; ; Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation ; LIBRARY GDIEXTS EXPORTS batch blendobj bltinfo brush brushobj ca cache clipobj cr dblt dca dcl dclist ddc dddglobal dddlocal dddsurface ddib devft devmodea devmodew dfloat dgdev dh dddh dhelf dht dddht difi dispcache dldev dpbrush dpdev dpeb dpo dppal dpso dr dstro dt dumphmgr dumpdd dumpobj dumpobjr dumpddobj ebrush efloat elf epathobj fdm ffv fh floatl fo fv gb gdata gdf gp gs hb hdc helf help hpfe ifi lineattrs matrix mx pageinsurfs pageinsurface palette path pathobj pdev pfe pff pft pubft pvtft region reinit rgnlog semorder session spoolfind spoolsum spoolused sprite spritestate sprocess stats stro surface surflist surfobj svtop tm tmwi trace tstats verbose verifier vsurf w32p w32t walklist wndobj xlate xlateobj xo ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; these are the extension service functions provided for the debugger ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- DebugExtensionSetClient DebugExtensionInitialize DebugExtensionNotify DebugExtensionUninitialize