#ifndef _IDS_H_ #define _IDS_H_ // IDs for common UI resources (note that these MUST BE decimal numbers) #define IDI_SECURITY 1 #define IDS_HOUR 0x100 #define IDS_MIN 0x101 #define IDS_SEC 0x102 #define IDS_BYTES 0x103 #define IDS_ORDERKB 0x104 #define IDS_ORDERMB 0x105 #define IDS_ORDERGB 0x106 #define IDS_ORDERTB 0x107 #define IDS_ORDERPB 0x108 #define IDS_ORDEREB 0x109 #define IDS_LONGDATE_SEP 0x10a #define IDS_SIDEBYSIDE 0x10F // strings for GetRelativeDateFormat (note: sun-sat must be kept in order) #define IDS_DAYSOFTHEWEEK 0x110 #define IDS_SUNDAY (IDS_DAYSOFTHEWEEK) #define IDS_MONDAY (IDS_DAYSOFTHEWEEK+1) #define IDS_TUESDAY (IDS_DAYSOFTHEWEEK+2) #define IDS_WEDNESDAY (IDS_DAYSOFTHEWEEK+3) #define IDS_THURSDAY (IDS_DAYSOFTHEWEEK+4) #define IDS_FRIDAY (IDS_DAYSOFTHEWEEK+5) #define IDS_SATURDAY (IDS_DAYSOFTHEWEEK+6) #define IDS_TODAY 0x117 #define IDS_YESTERDAY 0x118 // strings for Zone stuff (security.cpp) #define IDS_MIXED 0x119 #define IDS_INTERNETSECURITY 0x11A // strings for SHRestrictedMessageBox (util.cpp) #define IDS_RESTRICTIONS 0x11B #define IDS_RESTRICTIONSTITLE 0x11C // Free spaces 0x11D thru 0x11F #define IDS_DRIVENOTREADY 0x120 #define IDS_UNFORMATTED 0x121 #define IDS_NOFMT 0x122 #define IDS_NOSUCHDRIVE 0x123 #define IDS_FILEERROR 0x124 #define IDS_FILEERRORMOVE 0x124 // Same as IDS_FILEERROR because (IDS_FILEERROR + FO_MOVE) or FO_COPY, FO_DELETE, FO_RENAME #define IDS_FILEERRORCOPY 0x125 #define IDS_FILEERRORDEL 0x126 #define IDS_FILEERRORREN 0x127 #define IDS_SECURITY 0x128 #define IDS_TEMPLATENOTSECURE 0x129 // SHMessageBoxHelp "click help for more info" string #define IDS_CLICKHELPFORINFO 0x130 #define DLG_NULL 0x131 #define DLG_MESSAGEBOXCHECK 0x1200 #define IDC_MBC_TEXT 0x1201 #define IDC_MBC_CHECK 0x1202 #define IDC_MBC_ICON 0x1203 #define IDS_EXTTYPETEMPLATE 0x1300 #define IDS_FILETYPENAME 0x1301 #define IDS_FOLDERTYPENAME 0x1302 #endif // _IDS_H_