#----------------------------------------------------------------// # Script: checkdepots.pl # # (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # # Purpose: This script validates if all depots have a mapping # consistent with the root depot in a particular drive # enlistment. This tool should be run from the root of the # enlistment drive of interest and is. Currently it is # invoked as part of razzle with an optional argument i.e.: # razzle.cmd checkdepots # # # Version: <1.00> 03/22/2001 : VishnuP #----------------------------------------------------------------// $VERSION = '1.00'; if ($#ARGV != -1) { die "usage: perl.exe checkdepots.pl\n"; } $sdxroot = $ENV{'SDXROOT'} || die "SDXROOT not defined\n"; chdir($sdxroot); print "\nChecking for consistent mappings...\n"; $SdRootMapping = `sd client -o`; if ($SdRootMapping =~ m/depot\/([^\/]+)\/root\/... /){ $SdRootDepotMapping = lc($1); } else { die "Warning: Either there are Source Depot problems or some client specification(s) might be corrupt in $sdxroot.\n"; } @dirs = `dir /ad /b $sdxroot`; chomp(@dirs); @serverarray = (); foreach $dir (@dirs) { $dir = "$sdxroot\\$dir"; if (-e "$dir\\sd.ini"){ chdir($dir); $server = `sd info | findstr /c:"Server address:"`; if ($temp = ~ m/Server/){ push(@serverarray, $server); } else { die "Warning: Either there are Source Depot problems or some client specification(s) might be corrupt in $dir\n"; } } } chdir($sdxroot); %seen = (); @uniqeservers = (); foreach $server (@serverarray) { push(@uniqeservers, $server) unless $seen{$server}++; } for (@cleanservers = @uniqeservers) { s/Server address: //, s/.ntdev.microsoft.com// }; chomp(@cleanservers); $bIsInconsistent = 0; print "root -> $SdRootDepotMapping, "; $depotprintcount = 1; $depotcount = 1; @inconsistencies = (); foreach $server (@cleanservers){ $sdcmd = "sd -p $server client -o | findstr /i /c:\"//depot/\" | findstr /i /v /c:\"//depot/$ARGV[0]/\""; $output = `$sdcmd`; if ($output =~ m/depot\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/... /){ $depotmatch = lc($1); if (!($depotmatch eq $SdRootDepotMapping)){ $inconsistency = "$2 -> $depotmatch"; push(@inconsistencies, $inconsistency); $bIsInconsistent = 1; } else { if (($depotprintcount) % 3 == 0 || $depotcount == $#cleanservers+1 ){ $separator = "\n"; } else { $separator = ", "; } print "$2 -> ",$depotmatch, $separator; ++$depotprintcount; } ++$depotcount; } else { die "Warning: Either there are Source Depot problems or some client specification(s) might be corrupt when querying server $server.\n"; } } if (!$bIsInconsistent){ print "\nInformation: All depots are consistent with the root depot's mapping\n"; } else { print "\nInconsistent mapping(s): "; $inconsistencyCnt = 0; foreach $inconsistency (@inconsistencies){ if ($inconsistencyCnt == $#inconsistencies) { $separator = "\n"; } else { $separator = ", "; } print $inconsistency, $separator; $inconsistencyCnt++; } print "\nWarning: At least one depot does not map to the same depot that the root\n"; print "depot maps to as reported above. If this is not the intention, please edit\n"; print "the client specification for the inconsistent depots.\n"; }