@Echo Off Call "%SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\SetPaths.Cmd" If "%_SETPATHS%" == "FAIL" Goto Done Rem Rem This is for those scripts that don't need the RootDrive. Rem If Not Exist "%SystemRoot%\System32\Usrlogn1.cmd" Goto cont0 Cd /d "%SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\Logon" Call "%SystemRoot%\System32\Usrlogn1.cmd" :cont0 Rem Rem Determine the user's home directory drive letter. If this isn't Rem set, exit. Rem Cd /d %SystemRoot%\"Application Compatibility Scripts" Call RootDrv.Cmd If "A%RootDrive%A" == "AA" End.Cmd Rem Rem Map the User's Home Directory to a Drive Letter Rem Net Use %RootDrive% /D >NUL: 2>&1 Subst %RootDrive% "%HomeDrive%%HomePath%" if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto SubstErr goto AfterSubst :SubstErr Subst %RootDrive% /d >NUL: 2>&1 Subst %RootDrive% "%HomeDrive%%HomePath%" :AfterSubst Rem Rem Invoke each Application Script. Application Scripts are automatically Rem added to UsrLogn2.Cmd when the Installation script is run. Rem If Not Exist %SystemRoot%\System32\UsrLogn2.Cmd Goto Cont1 Cd Logon Call %SystemRoot%\System32\UsrLogn2.Cmd :Cont1 :Done