@echo off setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if DEFINED _echo echo on if DEFINED verbose echo on REM Check the command line for /? -? or ? for %%a in (./ .- .) do if ".%1." == "%%a?." goto Usage goto Main REM ****************************************************************** REM Deletebuild.cmd REM REM This script is called to delete builds. It will delete from a REM build machine, release server, or symfarm. See Usage for details REM of what is does. REM REM ****************************************************************** :BeginDeleteBuild REM Initialize the command to retrieve values from the ini file set CmdIni=perl %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\CmdIniSetting.pl REM Set defaults set OriginalDeleteTmpDir=%tmp%\deletebuildtmp set DefaultBuildsToKeep=3 set DefaultFreeSpaceReq=10 set DefaultSymbolServerBuildShare=\\symbols\build$ set BuildName= set BuildsToKeep= set ConfiguredForIndexing= set CurArchType=%_BuildArch%%_BuildType% set DeleteType=FULL set ExcludeBuild= set ForceAuto=MANUAL set FreeSpaceReq= set IndexableReleaseServer= set Lang=usa set NTFSCompress= set ReleaseDir= set ReleaseServerExists= set SymbolServerBuildShare= set SymFarmExists= set ThisIsABuildMachine= set ThisIsAReleaseServer= set ThisIsASymFarm= REM Get Command line options for %%a in ( %cmdline% ) do ( set found=no if /i "%%a" == "deletebuild" set found=yes if /i "%%a" == "deletebuild.cmd" set found=yes if /i "%%a" == "COMPRESS" ( set NTFSCompress=yes set found=yes ) if /i "%%a" == "PARTIAL" ( set DeleteType=PARTIAL set found=yes ) if /i "%%a" == "AUTO" ( set ForceAuto=AUTO set found=yes ) if /i "!param!" == "arch" ( set found=no set param=no if /i "%%a" == "x86fre" ( set CurArchType=x86fre set found=yes ) if /i "%%a" == "x86chk" ( set CurArchType=x86chk set found=yes ) if /i "%%a" == "amd64fre" ( set CurArchType=amd64fre set found=yes ) if /i "%%a" == "amd64chk" ( set CurArchType=amd64chk set found=yes ) if /i "%%a" == "ia64fre" ( set CurArchType=ia64fre set found=yes ) if /i "%%a" == "ia64chk" ( set CurArchType=ia64chk set found=yes ) if /i "!found!" == "no" ( call errmsg.cmd "Arch type is not valid" goto errend ) ) if /i "!param!" == "exclude" ( set ExcludeBuild=%%a set found=yes set param=no ) if /i "!param!" == "Rel" ( set ReleaseDir=%%a if not exist !ReleaseDir! ( call errmsg.cmd "!ReleaseDir! does not exist" goto errend ) set found=yes set param=no ) if /i "!param!" == "build" ( set BuildName=%%a set found=yes set param=no ) if /i "!param!" == "lang" ( REM We already set this set Lang=%%a set found=yes set param=no ) if /i "!param!" == "free" ( set /a FreeSpaceReq=%%a if !FreeSpaceReq! LEQ 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "Free space required must be greater than 1" goto errend ) set found=yes set param=no ) if /i "!param!" == "Keep" ( set /a BuildsToKeep=%%a if NOT !BuildsToKeep! GEQ 0 ( call errmsg.cmd "Builds to keep must be greater than or equal to 0" goto errend ) set found=yes set param=no ) if /i "%%a" == "/a" ( set found=yes set param=arch ) if /i "%%a" == "/b" ( set found=yes set param=build ) if /i "%%a" == "/e" ( set found=yes set param=exclude ) if /i "%%a" == "/f" ( set found=yes set param=free ) if /i "%%a" == "/k" ( set found=yes set param=keep ) if /i "%%a" == "/l" ( set found=yes set param=lang ) if /i "%%a" == "/r" ( set found=yes set param=rel ) if /i "!found!" == "no" ( call errmsg.cmd "%%a is not a correct parameter" goto errend ) ) if defined COMPUTERNAME ( call logmsg.cmd "Computer name = %COMPUTERNAME%" ) else ( call errmsg.cmd "COMPUTERNAME environment variable is not set" goto errend ) REM Initialize several global variables REM Decide if this is a build machine, release server, symbol farm call :WhatAmI %CurArchType% if defined ThereWereErrors ( goto errend ) call :GetArchsToDelete if defined ThereWereErrors ( goto errend ) set /a count=0 for %%a in ( %ArchsToDelete% ) do ( set /a count=!count!+1 ) set DeleteMultipleArchs= if !count! GTR 1 ( set DeleteMultipleArchs=1 ) if not defined BuildsToKeep ( call :GetBuildsToKeep %CurArchType% if defined ThereWereErrors ( goto errend ) ) if not defined FreeSpaceReq ( call :GetFreeSpaceReq if defined ThereWereErrors ( goto errend ) ) REM Initialize this before we do anything call :AmIConfiguredForIndexing if defined ThereWereErrors ( goto errend ) REM Check the params if not defined ReleaseDir ( call :GetReleaseDir if defined ThereWereErrors ( if defined ThisIsASymFarm ( call errmsg.cmd "A symfarm share does not exist" ) else ( call errmsg.cmd "A release share does not exist" ) goto errend ) ) if not exist %ReleaseDir% ( call errmsg.cmd "%ReleaseDir% does not exist" goto errend ) if defined BuildName ( if not exist %ReleaseDir%\%BuildName% ( call errmsg.cmd "%ReleaseDir%\%BuildName% does not exist" goto errend ) ) if defined ThisIsABuildMachine ( call logmsg "This is a build machine" ) if defined ThisIsAReleaseServer ( call logmsg "This is a release server" ) else ( if defined ReleaseServerExists ( if not defined ThisIsASymFarm ( call logmsg "A release server exists" ) ) else ( call logmsg "A release server does not exist" ) ) if defined ThisIsASymFarm ( call logmsg "This is a symbol farm" ) if defined SymFarmExists ( call logmsg "A symbol farm exists" ) else ( call logmsg "A symbol farm does not exist" ) if defined ConfiguredForIndexing ( call logmsg "This is configured for indexing" call logmsg "Indexing requests are sent to %SymbolServerBuildShare%" ) else ( call logmsg "This is not configured for indexing" ) call logmsg "Deleting these build types: %ArchsToDelete%" call logmsg "BuildsToKeep for %CurArchType% = %BuildsToKeep%" call logmsg "CurArchType = %CurArchType%" if /i %ForceAuto% == "MANUAL" ( call logmsg "DeleteType = %DeleteType%" ) if defined ExcludeBuild ( call logmsg "Build to exclude = %ExcludeBuild%" ) call logmsg "Delete mode = %ForceAuto%" call logmsg "Free Space Required = %FreeSpaceReq%" call logmsg "Lang = %Lang%" if defined NTFSCompress ( call logmsg "Partially delete builds will be NTFS compressed" ) call logmsg "Release Directory = %ReleaseDir%" if /i "%ForceAuto%" == "AUTO" ( if not defined CurArchType ( call errmsg.cmd "Arch must be defined for AUTO deletes" goto errend ) goto AutoDelete ) if /i "%ForceAuto%" == "MANUAL" ( goto ForceDelete ) call errmsg.cmd "ForceAuto variable is not equal to FoRCE or AUTO" goto :EOF REM ******************************************************************* REM Automated delete REM This will delete builds, giving priority to delete partially REM first and then to delete fully. A partial delete deletes all of REM the non-indexed files. REM ******************************************************************* :AutoDelete REM See if we have at least %FreeSpaceReq% of free space on the REM disk where %ReleaseDir% is. call :GetFreeSpace %ReleaseDir% if defined ThereWereErrors goto errend REM see if we need to delete if %FreeSpace% GEQ %FreeSpaceReq% ( call logmsg.cmd "Current free space = %FreeSpace% GB ... No delete required" goto end ) call logmsg.cmd "Delete required, deciding what to delete ..." REM Get the first delete directory and make that the place where REM we store the cumulative list. set found=no set first=yes for %%a in ( %ArchsToDelete% ) do ( if "!first!" == "yes" ( set DeleteTmpDir=%OriginalDeleteTmpDir%\%%a if exist %ReleaseDir%\*.%%a.%_BuildBranch%.* ( set found=yes ) set first=no ) ) if /i "!found!" == "no" ( call logmsg.cmd "No builds exist in %ReleaseDir% for these types: %ArchsToDelete% " goto OutOfDiskSpaceError ) for %%a in ( finaldelete.txt sorted.txt finaldelete.txt.tmp) do ( if exist %DeleteTmpDir%\%%a ( del /f /q %DeleteTmpDir%\%%a ) ) for %%a in ( %ArchsToDelete% ) do ( if exist %ReleaseDir%\*.%%a.%_BuildBranch%.* ( REM If we are deleting multiple archs, then get BuildsToKeep REM from the ini file for each architecture type if defined DeleteMultipleArchs ( call :GetBuildsToKeep %%a if defined ThereWereErrors ( goto errend ) ) call :CreateDeleteTmpDir %OriginalDeleteTmpDir%\%%a if defined ThereWereErrors goto errend REM Create an ordered list of possible builds to delete. REM The final list is in %OriginalDeleteTmpDir%\%%a\delete.txt call :CreateListOfPossibleBuildsToDelete %OriginalDeleteTmpDir%\%%a %%a if defined ThereWereErrors goto errend REM Create a cumulative list of builds we can delete if exist %OriginalDeleteTmpDir%\%%a\delete.txt ( type %OriginalDeleteTmpDir%\%%a\delete.txt >> %DeleteTmpDir%\finaldelete.txt.tmp ) ) else ( call logmsg "No %%a builds exist in %ReleaseDir%" ) ) if not exist %DeleteTmpDir%\finaldelete.txt.tmp ( goto OutOfDiskSpaceError ) REM This returns the sorted list in %DeleteTmpDir%\sorted.txt call :SortBuildList %DeleteTmpDir% %DeleteTmpDir%\finaldelete.txt.tmp copy %DeleteTmpDir%\sorted.txt %DeleteTmpDir%\finaldelete.txt REM If this machine is not configured for indexing then REM partial deletes have no meaning -- only do full deletes call logmsg "%DeleteTmpDir%\finaldelete.txt lists the builds that can be deleted" if not defined ConfiguredForIndexing ( call logmsg.cmd "%COMPUTERNAME% is not indexed -- only perform full deletes" goto AutoDelete_Full ) if defined ThisIsASymFarm ( call logmsg.cmd "Symbol farm - Will not perform partial deletes" goto AutoDelete_Full ) REM First do cleanup -- if we tried to delete some builds before but they didn't REM finish, clean them up :AutoDelete_CleanUp call logmsg.cmd "Clean up old release directories that should be gone" for /f %%a in (%DeleteTmpDir%\finaldelete.txt) do ( REM If this build doesn't have a partiallydeleted.qly file REM and there are no indexing files then do a full delete REM This could happen if we tried to remove a build before but REM it didn't finish. if not exist %ReleaseDir%\%%a\symsrv\%Lang%\PartiallyDeleted.qly ( call :AreThereFilesIndexed %%a if not defined ThereAreFilesIndexed ( REM Perform a full delete call :PerformFullDelete %%a if defined ThereWereErrors goto errend ) ) REM Calculate the new free space call :GetFreeSpace %ReleaseDir% if defined ThereWereErrors goto errend REM see if we need to delete if !FreeSpace! GEQ %FreeSpaceReq% ( call logmsg.cmd "No more cleanup required ..." goto EndAutoDelete ) ) REM Now, go through and partially delete until there is enough space :AutoDelete_Partial call logmsg.cmd "FreeSpace = %FreeSpace%" call logmsg.cmd "Start partial deletes to get more free disk space" REM Perform partial deletes until there is enough free disk space for /f %%a in (%DeleteTmpDir%\finaldelete.txt) do ( if exist %ReleaseDir%\%%a ( call :PerformPartialDelete %%a if defined ThereWereErrors goto errend REM Calculate the new free space call :GetFreeSpace %ReleaseDir% if defined ThereWereErrors goto errend REM see if we need to delete if !FreeSpace! GEQ %FreeSpaceReq% ( call logmsg.cmd "No more partial deletes required ..." goto EndAutoDelete ) ) ) REM Now perform full deletes until there is enough disk space :AutoDelete_Full call logmsg.cmd "Free space = %FreeSpace%" call logmsg.cmd "Start full deletes to get more free disk space" for /f %%a in (%DeleteTmpDir%\finaldelete.txt) do ( if exist %ReleaseDir%\%%a ( call :PerformFullDelete %%a if defined ThereWereErrors goto errend REM Calculate the new free space call :GetFreeSpace %ReleaseDir% if defined ThereWereErrors goto errend REM see if we need to delete if !FreeSpace! GEQ %FreeSpaceReq% ( call logmsg.cmd "No more full deletes required ..." goto EndAutoDelete ) ) ) goto OutOfDiskSpaceError :EndAutoDelete call logmsg.cmd "Deleting is done -- FreeSpace = !FreeSpace! GB" goto end :OutOfDiskSpaceError call logmsg.cmd "Current free space = %FreeSpace% GB" call errmsg.cmd "Cannot free %FreeSpaceReq% GB. You may not have enough disk space for the next build." call errmsg.cmd "Check your ini settings - the remaining builds are not supposed to be deleted." goto errend REM ******************************************************************* REM This forces a particular build to be deleted REM REM Params: REM %1 - BuildName REM REM ******************************************************************* :ForceDelete REM If delete type is Partial, see if a partial delete is possible if /i "%DeleteType%" == "Partial" ( set DeleteTmpDir=%OriginalDeleteTmpDir%\%BuildName% REM Create the temp directory call :CreateDeleteTmpDir !DeleteTmpDir! if defined ThereWereErrors goto errend call :PerformPartialDelete %BuildName% if defined ThereWereErrors goto errend ) if /i "%DeleteType%" == "FULL" ( call :PerformFullDelete %BuildName% if defined ThereWereErrors goto errend ) :EndForceDelete goto end REM ****************************************************************************** REM AreThereFilesIndexed REM REM Decide if there are any files indexed. REM REM Params: REM %1 - BuildName REM REM REM REM ****************************************************************************** :AreThereFilesIndexed %1 set ThereWereErrors= set ThereAreFilesIndexed= for %%a in ( bin pri pub ssi ) do ( dir /b %ReleaseDir%\%1\symsrv\%Lang%\add_finished\*.%%a >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( set ThereAreFilesIndexed=yes goto EndAreThereFilesIndexed ) ) :EndAreThereFilesIndexed goto :EOF REM ****************************************************************************** REM PerformFullDelete REM REM Decides if there is anything to send to the symbol server's delete requests REM directory. If so, it unindexes the symbols and then removes the directory. REM REM Params: REM %1 Build Name REM REM ****************************************************************************** :PerformFullDelete %1 set ThereWereErrors= if "%1" == "" ( call errmsg.cmd "PerformFullDelete needs a parameter passed in" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) if not exist %ReleaseDir%\%1 ( call logmsg.cmd "Performing full delete - %1 does not exist" goto :EOF ) if defined ConfiguredForIndexing ( call :UnindexSymbols %1 if defined ThereWereErrors goto EndPerformFullDelete ) call :DeleteTrivia %1 REM Now, remove the build directory call logmsg.cmd "Removing %ReleaseDir%\%1 ..." rd /s /q %ReleaseDir%\%1 if exist %ReleaseDir%\%1 ( call logmsg.cmd "Could not remove %ReleaseDir%\%1" echotime /t > %ReleaseDir%\%1\000_Not_A_Full_Build ) :EndPerformFullDelete goto :EOF REM **************************************************************************** REM Perform PartialDelete REM REM First, this checks to make sure that a partial delete is OK to do REM REM Return Values - REM BuildWasAlreadyPartiallyDeleted -- yes if build was already partially REM deleted REM REM Assumes ConfiguredForIndexing is already set if this machine communicates REM with the symbol server. REM REM This performs a partial delete of %ReleaseDir%\%1. This routine does the REM following: REM 1. Check for bin, pri, pub files in %AddFinished%. If any of them REM exist then it creates a list of all the files that are not indexed REM on the symbol server REM 2. Deletes all the files in the list REM 3. The %ReleaseDir%\%1\symsrv directory is not deleted. REM REM **************************************************************************** :PerformPartialDelete %1 call logmsg.cmd "Starting partial delete of %ReleaseDir%\%1" set ThereWereErrors= set ThisDeleteTmpDir=%DeleteTmpDir%\Partial if not defined ConfiguredForIndexing ( call logmsg.cmd "%COMPUTERNAME% is not configured for indexing" call logmsg.cmd "%ReleaseDir%\%1 has no files to unindex" call logmsg.cmd "Partial delete cannot be done" goto :EndPerformPartialDelete ) if exist %ReleaseDir%\%1\symsrv\%Lang%\PartiallyDeleted.qly ( call logmsg.cmd "%ReleaseDir%\%1 is already partially deleted" set BuildWasAlreadyPartiallyDeleted=yes goto :EndPerformPartialDelete ) call :AreThereFilesIndexed %1 if not defined ThereAreFilesIndexed ( call logmsg.cmd "There are no symbols to unindex" goto :EndPerformPartialDelete ) call :DeleteTrivia %1 if not exist %DeleteTmpDir% ( call errmsg.cmd "ASSERT: %DeleteTmpDir% does not exist" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) if exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir% ( rd /s /q %ThisDeleteTmpDir% if exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir% ( call errmsg.cmd "Could not remove %ThisDeleteTmpDir%" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) ) md %ThisDeleteTmpDir% if not exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir% ( call errmsg.cmd "Could not create %ThisDeleteTmpDir% set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) set AddFinished=%ReleaseDir%\%1\symsrv\%Lang%\add_finished REM Create three lists -- REM %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\indexed.txt -- all the indexed files REM %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\nonindexed.txt -- all the nonindexed files REM %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\all.txt -- all the files call logmsg.cmd "Creating a list of all the indexed files" if exist %AddFinished%\*.pri ( for /f %%a in ( 'dir /b /s %AddFinished%\*.pri' ) do ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%b in ( %%a ) do ( echo %ReleaseDir%\%1\symbols.pri\%%b>>%ThisDeleteTmpDir%\indexed.txt ) ) ) if exist %AddFinished%\*.pub ( for /f %%a in ( 'dir /b /s %AddFinished%\*.pub' ) do ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%b in ( %%a ) do ( echo %ReleaseDir%\%1\symbols\%%b>>%ThisDeleteTmpDir%\indexed.txt ) ) ) if exist %AddFinished%\*.bin ( for /f %%a in ( 'dir /b /s %AddFinished%\*.bin' ) do ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%b in ( %%a ) do ( echo %ReleaseDir%\%1\%%b>>%ThisDeleteTmpDir%\indexed.txt ) ) ) REM Also, put the files in the symsrv directory and build_logs REM into the indexed list dir /s /b /a-d %ReleaseDir%\%1\symsrv >> %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\indexed.txt dir /s /b /a-d %ReleaseDir%\%1\build_logs >> %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\indexed.txt call logmsg.cmd "Removing directories in %ReleaseDir%\%1 that are not indexed" REM Next, remove the directories that are not referenced in indexed.txt if exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\dirs.txt del /q %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\dirs.txt for /f %%a in ( 'dir /b /ad %ReleaseDir%\%1' ) do ( findstr /il %ReleaseDir%\%1\%%a\ %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\indexed.txt >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( echo %ReleaseDir%\%1\%%a >> %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\dirs.txt ) ) REM Before removing these, do a sanity check if exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\dirs.txt ( findstr /il %ReleaseDir%\%1\symsrv %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\dirs.txt >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( call errmsg.cmd "symsrv is in the list of directories to delete" goto :EOF ) ) REM Now, remove all the directories that aren't mentioned in indexed.txt if exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\dirs.txt ( for /f %%a in ( %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\dirs.txt ) do ( call logmsg.cmd "Removing %%a" rd /s /q %%a ) ) REM Create a list of all the files call logmsg.cmd "Creating a list of all the files" dir /s /b /a-d %ReleaseDir%\%1 > %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\all.txt REM Subtract the indexed files from all the files call logmsg.cmd "Subtracting indexed files from all the files" perl %RazzleToolpath%\makelist.pl -d %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\all.txt %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\indexed.txt -o %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\delete.tmp REM If there is nothing to delete, we're done if not exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\delete.tmp ( call logmsg.cmd "There are no files to delete" goto :EndPerformPartialDelete ) REM Sort and get a list of all the files that can be deleted sort %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\delete.tmp > %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\nonindexed.txt if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( call errmsg.cmd "Sort failed for %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\nonindexed.txt set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) del /q %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\delete.tmp call logmsg.cmd "List of non-indexed files is in %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\nonindexed.txt" REM Now, remove the files call logmsg.cmd "Removing non-indexed files from %ReleaseDir%\%1" for /f %%a in ( %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\nonindexed.txt ) do ( del /q %%a if exist %%a ( call logmsg.cmd "Cannot delete %%a" REM set ThereWereErrors=yes REM Continue, dont stop because of a delete error ) ) REM Clean up the remaining directories REM Make a list of all the directories dir /b /s /ad %ReleaseDir%\%1 > %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\dirs.tmp.txt sort /r %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\dirs.tmp.txt > %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\dirs.txt del /q %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\dirs.tmp.txt REM Delete the directories that do not have any files call logmsg.cmd "Removing the empty directories" for /f %%a in ( %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\dirs.txt ) do ( REM if directory is empty, the findstr will fail and REM then it will remove the directory if exist %%a ( dir /s /b %%a | findstr /il %ReleaseDir% >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( rd /s /q %%a ) ) ) call logmsg.cmd "Finished deleting non-indexed files" if not exist %ReleaseDir%\%1\symsrv\%Lang% ( call errmsg.cmd "Partial delete removed %ReleaseDir%\%1\symsrv\%Lang% set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) REM Compact the rest of the files if defined NTFSCompress ( call logmsg.cmd "Using compact.exe to compress %ReleaseDir%\%1 ..." compact.exe /c /s /q %ReleaseDir%\%1 >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( call errmsg.cmd "Errors in compact.exe /c /s /q %ReleaseDir%\%1 ) ) echotime /t > %ReleaseDir%\%1\symsrv\%Lang%\PartiallyDeleted.qly echotime /t > %ReleaseDir%\%1\000_Not_A_Full_Build echotime /t > %ReleaseDir%\%1\000_Symbols_Are_Still_Indexed call logmsg.cmd "Partial delete finished successfully" set PartialDeleteCompleted=yes :EndPerformPartialDelete goto :EOF REM **************************************************************************** REM AmIConfiguredForIndexing REM REM This determines if the current machine is configured for indexing. REM If it is, then it may have some files that are indexed on the symbol REM server. REM REM Return values: REM REM ConfiguredForIndexing=yes REM 1. This is a symbol farm, or REM 2. THis is a release server or build machine and no symbol farm exists REM REM ConfiguredForIndexing= REM 1. Symbol farm exists and this is a release server REM 2. Symbol farm exists and this is a build machine REM REM Global variables that must be set before this is called REM SymFarmExists undefined if it does not exist REM =yes if it does exist REM REM ReleaseServerExists undefined if it does not exist REM =yes if it does exist REM REM ThisIsASymFarm undefined if it is not a symbol farm REM =yes if it is a symbol farm REM REM ThisIsABuildMachine undefined if it is not a build machine REM =yes if it is a build machine REM REM ThisIsAReleaseServer undefined if it is a release server REM =yes if it is a release server REM REM IndexableReleaseServer undefined if it we should not let symbol server REM indexes point to here. REM =yes if it is the first release server in the list REM REM SymbolServerBuildShare undefined if it SymIndexServer doesn't exist REM in the ini file REM Location for submitting indexing requests REM REM **************************************************************************** :AmIConfiguredForIndexing set ThereWereErrors= set ConfiguredForIndexing= if defined ThisIsABuildMachine ( if defined OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE ( if not defined ReleaseServerExists ( if not defined SymFarmExists ( set ConfiguredForIndexing=yes goto EndAmIConfiguredForIndexing ) ) ) else ( call logmsg "OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE is not defined in environment." ) goto EndAmIConfiguredForIndexing ) if defined ThisIsAReleaseServer ( if defined IndexableReleaseServer ( if not defined SymFarmExists ( set ConfiguredForIndexing=yes goto EndAmIConfiguredForIndexing ) ) goto EndAmIConfiguredForIndexing ) REM Decide if this is a symbol farm if defined ThisIsASymFarm ( set ConfiguredForIndexing=yes goto EndAmIConfiguredForIndexing ) REM If we get here the variables have not been initialized correctly call errmsg "Check your ini file: %COMPUTERNAME% is not defined as a build machine, release server, or sym farm" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF :EndAmIConfiguredForIndexing REM If this is configured for indexing, get the SymbolServerBuildShare if defined ConfiguredForIndexing ( set ThisCommandLine=!CmdIni! -l:!Lang! -f:SymIndexServer !ThisCommandLine! >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( call logmsg.cmd "SymIndexServer is not defined in the ini file" call logmsg.cmd "Will use default: !DefaultSymbolServerBuildShare!" set SymbolServerBuildShare=!DefaultSymbolServerBuildShare! ) else ( for /f %%a in ('!ThisCommandLine!') do ( set SymbolServerBuildShare=%%a ) ) REM REM Retrieve DFS alternate branch name for IDX builds only; it changes idx01 to main. REM set ThisCommandLine=!CmdIni! -l:!Lang! -f:DFSAlternateBranchName !ThisCommandLine! >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( set SymbolServerBuildShare=!SymbolServerBuildShare!\Win%_BuildBranch% ) else ( for /f %%b in ('!ThisCommandLine!') do ( set SymbolServerBuildShare=!SymbolServerBuildShare!\Win%%b ) ) REM REM Replace Lab01_N to Lab01 REM for /f %%c in ('perl -e "$ARGV[0]=~s/\_[\w\d]+//;print $ARGV[0]" !SymbolServerBuildShare!') do ( set SymbolServerBuildShare=%%c ) ) REM REM If symbol server build share is still pointed to \\symbols\build$, point it to \\symbols\projects REM set SymbolServerBuildShare=%SymbolServerBuildShare:build$=projects% call logmsg.cmd "SymbolServerBuildShare is %SymbolServerBuildShare%" goto :EOF REM ********************************************************************* REM UnindexSymbols REM REM This submits either *.ssi or all the *.pri *.bin *.pub files in the REM %ReleaseDir%\%1\symsrv\%Lang%\add_finished directory to the REM del_requests directory on the symbol server, and then deletes them. REM REM ********************************************************************* :UnindexSymbols %1 set ThereWereErrors= set DelReq=%SymbolServerBuildShare%\del_requests REM Get the folder with the requests that need to be deleted set AddFinished=%ReleaseDir%\%1\symsrv\%Lang%\add_finished REM This should have already been checked, but we'll double-check here if not exist %AddFinished% ( goto EndUnindexSymbols ) REM REM See if the symbol server (eg. \\symbols\projects\winmain\del_requests for main lab) is there REM dir /b %DelReq% >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( call logmsg.cmd "Cannot access %DelReq% to unindex symbols" REM set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) REM REM Copy the .ssi files to delete requests if they exist REM for %%a in ( ssi ) do ( if exist %AddFinished%\*.%%a ( for /f %%b in ( 'dir /b /s %AddFinished%\*.%%a' ) do ( call logmsg.cmd "Sending delete for %%b to symbols server" xcopy /qcdehikr %%b %DelReq% if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( call logmsg.cmd "Failed to Copy %%b to %DelReq%" REM set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) call logmsg.cmd "%%b submitted to %DelReq%" del /q %%b if exist %%b ( call logmsg.cmd "Delete %%b failed" REM set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) ) ) ) :EndUnindexSymbols goto :EOF REM ********************************************************************** REM CreateListOfPossibleBuildsToDelete REM REM %1 DeleteTmpDir REM REM %2 CurArchType REM REM This creates a list of the builds that can be partially deleted REM REM Result - %DeleteTmpDir%\Delete.txt -- this is a sorted list, the ones REM that should be deleted first are at the top of the list. REM If there are no builds to delete %DeleteTmpDir%\Delete.txt REM does not exist when this call is over, and ThereWereErrors=yes REM REM ********************************************************************** :CreateListOfPossibleBuildsToDelete set ThereWereErrors= set ThisDeleteTmpDir=%1\CreateList if "%1"=="" ( call errmsg.cmd "ASSERT: DeleteTmpDir not defined" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) if "%2"=="" ( call errmsg.cmd "ASSERT: CurArchType not defined" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) if not exist %1 ( call errmsg.cmd "ASSERT: %1 does not exist" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) if exist %1\delete.txt ( del /q %1\delete.txt if exist %1\delete.txt ( call errmsg.cmd "Could not delete %1\delete.txt" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) ) if exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir% ( rd /s /q %ThisDeleteTmpDir% if exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir% ( call errmsg.cmd "Could not remove %ThisDeleteTmpDir% set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) ) md %ThisDeleteTmpDir% if not exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir% ( call errmsg.cmd "Could not create %ThisDeleteTmpDir%" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) REM Put the date, time, and build name into %1\possible.txt REM so that we can sort according date first, then time if not exist %ReleaseDir%\*.%2.%_BuildBranch%.* ( call logmsg "No %2 builds for %_BuildBranch% exist in %ReleaseDir%" goto :EOF ) for /f %%a in ('dir /b /ad %ReleaseDir%\*.%2.%_BuildBranch%.*') do ( set BuildNameCmd=%RazzleToolPath%\postbuildscripts\buildname.cmd for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=-" %%b in ('!BuildNameCmd! -name %%a build_date') do ( set ThisBuild=%%a set ThisDate=%%b set ThisTime=%%c ) REM make sure the build we're looking at isn't sav, idw, ids, or idc set ThisQly=UNKNOWN if exist %ReleaseDir%\%%a\build_logs\*.qly ( for /f %%n in ('dir /b %ReleaseDir%\%%a\build_logs\*.qly') do ( if /i "%%n" == "sav.qly" set ThisQly=SAV if /i "%%n" == "idw.qly" set ThisQly=IDW if /i "%%n" == "ids.qly" set ThisQly=IDS if /i "%%n" == "idc.qly" set ThisQly=IDC ) ) if /i "!ExcludeBuild!" == "%%a" ( call logmsg "Will not delete %%a because its on the exclusion list" set ThisQly=SAV ) if exist %ReleaseDir%\%%a\build_logs\*.intl ( set ThisQly=INTL ) REM Write the date, time, quality, build name to possible.txt REM By doing this, we can use sort to sort them by date, and then time echo !ThisDate!,!ThisTime!,!ThisQly!,%%a >> %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\possible.txt ) if not exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\possible.txt ( call errmsg.cmd "Cannot write to possible.txt" goto :EOF ) REM First sort so the most recent builds are first and then REM its easy to remove the first %BuildsToKeep% from the file. sort /R %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\possible.txt > %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\list2.txt if not exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\list2.txt ( call errmsg.cmd "Error in sort -- %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\list2.txt not created" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) REM Remove the builds that need to stay as full builds set /a num=0 REM The skip doesn't work if %BuildsToKeep% is equal to 0 if %BuildsToKeep% GTR 0 ( for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 skip=%BuildsToKeep% delims=," %%a in (%ThisDeleteTmpDir%\list2.txt) do ( REM Skip Qly builds set ThisDate=%%a set ThisTime=%%b set ThisQly=%%c set ThisBuild=%%d if /i "!ThisQly!" == "UNKNOWN" ( echo !ThisDate!,!ThisTime!,!ThisBuild! >> %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\list3.txt set /a num=!num!+1 ) else ( REM we can't delete this build call logmsg.cmd "Must keep !ThisBuild! because it is !ThisQly! quality" ) ) ) else ( for /f "tokens=1,2,3,* delims=," %%a in (%ThisDeleteTmpDir%\list2.txt) do ( REM Skip Qly builds set ThisDate=%%a set ThisTime=%%b set ThisQly=%%c set ThisBuild=%d if /i "!ThisQly!" == "UNKNOWN" ( echo !ThisDate!,!ThisTime!,!ThisBuild! >> %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\list3.txt set /a num=!num!+1 ) else ( REM we can't delete this build call logmsg.cmd "Must keep !ThisBuild! because it is !ThisQly! quality" ) ) ) if not exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\list3.txt ( call logmsg.cmd "No %2 builds can be deleted, keeping minimum of %BuildsToKeep% builds." goto :EOF ) REM Sort, putting the oldest builds first sort %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\list3.txt > %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\list4.txt REM now, remove the time and date tokens from the beginning REM Create delete.txt which is a sorted list of the builds that could be deleted if exist %1\delete.txt del /q %1\delete.txt for /f "tokens=3 delims=," %%a in (%ThisDeleteTmpDir%\list4.txt) do ( echo %%a >> %1\delete.txt ) if not exist %1\delete.txt ( call errmsg.cmd "Error creating the %CurArchType% delete list: %DeleteTmpDir%\delete.txt" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) :EndCreateListOfPossibleBuildsToDelete goto :EOF REM ********************************************************************** REM DeleteTrivia REM REM Things that need to be done for a delete. REM %1 is the build name REM REM ********************************************************************** :DeleteTrivia %1 set ThereWereErrors= if not exist %ReleaseDir%\%1 ( call errmsg.cmd "ASSERT: %ReleaseDir%\%1 does not exist! set TherewereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) if defined MAIN_BUILD_LAB_MACHINE ( set BuildNameCmd=%RazzleToolPath%\postbuildscripts\buildname.cmd for /f "tokens=1,2,3" %%b in ('!BuildNameCmd! -name %1 build_number build_flavor build_date') do ( set MyBuildNum=%%b set MyBuildPlatType=%%c for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=-" %%e in ('echo %%d') do ( set MyDate=%%e set MyTime=%%f ) ) set MyBuildPlatform=!MyBuildPlatType:~0,-3! set MyBuildType=!MyBuildPlatType:~-3! if defined ThisIsASymFarm ( set ThisCommandLine=!CmdIni! -l:!Lang! -f:ReleaseServers::!MyBuildPlatType! !ThisCommandLine! >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in ('!ThisCommandLine!') do ( for %%b in (%%a) do ( call logmsg.cmd "Lowering Build share from DFS for %%a" set RaiseallCommand=perl raiseall.pl -n:!MyBuildNum! -lower -a:!MyBuildPlatform! -t:!MyBuildType! -time:!MyDate!-!MyTime! -l:!Lang! call logmsg "!RaiseallCommand!" call logmsg "Piped to remote /c %%b release /l 1" echo !RaiseallCommand! | remote /c %%b release /l 1 ) ) ) if defined ThisIsAReleaseServer ( call logmsg.cmd "Lowering Build share from DFS" perl raiseall.pl -n:!MyBuildNum! -lower -a:!MyBuildPlatform! -t:!MyBuildType! -time:!MyDate!-!MyTime! -l:%Lang% REM delete the symbolCD associated with the build to be deleted REM we need the build number from the build name if exist %ReleaseDir%\%1\%Lang%\SymbolCD\!MyBuildNum! ( rd /s /q %ReleaseDir%\%1\%Lang%\SymbolCD\!MyBuildNum! if exist %ReleaseDir%\%1\%Lang%\SymbolCD\!MyBuildNum! ( call errmsg.cmd "Failed to delete symbol CD for build !MyBuildNum!" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) ) ) ) :EndDeleteTrivia goto :EOF REM ************************************************************************ REM GetFreeSpace REM REM Set %FreeSpace% equal to the amount of free disk for the drive for the REM path passed in as %1. The free space is reported in GB. If the REM number of bytes free is less than 1 GB, %FreeSpace% is set to 0. REM REM Result - %ThereWereErrors% is set to "yes" if there are errors in the function. REM %ThereWereErrors% is not defined if the function finishes REM successfully. REM REM ************************************************************************ :GetFreeSpace %1 set ThereWereErrors= set FreeSpace= if not exist %1 ( call errmsg.cmd "Cannot determine free disk space for %1" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) REM This is cheesey, but the third token of the last line of the dir command REM is the free disk space for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('dir %1') do ( set DiskSpace=%%a ) REM Now, make it a number in gigabytes set /a FreeSpace=0 for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5 delims=," %%a in ("%DiskSpace%") do ( if /i not "%%d" == "" set /a FreeSpace=%%a if /i not "%%e" == "" set /a FreeSpace="!FreeSpace!*1000+%%b" ) :EndGetFreeSpace goto :EOF REM ************************************************************************** REM CreateDeleteTmpDir REM REM %1 Name of the temporary directory to create REM REM Creates the temporary directory %1 REm REM ************************************************************************** :CreateDeleteTmpDir set ThereWereErrors= REM Make sure the temp directory is empty if exist %1 ( rd /s /q %1 if exist %1 ( call errmsg.cmd "Cannot remove temp directory %DeleteTmpDir% set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) ) md %1 if not exist %1 ( call errmsg.cmd "Cannot create temp directory %DeleteTmpDir%" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) :EndCreateDeleteTmpDir goto :EOF REM ************************************************************************* REM GetReleaseDir REM REM Gets the release directory from the "release" share on the local computer. REM If this is a symbol farm, it gets the "symfarm" share on the local computer. REM REM Results: REM REM ReleaseDir is set to the release point via "net share release" REM or "net share symfarm" REM REM ************************************************************************* :GetReleaseDir set ThereWereErrors= if defined ThisIsASymFarm goto GetReleaseDirSymFarm REM Oddly enough, AlternateReleaseDir does not apply to release servers REM release servers always use the 'release' share. if defined ThisIsAReleaseServer goto GetReleaseDirReleaseServer REM Take into account the release share for fork builds REM The fork release share name will be stored in the ini file as AlternateReleaseDir set CommandLine=perl %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\CmdIniSetting.pl set CommandLine=!CommandLine! -l:%lang% set CommandLine=!CommandLine! -f:AlternateReleaseDir %CommandLine% >nul 2>nul if !ErrorLevel! NEQ 0 ( REM there was an error reading the ini file, assume it's not a problem REM as the ini might not reference AlternateReleaseDir set ReleaseShareName=release ) else ( for /f %%a in ('!CommandLine!') do set ReleaseShareName=%%a ) if not defined ReleaseShareName ( call logmsg.cmd "No release share name found, using default 'release'" set ReleaseShareName=release ) net share %ReleaseShareName% >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) set ReleaseDir= for /f "tokens=1,2" %%a in ('net share !ReleaseShareName!') do ( if /i "%%a" == "Path" ( REM at this point, %%b is the local path to the default release directory call logmsg.cmd "Using 'net share !ReleaseShareName!' to find the release directory" set ReleaseDir=%%b ) ) if not defined ReleaseDir ( set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) REM For some reason it was decided early on that build machines that REM were building the language usa would not append a usa subdirectory REM after their release directory, but all other languages would do so on REM their build machines. Also, every language including usa would REM append it on release directory of release servers. These exceptions REM abound throughout our scripts! if /i "%lang%" neq "usa" ( set ReleaseDir=!ReleaseDir!\%Lang% ) goto EndReleaseDir :GetReleaseDirSymFarm net share symfarm >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) set ReleaseDir= for /f "tokens=1,2" %%a in ('net share symfarm') do ( if /i "%%a" == "Path" ( REM at this point, %%b is the local path to the default release directory set ReleaseDir=%%b ) ) if not defined ReleaseDir ( set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) call logmsg.cmd "Adding %Lang% to the symfarm path" set ReleaseDir=!ReleaseDir!\%Lang% goto EndReleaseDir :GetReleaseDirReleaseServer net share release >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) set ReleaseDir= for /f "tokens=1,2" %%a in ('net share release') do ( if /i "%%a" == "Path" ( REM at this point, %%b is the local path to the default release directory call logmsg.cmd "Using 'net share release' to find the release directory" set ReleaseDir=%%b ) ) if not defined ReleaseDir ( set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) set ReleaseDir=!ReleaseDir!\%Lang% :EndReleaseDir goto :EOF REM ************************************************************************** REM REM WhatAmI %1 REM REM %1 is the Current Architecture type (x86fre x86chk amd64fre amd64chk ia64fre ia64chk) REM REM Decides if this is a build machine REM REM Results: REM ThisIsABuildMachine undefined if this is not a build machine REM yes - if this is a build machine REM REM ThisIsAReleaseServer undefined if this is not a release server REM yes - if this is a release server REM REM ThisIsASymFarm undefined if this is not a symbol farm REM yes - if this is a symbol farm REM REM SymFarmExists undefined if there is no symbol farm REM yes - if a symbol farm exists REM REM ReleaseServerExists undefined if there are no releas servers REM yes - if there is a release server REM REM IndexableReleaseServer undefined if the symbol server should not REM have indexes point to this server. REM yes - if indexes can point to this server. REM REM ************************************************************************** :WhatAmI set ThereWereErrors= set ThisIsABuildMachine= set ThisIsAReleaseServer= set ThisIsASymFarm= set SymFarmExists= set ReleaseServerExists= set IndexableReleaseServer= set SymbolServerBuildShare= set ThisCommandLine=%CmdIni% -l:%Lang% -f:BuildMachines::%1 %ThisCommandLine% >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in ('%ThisCommandLine%') do ( for %%b in ( %%a ) do ( if /i "%%b" == "%COMPUTERNAME%" ( set ThisIsABuildMachine=yes ) ) ) ) set ThisCommandLine=%CmdIni% -l:%Lang% -f:ReleaseServers::%1 %ThisCommandLine% >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( set ReleaseServerExists=yes for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in ('%ThisCommandLine%') do ( set first=yes for %%b in ( %%a ) do ( if /i "%%b" == "%COMPUTERNAME%" ( set ThisIsAReleaseServer=yes if /i "!first!" == "yes" ( set IndexableReleaseServer=yes ) goto WhatAmI2 ) set first=no ) ) ) :WhatAmI2 set ThisCommandLine=%CmdIni% -l:%Lang% -f:SymFarm %ThisCommandLine% >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( set SymFarmExists=yes for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in ('%ThisCommandLine%') do ( echo %%a | findstr /i %COMPUTERNAME% >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( set ThisIsASymFarm=yes goto EndWhatAmI ) ) ) if not defined ThisIsABuildMachine ( if not defined ThisIsAReleaseServer ( if not defined ThisIsASymFarm ( call errmsg "%COMPUTERNAME% and %1 is not a defined combination in the ini file" set ThereWereErrors=yes ))) :EndWhatAmI goto :EOF REM ************************************************************************** REM REM GetBuildsToKeep %1 REM REM %1 - Archtype (x86fre, x86chk, etc.) REm REM Get how many builds to keep from the ini file. REM REM Return values REM REM BuildsToKeep undefined if not in the ini file REM number of builds to keep if defined in ini file REM REM REM *************************************************************************** :GetBuildsToKeep %1 set ThereWereErrors= if defined ThisIsABuildMachine ( set param=BuildMachineBuildsToKeep::%COMPUTERNAME% ) if defined ThisIsAReleaseServer ( set param=ReleaseServerBuildsToKeep::%COMPUTERNAME%::%1 ) if defined ThisIsASymFarm ( set param=SymFarmBuildsToKeep::%COMPUTERNAME%::%1 ) set ThisCommandLine=%CmdIni% -l:%Lang% -f:%param% %ThisCommandLine% >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( call logmsg.cmd "%param% is not defined in the ini file, reverting to default" set BuildsToKeep=%DefaultBuildsToKeep% ) else ( for /f %%a in ('%ThisCommandLine%') do ( set BuildsToKeep=%%a ) ) goto :EOF REM ************************************************************************** REM REM GetArchsToDelete REM REM Get a list of the architectures that we are supposed to delete REM REM Right now this only gets called if this is a SymFarm REM REM Return values REM REM ArchsToDelete %CurArchType% if there is no list of archs to delete REM if this is in the ini file, then it is a list of archs REM to delete REM REM ************************************************************************** :GetArchsToDelete set ThereWereErrors= set ArchsToDelete= set ArchsToDelete=%CurArchType% if not defined ThisIsASymFarm goto :EOF set param=SymFarmArchsToDelete::%COMPUTERNAME% set ThisCommandLine=%CmdIni% -l:%Lang% -f:%param% %ThisCommandLine% >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( call logmsg.cmd "%param% is not defined in the ini file" ) else ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in ('%ThisCommandLine%') do ( set ArchsToDelete=%%a ) ) goto :EOF REM ************************************************************************** REM REM GetFreeSpaceReq %1 REM REM %1 - Archtype (x86fre, x86chk, etc.) REm REM Get how much free space is required from the ini file. REM REM Return values REM REM FreeSpaceReq undefined if not in the ini file REM number of builds to keep if defined in ini file REM REM REM *************************************************************************** :GetFreeSpaceReq %1 set ThereWereErrors= if defined ThisIsABuildMachine ( set param=BuildMachineFreeSpace::%COMPUTERNAME% ) if defined ThisIsAReleaseServer ( set param=ReleaseServerFreeSpace::%COMPUTERNAME% ) if defined ThisIsASymFarm ( set param=SymFarmFreeSpace::%COMPUTERNAME% ) set ThisCommandLine=%CmdIni% -l:%Lang% -f:%param% %ThisCommandLine% >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( call logmsg.cmd "%param% is not defined in the ini file" set FreeSpaceReq=%DefaultFreeSpaceReq% ) else ( for /f %%a in ('%ThisCommandLine%') do ( set FreeSpaceReq=%%a ) ) goto :EOF REM ************************************************************************** REM REM SortBuildList %1 %2 REM REM %1 Temporary deleteDirectory REM REM %2 List to sort REM REM This sorts a list of builds, putting the oldest first REM REM Return value: REM The sorted list is returned in %1\sorted.txt REM REM ************************************************************************** :SortBuildList %1 %2 set ThereWereErrors= set ThisDeleteTmpDir=%1\sortbuildlist if exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir% rd /s /q %ThisDeleteTmpDir% if exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir% ( call errmsg "Could not remove %ThisDeleteTmpDir%" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) call :CreateDeleteTmpDir %ThisDeleteTmpDir% if defined ThereWereErrors ( call errmsg "Could not create %ThisDeleteTmpDir%" goto :EOF ) REM Put the date, time, and build name into %1\possible.txt REM so that we can sort according to date first, then time for /f %%a in ( %2 ) do ( set BuildNameCmd=%RazzleToolPath%\postbuildscripts\buildname.cmd for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=-" %%b in ('!BuildNameCmd! -name %%a build_date') do ( set ThisBuild=%%a set ThisDate=%%b set ThisTime=%%c ) REM Write the date, time, build name to possible.txt REM By doing this, we can use sort to sort them by date, and then time echo !ThisDate!,!ThisTime!,%%a >> %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\possible.txt ) if not exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\possible.txt ( call errmsg.cmd "All builds have a sav, idw, ids, or idc qly file in build_logs" call errmsg.cmd "or they are on the exclusion list" call errmsg.cmd "No builds can be deleted from %ReleaseDir%" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) sort %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\possible.txt > %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\sorted.txt if not exist %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\sorted.txt ( call errmsg.cmd "Error in sort -- %ThisDeleteTmpDir%\sorted.txt not created" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) if exist %1\sorted.txt ( del /f /q %1\sorted.txt ) for /f "tokens=3 delims=," %%a in (%ThisDeleteTmpDir%\sorted.txt) do ( echo %%a>> %1\sorted.txt ) if not exist %1\sorted.txt ( call errmsg.cmd "Error creating %1\sorted.txt" set ThereWereErrors=yes goto :EOF ) goto :EOF REM ************************************************************************** REM Usage REM REM ************************************************************************** :Usage echo. echo Usage: echo deletebuild.cmd /b ^ /a ^ ^[/r ^^] ^[PARTIAL ^[Compress^]^] ^[/l ^^] echo ^[/e ^^] echo. echo deletebuild.cmd AUTO /a ^ ^[/r ^^] ^[Compress^] ^[/f ^^] echo ^[/k ^^] ^[/l ^^] ^[/e ^^] echo. echo Arch: x86fre ^| x86chk ^| ia64fre ^| ia64chk ^| amd64fre ^| amd64chk echo. echo AUTO "AUTO" delete builds based on the following priorities: echo 1. Always delete from oldest to newest echo 2. Never delete the newest ^ builds echo 3. Delete until ^ bytes are free, or until echo no more builds can be deleted. echo 4. Perform partial deletes first. echo 4. Perform full deletes only if all eligible builds are echo partially deleted. echo. echo /r Release directory that has the individual builds as echo subdirectories. Default is to use the release directory echo that is shared on the current computer. echo. echo /b Name of build. echo. echo Compress Enables NTFS compression on the remaining files. Normally not echo necessary. echo. echo PARTIAL Only delete files not indexed on the symbol server. echo Indexed files will remain. Default is to do a full delete. echo. echo /f Number of free Gigabytes required. Default is 10. echo. echo /a Architecture type for the build(s) to be deleted. echo. echo /k Number of builds to keep no matter what. Default is 3. echo. echo /l language. Default is USA. echo. echo /e Build to exclude from deleting echo. goto errend :errend endlocal REM Set errorlevel to 1 in case of errors during execution. seterror.exe 1 goto :EOF :end endlocal REM Set errorlevel to 0 when the script finishes successfully. seterror.exe 0 goto :EOF REM ********************************************************** REM REM Template REM REM ********************************************************** :MAIN REM REM Define SCRIPT_NAME. Used by the logging scripts. REM for %%i in (%0) do set script_name=%%~ni.cmd REM REM Save the command line. REM set cmdline=%script_name% %* REM REM Define LOGFILE, to be used by the logging scripts. REM As the build rule scripts are typically invoked from wrappers (congeal.cmd), REM LOGFILE is already defined. REM REM Do not redefine LOGFILE if already defined. REM if defined LOGFILE goto logfile_defined if not exist %tmp% md %tmp% for %%i in (%script_name%) do ( set LOGFILE=%tmp%\%%~ni.log ) if exist %LOGFILE% del /f %LOGFILE% :logfile_defined REM REM Create a temporary file, to be deleted when the script finishes its execution. REM The existence of the temporary file tells congeal.cmd that this script is still running. REM Before the temporary file is deleted, its contents are appended to LOGFILE. REM International builds define tmpfile based on language prior to calling the US build REM rule script, so that multiple languages can run the same build rule script concurrently. REM REM Do not redefine tmpfile if already defined. REM if defined tmpfile goto tmpfile_defined if not exist %tmp% md %tmp% for %%i in (%script_name%) do ( set tmpfile=%tmp%\%%~ni.tmp ) if exist %tmpfile% del /f %tmpfile% :tmpfile_defined set LOGFILE_BAK=%LOGFILE% set LOGFILE=%tmpfile% REM REM Mark the beginning of script's execution. REM call logmsg.cmd /t "START %cmdline%" REM REM Execute the build rule option. REM call :BeginDeleteBuild if errorlevel 1 (set /A ERRORS=%errorlevel%) else (set /A ERRORS=0) REM REM Mark the end of script's execution. REM call logmsg.cmd /t "END %cmdline% (%ERRORS% errors)" set LOGFILE=%LOGFILE_BAK% REM REM Append the contents of tmpfile to logfile, then delete tmpfile. REM type %tmpfile% >> %LOGFILE% del /f %tmpfile% echo.& echo %script_name% : %ERRORS% errors : see %LOGFILE%. if "%ERRORS%" == "0" goto end_main goto errend_main :end_main endlocal goto end :errend_main endlocal goto errend :ExecuteCmd REM Do not use setlocal/endlocal: REM for ex., if the command itself is "pushd", REM a "popd" will be executed automatically at the end. set cmd_bak=cmd set cmd=%1 REM Remove the quotes set cmd=%cmd:~1,-1% if "%cmd%" == "" ( call errmsg.cmd "internal error: no parameters for ExecuteCmd %1." set cmd=cmd_bak& goto errend ) REM Run the command. call logmsg.cmd "Running %cmd%." %cmd% if not "%errorlevel%" == "0" ( call errmsg.cmd "%cmd% failed." set cmd=%cmd_bak%& goto errend ) set cmd=cmd_bak goto end :errend seterror.exe 1 goto :EOF :end seterror.exe 0 goto :EOF REM END