' ' Script to update OS install MSI package ' Syntax: cscript OsPack.vbs package_path platform product_number_major product_number_minor build_number_major build_number_minor language_number info_file ' ' Sub Usage() Wscript.echo "Script to update OS install MSI package. Syntax:" Wscript.echo " cscript OsPack.vbs package_path platform product_number build_number language_number" Wscript.echo " package_path - path to package to update. requires read/write access" Wscript.echo " platform - must be either 'Alpha' or 'Intel'" Wscript.echo " product_number_major - 1 digit major build number of the current build, i.e 5" Wscript.echo " product_number_minor - 1 digit minor build number of the current build, i.e 2" Wscript.echo " build_number_major - 4 digit major build number of the current build, i.e 2600" Wscript.echo " build_number_minor - 4 digit minor build number of the current build, i.e 1001" Wscript.echo " language_number - Language Id of the desired language, i.e. 1033 = US English, 0=Neutral" Wscript.echo " info_file - File containing information in Valuename = Value format" Wscript.Quit -1 End Sub ' takes a string of the form 0x409 and converts it to an int Function IntFromHex(szInHexString) szHexString = szInHexString IntFromHex = 0 multiplier = 1 While (UCase(Right(szHexString, 1)) <> "X") Ch = UCase(Right(szHexString, 1)) Select Case Ch Case "A" Ch = 10 Case "B" Ch = 11 Case "C" Ch = 12 Case "D" Ch = 13 Case "E" Ch = 14 Case "F" Ch = 15 End Select IntFromHex = IntFromHex + multiplier * Ch multiplier = multiplier * 16 szHexString = Left(szHexString, Len(szHexString) - 1) Wend Exit Function End Function ' ' Uses uuidgen.exe to generate a GUID, then formats it to be ' a MSI acceptable string guid ' ' This makes use of a temporary file %temp%\MakeTempGUID.txt ' Function MakeGuid() Dim WSHShell, FileSystem, File, ret, TempFileName, regEx Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set FileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") TempFileName = WSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%\MakeTempGUID.txt") If FileSystem.fileExists(TempFileName) Then FileSystem.DeleteFile TempFileName End If ret = WSHShell.Run("uuidgen -o" & TempFileName, 2, True) If FileSystem.fileExists(TempFileName) Then Set File = FileSystem.OpenTextFile(TempFileName, 1) MakeGuid = "{" & UCase(File.ReadLine) & "}" File.Close FileSystem.DeleteFile TempFileName Wscript.echo " Generated GUID: " & MakeGuid Else MakeGuid = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" Wscript.echo " ERROR: Failed to generate GUID" End If Exit Function End Function Function GetToken(szFile, szValue) Dim FileSystem, File, Line, regEx, Matches, Match GetToken = Empty Set FileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error creating filesystem object" End If szPathToFile = FileSystem.GetAbsolutePathName(szFile) ' Gets current directory If FileSystem.fileExists(szPathToFile) Then Set File = FileSystem.OpenTextFile(szPathToFile, 1) 'Open up the file If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error opening file " & szPathToFile End If Do While File.AtEndOfStream <> True Line = File.ReadLine Set regEx = New RegExp If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error creating RegExp object" End If regEx.Pattern = szValue & " *=+ *" ' Look for valuename = Value entry regEx.IgnoreCase = False regEx.Global = False Set Matches = regEx.Execute(Line) For Each Match In Matches ValueIndex = Match.FirstIndex + Match.Length + 1 GetToken = Mid(Line, ValueIndex) Exit Function Next Loop If Matches.Count = 0 Then Wscript.echo "Error: Could not find " & szValue & " in " & szFile End If Else Wscript.echo "ERROR: " & szPathToFile & " not present" End If Exit Function End Function ' ' Updates the OS install MSI package using the following paramaters ' szPackage - path to package to update. requires read/write access ' szPlatform - must be either "Alpha" or "Intel" ' dwProductNumberMajor - 1 digit build number of the current product, i.e 5 ' dwProductNumberMinor - 1 digit build number of the current build, i.e 1 ' dwBuildNumberMajor - 4 digit build number of the current build, i.e 2600 ' dwBuildNumberMinor - 4 digit build number of the current build, i.e 1001 ' dwLanguage - Language Id of the desired language, i.e. 1033 = US English, 0=Neutral ' Function UpdateOsPackage(szPackage, szPlatform, dwProductNumberMajor, dwProductNumberMinor, dwBuildNumberMajor, dwBuildNumberMinor, dwLanguage, szInfoFile) Dim WSHShell, Installer, Database, SummaryInfo, Record, View, SQL Wscript.echo "Updating OS install package: " & szPackage Wscript.echo " For: " & szPlatform Wscript.echo " Product: " & dwProductNumberMajor & "." & dwProductNumberMinor Wscript.echo " Build: " & dwBuildNumberMajor & "." & dwBuildNumberMinor Wscript.echo " Lang: " & dwLanguage UpdateOsPackage = 0 Err = 0 On Error Resume Next 'Create the MSI API object Set Installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer") If Err <> 0 Then Err = 0 Set Installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Application") End If If Err <> 0 Then Err = 0 Set Installer = CreateObject("Msi.ApiAutomation") End If If Err <> 0 Then Err = 0 Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error creating Installer object" UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If 'Create the WSH shell object Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error creating WSHShell object" UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If 'Open the package Set Database = Installer.OpenDatabase(szPackage, 1) If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error opening database" UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If Wscript.echo " Database opened for update" 'Generate and set a new package code Set SummaryInfo = Database.SummaryInformation(3) If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Creating Summary Info Object" UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If '------------------------------------------------- ' Remove the not needed Summary fields '------------------------------------------------- SummaryInfo.Property(3) = Empty 'Subject SummaryInfo.Property(4) = Empty 'Author SummaryInfo.Property(5) = Empty 'Keywords SummaryInfo.Property(6) = Empty 'Comments SummaryInfo.Property(8) = Empty 'Last Saved by SummaryInfo.Property(13) = Empty 'Last Save Time Err=0 SummaryInfo.Property(9) = MakeGuid() If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error setting package code" UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If Wscript.echo " Updated package Code" '------------------------------------------------- 'Update Platform and Language list '------------------------------------------------- SummaryInfo.Property(7) = szPlatform & ";" & dwLanguage If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error setting platform and language list" UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If Wscript.echo " Updated Language and platform list to: " & szPlatform & ";" & dwLanguage '------------------------------------------------- 'Get Product Name from szInfoFile and Set '------------------------------------------------- szProductName = GetToken(szInfoFile, "ProductName") If IsEmpty(szProductName) Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error getting Product Name from " & szInfoFile UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If SummaryInfo.Property(2) = szProductName If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error setting productname property" UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If Wscript.echo " Updated Product Name to: " & szProductName SummaryInfo.Persist If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error persisting summary info" UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If Wscript.echo " persisted summary stream" SQL = "UPDATE Property SET Property.Value = '" & szProductName & "' WHERE Property.Property= 'ProductName'" Set View = Database.OpenView(SQL) If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error executing view: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If View.Execute If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error executing view: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If Wscript.echo " ProductName Property updated" '------------------------------------------------- 'Generate and set a new product code '------------------------------------------------- SQL = "UPDATE Property SET Property.Value = '" & MakeGuid() & "' WHERE Property.Property= 'ProductCode'" Set View = Database.OpenView(SQL) If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error opening view: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If View.Execute If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error executing view: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If Wscript.echo " ProductCode Property updated" '------------------------------------------------- 'set package Build '------------------------------------------------- SQL = "UPDATE Property SET Property.Value = '" & dwBuildNumberMajor & "." & dwBuildNumberMinor & "' WHERE Property.Property= 'PackageBuild'" Set View = Database.OpenView(SQL) If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error opening view: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If View.Execute If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error executing view: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If Wscript.echo " PackageBuild Property updated to: " & dwBuildNumberMajor & "." & dwBuildNumberMinor '------------------------------------------------- 'Set the product language property '------------------------------------------------- SQL = "UPDATE Property SET Property.Value = '" & dwLanguage & "' WHERE Property.Property= 'ProductLanguage'" Set View = Database.OpenView(SQL) If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error opening view: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If View.Execute If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error executing view: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If Wscript.echo " Product Language Property updated" '------------------------------------------------- 'Set the product version property '------------------------------------------------- ' SQL = "UPDATE Property SET Property.Value = '" & dwProductNumberMajor & "." & dwProductNumberMinor & "." & dwBuildNumberMajor & "." & dwBuildNumberMinor & "' WHERE Property.Property= 'ProductVersion'" Set View = Database.OpenView(SQL) If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error opening view: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If View.Execute If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error executing view: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If Wscript.echo " ProductVersion Property updated to: " & dwProductNumberMajor & "." & dwProductNumberMinor & "." & dwBuildNumberMajor & "." & dwBuildNumberMinor '------------------------------------------------- 'Set the DialogCaption property '------------------------------------------------- ' szDialogCaption = GetToken(szInfoFile, "DialogCaption") If IsEmpty(szDialogCaption) Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error getting DialogCaption from " & szInfoFile UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If SQL = "UPDATE Property SET Property.Value = '" & szDialogCaption & "' WHERE Property.Property= 'DialogCaption'" Set View = Database.OpenView(SQL) If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error opening view: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If View.Execute If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error executing view: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If Wscript.echo " DialogCaption Property updated" '------------------------------------------------- 'Set the DiskPrompt property '------------------------------------------------- ' 'szDiskPrompt = GetToken(szInfoFile, "DiskPrompt") 'If IsEmpty(szDiskPrompt) Then ' Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error getting DiskPrompt from " & szInfoFile ' UpdateOsPackage = -1 ' Exit Function 'End If ' 'SQL = "UPDATE Property SET Property.Value = '" & szDiskPrompt & "' WHERE Property.Property= 'DiskPrompt'" 'Set View = Database.OpenView(SQL) ' If Err <> 0 Then ' Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error opening view: " & SQL ' UpdateOsPackage = -1 ' Exit Function 'End If 'View.Execute 'If Err <> 0 Then ' Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error executing view: " & SQL ' UpdateOsPackage = -1 ' Exit Function 'End If 'Wscript.echo " DiskPrompt Property updated" 'Commit changes Database.Commit If Err <> 0 Then Wscript.echo "ERROR: Error commiting changes: " & SQL UpdateOsPackage = -1 Exit Function End If Wscript.echo " Changes commited" End Function ' main() Set Args = Wscript.Arguments Set FileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Args.Count <> 8 Then Usage End If szPathToPackage = Args(0) If Not FileSystem.fileExists(szPathToPackage) Then Wscript.echo " invalid path: " & szPathToPackage Usage End If szPlatform = Args(1) If (UCase(szPlatform) = "INTEL") Or (UCase(szPlatform) = "X86") Or (UCase(szPlatform) = "I386") Or (UCase(szPlatform) = "IA64") Or (UCase(szPlatform) = "AMD64") Then szPlatform = "Intel" ElseIf (UCase(szPlatform) = "ALPHA") Or (UCase(szPlatform) = "AXP64") Then szPlatform = "Alpha" Else Wscript.echo " invalid pltform: " & szPlatform Usage End If dwProdMaj = Args(2) If Not IsNumeric(dwProdMaj) Then Wscript.echo " invalid major product number: " & dwProdMaj Usage End If dwProdMin = Args(3) If Not IsNumeric(dwProdMin) Then Wscript.echo " invalid minor product number: " & dwProdMin Usage End If dwBuildMaj = Args(4) If Not IsNumeric(dwBuild) Then Wscript.echo " invalid major build number: " & dwBuildMaj Usage End If dwBuildMin = Args(5) If Not IsNumeric(dwBuild) Then Wscript.echo " invalid minor build number: " & dwBuildMin Usage End If dwLang = Args(6) If Not IsNumeric(dwLang) Then If Not IsNumeric(IntFromHex(dwLang)) Then Wscript.echo " invalid Language: " & dwLang Usage Else dwLang = IntFromHex(dwLang) End If End If szInfoFile = Args(7) Wscript.echo szPathToPackage, szPlatform, Int(dwProdMaj),Int(dwProdMin), Int(dwBuildMaj), Int(dwBuildMin), dwLang, szInfoFile Status = UpdateOsPackage(szPathToPackage, szPlatform, Int(dwProdMaj),Int(dwProdMin), Int(dwBuildMaj), Int(dwBuildMin), dwLang, szInfoFile) Wscript.Quit Status