package PPM::Compat; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use XML::Parser; our $VERSION = '3.00'; use constant PPM_PORT_PERL => 14533; sub read_ppm_xml { my ($file, $conf, $reps, $inst, $cmd) = @_; my $parser = XML::Parser->new(Style => 'Tree'); my $tree = $parser->parsefile($file); die "Error: node PPMCONFIG not found in ppm.xml" unless $tree->[0] eq 'PPMCONFIG'; $tree = $tree->[1]; my $parse_elem = sub { my $ref = shift; my $tree = shift; my $key = shift; my $req = shift; my $content = shift; $content = 2 unless defined $content; my $cref = shift; my $i; for ($i=0; $i<@$tree; $i++) { last if $tree->[$i] eq $key } die "error: missing $key element in ppm.xml" if $req && $i >= @$tree; return if $i >= @$tree; $cref->($ref, $key, $content, $tree->[$i+1]) if $cref; $ref->{$key} = $tree->[$i+1][$content] unless $cref; }; my $parse_attr = sub { my $ref = shift; my $tree = shift; my $key = shift; my $req = shift; my $keephash = shift; my $cref = shift; die "error: missing $key attribute in ppm.xml" if $req && not exists $tree->[0]{$key}; $cref->($ref, $key, $keephash, $tree->[0]{$key}) if $cref; $ref->{$key} = $keephash ? $tree->[0] : $tree->[0]{$key} unless $cref; }; $inst->{PPMPRECIOUS} = []; $parse_elem->($inst, $tree, 'PPMPRECIOUS', 0); for (split ';', $inst->{PPMPRECIOUS}) { push @{$inst->{precious}}, $_; } delete $inst->{PPMPRECIOUS}; for (my $i=0; $i<@$tree; $i++) { my $k = $tree->[$i]; my $v = $tree->[$i+1]; if ($k eq 'OPTIONS') { my $tmp = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'C:\Temp' : '/tmp'; @$conf{qw(BUILDDIR DOWNLOADSTATUS)} = ($tmp, 16384); $parse_attr->($conf, $v, 'BUILDDIR', 0); $parse_attr->($conf, $v, 'DOWNLOADSTATUS', 0); @$conf{qw(tempdir downloadbytes)} = ($conf->{BUILDDIR}, $conf->{DOWNLOADSTATUS}); delete @$conf{qw(BUILDDIR DOWNLOADSTATUS)}; $cmd->{IGNORECASE} = 1; $parse_attr->($cmd, $v, 'IGNORECASE', 0); $cmd->{'case-sensitivity'} = $cmd->{IGNORECASE} ? '0' : '1'; delete $cmd->{IGNORECASE}; $inst->{ROOT} = ''; $parse_attr->($inst, $v, 'ROOT', 0); $inst->{root} = $inst->{ROOT} if $inst->{ROOT}; delete $inst->{ROOT}; } elsif ($k eq 'PLATFORM') { @$inst{qw(CPU OSVALUE OSVERSION)} = ('x86', $^O, '0,0,0,0'); $parse_attr->($inst, $v, 'CPU', 0); $parse_attr->($inst, $v, 'OSVALUE', 1); $parse_attr->($inst, $v, 'OSVERSION', 0); } elsif ($k eq 'REPOSITORY') { my %r; $parse_attr->(\%r, $v, 'LOCATION', 1); $parse_attr->(\%r, $v, 'NAME', 1); $parse_attr->(\%r, $v, 'USERNAME', 0); $parse_attr->(\%r, $v, 'PASSWORD', 0); fix_location(\$r{LOCATION}); $reps->{$r{NAME}} = { url => $r{LOCATION}, (defined $r{USERNAME} ? (username => $r{USERNAME}) : ()), (defined $r{PASSWORD} ? (password => $r{PASSWORD}) : ()), }; } elsif ($k eq 'PACKAGE') { my %r; $parse_attr->(\%r, $v, 'NAME', 1); $parse_elem->(\%r, $v, 'LOCATION', 1); $parse_elem->(\%r, $v, 'INSTPACKLIST', 1); $parse_elem->(\%r, $v, 'INSTROOT', 1); $parse_elem->(\%r, $v, 'INSTDATE', 1); fix_location(\$r{LOCATION}); # Regenerates the PPD: I wish XML::Parser could do this... my $cb = sub { my ($ref, $key, $index, $tree) = @_; my $i; for ($i=0; $i<@$tree; $i++) { last if $tree->[$i] eq 'SOFTPKG' } my $ppd = generate_ppd($tree->[$i], $tree->[$i+1]); $ref->{ppd} = $ppd if $ppd; }; $parse_elem->(\%r, $v, 'INSTPPD', 1, 2, $cb); next if ($r{NAME} eq 'libwin32' and $^O ne 'MSWin32'); $inst->{$r{NAME}} = \%r; } } } sub ppm_repository { '' } sub fix_location { my $ref = shift; if ($$ref =~ m{^soap://}i and $$ref =~ m{ActiveState}) { $$ref = ''; } $$ref =~ s{soap://}{http://}i; if ($$ref =~ m{\?}i) { $$ref = ppm_repository(); } } sub generate_ppd { my $tagname = shift; my $tree = shift; return undef unless $tagname; my @lines; my $line = '<' . $tagname; if (%{$tree->[0] || {}}) { for my $key (keys %{$tree->[0]}) { my $val = $tree->[0]{$key}; $line .= qq{ $key="$val"}; } } $line .= '>'; $line .= xml_encode(ref($tree->[2]) ? "\n" : $tree->[2]); push @lines, $line; my $start = ref($tree->[2]) ? 1 : 3; for (my $j=$start; $j<@$tree; $j++) { next unless $tree->[$j] =~ /^[A-Z]+$/; push @lines, generate_ppd($tree->[$j], $tree->[$j+1]); } push @lines, "\n"; wantarray ? @lines : join '', @lines; } sub xml_encode { local $_ = shift || ''; s//>/g; $_; } sub batchify { my $exe = shift; my $perl = shift || $^X; my $batch = $exe; $batch =~ s/\.PL$//; $batch =~ s/\.pl$//; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $batch .= '.bat'; } # A bug in system() forces us to convert $exe to an 8.3 pathname on # Windows. Presumably there is no workaround in Unix. if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { require Win32; $exe = Win32::GetShortPathName($exe); } system($perl, $exe, @_); unlink($exe) || die "can't delete $exe: $!"; return $batch; }