@echo off echo Resign all catalog files in the current directory tree echo NOTE: DO NOT RUN THIS IN A SOURCE DEPOT CONTROLLED TREE pause set catlist=cjime cwms4 dajavac Dx3 eicona eiconp iasnt4 set catlist=%catlist% mapimig mw770 set catlist=%catlist% osccab PHIME pyime scrdbcat wfc wmi3rd xmldsoc for %%l in (%catlist%) do call :searchfile %%l goto :end :searchfile echo Searching for %1.ca_ and %1.cat for /f %%f in ('dir /s /b %1.ca_') do call :signfile %%f for /f %%f in ('dir /s /b %1.cat') do call :signfile %%f goto :end :signfile echo resigning %1 if /i "%~x1" == ".ca_" ( expand -r %1 %~p1 ) signtool sign /q %SIGNTOOL_SIGN% %~p1%~n1.cat if /i "%~x1" == ".ca_" ( compress -zx21 -r %~p1%~n1.cat %~p1 del %~p1%~n1.cat ) goto :end :end