@Echo Off Rem Rem This script updates the installation of Microsoft Internet Rem Explorer 3.x. It changes the path of the cache directory, Rem history directory, and cookies file to the user's home Rem directory. Rem Rem ######################################################################### Rem Rem Verify that %RootDrive% has been configured and set it for this Rem script. Rem Call "%SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\ChkRoot.Cmd" If "%_CHKROOT%" == "FAIL" Goto Done Rem ######################################################################### Rem If not currently in Install Mode, change to Install Mode. Set __OrigMode=Install ChgUsr /query > Nul: if Not ErrorLevel 101 Goto Begin Set __OrigMode=Exec Change User /Install > Nul: :Begin ..\acsr "#ROOTDRIVE#" "%RootDrive%" Template\msie30.Key msie30.Key regini msie30.key > Nul: Rem If original mode was execute, change back to Execute Mode. If "%__OrigMode%" == "Exec" Change User /Execute > Nul: Set __OrigMode= Echo Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x Multi-user Application Tuning Complete Pause :Done