the entire string // and perform an expand on it to obtain and return // the total required size in pcbData // // Remarks: // // The key identified by hkey must have been opened with KEY_QUERY_VALUE // access. If pszSubKey is not NULL or "", it must be able to be opened // with KEY_QUERY_VALUE access in the current calling context. // // If the data type is REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ or REG_MULTI_SZ then any // returned data is guaranteed to take into account proper null termination. // For example: if pcbData is not NULL, its returned size will include the // bytes for a null terminator if pvData is not NULL, its returned data // will be properly null terminated. // // If the data type is REG_EXPAND_SZ, then unless the SRRF_NOEXPAND flag // is set the data will be automatically expanded prior to being returned. // For example: if pdwType is not NULL, its returned type will be changed // to REG_SZ, if pcbData is not NULL, its returned size will include the // bytes for a properly expanded string. if pvData is not NULL, its // returned data will be the expanded version of the string. // // Reference MSDN documentation for RegQueryValueEx() for more information // of the behaviour when pdwType, pvData, and/or pcbData are equal to NULL. // // Return Values: // // If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS and all out // parameters requested (pdwType, pvData, pcbData) are valid. // // If the function fails due to insufficient space in a provided non-NULL // pvData, the return value is ERROR_MORE_DATA and only pdwType and pcbData // can contain valid data. The content of pvData in this case is undefined. // // Examples: // // 1) read REG_SZ (or REG_EXPAND_SZ as REG_SZ) "string" data from the (default) value of an open hkey // // TCHAR szData[128] // DWORD cbData = sizeof(pszData) // if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegGetValue(hkey, NULL, NULL, SRRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, szData, &cbData)) // { // // use sz (successful read) // } // // 2) read REG_SZ (or REG_EXPAND_SZ as REG_SZ) "string" data of unknown size from the "MyValue" value of an open hkey // // DWORD cbData // if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegGetValue(hkey, NULL, TEXT("MyValue"), SRRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, NULL, &cbData)) // { // TCHAR *pszData = new TCHAR[cbData/sizeof(TCHAR)] // if (pszData) // { // if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegGetValue(hkey, NULL, TEXT("MyValue"), SRRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, pszData, &cbData)) // { // // use pszData (successful read) // } // delete[] pszData // } // } // // 3) read "dword" data from the "MyValue" value of the "MySubKey" subkey of an open hkey // // DWORD dwData // DWORD cbData = sizeof(dwData) // if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegGetValue(hkey, TEXT("MySubKey"), TEXT("MyValue"), SRRF_RT_REG_DWORD, NULL, &dwData, &cbData)) // { // // use dwData (successful read) // } // // 4) read "dword" data from the "MyValue" value of the "MySubKey" subkey of an open hkey (32-bit binary data also ok) // // DWORD dwData // DWORD cbData = sizeof(dwData) // if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegGetValue(hkey, TEXT("MySubKey"), TEXT("MyValue"), SRRF_RT_DWORD, NULL, &dwData, &cbData)) // { // // use dwData (successful read) // } // // 5) determine existence of "MyValue" value of an open hkey // // BOOL bExists = ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegGetValue(hkey, NULL, TEXT("MyValue"), SRRF_RT_ANY, NULL, NULL, NULL) LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegGetValue%(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR% pszSubKey, LPCTSTR% pszValue, SRRF dwFlags, DWORD *pdwType, void *pvData, DWORD *pcbData); // These functions behave just like RegQueryValueEx(), except if the data // type is REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ or REG_MULTI_SZ then the string is // guaranteed to be properly null terminated. // // Additionally, if the data type is REG_EXPAND_SZ these functions will // go ahead and expand out the string, and "massage" the returned *pdwType // to be REG_SZ. LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHQueryValueEx%(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR% pszValue, DWORD *pdwReserved, DWORD *pdwType, void *pvData, DWORD *pcbData); // Enumeration functions support. LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHEnumKeyExA(HKEY hkey, DWORD dwIndex, LPSTR pszName, LPDWORD pcchName); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHEnumKeyExW(HKEY hkey, DWORD dwIndex, LPWSTR pszName, LPDWORD pcchName); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHEnumValueA(HKEY hkey, DWORD dwIndex, LPSTR pszValueName, LPDWORD pcchValueName, LPDWORD pdwType, void *pvData, LPDWORD pcbData); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHEnumValueW(HKEY hkey, DWORD dwIndex, LPWSTR pszValueName, LPDWORD pcchValueName, LPDWORD pdwType, void *pvData, LPDWORD pcbData); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHQueryInfoKeyA(HKEY hkey, LPDWORD pcSubKeys, LPDWORD pcchMaxSubKeyLen, LPDWORD pcValues, LPDWORD pcchMaxValueNameLen); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHQueryInfoKeyW(HKEY hkey, LPDWORD pcSubKeys, LPDWORD pcchMaxSubKeyLen, LPDWORD pcValues, LPDWORD pcchMaxValueNameLen); // recursive key copy LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHCopyKeyA(HKEY hkeySrc, LPCSTR szSrcSubKey, HKEY hkeyDest, DWORD fReserved); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHCopyKeyW(HKEY hkeySrc, LPCWSTR wszSrcSubKey, HKEY hkeyDest, DWORD fReserved); // Getting and setting file system paths with environment variables LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHRegGetPathA(HKEY hKey, LPCSTR pcszSubKey, LPCSTR pcszValue, LPSTR pszPath, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHRegGetPathW(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pcszSubKey, LPCWSTR pcszValue, LPWSTR pszPath, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHRegSetPathA(HKEY hKey, LPCSTR pcszSubKey, LPCSTR pcszValue, LPCSTR pcszPath, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHRegSetPathW(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pcszSubKey, LPCWSTR pcszValue, LPCWSTR pcszPath, DWORD dwFlags); #ifdef UNICODE #define SHEnumKeyEx SHEnumKeyExW #define SHEnumValue SHEnumValueW #define SHQueryInfoKey SHQueryInfoKeyW #define SHCopyKey SHCopyKeyW #define SHRegGetPath SHRegGetPathW #define SHRegSetPath SHRegSetPathW #else #define SHEnumKeyEx SHEnumKeyExA #define SHEnumValue SHEnumValueA #define SHQueryInfoKey SHQueryInfoKeyA #define SHCopyKey SHCopyKeyA #define SHRegGetPath SHRegGetPathA #define SHRegSetPath SHRegSetPathA #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////// // User Specific Registry Access Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Type definitions. // typedef enum { SHREGDEL_DEFAULT = 0x00000000, // Delete's HKCU, or HKLM if HKCU is not found. SHREGDEL_HKCU = 0x00000001, // Delete HKCU only SHREGDEL_HKLM = 0x00000010, // Delete HKLM only. SHREGDEL_BOTH = 0x00000011, // Delete both HKCU and HKLM. } SHREGDEL_FLAGS; typedef enum { SHREGENUM_DEFAULT = 0x00000000, // Enumerates HKCU or HKLM if not found. SHREGENUM_HKCU = 0x00000001, // Enumerates HKCU only SHREGENUM_HKLM = 0x00000010, // Enumerates HKLM only. SHREGENUM_BOTH = 0x00000011, // Enumerates both HKCU and HKLM without duplicates. // This option is NYI. } SHREGENUM_FLAGS; #define SHREGSET_HKCU 0x00000001 // Write to HKCU if empty. #define SHREGSET_FORCE_HKCU 0x00000002 // Write to HKCU. #define SHREGSET_HKLM 0x00000004 // Write to HKLM if empty. #define SHREGSET_FORCE_HKLM 0x00000008 // Write to HKLM. #define SHREGSET_DEFAULT (SHREGSET_FORCE_HKCU | SHREGSET_HKLM) // Default is SHREGSET_FORCE_HKCU | SHREGSET_HKLM. typedef HANDLE HUSKEY; // HUSKEY is a Handle to a User Specific KEY. typedef HUSKEY *PHUSKEY; LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegCreateUSKeyA(LPCSTR pszPath, REGSAM samDesired, HUSKEY hRelativeUSKey, PHUSKEY phNewUSKey, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegCreateUSKeyW(LPCWSTR pwzPath, REGSAM samDesired, HUSKEY hRelativeUSKey, PHUSKEY phNewUSKey, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegOpenUSKeyA(LPCSTR pszPath, REGSAM samDesired, HUSKEY hRelativeUSKey, PHUSKEY phNewUSKey, BOOL fIgnoreHKCU); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegOpenUSKeyW(LPCWSTR pwzPath, REGSAM samDesired, HUSKEY hRelativeUSKey, PHUSKEY phNewUSKey, BOOL fIgnoreHKCU); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegQueryUSValueA(HUSKEY hUSKey, LPCSTR pszValue, LPDWORD pdwType, void *pvData, LPDWORD pcbData, BOOL fIgnoreHKCU, void *pvDefaultData, DWORD dwDefaultDataSize); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegQueryUSValueW(HUSKEY hUSKey, LPCWSTR pwzValue, LPDWORD pdwType, void *pvData, LPDWORD pcbData, BOOL fIgnoreHKCU, void *pvDefaultData, DWORD dwDefaultDataSize); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegWriteUSValueA(HUSKEY hUSKey, LPCSTR pszValue, DWORD dwType, const void *pvData, DWORD cbData, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegWriteUSValueW(HUSKEY hUSKey, LPCWSTR pwzValue, DWORD dwType, const void *pvData, DWORD cbData, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegDeleteUSValueA(HUSKEY hUSKey, LPCSTR pszValue, SHREGDEL_FLAGS delRegFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyW(HUSKEY hUSKey, LPCWSTR pwzSubKey, SHREGDEL_FLAGS delRegFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyA(HUSKEY hUSKey, LPCSTR pszSubKey, SHREGDEL_FLAGS delRegFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegDeleteUSValueW(HUSKEY hUSKey, LPCWSTR pwzValue, SHREGDEL_FLAGS delRegFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegEnumUSKeyA(HUSKEY hUSKey, DWORD dwIndex, LPSTR pszName, LPDWORD pcchName, SHREGENUM_FLAGS enumRegFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegEnumUSKeyW(HUSKEY hUSKey, DWORD dwIndex, LPWSTR pwzName, LPDWORD pcchName, SHREGENUM_FLAGS enumRegFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegEnumUSValueA(HUSKEY hUSkey, DWORD dwIndex, LPSTR pszValueName, LPDWORD pcchValueName, LPDWORD pdwType, void *pvData, LPDWORD pcbData, SHREGENUM_FLAGS enumRegFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegEnumUSValueW(HUSKEY hUSkey, DWORD dwIndex, LPWSTR pszValueName, LPDWORD pcchValueName, LPDWORD pdwType, void *pvData, LPDWORD pcbData, SHREGENUM_FLAGS enumRegFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyA(HUSKEY hUSKey, LPDWORD pcSubKeys, LPDWORD pcchMaxSubKeyLen, LPDWORD pcValues, LPDWORD pcchMaxValueNameLen, SHREGENUM_FLAGS enumRegFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyW(HUSKEY hUSKey, LPDWORD pcSubKeys, LPDWORD pcchMaxSubKeyLen, LPDWORD pcValues, LPDWORD pcchMaxValueNameLen, SHREGENUM_FLAGS enumRegFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegCloseUSKey(HUSKEY hUSKey); // These calls are equal to an SHRegOpenUSKey, SHRegQueryUSValue, and then a SHRegCloseUSKey. LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegGetUSValueA(LPCSTR pszSubKey, LPCSTR pszValue, LPDWORD pdwType, void * pvData, LPDWORD pcbData, BOOL fIgnoreHKCU, void *pvDefaultData, DWORD dwDefaultDataSize); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegGetUSValueW(LPCWSTR pwzSubKey, LPCWSTR pwzValue, LPDWORD pdwType, void * pvData, LPDWORD pcbData, BOOL fIgnoreHKCU, void *pvDefaultData, DWORD dwDefaultDataSize); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegSetUSValueA(LPCSTR pszSubKey, LPCSTR pszValue, DWORD dwType, const void *pvData, DWORD cbData, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SHRegSetUSValueW(LPCWSTR pwzSubKey, LPCWSTR pwzValue, DWORD dwType, const void *pvData, DWORD cbData, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHRegGetIntW(HKEY hk, LPCWSTR pwzKey, int iDefault); #ifdef UNICODE #define SHRegCreateUSKey SHRegCreateUSKeyW #define SHRegOpenUSKey SHRegOpenUSKeyW #define SHRegQueryUSValue SHRegQueryUSValueW #define SHRegWriteUSValue SHRegWriteUSValueW #define SHRegDeleteUSValue SHRegDeleteUSValueW #define SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKey SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyW #define SHRegEnumUSKey SHRegEnumUSKeyW #define SHRegEnumUSValue SHRegEnumUSValueW #define SHRegQueryInfoUSKey SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyW #define SHRegGetUSValue SHRegGetUSValueW #define SHRegSetUSValue SHRegSetUSValueW #define SHRegGetInt SHRegGetIntW #else #define SHRegCreateUSKey SHRegCreateUSKeyA #define SHRegOpenUSKey SHRegOpenUSKeyA #define SHRegQueryUSValue SHRegQueryUSValueA #define SHRegWriteUSValue SHRegWriteUSValueA #define SHRegDeleteUSValue SHRegDeleteUSValueA #define SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKey SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyA #define SHRegEnumUSKey SHRegEnumUSKeyA #define SHRegEnumUSValue SHRegEnumUSValueA #define SHRegQueryInfoUSKey SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyA #define SHRegGetUSValue SHRegGetUSValueA #define SHRegSetUSValue SHRegSetUSValueA #endif LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHRegGetBoolUSValueA(LPCSTR pszSubKey, LPCSTR pszValue, BOOL fIgnoreHKCU, BOOL fDefault); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHRegGetBoolUSValueW(LPCWSTR pszSubKey, LPCWSTR pszValue, BOOL fIgnoreHKCU, BOOL fDefault); #ifdef UNICODE #define SHRegGetBoolUSValue SHRegGetBoolUSValueW #else #define SHRegGetBoolUSValue SHRegGetBoolUSValueA #endif // // Association APIs // // these APIs are to assist in accessing the data in HKCR // getting the Command strings and exe paths // for different verbs and extensions are simplified this way // enum { ASSOCF_INIT_NOREMAPCLSID = 0x00000001, // do not remap clsids to progids ASSOCF_INIT_BYEXENAME = 0x00000002, // executable is being passed in ASSOCF_OPEN_BYEXENAME = 0x00000002, // executable is being passed in ASSOCF_INIT_DEFAULTTOSTAR = 0x00000004, // treat "*" as the BaseClass ASSOCF_INIT_DEFAULTTOFOLDER = 0x00000008, // treat "Folder" as the BaseClass ASSOCF_NOUSERSETTINGS = 0x00000010, // dont use HKCU ASSOCF_NOTRUNCATE = 0x00000020, // dont truncate the return string ASSOCF_VERIFY = 0x00000040, // verify data is accurate (DISK HITS) ASSOCF_REMAPRUNDLL = 0x00000080, // actually gets info about rundlls target if applicable ASSOCF_NOFIXUPS = 0x00000100, // attempt to fix errors if found ASSOCF_IGNOREBASECLASS = 0x00000200, // dont recurse into the baseclass }; typedef DWORD ASSOCF; typedef enum { ASSOCSTR_COMMAND = 1, // shell\verb\command string ASSOCSTR_EXECUTABLE, // the executable part of command string ASSOCSTR_FRIENDLYDOCNAME, // friendly name of the document type ASSOCSTR_FRIENDLYAPPNAME, // friendly name of executable ASSOCSTR_NOOPEN, // noopen value ASSOCSTR_SHELLNEWVALUE, // query values under the shellnew key ASSOCSTR_DDECOMMAND, // template for DDE commands ASSOCSTR_DDEIFEXEC, // DDECOMMAND to use if just create a process ASSOCSTR_DDEAPPLICATION, // Application name in DDE broadcast ASSOCSTR_DDETOPIC, // Topic Name in DDE broadcast ASSOCSTR_INFOTIP, // info tip for an item, or list of properties to create info tip from ASSOCSTR_QUICKTIP, // same as ASSOCSTR_INFOTIP, except, this list contains only quickly retrievable properties ASSOCSTR_TILEINFO, // similar to ASSOCSTR_INFOTIP - lists important properties for tileview ASSOCSTR_CONTENTTYPE, // MIME Content type ASSOCSTR_DEFAULTICON, // Default icon source ASSOCSTR_SHELLEXTENSION, // Guid string pointing to the Shellex\Shellextensionhandler value. ASSOCSTR_MAX // last item in enum... } ASSOCSTR; typedef enum { ASSOCKEY_SHELLEXECCLASS = 1, // the key that should be passed to ShellExec(hkeyClass) ASSOCKEY_APP, // the "Application" key for the association ASSOCKEY_CLASS, // the progid or class key ASSOCKEY_BASECLASS, // the BaseClass key ASSOCKEY_MAX // last item in enum... } ASSOCKEY; typedef enum { ASSOCDATA_MSIDESCRIPTOR = 1, // Component Descriptor to pass to MSI APIs ASSOCDATA_NOACTIVATEHANDLER, // restrict attempts to activate window ASSOCDATA_QUERYCLASSSTORE, // should check with the NT Class Store ASSOCDATA_HASPERUSERASSOC, // defaults to user specified association ASSOCDATA_EDITFLAGS, // Edit flags. ASSOCDATA_VALUE, // use pszExtra as the Value name ASSOCDATA_MAX } ASSOCDATA; typedef enum { ASSOCENUM_NONE } ASSOCENUM; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IQueryAssociations DECLARE_INTERFACE_( IQueryAssociations, IUnknown ) { // IUnknown methods STDMETHOD (QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, void **ppv) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) ( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) ( THIS ) PURE; // IQueryAssociations methods STDMETHOD (Init)(THIS_ ASSOCF flags, LPCWSTR pszAssoc, HKEY hkProgid, HWND hwnd) PURE; STDMETHOD (GetString)(THIS_ ASSOCF flags, ASSOCSTR str, LPCWSTR pszExtra, LPWSTR pszOut, DWORD *pcchOut) PURE; STDMETHOD (GetKey)(THIS_ ASSOCF flags, ASSOCKEY key, LPCWSTR pszExtra, HKEY *phkeyOut) PURE; STDMETHOD (GetData)(THIS_ ASSOCF flags, ASSOCDATA data, LPCWSTR pszExtra, LPVOID pvOut, DWORD *pcbOut) PURE; STDMETHOD (GetEnum)(THIS_ ASSOCF flags, ASSOCENUM assocenum, LPCWSTR pszExtra, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvOut) PURE; }; ;begin_internal typedef struct tagAssocDDEExec { LPCWSTR pszDDEExec; LPCWSTR pszApplication; LPCWSTR pszTopic; BOOL fNoActivateHandler; } ASSOCDDEEXEC; typedef struct tagAssocVerb { LPCWSTR pszVerb; LPCWSTR pszTitle; LPCWSTR pszFriendlyAppName; LPCWSTR pszApplication; LPCWSTR pszParams; ASSOCDDEEXEC *pDDEExec; } ASSOCVERB; typedef struct tagAssocShell { ASSOCVERB *rgVerbs; DWORD cVerbs; DWORD iDefaultVerb; } ASSOCSHELL; typedef struct tagAssocProgid { DWORD cbSize; LPCWSTR pszProgid; LPCWSTR pszFriendlyDocName; LPCWSTR pszDefaultIcon; ASSOCSHELL *pShellKey; LPCWSTR pszExtensions; } ASSOCPROGID; typedef struct tagAssocApp { DWORD cbSize; LPCWSTR pszFriendlyAppName; ASSOCSHELL *pShellKey; } ASSOCAPP; enum { ASSOCMAKEF_VERIFY = 0x00000040, // verify data is accurate (DISK HITS) ASSOCMAKEF_USEEXPAND = 0x00000200, // strings have environment vars and need REG_EXPAND_SZ ASSOCMAKEF_SUBSTENV = 0x00000400, // attempt to use std env if they match... ASSOCMAKEF_VOLATILE = 0x00000800, // the progid will not persist between sessions ASSOCMAKEF_DELETE = 0x00002000, // remove this association if possible }; typedef DWORD ASSOCMAKEF; LWSTDAPI AssocMakeProgid(ASSOCMAKEF flags, LPCWSTR pszApplication, ASSOCPROGID *pProgid, HKEY *phkProgid); LWSTDAPI AssocMakeApp(ASSOCMAKEF flags, LPCWSTR pszApplication, ASSOCAPP *pApp, HKEY *phkApp); LWSTDAPI AssocMakeApplicationByKey%(ASSOCMAKEF flags, HKEY hkAssoc, LPCTSTR% pszVerb); LWSTDAPI AssocMakeFileExtsToApplication%(ASSOCMAKEF flags, LPCTSTR% pszExt, LPCTSTR% pszApplication); LWSTDAPI AssocCopyVerbs(HKEY hkSrc, HKEY hkDst); ;end_internal LWSTDAPI AssocCreate(CLSID clsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv); // wrappers for the interface LWSTDAPI AssocQueryString%(ASSOCF flags, ASSOCSTR str, LPCTSTR% pszAssoc, LPCTSTR% pszExtra, LPTSTR% pszOut, DWORD *pcchOut); LWSTDAPI AssocQueryStringByKey%(ASSOCF flags, ASSOCSTR str, HKEY hkAssoc, LPCTSTR% pszExtra, LPTSTR% pszOut, DWORD *pcchOut); LWSTDAPI AssocQueryKey%(ASSOCF flags, ASSOCKEY key, LPCTSTR% pszAssoc, LPCTSTR% pszExtra, HKEY *phkeyOut); // AssocIsDangerous() checks a file type to determine whether it is "Dangerous" // this maps to the IE download dialog's forcing a prompt to open or save. // dangerous file types should be handled more carefully than other file types. // // Parameter: pszAssoc - type to check. may be an extension or progid. (".exe" or "exefile" would both be valid) // // Returns: TRUE if the file type is dangerous. // // NOTES: // // this API first checks a hardcoded list of known dangerous types. // then it checks the editflags for the file type looking for the FTA_AlwaysUnsafe bit. // then it checks Safer policies. // LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) AssocIsDangerous(LPCWSTR pszAssoc); ;begin_internal typedef enum _SHELLKEY { SKROOT_HKCU = 0x00000001, // internal to the function SKROOT_HKLM = 0x00000002, // internal to the function SKROOT_MASK = 0x0000000F, // internal to the function SKPATH_EXPLORER = 0x00000000, // internal to the function SKPATH_SHELL = 0x00000010, // internal to the function SKPATH_SHELLNOROAM = 0x00000020, // internal to the function SKPATH_CLASSES = 0x00000030, // internal to the function SKPATH_MASK = 0x00000FF0, // internal to the function SKSUB_NONE = 0x00000000, // internal to the function SKSUB_LOCALIZEDNAMES = 0x00001000, // internal to the function SKSUB_HANDLERS = 0x00002000, // internal to the function SKSUB_ASSOCIATIONS = 0x00003000, // internal to the function SKSUB_VOLATILE = 0x00004000, // internal to the function SKSUB_MUICACHE = 0x00005000, // internal to the function SKSUB_FILEEXTS = 0x00006000, // internal to the function SKSUB_MASK = 0x000FF000, // internal to the function SHELLKEY_HKCU_EXPLORER = SKROOT_HKCU | SKPATH_EXPLORER | SKSUB_NONE, SHELLKEY_HKLM_EXPLORER = SKROOT_HKLM | SKPATH_EXPLORER | SKSUB_NONE, SHELLKEY_HKCU_SHELL = SKROOT_HKCU | SKPATH_SHELL | SKSUB_NONE, SHELLKEY_HKLM_SHELL = SKROOT_HKLM | SKPATH_SHELL | SKSUB_NONE, SHELLKEY_HKCU_SHELLNOROAM = SKROOT_HKCU | SKPATH_SHELLNOROAM | SKSUB_NONE, SHELLKEY_HKCULM_SHELL = SHELLKEY_HKCU_SHELLNOROAM, SHELLKEY_HKCULM_CLASSES = SKROOT_HKCU | SKPATH_CLASSES | SKSUB_NONE, SHELLKEY_HKCU_LOCALIZEDNAMES = SKROOT_HKCU | SKPATH_SHELL | SKSUB_LOCALIZEDNAMES, SHELLKEY_HKCULM_HANDLERS = SKROOT_HKCU | SKPATH_SHELLNOROAM | SKSUB_HANDLERS, SHELLKEY_HKCULM_ASSOCIATIONS = SKROOT_HKCU | SKPATH_SHELLNOROAM | SKSUB_ASSOCIATIONS, SHELLKEY_HKCULM_VOLATILE = SKROOT_HKCU | SKPATH_SHELLNOROAM | SKSUB_VOLATILE, SHELLKEY_HKCULM_MUICACHE = SKROOT_HKCU | SKPATH_SHELLNOROAM | SKSUB_MUICACHE, SHELLKEY_HKCU_FILEEXTS = SKROOT_HKCU | SKPATH_EXPLORER | SKSUB_FILEEXTS, SHELLKEY_HKCULM_HANDLERS_RO = SHELLKEY_HKCULM_HANDLERS, // deprecated SHELLKEY_HKCULM_HANDLERS_RW = SHELLKEY_HKCULM_HANDLERS, // deprecated SHELLKEY_HKCULM_ASSOCIATIONS_RO = SHELLKEY_HKCULM_ASSOCIATIONS, // deprecated SHELLKEY_HKCULM_ASSOCIATIONS_RW = SHELLKEY_HKCULM_ASSOCIATIONS, // deprecated SHELLKEY_HKCULM_RO = SHELLKEY_HKCU_SHELLNOROAM, // deprecated SHELLKEY_HKCULM_RW = SHELLKEY_HKCU_SHELLNOROAM, // deprecated } SHELLKEY; LWSTDAPI_(HKEY) SHGetShellKey(SHELLKEY sk, LPCWSTR pszSubKey, BOOL fCreateSub); LWSTDAPI SKGetValue%(SHELLKEY sk, LPCTSTR% pszSubKey, LPCTSTR% pszValue, DWORD *pdwType, void *pvData, DWORD *pcbData); LWSTDAPI SKSetValue%(SHELLKEY sk, LPCTSTR% pszSubKey, LPCTSTR% pszValue, DWORD dwType, LPCVOID pvData, DWORD cbData); LWSTDAPI SKDeleteValue%(SHELLKEY sk, LPCTSTR% pszSubKey, LPCTSTR% pszValue); LWSTDAPI SKAllocValue%(SHELLKEY sk, LPCTSTR% pszSubKey, LPCTSTR% pszValue, DWORD *pdwType, void **pvData, DWORD *pcbData); LWSTDAPI QuerySourceCreateFromKey(HKEY hk, PCWSTR pszSub, BOOL fCreate, REFIID riid, void **ppv); ;end_internal ;begin_both #endif // NO_SHLWAPI_REG ;end_both ;begin_internal #ifndef NO_SHLWAPI_UALSTR #include #endif // NO_SHLWAPI_UALSTR ;end_internal ;begin_both #ifndef NO_SHLWAPI_STREAM // //=============== Stream Routines =================================== // ;end_both ;begin_internal // // We must say "struct IStream" instead of "IStream" in case we are // #include'd before . // ;end_internal LWSTDAPI_(struct IStream *) SHOpenRegStream%(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR% pszSubkey, LPCTSTR% pszValue, DWORD grfMode); LWSTDAPI_(struct IStream *) SHOpenRegStream2%(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR% pszSubkey, LPCTSTR% pszValue, DWORD grfMode); // New code always wants new implementation... #undef SHOpenRegStream #define SHOpenRegStream SHOpenRegStream2 LWSTDAPI SHCreateStreamOnFile%(LPCTSTR% pszFile, DWORD grfMode, struct IStream **ppstm); #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0600) ;begin_internal LWSTDAPI MapWin32ErrorToSTG(HRESULT hrIn); LWSTDAPI ModeToCreateFileFlags(DWORD grfMode, BOOL fCreate, DWORD *pdwDesiredAccess, DWORD *pdwShareMode, DWORD *pdwCreationDisposition); // SHConvertGraphicsFile Description: // pszFile: The source file name to convert. The file can be a JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, EMF, WMF, or ICO filetype. // pszDestFile: This is the destination file that will be created. The extension will determine type of // format for the destiation file. If this file already exists, the function will fail with // HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) unless the flag SHCGF_REPLACEFILE is specified. // Return value: S_OK if the destination file was able to be created, otherwise an HRESULT error. // // NOTE: This is currently internal because: 1) we are using a temporary GDI+ interface, 2) // we can't fix any bugs we find (since they are in GDI+), and 3) it's best if GDI+ owns // the public version of this interface. GDI+ is working on version 1 of their API for // whistler. They don't have time to create this API, make it public, and support it // until version 2, which will be after whistler. // // dwFlags: #define SHCGF_NONE 0x00000000 // Normal behavior #define SHCGF_REPLACEFILE 0x00000001 // If pszDestFile already exists, delete it. LWSTDAPI SHConvertGraphicsFile(IN LPCWSTR pszFile, IN LPCWSTR pszDestFile, IN DWORD dwFlags); ;end_internal LWSTDAPI SHCreateStreamOnFileEx(LPCWSTR pszFile, DWORD grfMode, DWORD dwAttributes, BOOL fCreate, struct IStream * pstmTemplate, struct IStream **ppstm); #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0600) ;begin_internal LWSTDAPI_(struct IStream *) SHCreateMemStream(LPBYTE pInit, UINT cbInit); // SHCreateStreamWrapper creates an IStream that spans multiple IStream implementations. // NOTE: STGM_READ is the only mode currently supported LWSTDAPI SHCreateStreamWrapper(IStream *aStreams[], UINT cStreams, DWORD grfMode, IStream **ppstm); // These functions read, write, and maintain a list of DATABLOCK_HEADERs. // Blocks can be of any size (cbSize) and they are added, found, and removed // by dwSignature. Each block is guranteed to be aligned on a DWORD boundary // in memory. The stream format is identical to Windows 95 and NT 4 // CShellLink's "EXP" data format (with one bug fix: stream data is NULL // terminated on write...) // // SHReadDataBlocks and SHAddDataBlock will allocate your pdbList for you. // // SHFindDataBlock returns a pointer into the pdbList. // // SHAddDataBlock and SHRemoveDataBlock return TRUE if ppdbList modified. // /* * Temporary definition because the definition doesn't show up until shlobj.w. */ #define LPDATABLOCK_HEADER struct tagDATABLOCKHEADER * #define LPDBLIST struct tagDATABLOCKHEADER * LWSTDAPI SHWriteDataBlockList(struct IStream* pstm, LPDBLIST pdbList); LWSTDAPI SHReadDataBlockList(struct IStream* pstm, LPDBLIST * ppdbList); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHFreeDataBlockList(LPDBLIST pdbList); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHAddDataBlock(LPDBLIST * ppdbList, LPDATABLOCK_HEADER pdb); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHRemoveDataBlock(LPDBLIST * ppdbList, DWORD dwSignature); LWSTDAPI_(void *) SHFindDataBlock(LPDBLIST pdbList, DWORD dwSignature); #undef LPDATABLOCK_HEADER #undef LPDBLIST // FUNCTION: SHCheckDiskForMedia // // hwnd - NULL means no UI will be displayed. Non-NULL means // punkEnableModless - Make caller modal during UI. (OPTIONAL) // pszPath - Path that needs verification. // wFunc - Type of operation (FO_MOVE, FO_COPY, FO_DELETE, FO_RENAME - shellapi.h) // // NOTE: USE NT5's SHPathPrepareForWrite() instead, it's MUCH MUCH BETTER. LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHCheckDiskForMediaA(HWND hwnd, IUnknown * punkEnableModless, LPCSTR pszPath, UINT wFunc); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHCheckDiskForMediaW(HWND hwnd, IUnknown * punkEnableModless, LPCWSTR pwzPath, UINT wFunc); #ifdef UNICODE #define SHCheckDiskForMedia SHCheckDiskForMediaW #else #define SHCheckDiskForMedia SHCheckDiskForMediaA #endif ;end_internal ;begin_both #endif // NO_SHLWAPI_STREAM ;end_both ;begin_internal #ifndef NO_SHLWAPI_MLUI // //=============== Multi Language UI Routines =================================== // ;end_internal ;begin_internal #define ORD_SHGETWEBFOLDERFILEPATHA 440 #define ORD_SHGETWEBFOLDERFILEPATHW 441 LWSTDAPI SHGetWebFolderFilePath%(LPCTSTR% pszFileName, LPTSTR% pszMUIPath, UINT cchMUIPath); // Use MLLoadLibrary to get the ML-resource file. This function tags the file so // all standard shlwapi wrap functions automatically get ML-behavior. // #define ORD_MLLOADLIBRARYA 377 #define ORD_MLLOADLIBRARYW 378 LWSTDAPI_(HINSTANCE) MLLoadLibrary%(LPCTSTR% lpLibFileName, HMODULE hModule, DWORD dwCrossCodePage); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) MLFreeLibrary(HMODULE hModule); #define ML_NO_CROSSCODEPAGE 0 #define ML_CROSSCODEPAGE_NT 1 #define ML_CROSSCODEPAGE 2 #define ML_SHELL_LANGUAGE 4 #define ML_CROSSCODEPAGE_MASK 7 // If you are a global distributable a-la comctl32 that doesn't follow the IE5 // PlugUI resource layout, then load your own hinstance and poke it into shlwapi // using these functions: // LWSTDAPI MLSetMLHInstance(HINSTANCE hInst, LANGID lidUI); LWSTDAPI MLClearMLHInstance(HINSTANCE hInst); // Of course you need to know what UI language to use: // #define ORD_MLGETUILANGUAGE 376 LWSTDAPI_(LANGID) MLGetUILanguage(void); // Super internal and you probably don't need this one, but comctl32 does // some font munging in PlugUI cases on your apps behalf: // LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) MLIsMLHInstance(HINSTANCE hInst); LWSTDAPI_(HRESULT) MLBuildResURL%(LPCTSTR% szLibFile, HMODULE hModule, DWORD dwCrossCodePage, LPCTSTR% szResourceName, LPTSTR% pszResURL, int nBufSize); #define ORD_MLWINHELPA 395 #define ORD_MLWINHELPW 397 LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) MLWinHelp%(HWND hWndCaller, LPCTSTR% lpszHelp, UINT uCommand, DWORD_PTR dwData); #define ORD_MLHTMLHELPA 396 #define ORD_MLHTMLHELPW 398 LWSTDAPI_(HWND) MLHtmlHelp%(HWND hWndCaller, LPCTSTR% pszFile, UINT uCommand, DWORD_PTR dwData, DWORD dwCrossCodePage); ;end_internal ;begin_internal #endif // NO_SHLWAPI_MLUI ;end_internal ;begin_internal #ifndef NO_SHLWAPI_HTTP // //=============== HTTP helper Routines =================================== // The calling thread must have called CoInitialize() before using this // function - it will create a format enumerator and associate it as a // property with the IShellBrowser passed in, so that it will be reused. // ;begin_internal // // We must say "struct IWhatever" instead of "IWhatever" in case we are // #include'd before . // ;end_internal LWSTDAPI RegisterDefaultAcceptHeaders(struct IBindCtx* pbc, struct IShellBrowser* psb); LWSTDAPI RunRegCommand(HWND hwnd, HKEY hkey, LPCWSTR pszKey); LWSTDAPI RunIndirectRegCommand(HWND hwnd, HKEY hkey, LPCWSTR pszKey, LPCWSTR pszVerb); LWSTDAPI SHRunIndirectRegClientCommand(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszClient); LWSTDAPI GetAcceptLanguagesA(LPSTR psz, LPDWORD pcch); LWSTDAPI GetAcceptLanguagesW(LPWSTR pwz, LPDWORD pcch); #ifdef UNICODE #define GetAcceptLanguages GetAcceptLanguagesW #else #define GetAcceptLanguages GetAcceptLanguagesA #endif #endif // NO_SHLWAPI_HTTP ;end_internal ;begin_internal LWSTDAPI_(HWND) SHHtmlHelpOnDemandW(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszFile, UINT uCommand, DWORD_PTR dwData, DWORD dwCrossCodePage, BOOL bUseML); LWSTDAPI_(HWND) SHHtmlHelpOnDemandA(HWND hwnd, LPCSTR pszFile, UINT uCommand, DWORD_PTR dwData, DWORD dwCrossCodePage, BOOL bUseML); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHWinHelpOnDemandW(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszFile, UINT uCommand, DWORD_PTR dwData, BOOL bUseML); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHWinHelpOnDemandA(HWND hwnd, LPCSTR pszFile, UINT uCommand, DWORD_PTR dwData, BOOL bUseML); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) WINAPI Shell_GetCachedImageIndexWrapW(LPCWSTR pszIconPath, int iIconIndex, UINT uIconFlags); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) WINAPI Shell_GetCachedImageIndexWrapA(LPCSTR pszIconPath, int iIconIndex, UINT uIconFlags); #ifdef UNICODE #define SHHtmlHelpOnDemand SHHtmlHelpOnDemandW #define SHWinHelpOnDemand SHWinHelpOnDemandW #define Shell_GetCachedImageIndexWrap Shell_GetCachedImageIndexWrapW #else #define SHHtmlHelpOnDemand SHHtmlHelpOnDemandA #define SHWinHelpOnDemand SHWinHelpOnDemandA #define Shell_GetCachedImageIndexWrap Shell_GetCachedImageIndexWrapA #endif ;end_internal ;begin_internal #ifndef NO_SHLWAPI_STOPWATCH // //=============== Performance timing macros and prototypes ================ // StopWatch performance mode flags used in dwFlags param in API's and in Mode key at // HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\performance // NOTE: low word is used for the mode, high word is used to change the default painter timer interval. // If we need more mode bits then we'll need a new reg key for paint timer #define SPMODE_SHELL 0x00000001 #define SPMODE_DEBUGOUT 0x00000002 #define SPMODE_TEST 0x00000004 #define SPMODE_BROWSER 0x00000008 #define SPMODE_FLUSH 0x00000010 #define SPMODE_EVENT 0x00000020 #define SPMODE_JAVA 0x00000040 #define SPMODE_FORMATTEXT 0x00000080 #define SPMODE_PROFILE 0x00000100 #define SPMODE_DEBUGBREAK 0x00000200 #define SPMODE_MSGTRACE 0x00000400 #define SPMODE_PERFTAGS 0x00000800 #define SPMODE_MEMWATCH 0x00001000 #define SPMODE_DBMON 0x00002000 #define SPMODE_MARS 0x00004000 #ifndef NO_ETW_TRACING #define SPMODE_EVENTTRACE 0x00008000 // Event Tracing for Windows Enabled #endif #define SPMODE_RESERVED 0xffff0000 #ifndef NO_ETW_TRACING #define SPMODES (SPMODE_SHELL | SPMODE_BROWSER | SPMODE_JAVA | SPMODE_MSGTRACE | SPMODE_MEMWATCH | SPMODE_DBMON | SPMODE_MARS | SPMODE_EVENTTRACE) #else #define SPMODES (SPMODE_SHELL | SPMODE_BROWSER | SPMODE_JAVA | SPMODE_MSGTRACE | SPMODE_MEMWATCH | SPMODE_DBMON | SPMODE_MARS) #endif #ifndef NO_ETW_TRACING // Event tracing capability enabled by setting the mode to SPMODE_EVENTTRACE and // selecting the part of the shell to trace in the "EventTrace" Value in the // following key: // HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\performance // BROWSER TRACING // Do not use with SPMODE_BROWSER. If SPMODE_EVENT is used, the // STOPWATCH_STOP_EVENT will be signaled when a web page is done loading. #define SPTRACE_BROWSER 0x00000001 // Used to turn on/off browser event tracing. Setting the registry key enables // event tracing use, but doesn't turn it on. // {5576F62E-4142-45a8-9516-262A510C13F0} DEFINE_GUID(c_BrowserControlGuid, 0x5576f62e, 0x4142, 0x45a8, 0x95, 0x16, 0x26, 0x2a, 0x51, 0xc, 0x13, 0xf0); // Maps to the structure sent to ETW. ETW definition in // \nt\sdktools\trace\tracedmp\mofdata.guid // {2B992163-736F-4a68-9153-95BC5F34D884} DEFINE_GUID(c_BrowserTraceGuid, 0x2b992163, 0x736f, 0x4a68, 0x91, 0x53, 0x95, 0xbc, 0x5f, 0x34, 0xd8, 0x84); // BROWSING EVENTS // See \nt\sdktools\trace\tracedmp\mofdata.guid // The page load starts with a user keystroke message #define EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_BROWSE_USERINPUTRET 10 #define EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_BROWSE_USERINPUTBACK 11 #define EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_BROWSE_USERINPUTLBUT 12 #define EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_BROWSE_USERINPUTNEXT 13 #define EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_BROWSE_USERINPUTPRIOR 14 #define EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_BROWSE_STARTFRAME 16 #define EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_BROWSE_LOADEDPARSED 18 #define EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_BROWSE_LAYOUT 19 #define EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_BROWSE_LAYOUTTASK 20 #define EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_BROWSE_PAINT 21 // Url the user types into the address bar. #define EVENT_TRACE_TYPE_BROWSE_ADDRESS 22 #endif // StopWatch node types used in memory log to identify the type of node #define EMPTY_NODE 0x0 #define START_NODE 0x1 #define LAP_NODE 0x2 #define STOP_NODE 0x3 #define OUT_OF_NODES 0x4 // StopWatch timing ids used to identify the type of timing being performed #define SWID_STARTUP 0x0 #define SWID_FRAME 0x1 #define SWID_COPY 0x2 #define SWID_TREE 0x3 #define SWID_BROWSER_FRAME 0x4 #define SWID_JAVA_APP 0x5 #define SWID_MENU 0x6 #define SWID_BITBUCKET 0x7 #define SWID_EXPLBAR 0x8 #define SWID_MSGDISPATCH 0x9 #define SWID_TRACEMSG 0xa #define SWID_DBMON_DLLLOAD 0xb #define SWID_DBMON_EXCEPTION 0xc #define SWID_THUMBVW_CACHEREAD 0xd #define SWID_THUMBVW_EXTRACT 0xe #define SWID_THUMBVW_CACHEWRITE 0xf #define SWID_THUMBVW_FETCH 0x10 #define SWID_THUMBVW_INIT 0x11 #define SWID_MASK_BROWSER_STOPBTN 0x8000000 // identifies BROWSER_FRAME stop caused by stop button #define SWID_MASKS SWID_MASK_BROWSER_STOPBTN // add any SWID_MASK_* defines here #define SWID(dwId) (dwId & (~SWID_MASKS)) // The following StopWatch messages are used to drive the timer msg handler. The timer proc is used // as a means of delaying while watching paint messages. If the defined number of timer ticks has // passed without getting any paint messages, then we mark the time of the last paint message we've // saved as the stop time. #define SWMSG_PAINT 1 // paint message rcvd #define SWMSG_TIMER 2 // timer tick #define SWMSG_CREATE 3 // init handler and create timer #define SWMSG_STATUS 4 // get status of whether timing is active or not #define ID_STOPWATCH_TIMER 0xabcd // Timer id // Stopwatch defaults #define STOPWATCH_MAX_NODES 100 #define STOPWATCH_DEFAULT_PAINT_INTERVAL 1000 #define STOPWATCH_DEFAULT_MAX_DISPATCH_TIME 150 #define STOPWATCH_DEFAULT_MAX_MSG_TIME 1000 #define STOPWATCH_DEFAULT_MAX_MSG_INTERVAL 50 #define STOPWATCH_DEFAULT_CLASSNAMES TEXT("Internet Explorer_Server") TEXT("\0") TEXT("SHELLDLL_DefView") TEXT("\0") TEXT("SysListView32") TEXT("\0\0") #define MEMWATCH_DEFAULT_PAGES 512 #define MEMWATCH_DEFAULT_TIME 1000 #define MEMWATCH_DEFAULT_FLAGS 0 #ifdef UNICODE #define StopWatch StopWatchW #define StopWatchEx StopWatchExW #else #define StopWatch StopWatchA #define StopWatchEx StopWatchExA #endif #define StopWatch_Start(dwId, pszDesc, dwFlags) StopWatch(dwId, pszDesc, START_NODE, dwFlags, 0) #define StopWatch_Lap(dwId, pszDesc, dwFlags) StopWatch(dwId, pszDesc, LAP_NODE, dwFlags, 0) #define StopWatch_Stop(dwId, pszDesc, dwFlags) StopWatch(dwId, pszDesc, STOP_NODE, dwFlags, 0) #define StopWatch_StartTimed(dwId, pszDesc, dwFlags, dwCount) StopWatch(dwId, pszDesc, START_NODE, dwFlags, dwCount) #define StopWatch_LapTimed(dwId, pszDesc, dwFlags, dwCount) StopWatch(dwId, pszDesc, LAP_NODE, dwFlags, dwCount) #define StopWatch_StopTimed(dwId, pszDesc, dwFlags, dwCount) StopWatch(dwId, pszDesc, STOP_NODE, dwFlags, dwCount) #define StopWatch_StartEx(dwId, pszDesc, dwFlags, dwCookie) StopWatchEx(dwId, pszDesc, START_NODE, dwFlags, 0, dwCookie) #define StopWatch_LapEx(dwId, pszDesc, dwFlags, dwCookie) StopWatchEx(dwId, pszDesc, LAP_NODE, dwFlags, 0, dwCookie) #define StopWatch_StopEx(dwId, pszDesc, dwFlags, dwCookie) StopWatchEx(dwId, pszDesc, STOP_NODE, dwFlags, 0, dwCookie) #define StopWatch_StartTimedEx(dwId, pszDesc, dwFlags, dwCount, dwCookie) StopWatchEx(dwId, pszDesc, START_NODE, dwFlags, dwCount, dwCookie) #define StopWatch_LapTimedEx(dwId, pszDesc, dwFlags, dwCount, dwCookie) StopWatchEx(dwId, pszDesc, LAP_NODE, dwFlags, dwCount, dwCookie) #define StopWatch_StopTimedEx(dwId, pszDesc, dwFlags, dwCount, dwCookie) StopWatchEx(dwId, pszDesc, STOP_NODE, dwFlags, dwCount, dwCookie) VOID InitStopWatchMode(VOID); // EXPORTED FUNCTIONS DWORD WINAPI StopWatchW(DWORD dwId, LPCWSTR pszDesc, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwCount); DWORD WINAPI StopWatchA(DWORD dwId, LPCSTR pszDesc, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwCount); DWORD WINAPI StopWatchExW(DWORD dwId, LPCWSTR pszDesc, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwCount, DWORD dwUniqueId); DWORD WINAPI StopWatchExA(DWORD dwId, LPCSTR pszDesc, DWORD dwType, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwCount, DWORD dwUniqueId); DWORD WINAPI StopWatchMode(VOID); DWORD WINAPI StopWatchFlush(VOID); BOOL WINAPI StopWatch_TimerHandler(HWND hwnd, UINT uInc, DWORD dwFlag, MSG *pmsg); VOID WINAPI StopWatch_CheckMsg(HWND hwnd, MSG msg, LPCSTR lpStr); VOID WINAPI StopWatch_MarkFrameStart(LPCSTR lpExplStr); VOID WINAPI StopWatch_MarkSameFrameStart(HWND hwnd); VOID WINAPI StopWatch_MarkJavaStop(LPCSTR lpStringToSend, HWND hwnd, BOOL fChType); DWORD WINAPI GetPerfTime(VOID); VOID WINAPI StopWatch_SetMsgLastLocation(DWORD dwLast); DWORD WINAPI StopWatch_DispatchTime(BOOL fStartTime, MSG msg, DWORD dwStart); #ifndef NO_ETW_TRACING VOID WINAPI EventTraceHandler(UCHAR uchEventType, PVOID pvData); #endif extern DWORD g_dwStopWatchMode; // //=============== End Performance timing macros and prototypes ================ #endif //#ifndef NO_SHLWAPI_STOPWATCH ;end_internal ;begin_internal #ifndef NO_SHLWAPI_INTERNAL // //=============== Internal helper routines =================================== // // Declare some OLE interfaces we need to refer to and which aren't // already defined in objbase.h // #ifndef RC_INVOKED /* { rc doesn't like these long symbol names */ #ifndef __IOleCommandTarget_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IOleCommandTarget_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef struct IOleCommandTarget IOleCommandTarget; #endif /* __IOleCommandTarget_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IDropTarget_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IDropTarget_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef struct IDropTarget IDropTarget; #endif /* __IDropTarget_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IPropertyBag_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IPropertyBag_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef struct IPropertyBag IPropertyBag; #endif /* __IPropertyBag_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __IConnectionPoint_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IConnectionPoint_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef struct IConnectionPoint IConnectionPoint; #endif /* __IConnectionPoint_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C++" { template void IUnknown_SafeReleaseAndNullPtr(T *& p) { if (p) { T *pTemp = p; p = NULL; pTemp->Release(); } } } #endif // __cplusplus LWSTDAPI_(void) IUnknown_AtomicRelease(void ** ppunk); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHIsSameObject(IUnknown* punk1, IUnknown* punk2); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_GetWindow(IUnknown* punk, HWND* phwnd); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_SetOwner(IUnknown* punk, IUnknown* punkOwner); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_SetSite(IUnknown *punk, IUnknown *punkSite); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_GetSite(IUnknown *punk, REFIID riid, void **ppvOut); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_EnableModeless(IUnknown * punk, BOOL fEnabled); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_GetClassID(IUnknown *punk, CLSID *pclsid); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_QueryService(IUnknown* punk, REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void ** ppvOut); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_QueryServiceForWebBrowserApp(IUnknown* punk, REFIID riid, void **ppvOut); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_QueryServiceExec(IUnknown* punk, REFGUID guidService, const GUID *guid, DWORD cmdID, DWORD cmdParam, VARIANT* pvarargIn, VARIANT* pvarargOut); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_ShowBrowserBar(IUnknown* punk, REFCLSID clsidBrowserBar, BOOL fShow); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_HandleIRestrict(IUnknown * punk, const GUID * pguidID, DWORD dwRestrictAction, VARIANT * pvarArgs, DWORD * pdwRestrictionResult); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_OnFocusOCS(IUnknown *punk, BOOL fGotFocus); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_TranslateAcceleratorOCS(IUnknown *punk, LPMSG lpMsg, DWORD grfMods); LWSTDAPI_(void) IUnknown_Set(IUnknown ** ppunk, IUnknown * punk); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_ProfferService(IUnknown *punkSite, REFGUID sidWhat, IServiceProvider *punkService, DWORD *pdwCookie); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_QueryServicePropertyBag(IUnknown* punk, DWORD dwFlags, REFIID riid, void ** ppvOut); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_TranslateAcceleratorIO(IUnknown* punk, LPMSG lpMsg); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_UIActivateIO(IUnknown *punk, BOOL fActivate, LPMSG lpMsg); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_OnFocusChangeIS(IUnknown *punk, IUnknown *punkSrc, BOOL fSetFocus); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_HasFocusIO(IUnknown *punk); LWSTDAPI SHWeakQueryInterface(IUnknown *punkOuter, IUnknown *punkTarget, REFIID riid, void **ppvOut); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHWeakReleaseInterface(IUnknown *punkOuter, IUnknown **ppunk); #define IUnknown_EnableModless IUnknown_EnableModeless // Helper macros for the Weak interface functions. #define SHQueryInnerInterface SHWeakQueryInterface #define SHReleaseInnerInterface SHWeakReleaseInterface #define SHReleaseOuterInterface SHWeakReleaseInterface __inline HRESULT SHQueryOuterInterface(IUnknown *punkOuter, REFIID riid, void **ppvOut) { return SHWeakQueryInterface(punkOuter, punkOuter, riid, ppvOut); } #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0600) // App compat-aware CoCreateInstance LWSTDAPI SHCoCreateInstanceAC(REFCLSID rclsid, IUnknown *punkOuter, DWORD dwClsCtx, REFIID riid, void **ppvOut); #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0600) #if defined(__IOleAutomationTypes_INTERFACE_DEFINED__) && \ defined(__IOleCommandTarget_INTERFACE_DEFINED__) LWSTDAPI IUnknown_QueryStatus(IUnknown *punk, const GUID *pguidCmdGroup, ULONG cCmds, OLECMD rgCmds[], OLECMDTEXT *pcmdtext); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_Exec(IUnknown* punk, const GUID *pguidCmdGroup, DWORD nCmdID, DWORD nCmdexecopt, VARIANTARG *pvarargIn, VARIANTARG *pvarargOut); // Some of the many connection point helper functions available in // connect.cpp. We export only the ones people actually use. If // you need a helper function, maybe it's already in connect.cpp // and merely needs to be exported. LWSTDAPI SHPackDispParamsV(DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, VARIANTARG *rgvt, UINT cArgs, va_list arglist); LWSTDAPIV SHPackDispParams(DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, VARIANTARG *rgvt, UINT cArgs, ...); typedef HRESULT (CALLBACK *SHINVOKECALLBACK)(IDispatch *pdisp, struct SHINVOKEPARAMS *pinv); #include typedef struct SHINVOKEPARAMS { UINT flags; // mandatory DISPID dispidMember; // mandatory const IID*piid; // IPFL_USEDEFAULTS will fill this in LCID lcid; // IPFL_USEDEFAULTS will fill this in WORD wFlags; // IPFL_USEDEFAULTS will fill this in DISPPARAMS * pdispparams; // mandatory, may be NULL VARIANT * pvarResult; // IPFL_USEDEFAULTS will fill this in EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo; // IPFL_USEDEFAULTS will fill this in UINT * puArgErr; // IPFL_USEDEFAULTS will fill this in SHINVOKECALLBACK Callback; // required if IPFL_USECALLBACK } SHINVOKEPARAMS, *LPSHINVOKEPARAMS; #include /* Return to byte packing */ #define IPFL_USECALLBACK 0x0001 #define IPFL_USEDEFAULTS 0x0002 #if 0 // These functions not yet needed LWSTDAPI IConnectionPoint_InvokeIndirect(IConnectionPoint *pcp, SHINVOKEPARAMS *pinv); #endif LWSTDAPI IConnectionPoint_InvokeWithCancel(IConnectionPoint *pcp, DISPID dispidMember, DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, LPBOOL pfCancel, LPVOID *ppvCancel); LWSTDAPI IConnectionPoint_SimpleInvoke(IConnectionPoint *pcp, DISPID dispidMember, DISPPARAMS * pdispparams); #if 0 // These functions not yet needed LWSTDAPI IConnectionPoint_InvokeParamV(IConnectionPoint *pcp, DISPID dispidMember, VARIANTARG *rgvarg, UINT cArgs, va_list ap); LWSTDAPIV IConnectionPoint_InvokeParam(IConnectionPoint *pcp, DISPID dispidMember, VARIANTARG *rgvarg, UINT cArgs, ...) #endif LWSTDAPI IConnectionPoint_OnChanged(IConnectionPoint *pcp, DISPID dispid); #if 0 // These functions not yet needed LWSTDAPI IUnknown_FindConnectionPoint(IUnknown *punk, REFIID riidCP, IConnectionPoint **pcpOut); #endif LWSTDAPI IUnknown_CPContainerInvokeIndirect(IUnknown *punk, REFIID riidCP, SHINVOKEPARAMS *pinv); LWSTDAPIV IUnknown_CPContainerInvokeParam(IUnknown *punk, REFIID riidCP, DISPID dispidMember, VARIANTARG *rgvarg, UINT cArgs, ...); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_CPContainerOnChanged(IUnknown *punk, DISPID dispid); #endif /* IOleAutomationTypes && IOleCommandTarget */ #endif /* } !RC_INVOKED */ LWSTDAPI IStream_Read(IStream *pstm, void *pv, ULONG cb); LWSTDAPI IStream_Write(IStream *pstm, const void *pv, ULONG cb); LWSTDAPI IStream_Reset(IStream *pstm); LWSTDAPI IStream_Size(IStream *pstm, ULARGE_INTEGER *pui); LWSTDAPI IStream_WritePidl(IStream *pstm, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlWrite); LWSTDAPI IStream_ReadPidl(IStream *pstm, LPITEMIDLIST *ppidlOut); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHIsEmptyStream(IStream* pstm); LWSTDAPI SHSimulateDrop(IDropTarget *pdrop, IDataObject *pdtobj, DWORD grfKeyState, const POINTL *ppt, DWORD *pdwEffect); LWSTDAPI SHLoadFromPropertyBag(IUnknown* punk, IPropertyBag* ppg); LWSTDAPI ConnectToConnectionPoint(IUnknown* punkThis, REFIID riidEvent, BOOL fConnect, IUnknown* punkTarget, DWORD* pdwCookie, IConnectionPoint** ppcpOut); LWSTDAPI SHCreatePropertyBagOnRegKey(HKEY hk, LPCWSTR pszSubKey, DWORD grfMode, REFIID riid, void **ppv); LWSTDAPI SHCreatePropertyBagOnProfileSection(LPCWSTR pszFile, LPCWSTR pszSection, DWORD grfMode, REFIID riid, void **ppv); LWSTDAPI SHCreatePropertyBagOnMemory(DWORD grfMode, REFIID riid, void **ppv); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadType(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pszPropName, VARIANT* pv, VARTYPE vt); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadStr(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, LPWSTR psz, int cch); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadBSTR(IPropertyBag *ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, BSTR* pbstr); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_WriteStr(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, LPCWSTR psz); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadInt(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, INT* piResult); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_WriteInt(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, INT iValue); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadSHORT(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, SHORT* psh); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_WriteSHORT(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, SHORT sh); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadLONG(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, LONG* pl); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_WriteLONG(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, LONG l); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadDWORD(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, DWORD* pdw); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_WriteDWORD(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, DWORD dw); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadBOOL(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, BOOL* pfResult); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_WriteBOOL(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, BOOL fValue); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadGUID(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, GUID* pguid); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_WriteGUID(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, const GUID* pguid); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadPIDL(IPropertyBag *ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, LPITEMIDLIST* ppidl); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_WritePIDL(IPropertyBag *ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadPOINTL(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, POINTL* ppt); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_WritePOINTL(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, const POINTL* ppt); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadPOINTS(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, POINTS* ppt); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_WritePOINTS(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, const POINTS* ppt); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadRECTL(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, RECTL* prc); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_WriteRECTL(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, const RECTL* prc); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_ReadStream(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, IStream** ppstm); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_WriteStream(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pwzPropName, IStream* pstm); LWSTDAPI SHPropertyBag_Delete(IPropertyBag* ppb, LPCWSTR pszPropName); // Doc'ed for DOJ compliance ;end_internal #define SHGVSPB_PERUSER 0x00000001 // must have one of PERUSER or ALLUSERS #define SHGVSPB_ALLUSERS 0x00000002 #define SHGVSPB_PERFOLDER 0x00000004 // must have one of PERFOLDER ALLFOLDERS or INHERIT #define SHGVSPB_ALLFOLDERS 0x00000008 #define SHGVSPB_INHERIT 0x00000010 #define SHGVSPB_ROAM 0x00000020 // modifies the above #define SHGVSPB_NOAUTODEFAULTS 0x80000000 // turns off read delegation to more general property bags #define SHGVSPB_FOLDER (SHGVSPB_PERUSER | SHGVSPB_PERFOLDER) #define SHGVSPB_FOLDERNODEFAULTS (SHGVSPB_PERUSER | SHGVSPB_PERFOLDER | SHGVSPB_NOAUTODEFAULTS) #define SHGVSPB_USERDEFAULTS (SHGVSPB_PERUSER | SHGVSPB_ALLFOLDERS) #define SHGVSPB_GLOBALDEAFAULTS (SHGVSPB_ALLUSERS | SHGVSPB_ALLFOLDERS) LWSTDAPI SHGetViewStatePropertyBag(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPCWSTR pszBagName, DWORD dwFlags, REFIID riid, void** ppv); ;begin_internal LWSTDAPI_(ULONG) SHGetPerScreenResName(WCHAR* pszRes, ULONG cch, DWORD dwVersion); // // SH(Get/Set)IniStringUTF7 // // These are just like Get/WriteProfileString except that if the KeyName // begins with SZ_CANBEUNICODE, we will use SHGetIniString instead of // the profile functions. (The SZ_CANBEUNICODE will be stripped off // before calling SHGetIniString.) This allows us to stash unicode // strings into INI files (which are ASCII) by encoding them as UTF7. // // In other words, SHGetIniStringUTF7("Settings", SZ_CANBEUNICODE "Name", ...) // will read from section "Settings", key name "Name", but will also // look at the UTF7-encoded version stashed in the "Settings.W" section. // #define CH_CANBEUNICODEW L'@' LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHGetIniStringUTF7W(LPCWSTR lpSection, LPCWSTR lpKey, LPWSTR lpBuf, DWORD nSize, LPCWSTR lpFile); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHSetIniStringUTF7W(LPCWSTR lpSection, LPCWSTR lpKey, LPCWSTR lpString, LPCWSTR lpFile); #ifdef UNICODE #define SZ_CANBEUNICODE TEXT("@") #define SHSetIniStringUTF7 SHSetIniStringUTF7W #define SHGetIniStringUTF7 SHGetIniStringUTF7W #else #define SZ_CANBEUNICODE TEXT("") #define SHGetIniStringUTF7(lpSection, lpKey, lpBuf, nSize, lpFile) \ GetPrivateProfileStringA(lpSection, lpKey, "", lpBuf, nSize, lpFile) #define SHSetIniStringUTF7 WritePrivateProfileStringA #endif /* * Like PrivateProfileString except that UNICODE strings are encoded so they * will successfully round-trip. */ LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHGetIniStringW(LPCWSTR lpSection, LPCWSTR lpKey, LPWSTR lpBuf, DWORD nSize, LPCWSTR lpFile); #define SHGetIniStringA(lpSection, lpKey, lpBuf, nSize, lpFile) \ GetPrivateProfileStringA(lpSection, lpKey, "", lpBuf, nSize, lpFile) LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHSetIniStringW(LPCWSTR lpSection, LPCWSTR lpKey, LPCWSTR lpString, LPCWSTR lpFile); #define SHSetIniStringA WritePrivateProfileStringA LWSTDAPI CreateURLFileContentsW(LPCWSTR pwszUrl, LPSTR *ppszOut); LWSTDAPI CreateURLFileContentsA(LPCSTR pszUrl, LPSTR *ppszOut); #ifdef UNICODE #define SHGetIniString SHGetIniStringW #define SHSetIniString SHSetIniStringW #define CreateURLFileContents CreateURLFileContentsW #else #define SHGetIniString SHGetIniStringA #define SHSetIniString SHSetIniStringA #define CreateURLFileContents CreateURLFileContentsA #endif // UNICODE #define ISHGDN2_CANREMOVEFORPARSING 0x0001 LWSTDAPI IShellFolder_GetDisplayNameOf(struct IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, DWORD uFlags, STRRET *pstr, DWORD dwFlags2); LWSTDAPI IShellFolder_ParseDisplayName(struct IShellFolder *psf, HWND hwnd, struct IBindCtx *pbc, LPWSTR pszDisplayName, ULONG *pchEaten, LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl, ULONG *pdwAttributes); LWSTDAPI IShellFolder_CompareIDs(struct IShellFolder *psf, LPARAM lParam, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2); LWSTDAPI IShellFolder_EnumObjects(struct IShellFolder *psf, HWND hwnd, DWORD grfFlags, struct IEnumIDList **ppenumIDList); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHIsExpandableFolder(struct IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl); LWSTDAPI IContextMenu_Invoke(struct IContextMenu* pcm, HWND hwndOwner, LPCSTR pVerb, UINT fFlags); #ifdef UNICODE // SHTruncateString takes a BUFFER SIZE, so subtract 1 to properly null terminate. // #define SHTruncateString(wzStr, cch) ((cch) ? ((wzStr)[cch-1]=L'\0', (cch-1)) : 0) #else LWSTDAPI_(int) SHTruncateString(CHAR *sz, int cchBufferSize); #endif // UNICODE // SHFormatDateTime flags // (FDTF_SHORTDATE and FDTF_LONGDATE are mutually exclusive, as is // FDTF_SHORTIME and FDTF_LONGTIME.) // #define FDTF_SHORTTIME 0x00000001 // eg, "7:48 PM" #define FDTF_SHORTDATE 0x00000002 // eg, "3/29/98" #define FDTF_DEFAULT (FDTF_SHORTDATE | FDTF_SHORTTIME) // eg, "3/29/98 7:48 PM" #define FDTF_LONGDATE 0x00000004 // eg, "Monday, March 29, 1998" #define FDTF_LONGTIME 0x00000008 // eg. "7:48:33 PM" #define FDTF_RELATIVE 0x00000010 // uses "Yesterday", etc. if possible #define FDTF_LTRDATE 0x00000100 // Left To Right reading order #define FDTF_RTLDATE 0x00000200 // Right To Left reading order LWSTDAPI_(int) SHFormatDateTime%(const FILETIME UNALIGNED * pft, DWORD * pdwFlags, LPTSTR% pszBuf, UINT cchBuf); LWSTDAPI_(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES*) SHGetAllAccessSA(); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHAnsiToUnicode(LPCSTR pszSrc, LPWSTR pwszDst, int cwchBuf); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHAnsiToUnicodeCP(UINT uiCP, LPCSTR pszSrc, LPWSTR pwszDst, int cwchBuf); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHAnsiToAnsi(LPCSTR pszSrc, LPSTR pszDst, int cchBuf); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHUnicodeToAnsi(LPCWSTR pwszSrc, LPSTR pszDst, int cchBuf); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHUnicodeToAnsiCP(UINT uiCP, LPCWSTR pwszSrc, LPSTR pszDst, int cchBuf); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHUnicodeToUnicode(LPCWSTR pwzSrc, LPWSTR pwzDst, int cwchBuf); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) DoesStringRoundTripA(LPCSTR pwszIn, LPSTR pszOut, UINT cchOut); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) DoesStringRoundTripW(LPCWSTR pwszIn, LPSTR pszOut, UINT cchOut); #ifdef UNICODE #define DoesStringRoundTrip DoesStringRoundTripW #else #define DoesStringRoundTrip DoesStringRoundTripA #endif // The return value from all SHTo is the size of szDest including the terminater. #ifdef UNICODE #define SHTCharToUnicode(wzSrc, wzDest, cchSize) SHUnicodeToUnicode(wzSrc, wzDest, cchSize) #define SHTCharToUnicodeCP(uiCP, wzSrc, wzDest, cchSize) SHUnicodeToUnicode(wzSrc, wzDest, cchSize) #define SHTCharToAnsi(wzSrc, szDest, cchSize) SHUnicodeToAnsi(wzSrc, szDest, cchSize) #define SHTCharToAnsiCP(uiCP, wzSrc, szDest, cchSize) SHUnicodeToAnsiCP(uiCP, wzSrc, szDest, cchSize) #define SHUnicodeToTChar(wzSrc, wzDest, cchSize) SHUnicodeToUnicode(wzSrc, wzDest, cchSize) #define SHUnicodeToTCharCP(uiCP, wzSrc, wzDest, cchSize) SHUnicodeToUnicode(wzSrc, wzDest, cchSize) #define SHAnsiToTChar(szSrc, wzDest, cchSize) SHAnsiToUnicode(szSrc, wzDest, cchSize) #define SHAnsiToTCharCP(uiCP, szSrc, wzDest, cchSize) SHAnsiToUnicodeCP(uiCP, szSrc, wzDest, cchSize) #define SHOtherToTChar(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) SHAnsiToUnicode(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) #define SHTCharToOther(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) SHUnicodeToAnsi(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) #else // UNICODE #define SHTCharToUnicode(szSrc, wzDest, cchSize) SHAnsiToUnicode(szSrc, wzDest, cchSize) #define SHTCharToUnicodeCP(uiCP, szSrc, wzDest, cchSize) SHAnsiToUnicodeCP(uiCP, szSrc, wzDest, cchSize) #define SHTCharToAnsi(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) SHAnsiToAnsi(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) #define SHTCharToAnsiCP(uiCP, szSrc, szDest, cchSize) SHAnsiToAnsi(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) #define SHUnicodeToTChar(wzSrc, szDest, cchSize) SHUnicodeToAnsi(wzSrc, szDest, cchSize) #define SHUnicodeToTCharCP(uiCP, wzSrc, szDest, cchSize) SHUnicodeToAnsiCP(uiCP, wzSrc, szDest, cchSize) #define SHAnsiToTChar(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) SHAnsiToAnsi(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) #define SHAnsiToTCharCP(uiCP, szSrc, szDest, cchSize) SHAnsiToAnsi(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) #define SHOtherToTChar(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) SHUnicodeToAnsi(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) #define SHTCharToOther(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) SHAnsiToUnicode(szSrc, szDest, cchSize) #endif // UNICODE // Internal HRESULT-to-help-topic mapping structure typedef struct _tagHRESULTHELPMAPPING { HRESULT hr; LPCSTR szHelpFile; LPCSTR szHelpTopic; } HRESULTHELPMAPPING; LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHRegisterClassA(const WNDCLASSA* pwc); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHRegisterClassW(const WNDCLASSW* pwc); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHUnregisterClassesA(HINSTANCE hinst, const LPCSTR *rgpszClasses, UINT cpsz); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHUnregisterClassesW(HINSTANCE hinst, const LPCWSTR *rgpszClasses, UINT cpsz); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHMessageBoxHelpW(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszText, LPCWSTR pszCaption, UINT uType, HRESULT hrErr, HRESULTHELPMAPPING* prghhm, DWORD chhm); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHMessageBoxHelpA(HWND hwnd, LPCSTR pszText, LPCSTR pszCaption, UINT uType, HRESULT hrErr, HRESULTHELPMAPPING* prghhm, DWORD chhm); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHMessageBoxCheckW(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszText, LPCWSTR pszCaption, UINT uType, int iDefault, LPCWSTR pszRegVal); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHMessageBoxCheckA(HWND hwnd, LPCSTR pszText, LPCSTR pszCaption, UINT uType, int iDefault, LPCSTR pszRegVal); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHRestrictedMessageBox(HWND hwnd); LWSTDAPI_(HMENU) SHGetMenuFromID(HMENU hmMain, UINT uID); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHMenuIndexFromID(HMENU hm, UINT id); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHRemoveDefaultDialogFont(HWND hDlg); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHSetDefaultDialogFont(HWND hDlg, int idCtl); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHRemoveAllSubMenus(HMENU hmenu); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHEnableMenuItem(HMENU hmenu, UINT id, BOOL fEnable); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHCheckMenuItem(HMENU hmenu, UINT id, BOOL fChecked); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHSetWindowBits(HWND hWnd, int iWhich, DWORD dwBits, DWORD dwValue); LWSTDAPI_(HMENU) SHLoadMenuPopup(HINSTANCE hinst, UINT id); #define SPM_POST 0x0000 #define SPM_SEND 0x0001 #define SPM_ONELEVEL 0x0002 // default: send to all descendants including grandkids, etc. LWSTDAPI_(void) SHPropagateMessage(HWND hwndParent, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, int iFlags); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHSetParentHwnd(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndParent); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) SHGetCurColorRes(); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHWaitForSendMessageThread(HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwTimeout); LWSTDAPI SHWaitForCOMSendMessageThread(HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwTimeout); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHVerbExistsNA(LPCSTR szExtension, LPCSTR pszVerb, LPSTR pszCommand, DWORD cchCommand); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHFillRectClr(HDC hdc, LPRECT prc, COLORREF clr); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHSearchMapInt(const int *src, const int *dst, int cnt, int val); LWSTDAPI_(CHAR) SHStripMneumonicA(LPSTR pszMenu); LWSTDAPI_(WCHAR) SHStripMneumonicW(LPWSTR pszMenu); LWSTDAPI SHIsChildOrSelf(HWND hwndParent, HWND hwnd); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHGetValueGoodBootA(HKEY hkeyParent, LPCSTR pcszSubKey, LPCSTR pcszValue, PDWORD pdwValueType, PBYTE pbyteBuf, PDWORD pdwcbBufLen); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHGetValueGoodBootW(HKEY hkeyParent, LPCWSTR pcwzSubKey, LPCWSTR pcwzValue, PDWORD pdwValueType, PBYTE pbyteBuf, PDWORD pdwcbBufLen); LWSTDAPI_(LRESULT) SHDefWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHGetFileDescription%(LPCTSTR% pszPath, LPCTSTR% pszVersionKeyIn, LPCTSTR% pszCutListIn, LPTSTR% pszDesc, UINT *pcchDesc); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHMessageBoxCheckEx%(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst, LPCTSTR% pszTemplateName, DLGPROC pDlgProc, LPVOID pData, int iDefault, LPCTSTR% pszRegVal); #define IDC_MESSAGEBOXCHECKEX 0x1202 // Prevents shell hang do to hung window on broadcast LWSTDAPI_(LRESULT) SHSendMessageBroadcast%(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #ifdef UNICODE #define SHGetValueGoodBoot SHGetValueGoodBootW #define SHStripMneumonic SHStripMneumonicW #define SHMessageBoxHelp SHMessageBoxHelpW #define SHMessageBoxCheck SHMessageBoxCheckW #define SHRegisterClass SHRegisterClassW #define SHUnregisterClasses SHUnregisterClassesW #define SHSendMessageBroadcast SHSendMessageBroadcastW #else // UNICODE #define SHGetValueGoodBoot SHGetValueGoodBootA #define SHStripMneumonic SHStripMneumonicA #define SHMessageBoxHelp SHMessageBoxHelpA #define SHMessageBoxCheck SHMessageBoxCheckA #define SHRegisterClass SHRegisterClassA #define SHUnregisterClasses SHUnregisterClassesA #define SHSendMessageBroadcast SHSendMessageBroadcastA #endif // UNICODE // old IsOS() flags -- don't use these // we have to keep them public since we shipped them in win2k ;internal #define OS_MEMPHIS OS_WIN98ORGREATER // don't use this #define OS_MEMPHIS_GOLD OS_WIN98_GOLD // don't use this #define OS_WIN95GOLD OS_WIN95_GOLD #define OS_WIN2000EMBED OS_EMBEDDED #define OS_WIN2000 OS_WIN2000ORGREATER // lame, but IsOS(WIN2000) meant >= win2k #define OS_WIN95 OS_WIN95ORGREATER // lame, but IsOS(WIN95) meant >= win95 #define OS_NT4 OS_NT4ORGREATER // lame, but IsOS(NT4) meant >= NT4 #define OS_NT5 OS_WIN2000ORGREATER // lame, but IsOS(NT5) meant >= wink2 #define OS_WIN98 OS_WIN98ORGREATER // lame, but IsOS(OS_WIN98) meant >= win98 #define OS_MILLENNIUM OS_MILLENNIUMORGREATER // lame, but IsOS(OS_MILLENNIUM) meant >= winMe // end old flags // Returns TRUE/FALSE depending on question #define OS_WINDOWS 0 // windows vs. NT #define OS_NT 1 // windows vs. NT #define OS_WIN95ORGREATER 2 // Win95 or greater #define OS_NT4ORGREATER 3 // NT4 or greater // don't use (used to be OS_NT5) 4 // this flag is redundant w/ OS_WIN2000ORGREATER, use that instead ;internal #define OS_WIN98ORGREATER 5 // Win98 or greater #define OS_WIN98_GOLD 6 // Win98 Gold (Version 4.10 build 1998) #define OS_WIN2000ORGREATER 7 // Some derivative of Win2000 ;begin_internal // NOTE: these flags are bogus, they check explicitly for (dwMajorVersion == 5) so they will fail when majorversion is bumped to 6 // !!! DO NOT USE THESE FLAGS !!! #define OS_WIN2000PRO 8 // Windows 2000 Professional (Workstation) #define OS_WIN2000SERVER 9 // Windows 2000 Server #define OS_WIN2000ADVSERVER 10 // Windows 2000 Advanced Server #define OS_WIN2000DATACENTER 11 // Windows 2000 Data Center Server #define OS_WIN2000TERMINAL 12 // Windows 2000 Terminal Server in "Application Server" mode (now simply called "Terminal Server") // END bogus flags ;end_internal #define OS_EMBEDDED 13 // Embedded Windows Edition #define OS_TERMINALCLIENT 14 // Windows Terminal Client (eg user is comming in via tsclient) #define OS_TERMINALREMOTEADMIN 15 // Terminal Server in "Remote Administration" mode #define OS_WIN95_GOLD 16 // Windows 95 Gold (Version 4.0 Build 1995) #define OS_MILLENNIUMORGREATER 17 // Windows Millennium (Version 5.0) #define OS_WHISTLERORGREATER 18 // Whistler or greater #define OS_PERSONAL 19 // Personal (eg NOT Professional, Server, Advanced Server, or Datacenter) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0600) #define OS_PROFESSIONAL 20 // Professional (aka Workstation; eg NOT Server, Advanced Server, or Datacenter) #define OS_DATACENTER 21 // Datacenter (eg NOT Server, Advanced Server, Professional, or Personal) #define OS_ADVSERVER 22 // Advanced Server (eg NOT Datacenter, Server, Professional, or Personal) #define OS_SERVER 23 // Server (eg NOT Datacenter, Advanced Server, Professional, or Personal) #define OS_TERMINALSERVER 24 // Terminal Server - server running in what used to be called "Application Server" mode (now simply called "Terminal Server") // OS_TERMINALREMOTEADMIN 15 // Terminal Server - server running in "Remote Administration" mode #define OS_PERSONALTERMINALSERVER 25 // Personal Terminal Server - per/pro machine running in single user TS mode #define OS_FASTUSERSWITCHING 26 // Fast User Switching #define OS_FRIENDLYLOGONUI 27 // New friendly logon UI #define OS_DOMAINMEMBER 28 // Is this machine a member of a domain (eg NOT a workgroup) #define OS_ANYSERVER 29 // is this machine any type of server? (eg datacenter or advanced server or server)? #define OS_WOW6432 30 // Is this process a 32-bit process running on an 64-bit platform? #define OS_BLADE 31 // Blade Server #define OS_SMALLBUSINESSSERVER 32 // SBS Server // Added for .NET Server #define OS_TABLETPC 33 // Are we running on a TabletPC? #define OS_SERVERADMINUI 34 // Should defaults lean towards those preferred by server administrators? #define OS_MEDIACENTER 35 // eHome Freestyle Project #define OS_APPLIANCE 36 // Windows .NET Appliance Server #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0600 LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsOS(DWORD dwOS); ///// BEGIN Private CommandTarget helpers //*** IOleCommandTarget helpers { //*** octd -- OleCT direction // NOTES // used both as a return value from IsXxxForward, and as an iUpDown // param for MayXxxForward. enum octd { // do *not* change these values; we rely upon all 3 of: // - sign +/- // - powers of 2 // - (?) broadcast > down OCTD_DOWN=+1, OCTD_DOWNBROADCAST=+2, OCTD_UP=-1 }; #ifndef RC_INVOKED /* { rc doesn't like these long symbol names */ #ifdef __IOleCommandTarget_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ HRESULT IsQSForward(const GUID *pguidCmdGroup, int cCmds, OLECMD rgCmds[]); // WARNING: note the hoaky cast of nCmdID to a struct ptr #define IsExecForward(pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID) \ IsQSForward(pguidCmdGroup, 1, (OLECMD *) &nCmdID) HRESULT MayQSForward(IUnknown *punk, int iUpDown, const GUID *pguidCmdGroup, ULONG cCmds, OLECMD rgCmds[], OLECMDTEXT *pcmdtext); HRESULT MayExecForward(IUnknown *punk, int iUpDown, const GUID *pguidCmdGroup, DWORD nCmdID, DWORD nCmdexecopt, VARIANTARG *pvarargIn, VARIANTARG *pvarargOut); #endif //__IOleCommandTarget_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #endif /* } !RC_INVOKED */ // } ///// end typedef struct _FDSA { // cItem *must* be at beginning of struct for GetItemCount() to work int cItem; // # elements void * aItem; // data for elements (either static or dynamic) int cItemAlloc; // # of elements currently alloc'ed (>= cItem) int cItemGrow:8; // # of elements to grow cItemAlloc by int cbItem:8; // sizeof element DWORD fAllocated:1; // 1:overflowed from static to dynamic array DWORD unused:15; } FDSA, *PFDSA; LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) FDSA_Initialize(int cbItem, int cItemGrow, PFDSA pfdsa, void * aItemStatic, int cItemStatic); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) FDSA_Destroy(PFDSA pfdsa); LWSTDAPI_(int) FDSA_InsertItem(PFDSA pfdsa, int index, void * pitem); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) FDSA_DeleteItem(PFDSA pfdsa, int index); #define FDSA_AppendItem(pfdsa, pitem) FDSA_InsertItem(pfdsa, DA_LAST, pitem) #define FDSA_GetItemPtr(pfdsa, i, type) (&(((type *)((pfdsa)->aItem))[(i)])) #define FDSA_GetItemCount(hdsa) (*(int *)(hdsa)) #if defined( __LPGUID_DEFINED__ ) // Copied from OLE source code // format for string form of GUID is: // ????{%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X} #define GUIDSTR_MAX (1+ 8 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 12 + 1 + 1) LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GUIDFromString%(LPCTSTR% psz, LPGUID pguid); #endif #ifdef _REFGUID_DEFINED LWSTDAPI_(int) SHStringFromGUID%(UNALIGNED REFGUID rguid, LPTSTR% psz, int cchMax); LWSTDAPI SHRegGetCLSIDKey%(UNALIGNED REFGUID rguid, LPCTSTR% lpszSubKey, BOOL fUserSpecific, BOOL fCreate, HKEY *phkey); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) SHGlobalCounterCreate(REFGUID rguid); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) SHGlobalCounterCreateNamed%(LPCTSTR% szName, LONG lInitialValue); LWSTDAPI_(long) SHGlobalCounterGetValue(HANDLE hCounter); LWSTDAPI_(long) SHGlobalCounterIncrement(HANDLE hCounter); LWSTDAPI_(long) SHGlobalCounterDecrement(HANDLE hCounter); #define SHGlobalCounterDestroy CloseHandle #endif // WNDPROCs are thunked by user to send ANSI/UNICODE messages (ex: WM_WININICHANGE) // so providing a W version that automatically thunks to the A version // is dangerous. but we do it anyway. if a caller needs to work on both win95 and NT // it needs to be aware that on win95 the W version actually calls the A version. // thus all worker windows on win95 are ANSI. this should rarely affect worker wndprocs // because they are internal, and the messages are usually custom. but system messages // like WM_WININICHANGE, and the WM_DDE* messages will be changed accordingly HWND SHCreateWorkerWindowA(WNDPROC pfnWndProc, HWND hwndParent, DWORD dwExStyle, DWORD dwFlags, HMENU hmenu, void * p); HWND SHCreateWorkerWindowW(WNDPROC pfnWndProc, HWND hwndParent, DWORD dwExStyle, DWORD dwFlags, HMENU hmenu, void * p); #ifdef UNICODE #define SHCreateWorkerWindow SHCreateWorkerWindowW #else #define SHCreateWorkerWindow SHCreateWorkerWindowA #endif BOOL SHAboutInfoA(LPSTR lpszInfo, DWORD cchSize); BOOL SHAboutInfoW(LPWSTR lpszInfo, DWORD cchSize); #ifdef UNICODE #define SHAboutInfo SHAboutInfoW #else #define SHAboutInfo SHAboutInfoA #endif // Types for SHIsLowMemoryMachine #define ILMM_IE4 0 // 1997-style machine LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHIsLowMemoryMachine(DWORD dwType); LWSTDAPI_(HINSTANCE) SHPinDllOfCLSID(const CLSID *pclsid); // Menu Helpers LWSTDAPI_(int) GetMenuPosFromID(HMENU hmenu, UINT id); LWSTDAPI SHGetInverseCMAP(BYTE *pbMap, ULONG cbMap); // // Shared memory apis // LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) SHAllocShared(const void *pvData, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwProcessId); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHFreeShared(HANDLE hData,DWORD dwProcessId); LWSTDAPI_(void *) SHLockShared(HANDLE hData, DWORD dwProcessId); LWSTDAPI_(void *) SHLockSharedEx(HANDLE hData, DWORD dwProcessId, BOOL fForWriting); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHUnlockShared(void *pvData); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) SHMapHandle(HANDLE h, DWORD dwProcSrc, DWORD dwProcDest, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwFlags); // // Shared memory structs // #define MAPHEAD_SIG 0xbaff1aff typedef struct _shmapheader { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwSig; DWORD dwSrcId; DWORD dwDstId; } SHMAPHEADER; // NOTE: should always be QUADWORD alignment #ifdef UNIX #include #endif /* UNIX */ // // Zone Security APIs // LWSTDAPI ZoneCheckPathA(LPCSTR pszPath, DWORD dwActionType, DWORD dwFlags, IInternetSecurityMgrSite * pisms); LWSTDAPI ZoneCheckPathW(LPCWSTR pwzPath, DWORD dwActionType, DWORD dwFlags, IInternetSecurityMgrSite * pisms); LWSTDAPI ZoneCheckUrlA(LPCSTR pszUrl, DWORD dwActionType, DWORD dwFlags, IInternetSecurityMgrSite * pisms); LWSTDAPI ZoneCheckUrlW(LPCWSTR pwzUrl, DWORD dwActionType, DWORD dwFlags, IInternetSecurityMgrSite * pisms); LWSTDAPI ZoneCheckUrlExA(LPCSTR pszUrl, DWORD * pdwPolicy, DWORD dwPolicySize, DWORD * pdwContext, DWORD dwContextSize, DWORD dwActionType, DWORD dwFlags, IInternetSecurityMgrSite * pisms); LWSTDAPI ZoneCheckUrlExW(LPCWSTR pwzUrl, DWORD * pdwPolicy, DWORD dwPolicySize, DWORD * pdwContext, DWORD dwContextSize, DWORD dwActionType, DWORD dwFlags, IInternetSecurityMgrSite * pisms); LWSTDAPI ZoneCheckUrlExCacheA(LPCSTR pszUrl, DWORD * pdwPolicy, DWORD dwPolicySize, DWORD * pdwContext, DWORD dwContextSize, DWORD dwActionType, DWORD dwFlags, IInternetSecurityMgrSite * pisms, IInternetSecurityManager ** ppismCache); LWSTDAPI ZoneCheckUrlExCacheW(LPCWSTR pwzUrl, DWORD * pdwPolicy, DWORD dwPolicySize, DWORD * pdwContext, DWORD dwContextSize, DWORD dwActionType, DWORD dwFlags, IInternetSecurityMgrSite * pisms, IInternetSecurityManager ** ppismCache); LWSTDAPI ZoneCheckHost(IInternetHostSecurityManager * pihsm, DWORD dwActionType, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI ZoneCheckHostEx(IInternetHostSecurityManager * pihsm, DWORD * pdwPolicy, DWORD dwPolicySize, DWORD * pdwContext, DWORD dwContextSize, DWORD dwActionType, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(int) ZoneComputePaneSize(HWND hwndStatus); LWSTDAPI_(void) ZoneConfigureW(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pwszUrl); #ifdef UNICODE #define ZoneCheckUrl ZoneCheckUrlW #define ZoneCheckPath ZoneCheckPathW #define ZoneCheckUrlEx ZoneCheckUrlExW #define ZoneCheckUrlExCache ZoneCheckUrlExCacheW #else // UNICODE #define ZoneCheckUrl ZoneCheckUrlA #define ZoneCheckPath ZoneCheckPathA #define ZoneCheckUrlEx ZoneCheckUrlExA #define ZoneCheckUrlExCache ZoneCheckUrlExCacheA #endif // UNICODE LWSTDAPI SHRegisterValidateTemplate(LPCWSTR pwzTemplate, DWORD dwFlags); // Flags for SHRegisterValidateTemplate #define SHRVT_REGISTER 0x00000001 #define SHRVT_VALIDATE 0x00000002 #define SHRVT_PROMPTUSER 0x00000004 #define SHRVT_REGISTERIFPROMPTOK 0x00000008 #define SHRVT_ALLOW_INTRANET 0x00000010 #define SHRVT_VALID 0x0000001f BOOL RegisterGlobalHotkeyW(WORD wOldHotkey, WORD wNewHotkey,LPCWSTR pcwszPath); BOOL RegisterGlobalHotkeyA(WORD wOldHotkey, WORD wNewHotkey,LPCSTR pcszPath); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) WhichPlatform(void); // Return values of WhichPlatform #define PLATFORM_UNKNOWN 0 #define PLATFORM_IE3 1 // obsolete: use PLATFORM_BROWSERONLY #define PLATFORM_BROWSERONLY 1 // browser-only (no new shell) #define PLATFORM_INTEGRATED 2 // integrated shell #ifdef UNICODE #define RegisterGlobalHotkey RegisterGlobalHotkeyW #else // UNICODE #define RegisterGlobalHotkey RegisterGlobalHotkeyA #endif // UNICODE // qistub { //*** QueryInterface helpers // NOTES // ATL has a fancier version of this. if we need to extend ours, we // should probably just switch to ATL's rather than reinvent. // EXAMPLE // Cfoo::QI(REFIID riid, void **ppv) // { // // (the IID_xxx comments make grep'ing work!) // static const QITAB qit = { // QITABENT(Cfoo, Iiface1), // IID_Iiface1 // ... // QITABENT(Cfoo, IifaceN), // IID_IifaceN // { 0 }, // n.b. don't forget the 0 // }; // // // n.b. make sure you don't cast 'this' // hr = QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppv); // if (FAILED(hr)) // hr = SUPER::QI(riid, ppv); // // custom code could be added here for FAILED() case // return hr; // } typedef struct { const IID * piid; int dwOffset; } QITAB, *LPQITAB; typedef const QITAB *LPCQITAB; #define QITABENTMULTI(Cthis, Ifoo, Iimpl) \ { (IID*) &IID_##Ifoo, OFFSETOFCLASS(Iimpl, Cthis) } #define QITABENTMULTI2(Cthis, Ifoo, Iimpl) \ { (IID*) &Ifoo, OFFSETOFCLASS(Iimpl, Cthis) } #define QITABENT(Cthis, Ifoo) QITABENTMULTI(Cthis, Ifoo, Ifoo) STDAPI QISearch(void* that, LPCQITAB pqit, REFIID riid, void **ppv); #ifndef STATIC_CAST //*** STATIC_CAST -- 'portable' static_cast<> // NOTES // do *not* use SAFE_CAST (see comment in OFFSETOFCLASS) #define STATIC_CAST(typ) static_cast #ifndef _X86_ // assume only intel compiler (>=vc5) supports static_cast for now // we could key off of _MSC_VER >= 1100 but i'm not sure that will work // // a straight cast will give the correct result but no error checking, // so we'll have to catch errors on intel. #undef STATIC_CAST #define STATIC_CAST(typ) (typ) #endif #endif #ifndef OFFSETOFCLASS //*** OFFSETOFCLASS -- (stolen from ATL) // we use STATIC_CAST not SAFE_CAST because the compiler gets confused // (it doesn't constant-fold the ,-op in SAFE_CAST so we end up generating // code for the table!) #define OFFSETOFCLASS(base, derived) \ ((DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)(STATIC_CAST(base*)((derived*)8))-8) #endif // } qistub #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) // SHRestrictionLookup typedef struct { INT iFlag; LPCWSTR pszKey; LPCWSTR pszValue; } SHRESTRICTIONITEMS; LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHRestrictionLookup(INT iFlag, LPCWSTR pszBaseKey, const SHRESTRICTIONITEMS *pRestrictions, DWORD* rdwRestrictionItemValues); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHGetRestriction(LPCWSTR pszBaseKey, LPCWSTR pszGroup, LPCWSTR pszSubKey); typedef INT_PTR (CALLBACK* SHDLGPROC)(void *lpData, HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); LWSTDAPI_(INT_PTR) SHDialogBox(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpTemplateName, HWND hwndParent, SHDLGPROC lpDlgFunc, void*lpData); LWSTDAPI SHInvokeDefaultCommand(HWND hwnd, struct IShellFolder* psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl); LWSTDAPI SHInvokeCommand(HWND hwnd, struct IShellFolder* psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPCSTR lpVerb); LWSTDAPI SHInvokeCommandOnContextMenu(HWND hwnd, struct IUnknown* punk, struct IContextMenu *pcm, DWORD fMask, LPCSTR lpVerb); LWSTDAPI SHInvokeCommandsOnContextMenu(HWND hwnd, struct IUnknown* punk, struct IContextMenu *pcm, DWORD fMask, const LPCSTR rgszVerbs[], UINT cVerbs); LWSTDAPI SHForwardContextMenuMsg(struct IContextMenu* pcm, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* plResult, BOOL fAllowICM2); LWSTDAPI IUnknown_DoContextMenuPopup(struct IUnknown *punkSite, struct IContextMenu* pcm, UINT fFlags, POINT pt); #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0500 //============= Internal Routines that are always to be built ================ LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetLongPathNameWrapW( LPCWSTR lpszShortPath, LPWSTR lpszLongPath, DWORD cchBuffer); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetLongPathNameWrapA( LPCSTR lpszShortPath, LPSTR lpszLongPath, DWORD cchBuffer); #ifdef UNICODE #define GetLongPathNameWrap GetLongPathNameWrapW #else #define GetLongPathNameWrap GetLongPathNameWrapA #endif //UNICODE //=============== Unicode Wrapper Routines =================================== #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) && !defined(NO_SHLWAPI_UNITHUNK) // // There are two styles of usage for the wrap functions. // // * Explicit wrapping. // // If you explicitly call GetPropWrap (for example), then // your UNICODE build will call the wrapper function, and your ANSI // build will call the normal ANSI API directly. // // Calls to GetProp, GetPropW, and GetPropA still go // directly to the underlying system DLL that implements them. // // This lets you select which calls to UNICODE APIs should get // wrapped and which should go straight through to the OS // (and most likely fail on Win95). // // * Automatic wrapping. // // If you #include , then when you call GetProp, // your UNICODE build will call the wrapper function, and your ANSI // ANSI build will call the normal ANSI API directly. // // This lets you just call the UNICODE APIs normally throughout // your code, and the wrappers will do their best. // // Here's a table explaining what you get under the various scenarios. // // You Get // // You Write UNICODE ANSI UNICODE ANSI // ============ ============ ============ ============ ============ // GetProp GetPropW GetPropA GetPropWrapW GetPropA // GetPropWrap GetPropWrapW GetPropA GetPropWrapW GetPropA // // GetPropW GetPropW GetPropW GetPropWrapW GetPropWrapW // GetPropA GetPropA GetPropA GetPropA GetPropA // GetPropWrapW GetPropWrapW GetPropWrapW GetPropWrapW GetPropWrapW // GetPropWrapA GetPropA GetPropA GetPropA GetPropA // // Final quirk: If you are running on a non-x86 platform, then the // wrap functions are forwarded to the unwrapped functions, since // the only OS that runs on non-x86 is NT. // // Before using the wrapper functions, see the warnings at the top of // to make sure you understand the consequences. // LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsCharAlphaWrapW(IN WCHAR ch); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsCharUpperWrapW(IN WCHAR ch); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsCharLowerWrapW(IN WCHAR ch); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsCharAlphaNumericWrapW(IN WCHAR ch); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) AppendMenuWrapW( IN HMENU hMenu, IN UINT uFlags, IN UINT_PTR uIDNewItem, IN LPCWSTR lpNewItem ); LWSTDAPI_(LRESULT) CallWindowProcWrapW( WNDPROC lpPrevWndFunc, HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #ifdef POST_IE5_BETA LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) CallMsgFilterWrapW(LPMSG lpMsg, int nCode); #endif LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) CharLowerWrapW( LPWSTR pch ); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) CharLowerBuffWrapW( LPWSTR pch, DWORD cchLength ); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) CharNextWrapW(LPCWSTR lpszCurrent); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) CharPrevWrapW(LPCWSTR lpszStart, LPCWSTR lpszCurrent); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) CharToOemWrapW(LPCWSTR lpszSrc, LPSTR lpszDst); LWSTDAPI_(LPWSTR) CharUpperWrapW( LPWSTR pch ); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) CharUpperBuffWrapW( LPWSTR pch, DWORD cchLength ); LWSTDAPI_(HRESULT) CLSIDFromStringWrap(LPOLESTR lpsz, LPCLSID pclsid); LWSTDAPI_(HRESULT) CLSIDFromProgIDWrap(LPCOLESTR lpszProgID, LPCLSID lpclsid); LWSTDAPI_(int) CompareStringWrapW( LCID Locale, DWORD dwCmpFlags, LPCWSTR lpString1, int cchCount1, LPCWSTR lpString2, int cchCount2); LWSTDAPI_(int) CopyAcceleratorTableWrapW( HACCEL hAccelSrc, LPACCEL lpAccelDst, int cAccelEntries); LWSTDAPI_(HACCEL) CreateAcceleratorTableWrapW(LPACCEL lpAccel, int cEntries); LWSTDAPI_(HDC) CreateDCWrapW( LPCWSTR lpszDriver, LPCWSTR lpszDevice, LPCWSTR lpszOutput, CONST DEVMODEW * lpInitData); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) CreateDirectoryWrapW( LPCWSTR lpPathName, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) CreateEventWrapW( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpEventAttributes, BOOL bManualReset, BOOL bInitialState, LPCWSTR lpName); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) CreateFileWrapW( LPCWSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile); LWSTDAPI_(HFONT) CreateFontIndirectWrapW(CONST LOGFONTW * plfw); LWSTDAPI_(HDC) CreateICWrapW( LPCWSTR lpszDriver, LPCWSTR lpszDevice, LPCWSTR lpszOutput, CONST DEVMODEW * lpInitData); LWSTDAPI_(HWND) CreateWindowExWrapW( DWORD dwExStyle, LPCWSTR lpClassName, LPCWSTR lpWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, HINSTANCE hInstance, void * lpParam); LWSTDAPI_(LRESULT) DefWindowProcWrapW(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) DeleteFileWrapW(LPCWSTR pwsz); LWSTDAPI_(LRESULT) DispatchMessageWrapW(CONST MSG * lpMsg); LWSTDAPI_(int) DrawTextWrapW( HDC hDC, LPCWSTR lpString, int nCount, LPRECT lpRect, UINT uFormat); LWSTDAPI_(int) EnumFontFamiliesWrapW( HDC hdc, LPCWSTR lpszFamily, FONTENUMPROCW lpEnumFontProc, LPARAM lParam); LWSTDAPI_(int) EnumFontFamiliesExWrapW( HDC hdc, LPLOGFONTW lplfw, FONTENUMPROCW lpEnumFontProc, LPARAM lParam, DWORD dwFlags ); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) EnumResourceNamesWrapW( HINSTANCE hModule, LPCWSTR lpType, ENUMRESNAMEPROCW lpEnumFunc, LONG_PTR lParam); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) ExtTextOutWrapW( HDC hdc, int x, int y, UINT fuOptions, CONST RECT * lprc, LPCWSTR lpString, UINT nCount, CONST INT * lpDx); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) FindFirstFileWrapW( LPCWSTR lpFileName, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW pwszFd); LWSTDAPI_(HRSRC) FindResourceWrapW(HINSTANCE hModule, LPCWSTR lpName, LPCWSTR lpType); LWSTDAPI_(HWND) FindWindowWrapW(LPCWSTR lpClassName, LPCWSTR lpWindowName); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) FormatMessageWrapW( DWORD dwFlags, LPCVOID lpSource, DWORD dwMessageId, DWORD dwLanguageId, LPWSTR lpBuffer, DWORD nSize, va_list * Arguments); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetClassInfoWrapW(HINSTANCE hModule, LPCWSTR lpClassName, LPWNDCLASSW lpWndClassW); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetClassLongWrapW(HWND hWnd, int nIndex); LWSTDAPI_(int) GetClassNameWrapW(HWND hWnd, LPWSTR lpClassName, int nMaxCount); LWSTDAPI_(int) GetClipboardFormatNameWrapW(UINT format, LPWSTR lpFormatName, int cchFormatName); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetCurrentDirectoryWrapW(DWORD nBufferLength, LPWSTR lpBuffer); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) GetDlgItemTextWrapW( HWND hWndDlg, int idControl, LPWSTR lpsz, int cchMax); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetFileAttributesWrapW(LPCWSTR lpFileName); // Cannot be LWSTDAPI because winver.h declares the function as STDAPI and not DLLIMPORT STDAPI_(BOOL) GetFileVersionInfoWrapW(LPCWSTR pwzFilename, DWORD dwHandle, DWORD dwLen, LPVOID lpData); // Cannot be LWSTDAPI because winver.h declares the function as STDAPI and not DLLIMPORT STDAPI_(DWORD) GetFileVersionInfoSizeWrapW(LPCWSTR pwzFilename, LPDWORD lpdwHandle); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetFullPathNameWrapW( LPCWSTR lpFileName, DWORD nBufferLength, LPWSTR lpBuffer, LPWSTR *lpFilePart); LWSTDAPI_(int) GetLocaleInfoWrapW(LCID Locale, LCTYPE LCType, LPWSTR lpsz, int cchData); LWSTDAPI_(int) GetMenuStringWrapW( HMENU hMenu, UINT uIDItem, LPWSTR lpString, int nMaxCount, UINT uFlag); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetMessageWrapW( LPMSG lpMsg, HWND hWnd, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetModuleFileNameWrapW(HINSTANCE hModule, LPWSTR pwszFilename, DWORD nSize); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) GetSystemDirectoryWrapW(LPWSTR lpBuffer, UINT uSize); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetEnvironmentVariableWrapW(LPCWSTR lpName, LPWSTR lpBuffer, DWORD nSize); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SearchPathWrapW( LPCWSTR lpPathName, LPCWSTR lpFileName, LPCWSTR lpExtension, DWORD cchReturnBuffer, LPWSTR lpReturnBuffer, LPWSTR * plpfilePart); LWSTDAPI_(HMODULE) GetModuleHandleWrapW(LPCWSTR lpModuleName); LWSTDAPI_(int) GetObjectWrapW(HGDIOBJ hgdiObj, int cbBuffer, void *lpvObj); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) GetPrivateProfileIntWrapW( LPCWSTR lpAppName, LPCWSTR lpKeyName, INT nDefault, LPCWSTR lpFileName); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetProfileStringWrapW( LPCWSTR lpAppName, LPCWSTR lpKeyName, LPCWSTR lpDefault, LPWSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBuffersize); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) GetPropWrapW(HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR lpString); LWSTDAPI_(ATOM) GlobalAddAtomWrapW(LPCWSTR lpAtomName); LWSTDAPI_(ATOM) GlobalFindAtomWrapW(LPCWSTR lpAtomName); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetShortPathNameWrapW( LPCWSTR lpszLongPath, LPWSTR lpszShortPath, DWORD cchBuffer); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetStringTypeExWrapW(LCID lcid, DWORD dwInfoType, LPCWSTR lpSrcStr, int cchSrc, LPWORD lpCharType); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) GetTempFileNameWrapW( LPCWSTR lpPathName, LPCWSTR lpPrefixString, UINT uUnique, LPWSTR lpTempFileName); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetTempPathWrapW(DWORD nBufferLength, LPWSTR lpBuffer); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetTextExtentPoint32WrapW( HDC hdc, LPCWSTR pwsz, int cb, LPSIZE pSize); LWSTDAPI_(int) GetTextFaceWrapW( HDC hdc, int cch, LPWSTR lpFaceName); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetTextMetricsWrapW(HDC hdc, LPTEXTMETRICW lptm); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetUserNameWrapW(LPWSTR lpUserName, LPDWORD lpcchName); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) GetWindowLongWrapW(HWND hWnd, int nIndex); LWSTDAPI_(int) GetWindowTextWrapW(HWND hWnd, LPWSTR lpString, int nMaxCount); LWSTDAPI_(int) GetWindowTextLengthWrapW(HWND hWnd); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) GetWindowsDirectoryWrapW(LPWSTR lpWinPath, UINT cch); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) InsertMenuWrapW( HMENU hMenu, UINT uPosition, UINT uFlags, UINT_PTR uIDNewItem, LPCWSTR lpNewItem); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsDialogMessageWrapW(HWND hWndDlg, LPMSG lpMsg); LWSTDAPI_(HACCEL) LoadAcceleratorsWrapW(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpTableName); LWSTDAPI_(HBITMAP) LoadBitmapWrapW(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpBitmapName); LWSTDAPI_(HCURSOR) LoadCursorWrapW(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpCursorName); LWSTDAPI_(HICON) LoadIconWrapW(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpIconName); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) LoadImageWrapA( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCSTR lpName, UINT uType, int cxDesired, int cyDesired, UINT fuLoad); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) LoadImageWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpName, UINT uType, int cxDesired, int cyDesired, UINT fuLoad); LWSTDAPI_(HINSTANCE) LoadLibraryExWrapW( LPCWSTR lpLibFileName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI_(HMENU) LoadMenuWrapW(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpMenuName); LWSTDAPI_(int) LoadStringWrapW(HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT uID, LPWSTR lpBuffer, int nBufferMax); #ifndef UNIX LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) MessageBoxIndirectWrapW(CONST MSGBOXPARAMSW *pmbp); #else LWSTDAPI_(int) MessageBoxIndirectWrapW(LPMSGBOXPARAMSW pmbp); #endif /* UNIX */ LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) ModifyMenuWrapW( HMENU hMenu, UINT uPosition, UINT uFlags, UINT_PTR uIDNewItem, LPCWSTR lpNewItem); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetCharWidth32WrapW( HDC hdc, UINT iFirstChar, UINT iLastChar, LPINT lpBuffer); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetCharacterPlacementWrapW( HDC hdc, // handle to device context LPCWSTR lpString, // pointer to string int nCount, // number of characters in string int nMaxExtent, // maximum extent for displayed string LPGCP_RESULTSW lpResults, // pointer to buffer for placement result DWORD dwFlags // placement flags ); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) CopyFileWrapW(LPCWSTR lpExistingFileName, LPCWSTR lpNewFileName, BOOL bFailIfExists); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) MoveFileWrapW(LPCWSTR lpExistingFileName, LPCWSTR lpNewFileName); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) OemToCharWrapW(LPCSTR lpszSrc, LPWSTR lpszDst); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) OpenEventWrapW( DWORD fdwAccess, BOOL fInherit, LPCWSTR lpszEventName); LWSTDAPI_(void) OutputDebugStringWrapW(LPCWSTR lpOutputString); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PeekMessageWrapW( LPMSG lpMsg, HWND hWnd, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax, UINT wRemoveMsg); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PlaySoundWrapW( LPCWSTR pszSound, HMODULE hmod, DWORD fdwSound); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PostMessageWrapW( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PostThreadMessageWrapW( DWORD idThread, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegCreateKeyWrapW(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpSubKey, PHKEY phkResult); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegCreateKeyExWrapW(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpSubKey, DWORD Reserved, LPWSTR lpClass, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM samDesired, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, PHKEY phkResult, LPDWORD lpdwDisposition); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegDeleteKeyWrapW(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pwszSubKey); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegDeleteValueWrapW(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pwszSubKey); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegEnumKeyWrapW( HKEY hKey, DWORD dwIndex, LPWSTR lpName, DWORD cbName); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegEnumKeyExWrapW( HKEY hKey, DWORD dwIndex, LPWSTR lpName, LPDWORD lpcbName, LPDWORD lpReserved, LPWSTR lpClass, LPDWORD lpcbClass, PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegOpenKeyWrapW(HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pwszSubKey, PHKEY phkResult); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegOpenKeyExWrapW( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpSubKey, DWORD ulOptions, REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegQueryInfoKeyWrapW( HKEY hKey, LPWSTR lpClass, LPDWORD lpcbClass, LPDWORD lpReserved, LPDWORD lpcSubKeys, LPDWORD lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, LPDWORD lpcbMaxClassLen, LPDWORD lpcValues, LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueNameLen, LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueLen, LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptor, PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegQueryValueWrapW( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pwszSubKey, LPWSTR pwszValue, PLONG lpcbValue); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegQueryValueExWrapW( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpValueName, LPDWORD lpReserved, LPDWORD lpType, LPBYTE lpData, LPDWORD lpcbData); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegSetValueWrapW( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpSubKey, DWORD dwType, LPCWSTR lpData, DWORD cbData); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegSetValueExWrapW( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpValueName, DWORD Reserved, DWORD dwType, CONST BYTE* lpData, DWORD cbData); LWSTDAPI_(ATOM) RegisterClassWrapW(CONST WNDCLASSW * lpWndClass); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) RegisterClipboardFormatWrapW(LPCWSTR lpString); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) RegisterWindowMessageWrapW(LPCWSTR lpString); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) RemoveDirectoryWrapW(LPCWSTR lpszDir); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) RemovePropWrapW( HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR lpString); LWSTDAPI_(LRESULT) SendDlgItemMessageWrapW( HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LWSTDAPI_(LRESULT) SendMessageWrapW( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LWSTDAPI_(LRESULT) SendMessageTimeoutWrapW( HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT uFlags, UINT uTimeout, PULONG_PTR lpdwResult); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SetCurrentDirectoryWrapW(LPCWSTR lpszCurDir); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SetDlgItemTextWrapW(HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, LPCWSTR lpString); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SetMenuItemInfoWrapW( HMENU hMenu, UINT uItem, BOOL fByPosition, LPCMENUITEMINFOW lpmiiW); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SetPropWrapW( HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR lpString, HANDLE hData); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) SetWindowLongWrapW(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG dwNewLong); LWSTDAPI_(HHOOK) SetWindowsHookExWrapW( int idHook, HOOKPROC lpfn, HINSTANCE hmod, DWORD dwThreadId); LWSTDAPI_(int) StartDocWrapW( HDC hDC, const DOCINFOW * lpdi ); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SystemParametersInfoWrapW( UINT uiAction, UINT uiParam, void *pvParam, UINT fWinIni); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) TrackPopupMenuWrap(HMENU hMenu, UINT uFlags, int x, int y, int nReserved, HWND hWnd, CONST RECT *prcRect); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) TrackPopupMenuExWrap(HMENU hMenu, UINT uFlags, int x, int y, HWND hWnd, LPTPMPARAMS lptpm); LWSTDAPI_(int) TranslateAcceleratorWrapW(HWND hWnd, HACCEL hAccTable, LPMSG lpMsg); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) UnregisterClassWrapW(LPCWSTR lpClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance); // Cannot be LWSTDAPI because winver.h declares the function as STDAPI and not DLLIMPORT STDAPI_(BOOL) VerQueryValueWrapW(const LPVOID pBlock, LPWSTR pwzSubBlock, LPVOID *ppBuffer, PUINT puLen); LWSTDAPI_(SHORT) VkKeyScanWrapW(WCHAR ch); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) WinHelpWrapW(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR szFile, UINT uCmd, DWORD_PTR dwData); LWSTDAPI_(int) wvsprintfWrapW(LPWSTR pwszOut, LPCWSTR pwszFormat, va_list arglist); // Cannot be LWSTDAPI because winnetp.h declares the function as STDAPI and not DLLIMPORT STDAPI_(DWORD) WNetRestoreConnectionWrapW(IN HWND hwndParent, IN LPCWSTR pwzDevice); // Cannot be LWSTDAPI because winnetwk.h declares the function as STDAPI and not DLLIMPORT STDAPI_(DWORD) WNetGetLastErrorWrapW(OUT LPDWORD pdwError, OUT LPWSTR pwzErrorBuf, IN DWORD cchErrorBufSize, OUT LPWSTR pwzNameBuf, IN DWORD cchNameBufSize); LWSTDAPI_(int) DrawTextExWrapW(HDC hdc, LPWSTR pwzText, int cchText, LPRECT lprc, UINT dwDTFormat, LPDRAWTEXTPARAMS lpDTParams); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetMenuItemInfoWrapW(HMENU hMenu, UINT uItem, BOOL fByPosition, LPMENUITEMINFOW pmiiW); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) InsertMenuItemWrapW(HMENU hMenu, UINT uItem, BOOL fByPosition, LPCMENUITEMINFOW pmiiW); LWSTDAPI_(HFONT) CreateFontWrapW(int nHeight, int nWidth, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, int fnWeight, DWORD fdwItalic, DWORD fdwUnderline, DWORD fdwStrikeOut, DWORD fdwCharSet, DWORD fdwOutputPrecision, DWORD fdwClipPrecision, DWORD fdwQuality, DWORD fdwPitchAndFamily, LPCWSTR lpszFace); LWSTDAPI_(HDC) CreateMetaFileWrapW(LPCWSTR pwzFile); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) CreateMutexWrapW(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpMutexAttributes, BOOL bInitialOwner, LPCWSTR pwzName); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) ExpandEnvironmentStringsWrapW(LPCWSTR pwszSrc, LPWSTR pwszDst, DWORD cchSize); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHExpandEnvironmentStrings%(LPCTSTR% pszSrc, LPTSTR% pszDst, DWORD cchSize); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser%(HANDLE hToken, LPCTSTR% pszSrc, LPTSTR% pszDst, DWORD cchSize); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) CreateSemaphoreWrapW(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSemaphoreAttributes, LONG lInitialCount, LONG lMaximumCount, LPCWSTR pwzName); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IsBadStringPtrWrapW(LPCWSTR pwzString, UINT_PTR ucchMax); LWSTDAPI_(HINSTANCE) LoadLibraryWrapW(LPCWSTR pwzLibFileName); LWSTDAPI_(int) GetTimeFormatWrapW(LCID Locale, DWORD dwFlags, CONST SYSTEMTIME * lpTime, LPCWSTR pwzFormat, LPWSTR pwzTimeStr, int cchTime); LWSTDAPI_(int) GetDateFormatWrapW(LCID Locale, DWORD dwFlags, CONST SYSTEMTIME * lpDate, LPCWSTR pwzFormat, LPWSTR pwzDateStr, int cchDate); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) GetPrivateProfileStringWrapW(LPCWSTR pwzAppName, LPCWSTR pwzKeyName, LPCWSTR pwzDefault, LPWSTR pwzReturnedString, DWORD cchSize, LPCWSTR pwzFileName); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) WritePrivateProfileStringWrapW(LPCWSTR pwzAppName, LPCWSTR pwzKeyName, LPCWSTR pwzString, LPCWSTR pwzFileName); #ifndef SHFILEINFO_DEFINED #define SHFILEINFO_DEFINED /* * The SHGetFileInfo API provides an easy way to get attributes * for a file given a pathname. * * PARAMETERS * * pszPath file name to get info about * dwFileAttributes file attribs, only used with SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES * psfi place to return file info * cbFileInfo size of structure * uFlags flags * * RETURN * TRUE if things worked */ typedef struct _SHFILEINFO% { HICON hIcon; // out: icon int iIcon; // out: icon index DWORD dwAttributes; // out: SFGAO_ flags TCHAR% szDisplayName[MAX_PATH]; // out: display name (or path) TCHAR% szTypeName[80]; // out: type name } SHFILEINFO%; // NOTE: This is also in shellapi.h. Please keep in synch. #endif // !SHFILEINFO_DEFINED LWSTDAPI_(DWORD_PTR) SHGetFileInfoWrapW(LPCWSTR pwzPath, DWORD dwFileAttributes, SHFILEINFOW *psfi, UINT cbFileInfo, UINT uFlags); LWSTDAPI_(ATOM) RegisterClassExWrapW(CONST WNDCLASSEXW *pwcx); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetClassInfoExWrapW(HINSTANCE hinst, LPCWSTR pwzClass, LPWNDCLASSEXW lpwcx); // This allows us to be included either before or after shellapi.h #ifdef STRICT LWSTDAPI_(UINT) DragQueryFileWrapW(struct HDROP__*,UINT,LPWSTR,UINT); #else LWSTDAPI_(UINT) DragQueryFileWrapW(HANDLE,UINT,LPWSTR,UINT); #endif LWSTDAPI_(HWND) FindWindowExWrapW(HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndChildAfter, LPCWSTR pwzClassName, LPCWSTR pwzWindowName); LWSTDAPI_(LPITEMIDLIST) SHBrowseForFolderWrapW(struct _browseinfoW * pbiW); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHGetPathFromIDListWrapW(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPWSTR pwzPath); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHGetNewLinkInfoWrapW(LPCWSTR pszpdlLinkTo, LPCWSTR pszDir, LPWSTR pszName, BOOL *pfMustCopy, UINT uFlags); LWSTDAPI SHDefExtractIconWrapW(LPCWSTR pszIconFile, int iIndex, UINT uFlags, HICON *phiconLarge, HICON *phiconSmall, UINT nIconSize); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetUserNameWrapW(LPWSTR pszBuffer, LPDWORD pcch); LWSTDAPI_(LONG) RegEnumValueWrapW(HKEY hkey, DWORD dwIndex, LPWSTR lpValueName, LPDWORD lpcbValueName, LPDWORD lpReserved, LPDWORD lpType, LPBYTE lpData, LPDWORD lpcbData); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) WritePrivateProfileStructWrapW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszKey, LPVOID lpStruct, UINT uSizeStruct, LPCWSTR szFile); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetPrivateProfileStructWrapW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszKey, LPVOID lpStruct, UINT uSizeStruct, LPCWSTR szFile); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) CreateProcessWrapW(LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, LPWSTR lpCommandLine, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, BOOL bInheritHandles, DWORD dwCreationFlags, LPVOID lpEnvironment, LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory, LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo, LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation); LWSTDAPI_(HICON) ExtractIconWrapW(HINSTANCE hInst, LPCWSTR lpszExeFileName, UINT nIconIndex); #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Cannot be LWSTDAPI because ddeml.h declares the function as STDAPI and not DLLIMPORT STDAPI_(UINT) DdeInitializeWrapW(LPDWORD pidInst, PFNCALLBACK pfnCallback, DWORD afCmd, DWORD ulRes); STDAPI_(HSZ) DdeCreateStringHandleWrapW(DWORD idInst, LPCWSTR psz, int iCodePage); STDAPI_(DWORD) DdeQueryStringWrapW(DWORD idInst, HSZ hsz, LPWSTR psz, DWORD cchMax, int iCodePage); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetSaveFileNameWrapW(LPOPENFILENAMEW lpofn); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetOpenFileNameWrapW(LPOPENFILENAMEW lpofn); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PrintDlgWrapW(LPPRINTDLGW lppd); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) PageSetupDlgWrapW(LPPAGESETUPDLGW lppsd); #endif LWSTDAPI_(void) SHChangeNotifyWrap(LONG wEventId, UINT uFlags, LPCVOID dwItem1, LPCVOID dwItem2); LWSTDAPI_(void) SHFlushSFCacheWrap(void); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) ShellExecuteExWrapW(struct _SHELLEXECUTEINFOW * pExecInfoW); LWSTDAPI_(int) SHFileOperationWrapW(struct _SHFILEOPSTRUCTW * pFileOpW); LWSTDAPI_(UINT) ExtractIconExWrapW(LPCWSTR pwzFile, int nIconIndex, HICON *phiconLarge, HICON *phiconSmall, UINT nIcons); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SetFileAttributesWrapW(LPCWSTR pwzFile, DWORD dwFileAttributes); LWSTDAPI_(int) GetNumberFormatWrapW(LCID Locale, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR pwzValue, CONST NUMBERFMTW * pFormatW, LPWSTR pwzNumberStr, int cchNumber); LWSTDAPI_(int) MessageBoxWrapW(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pwzText, LPCWSTR pwzCaption, UINT uType); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) FindNextFileWrapW(HANDLE hSearchHandle, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW pFindFileDataW); #ifdef UNICODE #define IsCharAlphaWrap IsCharAlphaWrapW #define IsCharUpperWrap IsCharUpperWrapW #define IsCharLowerWrap IsCharLowerWrapW #define IsCharAlphaNumericWrap IsCharAlphaNumericWrapW #define AppendMenuWrap AppendMenuWrapW #ifdef POST_IE5_BETA #define CallMsgFilterWrap CallMsgFilterWrapW #endif #define CallWindowProcWrap CallWindowProcWrapW #define CharLowerWrap CharLowerWrapW #define CharLowerBuffWrap CharLowerBuffWrapW #define CharNextWrap CharNextWrapW #define CharPrevWrap CharPrevWrapW #define CharToOemWrap CharToOemWrapW #define CharUpperWrap CharUpperWrapW #define CharUpperBuffWrap CharUpperBuffWrapW #define CompareStringWrap CompareStringWrapW #define CopyAcceleratorTableWrap CopyAcceleratorTableWrapW #define CreateAcceleratorTableWrap CreateAcceleratorTableWrapW #define CreateDCWrap CreateDCWrapW #define CreateDirectoryWrap CreateDirectoryWrapW #define CreateEventWrap CreateEventWrapW #define CreateFontWrap CreateFontWrapW #define CreateFileWrap CreateFileWrapW #define CreateFontIndirectWrap CreateFontIndirectWrapW #define CreateICWrap CreateICWrapW #define CreateMetaFileWrap CreateMetaFileWrapW #define CreateMutexWrap CreateMutexWrapW #define CreateSemaphoreWrap CreateSemaphoreWrapW #define CreateWindowExWrap CreateWindowExWrapW #define DefWindowProcWrap DefWindowProcWrapW #define DeleteFileWrap DeleteFileWrapW #define DispatchMessageWrap DispatchMessageWrapW #define DrawTextExWrap DrawTextExWrapW #define DrawTextWrap DrawTextWrapW #define EnumFontFamiliesWrap EnumFontFamiliesWrapW #define EnumFontFamiliesExWrap EnumFontFamiliesExWrapW #define EnumResourceNamesWrap EnumResourceNamesWrapW #define ExpandEnvironmentStringsWrap ExpandEnvironmentStringsWrapW #define ExtractIconExWrap ExtractIconExWrapW #define ExtTextOutWrap ExtTextOutW #define FindFirstFileWrap FindFirstFileWrapW #define FindNextFileWrap FindNextFileWrapW #define FindResourceWrap FindResourceWrapW #define FindWindowWrap FindWindowWrapW #define FindWindowExWrap FindWindowExWrapW #define FormatMessageWrap FormatMessageWrapW #define GetClassInfoWrap GetClassInfoWrapW #define GetClassInfoExWrap GetClassInfoExWrapW #define GetClassLongWrap GetClassLongWrapW #define GetClassNameWrap GetClassNameWrapW #define GetClipboardFormatNameWrap GetClipboardFormatNameWrapW #define GetCurrentDirectoryWrap GetCurrentDirectoryWrapW #define GetDlgItemTextWrap GetDlgItemTextWrapW #define GetFileAttributesWrap GetFileAttributesWrapW #define GetFullPathNameWrap GetFullPathNameWrapW #define GetLocaleInfoWrap GetLocaleInfoWrapW #define GetMenuItemInfoWrap GetMenuItemInfoWrapW #define GetMenuStringWrap GetMenuStringWrapW #define GetMessageWrap GetMessageWrapW #define GetModuleFileNameWrap GetModuleFileNameWrapW #define GetNumberFormatWrap GetNumberFormatWrapW #define GetSystemDirectoryWrap GetSystemDirectoryWrapW #define GetEnvironmentVariableWrap GetEnvironmentVariableWrapW #define GetModuleHandleWrap GetModuleHandleWrapW #define GetObjectWrap GetObjectWrapW #define GetPrivateProfileIntWrap GetPrivateProfileIntWrapW #define GetProfileStringWrap GetProfileStringWrapW #define GetPrivateProfileStringWrap GetPrivateProfileStringWrapW #define WritePrivateProfileStringWrap WritePrivateProfileStringWrapW #define GetPropWrap GetPropWrapW #define GetStringTypeExWrap GetStringTypeExWrapW #define GetTempFileNameWrap GetTempFileNameWrapW #define GetTempPathWrap GetTempPathWrapW #define GetTextExtentPoint32Wrap GetTextExtentPoint32WrapW #define GetTextFaceWrap GetTextFaceWrapW #define GetTextMetricsWrap GetTextMetricsWrapW #define GetTimeFormatWrap GetTimeFormatWrapW #define GetDateFormatWrap GetDateFormatWrapW #define GetUserNameWrap GetUserNameWrapW #define GetWindowLongWrap GetWindowLongWrapW #define GetWindowTextWrap GetWindowTextWrapW #define GetWindowTextLengthWrap GetWindowTextLengthWrapW #define GetWindowsDirectoryWrap GetWindowsDirectoryWrapW #define InsertMenuItemWrap InsertMenuItemWrapW #define InsertMenuWrap InsertMenuWrapW #define IsBadStringPtrWrap IsBadStringPtrWrapW #define IsDialogMessageWrap IsDialogMessageWrapW #define LoadAcceleratorsWrap LoadAcceleratorsWrapW #define LoadBitmapWrap LoadBitmapWrapW #define LoadCursorWrap LoadCursorWrapW #define LoadIconWrap LoadIconWrapW #define LoadImageWrap LoadImageWrapW #define LoadLibraryWrap LoadLibraryWrapW #define LoadLibraryExWrap LoadLibraryExWrapW #define LoadMenuWrap LoadMenuWrapW #define LoadStringWrap LoadStringWrapW #define MessageBoxIndirectWrap MessageBoxIndirectWrapW #define MessageBoxWrap MessageBoxWrapW #define ModifyMenuWrap ModifyMenuWrapW #define GetCharWidth32Wrap GetCharWidth32WrapW #define GetCharacterPlacementWrap GetCharacterPlacementWrapW #define CopyFileWrap CopyFileWrapW #define MoveFileWrap MoveFileWrapW #define OemToCharWrap OemToCharWrapW #define OutputDebugStringWrap OutputDebugStringWrapW #define PeekMessageWrap PeekMessageWrapW #define PostMessageWrap PostMessageWrapW #define PostThreadMessageWrap PostThreadMessageWrapW #define RegCreateKeyWrap RegCreateKeyWrapW #define RegCreateKeyExWrap RegCreateKeyExWrapW #define RegDeleteKeyWrap RegDeleteKeyWrapW #define RegDeleteValueWrap RegDeleteValueWrapW #define RegEnumKeyWrap RegEnumKeyWrapW #define RegEnumKeyExWrap RegEnumKeyExWrapW #define RegOpenKeyWrap RegOpenKeyWrapW #define RegOpenKeyExWrap RegOpenKeyExWrapW #define RegQueryInfoKeyWrap RegQueryInfoKeyWrapW #define RegQueryValueWrap RegQueryValueWrapW #define RegQueryValueExWrap RegQueryValueExWrapW #define RegSetValueWrap RegSetValueWrapW #define RegSetValueExWrap RegSetValueExWrapW #define RegisterClassWrap RegisterClassWrapW #define RegisterClassExWrap RegisterClassExWrapW #define RegisterClipboardFormatWrap RegisterClipboardFormatWrapW #define RegisterWindowMessageWrap RegisterWindowMessageWrapW #define RemovePropWrap RemovePropWrapW #define SearchPathWrap SearchPathWrapW #define SendDlgItemMessageWrap SendDlgItemMessageWrapW #define SendMessageWrap SendMessageWrapW #define SendMessageTimeoutWrap SendMessageTimeoutWrapW #define SetCurrentDirectoryWrap SetCurrentDirectoryWrapW #define SetDlgItemTextWrap SetDlgItemTextWrapW #define SetMenuItemInfoWrap SetMenuItemInfoWrapW #define SetPropWrap SetPropWrapW #define SetFileAttributesWrap SetFileAttributesWrapW #define SetWindowLongWrap SetWindowLongWrapW #define SetWindowsHookExWrap SetWindowsHookExWrapW #define SHBrowseForFolderWrap SHBrowseForFolderWrapW #define ShellExecuteExWrap ShellExecuteExWrapW #define SHFileOperationWrap SHFileOperationWrapW #define SHGetFileInfoWrap SHGetFileInfoWrapW #define SHGetPathFromIDListWrap SHGetPathFromIDListWrapW #define StartDocWrap StartDocWrapW #define SystemParametersInfoWrap SystemParametersInfoWrapW #define TranslateAcceleratorWrap TranslateAcceleratorWrapW #define UnregisterClassWrap UnregisterClassWrapW #define VkKeyScanWrap VkKeyScanWrapW #define WinHelpWrap WinHelpWrapW #define WNetRestoreConnectionWrap WNetRestoreConnectionWrapW #define WNetGetLastErrorWrap WNetGetLastErrorWrapW #define wvsprintfWrap wvsprintfWrapW #define CreateFontWrap CreateFontWrapW #define DrawTextExWrap DrawTextExWrapW #define GetMenuItemInfoWrap GetMenuItemInfoWrapW #define SetMenuItemInfoWrap SetMenuItemInfoWrapW #define InsertMenuItemWrap InsertMenuItemWrapW #define DragQueryFileWrap DragQueryFileWrapW #else #define IsCharAlphaWrap IsCharAlphaA #define IsCharUpperWrap IsCharUpperA #define IsCharLowerWrap IsCharLowerA #define IsCharAlphaNumericWrap IsCharAlphaNumericA #define AppendMenuWrap AppendMenuA #ifdef POST_IE5_BETA #define CallMsgFilterWrap CallMsgFilterA #endif #define CallWindowProcWrap CallWindowProcA #define CharLowerWrap CharLowerA #define CharLowerBuffWrap CharLowerBuffA #define CharNextWrap CharNextA #define CharPrevWrap CharPrevA #define CharToOemWrap CharToOemA #define CharUpperWrap CharUpperA #define CharUpperBuffWrap CharUpperBuffA #define CompareStringWrap CompareStringA #define CopyAcceleratorTableWrap CopyAcceleratorTableA #define CreateAcceleratorTableWrap CreateAcceleratorTableA #define CreateDCWrap CreateDCA #define CreateDirectoryWrap CreateDirectoryA #define CreateEventWrap CreateEventA #define CreateFontWrap CreateFontA #define CreateFileWrap CreateFileA #define CreateFontIndirectWrap CreateFontIndirectA #define CreateICWrap CreateICA #define CreateMetaFileWrap CreateMetaFileA #define CreateMutexWrap CreateMutexA #define CreateSemaphoreWrap CreateSemaphoreA #define CreateWindowExWrap CreateWindowExA #define DefWindowProcWrap DefWindowProcA #define DeleteFileWrap DeleteFileA #define DispatchMessageWrap DispatchMessageA #define DrawTextExWrap DrawTextExA #define DrawTextWrap DrawTextA #define EnumFontFamiliesWrap EnumFontFamiliesA #define EnumFontFamiliesExWrap EnumFontFamiliesExA #define EnumResourceNamesWrap EnumResourceNamesA #define ExpandEnvironmentStringsWrap ExpandEnvironmentStringsA #define ExtractIconExWrap ExtractIconExA #define ExtTextOutWrap ExtTextOutA #define FindFirstFileWrap FindFirstFileA #define FindResourceWrap FindResourceA #define FindNextFileWrap FindNextFileA #define FindWindowWrap FindWindowA #define FindWindowExWrap FindWindowExA #define FormatMessageWrap FormatMessageA #define GetClassInfoWrap GetClassInfoA #define GetClassInfoExWrap GetClassInfoExA #define GetClassLongWrap GetClassLongA #define GetClassNameWrap GetClassNameA #define GetClipboardFormatNameWrap GetClipboardFormatNameA #define GetCurrentDirectoryWrap GetCurrentDirectoryA #define GetDlgItemTextWrap GetDlgItemTextA #define GetFileAttributesWrap GetFileAttributesA #define GetFullPathNameWrap GetFullPathNameA #define GetLocaleInfoWrap GetLocaleInfoA #define GetMenuItemInfoWrap GetMenuItemInfoA #define GetMenuStringWrap GetMenuStringA #define GetMessageWrap GetMessageA #define GetModuleFileNameWrap GetModuleFileNameA #define GetNumberFormatWrap GetNumberFormatA #define GetPrivateProfileStringWrap GetPrivateProfileStringA #define WritePrivateProfileStringWrap WritePrivateProfileStringA #define GetSystemDirectoryWrap GetSystemDirectoryA #define GetEnvironmentVariableWrap GetEnvironmentVariableA #define SearchPathWrap SearchPathA #define GetModuleHandleWrap GetModuleHandleA #define GetObjectWrap GetObjectA #define GetPrivateProfileIntWrap GetPrivateProfileIntA #define GetProfileStringWrap GetProfileStringA #define GetPropWrap GetPropA #define GetStringTypeExWrap GetStringTypeExA #define GetTempFileNameWrap GetTempFileNameA #define GetTempPathWrap GetTempPathA #define GetTextExtentPoint32Wrap GetTextExtentPoint32A #define GetTextFaceWrap GetTextFaceA #define GetTextMetricsWrap GetTextMetricsA #define GetTimeFormatWrap GetTimeFormatA #define GetDateFormatWrap GetDateFormatA #define GetUserNameWrap GetUserNameA #define GetWindowLongWrap GetWindowLongA #define GetWindowTextWrap GetWindowTextA #define GetWindowTextLengthWrap GetWindowTextLengthA #define GetWindowsDirectoryWrap GetWindowsDirectoryA #define InsertMenuItemWrap InsertMenuItemA #define InsertMenuWrap InsertMenuA #define IsBadStringPtrWrap IsBadStringPtrA #define IsDialogMessageWrap IsDialogMessageA #define LoadAcceleratorsWrap LoadAcceleratorsA #define LoadBitmapWrap LoadBitmapA #define LoadCursorWrap LoadCursorA #define LoadIconWrap LoadIconA #define LoadImageWrap LoadImageWrapA #define LoadLibraryWrap LoadLibraryA #define LoadLibraryExWrap LoadLibraryExA #define LoadMenuWrap LoadMenuA #define LoadStringWrap LoadStringA #define MessageBoxIndirectWrap MessageBoxIndirectA #define MessageBoxWrap MessageBoxA #define ModifyMenuWrap ModifyMenuA #define GetCharWidth32Wrap GetCharWidth32A #define GetCharacterPlacementWrap GetCharacterPlacementA #define CopyFileWrap CopyFileA #define MoveFileWrap MoveFileA #define OemToCharWrap OemToCharA #define OutputDebugStringWrap OutputDebugStringA #define PeekMessageWrap PeekMessageA #define PostMessageWrap PostMessageA #define PostThreadMessageWrap PostThreadMessageA #define RegCreateKeyWrap RegCreateKeyA #define RegCreateKeyExWrap RegCreateKeyExA #define RegDeleteKeyWrap RegDeleteKeyA #define RegDeleteValueWrap RegDeleteValueA #define RegEnumKeyWrap RegEnumKeyA #define RegEnumKeyExWrap RegEnumKeyExA #define RegOpenKeyWrap RegOpenKeyA #define RegOpenKeyExWrap RegOpenKeyExA #define RegQueryInfoKeyWrap RegQueryInfoKeyA #define RegQueryValueWrap RegQueryValueA #define RegQueryValueExWrap RegQueryValueExA #define RegSetValueWrap RegSetValueA #define RegSetValueExWrap RegSetValueExA #define RegisterClassWrap RegisterClassA #define RegisterClassExWrap RegisterClassExA #define RegisterClipboardFormatWrap RegisterClipboardFormatA #define RegisterWindowMessageWrap RegisterWindowMessageA #define RemovePropWrap RemovePropA #define SendDlgItemMessageWrap SendDlgItemMessageA #define SendMessageWrap SendMessageA #define SendMessageTimeoutWrap SendMessageTimeoutA #define SetCurrentDirectoryWrap SetCurrentDirectoryA #define SetDlgItemTextWrap SetDlgItemTextA #define SetMenuItemInfoWrap SetMenuItemInfoA #define SetPropWrap SetPropA #define SetWindowLongWrap SetWindowLongA #define SHBrowseForFolderWrap SHBrowseForFolderA #define ShellExecuteExWrap ShellExecuteExA #define SHFileOperationWrap SHFileOperationA #define SHGetFileInfoWrap SHGetFileInfoA #define SHGetPathFromIDListWrap SHGetPathFromIDListA #define SetFileAttributesWrap SetFileAttributesA #define SetWindowsHookExWrap SetWindowsHookExA #define StartDocWrap StartDocA #define SystemParametersInfoWrap SystemParametersInfoA #define TranslateAcceleratorWrap TranslateAcceleratorA #define UnregisterClassWrap UnregisterClassA #define VkKeyScanWrap VkKeyScanA #define WinHelpWrap WinHelpA #define WNetRestoreConnectionWrap WNetRestoreConnectionA #define WNetGetLastErrorWrap WNetGetLastErrorA #define wvsprintfWrap wvsprintfA #define CreateFontWrap CreateFontA #define DrawTextExWrap DrawTextExA #define GetMenuItemInfoWrap GetMenuItemInfoA #define SetMenuItemInfoWrap SetMenuItemInfoA #define InsertMenuItemWrap InsertMenuItemA #define DragQueryFileWrap DragQueryFileA #endif #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) && !defined(NO_SHLWAPI_UNITHUNK) #if defined(UNIX) && defined(NO_SHLWAPI_UNITHUNK) #define SHFlushSFCacheWrap() #ifdef UNICODE #define IsCharAlphaWrapW IsCharAlphaW #define IsCharUpperWrapW IsCharUpperW #define IsCharLowerWrapW IsCharLowerW #define IsCharAlphaNumericWrapW IsCharAlphaNumericW #define AppendMenuWrapW AppendMenuW #ifdef POST_IE5_BETA #define CallMsgFilterWrapW CallMsgFilterW #endif #define CallWindowProcWrapW CallWindowProcW #define CharLowerWrapW CharLowerW #define CharLowerBuffWrapW CharLowerBuffW #define CharNextWrapW CharNextW #define CharPrevWrapW CharPrevW #define CharToOemWrapW CharToOemW #define CharUpperWrapW CharUpperW #define CharUpperBuffWrapW CharUpperBuffW #define CompareStringWrapW CompareStringW #define CopyAcceleratorTableWrapW CopyAcceleratorTableW #define CreateAcceleratorTableWrapW CreateAcceleratorTableW #define CreateDCWrapW CreateDCW #define CreateDirectoryWrapW CreateDirectoryW #define CreateEventWrapW CreateEventW #define CreateFontWrapW CreateFontW #define CreateFileWrapW CreateFileW #define CreateFontIndirectWrapW CreateFontIndirectW #define CreateICWrapW CreateICW #define CreateMetaFileWrapW CreateMetaFileW #define CreateMutexWrapW CreateMutexW #define CreateSemaphoreWrapW CreateSemaphoreW #define CreateWindowExWrapW CreateWindowExW #define DefWindowProcWrapW DefWindowProcW #define DeleteFileWrapW DeleteFileW #define DispatchMessageWrapW DispatchMessageW #define DrawTextExWrapW DrawTextExW #define DrawTextWrapW DrawTextW #define EnumFontFamiliesWrapW EnumFontFamiliesW #define EnumFontFamiliesExWrapW EnumFontFamiliesExW #define EnumResourceNamesWrapW EnumResourceNamesW #define ExpandEnvironmentStringsWrapW ExpandEnvironmentStringsW #define ExtractIconExWrapW ExtractIconExW #define ExtTextOutWrapW ExtTextOutW #define FindFirstFileWrapW FindFirstFileW #define FindNextFileWrapW FindNextFileW #define FindResourceWrapW FindResourceW #define FindWindowWrapW FindWindowW #define FindWindowExWrapW FindWindowExW #define FormatMessageWrapW FormatMessageW #define GetClassInfoWrapW GetClassInfoW #define GetClassInfoExWrapW GetClassInfoExW #define GetClassLongWrapW GetClassLongW #define GetClassNameWrapW GetClassNameW #define GetClipboardFormatNameWrapW GetClipboardFormatNameW #define GetCurrentDirectoryWrapW GetCurrentDirectoryW #define GetDlgItemTextWrapW GetDlgItemTextW #define GetFileAttributesWrapW GetFileAttributesW #define GetFullPathNameWrapW GetFullPathNameW #define GetLocaleInfoWrapW GetLocaleInfoW #define GetMenuStringWrapW GetMenuStringW #define GetMessageWrapW GetMessageW #define GetModuleFileNameWrapW GetModuleFileNameW #define GetNumberFormatWrapW GetNumberFormatW #define GetSystemDirectoryWrapW GetSystemDirectoryW #define GetModuleHandleWrapW GetModuleHandleW #define GetObjectWrapW GetObjectW #define GetPrivateProfileIntWrapW GetPrivateProfileIntW #define GetProfileStringWrapW GetProfileStringW #define GetPrivateProfileStringWrapW GetPrivateProfileStringW #define WritePrivateProfileStringWrapW WritePrivateProfileStringW #define GetPropWrapW GetPropW #define GetStringTypeExWrapW GetStringTypeExW #define GetTempFileNameWrapW GetTempFileNameW #define GetTempPathWrapW GetTempPathW #define GetTextExtentPoint32WrapW GetTextExtentPoint32W #define GetTextFaceWrapW GetTextFaceW #define GetTextMetricsWrapW GetTextMetricsW #define GetTimeFormatWrapW GetTimeFormatW #define GetDateFormatWrapW GetDateFormatW #define GetUserNameWrapW GetUserNameW #define GetWindowLongWrapW GetWindowLongW #define GetWindowTextWrapW GetWindowTextW #define GetWindowTextLengthWrapW GetWindowTextLengthW #define GetWindowsDirectoryWrapW GetWindowsDirectoryW #define InsertMenuItemWrapW InsertMenuItemW #define InsertMenuWrapW InsertMenuW #define IsBadStringPtrWrapW IsBadStringPtrW #define IsDialogMessageWrapW IsDialogMessageW #define LoadAcceleratorsWrapW LoadAcceleratorsW #define LoadBitmapWrapW LoadBitmapW #define LoadCursorWrapW LoadCursorW #define LoadIconWrapW LoadIconW #define LoadImageWrapW LoadImageW #define LoadLibraryWrapW LoadLibraryW #define LoadLibraryExWrapW LoadLibraryExW #define LoadMenuWrapW LoadMenuW #define LoadStringWrapW LoadStringW #define MessageBoxIndirectWrapW MessageBoxIndirectW #define MessageBoxWrapW MessageBoxW #define ModifyMenuWrapW ModifyMenuW #define GetCharWidth32WrapW GetCharWidth32W #define GetCharacterPlacementWrapW GetCharacterPlacementW #define CopyFileWrapW CopyFileW #define MoveFileWrapW MoveFileW #define OemToCharWrapW OemToCharW #define OutputDebugStringWrapW OutputDebugStringW #define PeekMessageWrapW PeekMessageW #define PostMessageWrapW PostMessageW #define PostThreadMessageWrapW PostThreadMessageW #define RegCreateKeyWrapW RegCreateKeyW #define RegCreateKeyExWrapW RegCreateKeyExW #define RegDeleteKeyWrapW RegDeleteKeyW #define RegDeleteValueWrapW RegDeleteValueW #define RegEnumKeyWrapW RegEnumKeyW #define RegEnumKeyExWrapW RegEnumKeyExW #define RegOpenKeyWrapW RegOpenKeyW #define RegOpenKeyExWrapW RegOpenKeyExW #define RegQueryInfoKeyWrapW RegQueryInfoKeyW #define RegQueryValueWrapW RegQueryValueW #define RegQueryValueExWrapW RegQueryValueExW #define RegSetValueWrapW RegSetValueW #define RegSetValueExWrapW RegSetValueExW #define RegisterClassWrapW RegisterClassW #define RegisterClassExWrapW RegisterClassExW #define RegisterClipboardFormatWrapWRegisterClipboardFormatW #define RegisterWindowMessageWrapW RegisterWindowMessageW #define RemovePropWrapW RemovePropW #define SearchPathWrapW SearchPathW #define SendDlgItemMessageWrapW SendDlgItemMessageW #define SendMessageWrapW SendMessageW #define SetCurrentDirectoryWrapW SetCurrentDirectoryW #define SetDlgItemTextWrapW SetDlgItemTextW #define SetMenuItemInfoWrapW SetMenuItemInfoW #define SetPropWrapW SetPropW #define SetFileAttributesWrapW SetFileAttributesW #define SetWindowLongWrapW SetWindowLongW #define SetWindowsHookExWrapW SetWindowsHookExW #define SHBrowseForFolderWrapW SHBrowseForFolderW #define ShellExecuteExWrapW ShellExecuteExW #define SHFileOperationWrapW SHFileOperationW #define SHGetFileInfoWrapW SHGetFileInfoW #define SHGetPathFromIDListWrapW SHGetPathFromIDListW #define StartDocWrapW StartDocW #define SystemParametersInfoWrapW SystemParametersInfoW #define TranslateAcceleratorWrapW TranslateAcceleratorW #define UnregisterClassWrapW UnregisterClassW #define VkKeyScanWrapW VkKeyScanW #define WinHelpWrapW WinHelpW #define WNetRestoreConnectionWrapW WNetRestoreConnectionW #define WNetGetLastErrorWrapW WNetGetLastErrorW #define wvsprintfWrapW wvsprintfW #define CreateFontWrapW CreateFontW #define DrawTextExWrapW DrawTextExW #define SetMenuItemInfoWrapW SetMenuItemInfoW #define InsertMenuItemWrapW InsertMenuItemW #define DragQueryFileWrapW DragQueryFileW #define IsCharAlphaWrap IsCharAlphaW #define IsCharUpperWrap IsCharUpperW #define IsCharLowerWrap IsCharLowerW #define IsCharAlphaNumericWrap IsCharAlphaNumericW #define AppendMenuWrap AppendMenuW #ifdef POST_IE5_BETA #define CallMsgFilterWrap CallMsgFilterW #endif #define CallWindowProcWrap CallWindowProcW #define CharLowerWrap CharLowerW #define CharLowerBuffWrap CharLowerBuffW #define CharNextWrap CharNextW #define CharPrevWrap CharPrevW #define CharToOemWrap CharToOemW #define CharUpperWrap CharUpperW #define CharUpperBuffWrap CharUpperBuffW #define CompareStringWrap CompareStringW #define CopyAcceleratorTableWrap CopyAcceleratorTableW #define CreateAcceleratorTableWrap CreateAcceleratorTableW #define CreateDCWrap CreateDCW #define CreateDirectoryWrap CreateDirectoryW #define CreateEventWrap CreateEventW #define CreateFontWrap CreateFontW #define CreateFileWrap CreateFileW #define CreateFontIndirectWrap CreateFontIndirectW #define CreateICWrap CreateICW #define CreateMetaFileWrap CreateMetaFileW #define CreateMutexWrap CreateMutexW #define CreateSemaphoreWrap CreateSemaphoreW #define CreateWindowExWrap CreateWindowExW #define DefWindowProcWrap DefWindowProcW #define DeleteFileWrap DeleteFileW #define DispatchMessageWrap DispatchMessageW #define DrawTextExWrap DrawTextExW #define DrawTextWrap DrawTextW #define EnumFontFamiliesWrap EnumFontFamiliesW #define EnumFontFamiliesExWrap EnumFontFamiliesExW #define EnumResourceNamesWrap EnumResourceNamesW #define ExpandEnvironmentStringsWrap ExpandEnvironmentStringsW #define ExtractIconExWrap ExtractIconExW #define ExtTextOutWrap ExtTextOutW #define FindFirstFileWrap FindFirstFileW #define FindNextFileWrap FindNextFileW #define FindResourceWrap FindResourceW #define FindWindowWrap FindWindowW #define FindWindowExWrap FindWindowExW #define FormatMessageWrap FormatMessageW #define GetClassInfoWrap GetClassInfoW #define GetClassInfoExWrap GetClassInfoExW #define GetClassLongWrap GetClassLongW #define GetClassNameWrap GetClassNameW #define GetClipboardFormatNameWrap GetClipboardFormatNameW #define GetCurrentDirectoryWrap GetCurrentDirectoryW #define GetDlgItemTextWrap GetDlgItemTextW #define GetFileAttributesWrap GetFileAttributesW #define GetFullPathNameWrap GetFullPathNameW #define GetLocaleInfoWrap GetLocaleInfoW #define GetMenuItemInfoWrap GetMenuItemInfoWrapW #define GetMenuStringWrap GetMenuStringW #define GetMessageWrap GetMessageW #define GetModuleFileNameWrap GetModuleFileNameW #define GetNumberFormatWrap GetNumberFormatW #define GetSystemDirectoryWrap GetSystemDirectoryW #define GetModuleHandleWrap GetModuleHandleW #define GetObjectWrap GetObjectW #define GetPrivateProfileIntWrap GetPrivateProfileIntW #define GetProfileStringWrap GetProfileStringW #define GetPrivateProfileStringWrap GetPrivateProfileStringW #define WritePrivateProfileStringWrap WritePrivateProfileStringW #define GetPropWrap GetPropW #define GetStringTypeExWrap GetStringTypeExW #define GetTempFileNameWrap GetTempFileNameW #define GetTempPathWrap GetTempPathW #define GetTextExtentPoint32Wrap GetTextExtentPoint32W #define GetTextFaceWrap GetTextFaceW #define GetTextMetricsWrap GetTextMetricsW #define GetTimeFormatWrap GetTimeFormatW #define GetDateFormatWrap GetDateFormatW #define GetUserNameWrap GetUserNameW #define GetWindowLongWrap GetWindowLongW #define GetWindowTextWrap GetWindowTextW #define GetWindowTextLengthWrap GetWindowTextLengthW #define GetWindowsDirectoryWrap GetWindowsDirectoryW #define InsertMenuItemWrap InsertMenuItemW #define InsertMenuWrap InsertMenuW #define IsBadStringPtrWrap IsBadStringPtrW #define IsDialogMessageWrap IsDialogMessageW #define LoadAcceleratorsWrap LoadAcceleratorsW #define LoadBitmapWrap LoadBitmapW #define LoadCursorWrap LoadCursorW #define LoadIconWrap LoadIconW #define LoadImageWrap LoadImageW #define LoadLibraryWrap LoadLibraryW #define LoadLibraryExWrap LoadLibraryExW #define LoadMenuWrap LoadMenuW #define LoadStringWrap LoadStringW #define MessageBoxIndirectWrap MessageBoxIndirectW #define MessageBoxWrap MessageBoxW #define ModifyMenuWrap ModifyMenuW #define GetCharWidth32Wrap GetCharWidth32W #define GetCharacterPlacementWrap GetCharacterPlacementW #define CopyFileWrap CopyFileW #define MoveFileWrap MoveFileW #define OemToCharWrap OemToCharW #define OutputDebugStringWrap OutputDebugStringW #define PeekMessageWrap PeekMessageW #define PostMessageWrap PostMessageW #define PostThreadMessageWrap PostThreadMessageW #define RegCreateKeyWrap RegCreateKeyW #define RegCreateKeyExWrap RegCreateKeyExW #define RegDeleteKeyWrap RegDeleteKeyW #define RegDeleteValueWrap RegDeleteValueW #define RegEnumKeyWrap RegEnumKeyW #define RegEnumKeyExWrap RegEnumKeyExW #define RegOpenKeyWrap RegOpenKeyW #define RegOpenKeyExWrap RegOpenKeyExW #define RegQueryInfoKeyWrap RegQueryInfoKeyW #define RegQueryValueWrap RegQueryValueW #define RegQueryValueExWrap RegQueryValueExW #define RegSetValueWrap RegSetValueW #define RegSetValueExWrap RegSetValueExW #define RegisterClassWrap RegisterClassW #define RegisterClassExWrap RegisterClassExW #define RegisterClipboardFormatWrap RegisterClipboardFormatW #define RegisterWindowMessageWrap RegisterWindowMessageW #define RemovePropWrap RemovePropW #define SearchPathWrap SearchPathW #define SendDlgItemMessageWrap SendDlgItemMessageW #define SendMessageWrap SendMessageW #define SetCurrentDirectoryWrap SetCurrentDirectoryW #define SetDlgItemTextWrap SetDlgItemTextW #define SetMenuItemInfoWrap SetMenuItemInfoW #define SetPropWrap SetPropW #define SetFileAttributesWrap SetFileAttributesW #define SetWindowLongWrap SetWindowLongW #define SetWindowsHookExWrap SetWindowsHookExW #define SHBrowseForFolderWrap SHBrowseForFolderW #define ShellExecuteExWrap ShellExecuteExW #define SHFileOperationWrap SHFileOperationW #define SHGetFileInfoWrap SHGetFileInfoW #define SHGetPathFromIDListWrap SHGetPathFromIDListW #define StartDocWrap StartDocW #define SystemParametersInfoWrap SystemParametersInfoW #define TranslateAcceleratorWrap TranslateAcceleratorW #define UnregisterClassWrap UnregisterClassW #define VkKeyScanWrap VkKeyScanW #define WinHelpWrap WinHelpW #define WNetRestoreConnectionWrap WNetRestoreConnectionW #define WNetGetLastErrorWrap WNetGetLastErrorW #define wvsprintfWrap wvsprintfW #define CreateFontWrap CreateFontW #define DrawTextExWrap DrawTextExW #define GetMenuItemInfoWrap GetMenuItemInfoWrapW #define SetMenuItemInfoWrap SetMenuItemInfoW #define InsertMenuItemWrap InsertMenuItemW #define DragQueryFileWrap DragQueryFileW #else #define IsCharAlphaWrap IsCharAlphaA #define IsCharUpperWrap IsCharUpperA #define IsCharLowerWrap IsCharLowerA #define IsCharAlphaNumericWrap IsCharAlphaNumericA #define AppendMenuWrap AppendMenuA #ifdef POST_IE5_BETA #define CallMsgFilterWrap CallMsgFilterA #endif #define CallWindowProcWrap CallWindowProcA #define CharLowerWrap CharLowerA #define CharLowerBuffWrap CharLowerBuffA #define CharNextWrap CharNextA #define CharPrevWrap CharPrevA #define CharToOemWrap CharToOemA #define CharUpperWrap CharUpperA #define CharUpperBuffWrap CharUpperBuffA #define CompareStringWrap CompareStringA #define CopyAcceleratorTableWrap CopyAcceleratorTableA #define CreateAcceleratorTableWrap CreateAcceleratorTableA #define CreateDCWrap CreateDCA #define CreateDirectoryWrap CreateDirectoryA #define CreateEventWrap CreateEventA #define CreateFontWrap CreateFontA #define CreateFileWrap CreateFileA #define CreateFontIndirectWrap CreateFontIndirectA #define CreateICWrap CreateICA #define CreateMetaFileWrap CreateMetaFileA #define CreateMutexWrap CreateMutexA #define CreateSemaphoreWrap CreateSemaphoreA #define CreateWindowExWrap CreateWindowExA #define DefWindowProcWrap DefWindowProcA #define DeleteFileWrap DeleteFileA #define DispatchMessageWrap DispatchMessageA #define DrawTextExWrap DrawTextExA #define DrawTextWrap DrawTextA #define EnumFontFamiliesWrap EnumFontFamiliesA #define EnumFontFamiliesExWrap EnumFontFamiliesExA #define EnumResourceNamesWrap EnumResourceNamesA #define ExpandEnvironmentStringsWrap ExpandEnvironmentStringsA #define ExtractIconExWrap ExtractIconExA #define ExtTextOutWrap ExtTextOutA #define FindFirstFileWrap FindFirstFileA #define FindResourceWrap FindResourceA #define FindNextFileWrap FindNextFileA #define FindWindowWrap FindWindowA #define FindWindowExWrap FindWindowExA #define FormatMessageWrap FormatMessageA #define GetClassInfoWrap GetClassInfoA #define GetClassInfoExWrap GetClassInfoExA #define GetClassLongWrap GetClassLongA #define GetClassNameWrap GetClassNameA #define GetClipboardFormatNameWrap GetClipboardFormatNameA #define GetCurrentDirectoryWrap GetCurrentDirectoryA #define GetDlgItemTextWrap GetDlgItemTextA #define GetFileAttributesWrap GetFileAttributesA #define GetFullPathNameWrap GetFullPathNameA #define GetLocaleInfoWrap GetLocaleInfoA #define GetMenuItemInfoWrap GetMenuItemInfoA #define GetMenuStringWrap GetMenuStringA #define GetMessageWrap GetMessageA #define GetModuleFileNameWrap GetModuleFileNameA #define GetNumberFormatWrap GetNumberFormatA #define GetPrivateProfileStringWrap GetPrivateProfileStringA #define WritePrivateProfileStringWrap WritePrivateProfileStringA #define GetSystemDirectoryWrap GetSystemDirectoryA #define SearchPathWrap SearchPathA #define GetModuleHandleWrap GetModuleHandleA #define GetObjectWrap GetObjectA #define GetPrivateProfileIntWrap GetPrivateProfileIntA #define GetProfileStringWrap GetProfileStringA #define GetPropWrap GetPropA #define GetStringTypeExWrap GetStringTypeExA #define GetTempFileNameWrap GetTempFileNameA #define GetTempPathWrap GetTempPathA #define GetTextExtentPoint32Wrap GetTextExtentPoint32A #define GetTextFaceWrap GetTextFaceA #define GetTextMetricsWrap GetTextMetricsA #define GetTimeFormatWrap GetTimeFormatA #define GetDateFormatWrap GetDateFormatA #define GetUserNameWrap GetUserNameA #define GetWindowLongWrap GetWindowLongA #define GetWindowTextWrap GetWindowTextA #define GetWindowTextLengthWrap GetWindowTextLengthA #define GetWindowsDirectoryWrap GetWindowsDirectoryA #define InsertMenuItemWrap InsertMenuItemA #define InsertMenuWrap InsertMenuA #define IsBadStringPtrWrap IsBadStringPtrA #define IsDialogMessageWrap IsDialogMessageA #define LoadAcceleratorsWrap LoadAcceleratorsA #define LoadBitmapWrap LoadBitmapA #define LoadCursorWrap LoadCursorA #define LoadIconWrap LoadIconA #define LoadImageWrap LoadImageWrapA #define LoadLibraryWrap LoadLibraryA #define LoadLibraryExWrap LoadLibraryExA #define LoadMenuWrap LoadMenuA #define LoadStringWrap LoadStringA #define MessageBoxIndirectWrap MessageBoxIndirectA #define MessageBoxWrap MessageBoxA #define ModifyMenuWrap ModifyMenuA #define GetCharWidth32Wrap GetCharWidth32A #define GetCharacterPlacementWrap GetCharacterPlacementA #define CopyFileWrap CopyFileA #define MoveFileWrap MoveFileA #define OemToCharWrap OemToCharA #define OutputDebugStringWrap OutputDebugStringA #define PeekMessageWrap PeekMessageA #define PostMessageWrap PostMessageA #define PostThreadMessageWrap PostThreadMessageA #define RegCreateKeyWrap RegCreateKeyA #define RegCreateKeyExWrap RegCreateKeyExA #define RegDeleteKeyWrap RegDeleteKeyA #define RegDeleteValueWrap RegDeleteValueA #define RegEnumKeyWrap RegEnumKeyA #define RegEnumKeyExWrap RegEnumKeyExA #define RegOpenKeyWrap RegOpenKeyA #define RegOpenKeyExWrap RegOpenKeyExA #define RegQueryInfoKeyWrap RegQueryInfoKeyA #define RegQueryValueWrap RegQueryValueA #define RegQueryValueExWrap RegQueryValueExA #define RegSetValueWrap RegSetValueA #define RegSetValueExWrap RegSetValueExA #define RegisterClassWrap RegisterClassA #define RegisterClassExWrap RegisterClassExA #define RegisterClipboardFormatWrap RegisterClipboardFormatA #define RegisterWindowMessageWrap RegisterWindowMessageA #define RemovePropWrap RemovePropA #define SendDlgItemMessageWrap SendDlgItemMessageA #define SendMessageWrap SendMessageA #define SetCurrentDirectoryWrap SetCurrentDirectoryA #define SetDlgItemTextWrap SetDlgItemTextA #define SetMenuItemInfoWrap SetMenuItemInfoA #define SetPropWrap SetPropA #define SetWindowLongWrap SetWindowLongA #define SHBrowseForFolderWrap SHBrowseForFolderA #define ShellExecuteExWrap ShellExecuteExA #define SHFileOperationWrap SHFileOperationA #define SHGetFileInfoWrap SHGetFileInfoA #define SHGetPathFromIDListWrap SHGetPathFromIDListA #define SetFileAttributesWrap SetFileAttributesA #define SetWindowsHookExWrap SetWindowsHookExA #define StartDocWrap StartDocA #define SystemParametersInfoWrap SystemParametersInfoA #define TranslateAcceleratorWrap TranslateAcceleratorA #define UnregisterClassWrap UnregisterClassA #define VkKeyScanWrap VkKeyScanA #define WinHelpWrap WinHelpA #define WNetRestoreConnectionWrap WNetRestoreConnectionA #define WNetGetLastErrorWrap WNetGetLastErrorA #define wvsprintfWrap wvsprintfA #define CreateFontWrap CreateFontA #define DrawTextExWrap DrawTextExA #define GetMenuItemInfoWrap GetMenuItemInfoA #define SetMenuItemInfoWrap SetMenuItemInfoA #define InsertMenuItemWrap InsertMenuItemA #define DragQueryFileWrap DragQueryFileA #endif #endif // defined(UNIX) && defined(NO_SHLWAPI_UNITHUNK) // Some functions are used to wrap unicode win95 functions AND to provide ML wrappers, // so they are needed unless BOTH NO_SHLWAPI_UNITHUNG and NO_SHLWAPI_MLUI are defined // #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) && (!defined(NO_SHLWAPI_UNITHUNK) || !defined(NO_SHLWAPI_MLUI)) LWSTDAPI_(HWND) CreateDialogIndirectParamWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCDLGTEMPLATEW hDialogTemplate, HWND hWndParent, DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, LPARAM dwInitParam); LWSTDAPI_(HWND) CreateDialogParamWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpTemplateName, HWND hWndParent, DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, LPARAM dwInitParam); LWSTDAPI_(INT_PTR) DialogBoxIndirectParamWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCDLGTEMPLATEW hDialogTemplate, HWND hWndParent, DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, LPARAM dwInitParam); LWSTDAPI_(INT_PTR) DialogBoxParamWrapW( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpszTemplate, HWND hWndParent, DLGPROC lpDialogFunc, LPARAM dwInitParam); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SetWindowTextWrapW(HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR lpString); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) DeleteMenuWrap(HMENU hMenu, UINT uPosition, UINT uFlags); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) DestroyMenuWrap(HMENU hMenu); #ifdef UNICODE #define CreateDialogIndirectParamWrap CreateDialogIndirectParamWrapW #define CreateDialogParamWrap CreateDialogParamWrapW #define DialogBoxIndirectParamWrap DialogBoxIndirectParamWrapW #define DialogBoxParamWrap DialogBoxParamWrapW #define SetWindowTextWrap SetWindowTextWrapW #else #define CreateDialogIndirectParamWrap CreateDialogIndirectParamA #define CreateDialogParamWrap CreateDialogParamA #define DialogBoxIndirectParamWrap DialogBoxIndirectParamA #define DialogBoxParamWrap DialogBoxParamA #define SetWindowTextWrap SetWindowTextA #endif // UNICODE #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) && !defined(NO_SHLWAPI_UNITHUNK) && !defined (NO_SHLWAPI_MLUI) //=============== Thread Pool Services =================================== #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) && !defined(NO_SHLWAPI_TPS) // // SHLWAPIP versions of KERNEL32 Thread Pool Services APIs // typedef void (NTAPI * WAITORTIMERCALLBACKFUNC)(void *, BOOLEAN); typedef WAITORTIMERCALLBACKFUNC WAITORTIMERCALLBACK; LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) SHRegisterWaitForSingleObject( IN HANDLE hObject, IN WAITORTIMERCALLBACKFUNC pfnCallback, IN LPVOID pContext, IN DWORD dwMilliseconds, IN LPCSTR lpszLibrary OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwFlags ); // // flags for SHRegisterWaitForSingleObject (keep separate from other TPS flags) // // // SRWSO_NOREMOVE - if set, the handle is not to be removed from the list once // signalled. Intended for use with auto-reset events that the caller wants to // keep until unregistered // #define SRWSO_NOREMOVE 0x00000100 #define SRWSO_VALID_FLAGS (SRWSO_NOREMOVE) #define SRWSO_INVALID_FLAGS (~SRWSO_VALID_FLAGS) LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHUnregisterWait( IN HANDLE hWait ); typedef struct { DWORD dwStructSize; DWORD dwMinimumWorkerThreads; DWORD dwMaximumWorkerThreads; DWORD dwMaximumWorkerQueueDepth; DWORD dwWorkerThreadIdleTimeout; DWORD dwWorkerThreadCreationDelta; DWORD dwMinimumIoWorkerThreads; DWORD dwMaximumIoWorkerThreads; DWORD dwMaximumIoWorkerQueueDepth; DWORD dwIoWorkerThreadCreationDelta; } SH_THREAD_POOL_LIMITS, *PSH_THREAD_POOL_LIMITS; LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHSetThreadPoolLimits( IN PSH_THREAD_POOL_LIMITS pLimits ); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHTerminateThreadPool( VOID ); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHQueueUserWorkItem( IN LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pfnCallback, IN LPVOID pContext, IN LONG lPriority, IN DWORD_PTR dwTag, OUT DWORD_PTR * pdwId OPTIONAL, IN LPCSTR pszModule OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwFlags ); LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHCancelUserWorkItems( IN DWORD_PTR dwTagOrId, IN BOOL bTag ); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) SHCreateTimerQueue( VOID ); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHDeleteTimerQueue( IN HANDLE hQueue ); LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) SHSetTimerQueueTimer( IN HANDLE hQueue, IN WAITORTIMERCALLBACK pfnCallback, IN LPVOID pContext, IN DWORD dwDueTime, IN DWORD dwPeriod, IN LPCSTR lpszLibrary OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwFlags ); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHChangeTimerQueueTimer( IN HANDLE hQueue, IN HANDLE hTimer, IN DWORD dwDueTime, IN DWORD dwPeriod ); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHCancelTimerQueueTimer( IN HANDLE hQueue, IN HANDLE hTimer ); // // Thread Pool Services flags // // // TPS_EXECUTEIO - execute in I/O thread (via APC). Default is non-IO thread // #define TPS_EXECUTEIO 0x00000001 // // TPS_TAGGEDITEM - the dwTag parameter is meaningful // #define TPS_TAGGEDITEM 0x00000002 // // TPS_DEMANDTHREAD - always create a new thread if none currently available. // Used in situations where immediate response required // #define TPS_DEMANDTHREAD 0x00000004 // // TPS_LONGEXECTIME - the work item will take relatively long time to execute. // Used as management hint to TPS // #define TPS_LONGEXECTIME 0x00000008 // // TPS_RESERVED_FLAGS - mask of bits reserved for internal use // #define TPS_RESERVED_FLAGS 0xFF000000 #define TPS_VALID_FLAGS (TPS_EXECUTEIO \ | TPS_TAGGEDITEM \ | TPS_DEMANDTHREAD \ | TPS_LONGEXECTIME \ ) #define TPS_INVALID_FLAGS (~TPS_VALID_FLAGS) #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) && !defined(NO_SHLWAPI_TPS) // // Private MIME helper functions used by shdocvw & shell32 // #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetMIMETypeSubKeyA(LPCSTR pszMIMEType, LPSTR pszBuf, UINT cchBuf); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) GetMIMETypeSubKeyW(LPCWSTR pszMIMEType, LPWSTR pszBuf, UINT cchBuf); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) RegisterMIMETypeForExtensionA(LPCSTR pcszExtension, LPCSTR pcszMIMEContentType); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) RegisterMIMETypeForExtensionW(LPCWSTR pcszExtension, LPCWSTR pcszMIMEContentType); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) UnregisterMIMETypeForExtensionA(LPCSTR pcszExtension); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) UnregisterMIMETypeForExtensionW(LPCWSTR pcszExtension); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) RegisterExtensionForMIMETypeA(LPCSTR pcszExtension, LPCSTR pcszMIMEContentType); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) RegisterExtensionForMIMETypeW(LPCWSTR pcszExtension, LPCWSTR pcszMIMEContentType); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) UnregisterExtensionForMIMETypeA(LPCSTR pcszMIMEContentType); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) UnregisterExtensionForMIMETypeW(LPCWSTR pcszMIMEContentType); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) MIME_GetExtensionA(LPCSTR pcszMIMEType, LPSTR pszExtensionBuf, UINT ucExtensionBufLen); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) MIME_GetExtensionW(LPCWSTR pcszMIMEType, LPWSTR pszExtensionBuf, UINT ucExtensionBufLen); #ifdef UNICODE #define GetMIMETypeSubKey GetMIMETypeSubKeyW #define RegisterMIMETypeForExtension RegisterMIMETypeForExtensionW #define UnregisterMIMETypeForExtension UnregisterMIMETypeForExtensionW #define RegisterExtensionForMIMEType RegisterExtensionForMIMETypeW #define UnregisterExtensionForMIMEType UnregisterExtensionForMIMETypeW #define MIME_GetExtension MIME_GetExtensionW #else #define GetMIMETypeSubKey GetMIMETypeSubKeyA #define RegisterMIMETypeForExtension RegisterMIMETypeForExtensionA #define UnregisterMIMETypeForExtension UnregisterMIMETypeForExtensionA #define RegisterExtensionForMIMEType RegisterExtensionForMIMETypeA #define UnregisterExtensionForMIMEType UnregisterExtensionForMIMETypeA #define MIME_GetExtension MIME_GetExtensionA #endif // Options for SHGetMachineInfo // // Note that GMI_DOCKSTATE is unreliable for ACPI laptops. // #define GMI_DOCKSTATE 0x0000 // Return values for SHGetMachineInfo(GMI_DOCKSTATE) #define GMID_NOTDOCKABLE 0 // Cannot be docked #define GMID_UNDOCKED 1 // Is undocked #define GMID_DOCKED 2 // Is docked // // GMI_BATTERYSTATE reports on the presence and status of non-UPS // batteries. // #define GMI_BATTERYSTATE 0x0001 // Return value for SHGetMachineInfo(GMI_BATTERYSTATE) is a bitmask #define GMIB_HASBATTERY 0x0001 // Can run on batteries #define GMIB_ONBATTERY 0x0002 // Is now on batteries // // WARNING! DANGER! EVIL! // // GMI_LAPTOP is not perfect. It can be fooled by particular hardware // configurations. You are much better off asking specifically why you // care about laptops and use one of the above GMI values instead. For // example, if you want to scale back some intensive operation so you // don't drain the battery, use GMI_BATTERYSTATE instead. // #define GMI_LAPTOP 0x0002 // Returns nonzero if might be a laptop #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) // // GMI_TSCLIENT tells you whether you are running as a Terminal Server // client and should disable your animations. // #define GMI_TSCLIENT 0x0003 // Returns nonzero if TS client #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) LWSTDAPI_(DWORD_PTR) SHGetMachineInfo(UINT gmi); // support InterlockedCompareExchange() on Win95 LWSTDAPI_(void *) SHInterlockedCompareExchange(void **ppDest, void *pExch, void *pComp); #if !defined(_X86_) // Win95 doesn't run on Alpha/UNIX so we can use the OS function directly // Use a #define instead of a forwarder because it's an intrinsic on most // compilers. #define SHInterlockedCompareExchange InterlockedCompareExchangePointer #endif LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHMirrorIcon(HICON* phiconSmall, HICON* phiconLarge); #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) // Raw Accelerator Table API // // Allows an accelerator table grep without having to invoke ::TranslateAccelerator. // Useful for dealing with parent-child window accelerator conflicts. // // HANDLE SHLoadRawAccelerators( HINSTANCE hInst, LPCTSTR lpTableName ); // Loads the raw accelerator table. // hInst Module instance containing the accelerator resource. // lpTableName Names the accelerator table resource to load. // The return value is a handle that can be passed to a SHQueryRawAcceleratorXXX function. // When the handle is no longer required, it should be freed with LocalFree(). LWSTDAPI_(HANDLE) SHLoadRawAccelerators ( HINSTANCE hInst, LPCTSTR lpTableName ); // BOOL SHQueryRawAccelerator ( HANDLE hcaAcc, IN BYTE fVirtMask, IN BYTE fVirt, IN WPARAM wKey, OUT OPTIONAL UINT* puCmdID ); // Queries the raw accelererator table for the specified key // hcaAcc Handle returned from SHLoadRawAccelerators(). // fVirtMask Relevant accelerator flags (any combo of FALT|FCONTROL|FNOINVERT|FSHIFT|FVIRTKEY) // fVirt Accelerator flags to test (any combo of FALT|FCONTROL|FNOINVERT|FSHIFT|FVIRTKEY). // wKey Accelerator key. This can either be a virtual key (FVIRTKEY) or an ASCII char code. // puCmdID Optional address to receive command identifier for the accelerator entry if // the key is in the table. // Returns nonzero if the key is in the accelerator table; otherwise 0. LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHQueryRawAccelerator ( HANDLE hcaAcc, IN BYTE fVirtMask, IN BYTE fVirt, IN WPARAM wKey, OUT OPTIONAL UINT* puCmdID ); // BOOL SHQueryRawAcceleratorMsg( HANDLE hcaAcc, MSG* pmsg, OUT OPTIONAL UINT* puCmdID ); // Determines whether the specified message is an accelerator message mapping to // an entry in the raw accelerator table. // hcaAcc Handle returned from SHLoadRawAccelerators(). // pmsg Address of the message to test. // puCmdID Optional address to receive command identifier for the accelerator entry if // the message maps to an accelerator in the table. // Returns nonzero if the message is a WM_KEYUP or WM_KEYDOWN and the key is in // the accelerator table; otherwise 0. LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHQueryRawAcceleratorMsg( HANDLE hcaAcc, MSG* pmsg, OUT OPTIONAL UINT* puCmdID ); // // LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHBoolSystemParametersInfo(UINT uiAction, DWORD *pdwParam); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHAreIconsEqual(HICON hIcon1, HICON hIcon2); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) IEHardened(void); // //====== End Internal functions =============================================== // #endif // NO_SHLWAPI_INTERNAL ;end_internal #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) // SHAutoComplete // hwndEdit - HWND of editbox, ComboBox or ComboBoxEx. // dwFlags - Flags to indicate what to AutoAppend or AutoSuggest for the editbox. // // WARNING: // Caller needs to have called CoInitialize() or OleInitialize() // and cannot call CoUninit/OleUninit until after // WM_DESTROY on hwndEdit. // // dwFlags values: #define SHACF_DEFAULT 0x00000000 // Currently (SHACF_FILESYSTEM | SHACF_URLALL) #define SHACF_FILESYSTEM 0x00000001 // This includes the File System as well as the rest of the shell (Desktop\My Computer\Control Panel\) #define SHACF_URLALL (SHACF_URLHISTORY | SHACF_URLMRU) #define SHACF_URLHISTORY 0x00000002 // URLs in the User's History #define SHACF_URLMRU 0x00000004 // URLs in the User's Recently Used list. #define SHACF_USETAB 0x00000008 // Use the tab to move thru the autocomplete possibilities instead of to the next dialog/window control. #define SHACF_FILESYS_ONLY 0x00000010 // This includes the File System #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0600) #define SHACF_FILESYS_DIRS 0x00000020 // Same as SHACF_FILESYS_ONLY except it only includes directories, UNC servers, and UNC server shares. #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0600) #define SHACF_AUTOSUGGEST_FORCE_ON 0x10000000 // Ignore the registry default and force the feature on. #define SHACF_AUTOSUGGEST_FORCE_OFF 0x20000000 // Ignore the registry default and force the feature off. #define SHACF_AUTOAPPEND_FORCE_ON 0x40000000 // Ignore the registry default and force the feature on. (Also know as AutoComplete) #define SHACF_AUTOAPPEND_FORCE_OFF 0x80000000 // Ignore the registry default and force the feature off. (Also know as AutoComplete) LWSTDAPI SHAutoComplete(HWND hwndEdit, DWORD dwFlags); LWSTDAPI SHSetThreadRef(IUnknown *punk); LWSTDAPI SHGetThreadRef(IUnknown **ppunk); LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHSkipJunction(struct IBindCtx* pbc, const CLSID *pclsid); #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) #define CTF_INSIST 0x00000001 // SHCreateThread() dwFlags - call pfnThreadProc synchronously if CreateThread() fails #define CTF_THREAD_REF 0x00000002 // hold a reference to the creating thread #define CTF_PROCESS_REF 0x00000004 // hold a reference to the creating process #define CTF_COINIT 0x00000008 // init COM for the created thread #define CTF_FREELIBANDEXIT 0x00000010 // hold a ref to the DLL and call FreeLibraryAndExitThread() when done #define CTF_REF_COUNTED 0x00000020 // thread supports ref counting via SHGetThreadRef() or CTF_THREAD_REF so that child threads can keep this thread alive #define CTF_WAIT_ALLOWCOM 0x00000040 // while waiting for pfnCallback, allow COM marshaling to the blocked calling thread LWSTDAPI_(BOOL) SHCreateThread(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pfnThreadProc, void *pData, DWORD dwFlags, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pfnCallback); LWSTDAPI SHReleaseThreadRef(); // release a CTF_THREAD_REF reference earlier than the return of pfnThreadProc #ifndef NO_SHLWAPI_GDI // //====== GDI helper functions ================================================ // LWSTDAPI_(HPALETTE) SHCreateShellPalette(HDC hdc); #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) LWSTDAPI_(void) ColorRGBToHLS(COLORREF clrRGB, WORD* pwHue, WORD* pwLuminance, WORD* pwSaturation); LWSTDAPI_(COLORREF) ColorHLSToRGB(WORD wHue, WORD wLuminance, WORD wSaturation); LWSTDAPI_(COLORREF) ColorAdjustLuma(COLORREF clrRGB, int n, BOOL fScale); ;begin_internal #ifdef NOTYET // once this is implemented, make this public // SHGetCommonResourceID // // (use MAKEINTRESOURCE on the following IDs) // These values are indexes into an internal table. Be careful. ;internal #define SHGCR_BITMAP_WINDOWS_LOGO MAKEINTRESOURCE(1) #define SHGCR_AVI_FLASHLIGHT MAKEINTRESOURCE(2) #define SHGCR_AVI_FINDFILE MAKEINTRESOURCE(3) #define SHGCR_AVI_FINDCOMPUTER MAKEINTRESOURCE(4) #define SHGCR_AVI_FILEMOVE MAKEINTRESOURCE(5) #define SHGCR_AVI_FILECOPY MAKEINTRESOURCE(6) #define SHGCR_AVI_FILEDELETE MAKEINTRESOURCE(7) #define SHGCR_AVI_EMPTYWASTEBASKET MAKEINTRESOURCE(8) #define SHGCR_AVI_FILEREALDELETE MAKEINTRESOURCE(9) // Bypass Recycle Bin #define SHGCR_AVI_DOWNLOAD MAKEINTRESOURCE(10) LWSTDAPI SHGetCommonResourceIDA(IN LPCSTR pszID, IN DWORD dwRes, OUT HMODULE * phmod, OUT UINT * pnID); LWSTDAPI SHGetCommonResourceIDA(IN LPCSTR pszID, IN DWORD dwRes, OUT HMODULE * phmod, OUT UINT * pnID); #ifdef UNICODE #define SHGetCommonResourceID SHGetCommonResourceIDW #else #define SHGetCommonResourceID SHGetCommonResourceIDW #endif #endif // NOTYET ;end_internal #endif // _WIN32_IE >= 0x0500 #endif // NO_SHLWAPI_GDI // //====== DllGetVersion ======================================================= // typedef struct _DLLVERSIONINFO { DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwMajorVersion; // Major version DWORD dwMinorVersion; // Minor version DWORD dwBuildNumber; // Build number DWORD dwPlatformID; // DLLVER_PLATFORM_* } DLLVERSIONINFO; // Platform IDs for DLLVERSIONINFO #define DLLVER_PLATFORM_WINDOWS 0x00000001 // Windows 95 #define DLLVER_PLATFORM_NT 0x00000002 // Windows NT #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) typedef struct _DLLVERSIONINFO2 { DLLVERSIONINFO info1; // dwFlags is really for alignment purposes ;Internal DWORD dwFlags; // No flags currently defined ULONGLONG ullVersion; // Encoded as: // Major 0xFFFF 0000 0000 0000 // Minor 0x0000 FFFF 0000 0000 // Build 0x0000 0000 FFFF 0000 // QFE 0x0000 0000 0000 FFFF } DLLVERSIONINFO2; #define DLLVER_MAJOR_MASK 0xFFFF000000000000 #define DLLVER_MINOR_MASK 0x0000FFFF00000000 #define DLLVER_BUILD_MASK 0x00000000FFFF0000 #define DLLVER_QFE_MASK 0x000000000000FFFF #endif #define MAKEDLLVERULL(major, minor, build, qfe) \ (((ULONGLONG)(major) << 48) | \ ((ULONGLONG)(minor) << 32) | \ ((ULONGLONG)(build) << 16) | \ ((ULONGLONG)( qfe) << 0)) // // The caller should always GetProcAddress("DllGetVersion"), not // implicitly link to it. // typedef HRESULT (CALLBACK* DLLGETVERSIONPROC)(DLLVERSIONINFO *); // DllInstall (to be implemented by self-installing DLLs) STDAPI DllInstall(BOOL bInstall, LPCWSTR pszCmdLine); ;begin_internal #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) // // ======== SHGetAppCompatFlags ================================================ // //=========================================================================== // Shell Application Compatability flags // SHGetAppCompatFlags flags #define ACF_NONE 0x00000000 #define ACF_CONTEXTMENU 0x00000001 #define ACF_CORELINTERNETENUM 0x00000004 // corel suite 8 has this same problem as suite 7 but does not have context menu one so need new bit #define ACF_OLDCREATEVIEWWND 0x00000004 // PowerDesk relies on CreateViewWindow returning S_OK #define ACF_WIN95DEFVIEW 0x00000004 // for apps that depend on win95 defview behavior #define ACF_DOCOBJECT 0x00000002 #define ACF_FLUSHNOWAITALWAYS 0x00000001 #define ACF_MYCOMPUTERFIRST 0x00000008 // MyComp must be first item on the desktop #define ACF_OLDREGITEMGDN 0x00000010 // Win95-compatible GetDisplayNameOf on regitems #define ACF_LOADCOLUMNHANDLER 0x00000040 // Dont delay load column handler. #define ACF_ANSI 0x00000080 // For Apps that Pass in ANSI Strings #define ACF_STRIPFOLDERBIT 0x00000100 // nuke the folder GAO in file dialog (for folder shortcuts, zip & cab files) #define ACF_WIN95SHLEXEC 0x00000200 // dont use DDEWAIT when thunking to ShellExecEx() #define ACF_STAROFFICE5PRINTER 0x00000400 // special return values from printer folder GAO #define ACF_NOVALIDATEFSIDS 0x00000800 // FS pidls should not be validated. #define ACF_FILEOPENNEEDSEXT 0x00001000 // Need to show extensioin in the name box of the open file common dialog #define ACF_WIN95BINDTOOBJECT 0x00002000 // Win95 BindToObject behavior dependencies #define ACF_IGNOREENUMRESET 0x00004000 // App relies on IEnumIDList::Reset returning E_NOTIMPL #define ACF_ANSIDISPLAYNAMES 0x00010000 // calling process requires the ISF::GDN in ansi #define ACF_FILEOPENBOGUSCTRLID 0x00020000 // Requires that the toolbar in fileopen have ctrl ID == ID_OK #define ACF_FORCELFNIDLIST 0x00040000 // forces no AltName in the FS pidls (for apps that read directly from the pidl) #define ACF_APPISOFFICE 0x01000000 // calling app is office (95, 97, 2000, ++) #define ACF_KNOWPERPROCESS 0x80000000 // We know the per process flags already. // The flags that are per-process #define ACF_PERPROCESSFLAGS (ACF_CONTEXTMENU | ACF_CORELINTERNETENUM | ACF_OLDCREATEVIEWWND | ACF_WIN95DEFVIEW | \ ACF_DOCOBJECT | ACF_FLUSHNOWAITALWAYS | ACF_MYCOMPUTERFIRST | ACF_OLDREGITEMGDN | \ ACF_LOADCOLUMNHANDLER | ACF_ANSI | ACF_WIN95SHLEXEC | ACF_STAROFFICE5PRINTER | \ ACF_NOVALIDATEFSIDS | ACF_FILEOPENNEEDSEXT | ACF_WIN95BINDTOOBJECT | \ ACF_IGNOREENUMRESET | ACF_ANSIDISPLAYNAMES | ACF_FILEOPENBOGUSCTRLID | ACF_FORCELFNIDLIST) // Flags that are per caller #define ACF_PERCALLFLAGS (ACF_APPISOFFICE | ACF_STRIPFOLDERBIT) LWSTDAPI_(DWORD) SHGetAppCompatFlags (DWORD dwFlagsNeeded); enum { OBJCOMPATF_OTNEEDSSFCACHE = 0x00000001, OBJCOMPATF_NO_WEBVIEW = 0x00000002, OBJCOMPATF_UNBINDABLE = 0x00000004, OBJCOMPATF_PINDLL = 0x00000008, OBJCOMPATF_NEEDSFILESYSANCESTOR = 0x00000010, OBJCOMPATF_NOTAFILESYSTEM = 0x00000020, OBJCOMPATF_CTXMENU_NOVERBS = 0x00000040, OBJCOMPATF_CTXMENU_LIMITEDQI = 0x00000080, OBJCOMPATF_COCREATESHELLFOLDERONLY = 0x00000100, OBJCOMPATF_NEEDSSTORAGEANCESTOR = 0x00000200, OBJCOMPATF_NOLEGACYWEBVIEW = 0x00000400, OBJCOMPATF_BLOCKSHELLSERVICEOBJECT = 0x00000800, } ; typedef DWORD OBJCOMPATFLAGS; LWSTDAPI_(OBJCOMPATFLAGS) SHGetObjectCompatFlags(IUnknown *punk, const CLSID *pclsid); #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0560) LWSTDAPI_(UINT) GetUIVersion(); #endif // (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0560) ;end_internal ;begin_both #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #endif ;end_both #endif // _INC_SHLWAPIP ;internal #endif // _INC_SHLWAPI