/**************************************************************************\ * Module Name: immhotky.c (user32 side IME hotkey handling) * * Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation * * IME hot key management routines for imm32 dll * * History: * 03-Jan-1996 hiroyama Created \**************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop typedef struct tagFE_KEYBOARDS { BOOLEAN fJPN : 1; BOOLEAN fCHT : 1; BOOLEAN fCHS : 1; BOOLEAN fKOR : 1; } FE_KEYBOARDS; // // internal functions // BOOL CliSaveImeHotKey(DWORD dwID, UINT uModifiers, UINT uVKey, HKL hkl, BOOL fDelete); BOOL CliImmSetHotKeyWorker(DWORD dwID, UINT uModifiers, UINT uVKey, HKL hkl, DWORD dwAction); VOID NumToHexAscii(DWORD, PTSTR); BOOL CliGetImeHotKeysFromRegistry(void); BOOL CliSetSingleHotKey(PKEY_BASIC_INFORMATION pKeyInfo, HANDLE hKey); VOID CliSetDefaultImeHotKeys(PCIMEHOTKEY ph, INT num, BOOL fCheckExistingHotKey); VOID CliGetPreloadKeyboardLayouts(FE_KEYBOARDS* pFeKbds); // // IMM hotkey related registry keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER // CONST TCHAR *szaRegImmHotKeys[] = { TEXT("Control Panel"), TEXT("Input Method"), TEXT("Hot Keys"), NULL }; CONST TCHAR szRegImeHotKey[] = TEXT("Control Panel\\Input Method\\Hot Keys"); CONST TCHAR szRegKeyboardPreload[] = TEXT("Keyboard Layout\\Preload"); CONST TCHAR szRegVK[] = TEXT("Virtual Key"); CONST TCHAR szRegMOD[] = TEXT("Key Modifiers"); CONST TCHAR szRegHKL[] = TEXT("Target IME"); // // Default IME HotKey Tables // // CR:takaok - move this to the resource if you have time // CONST IMEHOTKEY DefaultHotKeyTableJ[]= { {IME_JHOTKEY_CLOSE_OPEN, VK_KANJI, MOD_IGNORE_ALL_MODIFIER, NULL} }; CONST INT DefaultHotKeyNumJ = sizeof(DefaultHotKeyTableJ) / sizeof(IMEHOTKEY); CONST IMEHOTKEY DefaultHotKeyTableT[] = { { IME_THOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE, VK_SPACE, MOD_BOTH_SIDES|MOD_CONTROL, NULL }, { IME_THOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE, VK_SPACE, MOD_BOTH_SIDES|MOD_SHIFT, NULL } }; CONST INT DefaultHotKeyNumT = sizeof(DefaultHotKeyTableT) / sizeof(IMEHOTKEY); CONST IMEHOTKEY DefaultHotKeyTableC[] = { { IME_CHOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE, VK_SPACE, MOD_BOTH_SIDES|MOD_CONTROL, NULL }, { IME_CHOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE, VK_SPACE, MOD_BOTH_SIDES|MOD_SHIFT, NULL } }; CONST INT DefaultHotKeyNumC = sizeof(DefaultHotKeyTableC) / sizeof(IMEHOTKEY); #if 0 // just FYI. CONST IMEHOTKEY DefaultHotKeyTableK[] = { { IME_KHOTKEY_ENGLISH, VK_HANGEUL, MOD_IGNORE_ALL_MODIFIER, NULL }, { IME_KHOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE, VK_JUNJA, MOD_IGNORE_ALL_MODIFIER, NULL }, { IME_KHOTKEY_HANJACONVERT, VK_HANJA, MOD_IGNORE_ALL_MODIFIER, NULL } }; CONST INT DefaultHotKeyNumK = sizeof(DefaultHotKeyTableK) / sizeof(IMEHOTKEY); #endif // // Set language flags. // VOID SetFeKeyboardFlags(LANGID langid, FE_KEYBOARDS* pFeKbds) { switch (langid) { case MAKELANGID(LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL): case MAKELANGID(LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_HONGKONG): pFeKbds->fCHT = TRUE; break; case MAKELANGID(LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED): case MAKELANGID(LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_SINGAPORE): pFeKbds->fCHS = TRUE; break; case MAKELANGID(LANG_JAPANESE, SUBLANG_DEFAULT): pFeKbds->fJPN = TRUE; break; case MAKELANGID(LANG_KOREAN, SUBLANG_DEFAULT): pFeKbds->fKOR = TRUE; break; } } /***************************************************************************\ * ImmInitializeHotkeys() * * Called from user\client\UpdatePerUserSystemParameters() * * Read the User registry and set the IME hotkey. * * History: * 25-Mar-1996 TakaoK Created \***************************************************************************/ VOID CliImmInitializeHotKeys(DWORD dwAction, HKL hkl) { FE_KEYBOARDS feKbds = { 0, 0, 0, 0, }; BOOL fFoundAny; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hkl); // First, initialize the hotkey list CliImmSetHotKeyWorker(0, 0, 0, NULL, ISHK_INITIALIZE); // Check if the user has customized IME hotkeys // (they're stored in the registry) fFoundAny = CliGetImeHotKeysFromRegistry(); if (dwAction == ISHK_INITIALIZE) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_IMM, "Setting IME HotKeys for Init.\n"); // Get the user's default locale and set its flag SetFeKeyboardFlags(LANGIDFROMLCID(GetUserDefaultLCID()), &feKbds); // Get preloaded keyboards' locales and set their flags CliGetPreloadKeyboardLayouts(&feKbds); } else { UINT i; UINT nLayouts; LPHKL lphkl; TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_IMM, "Setting IME HotKeys for Add.\n"); nLayouts = NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutList(0, NULL); if (nLayouts == 0) { return; } lphkl = UserLocalAlloc(0, nLayouts * sizeof(HKL)); if (lphkl == NULL) { return; } NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutList(nLayouts, lphkl); for (i = 0; i < nLayouts; ++i) { // // Set language flags. By its definition, LOWORD(hkl) is LANGID // SetFeKeyboardFlags(LOWORD(HandleToUlong(lphkl[i])), &feKbds); } UserLocalFree(lphkl); } if (feKbds.fJPN) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_IMM, "JPN KL Preloaded.\n"); CliSetDefaultImeHotKeys(DefaultHotKeyTableJ, DefaultHotKeyNumJ, fFoundAny); } if (feKbds.fKOR) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_IMM, "KOR KL Preloaded, but KOR hotkeys will not be registered.\n"); } if (feKbds.fCHT) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_IMM, "CHT KL Preloaded.\n"); CliSetDefaultImeHotKeys(DefaultHotKeyTableT, DefaultHotKeyNumT, fFoundAny); } if (feKbds.fCHS) { TAGMSG0(DBGTAG_IMM, "CHS KL Preloaded.\n"); CliSetDefaultImeHotKeys(DefaultHotKeyTableC, DefaultHotKeyNumC, fFoundAny); } } VOID CliSetDefaultImeHotKeys(PCIMEHOTKEY ph, INT num, BOOL fNeedToCheckExistingHotKey) { IMEHOTKEY hkt; while( num-- > 0 ) { // // Set IME hotkey only if there is no such // hotkey in the registry // if (!fNeedToCheckExistingHotKey || !NtUserGetImeHotKey(ph->dwHotKeyID, &hkt.uModifiers, &hkt.uVKey, &hkt.hKL)) { CliImmSetHotKeyWorker(ph->dwHotKeyID, ph->uModifiers, ph->uVKey, ph->hKL, ISHK_ADD); } ph++; } } /***************************************************************************\ * CliGetPreloadKeyboardLayouts() * * Read the User registry and enumerate values in Keyboard Layouts\Preload * to see which FE languages are to be preloaded. * * History: * 03-Dec-1997 Hiroyama Created \***************************************************************************/ VOID CliGetPreloadKeyboardLayouts(FE_KEYBOARDS* pFeKbds) { UINT i; WCHAR szPreLoadee[4]; // up to 999 preloads WCHAR lpszName[KL_NAMELENGTH]; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; HKL hkl; for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++) { wsprintf(szPreLoadee, L"%d", i); if ((GetPrivateProfileStringW( L"Preload", szPreLoadee, L"", // default = NULL lpszName, // output buffer KL_NAMELENGTH, L"keyboardlayout.ini") == -1 ) || (*lpszName == L'\0')) { break; } RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, lpszName); RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&UnicodeString, 16L, (PULONG)&hkl); RIPMSG2(RIP_VERBOSE, "PreLoaded HKL(%d): %08X\n", i, hkl); // // Set language flags. By its definition, LOWORD(hkl) is LANGID // SetFeKeyboardFlags(LOWORD(HandleToUlong(hkl)), pFeKbds); } } BOOL CliGetImeHotKeysFromRegistry() { BOOL fFoundAny = FALSE; HANDLE hCurrentUserKey; HANDLE hKeyHotKeys; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; UNICODE_STRING SubKeyName; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG uIndex; // // Open the current user registry key // Status = RtlOpenCurrentUser(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &hCurrentUserKey); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return fFoundAny; } RtlInitUnicodeString( &SubKeyName, szRegImeHotKey ); InitializeObjectAttributes( &Obja, &SubKeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, hCurrentUserKey, NULL); Status = NtOpenKey( &hKeyHotKeys, KEY_READ, &Obja ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { NtClose( hCurrentUserKey ); return fFoundAny; } for (uIndex = 0; TRUE; uIndex++) { BYTE KeyBuffer[sizeof(KEY_BASIC_INFORMATION) + 16 * sizeof(WCHAR)]; PKEY_BASIC_INFORMATION pKeyInfo; ULONG ResultLength; pKeyInfo = (PKEY_BASIC_INFORMATION)KeyBuffer; Status = NtEnumerateKey(hKeyHotKeys, uIndex, KeyBasicInformation, pKeyInfo, sizeof( KeyBuffer ), &ResultLength ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (CliSetSingleHotKey(pKeyInfo, hKeyHotKeys)) { fFoundAny = TRUE; } } else if (Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) { break; } } NtClose(hKeyHotKeys); NtClose(hCurrentUserKey); return fFoundAny; } DWORD CliReadRegistryValue(HANDLE hKey, PCWSTR pName) { BYTE ValueBuffer[sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION) + 16 * sizeof(UCHAR)]; PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION pKeyValue; UNICODE_STRING ValueName; ULONG ResultLength; NTSTATUS Status; pKeyValue = (PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION)ValueBuffer; RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, pName); Status = NtQueryValueKey(hKey, &ValueName, KeyValuePartialInformation, pKeyValue, sizeof(ValueBuffer), &ResultLength ); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && pKeyValue->DataLength > 3) { // // In Win95 registry, these items are written as BYTE data... // return (DWORD)(MAKEWORD( pKeyValue->Data[0], pKeyValue->Data[1])) | (((DWORD)(MAKEWORD( pKeyValue->Data[2], pKeyValue->Data[3]))) << 16); } return 0; } BOOL CliSetSingleHotKey(PKEY_BASIC_INFORMATION pKeyInfo, HANDLE hKey) { UNICODE_STRING SubKeyName; HANDLE hKeySingleHotKey; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; DWORD dwID = 0; UINT uVKey = 0; UINT uModifiers = 0; HKL hKL = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; SubKeyName.Buffer = (PWSTR)&(pKeyInfo->Name[0]); SubKeyName.Length = (USHORT)pKeyInfo->NameLength; SubKeyName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)pKeyInfo->NameLength; InitializeObjectAttributes(&Obja, &SubKeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, hKey, NULL); Status = NtOpenKey(&hKeySingleHotKey, KEY_READ, &Obja); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return FALSE; } RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&SubKeyName, 16L, &dwID); uVKey = CliReadRegistryValue(hKeySingleHotKey, szRegVK); uModifiers = CliReadRegistryValue(hKeySingleHotKey, szRegMOD); hKL = (HKL)LongToHandle( CliReadRegistryValue(hKeySingleHotKey, szRegHKL) ); NtClose(hKeySingleHotKey); return CliImmSetHotKeyWorker(dwID, uModifiers, uVKey, hKL, ISHK_ADD); } /***************************************************************************\ * ImmSetHotKey() * * Private API for IMEs and the control panel. * * History: * 25-Mar-1996 TakaoK Created \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG4(LOG_GENERAL, BOOL, WINAPI, CliImmSetHotKey, DWORD, dwID, UINT, uModifiers, UINT, uVKey, HKL, hkl) BOOL WINAPI CliImmSetHotKey( DWORD dwID, UINT uModifiers, UINT uVKey, HKL hkl) { BOOL fResult; BOOL fTmp; BOOL fDelete = (uVKey == 0 ); if (fDelete) { // // Removing an IME hotkey from the list in the kernel side // should not be failed, if we succeed to remove the IME // hotkey entry from the registry. Therefore CliSaveImeHotKey // is called first. // fResult = CliSaveImeHotKey( dwID, uModifiers, uVKey, hkl, fDelete ); if (fResult) { fTmp = CliImmSetHotKeyWorker( dwID, uModifiers, uVKey, hkl, ISHK_REMOVE ); UserAssert(fTmp); } } else { // // CliImmSetHotKeyWorker should be called first since // adding an IME hotkey into the list in the kernel side // will be failed in various reasons. // fResult = CliImmSetHotKeyWorker(dwID, uModifiers, uVKey, hkl, ISHK_ADD); if (fResult) { fResult = CliSaveImeHotKey(dwID, uModifiers, uVKey, hkl, fDelete); if (!fResult) { // // We failed to save the hotkey to the registry. // We need to remove the entry from the IME hotkey // list in the kernel side. // fTmp = CliImmSetHotKeyWorker(dwID, uModifiers, uVKey, hkl, ISHK_REMOVE); UserAssert(fTmp); } } } return fResult; } /***************************************************************************\ * CliSaveImeHotKey() * * Put/Remove the specified IME hotkey entry from the registry * * History: * 25-Mar-1996 TakaoK Created \***************************************************************************/ BOOL CliSaveImeHotKey(DWORD id, UINT mod, UINT vk, HKL hkl, BOOL fDelete) { HKEY hKey, hKeyParent; INT i; LONG lResult; TCHAR szHex[16]; if (fDelete) { TCHAR szRegTmp[(sizeof(szRegImeHotKey) / sizeof(TCHAR) + 1 + 8 + 1)]; lstrcpy(szRegTmp, szRegImeHotKey); lstrcat(szRegTmp, TEXT("\\")); NumToHexAscii(id, szHex); lstrcat(szRegTmp, szHex); lResult = RegDeleteKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szRegTmp); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RIPERR1(lResult, RIP_WARNING, "CliSaveImeHotKey: deleting %s failed", szRegTmp); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } hKeyParent = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; for (i = 0; szaRegImmHotKeys[i] != NULL; i++) { lResult = RegCreateKeyExW(hKeyParent, szaRegImmHotKeys[i], 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE|KEY_READ, NULL, &hKey, NULL ); RegCloseKey(hKeyParent); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { hKeyParent = hKey; } else { RIPERR1(lResult, RIP_WARNING, "CliSaveImeHotKey: creating %s failed", szaRegImmHotKeys[i]); return FALSE; } } NumToHexAscii(id, szHex); lResult = RegCreateKeyExW(hKeyParent, szHex, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE|KEY_READ, NULL, &hKey, NULL ); RegCloseKey(hKeyParent); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RIPERR1(lResult, RIP_WARNING, "CliSaveImeHotKey: creating %s failed", szHex ); return FALSE; } lResult = RegSetValueExW(hKey, szRegVK, 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&vk, sizeof(DWORD)); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); CliSaveImeHotKey(id, vk, mod, hkl, TRUE); RIPERR1( lResult, RIP_WARNING, "SaveImeHotKey:setting value on %s failed", szRegVK ); return ( FALSE ); } lResult = RegSetValueExW(hKey, szRegMOD, 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&mod, sizeof(DWORD)); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); CliSaveImeHotKey(id, vk, mod, hkl, TRUE); RIPERR1(lResult, RIP_WARNING, "CliSaveImeHotKey: setting value on %s failed", szRegMOD); return FALSE; } lResult = RegSetValueExW(hKey, szRegHKL, 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&hkl, sizeof(DWORD)); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKey); CliSaveImeHotKey(id, vk, mod, hkl, TRUE); RIPERR1(lResult, RIP_WARNING, "CliSaveImeHotKey: setting value on %s failed", szRegHKL); return FALSE; } RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; } BOOL CliImmSetHotKeyWorker( DWORD dwID, UINT uModifiers, UINT uVKey, HKL hkl, DWORD dwAction) { // // if we're adding an IME hotkey entry, let's check // the parameters before calling the kernel side code // if (dwAction == ISHK_ADD) { if (dwID >= IME_HOTKEY_DSWITCH_FIRST && dwID <= IME_HOTKEY_DSWITCH_LAST) { // // IME direct switching hot key - switch to // the keyboard layout specified. // We need to specify keyboard layout. // if (hkl == NULL) { RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_WARNING, "hkl should be specified"); return FALSE; } } else { // // normal hot keys - change the mode of current iME // // Because it should be effective in all IME no matter // which IME is active we should not specify a target IME // if (hkl != NULL) { RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_WARNING, "hkl shouldn't be specified"); return FALSE; } if (dwID >= IME_KHOTKEY_FIRST && dwID <= IME_KHOTKEY_LAST) { RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_WARNING, "Hotkey for Korean IMEs are invalid."); return FALSE; } } if (uModifiers & MOD_MODIFY_KEYS) { // // Because normal keyboard has left and right key for // these keys, you should specify left or right ( or both ) // if ((uModifiers & MOD_BOTH_SIDES) == 0) { RIPERR3(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_WARNING, "invalid modifiers %x for id %x vKey %x", uModifiers, dwID, uVKey); return FALSE; } } #if 0 // Skip this check for now // // It doesn't make sense if vkey is same as modifiers // if ( ((uModifiers & MOD_ALT) && (uVKey == VK_MENU)) || ((uModifiers & MOD_CONTROL) && (uVKey == VK_CONTROL)) || ((uModifiers & MOD_SHIFT) && (uVKey == VK_SHIFT)) || ((uModifiers & MOD_WIN) && ((uVKey == VK_LWIN)||(uVKey == VK_RWIN))) ) { RIPERR0( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_WARNING, "vkey and modifiers are same"); return FALSE; } #endif } return NtUserSetImeHotKey(dwID, uModifiers, uVKey, hkl, dwAction); } // // NumToHexAscii // // convert a DWORD into the hex string // (e.g. 0x31 -> "00000031") // // 29-Jan-1996 takaok ported from Win95. // static CONST TCHAR szHexString[] = TEXT("0123456789ABCDEF"); VOID NumToHexAscii( DWORD dwNum, PWSTR szAscii) { int i; for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { szAscii[i] = szHexString[dwNum & 0x0000000f]; dwNum >>= 4; } szAscii[8] = TEXT('\0'); return; }