@if "%_echo%"=="" echo off @rem @rem We look in BuildMachines.txt for the machine name, branch, architecture, @rem and build type. If we find a match, then we set OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE @rem to the appropriate value ("primary" or "secondary"); for /f "delims=, tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6" %%i in (%RazzleToolPath%\BuildMachines.txt) do ( if /I "%%i" == "%COMPUTERNAME%" ( if /I "%%k" == "%_BuildBranch%" ( if /I "%%l" == "%_BuildArch%" ( if /I "%%m" == "%_BuildType%" ( set OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE=%%j set _BuildNotifyDL=%%n goto :FoundIt ) ) ) ) ) @rem Didn't find the machine. @echo ERROR: "%COMPUTERNAME%" is not a valid official build machine for this @echo build type on this branch. Update %RazzleToolPath%\BuildMachines.txt @echo if you feel differently. Clearing OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE variable. set OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE= goto :eof :FoundIt @rem @rem Make sure the OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE is upper-case for consistency @rem if /I "%OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE%" == "primary" set OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE=PRIMARY&goto :eof if /I "%OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE%" == "secondary" set OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE=SECONDARY&goto :eof @echo ERROR: "%OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE%" is an invalid value. Please correct buildmachines.txt. set OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE= goto :eof