/*++ Copyright (c) 1989-2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: guid.c Abstract: GUID-related utilities that run on win9x and nt4 as well as win2k and whistler Author: vadimb created sometime in 2001 Revision History: --*/ #include "sdbp.h" #include "initguid.h" #if defined(KERNEL_MODE) && defined(ALLOC_DATA_PRAGMA) #pragma data_seg() #endif // KERNEL_MODE && ALLOC_DATA_PRAGMA const TCHAR g_szGuidFormat[] = TEXT("{%08lx-%04hx-%04hx-%02hx%02hx-%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx}"); #if defined(KERNEL_MODE) && defined(ALLOC_PRAGMA) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, SdbpGUIDToUnicodeString) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, SdbpFreeUnicodeString) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, SdbGUIDToString) #endif // KERNEL_MODE && ALLOC_PRAGMA // // GUID string buffer size (in chars) not including the term null char // #define GUID_STRING_SIZE 38 DEFINE_GUID(STATIC_NULL_GUID, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, \ 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0); BOOL SDBAPI SdbIsNullGUID( IN GUID* pGuid ) { return pGuid == NULL || RtlEqualMemory(pGuid, &STATIC_NULL_GUID, sizeof(*pGuid)); } #if defined(NT_MODE) || defined(KERNEL_MODE) BOOL SDBAPI SdbGUIDFromStringN( IN LPCWSTR pszGuid, IN size_t Length, OUT GUID* pGuid ) { UNICODE_STRING ustrGuid; NTSTATUS Status; ustrGuid.Length = ustrGuid.MaximumLength = (USHORT)Length; ustrGuid.Buffer = (LPWSTR)pszGuid; Status = RtlGUIDFromString(&ustrGuid, pGuid); return NT_SUCCESS(Status); } BOOL SDBAPI SdbGUIDFromString( IN LPCWSTR lpszGuid, OUT GUID* pGuid ) /*++ Return: TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. Desc: Converts a string to a GUID. --*/ { UNICODE_STRING ustrGuid; NTSTATUS status; RtlInitUnicodeString(&ustrGuid, lpszGuid); status = RtlGUIDFromString(&ustrGuid, pGuid); return NT_SUCCESS(status); } #else // we do the same thing for both WIN32A and WIN32U BOOL SDBAPI SdbGUIDFromStringN( IN LPCTSTR pszGuid, IN size_t Length, OUT GUID* pGuid ) { TCHAR szGuid[64]; // more than enough StringCchCopyN(szGuid, CHARCOUNT(szGuid), pszGuid, Length); return SdbGUIDFromString(szGuid, pGuid); } BOOL SdbGUIDFromString( LPCTSTR lpszGuid, GUID* pGuid) { int nFields; DWORD rgData4[8]; DWORD dwData2; DWORD dwData3; INT i; nFields = _stscanf(lpszGuid, g_szGuidFormat, &pGuid->Data1, // type : long &dwData2, // type : short &dwData3, // type : short &rgData4[0],// type : short all the way to the bottom &rgData4[1], &rgData4[2], &rgData4[3], &rgData4[4], &rgData4[5], &rgData4[6], &rgData4[7]); if (nFields == 11) { pGuid->Data2 = (USHORT)dwData2; pGuid->Data3 = (USHORT)dwData3; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { pGuid->Data4[i] = (BYTE)rgData4[i]; } } return (nFields == 11); } #endif #ifndef WIN32A_MODE // // Private Functions used internally // NTSTATUS SdbpGUIDToUnicodeString( IN GUID* pGuid, OUT PUNICODE_STRING pUnicodeString ) /*++ Return: BUGBUG: ? Desc: BUGBUG: ? --*/ { pUnicodeString->Length = GUID_STRING_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR); pUnicodeString->MaximumLength = pUnicodeString->Length + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); pUnicodeString->Buffer = SdbAlloc(pUnicodeString->MaximumLength); if (pUnicodeString->Buffer == NULL) { DBGPRINT((sdlError, "SdbpGUIDToUnicodeString", "Failed to allocate %ld bytes for GUID\n", (DWORD)pUnicodeString->MaximumLength)); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } StringCchPrintf(pUnicodeString->Buffer, pUnicodeString->MaximumLength / sizeof(WCHAR), g_szGuidFormat, pGuid->Data1, pGuid->Data2, pGuid->Data3, pGuid->Data4[0], pGuid->Data4[1], pGuid->Data4[2], pGuid->Data4[3], pGuid->Data4[4], pGuid->Data4[5], pGuid->Data4[6], pGuid->Data4[7]); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID SdbpFreeUnicodeString( PUNICODE_STRING pUnicodeString ) /*++ Return: BUGBUG: ? Desc: BUGBUG: ? --*/ { if (pUnicodeString->Buffer != NULL) { SdbFree(pUnicodeString->Buffer); RtlZeroMemory(pUnicodeString, sizeof(*pUnicodeString)); } } #endif // WIN32A_MODE BOOL SDBAPI SdbGUIDToString( IN GUID* pGuid, OUT LPTSTR pszGuid, IN DWORD cchSize ) { HRESULT hr; hr = StringCchPrintf(pszGuid, cchSize, g_szGuidFormat, pGuid->Data1, pGuid->Data2, pGuid->Data3, pGuid->Data4[0], pGuid->Data4[1], pGuid->Data4[2], pGuid->Data4[3], pGuid->Data4[4], pGuid->Data4[5], pGuid->Data4[6], pGuid->Data4[7]); if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }