ActiveState PerlScript

Welcome to the PerlScript Active Server Sample Library.

Examples of Server Scripting

Hello World The ASP Response Object says "Hello World!"
Loops Many constructs of different loops with different conditions.
Fibonacci This example calculates the Fibonacci sequence up to 17.
Browser Properties Detect and display some of your Browser's features with ASP!
How to send info to a browser? Click here to find out!
Server variables The values of predetermined environment variables that were accessed by the ASP Request object.
HTTP variables The following is a list of HTTP Variables accessed by the ASP Request object.
PerlScript Variables Shows you PerlScript's variables
Query String Find a server-side purpose for your HREF links with the URL parameters.
Web Forms Learn how to gather data from and provide web HTML forms for the client.
Ad Rotator Learn how to use the AdRotator Server COM Component that installs with IIS.
PerlScript & VBScipt Example of how VB script can work with PerlScript.
PerlScript & VBScipt Example of how VB Script can call PerlScript.
Session Variables This script will demonstrate the ASP Session object and custom Session variables.

Examples using ADO

Note: These examples require Microsoft Data Access Components MDAC 2.5 RTM

ADO Object Learn how to create a database connection and retrieve records from the database.
ADO Object Similar to the previous example, but with a more elegant style of presentation.
ADO Recordset Object's Fields Collection Learn how to easily loop the Fields-collection of a Recordset without much effort.
ADO Error Detection Important example on how you can detect errors as they occur during the database operations.
ADO Enumerated Constants Example that shows you how to access the ADO constants using script.
ADO Record Counting Learn how to count the number of records returned from a query.
ADO Transaction Management Managine database transactions with the ADO Connection object.

Examples using SQL Server

Note: These examples require SQL Server and that the script 'PerlScript/eg/aspSamples/' to has been run.

ADO Stored Procedures How-to parameterize stored procedures using the ADO Command object.
ADO Stored Procedures Retval Shows how to grab values returned from a database
ADO Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) How-to read a binary large object from a database and present it as an image