// // uiint.cpp // // UI Class internal functions // // Implements the root object in the rdp client core hierarchy // this object owns the top level windows in the core. // // Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation // #include #define TRC_GROUP TRC_GROUP_UI #define TRC_FILE "wuiint" #include #include "wui.h" extern "C" { #include // multi-monitor support #ifdef OS_WINNT #define COMPILE_MULTIMON_STUBS #include #endif // OS_WINNT } // // Cicero keyboard layout API's // #ifndef OS_WINCE #include "cicsthkl.h" #endif #include "sl.h" #include "aco.h" #include "clx.h" #include "autil.h" // // Internal functions // // // draw a solid color rectangle quickly // VOID near CUI::FastRect(HDC hDC, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) { RECT rc; rc.left = x; rc.right = x+cx; rc.top = y; rc.bottom = y+cy; ExtTextOut(hDC,x,y,ETO_OPAQUE,&rc,NULL,0,NULL); } DWORD near CUI::RGB2BGR(DWORD rgb) { return RGB(GetBValue(rgb),GetGValue(rgb),GetRValue(rgb)); } // // Name: UIContainerWndProc // // Purpose: Handles messages to Container Window // LRESULT CALLBACK CUI::UIContainerWndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT rc = 0; HDC hdc; PAINTSTRUCT ps; DC_BEGIN_FN("UIContainerWndProc"); TRC_DBG((TB, _T("msg(%#x)"), message)); switch (message) { case WM_PAINT: { TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Container WM_PAINT"))); hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); // // Do nothing. All UI painting is done by the Main Window. // EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); } break; case WM_SETFOCUS: { HWND hwndFocus; if (_pArcUI) { hwndFocus = _pArcUI->GetHwnd(); TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Passing focus to ARC dlg"))); SetFocus(hwndFocus); } else { // // Flag as not handled so subclass proc does the right thing // rc = TRUE; } } break; default: { rc = DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } break; } DC_END_FN(); return rc; } // UIContainerProc // // Name: UIGetMaximizedWindowSize // // Purpose: Calculates the size to which the main window should be // maximized, base on the screen size and the size of window // which would have a client area the same size as the // container (_UI.maxMainWindowSize). // DCSIZE DCINTERNAL CUI::UIGetMaximizedWindowSize(DCVOID) { DCSIZE maximizedSize; DCUINT xSize; DCUINT ySize; DC_BEGIN_FN("UIGetMaximizedWindowSize"); // // The maximum size we set a window to is the smaller of: // - _UI.maxMainWindowSize // - the screen size plus twice the border width (so the borders are // not visible). // Always call GetSystemMetrics to get the screen size and border // width, as these can change dynamically. // if(!_UI.fControlIsFullScreen) { xSize = _UI.controlSize.width; ySize = _UI.controlSize.height; } else { xSize = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); ySize = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); } #ifdef OS_WINCE maximizedSize.width = DC_MIN(_UI.maxMainWindowSize.width,xSize); maximizedSize.height = DC_MIN(_UI.maxMainWindowSize.height,ySize); #else // This section NOT OS_WINCE maximizedSize.width = DC_MIN(_UI.maxMainWindowSize.width, xSize + (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME))); maximizedSize.height = DC_MIN(_UI.maxMainWindowSize.height, ySize + (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME))); #endif // OS_WINCE TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Main Window maxSize (%d,%d) maximizedSize (%d,%d) "), _UI.maxMainWindowSize.width, _UI.maxMainWindowSize.height, maximizedSize.width, maximizedSize.height)); DC_END_FN(); return maximizedSize; } // // Name: UIMainWndProc // // Purpose: Main Window event handling procedure // LRESULT CALLBACK CUI::UIMainWndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT rc = 0; RECT rect; HDC hdc; PAINTSTRUCT ps; DCSIZE maximized; DC_BEGIN_FN("UIMainWndProc"); TRC_DBG((TB, _T("msg(%#x)"), message)); switch (message) { case WM_CREATE: { TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Main window created and initializing"))); // // Initialize states // UISetConnectionStatus(UI_STATUS_INITIALIZING); TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Setting up container window size"))); // // In WebUI, Main window is a child window of the ActiveX // control window. A WM_SIZE message will be sent to child // while CreatWindow. Handler for this message in WinUI is // assuming that _UI.hWndMain is already set, but not true // the case _UI. So Set _UI.hWndMain while creating the // main the main window. // _UI.hwndMain = hwnd; // // Set the Container to be as large as the desk top size // requested - but no bigger than the control size. // if(!_UI.fControlIsFullScreen) { _UI.containerSize.width = DC_MIN(_UI.uiSizeTable[0], _UI.controlSize.width); _UI.containerSize.height = DC_MIN(_UI.uiSizeTable[1], _UI.controlSize.height); } else { _UI.containerSize.width = DC_MIN(_UI.uiSizeTable[0], (DCUINT)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)); _UI.containerSize.height = DC_MIN(_UI.uiSizeTable[1], (DCUINT)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)); } UIRecalcMaxMainWindowSize(); // // Set Container to be initially positioned at top left of // client area // TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Setting scrollbars to (0,0)"))); _UI.scrollPos.x = 0; _UI.scrollPos.y = 0; } break; case WM_ACTIVATE: { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("WM_ACTIVATE"))); if ( (DC_GET_WM_ACTIVATE_ACTIVATION(wParam) != WA_INACTIVE) && (_UI.hwndContainer != NULL)) { HWND hwndFocus = NULL; if (_pArcUI) { hwndFocus = _pArcUI->GetHwnd(); TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Passing focus to ARC dlg"))); } else if (IsWindowVisible(_UI.hwndContainer)) { hwndFocus = _UI.hwndContainer; TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Passing focus to Container"))); } if (hwndFocus) { SetFocus(hwndFocus); } } } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: { TRC_DBG((TB, _T("WM_KEYDOWN: %u"), wParam)); if (wParam == _UI.hotKey.fullScreen) { TRC_DBG((TB, _T("AXCORE Got a full screen VK"))); if ((GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & (UI_ALT_DOWN_MASK)) != 0) { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("AXCORE Alt down also - Got a Screen Mode Hotkey"))); // // Only do this if we are connected // if(UI_STATUS_CONNECTED == _UI.connectionStatus) { // // Toggle the ctrl to/from real full screen mode // UI_ToggleFullScreenMode(); } } } } break; case WM_INITMENUPOPUP: { // // If fullscreen, disable the move item on the system menu // we show sys menu so an ICON for the client appears in // the taskbar // HMENU hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu( hwnd, FALSE); if(hSysMenu) { TRC_ERR((TB,(_T("ENABLEMENUITEM....FSCREEN IS %s")), UI_IsFullScreen() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); #ifndef OS_WINCE EnableMenuItem((HMENU)hSysMenu, SC_MOVE, MF_GRAYED | MF_BYCOMMAND); #endif } } break; case WM_SIZE: { // // Store the new size // _UI.mainWindowClientSize.width = LOWORD(lParam); _UI.mainWindowClientSize.height = HIWORD(lParam); if (UI_IsCoreInitialized()) { #ifdef SMART_SIZING UI_NotifyOfDesktopSizeChange(lParam); #endif // SMART_SIZING _pCd->CD_DecoupleSimpleNotification(CD_SND_COMPONENT, _pIh, CD_NOTIFICATION_FUNC(CIH,IH_SetVisibleSize), (ULONG_PTR)lParam); } // // Notify the ARC dialog // if (_pArcUI) { _pArcUI->OnParentSizePosChange(); } // // Web control is special.. it runs 'full screen' but can and // does need to be resized // if(_UI.fControlIsFullScreen) { TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Ignoring WM_SIZE while in full-screen mode"))); DC_QUIT; } #if !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_WINDOWPLACEMENT) // // We're non-fullscreen, so keep the window placement structure // up-to-date // GetWindowPlacement(_UI.hwndMain, &_UI.windowPlacement); TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Got window placement in WM_SIZE"))); #endif // !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_WINDOWPLACEMENT) if (wParam == SIZE_MAXIMIZED) { #if !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE) LockWindowUpdate(_UI.hwndMain); #endif // !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE) TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Maximize"))); #if !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_WINDOWPLACEMENT) // // Override the maximized / minimized positions with our // hardcoded valued - required if the maximized window is // moved. // UISetMinMaxPlacement(); SetWindowPlacement(_UI.hwndMain, &_UI.windowPlacement); #endif // !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_WINDOWPLACEMENT) // // We need to be accurate about the maximized window size. // It is not possible to use _UI.maxMainWindowSize as this // may be greater than screen size, eg server and client // are 640x480, container is 640x480 then _UI.maxWindowSize // (obtained via AdjustWindowRect in UIRecalcMaxMainWindow) // is something like 648x525. // Passing this value to SetWindowPos has results which // vary with different shells: // Win95/NT4.0: the resulting window is 648x488 at -4, -4, // ie all the window, except the border, is // on-screen // Win31/NT3.51: the resulting window is 648x525 at -4, -4, // ie the size passed to SetWindowPos, so // the bottom 40 pixels are off-screen. // To avoid such differences calculate a maximized window // size value which takes account of both the physical // screen size and the ideal window size. // UIRecalcMaxMainWindowSize(); maximized = UIGetMaximizedWindowSize(); SetWindowPos( _UI.hwndMain, NULL, 0, 0, maximized.width, maximized.height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER ); #if !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE) LockWindowUpdate(NULL); #endif // !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE) } // // Set scrollbars correctly. // if (!_fRecursiveSizeMsg) { _fRecursiveSizeMsg = TRUE; UIRecalculateScrollbars(); _fRecursiveSizeMsg = FALSE; } #ifdef DISABLE_SHADOW_IN_FULLSCREEN // When in full-screen mode, the client workstation resolution can change // we enable use of shadow bitmap when fullscreen window size is smallerer than desktop size // otherwise disable the use of shadow bitmap if(UI_IsFullScreen()) { if ((_UI.mainWindowClientSize.width < _UI.desktopSize.width) || (_UI.mainWindowClientSize.height < _UI.desktopSize.height)) { _pCd->CD_DecoupleSyncNotification(CD_RCV_COMPONENT, _pUh, CD_NOTIFICATION_FUNC(CUH,UH_EnableShadowBitmap), NULL); } else { _pCd->CD_DecoupleSyncNotification(CD_RCV_COMPONENT, _pUh, CD_NOTIFICATION_FUNC(CUH,UH_DisableShadowBitmap), NULL); } } #endif // DISABLE_SHADOW_IN_FULLSCREEN } break; case WM_PAINT: { // // Paint the Main Window // TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Main Window WM_PAINT"))); hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); if (hdc == NULL) { TRC_SYSTEM_ERROR("BeginPaint failed"); break; } GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect); if ((_UI.connectionStatus == UI_STATUS_CONNECTED)) { // // We only paint the main window if it is bigger than the container // window. Hierarchy is // -Main // -Container // this can happen even in windowed mode if the control is // sized bigger than the required desktop size RECT rcContainer; GetClientRect( _UI.hwndContainer, &rcContainer); if( (rcContainer.right < rect.right) || (rcContainer.bottom < rect.bottom)) { // // If we're full screen the paint a black frame around // the container..Else paint in the system background color // if(UI_IsFullScreen()) { PatBlt( hdc, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, BLACKNESS); } else { DWORD dwBackColor = GetSysColor( COLOR_APPWORKSPACE); #ifndef OS_WINCE HBRUSH hNewBrush = CreateSolidBrush( dwBackColor); #else HBRUSH hNewBrush = CECreateSolidBrush( dwBackColor); #endif HBRUSH hOldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject( hdc, hNewBrush); Rectangle( hdc, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); SelectObject( hdc, hOldBrush); #ifndef OS_WINCE DeleteObject(hNewBrush); #else CEDeleteBrush(hNewBrush); #endif } } } EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); } break; case WM_VSCROLL: { DCINT yStart; DCBOOL smoothScroll = FALSE; TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Vertical scrolling"))); yStart = _UI.scrollPos.y; // // Deal with vertical scrolling // switch (DC_GET_WM_SCROLL_CODE(wParam)) { case SB_TOP: { _UI.scrollPos.y = 0; } break; case SB_BOTTOM: { _UI.scrollPos.y = _UI.scrollMax.y; } break; case SB_LINEUP: { _UI.scrollPos.y -= UI_SCROLL_LINE_DISTANCE; } break; case SB_LINEDOWN: { _UI.scrollPos.y += UI_SCROLL_LINE_DISTANCE; } break; case SB_PAGEUP: { _UI.scrollPos.y -= UI_SCROLL_VERT_PAGE_DISTANCE; smoothScroll = TRUE; } break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: { _UI.scrollPos.y += UI_SCROLL_VERT_PAGE_DISTANCE; smoothScroll = TRUE; } break; case SB_THUMBTRACK: { _UI.scrollPos.y = DC_GET_WM_SCROLL_POSITION(wParam, lParam); } break; case SB_ENDSCROLL: { } break; default: { } break; } // // Move the Container and scrollbars appropriately // _UI.scrollPos.y = DC_MAX( 0, DC_MIN(_UI.scrollPos.y, _UI.scrollMax.y) ); // // Don't smooth scroll unless specifically configured in the // registry. // if (smoothScroll && _UI.smoothScrolling) { DCINT y; DCINT step; DCUINT numSteps; DCUINT i; TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Smooth scroll"))); step = (_UI.scrollPos.y < yStart) ? -UI_SMOOTH_SCROLL_STEP : UI_SMOOTH_SCROLL_STEP; numSteps = DC_ABS(_UI.scrollPos.y - yStart) / UI_SMOOTH_SCROLL_STEP; for ( i = 0, y = yStart + step; i < numSteps; i++, y += step ) { MoveWindow( _UI.hwndContainer, -_UI.scrollPos.x, -y, _UI.containerSize.width, _UI.containerSize.height, TRUE ); } } UIMoveContainerWindow(); SetScrollPos(hwnd, SB_VERT, _UI.scrollPos.y, TRUE); } break; case WM_HSCROLL: { DCINT xStart; DCBOOL smoothScroll = FALSE; TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Horizontal scrolling"))); xStart = _UI.scrollPos.x; // // Deal with horizontal scrolling // switch (DC_GET_WM_SCROLL_CODE(wParam)) { case SB_TOP: { _UI.scrollPos.x = 0; } break; case SB_BOTTOM: { _UI.scrollPos.x = _UI.scrollMax.x; } break; case SB_LINELEFT: { _UI.scrollPos.x -= UI_SCROLL_LINE_DISTANCE; } break; case SB_LINERIGHT: { _UI.scrollPos.x += UI_SCROLL_LINE_DISTANCE; } break; case SB_PAGELEFT: { _UI.scrollPos.x -= UI_SCROLL_HORZ_PAGE_DISTANCE; smoothScroll = TRUE; } break; case SB_PAGERIGHT: { _UI.scrollPos.x += UI_SCROLL_HORZ_PAGE_DISTANCE; smoothScroll = TRUE; } break; case SB_THUMBTRACK: { _UI.scrollPos.x = DC_GET_WM_SCROLL_POSITION(wParam, lParam); } break; case SB_ENDSCROLL: { } break; default: { } break; } // // Move the Container and scrollbar appropriately // _UI.scrollPos.x = DC_MAX( 0, DC_MIN(_UI.scrollPos.x, _UI.scrollMax.x) ); // // Don't smooth scroll unless specifically configured in the // registry. // if (smoothScroll && _UI.smoothScrolling) { DCINT x; DCINT step; DCUINT numSteps; DCUINT i; TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Smooth scroll"))); step = (_UI.scrollPos.x < xStart) ? -UI_SMOOTH_SCROLL_STEP : UI_SMOOTH_SCROLL_STEP; numSteps = DC_ABS(_UI.scrollPos.x - xStart) / UI_SMOOTH_SCROLL_STEP; for ( i = 0, x = xStart + step; i < numSteps; i++, x += step ) { MoveWindow( _UI.hwndContainer, -x, -_UI.scrollPos.y, _UI.containerSize.width, _UI.containerSize.height, TRUE ); } } UIMoveContainerWindow(); SetScrollPos(hwnd, SB_HORZ, _UI.scrollPos.x, TRUE); } break; case WM_COMMAND: { // // Now switch on the command. // switch (DC_GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam)) { case UI_IDM_ACCELERATOR_PASSTHROUGH: { // // Toggle the accelerator passthrough menu item // _UI.acceleratorCheckState = !_UI.acceleratorCheckState; _pCo->CO_SetConfigurationValue( CO_CFG_ACCELERATOR_PASSTHROUGH, _UI.acceleratorCheckState ); } break; case UI_IDM_SMOOTHSCROLLING: { // // Toggle the smooth scrolling setting // _UI.smoothScrolling = !_UI.smoothScrolling; UISmoothScrollingSettingChanged(); } break; default: { // // Do Nothing // } break; } } break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: { rc = DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } break; case WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: { #ifdef USE_BBAR // // Notify the bbar // if (_pBBar) { _pBBar->OnSysColorChange(); } #endif } break; case WM_DESTROY: { rc = DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } break; case WM_CLOSE: { UI_UserRequestedClose(); } break; case WM_TIMER: { TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Timer id %d"), wParam)); if (_fTerminating) { // // Drop any defered processing such as timer messages // during termination // TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Received timer msg %d while terminating!"), wParam)); break; } switch (wParam) { case UI_TIMER_SHUTDOWN: { TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Killing shutdown timer"))); KillTimer(_UI.hwndMain, _UI.shutdownTimer); _UI.shutdownTimer = 0; if (_UI.connectionStatus == UI_STATUS_CONNECTED) { // // We've tried asking the server if we can shut // down but it obviously hasn't responded. We need // to be more forceful. // TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Shutdown timeout: forcing shutdown"))); _pCo->CO_Shutdown(CO_DISCONNECT_AND_EXIT); } else { TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Spare shutdown timeout; conn status %u"), _UI.connectionStatus)); } } break; case UI_TIMER_SINGLE_CONN: { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Single connection timer"))); // // We no longer need this timer. // if( NULL != _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer ) { _pUt->UTDeleteTimer( _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer ); TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Kill single connection timer"))); _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer = NULL; } else { TRC_ALT((TB,_T("NULL timer handle for hSingleConnectTimer"))); } if (_UI.connectionStatus == UI_STATUS_CONNECT_PENDING) { TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Timeout for IP address: try next"))); _UI.disconnectReason = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT); // // Next connection will be attempted on receiving // the OnDisconnected message // _pCo->CO_Disconnect(); } } break; case UI_TIMER_OVERALL_CONN: { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Overall connection timer"))); if( NULL != _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer ) { _pUt->UTDeleteTimer( _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer ); _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer = NULL; } else { TRC_ALT((TB,_T("NULL timer handle for hConnectionTimer"))); } if ((_UI.connectionStatus == UI_STATUS_CONNECT_PENDING) || (_UI.connectionStatus == UI_STATUS_CONNECT_PENDING_DNS)) { TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Timeout for connection"))); // // Disconnect; display the timeout dialog // _UI.disconnectReason = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT); UIInitiateDisconnection(); } } break; case UI_TIMER_LICENSING: { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Licensing timer"))); if( NULL != _UI.connectStruct.hLicensingTimer ) { _pUt->UTDeleteTimer( _UI.connectStruct.hLicensingTimer ); _UI.connectStruct.hLicensingTimer = NULL; } else { TRC_ALT((TB,_T("NULL timer handle for hLicensingTimer"))); } TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Timeout for connection"))); // Disconnect due to licensing timeout _UI.disconnectReason = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR( UI_ERR_LICENSING_TIMEOUT ); UIInitiateDisconnection(); } break; // // Idle input notification timer // case UI_TIMER_IDLEINPUTTIMEOUT: { //If no input was received during the idle period //then fire an event to the control. Otherwise //queue another timer interval. This only matters //while we are connected and the timeout is still //active TRC_NRM((TB,_T("Idle timeout monitoring period elapsed"))); if(UI_STATUS_CONNECTED == _UI.connectionStatus && UI_GetMinsToIdleTimeout()) { if(!_pIh->IH_GetInputWasSentFlag()) { //Disable the timer. To prevent weird re-entrancy //problems. E.g the if the event is fired and script //pops a message box then we will be blocked and might //receive another timer notification and re-enter //this code path. Prevent that by ending the timer //before firing the notification, you get a on-shot notify. InitInputIdleTimer(0); //Fire event to control. SendMessage( _UI.hWndCntrl, WM_TS_IDLETIMEOUTNOTIFICATION, 0, 0); } else { //Input was sent during monitoring //interval. Queue another wait interval TRC_ASSERT(_UI.hIdleInputTimer, (TB,_T("_UI.hIdleInputTimer is null"))); _pIh->IH_ResetInputWasSentFlag(); if(!_pUt->UTStartTimer(_UI.hIdleInputTimer)) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("InitInputIdleTimer failed"))); } } } } break; #ifdef USE_BBAR case UI_TIMER_BBAR_UNHIDE_TIMERID: { // // This timer elapses when the mouse has hovered // for a set amount of time within the dbl click rectangle // the next part of the logic determines if the current // mouse position is within the bbar hotzone and if so // the bbar is lowered. // KillTimer( hwnd, UI_TIMER_BBAR_UNHIDE_TIMERID ); TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Timer fired: UI_TIMER_BBAR_UNHIDE_TIMERID"))); if(_UI.fBBarEnabled) { POINT pt; RECT rc; _ptBBarLastMousePos.x = -0x0fff; _ptBBarLastMousePos.y = -0x0fff; GetCursorPos(&pt); GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rc); rc.bottom = rc.top + IH_BBAR_HOTZONE_HEIGHT; // // Figure out if the cursor was in the // bbar hotzone when the timer elapsed // if (PtInRect(&rc, pt)) { // // Notify that the bbar hotzone timer // has elapsed. This may trigger a lowering // of the bbar // UI_OnBBarHotzoneTimerFired(NULL); } } } break; #endif case UI_TIMER_DISCONNECT_TIMERID: { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Disconnect timer"))); TRC_ASSERT(( NULL != _UI.hDisconnectTimeout ), (TB, _T("Unexpected NULL timer"))); if (NULL != _UI.hDisconnectTimeout) { _pUt->UTDeleteTimer( _UI.hDisconnectTimeout ); _UI.hDisconnectTimeout = NULL; } if (UI_STATUS_CONNECTED == _UI.connectionStatus) { // // We've been left hanging too long in the connected // but deactivated state // TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Timeout for not disconnecting in time"))); _UI.disconnectReason = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR( UI_ERR_DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT ); UIInitiateDisconnection(); } } break; default: { TRC_ABORT((TB, _T("Unexpected UI timer ID %d"), wParam)); } break; } } break; case UI_WSA_GETHOSTBYNAME: { WORD errorWSA; // // Drop any defered processing such as DNS lookups // during termination // if (_fTerminating) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Ignoring UI_WSA_GETHOSTBYNAME during termination"))); break; } TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Got the host address list"))); // // We've observed some cases in stress where there can be a pending // WSA_GETHOSTBYNAME message that gets processed after we disconnect // and delete the _pHostData. If that is the case just drop the message // if (!_pHostData) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("_pHostData is NULL, ignoring UI_WSA_GETHOSTBYNAME"))); break; } // // We've received the result of a WSAAsyncGetHostByName // operation. Split the message apart and call the FSM. // errorWSA = WSAGETASYNCERROR(lParam); if (errorWSA != 0) { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("GHBN failed:%hu. Trying inet_addr(%s)"), errorWSA, _UI.ansiAddress)); _UI.hostAddress = inet_addr(_UI.ansiAddress); if (_UI.hostAddress != INADDR_NONE) { // // Great, we have an IP address. // TRC_NRM((TB, _T("%s looks like an IP address:%#lx"), _UI.ansiAddress, _UI.hostAddress)); UITryNextConnection(); } else { // // Didn't recognise the address. Disconnect and // indicate the error event. // TRC_ALT((TB, _T("GHBN (%hu) and inet_addr() both failed"), errorWSA)); // // Yet another case where we are sure that // we are now done with the winsock lookup // buffer and can free it. // if(_pHostData) { LocalFree(_pHostData); _pHostData = NULL; } UIInitiateDisconnection(); break; } } else { // // If there are no addresses to try, display the 'bad // server name' error. // UITryNextConnection(); } } break; case WM_DESKTOPSIZECHANGE: { DCUINT visibleScrollBars; DCSIZE windowSize; DCSIZE newSize; #ifndef OS_WINCE DCSIZE screenSize; #endif #ifdef OS_WINNT HMONITOR hMonitor; MONITORINFO monInfo; RECT screenRect; #endif // // Handle client window resizing on connection // newSize.width = LOWORD(lParam); newSize.height = HIWORD(lParam); TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Got new window size %d x %d"), newSize.width, newSize.height )); // // Before we do anything with the new size, see if we are // currently showing scroll bars. // GetWindowRect(_UI.hwndMain, &rect); windowSize.width = rect.right - rect.left; windowSize.height = rect.bottom - rect.top; visibleScrollBars = UICalculateVisibleScrollBars(windowSize.width, windowSize.height); // // Now update the size of the desktop container // _UI.containerSize.width = newSize.width; _UI.containerSize.height = newSize.height; // // Recalculate the new Main Window max size from the new // Container Window size // UIRecalcMaxMainWindowSize(); // // And resize the container window // SetWindowPos( _UI.hwndContainer, NULL, 0, 0, _UI.containerSize.width, _UI.containerSize.height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER ); #ifndef OS_WINCE // // Do we need to adjust the window size? Only if // 1. we're not in full screen mode // 2. we're not maximized // 3. we were showing all of the old desktop (ie we had no // scroll bars showing // if (((GetWindowLong(_UI.hwndMain,GWL_STYLE) & WS_MAXIMIZE) == 0) && (visibleScrollBars == 0)) { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Adjusting window size..."))); // // We adjust the window to display the new desktop size, // ensuring that it still fits on the screen. First, find // out how big the screen is! // screenSize.width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); screenSize.height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); if(_UI.fControlIsFullScreen) { #ifdef OS_WINNT // // For multi monitor systems, we need to find out which // monitor the client window is on, and then get the screen // size of that monitor // if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS)) { hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(_UI.hWndCntrl, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); if (hMonitor != NULL) { monInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO); if (GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &monInfo)) { screenRect = monInfo.rcMonitor; screenSize.width = screenRect.right - screenRect.left; screenSize.height = screenRect.bottom - screenRect.top; } } } #endif // OS_WINNT } // (_UI.fControlIsFullScreen) // // Now limit the window size to fit on the screen // windowSize.width = DC_MIN(_UI.maxMainWindowSize.width, screenSize.width); windowSize.height = DC_MIN(_UI.maxMainWindowSize.height, screenSize.height); SetWindowPos( _UI.hwndMain, NULL, 0, 0, windowSize.width, windowSize.height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER ); } #endif // ndef OS_WINCE // // Update the scroll bar settings // UIRecalculateScrollbars(); } break; case WM_SETCURSOR: { #ifdef USE_BBAR if (UI_IsFullScreen()) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); UISetBBarUnhideTimer( pt.x, pt.y ); } else { if(_fBBarUnhideTimerActive) { KillTimer( _UI.hwndMain, UI_TIMER_BBAR_UNHIDE_TIMERID ); _fBBarUnhideTimerActive = FALSE; } } #endif // // Pass the message on to windows otherwise // we get problems with cursors not getting updated // over scrollbars // rc = DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } break; default: { rc = DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } break; } DC_EXIT_POINT: DC_END_FN(); return rc; } // // Name: UIRecalcMaxMainWindowSize // // Purpose: Recalculates _UI.maxMainWindowSize given the current Container // size and frame style. The maximum main window size is the // size of window needed such that the client area is the same // size as the container. // DCVOID DCINTERNAL CUI::UIRecalcMaxMainWindowSize(DCVOID) { DCSIZE screenSize; #ifndef OS_WINCE RECT rect; #ifdef OS_WIN32 BOOL errorRc; #endif #endif RECT rcWebCtrl; DC_BEGIN_FN("UIRecalcMaxMainWindowSize"); // // Get the screen size - this can change, so do it every time we need // it. // if(!_UI.fControlIsFullScreen) { GetClientRect( _UI.hWndCntrl, &rcWebCtrl); screenSize.width = rcWebCtrl.right - rcWebCtrl.left; screenSize.height = rcWebCtrl.bottom - rcWebCtrl.top; } else { screenSize.width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); screenSize.height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); } TRC_NRM((TB, _T("ActiveX control maxSize (%d,%d)"), screenSize.width, screenSize.height)); // // If current mode is full screen, then the maximum window size is the // same as the screen size - unless the container is larger still, // which is possible if we're shadowing a session larger than // ourselves. // // In this case, or if the current mode is not full screen then we want // the size of window which is required for a client area of the size // of the container. Passing the container size to AdjustWindowRect // returns this window size. Such a window may be bigger than the // screen, eg server and client are 640x480, container is 640x480. // AdjustWindowRect adds on the border, title bar and menu sizes and // returns something like 648x525. So, _UI.maxMainWindowSize can only // match the actual window size when the client screen is bigger than // the server screen or when operating in full screen mode. This means // that _UI.maxMainWindowSize should *never* be used to set the window // size, eg by passing it to SetWindowPos. It can be used to determine // whether scroll bars are required, ie they are needed if the current // window size is less than _UI.maxMainWindowSize (in other words, // always unless in full screen mode or client screen is larger than // server screen). // // To set the window size, calculate a value based on: // - the desired window size given the container size // - the size of the client screen. // #ifndef OS_WINCE if ( _UI.fControlIsFullScreen && ( (_UI.containerSize.width > screenSize.width) || (_UI.containerSize.height > screenSize.height))) { // // Recalc window size based on container // rect.left = 0; rect.right = _UI.containerSize.width; rect.top = 0; rect.bottom = _UI.containerSize.height; #ifdef OS_WIN32 errorRc = AdjustWindowRect(&rect, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, FALSE); TRC_ASSERT((errorRc != 0), (TB, _T("AdjustWindowRect failed"))); #else AdjustWindowRect(&rect, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, FALSE); #endif _UI.maxMainWindowSize.width = rect.right - rect.left; _UI.maxMainWindowSize.height = rect.bottom - rect.top; } else #endif { // // Window size is simply the whole screen // _UI.maxMainWindowSize.width = screenSize.width; _UI.maxMainWindowSize.height = screenSize.height; } TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Main Window maxSize (%d,%d)"), _UI.maxMainWindowSize.width, _UI.maxMainWindowSize.height)); DC_END_FN(); } // UIRecalcMaxMainWindowSize // // Name: UIConnectWithCurrentParams // // Purpose: To connect to the host with the current set of parameters and // tidy up the main window and container sizes // DCVOID DCINTERNAL CUI::UIConnectWithCurrentParams(CONNECTIONMODE connMode) { DCUINT timeout; int screenBpp; UINT screenColorDepthID; HRESULT hr; DC_BEGIN_FN("UIConnectWithCurrentParams"); TRC_DBG((TB, _T("UIConnectWithCurrentParams called"))); SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); // // If we're autoreconnecting and were connected to a cluster replace // the server name with the actual IP as we need to hit the same // server we were connected to. // if (UI_IsClientRedirected() && UI_IsAutoReconnecting() && _UI.RedirectionServerAddress[0] ) { TRC_NRM((TB,_T("ARC SD redirect target from %s to %s"), _UI.strAddress, _UI.RedirectionServerAddress )); hr = StringCchCopy(_UI.strAddress, SIZE_TCHARS(_UI.strAddress), _UI.RedirectionServerAddress); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("StringCchCopy for strAddress failed: 0x%x"),hr)); DC_QUIT; } } // // Set connect watch flag to correctly handle connects // that are called in OnDisconnected event handlers // _UI.fConnectCalledWatch = TRUE; if( connMode != CONNECTIONMODE_INITIATE && connMode != CONNECTIONMODE_CONNECTEDENDPOINT ) { // // Invalid connection mode. // TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Invalid connect mode %d"), connMode)); _UI.disconnectReason = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DISCONNECT); UIInitiateDisconnection(); DC_QUIT; } // // Get x and y ContainerSizes, relies on ordering of desktop size IDs // _UI.containerSize.width = _UI.uiSizeTable[0]; _UI.containerSize.height = _UI.uiSizeTable[1]; _UI.connectStruct.desktopWidth = (DCUINT16)_UI.containerSize.width; _UI.connectStruct.desktopHeight = (DCUINT16)_UI.containerSize.height; // // Recalculate the new Main Window max size from the new Container // Window size // UIRecalcMaxMainWindowSize(); // // Resize the Container Window (but leave it invisible - it will // be shown when the connection is made). // SetWindowPos( _UI.hwndContainer, NULL, 0, 0, _UI.containerSize.width, _UI.containerSize.height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER ); TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Filling a connect struct"))); screenBpp = UI_GetScreenBpp(); screenColorDepthID = (UINT)UI_BppToColorDepthID(screenBpp); if(screenColorDepthID < _UI.colorDepthID) { TRC_NRM((TB,_T("Lowering color depth to match screen (from %d to %d)"), _UI.colorDepthID, screenColorDepthID)); _UI.colorDepthID = screenColorDepthID; } _UI.connectStruct.colorDepthID = _UI.colorDepthID; _UI.connectStruct.transportType = _UI.transportType; _UI.connectStruct.sasSequence = _UI.sasSequence; // // Read the keyboard layout // _UI.connectStruct.keyboardLayout = UIGetKeyboardLayout(); TRC_NRM((TB, _T("keyboard layout %#lx"), _UI.connectStruct.keyboardLayout)); // // Read the keyboard type. // GetKeyboardType(0) is returned keyboard type. // GetKeyboardType(1) is returned sub keyboard type. // GetKeyboardType(2) is returned number of function keys. // #if !defined(OS_WINCE) _UI.connectStruct.keyboardType = GetKeyboardType(0); _UI.connectStruct.keyboardSubType = GetKeyboardType(1); _UI.connectStruct.keyboardFunctionKey = GetKeyboardType(2); if (_pUt->UT_IsNEC98platform()) { if (UI_GetOsMinorType() == TS_OSMINORTYPE_WINDOWS_95 || UI_GetOsMinorType() == TS_OSMINORTYPE_WINDOWS_31X) { /* * Hiword of "1" is a magic number for handling NEC PC-98 Win9x * keyboard layout on the Hydra server. */ _UI.connectStruct.keyboardSubType = MAKELONG( _UI.connectStruct.keyboardSubType, 1); } else if (UI_GetOsMinorType() == TS_OSMINORTYPE_WINDOWS_NT) { OSVERSIONINFO osVersionInfo; BOOL bRc; osVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osVersionInfo); bRc = GetVersionEx(&osVersionInfo); if (osVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 5) { /* * Hiword of "2" is a magic number for handling NEC PC-98 NT5 * keyboard layout on the Hydra server. */ _UI.connectStruct.keyboardSubType = MAKELONG( _UI.connectStruct.keyboardSubType, 2); } } } else if (_pUt->UT_IsNew106Layout()) { /* * Hiword of "1" is a magic number for handling 106 keyboard layout * on the Hydra server. * Because, Old 106 and New one has the same sub keyboard type. */ _UI.connectStruct.keyboardSubType = MAKELONG(_UI.connectStruct.keyboardSubType, 1); } else if (_pUt->UT_IsFujitsuLayout()) { /* * Hiword of "2" is a magic number for handling Fujitsu keyboard layout * on the Hydra server. */ _UI.connectStruct.keyboardSubType = MAKELONG(_UI.connectStruct.keyboardSubType, 2); } #else // !defined(OS_WINCE) // // WinCE doesn't have GetKeyboardType API. // Read the keyboard type/subtype/function keys from values set by // control properties // _UI.connectStruct.keyboardType = _UI.winceKeyboardType; _UI.connectStruct.keyboardSubType = _UI.winceKeyboardSubType; _UI.connectStruct.keyboardFunctionKey = _UI.winceKeyboardFunctionKey; #endif // !defined(OS_WINCE) TRC_NRM((TB, _T("keyboard type %#lx sub type %#lx func key %#lx"), _UI.connectStruct.keyboardType, _UI.connectStruct.keyboardSubType, _UI.connectStruct.keyboardFunctionKey)); // // Read the IME file name. // UIGetIMEFileName(_UI.connectStruct.imeFileName, sizeof(_UI.connectStruct.imeFileName) / sizeof(TCHAR)); TRC_NRM((TB, _T("IME file name %s"), _UI.connectStruct.imeFileName)); // // The shadow bitmap flag should already be set. // Set the dedicated termianl flag. // Then copy the connect flags. // if (_UI.dedicatedTerminal) { SET_FLAG(_UI.connectFlags, CO_CONN_FLAG_DEDICATED_TERMINAL); } else { CLEAR_FLAG(_UI.connectFlags, CO_CONN_FLAG_DEDICATED_TERMINAL); } _UI.connectStruct.connectFlags = _UI.connectFlags; // // And start a connection timeout timer. If one is already running // (from a prevous attempt) then restart it. // if( _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer ) { _pUt->UTStopTimer( _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer ); } TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Single connection timeout %u seconds"), _UI.singleTimeout)); // // Set the licensing phase timeout // _UI.licensingTimeout = DEFAULT_LICENSING_TIMEOUT; TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Licensing timeout %u seconds"), _UI.licensingTimeout)); UI_SetConnectionMode( connMode ); if( connMode == CONNECTIONMODE_INITIATE ) { UISetConnectionStatus(UI_STATUS_CONNECT_PENDING_DNS); timeout = _UI.connectionTimeOut; TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Connection timeout %d seconds"), timeout)); if( NULL == _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer ) { _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer = _pUt->UTCreateTimer( _UI.hwndMain, UI_TIMER_OVERALL_CONN, timeout * 1000 ); } if( NULL == _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer ) { // // Cannot connect without a timeout - fail with an error // TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to create connection timeout timer"))); _UI.disconnectReason = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_NOTIMER); UIInitiateDisconnection(); DC_QUIT; } if( FALSE == _pUt->UTStartTimer( _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer ) ) { // // Cannot connect without a timeout - fail with an error // TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to start connection timeout timer"))); _UI.disconnectReason = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_NOTIMER); UIInitiateDisconnection(); DC_QUIT; } _UI.connectStruct.bInitiateConnect = TRUE; UIStartDNSLookup(); } else { // A new state is necessary so when disconnect come in, it won't // triggle CUI::UI_OnDisconnected()'s UITryNextConnection() // code path. UISetConnectionStatus(UI_STATUS_PENDING_CONNECTENDPOINT); // socket already connected, start various timer if( NULL == _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer ) { _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer = _pUt->UTCreateTimer(_UI.hwndMain, UI_TIMER_SINGLE_CONN, _UI.singleTimeout * 1000 ); } if( NULL == _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer ) { TRC_ERR( (TB, _T("Failed to create single connection timeout timer"))); _UI.disconnectReason = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_NOTIMER); UIInitiateDisconnection(); DC_QUIT; } if( NULL == _UI.connectStruct.hLicensingTimer ) { _UI.connectStruct.hLicensingTimer = _pUt->UTCreateTimer(_UI.hwndMain, UI_TIMER_LICENSING, _UI.licensingTimeout * 1000 ); } if( NULL == _UI.connectStruct.hLicensingTimer ) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to create licensing timeout timer"))); _UI.disconnectReason = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_NOTIMER); UIInitiateDisconnection(); DC_QUIT; } _UI.connectStruct.bInitiateConnect = FALSE; UIStartConnectWithConnectedEndpoint(); } //Notify the Ax control that we are connecting TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Connecting..."))); SendMessage( _UI.hWndCntrl, WM_TS_CONNECTING, 0, 0); DC_EXIT_POINT: SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); DC_END_FN(); } // UIConnectWithCurrentParams // // Name: UICalculateVisibleScrollBars // // Purpose: Calculates whether scrollbars are needed // // Returns: DCUINT containing flags whether or not the vertical and // horizontal scrollbars are needed // // Params: IN - width and height of frame // DCUINT DCINTERNAL CUI::UICalculateVisibleScrollBars( DCUINT mainFrameWidth, DCUINT mainFrameHeight ) { DCUINT rc; DCSIZE screenSize; #ifndef OS_WINCE RECT rect; BOOL errorRc; #endif #ifdef OS_WINNT HMONITOR hMonitor; MONITORINFO monInfo; #endif // OS_WINNT DC_BEGIN_FN("UICalculateVisibleScrollBars"); // for multi monitor, need to find which monitor the client window // resides, then get the correct screen size of the corresponding // monitor // default screen size screenSize.height = _UI.containerSize.height; screenSize.width = _UI.containerSize.width; if(_UI.fControlIsFullScreen) { #ifdef OS_WINNT if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS)) { hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(_UI.hWndCntrl, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); if (hMonitor != NULL) { monInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO); if (GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &monInfo)) { screenSize.height = max(screenSize.height, (unsigned)(monInfo.rcMonitor.bottom - monInfo.rcMonitor.top)); screenSize.width = max(screenSize.width, (unsigned)(monInfo.rcMonitor.right - monInfo.rcMonitor.left)); } } } #endif // OS_WINNT } // (_UI.fControlIsFullScreen) TRC_DBG((TB, _T("mainFrameWidth = %d"), mainFrameWidth)); TRC_DBG((TB, _T("mainFrameHeight = %d"), mainFrameHeight)); TRC_DBG((TB, _T("ScreenSize.width = %d"), screenSize.width)); TRC_DBG((TB, _T("ScreenSize.height = %d"), screenSize.height)); // // Calculate the neccessity for the scrollbars // #ifdef SMART_SIZING if (_UI.fSmartSizing) { rc = UI_NO_SCROLLBARS; } else #endif // SMART_SIZING if ( (mainFrameWidth >= screenSize.width) && (mainFrameHeight >= screenSize.height) ) { rc = UI_NO_SCROLLBARS; } else if ( (mainFrameWidth < screenSize.width) && (mainFrameHeight >= (screenSize.height + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL))) ) { rc = UI_BOTTOM_SCROLLBAR; } else if ( (mainFrameHeight < screenSize.height) && (mainFrameWidth >= (screenSize.width + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL))) ) { rc = UI_RIGHT_SCROLLBAR; } else { rc = UI_BOTH_SCROLLBARS; } #ifndef OS_WINCE // // Check specifically for a main window size that corresponds to a // zero-height client area. This special case requires that we disable // the right-hand scrollbar, because GetClientArea returns values that // indicate it is disabled. // rect.left = 0; rect.right = _UI.containerSize.width; rect.top = 0; rect.bottom = 0; #ifdef OS_WIN32 errorRc = #endif AdjustWindowRect(&rect, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, FALSE); #ifdef OS_WIN32 TRC_ASSERT((errorRc != 0), (TB, _T("AdjustWindowRect failed"))); #endif TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Zero-height client area => main window height %d"), rect.bottom - rect.top)); if (mainFrameHeight == (DCUINT)(rect.bottom - rect.top)) { // // The client size is zero height - turn off the right scrollbar // rc &= ~(DCUINT)UI_RIGHT_SCROLLBAR; } #endif //OS_WINCE DC_END_FN(); return(rc); } // // Name: UIRecalculateScrollbars // // Purpose: Calculates where to position the Container window within the // Main Window // DCVOID DCINTERNAL CUI::UIRecalculateScrollbars(DCVOID) { RECT rect; RECT clientRect; DCBOOL horzScrollBarIsVisible = TRUE; DCBOOL vertScrollBarIsVisible = TRUE; SCROLLINFO scrollInfo; DCSIZE windowSize; DCSIZE clientSize; DCBOOL needMove = FALSE; DCUINT visibleScrollBars; #ifdef OS_WINCE DCUINT32 style; #endif // OS_WINCE DC_BEGIN_FN("UIRecalculateScrollbars"); // // Get the dimensions of the window. Use this to determine the need // for scrolling, rather than using the client rect, as it is constant // for a given window size (obviously) while the client area varies as // scroll bars appear and disappear. We can use the window size since // we previously calculated the window size needed to accomodate the // entire container (this is the _UI.maxMainWindowSize). If the current // window size is less than _UI.maxMainWindowSize we know that the // client area is less than the container size and scroll bars are // needed. // GetWindowRect(_UI.hwndMain, &rect); windowSize.width = rect.right - rect.left; windowSize.height = rect.bottom - rect.top; if(_UI.fControlIsFullScreen) { windowSize.width = DC_MIN(windowSize.width, (DCUINT)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)); windowSize.height = DC_MIN(windowSize.height, (DCUINT)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)); } // // First establish whether scrollbars are needed // visibleScrollBars = UICalculateVisibleScrollBars(windowSize.width, windowSize.height); #ifdef OS_WINCE // // ShowScrollBar is unsupported in WinCE - instead, set the window // styles ourself // style = GetWindowLong( _UI.hwndMain, GWL_STYLE ); if (visibleScrollBars & UI_BOTTOM_SCROLLBAR) { style |= WS_HSCROLL; } else { style &= ~WS_HSCROLL; } if (visibleScrollBars & UI_RIGHT_SCROLLBAR) { style |= WS_VSCROLL; } else { style &= ~WS_VSCROLL; } SetWindowLong( _UI.hwndMain, GWL_STYLE, style ); #else _UI.fHorizontalScrollBarVisible = ((visibleScrollBars & UI_BOTTOM_SCROLLBAR) != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; ShowScrollBar( _UI.hwndMain, SB_HORZ, _UI.fHorizontalScrollBarVisible); _UI.fVerticalScrollBarVisible = ((visibleScrollBars & UI_RIGHT_SCROLLBAR) != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; ShowScrollBar( _UI.hwndMain, SB_VERT, _UI.fVerticalScrollBarVisible); #endif // OS_WINCE // // Get the client area width and height // GetClientRect(_UI.hwndMain, &clientRect); clientSize.width = clientRect.right - clientRect.left; clientSize.height = clientRect.bottom - clientRect.top; TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Window rect %d,%d %d,%d"), rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom)); TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Client:= width %d, height %d"), clientSize.width, clientSize.height)); TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Container:= width %d, height %d"), _UI.containerSize.width, _UI.containerSize.height)); _UI.scrollMax.x = _UI.containerSize.width - clientSize.width; _UI.scrollMax.y = _UI.containerSize.height - clientSize.height; TRC_NRM((TB, _T("scrollMax (%d,%d)"), _UI.scrollMax.x, _UI.scrollMax.y)); // // If the Container is larger than the client, adjust the scrollbars // appropriately // if (clientSize.width <= _UI.containerSize.width) { if (_UI.scrollPos.x > _UI.scrollMax.x) { _UI.scrollPos.x = _UI.scrollMax.x; needMove = TRUE; } else if (_UI.scrollPos.x < 0) { _UI.scrollPos.x = 0; needMove = TRUE; } } else { // // else put the Container in the middle of the client area // _UI.scrollPos.x = _UI.scrollMax.x / 2; needMove = TRUE; } if (clientSize.height <= _UI.containerSize.height) { if (_UI.scrollPos.y > _UI.scrollMax.y) { _UI.scrollPos.y = _UI.scrollMax.y; needMove = TRUE; } else if (_UI.scrollPos.y < 0) { _UI.scrollPos.y = 0; needMove = TRUE; } } else { // // else put the Container in the middle of the client area // _UI.scrollPos.y = _UI.scrollMax.y / 2; needMove = TRUE; } if (needMove) { UIMoveContainerWindow(); } TRC_DBG((TB, _T("scrollPos (%d,%d)"), _UI.scrollPos.x, _UI.scrollPos.y)); // // Common header fields // scrollInfo.cbSize = sizeof(scrollInfo); scrollInfo.fMask = SIF_ALL; if ((visibleScrollBars & UI_BOTTOM_SCROLLBAR) != 0) { // // Set horizontal values // scrollInfo.nMin = 0; scrollInfo.nMax = _UI.containerSize.width - 1; scrollInfo.nPage = clientSize.width; scrollInfo.nPos = _UI.scrollPos.x; UISetScrollInfo(SB_HORZ, &scrollInfo, TRUE); } if ((visibleScrollBars & UI_RIGHT_SCROLLBAR) != 0) { // // Set vertical values // scrollInfo.nMin = 0; scrollInfo.nMax = _UI.containerSize.height - 1; scrollInfo.nPage = clientSize.height; scrollInfo.nPos = _UI.scrollPos.y; UISetScrollInfo(SB_VERT, &scrollInfo, TRUE); } DC_EXIT_POINT: DC_END_FN(); return; } // // Name: UIMoveContainerWindow // // Purpose: Moves the container window to its new position and flags it to // be repainted // DCVOID DCINTERNAL CUI::UIMoveContainerWindow(DCVOID) { #ifdef OS_WINCE RECT rect; #endif DC_BEGIN_FN("UIMoveContainerWindow"); if(!_UI.hwndContainer) { #ifdef DEFER_CORE_INIT TRC_ASSERT((NULL != _UI.hwndContainer), (TB, _T("_UI.hwndContainer is NULL"))); #endif DC_QUIT; } #ifdef OS_WINCE // // WinCE will do a move even if one isn't required. Stop that here. // GetWindowRect(_UI.hwndContainer, &rect); if ((rect.left != -_UI.scrollPos.x) || (rect.top != -_UI.scrollPos.y) || ((DCUINT)(rect.right - rect.left) != _UI.containerSize.width) || ((DCUINT)(rect.bottom - rect.top) != _UI.containerSize.height)) #endif { MoveWindow( _UI.hwndContainer, -_UI.scrollPos.x, -_UI.scrollPos.y, _UI.containerSize.width, _UI.containerSize.height, TRUE ); } DC_END_FN(); DC_EXIT_POINT: ; } // // Name: UIUpdateScreenMode // // Purpose: Updates the window settings after a switch to/from fullscreen // // Params: // fGrabFocus - if true grabs the focus // DCVOID DCINTERNAL CUI::UIUpdateScreenMode(BOOL fGrabFocus) { DCUINT32 style; LONG wID; // multi-monitor support RECT screenRect; #ifdef OS_WINNT HMONITOR hMonitor; MONITORINFO monInfo; #endif // OS_WINNT DC_BEGIN_FN("UIUpdateScreenMode"); TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Entering Fullscreen mode"))); #if !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE) LockWindowUpdate( _UI.hwndMain ); #endif // !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE) UIRecalcMaxMainWindowSize(); // // Take away the title bar and borders // style = GetWindowLong( _UI.hwndMain, GWL_STYLE ); #if !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_NONFULLSCREEN) style &= ~(WS_DLGFRAME | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_BORDER | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX); #else // !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_NONFULLSCREEN) style &= ~(WS_DLGFRAME | WS_SYSMENU | WS_BORDER); #endif // !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_NONFULLSCREEN) SetWindowLong( _UI.hwndMain, GWL_STYLE, style ); // // Set the window ID (to remove the menu titles). // wID = SetWindowLong( _UI.hwndMain, GWL_ID, 0 ); // /// Note that two calls to SetWindowPos are required here in order to /// adjust the position to allow for frame removal and also to correctly // set the Z-ordering. // // default screen size screenRect.top = 0; screenRect.left = 0; // // Win32 sets the window size clipped to the physical screen; Win16 // seems to store the size you set regardless - which is not the // behavior we want later on when we query the window size to work out // if we need scroll bars // screenRect.bottom = _UI.maxMainWindowSize.height; screenRect.right = _UI.maxMainWindowSize.width; // for multi monitor, need to find which monitor the client window // resides, then get the correct screen size of the corresponding // monitor if(_UI.fControlIsFullScreen) { #ifdef OS_WINNT if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS)) { hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(_UI.hWndCntrl, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); if (hMonitor != NULL) { monInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO); if (GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &monInfo)) { screenRect = monInfo.rcMonitor; } } } #endif // OS_WINNT } //(_UI.fControlIsFullScreen) // // Reposition and size the window with the frame changes, and place at // the top of the Z-order (by not setting SWP_NOOWNERZORDER or // SWP_NOZORDER and specifying HWND_TOP). // SetWindowPos( _UI.hwndMain, HWND_TOP, screenRect.left, screenRect.top, screenRect.right - screenRect.left, screenRect.bottom - screenRect.top, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_FRAMECHANGED ); // // Reposition the window again - otherwise the fullscreen window is // positioned as if it still had borders. // SetWindowPos( _UI.hwndMain, NULL, screenRect.left, screenRect.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE ); // // Reset the container to top left // _UI.scrollPos.x = 0; _UI.scrollPos.y = 0; UIRecalculateScrollbars(); UIMoveContainerWindow(); #if !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE) LockWindowUpdate( NULL ); #endif // !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE) // // Make sure we have the focus after a screen mode toggle // if(fGrabFocus) { SetFocus(_UI.hwndContainer); } DC_END_FN(); } // UIUpdateScreenMode // // Name: UIValidateCurrentParams // // Purpose: To check whether the current connection parameters are valid // // Returns: TRUE - if the parameters are valid // FALSE otherwise // BOOL DCINTERNAL CUI::UIValidateCurrentParams(CONNECTIONMODE connMode) { BOOL rc = TRUE; unsigned xSize = _UI.controlSize.width; unsigned ySize = _UI.controlSize.height; DC_BEGIN_FN("UIValidateCurrentParams"); if( CONNECTIONMODE_INITIATE == connMode ) { // // If the Address is empty, the params are invalid // if ((DC_TSTRCMP(_UI.strAddress, _T("")) == 0)) { rc = FALSE; DC_QUIT; } } // // Make sure we have a screen big enough for the the remote desktop // if ((xSize < _UI.uiSizeTable[0]) || (ySize < _UI.uiSizeTable[1]) ) { rc = FALSE; DC_QUIT; } DC_EXIT_POINT: DC_END_FN(); return rc; } // UIValidateCurrentParams // // Name: UIShadowBitmapSettingChanged // // Purpose: Performs necessary actions when _UI.shadowBitmapEnabled // is updated. // DCVOID DCINTERNAL CUI::UIShadowBitmapSettingChanged(DCVOID) { DC_BEGIN_FN("UIShadowBitmapSettingChanged"); if (_UI.shadowBitmapEnabled) { SET_FLAG(_UI.connectFlags, CO_CONN_FLAG_SHADOW_BITMAP_ENABLED); } else { CLEAR_FLAG(_UI.connectFlags, CO_CONN_FLAG_SHADOW_BITMAP_ENABLED); } DC_END_FN(); return; } // // Name: UISmoothScrollingSettingChanged // // Purpose: Performs necessary actions when _UI.smoothScrolling // is updated. // DCVOID DCINTERNAL CUI::UISmoothScrollingSettingChanged(DCVOID) { DC_BEGIN_FN("UISmoothScrollingSettingChanged"); DC_END_FN(); } // // Name: UISetScrollInfo // // Purpose: Sets scroll bar parameters // // Returns: DC_RC_OK if successful, error code otherwise // // Params: IN hwnd - handle of window with scroll bar // IN scrollBarFlag - type of scroll bar // IN pScrollInfo - info to set for the scrollbar // IN redraw - TRUE if scrollbar to be redrawn // unsigned DCINTERNAL CUI::UISetScrollInfo( int scrollBarFlag, LPSCROLLINFO pScrollInfo, BOOL redraw) { unsigned rc = DC_RC_OK; DC_BEGIN_FN("UISetScrollInfo"); // // This only works for scroll bar flags indicating horizontal and/or // vertical scrollbar. // TRC_ASSERT((!TEST_FLAG(scrollBarFlag, ~(SB_HORZ | SB_VERT))), (TB, _T("Invalid scroll bar flag %#x"), scrollBarFlag)); TRC_ASSERT((!IsBadReadPtr(pScrollInfo, sizeof(*pScrollInfo))), (TB, _T("Bad scroll info memory %p"), pScrollInfo)); // // Call the Windows API to set the information. // SetScrollInfo(_UI.hwndMain, scrollBarFlag, pScrollInfo, redraw); DC_END_FN(); return rc; } // // Name: UISetConnectionStatus // // Purpose: Sets the UI connection status // DCVOID DCINTERNAL CUI::UISetConnectionStatus(DCUINT status) { DC_BEGIN_FN("UISetConnectionStatus"); if (_UI.connectionStatus == status) { DC_QUIT; } // // Store the new connection status. // TRC_NRM((TB, _T("UI connection status %u->%u"), _UI.connectionStatus, status)); _UI.connectionStatus = status; DC_EXIT_POINT: DC_END_FN(); } // // Name: UIInitializeDefaultSettings // // Purpose: Initialize connection settings with defaults. This is mainly // for advanced settings that can optionally be overwridden by // the user // void DCINTERNAL CUI::UIInitializeDefaultSettings() { unsigned nRead = 0; unsigned i; int defaultValue; HDC hdc; int colorDepthID; TCHAR szWPosDflt[] = UTREG_UI_WIN_POS_STR_DFLT; HRESULT hr; DC_BEGIN_FN("UIInitializeDefaultSettings"); // // Get screen mode before creating windows // _UI.windowPlacement.length = sizeof(_UI.windowPlacement); // // Set the maximized / minimized positions to the hardcoded defaults. // UISetMinMaxPlacement(); // // Find out the actual display depth // // Don't worry about these functions failing - if they do, we'll use // the default setting, or 8bpp if no registry setting. // colorDepthID = CO_BITSPERPEL8; hdc = GetDC(NULL); TRC_ASSERT((NULL != hdc), (TB,_T("Failed to get DC"))); if(hdc) { #ifdef DC_HICOLOR DCINT screenBpp; screenBpp = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL); TRC_NRM((TB, _T("HDC %p has %u bpp"), hdc, screenBpp)); // // Clamp the default color depth to 16bpp for best perf // screenBpp = screenBpp > 16 ? 16 : screenBpp; colorDepthID = UI_BppToColorDepthID( screenBpp ); #else DCINT numColors = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, NUMCOLORS); TRC_NRM((TB, _T("HDC %p, num colors"), hdc, numColors)); colorDepthID = (numColors == 16) ? CO_BITSPERPEL4 : CO_BITSPERPEL8; #endif ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); } TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Color depth ID %d"), colorDepthID)); _UI.colorDepthID = colorDepthID; // // Read auto connect flag // TRC_NRM((TB, _T("AutoConnect = %d"), _UI.autoConnectEnabled)); // // Read the smooth scrolling option // _UI.smoothScrolling = UTREG_UI_SMOOTH_SCROLL_DFLT; // // Read the accelerator check state // _UI.acceleratorCheckState = UTREG_UI_ACCELERATOR_PASSTHROUGH_ENABLED_DFLT; // // Read the Shadow Bitmap option // #ifndef OS_WINCE _UI.shadowBitmapEnabled = UTREG_UI_SHADOW_BITMAP_DFLT; #else _UI.shadowBitmapEnabled = _pUt->UT_ReadRegistryInt(UTREG_SECTION, UTREG_UI_SHADOW_BITMAP, UTREG_UI_SHADOW_BITMAP_DFLT); #endif _UI.fMaximizeShell = UTREG_UI_MAXIMIZESHELL50_DFLT; // // Keyboard hooking mode // _UI.keyboardHookMode = UTREG_UI_KEYBOARD_HOOK_DFLT; // // Audio redirection mode // _UI.audioRedirectionMode = UTREG_UI_AUDIO_MODE_DFLT; // // !WARNING! if you change this default to TRUE revisit the security // code that disables drive redirection in response to a reg key // in the control's put_RedirectDrives method. It only does the check // on the property set to avoid a reg access in the connect path. // // Drive // _UI.fEnableDriveRedirection = FALSE; //off by default for security // // Printers // _UI.fEnablePrinterRedirection = FALSE; //off by default for security // // COM ports // _UI.fEnablePortRedirection = FALSE; //off by default for security // // Smart card // _UI.fEnableSCardRedirection = FALSE; //off by default for security // // Connect to server console is disabled by default // UI_SetConnectToServerConsole(FALSE); // // Order draw threshold // _UI.orderDrawThreshold = UTREG_UH_DRAW_THRESHOLD_DFLT; _UI.RegBitmapCacheSize = UTREG_UH_TOTAL_BM_CACHE_DFLT; _UI.RegBitmapVirtualCache8BppSize = TSC_BITMAPCACHEVIRTUALSIZE_8BPP; _UI.RegBitmapVirtualCache16BppSize = TSC_BITMAPCACHEVIRTUALSIZE_16BPP; _UI.RegBitmapVirtualCache24BppSize = TSC_BITMAPCACHEVIRTUALSIZE_24BPP; _UI.RegScaleBitmapCachesByBPP = UTREG_UH_SCALE_BM_CACHE_DFLT; _UI.PersistCacheFileName[0] = NULL; _UI.RegNumBitmapCaches = UTREG_UH_BM_NUM_CELL_CACHES_DFLT; const unsigned ProportionDefault[TS_BITMAPCACHE_MAX_CELL_CACHES] = { UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE1_PROPORTION_DFLT, UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE2_PROPORTION_DFLT, UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE3_PROPORTION_DFLT, UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE4_PROPORTION_DFLT, UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE5_PROPORTION_DFLT, }; #if ((!defined(OS_WINCE)) || (defined(ENABLE_BMP_CACHING_FOR_WINCE))) const unsigned PersistenceDefault[TS_BITMAPCACHE_MAX_CELL_CACHES] = { UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE1_PERSISTENCE_DFLT, UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE2_PERSISTENCE_DFLT, UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE3_PERSISTENCE_DFLT, UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE4_PERSISTENCE_DFLT, UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE5_PERSISTENCE_DFLT, }; #endif // ((!defined(OS_WINCE)) || (defined(ENABLE_BMP_CACHING_FOR_WINCE))) const unsigned MaxEntriesDefault[TS_BITMAPCACHE_MAX_CELL_CACHES] = { UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE1_MAXENTRIES_DFLT, UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE2_MAXENTRIES_DFLT, UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE3_MAXENTRIES_DFLT, UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE4_MAXENTRIES_DFLT, UTREG_UH_BM_CACHE5_MAXENTRIES_DFLT, }; for (i = 0; i < TS_BITMAPCACHE_MAX_CELL_CACHES; i++) { _UI.RegBCProportion[i] = ProportionDefault[i]; #if ((!defined(OS_WINCE)) || (defined(ENABLE_BMP_CACHING_FOR_WINCE))) _UI.bSendBitmapKeys[i] = PersistenceDefault[i] ? TRUE: FALSE; #endif // ((!defined(OS_WINCE)) || (defined(ENABLE_BMP_CACHING_FOR_WINCE))) _UI.RegBCMaxEntries[i] = MaxEntriesDefault[i]; if (_UI.RegBCMaxEntries[i] < MaxEntriesDefault[i]) { _UI.RegBCMaxEntries[i] = MaxEntriesDefault[i]; } } _UI.GlyphSupportLevel = UTREG_UH_GL_SUPPORT_DFLT; _UI.cbGlyphCacheEntrySize[0] = UTREG_UH_GL_CACHE1_CELLSIZE_DFLT; _UI.cbGlyphCacheEntrySize[1] = UTREG_UH_GL_CACHE2_CELLSIZE_DFLT; _UI.cbGlyphCacheEntrySize[2] = UTREG_UH_GL_CACHE3_CELLSIZE_DFLT; _UI.cbGlyphCacheEntrySize[3] = UTREG_UH_GL_CACHE4_CELLSIZE_DFLT; _UI.cbGlyphCacheEntrySize[4] = UTREG_UH_GL_CACHE5_CELLSIZE_DFLT; _UI.cbGlyphCacheEntrySize[5] = UTREG_UH_GL_CACHE6_CELLSIZE_DFLT; _UI.cbGlyphCacheEntrySize[6] = UTREG_UH_GL_CACHE7_CELLSIZE_DFLT; _UI.cbGlyphCacheEntrySize[7] = UTREG_UH_GL_CACHE8_CELLSIZE_DFLT; _UI.cbGlyphCacheEntrySize[8] = UTREG_UH_GL_CACHE9_CELLSIZE_DFLT; _UI.cbGlyphCacheEntrySize[9] = UTREG_UH_GL_CACHE10_CELLSIZE_DFLT; _UI.fragCellSize = UTREG_UH_FG_CELLSIZE_DFLT; _UI.brushSupportLevel = UTREG_UH_BRUSH_SUPPORT_DFLT; _UI.maxEventCount = UTREG_IH_MAX_EVENT_COUNT_DFLT; _UI.eventsAtOnce = UTREG_IH_NRM_EVENT_COUNT_DFLT; _UI.minSendInterval = UTREG_IH_MIN_SEND_INTERVAL_DFLT; _UI.keepAliveInterval = UTREG_IH_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL_DFLT; _UI.allowBackgroundInput = UTREG_IH_ALLOWBACKGROUNDINPUT_DFLT; _UI.shutdownTimeout = UTREG_UI_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_DFLT; #ifdef OS_WINCE _UI.winceKeyboardType = UTREG_UI_KEYBOARD_TYPE_DFLT; _UI.winceKeyboardSubType = UTREG_UI_KEYBOARD_SUBTYPE_DFLT; _UI.winceKeyboardFunctionKey = UTREG_UI_KEYBOARD_FUNCTIONKEY_DFLT; #endif _UI.connectionTimeOut = UTREG_UI_OVERALL_CONN_TIMEOUT_DFLT; _UI.singleTimeout = UTREG_UI_SINGLE_CONN_TIMEOUT_DFLT; hr = StringCchCopy( _UI.szKeyBoardLayoutStr, SIZE_TCHARS(_UI.szKeyBoardLayoutStr), UTREG_UI_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_DFLT ); TRC_ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr), (TB,_T("StringCchCopy for keyblayout str failed: 0x%x"), hr)); // // Read the transport type // VER1: Restricted to TCP only. // _UI.transportType = UTREG_UI_TRANSPORT_TYPE_DFLT; if (_UI.transportType != CO_TRANSPORT_TCP) { TRC_ABORT((TB, _T("Illegal Tansport Type %d configured"), _UI.transportType)); _UI.transportType = UTREG_UI_TRANSPORT_TYPE_DFLT; } // // SAS sequence // _UI.sasSequence = UTREG_UI_SAS_SEQUENCE_DFLT; if ((_UI.sasSequence != RNS_UD_SAS_DEL) && (_UI.sasSequence != RNS_UD_SAS_NONE)) { TRC_ABORT((TB, _T("Illegal SAS Sequence %#x configured"),_UI.sasSequence)); _UI.sasSequence = UTREG_UI_SAS_SEQUENCE_DFLT; } // // encryption enabled flag // _UI.encryptionEnabled = UTREG_UI_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED_DFLT; // // dedicated terminal flag // _UI.dedicatedTerminal = UTREG_UI_DEDICATED_TERMINAL_DFLT; _UI.MCSPort = UTREG_UI_MCS_PORT_DFLT; // // fMouse flag // _UI.fMouse = UTREG_UI_ENABLE_MOUSE_DFLT; // // Read the DisableCtrlAltDel flag // _UI.fDisableCtrlAltDel = UTREG_UI_DISABLE_CTRLALTDEL_DFLT; #ifdef SMART_SIZING // // Read the SmartSizing flag // _UI.fSmartSizing = UTREG_UI_SMARTSIZING_DFLT; #endif // SMART_SIZING // // Read the EnableWindowsKey flag // _UI.fEnableWindowsKey = UTREG_UI_ENABLE_WINDOWSKEY_DFLT; // // Read the DoubleClickDetect flag // _UI.fDoubleClickDetect = UTREG_UI_DOUBLECLICK_DETECT_DFLT; // // Set screen mode hotkey // #ifndef OS_WINCE // Only full screen on WinCE defaultValue = UTREG_UI_FULL_SCREEN_VK_CODE_DFLT; if (_pUt->UT_IsNEC98platform()) { defaultValue = UTREG_UI_FULL_SCREEN_VK_CODE_NEC98_DFLT; } _UI.hotKey.fullScreen = defaultValue; #endif // OS_WINCE // // Set the ctrl-esc key to it's default. // _UI.hotKey.ctrlEsc = UTREG_UI_CTRL_ESC_VK_CODE_DFLT; // // Set the alt-esc key to it's default. // _UI.hotKey.altEsc = UTREG_UI_ALT_ESC_VK_CODE_DFLT; // // Set the alt-tab key to it's default. // _UI.hotKey.altTab = UTREG_UI_ALT_TAB_VK_CODE_DFLT; // // Set the alt-shift-tab key to it's default. // _UI.hotKey.altShifttab = UTREG_UI_ALT_SHFTAB_VK_CODE_DFLT; // // Set the alt-space key to it's default. // _UI.hotKey.altSpace = UTREG_UI_ALT_SPACE_VK_CODE_DFLT; // // Set the ctrl-alt-del key to it's default. // defaultValue = UTREG_UI_CTRL_ALTDELETE_VK_CODE_DFLT; if (_pUt->UT_IsNEC98platform()) { defaultValue = UTREG_UI_CTRL_ALTDELETE_VK_CODE_NEC98_DFLT; } _UI.hotKey.ctlrAltdel = defaultValue; // // Read the compression option // UI_SetCompress(UTREG_UI_COMPRESS_DFLT); #if ((!defined(OS_WINCE)) || (defined(ENABLE_BMP_CACHING_FOR_WINCE))) _UI.fBitmapPersistence = UTREG_UI_BITMAP_PERSISTENCE_DFLT; #else _UI.fBitmapPersistence = UTREG_UI_BITMAP_PERSISTENCE_DFLT; #endif // ((!defined(OS_WINCE)) || (defined(ENABLE_BMP_CACHING_FOR_WINCE))) TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Bitmap Persistence Enabled = %d"), _UI.fBitmapPersistence)); #ifdef DC_DEBUG // // Set the debug options to their defaults // _UI.hatchBitmapPDUData = UTREG_UI_HATCH_BITMAP_PDU_DATA_DFLT; _UI.hatchSSBOrderData = UTREG_UI_HATCH_SSB_ORDER_DATA_DFLT; _UI.hatchMemBltOrderData = UTREG_UI_HATCH_MEMBLT_ORDER_DATA_DFLT; _UI.labelMemBltOrders = UTREG_UI_LABEL_MEMBLT_ORDERS_DFLT; _UI.bitmapCacheMonitor = UTREG_UI_BITMAP_CACHE_MONITOR_DFLT; #endif // DC_DEBUG _UI.coreInitialized = FALSE; OSVERSIONINFO osVersionInfo; BOOL bRc; // // Set the OS version // osVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osVersionInfo); bRc = GetVersionEx(&osVersionInfo); TRC_ASSERT((bRc), (TB,_T("GetVersionEx failed"))); #ifdef OS_WINCE TRC_ASSERT((osVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE), (TB,_T("Unknown os version %d"), osVersionInfo.dwPlatformId)); #else TRC_ASSERT(((osVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) || (osVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)), (TB,_T("Unknown os version %d"), osVersionInfo.dwPlatformId)); _UI.osMinorType = (osVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) ? TS_OSMINORTYPE_WINDOWS_95 : TS_OSMINORTYPE_WINDOWS_NT; #endif _UI.fRunningOnPTS = IsRunningOnPTS(); #ifdef USE_BBAR _UI.fBBarEnabled = TRUE; _UI.fBBarPinned = TRUE; _UI.fBBarShowMinimizeButton = TRUE; _UI.fBBarShowRestoreButton = TRUE; #endif _UI.fGrabFocusOnConnect = TRUE; // // Perf optimization settings (which features to disable) // Default is to disable nothing // _UI.dwPerformanceFlags = TS_PERF_DISABLE_NOTHING; // default to don't notify TS public key // currently only RemoteAssistance uses this. _UI.fNotifyTSPublicKey = FALSE; // // Max number of ARC retries // UI_SetMaxArcAttempts(MAX_ARC_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS); // // By default allow autoreconnection // UI_SetEnableAutoReconnect(TRUE); DC_END_FN(); } // // Name: UISetMinMaxPlacement // // Purpose: Reset the minimized / maximized placement // Operation: Allow for the window border width. // void DCINTERNAL CUI::UISetMinMaxPlacement() { DC_BEGIN_FN("UISetMinMaxPlacement"); // // Set the maximized position to the top left - allow for the window // frame width. // #if !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_NONFULLSCREEN) _UI.windowPlacement.ptMaxPosition.x = -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME); _UI.windowPlacement.ptMaxPosition.y = -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME); #else // !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_NONFULLSCREEN) _UI.windowPlacement.ptMaxPosition.x = 0; _UI.windowPlacement.ptMaxPosition.y = 0; #endif // !defined(OS_WINCE) || defined(OS_WINCE_NONFULLSCREEN) // // Minimized position is 0, 0 // _UI.windowPlacement.ptMinPosition.x = 0; _UI.windowPlacement.ptMinPosition.y = 0; DC_END_FN(); } // UISetMinMaxPlacement // // Name: UIInitiateDisconnection // // Purpose: Call _pCo->CO_Disconnect, set UI states and menus // void DCINTERNAL CUI::UIInitiateDisconnection() { #ifndef OS_WINCE int intRC; #endif DC_BEGIN_FN("UIInitiateDisconnection"); TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Disconnecting..."))); if (_UI.connectionStatus != UI_STATUS_CONNECT_PENDING_DNS) { // // Only disconnect if we have issued CO_Connect - not if we are // still awaiting the host name lookup. // TRC_NRM((TB, _T("UI calling _pCo->CO_Disconnect"))); _pCo->CO_Disconnect(); } else { if (!UIFreeAsyncDNSBuffer()) { if (_pHostData) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to free async dns buffer. Status: %d hghbn: 0x%x"), _UI.connectionStatus, _UI.hGHBN)); } } // // Now indicate that disconnection has completed // and fire the event // UIGoDisconnected(_UI.disconnectReason, TRUE); } DC_END_FN(); } // UIInitiateDisconnection // // Name: UIGetKeyboardLayout // // Purpose: Get the keyboard layout ID // // Returns: layout ID // // Operation: Win16: Read SYSTEM.INI to find the keyboard DLL name. Look // this up in the Client INI file to find the keyboard layout ID // Win32: use GetKeyboardLayout() // UINT32 DCINTERNAL CUI::UIGetKeyboardLayout() { UINT32 layout = RNS_UD_KBD_DEFAULT; TCHAR szLayoutStr[UTREG_UI_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_LEN]; CHAR kbdName[KL_NAMELENGTH]; HRESULT hr; DC_BEGIN_FN("UIGetKeyboardLayout"); // // Read the keyboard type. // First look for a registry / ini entry // hr = StringCchCopy(szLayoutStr, SIZE_TCHARS(szLayoutStr), _UI.szKeyBoardLayoutStr); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("StringCchCopy for keyboard layout str failed: 0x%x"),hr)); DC_QUIT; } if (!DC_TSTRCMP(szLayoutStr, UTREG_UI_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_DFLT)) { // // Read the layout - OS dependent method. // TRC_DBG((TB, _T("No registry setting - determine the layout"))); // // GetKeyboardLayout does not return the correct information, so // use CicSubstGetKeyboardLayout (a Cicero replacement for // GetKeyboardLayoutName that can correctly return the physical hKL // even when Cicero is active such as with CUAS). // #ifndef OS_WINCE if (!CicSubstGetKeyboardLayout(kbdName)) #else if (!GetKeyboardLayoutName(kbdName)) #endif { TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Failed to get keyboard layout name"))); DC_QUIT; } hr = StringCchPrintf(szLayoutStr, SIZE_TCHARS(szLayoutStr), _T("0x%S"), kbdName); } // // Convert from hex string to int. // TRC_DBG((TB, _T("Layout Name %s"), szLayoutStr)); if (DC_TSSCANF(szLayoutStr, _T("%lx"), &layout) != 1) { TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Invalid keyboard layout %s"), szLayoutStr)); layout = RNS_UD_KBD_DEFAULT; } /* * The HKL of US-Dvorak, US-International on Win95 have a difference to WinNT. * This code is swaped HKL value if platform is Win95. */ if (UI_GetOsMinorType() == TS_OSMINORTYPE_WINDOWS_95 && (layout == 0x00010409 || layout == 0x00020409)) { if (layout == 0x00010409) layout = 0x00020409; else layout = 0x00010409; } DC_EXIT_POINT: TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Layout ID %#lx"), layout)); DC_END_FN(); return layout; } // UIGetKeyboardLayout // // Name: UIStartConnectWithConnectedEndpoint // // Purpose: Connect with a connected socket // // Params: IN disconnectCode - error code to be displayed if there // are no more connections to try. // // Notes: The disconnectCode is either a timeout, or the ID passed in // to UI_OnDisconnected(). // void DCINTERNAL CUI::UIStartConnectWithConnectedEndpoint() { DC_BEGIN_FN("UIStartConnectWithConnectedEndpoint"); // // Call CC_Connect via the Component Decoupler // _UI.disconnectReason =UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DISCONNECT); _pCo->CO_Connect(&_UI.connectStruct); UISetConnectionStatus(UI_STATUS_PENDING_CONNECTENDPOINT); DC_EXIT_POINT: DC_END_FN(); } // UIStartListen // // Name: UITryNextConnection // // Purpose: Attempt to connect to an IP address // // Params: IN disconnectCode - error code to be displayed if there // are no more connections to try. // // Notes: The disconnectCode is either a timeout, or the ID passed in // to UI_OnDisconnected(). // void DCINTERNAL CUI::UITryNextConnection() { u_long addr; u_long DCPTR pAddr; HRESULT hr; DC_BEGIN_FN("UITryNextConnection"); addr = _UI.hostAddress; // // Stop the single connection timer. // if( _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer ) { _pUt->UTStopTimer( _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer ); } // // Check for the DNS case // if (addr == INADDR_NONE) { pAddr = (u_long DCPTR) ((struct hostent DCPTR)_pHostData)->h_addr_list[_UI.addrIndex]; if (pAddr != NULL) { addr = *pAddr; } else { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("No more addresses in list"))); addr = 0; } TRC_NRM((TB, _T("DNS lookup address [%d] %#lx"), _UI.addrIndex, addr)); _UI.addrIndex++; } else { // // Not DNS - just a single address, so set to zero for next time. // TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Normal address %#lx"), addr)); _UI.hostAddress = 0; } if (addr == 0) { // // Cannot connect - so put up the failure dialog. // TRC_NRM((TB, _T("No more IP addresses"))); // // Kill the overall connection timer, as this is the last in the // list. // if( _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer ) { _pUt->UTDeleteTimer( _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer ); _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer = NULL; } UIGoDisconnected(_UI.disconnectReason, TRUE); DC_QUIT; } DCUINT32 localSessionId; UI_GetLocalSessionId( &localSessionId ); // // Prevent loopback connections to (really session 0) // Requirments for loopback are // 1) Connecting to same machine client is running on // 2) Either of // -this is a PTS box // -Connect to console (session 0) is set and this _is_ session 0. // if(((_UI.fRunningOnPTS || (UI_GetConnectToServerConsole() && 0 == localSessionId)) && IsConnectingToOwnAddress(addr))) { //Disconnect don't allow loopback connects to own console _UI.disconnectReason = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_LOOPBACK_CONSOLE_CONNECT); UIGoDisconnected(_UI.disconnectReason, TRUE); DC_QUIT; } // // Network Layer currently still uses inet_addr() - so write the // address as a dotted xx.xx.xx.xx string // hr = StringCchPrintf( _UI.connectStruct.RNSAddress, SIZE_TCHARS(_UI.connectStruct.RNSAddress), _T("%ld.%ld.%ld.%ld"), addr & 0xFF, (addr>>8) & 0xFF, (addr>>16) & 0xFF, (addr>>24) & 0xFF); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TRC_NRM((TB, _T(" _pCo->CO_Connect: Try address %#lx = %s"), addr, _UI.connectStruct.RNSAddress)); } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("Unable to sprintf RNSAddress: 0x%x"), hr)); _UI.disconnectReason = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_GHBNFAILED); UIGoDisconnected(_UI.disconnectReason, TRUE); DC_QUIT; } // // create the various timer handles for the connection process // if( NULL == _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer ) { _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer = _pUt->UTCreateTimer( _UI.hwndMain, UI_TIMER_SINGLE_CONN, _UI.singleTimeout * 1000 ); } if( NULL == _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer ) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to create single connection timeout timer"))); } if( NULL == _UI.connectStruct.hLicensingTimer ) { _UI.connectStruct.hLicensingTimer = _pUt->UTCreateTimer( _UI.hwndMain, UI_TIMER_LICENSING, _UI.licensingTimeout * 1000 ); } if( NULL == _UI.connectStruct.hLicensingTimer ) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to create licensing timeout timer"))); } // // Call CC_Connect via the Component Decoupler // _UI.disconnectReason =UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DISCONNECT); _pCo->CO_Connect(&_UI.connectStruct); // // start the single connection timer // if( _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer ) { if( FALSE == _pUt->UTStartTimer( _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer ) ) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to start single connection timeout timer"))); } } UISetConnectionStatus(UI_STATUS_CONNECT_PENDING); DC_EXIT_POINT: DC_END_FN(); } // UITryNextConnection // // UIRedirectConnection // // Used for load balancing redirection for force the client to reflect // to the target server. // void DCINTERNAL CUI::UIRedirectConnection() { HRESULT hr; DC_BEGIN_FN("UIRedirectConnection"); TRC_ASSERT((_UI.DoRedirection),(TB,_T("DoRedir is not set!"))); // Stop the single connection timer. if (_UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer) _pUt->UTStopTimer(_UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer); #ifdef UNICODE TRC_NRM((TB,_T("Target address before redirection replacement: %S"), _UI.strAddress)); hr = StringCchCopy(_UI.strAddress, SIZE_TCHARS(_UI.strAddress), _UI.RedirectionServerAddress); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("StringCchCopy for strAddress failed: 0x%x"),hr)); DC_QUIT; } #else TRC_NRM((TB,_T("Target address before redirection replacement: %s"), _UI.strAddress)); #ifdef OS_WIN32 // Translate the Unicode server name to ANSI. WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, _UI.RedirectionServerAddress, -1, _UI.strAddress, 256, NULL, NULL); #else { // For Win16, need to manually convert Unicode to ANSI. int i = 0; while (_UI.RedirectionServerAddress[i]) { _UI.strAddress[i] = (BYTE)_UI.RedirectionServerAddress[i]; i++; } _UI.strAddress[i] = 0; } #endif #endif // UNICODE TRC_NRM((TB,_T("Setting redirection server address to %S"), _UI.RedirectionServerAddress)); // Reset the redirection server string. _UI.RedirectionServerAddress[0] = L'\0'; // Start the DNS lookup for the server name, and hence the rest of the // connection sequence. UIStartDNSLookup(); DC_EXIT_POINT: DC_END_FN(); } // // Name: UIStartDNSLookup // // Purpose: Initiate lookup of the host IP address(es) // void DCINTERNAL CUI::UIStartDNSLookup() { UINT32 errorCode; DC_BEGIN_FN("UIStartDNSLookup"); UISetConnectionStatus(UI_STATUS_CONNECT_PENDING_DNS); _UI.addrIndex = 0; #ifdef UNICODE // // WinSock 1.1 only supports ANSI, so we need to convert any Unicode // strings at this point. // if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, _UI.strAddress, -1, _UI.ansiAddress, 256, NULL, NULL)) { // // Conversion failed // TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to convert address to ANSI"))); // // Generate the error code. // errorCode = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_ANSICONVERT); TRC_ASSERT((HIWORD(errorCode) == 0), (TB, _T("disconnect reason code unexpectedly using 32 bits"))); UIGoDisconnected((DCUINT)errorCode, TRUE); DC_QUIT; } #else StringCchCopyA(_UI.ansiAddress, sizeof(_UI.ansiAddress), _UI.strAddress); #endif // UNICODE // // Check that the address is not the limited broadcast address // ( inet_addr() doesn't distinguish between this and // an invalid IP address. // if (!strcmp(_UI.ansiAddress, "")) { TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Cannot connect to the limited broadcast address"))); // // Generate the error code. // errorCode = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_BADIPADDRESS); TRC_ASSERT((HIWORD(errorCode) == 0), (TB, _T("disconnect reason code unexpectedly using 32 bits"))); UIGoDisconnected((DCUINT)errorCode, TRUE); DC_QUIT; } // // Now determine whether a DNS lookup is required. // TRC_NRM((TB, _T("ServerAddress:%s"), _UI.ansiAddress)); // // Check that we have a string. // TRC_ASSERT((_UI.ansiAddress[0] != '\0'), (TB, _T("Empty server address string"))); // // Set this to a known value. It's used later to decide whether we're // using DNS or a straight IP address. // _UI.hostAddress = INADDR_NONE; if(NULL == _pHostData) { // // Allocate new buffer // _pHostData = (PBYTE)LocalAlloc( LPTR, MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT); if(_pHostData) { DC_MEMSET(_pHostData, 0, MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT); } else { UI_FatalError(DC_ERR_OUTOFMEMORY); DC_QUIT; } } else { // // Use existing // TRC_ERR((TB,_T("_pHostData already allocated!!! Possibly leaking!"))); } // // Start DNS lookup, assuming this is a server name. If it's an IP // address, this call will fail and we'll use inet_addr() instead. // This mechanism allows us to specify server names that are // all-numeric. inet_addr() interprets a single number as an IP // address (see inet_addr() documentation in MSDN). // TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Doing DNS lookup for '%s'"), _UI.ansiAddress)); _UI.disconnectReason = UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_GHBNFAILED); _UI.hGHBN = WSAAsyncGetHostByName(_UI.hwndMain, UI_WSA_GETHOSTBYNAME, _UI.ansiAddress, (char*)_pHostData, MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT); if (_UI.hGHBN == 0) { // // Failed to start the async operation. Free the buffer here // an find out what went wrong. // LocalFree(_pHostData); _pHostData = NULL; TRC_ALT((TB, _T("Failed to initiate GetHostByName"))); UIGoDisconnected(UI_MAKE_DISCONNECT_ERR(UI_ERR_DNSLOOKUPFAILED), TRUE); DC_QUIT; } // // Now just wait for the callback. // DC_EXIT_POINT: DC_END_FN(); } // UIStartDNSLookup // // Name: UIGoDisconnected // // Purpose: Tail processing for disconnection process // Does final cleanup, hides connection windows etc // // Params: IN disconnectID - disconnection error code // IN fFireEvent - true to fire a disconnect event // // Operation: Called from UI_OnDisconnected, or whenever the UI cannot // start or continue the connection process. // void DCINTERNAL CUI::UIGoDisconnected(unsigned disconnectID, BOOL fFireEvent) { BOOL rc = FALSE; DC_BEGIN_FN("UIGoDisconnected"); TRC_NRM((TB, _T("disconnectID %#x"), disconnectID)); // // make sure that all timers are dead // if (_UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer) { _pUt->UTDeleteTimer(_UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer); _UI.connectStruct.hSingleConnectTimer = NULL; } if (_UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer) { _pUt->UTDeleteTimer(_UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer); _UI.connectStruct.hConnectionTimer = NULL; } if(_UI.connectStruct.hLicensingTimer) { _pUt->UTDeleteTimer(_UI.connectStruct.hLicensingTimer); _UI.connectStruct.hLicensingTimer = NULL; } UI_OnInputFocusLost(0); // Tell the Client extension dll of the disconnection _clx->CLX_OnDisconnected(disconnectID); // // Set watch flag so we can determine if the user tried to connect // from the event handler // _UI.fConnectCalledWatch = FALSE; // // Notify Ax control of the disconnection // if (fFireEvent && IsWindow(_UI.hWndCntrl)) { rc = SendMessage(_UI.hWndCntrl, WM_TS_DISCONNECTED, (WPARAM)disconnectID, 0); // // Bail out immediately AND avoid touching any instance // data as we may have been deleted in the event fired // to the outside world // if (!rc) { DC_QUIT; } } if (!UI_IsAutoReconnecting() && !_UI.fConnectCalledWatch) { TRC_NRM((TB,_T("Not autoreconnecting doing tail cleanup!"))); UIFinishDisconnection(); #ifdef USE_BBAR if (_pBBar) { _pBBar->KillAndCleanupBBar(); } #endif } else { TRC_NRM((TB,_T("Skipping tail disconnect: arc: %d - conwatch: %d"), UI_IsAutoReconnecting(), _UI.fConnectCalledWatch)); } // // Reset connect watch flag // _UI.fConnectCalledWatch = FALSE; DC_EXIT_POINT: DC_END_FN(); } // UIGoDisconnected // // Name: UIFinishDisconnection // // Purpose: Do final actions for disconnection and put up connection // dialog ready for next connection (or just exit if we // auto-connected or if we're on WinCE). // void DCINTERNAL CUI::UIFinishDisconnection() { DC_BEGIN_FN("UIFinishDisconnection"); #ifndef OS_WINCE // // For WinCE, the connect dialog is not brought up again - we're about // to quit. // if (_UI.connectionStatus == UI_STATUS_CONNECTED) { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Hiding main window and bringing up connection dialog"))); // We do ShowWindow twice for the main window because the first // call can be ignored if the main window was maximized. ShowWindow(_UI.hwndContainer, SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(_UI.hwndMain, SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(_UI.hwndMain, SW_HIDE); } #endif //OS_WINCE if(_pHostData && _UI.connectionStatus != UI_STATUS_CONNECT_PENDING_DNS && _UI.connectionStatus != UI_STATUS_CONNECT_PENDING) { // // We're done with the winsock buffer // LocalFree(_pHostData); _pHostData = NULL; } else if (_pHostData && _UI.connectionStatus == UI_STATUS_CONNECT_PENDING_DNS) { if (!UIFreeAsyncDNSBuffer()) { TRC_ERR((TB, _T("Failed to free async dns buffer. Status: %d hghbn: 0x%x"), _UI.connectionStatus, _UI.hGHBN)); } } TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Set disconnected state"))); UISetConnectionStatus(UI_STATUS_DISCONNECTED); DC_END_FN(); } // UIFinishDisconnection // // IsConnectingToOwnAddress // return true if this is an attempt to reconnect to our // own address. // e.g On PTS doing a loopback // or on server doing a loopback with /CONSOLE // BOOL CUI::IsConnectingToOwnAddress(u_long connectAddr) { DC_BEGIN_FN("IsConnectingToOwnConsole"); // // Check if this is a loopback connection attempt // //32-bit form of addr #define LOOPBACK_ADDR ((u_long)0x0100007f) // // First the quick check for localhost/ // if( LOOPBACK_ADDR == connectAddr) { return TRUE; } // // More extensive check, i.e resolve the local hostname // char hostname[(512+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)]; int err; int j; struct hostent* phostent; err=gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); if (err == 0) { if ((phostent = gethostbyname(hostname)) !=NULL) { switch (phostent->h_addrtype) { case AF_INET: j=0; while (phostent->h_addr_list[j] != NULL) { if(!memcmp(&connectAddr, phostent->h_addr_list[j], sizeof(u_long))) { return TRUE; } j++; } default: break; } } } DC_END_FN(); return FALSE; } BOOL CUI::IsRunningOnPTS() { DC_BEGIN_FN("IsRunningOnPTS"); #ifndef OS_WINCE if(UI_GetOsMinorType() == TS_OSMINORTYPE_WINDOWS_NT) { OSVERSIONINFOEX osVer; memset(&osVer, 0, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); osVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); if(GetVersionEx( (LPOSVERSIONINFO ) &osVer)) { return ((osVer.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) && !(osVer.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL) && (osVer.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS)); } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("GetVersionEx failed: 0x%x"), GetLastError())); return FALSE; } } else { //can't be PTS if its not NT return FALSE; } #else return FALSE; #endif DC_END_FN(); } // // Do the work of initializing or reinitializing // the Input idle timers // BOOL CUI::InitInputIdleTimer(LONG minsToTimeout) { DC_BEGIN_FN("InitInputIdleTimer"); TRC_ASSERT(_UI.hwndMain, (TB,_T("InitInputIdleTimer called before main window is up"))); if(minsToTimeout < MAX_MINS_TOIDLETIMEOUT) { //Reset the marker indicating if input was sent _pIh->IH_ResetInputWasSentFlag(); //Reset any existing idle timer if(_UI.hIdleInputTimer) { HANDLE hTimer = _UI.hIdleInputTimer; _UI.hIdleInputTimer = NULL; _UI.minsToIdleTimeout = 0; if(!_pUt->UTDeleteTimer( hTimer )) { return FALSE; } } if(minsToTimeout) { _UI.hIdleInputTimer = _pUt->UTCreateTimer( _UI.hwndMain, UI_TIMER_IDLEINPUTTIMEOUT, minsToTimeout * 60 * 1000 ); if(_UI.hIdleInputTimer) { if(_pUt->UTStartTimer( _UI.hIdleInputTimer )) { _UI.minsToIdleTimeout = minsToTimeout; return TRUE; } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("UTStartTimer hIdleInputTimer failed"))); _UI.minsToIdleTimeout = 0; return FALSE; } } else { TRC_ERR((TB,_T("UTCreateTimer hIdleInputTimer failed"))); _UI.minsToIdleTimeout = 0; return FALSE; } } else { //We've reset the timer and no new one //was requested return TRUE; } } else { return FALSE; } DC_END_FN(); } #ifdef USE_BBAR // // Set or update the bbar unhide timer // based on the last mouse move // // Params: // x - mouse x pos // y - mouse y pos // VOID CUI::UISetBBarUnhideTimer(LONG x, LONG y) { DC_BEGIN_FN("IHSetBBarUnhideTimer"); TRC_ASSERT(_UI.hwndMain, (TB,_T("hwndMain is NULL"))); if (_UI.fBBarEnabled && _pBBar && _pBBar->IsRaised()) { LONG dx = x-_ptBBarLastMousePos.x; LONG dy = y-_ptBBarLastMousePos.y; LONG rr = dx*dx + dy*dy; LONG dd = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDOUBLECLK) * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDOUBLECLK); if (rr > dd) { _fBBarUnhideTimerActive = TRUE; SetTimer(_UI.hwndMain, UI_TIMER_BBAR_UNHIDE_TIMERID, IH_BBAR_UNHIDE_TIMEINTERVAL, NULL); _ptBBarLastMousePos.x = x; _ptBBarLastMousePos.y = y; } } else { if(_fBBarUnhideTimerActive) { KillTimer( _UI.hwndMain, UI_TIMER_BBAR_UNHIDE_TIMERID ); _fBBarUnhideTimerActive = FALSE; } } DC_END_FN(); } #endif //USE_BBAR #ifndef OS_WINCE // TS detection code from MSDN and modified. /* ------------------------------------------------------------- Note that the ValidateProductSuite and IsTerminalServices functions use ANSI versions of Win32 functions to maintain compatibility with Windows 95/98. ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Name: UIIsTSOnWin2KOrGreater */ /* */ /* Purpose: This function is called when we know that TS can be enabled */ /* but we need to see if TS is really enabled. */ /* It means: */ /* - not Win2K or above, then it's TS4 */ /* - Win2K or above: test if TS is installed */ /****************************************************************************/ BOOL CUI::UIIsTSOnWin2KOrGreater( VOID ) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; DWORD dwVersion; OSVERSIONINFOEXA osVersion; DWORDLONG dwlCondition = 0; HMODULE hmodK32 = NULL; HMODULE hmodNtDll = NULL; typedef ULONGLONG (WINAPI *PFnVerSetCondition) (ULONGLONG, ULONG, UCHAR); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFnVerifyVersionA) (POSVERSIONINFOEXA, DWORD, DWORDLONG); PFnVerSetCondition pfnVerSetCondition; PFnVerifyVersionA pfnVerifyVersionA; dwVersion = GetVersion(); // Are we running Windows NT? if (!(dwVersion & 0x80000000)) { // Is it Windows 2000 or greater? if (LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion)) > 4) { // In Windows 2000, use the VerifyVersionInfo and // VerSetConditionMask functions. Don't static link because // it won't load on earlier systems. hmodNtDll = GetModuleHandleA( "ntdll.dll" ); if (hmodNtDll) { pfnVerSetCondition = (PFnVerSetCondition) GetProcAddress( hmodNtDll, "VerSetConditionMask"); if (pfnVerSetCondition != NULL) { dwlCondition = (*pfnVerSetCondition) (dwlCondition, VER_SUITENAME, VER_OR); // Get a VerifyVersionInfo pointer. hmodK32 = GetModuleHandleA( "KERNEL32.DLL" ); if (hmodK32 != NULL) { pfnVerifyVersionA = (PFnVerifyVersionA) GetProcAddress( hmodK32, "VerifyVersionInfoA") ; if (pfnVerifyVersionA != NULL) { ZeroMemory(&osVersion, sizeof(osVersion)); osVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osVersion); osVersion.wSuiteMask = VER_SUITE_TERMINAL | VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS; bResult = (*pfnVerifyVersionA) (&osVersion, VER_SUITENAME, dwlCondition); } } } } } else // This is Windows NT 4.0 or earlier. // since we know that TS can be enabled, then it's TS4. bResult = TRUE; } return bResult; } #endif //OS_WINCE #ifdef SMART_SIZING // // Notify the IH and OP of the desktop size change // Params: // size - lParam encoded size (LOWORD - width, HIWORD height) // void CUI::UI_NotifyOfDesktopSizeChange(LPARAM size) { DC_BEGIN_FN("UI_NotifyOfDesktopSizeChange"); // // NOTE: Can only use async notifications from the UI thread // otherwise the following can happen: SendMessage to // another thread dispatches messages, this means that // the containing app could receive a message to destroy // the control (e.g Salem tests do this). Destroying // the control while in a CD call is not a good thing. // As we would blow up on return. // _pCd->CD_DecoupleSimpleNotification(CD_RCV_COMPONENT, _pOp, CD_NOTIFICATION_FUNC(COP,OP_MainWindowSizeChange), (ULONG_PTR)size); _pCd->CD_DecoupleSimpleNotification(CD_SND_COMPONENT, _pIh, CD_NOTIFICATION_FUNC(CIH,IH_MainWindowSizeChange), (ULONG_PTR)size); DC_END_FN(); } #endif //SMART_SIZING // // Free the ASYNC DNS buffer. // If there is a pending async operation it is canceled first // // Returns: TRUE if the buffer was freed (or was already freed) // BOOL CUI::UIFreeAsyncDNSBuffer() { BOOL fFreeHostData = FALSE; int intRC; DC_BEGIN_FN("UIFreeAsyncDNSBuffer"); if (_UI.hGHBN) { // // Cancel the DNS lookup // TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Cancel DNS lookup"))); intRC = WSACancelAsyncRequest(_UI.hGHBN); if (intRC == SOCKET_ERROR) { TRC_NRM((TB, _T("Failed to cancel async DNS request"))); // // Can't free the buffer here, because it may still be // in use, or the request may have already completed // and the completion message may still be in transit // in which case the buffer will be freed when we receive // the message. // } else { fFreeHostData = TRUE; } } else { fFreeHostData = TRUE; } if (fFreeHostData) { //Succesfully canceled the request //Free the buffer passed to winsock if(_pHostData) { LocalFree(_pHostData); _pHostData = NULL; } } DC_END_FN(); return fFreeHostData; }