Terminal Services Remote Management and Command Line Tools Component Description

Terminal Services Remote Management and Command Line Tools Component Description

This component installs the Terminal Services tools that manage terminal servers remotely.

Component Configuration

There are no configuration requirements for this component.

File REGAPI.dll File USER32.dll File ntdll.dll File MSVCRT.dll File KERNEL32.dll File ADVAPI32.dll File TSAPPCMP.dll File UTILDLL.dll File WINSTA.dll %11% reset.exe False TS Reset Session Resets a session. File NETAPI32.dll %11% logoff.exe False TS Logoff Command Terminates a session %11% msg.exe False TS Msg Command Send a message to a user in a session %11% qprocess.exe False TS Query Process Displays information about processes %11% qwinsta.exe False TS Query Winsta Display information about Terminal Sessions %11% rwinsta.exe False TS Reset Session Reset the session subsytem hardware and software to known initial values %11% tscon.exe False TS Connect Session Attaches a user session to a terminal session %11% tsdiscon.exe False TS Disconnect Session Disconnects a terminal session %11% tskill.exe False TS Kill Command Ends a process File GDI32.dll File WINSPOOL.DRV File ole32.dll File OLEAUT32.dll File WINMM.dll File WSOCK32.dll File SHELL32.dll File SHLWAPI.dll File COMCTL32.dll File CRYPT32.dll File MFC42u.DLL File WS2_32.dll %11% qappsrv.exe False TS Query TermSrv Displays the available application terminal servers on the network %11% tsshutdn.exe False TS Server Shutdown Command Shut down a server in a controlled manner File mstscax.dll Terminal Services Remote Management and Command Line Tools for XP Professional/Personal 1.0 TS Remote Management Tools (XP Pro/Per version) 2000 Microsoft Corp. Microsoft Corp. madana makarp 11/16/00 08/06/01 8:45:32 PM