/*++ Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation Module Name: mouse.cpp Abstract: This file implements the mouse sink in the ImmIfIME Class. Author: Revision History: Notes: --*/ #include "private.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "template.h" #include "immif.h" #include "editses.h" #include "sink.h" #include "imeapp.h" ULONG CMouseSink::InternalAddRef( ) { return ++m_ref; } ULONG CMouseSink::InternalRelease( ) { ULONG cr = --m_ref; if (cr == 0) { delete this; } return cr; } HRESULT CMouseSink::AdviseMouseSink( HIMC hImc, ITfRangeACP* range, ITfMouseSink* pSink, DWORD* pdwCookie ) { if (m_prgMouseSinks == NULL) return E_FAIL; const IID *rgiid = &IID_ITfMouseSink; GENERICSINK *pgs; HRESULT hr; hr = GenericAdviseSink(IID_ITfMouseSink, pSink, &rgiid, m_prgMouseSinks, 1, pdwCookie, &pgs); if (hr == S_OK) { pgs->uPrivate = (UINT_PTR) new tagPRIVATE_MOUSESINK; if (pgs->uPrivate) { ((LPPRIVATE_MOUSESINK)pgs->uPrivate)->range.Attach(range); range->AddRef(); ((LPPRIVATE_MOUSESINK)pgs->uPrivate)->hImc = hImc; } } return hr; } HRESULT CMouseSink::UnadviseMouseSink( DWORD dwCookie ) { if (m_prgMouseSinks == NULL) return E_FAIL; HRESULT hr; LPPRIVATE_MOUSESINK pPrivMouseSink = NULL; hr = GenericUnadviseSink(m_prgMouseSinks, 1, dwCookie, (UINT_PTR *)&pPrivMouseSink); if (hr == S_OK) { if (pPrivMouseSink) { delete pPrivMouseSink; } } return hr; } LRESULT CMouseSink::MsImeMouseHandler( ULONG uEdge, ULONG uQuadrant, ULONG dwBtnStatus, IMCLock& imc, ImmIfIME* ImmIfIme ) { LONG acpStart; LONG cch; ULONG uRangeEdgeMin; ULONG uRangeEdgeMax; HRESULT hr; /* * Find out specified range in whole text's range */ BOOL fEaten = FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < m_prgMouseSinks->Count(); i++) { GENERICSINK* pgs; LPPRIVATE_MOUSESINK pPrivMouseSink; pgs = m_prgMouseSinks->GetPtr(i); pPrivMouseSink = (LPPRIVATE_MOUSESINK)pgs->uPrivate; if ((HIMC)imc != pPrivMouseSink->hImc) continue; // test: does this sink cover the specified edge? pPrivMouseSink->range->GetExtent(&acpStart, &cch); uRangeEdgeMin = acpStart; uRangeEdgeMax = acpStart + cch; // // Get GUID_PROP_MSIMTF_READONLY margin. // Interface_Creator _pEditSession( new ImmIfEditSession(ESCB_GET_READONLY_PROP_MARGIN, ImmIfIme->GetClientId(), ImmIfIme->GetCurrentInterface(), imc) ); if (_pEditSession.Valid()) { if (SUCCEEDED(_pEditSession->RequestEditSession(TF_ES_READWRITE | TF_ES_SYNC, &pPrivMouseSink->range, &cch))) { uEdge += cch; } } if (uEdge < uRangeEdgeMin) continue; if (uEdge == uRangeEdgeMin && uQuadrant < 2) continue; if (uEdge > uRangeEdgeMax) continue; if (uEdge == uRangeEdgeMax && uQuadrant > 1) continue; // // Call OnMouseEvent // hr = ((ITfMouseSink*)pgs->pSink)->OnMouseEvent(uEdge - uRangeEdgeMin /* adjust uEdge for this range's frame of reference */, uQuadrant, dwBtnStatus, &fEaten); if (hr == S_OK && fEaten) return 1L; break; // we already found a covered range, don't bother querying any others } return IMEMOUSERET_NOTHANDLED; }