@if "%_echo%"=="" echo off rem setting title based on some info @rem @rem Set some basic vars based on the path of this script @rem if "%RazzleScriptName%" == "" set RazzleScriptName=razzle if defined RazzleToolPath set RazzleAlreadyDefined=1 set RazzleToolPath=%~dp0 @rem Sometimes cmd leaves the trailing backslash on - remove it. if "%RazzleToolPath:~-1%" == "\" set RazzleToolPath=%RazzleToolPath:~0,-1% set _NTDRIVE=%~d0 set _nttemproot=%~p0 @rem Sometimes cmd leaves the trailing backslash on - remove it. if "%_nttemproot:~-1%" == "\" set _nttemproot=%_nttemproot:~0,-1% @rem Remove the trailing \tools if it exists. if /I "%_nttemproot:~-6%" == "\tools" set _nttemproot=%_nttemproot:~0,-6% set _NTROOT=%_nttemproot% set _nttemproot= @rem @rem Parse command line arguments @rem @rem @rem Please name all local variables to handle arguments "_ArgWhatever". @rem set _ArgAmd64=false set _ArgBinDir= set _ArgCheckDepots=false set _ArgChkKrnl=false set _ArgDotnet=false set _ArgEmulDir= set _ArgEmulation=false set _ArgEnigmaSigning=false set _ArgFree=false set _ArgNTTest=false set _ArgNgws=false set _ArgNoBatch=false set _ArgNoBin=false set _ArgNoCertCheck=false set _ArgNoOpt=false set _ArgNoPrefast=false set _ArgNoSDRefresh=false set _ArgNoTitle=false set _ArgNoURT=false set _ArgNoWebCheckin=false set _ArgOfficial=false set _ArgOffline=false set _ArgPocketPC=false set _ArgRemoteServer=false set _ArgRestPath=false set _ArgSepChar=. set _ArgTemp= set _ArgVaultSigning=false set _ArgWin64=false set _ArgWin32=false set _Arg_NTPostBld= if defined RazzleAlreadyDefined echo Razzle.cmd must be run from clean cmd window&goto Usage @rem The "exec" argument has special cleanup semantics set _ExecParams=false if exist %_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\developer\%USERNAME%\setrazzle.cmd ( call %_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\developer\%USERNAME%\setrazzle.cmd ) @rem RazzleArguments is set by setrazzle.cmd above if not "%RazzleArguments%" == "" ( echo Default Razzle Arguments: %RazzleArguments% call :NextArg %RazzleArguments% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto :eof ) :NextArg if "%1" == "help" goto Usage if "%1" == "-?" goto Usage if "%1" == "/?" goto Usage if "%1" == "-help" goto Usage if "%1" == "/help" goto Usage if /I "%1" == "Amd64" set _ArgAmd64=true&goto ArgOk if /I "%1" == "Binaries_dir" set _ArgBinDir=%2&shift&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "CheckDepots" set _ArgCheckDepots=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "ChkKernel" set _ArgChkKrnl=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "Coverage" echo coverage parameter is no longer supported&goto Usage if /I "%1" == "DotNet" set _ArgDotnet=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "Emulation" set _ArgEmulation=true&&goto ArgOk if /I "%1" == "Enigma" set _ArgEnigmaSigning=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "Exec" set _ExecParams=true&shift&goto GetStarted if /I "%1" == "Free" set _ArgFree=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "NTTest" set _ArgNTTest=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "Ngws" set _ArgNgws=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "No_batch" set _ArgNoBatch=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "No_binaries" set _ArgNoBin=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "No_certcheck" set _ArgNoCertCheck=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "No_opt" set _ArgNoOpt=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "No_prefast" set _ArgNoPrefast=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "No_sdrefresh" set _ArgNoSDRefresh=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "No_title" set _ArgNoTitle=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "No_urt" set _ArgNoURT=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "No_webcheckin" set _ArgNoWebCheckin=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "OfficialBuild" set _ArgOfficial=true&set _ArgRestPath=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "Offline" set _ArgOffline=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "Pocketpc" set _ArgPocketPC=true&&goto ArgOk if /I "%1" == "Postbld_dir" set _Arg_NTPostBld=%2&shift&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "PrimaryBuild" set _ArgOfficial=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "RemoteServer" set _ArgRemoteServer=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "Restricted_path" set _ArgRestPath=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "Sepchar" set _ArgSepChar=%2&shift&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "Temp" set _ArgTemp=%2&shift&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "URT" set _ArgNoURT=false & goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "UseMyStoreCert" goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "VaultSign" set _ArgVaultSigning=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "Verbose" set _echo=1&&echo on&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "WebCheckin" goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "Win64" set _ArgWin64=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "Win32" set _ArgWin32=true&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "no_muimagic" set MUI_MAGIC=&goto ArgOK if /I "%1" == "no_perlcheck" set _ArgNoPerlCheck=1&goto ArgOK if NOT "%1" == "" echo Unknown argument: %1&goto Usage if "%1" == "" goto :GetStarted :ArgOK shift goto :NextArg @rem @rem OK, do the real stuff now @rem :GetStarted @rem Win9x support if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "" set PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=x86 if "%COPYCMD%" == "" set COPYCMD=/Y set HOST_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% @rem Check for obvious mistakes if "%_ArgPocketPC%" == "true" ( if "%_ArgWin64%" == "true" echo Win64 and PocketPC are mutually exclusive&goto Usage if "%_ArgAmd64%" == "true" echo AMD64 and PocketPC are mutually exclusive&goto Usage if NOT "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "x86" echo PocketPC is only built on X86&goto Usage ) if "%_ArgEmulation%" == "true" ( if "%_ArgWin64%" == "true" echo Win64 and Emulation are mutually exclusive&goto Usage if "%_ArgAmd64%" == "true" echo AMD64 and Emulation are mutually exclusive&goto Usage if "%_ArgPocketPC%" == "false" echo Emulation requires PocketPC&goto Usage ) if "%_ArgAmd64%" == "true" ( if "%_ArgWin64%" == "false" echo AMD64 requires Win64&goto Usage ) if "%_ArgWin32%" == "true" ( if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "x86" echo Win32 is only for non-x86 machines&goto Usage ) @rem @rem the script engines write some keys that cause signing errors during postbuild @rem unless they're whacked. Just do it here if the build # is between 2410 and 2480. @rem for /f "tokens=3 delims=.]" %%i in ('ver') do set OS_BUILDNUMBER=%%i @rem Previous line doesn't work on NT4. [Some ancient build machines still use NT4.] if "%OS_BUILDNUMBER%" == "" set OS_BUILDNUMBER=1381 if %OS_BUILDNUMBER% GEQ 2410 ( if %OS_BUILDNUMBER% LEQ 2480 ( regini %RazzleToolPath%\delsip.ini ) ) @rem @rem Start with a pure system path. If people want to muck it up they can do so in their setenv.cmd @rem This will ensure we can build 16-bit stuff (16-bit tools sometimes puke on long paths) AND start @rem with the same environment all the time. @rem set BASE_OS_PATH=%systemroot%\system32;%systemroot%;%systemroot%\system32\wbem @rem Set the default inf stamp date for Win .Net (let the version number continue to float) set STAMPINF_DATE=10/01/2002 @rem set STAMPINF_VERSION=5.1.2535.0 @rem @rem Put hook in for NTTest environment @rem if "%_ArgNTTest%" == "true" ( set NTTestEnv=1 @rem Turn off symbol checking for the test build environment until the tree is clean set BUILD_NO_SYMCHK=1 ) @rem @rem Enable offline building for the source kit (no MS network access) @rem if "%_ArgOffline%" == "true" ( set BUILD_OFFLINE=1 set _NO_DDK=1 set _ArgNoPrefast=true set _ArgNoSDRefresh=true ) @rem check for cross building set RazzleToolPath_CrossPlatform= set HOST_TOOLS= @rem @rem Pocket PC support @rem if "%_ArgPocketPC%" == "true" ( set _BuildPocketPC=PocketPC if "%_ArgEmulation%" == "true" ( set POCKETPC_EMULATION=1 set _BuildPocketPC=PocketPC Emulation set _ArgEmulDir=em ) set HOST_TOOLS="PATH=%RazzleToolPath%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%;%RazzleToolPath%;%BASE_OS_PATH%" @rem PocketPC is always ARM and there's no other tools except the x86 hosted variants set RazzleToolPath_CrossPlatform=%RazzleToolPath%\arm; set ARM=1 set _BuildArch=arm @rem Prefast not available on ARM builds set _ArgNoPrefast=true set POCKETPC=1 ) @rem @rem Win64 support @rem if "%_ArgWin64%" == "true" ( set HOST_TOOLS="PATH=%RazzleToolPath%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%;%RazzleToolPath%;%BASE_OS_PATH%" @rem Prefast not available on win64 builds set _ArgNoPrefast=true @rem If amd64 is set, use it otherwise, assume ia64. if "%_ArgAmd64%" == "true" ( set _BuildArch=amd64 if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "AMD64" ( set RazzleToolPath_CrossPlatform=%RazzleToolPath%\win64\x86\amd64;%RazzleToolPath%\x86; ) else ( set RazzleToolPath_CrossPlatform=%RazzleToolPath%\win64\x86\amd64; ) ) else ( set _BuildArch=ia64 set RazzleToolPath_CrossPlatform=%RazzleToolPath%\win64\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%; ) if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "x86" ( @rem For now, managed toolset only exist on X86 set MANAGED_TOOL_PATH=%RazzleToolPath%\x86\managed ) ) @rem @rem build x86 on win64, using the x86 on x86 tools @rem @rem THIS IT NOT SUPPORTED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. @rem @rem The parts of the tree that are built with 16bit tools will not build on Win64. @rem if "%_ArgWin32%" == "true" ( set HOST_TOOLS="PATH=%RazzleToolPath%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%;%RazzleToolPath%;%BASE_OS_PATH%" @rem assume Win32 is x86. set _BuildArch=x86 set RazzleToolPath_CrossPlatform=%RazzleToolPath%\x86; set 386=1 @rem Force compiler/linker to use VC6 debug formats if building for X86. set _ML_=/Ztmp set _CL_=/Ztmp set _LINK_=/tmp ) @rem @rem Native Support @rem if "%RazzleToolPath_CrossPlatform%" == "" ( @rem Must be a native build set _BuildArch=%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "x86" ( set 386=1 @rem Force compiler/linker to use VC6 debug formats if building for X86. set _ML_=/Ztmp set _CL_=/Ztmp set _LINK_=/tmp set PCOPY_COMPARE_DEBUG=1 @rem For now, managed code only exists on X86. set MANAGED_TOOL_PATH=%RazzleToolPath%\x86\managed ) ) set BUILD_DEFAULT_TARGETS=-%_BuildArch% set %_BuildArch%=1 @rem Make sure the perl binaries are current call %RazzleToolPath%\perlrefresh.cmd set RazzleToolPath_Perl=%RazzleToolPath%\perl\bin; set PERL5LIB=%RazzleToolPath%\perl\site\lib;%RazzleToolPath%\perl\lib if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "AMD64" ( set RazzleToolPath_Native=%RazzleToolPath_CrossPlatform% set RazzleToolPath_CrossPlatform=%RazzleToolPath%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%; ) else ( set RazzleToolPath_Native=%RazzleToolPath%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ) if "%_ArgNoPrefast%" == "false" set RazzleToolPath_Prefast=%RazzleToolPath%\x86\prefast\scripts; @rem @rem Build up the path @rem set BUILD_PATH=%RazzleToolPath_CrossPlatform% if "%CORPATH%" == "" goto _NoCorPath set BUILD_PATH=%BUILD_PATH%%CORPATH%; :_NoCorPath set BUILD_PATH=%BUILD_PATH%%RazzleToolPath_Native%;%RazzleToolPath_Perl%%RazzleToolPath%;%BASE_OS_PATH% :_NoManagedPath set PATH=%RazzleToolPath_CrossPlatform%%RazzleToolPath_Native%;%RazzleToolPath_Perl%%RazzleToolPath%;%RazzleToolPath_Prefast%;%PATH% set RazzleToolPath_CrossPlatform= set RazzleToolPath_Perl= set RazzleToolPath_Native= set RazzleToolPath_Prefast= set BASE_OS_PATH= if "%UseUnsupportedOS%" == "" ( if %OS_BUILDNUMBER% LEQ 2599 ( echo Old OS build detected - Upgrade to XP ^(bld 2600^) or one of the .NET OS's ^(bld 35xx^) echo Old OS build detected - Upgrade to XP ^(bld 2600^) or one of the .NET OS's ^(bld 35xx^) sleep 5 exit ) ) REM REM Install the URT. REM if "%MANAGED_TOOL_PATH%" == "" goto NoURTInstall if "%_ArgNoURT%" == "true" set MANAGED_TOOL_PATH=&goto NoURTInstall call %MANAGED_TOOL_PATH%\urtinstall\urtinstall.cmd @rem set BUILD_PATH=%BUILD_PATH%;%MANAGED_TOOL_PATH%\urt\%COMPLUS_VERSION% @rem set BUILD_PATH=%BUILD_PATH%;%MANAGED_TOOL_PATH%\sdk\bin :NoURTInstall @rem @rem Set temp/tmp dirs if specified @rem if /i "%_ArgTemp%" == "" goto EndSetTemp set TEMP=%_ArgTemp% set TMP=%_ArgTemp% if NOT exist %_ArgTemp% ( md %_ArgTemp% 2>Nul 1>Nul ) :EndSetTemp @rem @rem Check/free build? Default to checked @rem set _KernelType= if "%_ArgFree%" == "true" goto BuildFree set NTDEBUG=ntsd set NTDEBUGTYPE=windbg set COMPRESS_PDBS=1 set _BuildType=chk goto CheckOptimization :BuildFree set NTDEBUG=ntsdnodbg set NTDEBUGTYPE=windbg set COMPRESS_PDBS=1 set _BuildType=fre if "%_ArgChkKrnl%" == "true" set BUILD_CHECKED_KERNEL=1&& set _KernelType=/ChkKernel :CheckOptimization @rem @rem Disable compiler optimizations? @rem set _BuildOpt=full opt if "%_ArgNoOpt%" == "true" set MSC_OPTIMIZATION=/Odi&& set _BuildOpt=no opt @rem @rem Binplace? Default to yes with base location of %_NTDRIVE%\binaries @rem if "%_ArgNoBin%" == "true" goto NoBinplace set BinariesDir=%_NTDRIVE%\binaries @rem @rem Override base Binplace location? (Still append architecture and type) @rem if "%_ArgBinDir%" == "" goto SetBinplace set BinariesDir=%_ArgBinDir% :SetBinplace set _NT%_BuildArch%TREE=%BinariesDir%%_ArgSepChar%%_BuildArch%%_ArgEmulDir%%_BuildType% set _NTTREE=%BinariesDir%%_ArgSepChar%%_BuildArch%%_ArgEmulDir%%_BuildType% set NTDBGFILES=1 set NTDBGFILES_PRIVATE=1 set BINPLACE_FLAGS=-xa -:LOGPDB if "%__MTSCRIPT_ENV_ID%"=="" ( set BINPLACE_LOG=%BinariesDir%%_ArgSepChar%%_BuildArch%%_BuildType%\build_logs\binplace.log ) else ( set BINPLACE_LOG=%BinariesDir%%_ArgSepChar%%_BuildArch%%_BuildType%\build_logs\binplace_%COMPUTERNAME%.log ) set BINPLACE_EXCLUDE_FILE=%RazzleToolPath%\symbad.txt set NTBBT=1 set _BuildBins=binaries in: %BinariesDir%%_ArgSepChar%%_BuildArch%%_ArgEmulDir%%_BuildType% set BinariesDir= :NoBinplace @rem @rem Define %_NTPostBld% path @rem set _NTPOSTBLD=%_NTTREE% if /i "%_Arg_NTPostBld%" == "" goto EndNTPostBld set _NTPOSTBLD=%_Arg_NTPostBld%%_ArgSepChar%%_BuildArch%%_BuildType% set _PostBuildBins=/postbuild in: %_NTPOSTBLD% :EndNTPostBld @rem @rem set vars etc for SD/SDX @rem if exist %RazzleToolPath%\SDINIT.CMD ( call %RazzleToolPath%\SDINIT.CMD ) else ( if "%SDCONFIG%" == "" set SDCONFIG=sd.ini if "%SDXROOT%" == "" set SDXROOT=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT% ) set SDDIFF=windiff.exe if "%_BuildPocketPC%" == "" ( set _BuildWTitle=Build Window: %_BuildArch%/%_BuildType%%_KernelType%/%_BuildOpt%/%_BuildBins%%_PostBuildBins% ) else ( set _BuildWTitle=Build Window: %_BuildPocketPC% %_BuildArch%/%_BuildType%%_KernelType%/%_BuildOpt%/%_BuildBins%%_PostBuildBins% ) set BATCH_NMAKE=1 @rem Make sure the sd client is current if "%_ArgNoSDRefresh%" == "false" call sdrefresh.cmd @rem Set the SignTool_Sign variable appropriately. if "%_ArgOffline%" == "true" ( @rem Offline: Use the driver.pfx file for test signing (only available in OEM source kit) SET SIGNTOOL_SIGN=/f "%RazzleToolPath%\driver.pfx" /d "Microsoft Windows TEST" /du "http://ntbld" ) else ( @rem Online: Use autoenrolled signing cert in cert store (only available to internal Microsoft users) SET SIGNTOOL_SIGN=/a /uw /r "Microsoft Test Root Authority" /d "Microsoft Windows TEST" /du "http://ntbld" ) if "%_ArgNoCertCheck%" == "true" goto NoCertCheck @rem make sure the test root certificate is installed (so signcode etc will work). call CheckTestRoot.cmd call CheckTestPCA.cmd call SignTest.cmd :NoCertCheck @rem @rem Set PREFAST_ROOT so PREfast knows where it lives. @rem if "%_ArgNoPrefast%" == "true" goto NoPrefast set PREFAST_ROOT=%RazzleToolPath%\x86\prefast\ :NoPrefast @rem @rem update the ACLs if necessary @rem if "%_ArgOffline%" == "true" goto NoRazAcl set SrcSDDLfile=%SDXROOT%\tools\sourceacl.txt set BinSDDLfile=%SDXROOT%\tools\binariesacl.txt if exist %_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\developer\%USERNAME%\acl.txt ( set SrcSDDLfile=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\developer\%USERNAME%\acl.txt ) if exist %_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\developer\%USERNAME%\binacl.txt ( set BinSDDLfile=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\developer\%USERNAME%\binacl.txt ) start /min razacl /SDDLfile:%SrcSDDLfile% /root:%SDXROOT% if "%_ArgOfficial%" == "false" ( if /i not "%_NTTREE%" == "" ( if exist %_NTTREE% start /min razacl /SDDLfile:%BinSDDLfile% /root:%_NTTREE%) if /i not "%_NTPOSTBLD%" == "" ( if /i not "%_NTPOSTBLD%" == "%_NTTREE%" ( if exist %_NTPOSTBLD% start /min razacl /SDDLfile:%BinSDDLfile% /root:%_NTPOSTBLD% ) ) ) set SrcSDDLfile= set BinSDDLfile= :NoRazAcl @rem @rem do this before setenv to allow people to override this slow, buggy cmd script @rem if NOT "%_ArgOffline%" == "true" ( set BUILD_POST_PROCESS={Checkout Public Changes}%RazzleToolPath%\edit_public.cmd ) @rem if EXIST %_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\batch\setdbg.bat call %_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\batch\setdbg.bat @rem And defer ntenv for the rest. call %_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\TOOLS\ntenv.cmd @rem @rem Put hook in for ngws environment @rem if "%_ArgNgws%" == "true" call %SDXROOT%\proto\tools\ngwsenv.cmd @rem @rem Put hook in for dotnet environment @rem if "%_ArgDotnet%" == "true" call %SDXROOT%\hailstorm\tools\dotnetenv.cmd @rem @rem Now that we have called setenv, see it restricted_path is set. If it is, trim back PATH @rem if "%_ArgRestPath%" == "false" goto NoRestrictedPath path=%BUILD_PATH% :NoRestrictedPath if "%_ArgOffline%" == "true" goto NoPublicChangeNums pushd %_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT% if NOT exist public mkdir public for %%i in (PUBLIC %BINARY_PUBLISH_PROJECTS%) do ( if exist %_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\%%i ( call :GetPubChangeNum %%i ) else ( echo No project %%i found. Ignoring. ) ) popd :NoPublicChangeNums @rem @rem Get the branch name for this enlistment @rem if "%_ArgOffline%" == "true" ( set _BuildBranch=srckit ) else ( for /f "eol=# tokens=1,2*" %%i in (%_NTBINDIR%\sd.map) do if "%%i" == "BRANCH" set _BuildBranch=%%k ) if "%_ArgNoTitle%" == "true" goto NoTitle title %_BuildBranch% - %_BuildWTitle% :NoTitle @rem @rem Set SDFormEditor var to support Web-based checkin @rem for testing purposes only, in LAB03_N and LAB03_DEV @rem if "%_ArgNoWebCheckin%" == "true" goto NoWebCheckin if /I "%_BuildBranch%" == "Lab03_DEV" ( if "%SDFORMEDITOR%" == "" ( set SDALTFORMEDITOR=%SDEDITOR% ) else ( set SDALTFORMEDITOR=%SDFORMEDITOR% ) set SDFORMEDITOR=webchange.exe http://vbl03/checkin/webcheckin.aspx?key= ) :NoWebCheckin @rem @rem Set the OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE variable if appropriate @rem if "%_ArgOfficial%" == "true" call VerifyBuildMachine.cmd if NOT defined OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE goto NotBuildMachine set __BUILDMACHINE__=%_BuildBranch% set NO_PDB_PATHS=1 if /I "%_BuildType%" == "fre" ( if /I "%_BuildBranch%" == "Lab01_N" set _NTPOGODIR=POGO if /I "%_BuildBranch%" == "Main" set _NTPOGODIR=POGO if /I "%_BuildBranch%" == "DNSRV" set _NTPOGODIR=POGO ) goto BuildMachineVarDefined :NotBuildMachine @rem @rem Public build machines (where mutiple people log in via TS and do buddy builds) need a @rem fixed __BUILDMACHINE__ define, or you get compiler errors when you don't build clean @rem @rem Don't set __BUILDMACHINE__ variable when building offline if "%_ArgOffline%" == "true" goto BuildMachineVarDefined if NOT "%PUBLIC_BUILD_MACHINE%" == "" set __BUILDMACHINE__=%_BuildBranch%(%COMPUTERNAME%) if NOT "%PUBLIC_BUILD_MACHINE%" == "" goto BuildMachineVarDefined set __BUILDMACHINE__=%_BuildBranch%(%USERNAME%) :BuildMachineVarDefined @rem call %RazzleToolPath%\BuildStrLen.cmd @rem @rem Verify that temp/tmp don't contain spaces (many build scripts don't handle this). @rem set __NoSpaceTemp=%TEMP: =% if "%__NoSpaceTemp%" == "%TEMP%" goto VerifyTmp echo ERROR: TEMP environment variable "%TEMP%" echo ERROR: contains spaces - Please remove pause exit :VerifyTmp set __NoSpaceTemp=%TMP: =% if "%__NoSpaceTemp%" == "%TMP%" goto TempOK echo ERROR: TMP environment variable "%TMP%" echo ERROR: contains spaces - Please remove pause exit :TempOK set __NoSpaceTemp= @rem @rem Start a remote session @rem if not "%_ArgRemoteServer%" == "true" goto NoRemote for /F "delims=\: tokens=1-3" %%a in ('echo %SDXROOT%') do set RemoteName=%%a_%%b remote /s cmd %RemoteName% /V %RemoteIDsAccepted% :NoRemote if "%_ArgCheckDepots%" == "true" call checkdepots.cmd :Cleanup @rem @rem Cleanup local variables @rem for /f "delims==" %%a in ('set _Arg') do set %%a= @rem @rem Remaining optional parameters to this script are command line to execute. @rem Use a name not starting with "_Arg" so it won't be cleaned up above. @rem if "%_ExecParams%" == "true" set _ExecParams=&%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 set _ExecParams= set RazzleScriptName= goto :eof :GetPubChangeNum @rem Make sure there's a public change# available for this user. if exist %_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\public\%1_CHANGENUM.SD goto :eof call get_change_num.cmd %1 %1_CHANGENUM.SD "Public Change number - Do not submit this unless you're the build lab for this branch" attrib +r public\%1_CHANGENUM.SD goto :eof :usage echo. echo Usage: %RazzleScriptName% ^ echo. echo where ^ can be one or more of: echo verbose - Enable verbose execution of this script echo ntttest - Build NT test sources echo Win64 - Build for Win64 target echo if on x86 and amd64 defined, build for amd64 echo if on x86 and amd64 undefined build for ia64 echo PocketPC - Build for ARM PocketPC target echo Emulation - Build PocketPC emulation target echo free - Build free bits (default is to build checked) echo chkkernel - Checked kernel/hal/ntdll (use with 'free') echo no_opt - disable compiler optimizations echo mui_magic - generate language neutral build echo no_binaries - disable creation of the binaries^^^ dir. echo binaries_dir - must specify ^ immediately after this switch. echo Use specified path as binplace dir instead of default. echo Default value is "binaries". echo sepchar - overrides default separator character "." placed between echo the binaries_dir and the arch. Default value is "." echo Useful for putting binaries under a common parent echo directory using '\' (don't specify the quotes). echo postbld_dir - must specify ^ immediately after this switch. echo Use specified path for post build processes. echo Default is "binaries". echo For international provide a specific location to facilitate echo localization. echo temp - must specify ^ immediately after this switch. echo Use specified path as TEMP and TMP values. echo Default value is set by the system. echo no_title - don't set the default window title bar. echo no_certcheck - don't ensure the testroot certificate is installed. echo no_sdrefresh - don't update sd.exe (for script use only) echo restricted_path - set path to the same restricted path that build uses echo (for debugging "why can't build find my tool" problems) echo officialbuild - Build as one of the official build machines for this branch. echo The machine and build type must be identified in echo %RazzleToolPath%\BuildMachines.txt. echo exec - Optionally execute the remaining command line. echo If specified, this must be the last razzle parameter echo specified. The remaining command line parameters are echo then passed to command prompt as is. echo Enigma - Will turn on CSP signing and CSP signature checks in advapi echo VaultSign - Will require that CSP's are vault signed with the Microsoft key if defined RazzleAlreadyDefined goto Cleanup set RazzleToolPath= set _NTDRIVE= set _NTROOT= goto Cleanup