// // propdisplay.h: Display prop pg // Tab B // // Copyright Microsoft Corportation 2000 // (nadima) // #ifndef _propdisplay_h_ #define _propdisplay_h_ #include "sh.h" #include "tscsetting.h" #define COLOR_STRING_MAXLEN 32 #define MAX_SCREEN_RES_OPTIONS 10 typedef struct tag_COLORSTRINGMAP { int bpp; int resID; //resource ID of the corresponding color bitmap int bitmapResID; int bitmapLowColorResID; TCHAR szString[COLOR_STRING_MAXLEN]; } COLORSTRINGMAP, *PCOLORSTRINGMAP; typedef struct tagSCREENRES { int width; int height; } SCREENRES, *PSCREENRES; class CPropDisplay { public: CPropDisplay(HINSTANCE hInstance, CTscSettings* pTscSet, CSH* pSh); ~CPropDisplay(); static CPropDisplay* CPropDisplay::_pPropDisplayInstance; static INT_PTR CALLBACK StaticPropPgDisplayDialogProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void SetTabDisplayArea(RECT& rc) {_rcTabDispayArea = rc;} private: //Local resources tab INT_PTR CALLBACK PropPgDisplayDialogProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // // Tab property page helpers // BOOL LoadDisplayourcesPgStrings(); #ifndef OS_WINCE BOOL OnUpdateResTrackBar(HWND hwndPropPage); #endif BOOL OnUpdateColorCombo(HWND hwndPropPage); void InitColorCombo(HWND hwndPropPage); void InitScreenResTable(); private: CTscSettings* _pTscSet; CSH* _pSh; RECT _rcTabDispayArea; HINSTANCE _hInstance; //localized 'x by x pixels' TCHAR _szScreenRes[SH_SHORT_STRING_MAX_LENGTH]; //localized 'Fullscreen' TCHAR _szFullScreen[SH_SHORT_STRING_MAX_LENGTH]; int _numScreenResOptions; SCREENRES _screenResTable[MAX_SCREEN_RES_OPTIONS]; BOOL _fSwitchedColorComboBmp; }; #endif // _propdisplay_h_