/***************************************************************************** * * fonts - Entry points for Win32 to Win 16 converter * * Date: 7/1/91 * Author: Jeffrey Newman (c-jeffn) * * Copyright 1991 Microsoft Corp *****************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop /*************************************************************************** * ExtCreateFont - Win32 to Win16 Metafile Converter Entry Point **************************************************************************/ BOOL WINAPI DoExtCreateFont ( PLOCALDC pLocalDC, INT ihFont, PLOGFONTW plfw ) { BOOL b ; INT ihW16 ; WIN16LOGFONT Win16LogFont; b = FALSE; // Create a win16 logfont(a) Win16LogFont.lfHeight = (SHORT) iMagnitudeXform(pLocalDC, plfw->lfHeight, CY_MAG); if (plfw->lfHeight < 0) // preserve sign Win16LogFont.lfHeight = -Win16LogFont.lfHeight; Win16LogFont.lfWidth = (SHORT) iMagnitudeXform(pLocalDC, plfw->lfWidth, CX_MAG); if (plfw->lfWidth < 0) // preserve sign Win16LogFont.lfWidth = -Win16LogFont.lfWidth; Win16LogFont.lfEscapement = (SHORT) plfw->lfEscapement; Win16LogFont.lfOrientation = (SHORT) plfw->lfOrientation; Win16LogFont.lfWeight = (SHORT) plfw->lfWeight; Win16LogFont.lfItalic = plfw->lfItalic; Win16LogFont.lfUnderline = plfw->lfUnderline; Win16LogFont.lfStrikeOut = plfw->lfStrikeOut; Win16LogFont.lfCharSet = plfw->lfCharSet; Win16LogFont.lfOutPrecision = plfw->lfOutPrecision; Win16LogFont.lfClipPrecision = plfw->lfClipPrecision; Win16LogFont.lfQuality = plfw->lfQuality; Win16LogFont.lfPitchAndFamily = plfw->lfPitchAndFamily; vUnicodeToAnsi((PCHAR) Win16LogFont.lfFaceName, (PWCH) plfw->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE); // Allocate the W16 handle. ihW16 = iAllocateW16Handle(pLocalDC, ihFont, REALIZED_FONT) ; if (ihW16 == -1) goto error_exit ; // Create the w32 font and store it in the w16 slot table. // This font is needed by the helper DC for TextOut simulations. pLocalDC->pW16ObjHndlSlotStatus[ihW16].w32Handle = CreateFontIndirectW(plfw); ASSERTGDI(pLocalDC->pW16ObjHndlSlotStatus[ihW16].w32Handle != 0, "MF3216: CreateFontIndirectW failed"); // Emit the Win16 CreateFont metafile record. b = bEmitWin16CreateFontIndirect(pLocalDC, &Win16LogFont); error_exit: return(b); } /*************************************************************************** * SetMapperFlags - Win32 to Win16 Metafile Converter Entry Point **************************************************************************/ BOOL WINAPI DoSetMapperFlags ( PLOCALDC pLocalDC, DWORD f ) { BOOL b ; // Do it to the helper DC. SetMapperFlags(pLocalDC->hdcHelper, (DWORD) f); // Emit the Win16 metafile drawing order. b = bEmitWin16SetMapperFlags(pLocalDC, f) ; return(b) ; }