/***************************************************************************\ * * LBOXCTL2.C - * * Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation * * List box handling routines * * 18-Dec-1990 ianja Ported from Win 3.0 sources * 14-Feb-1991 mikeke Added Revalidation code \***************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #define LB_KEYDOWN WM_USER+1 #define NOMODIFIER 0 /* No modifier is down */ #define SHIFTDOWN 1 /* Shift alone */ #define CTLDOWN 2 /* Ctl alone */ #define SHCTLDOWN (SHIFTDOWN + CTLDOWN) /* Ctrl + Shift */ /* * Variables for incremental type search support */ #define MAX_TYPESEARCH 256 BOOL LBGetDC(PLBIV plb); void LBReleaseDC(PLBIV plb); /***************************************************************************\ * * LBInvalidateRect() * * If the listbox is visible, invalidates a rectangle in the listbox. * If the listbox is not visible, sets the defer update flag for the listbox * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL xxxLBInvalidateRect(PLBIV plb, LPRECT lprc, BOOL fErase) { CheckLock(plb->spwnd); if (IsLBoxVisible(plb)) { NtUserInvalidateRect(HWq(plb->spwnd), lprc, fErase); return(TRUE); } if (!plb->fRedraw) plb->fDeferUpdate = TRUE; return(FALSE); } /***************************************************************************\ * * LBGetBrush() * * Gets background brush & colors for listbox. * \***************************************************************************/ HBRUSH xxxLBGetBrush(PLBIV plb, HBRUSH *phbrOld) { HBRUSH hbr; HBRUSH hbrOld; TL tlpwndParent; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); SetBkMode(plb->hdc, OPAQUE); // // Get brush & colors // if ((plb->spwnd->spwndParent == NULL) || (REBASEPWND(plb->spwnd, spwndParent) == _GetDesktopWindow())) { ThreadLock(plb->spwndParent, &tlpwndParent); hbr = GetControlColor(HW(plb->spwndParent), HWq(plb->spwnd), plb->hdc, WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndParent); } else hbr = GetControlBrush(HWq(plb->spwnd), plb->hdc, WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX); // // Select brush into dc // if (hbr != NULL) { hbrOld = SelectObject(plb->hdc, hbr); if (phbrOld) *phbrOld = hbrOld; } return(hbr); } /***************************************************************************\ * * LBInitDC() * * Initializes dc for listbox * \***************************************************************************/ void LBInitDC(PLBIV plb) { RECT rc; // Set font if (plb->hFont) SelectObject(plb->hdc, plb->hFont); // Set clipping area _GetClientRect(plb->spwnd, &rc); IntersectClipRect(plb->hdc, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom); OffsetWindowOrgEx(plb->hdc, plb->xOrigin, 0, NULL); } /***************************************************************************\ * LBGetDC * * Returns a DC which can be used by a list box even if parentDC is in effect * * History: \***************************************************************************/ BOOL LBGetDC( PLBIV plb) { if (plb->hdc) return(FALSE); plb->hdc = NtUserGetDC(HWq(plb->spwnd)); LBInitDC(plb); return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************\ * * LBTermDC() * * Cleans up when done with listbox dc. * \***************************************************************************/ void LBTermDC(PLBIV plb) { if (plb->hFont) SelectObject(plb->hdc, ghFontSys); } /***************************************************************************\ * LBReleaseDC * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void LBReleaseDC( PLBIV plb) { LBTermDC(plb); NtUserReleaseDC(HWq(plb->spwnd), plb->hdc); plb->hdc = NULL; } /***************************************************************************\ * LBGetItemRect * * Return the rectangle that the item will be drawn in with respect to the * listbox window. Returns TRUE if any portion of the item's rectangle * is visible (ie. in the listbox client rect) else returns FALSE. * * History: \***************************************************************************/ BOOL LBGetItemRect( PLBIV plb, INT sItem, LPRECT lprc) { INT sTmp; int clientbottom; /* * Always allow an item number of 0 so that we can draw the caret which * indicates the listbox has the focus even though it is empty. * FreeHand 3.1 passes in -1 as the itemNumber and expects * a non-null rectangle. So we check for -1 specifically. * BUGTAG: Fix for Bug #540 --Win95B-- SANKAR -- 2/20/95 -- */ if (sItem && (sItem != -1) && ((UINT)sItem >= (UINT)plb->cMac)) { SetRectEmpty(lprc); RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX, RIP_VERBOSE, ""); return (LB_ERR); } _GetClientRect(plb->spwnd, lprc); if (plb->fMultiColumn) { /* * itemHeight * sItem mod number ItemsPerColumn (itemsPerColumn) */ lprc->top = plb->cyChar * (sItem % plb->itemsPerColumn); lprc->bottom = lprc->top + plb->cyChar /*+(plb->OwnerDraw ? 0 : 1)*/; UserAssert(plb->itemsPerColumn); if (plb->fRightAlign) { lprc->right = lprc->right - plb->cxColumn * ((sItem / plb->itemsPerColumn) - (plb->iTop / plb->itemsPerColumn)); lprc->left = lprc->right - plb->cxColumn; } else { /* * Remember, this is integer division here... */ lprc->left += plb->cxColumn * ((sItem / plb->itemsPerColumn) - (plb->iTop / plb->itemsPerColumn)); lprc->right = lprc->left + plb->cxColumn; } } else if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { /* * Var height owner draw */ lprc->right += plb->xOrigin; clientbottom = lprc->bottom; if (sItem >= plb->iTop) { for (sTmp = plb->iTop; sTmp < sItem; sTmp++) { lprc->top = lprc->top + LBGetVariableHeightItemHeight(plb, sTmp); } /* * If item number is 0, it may be we are asking for the rect * associated with a nonexistant item so that we can draw a caret * indicating focus on an empty listbox. */ lprc->bottom = lprc->top + (sItem < plb->cMac ? LBGetVariableHeightItemHeight(plb, sItem) : plb->cyChar); return (lprc->top < clientbottom); } else { /* * Item we want the rect of is before plb->iTop. Thus, negative * offsets for the rect and it is never visible. */ for (sTmp = sItem; sTmp < plb->iTop; sTmp++) { lprc->top = lprc->top - LBGetVariableHeightItemHeight(plb, sTmp); } lprc->bottom = lprc->top + LBGetVariableHeightItemHeight(plb, sItem); return FALSE; } } else { /* * For fixed height listboxes */ if (plb->fRightAlign && !(plb->fMultiColumn || plb->OwnerDraw) && plb->fHorzBar) lprc->right += plb->xOrigin + (plb->xRightOrigin - plb->xOrigin); else lprc->right += plb->xOrigin; lprc->top = (sItem - plb->iTop) * plb->cyChar; lprc->bottom = lprc->top + plb->cyChar; } return (sItem >= plb->iTop) && (sItem < (plb->iTop + CItemInWindow(plb, TRUE))); } /***************************************************************************\ * * LBPrintCallback * * Called back from DrawState() * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL CALLBACK LBPrintCallback( HDC hdc, LPARAM lData, WPARAM wData, int cx, int cy) { LPWSTR lpstr = (LPWSTR)lData; PLBIV plb = (PLBIV)wData; int xStart; UINT cLen; RECT rc; UINT oldAlign; if (!lpstr) { return FALSE; } if (plb->fMultiColumn) xStart = 0; else xStart = 2; if (plb->fRightAlign) { oldAlign = SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_RIGHT | GetTextAlign(hdc)); xStart = cx - xStart; } cLen = wcslen(lpstr); if (plb->fUseTabStops) { TabTextOut(hdc, xStart, 0, lpstr, cLen, (plb->iTabPixelPositions ? plb->iTabPixelPositions[0] : 0), (plb->iTabPixelPositions ? (LPINT)&plb->iTabPixelPositions[1] : NULL), plb->fRightAlign ? cx : 0, TRUE, GetTextCharset(plb->hdc)); } else { rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0; rc.right = cx; rc.bottom = cy; if (plb->wMultiple) ExtTextOut(hdc, xStart, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, lpstr, cLen, NULL); else if (plb->fMultiColumn) ExtTextOut(hdc, xStart, 0, ETO_CLIPPED, &rc, lpstr, cLen, NULL); else { ExtTextOut(hdc, xStart, 0, 0, NULL, lpstr, cLen, NULL); /* * When the listbox is in the incremental search mode and the item * is highlighted (so we only draw in the current item), draw the * caret for search indication. */ if ((plb->iTypeSearch != 0) && (plb->OwnerDraw == 0) && (GetBkColor(hdc) == SYSRGB(HIGHLIGHT))) { SIZE size; GetTextExtentPointW(hdc, lpstr, plb->iTypeSearch, &size); PatBlt(hdc, xStart + size.cx - 1, 1, 1, cy - 2, DSTINVERT); } } } if (plb->fRightAlign) SetTextAlign(hdc, oldAlign); return(TRUE); } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLBDrawLBItem * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxLBDrawLBItem( PLBIV plb, INT sItem, LPRECT lprect, BOOL fHilite, HBRUSH hbr) { LPWSTR lpstr; DWORD rgbSave; DWORD rgbBkSave; UINT uFlags; HDC hdc = plb->hdc; UINT oldAlign; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); /* * If the item is selected, then fill with highlight color */ if (fHilite) { FillRect(hdc, lprect, SYSHBR(HIGHLIGHT)); rgbBkSave = SetBkColor(hdc, SYSRGB(HIGHLIGHT)); rgbSave = SetTextColor(hdc, SYSRGB(HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); } else { /* * If fUseTabStops, we must fill the background, because later we use * LBTabTheTextOutForWimps(), which fills the background only partially * Fix for Bug #1509 -- 01/25/91 -- SANKAR -- */ if ((hbr != NULL) && ((sItem == plb->iSelBase) || (plb->fUseTabStops))) { FillRect(hdc, lprect, hbr); } } uFlags = DST_COMPLEX; lpstr = GetLpszItem(plb, sItem); if (TestWF(plb->spwnd, WFDISABLED)) { if ((COLORREF)SYSRGB(GRAYTEXT) != GetBkColor(hdc)) SetTextColor(hdc, SYSRGB(GRAYTEXT)); else uFlags |= DSS_UNION; } if (plb->fRightAlign) uFlags |= DSS_RIGHT; if (plb->fRtoLReading) oldAlign = SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_RTLREADING | GetTextAlign(hdc)); DrawState(hdc, SYSHBR(WINDOWTEXT), LBPrintCallback, (LPARAM)lpstr, (WPARAM)plb, lprect->left, lprect->top, lprect->right-lprect->left, lprect->bottom-lprect->top, uFlags); if (plb->fRtoLReading) SetTextAlign(hdc, oldAlign); if (fHilite) { SetTextColor(hdc, rgbSave); SetBkColor(hdc, rgbBkSave); } } /***************************************************************************\ * * LBSetCaret() * \***************************************************************************/ void xxxLBSetCaret(PLBIV plb, BOOL fSetCaret) { RECT rc; BOOL fNewDC; if (plb->fCaret && ((BOOL) plb->fCaretOn != !!fSetCaret)) { if (IsLBoxVisible(plb)) { /* Turn the caret (located at plb->iSelBase) on */ fNewDC = LBGetDC(plb); LBGetItemRect(plb, plb->iSelBase, &rc); if (fNewDC) { SetBkColor(plb->hdc, SYSRGB(WINDOW)); SetTextColor(plb->hdc, SYSRGB(WINDOWTEXT)); } if (plb->OwnerDraw) { /* Fill in the drawitem struct */ UINT itemState = (fSetCaret) ? ODS_FOCUS : 0; if (IsSelected(plb, plb->iSelBase, HILITEONLY)) itemState |= ODS_SELECTED; xxxLBoxDrawItem(plb, plb->iSelBase, ODA_FOCUS, itemState, &rc); } else if (!TestWF(plb->spwnd, WEFPUIFOCUSHIDDEN)) { COLORREF crBk = SetBkColor(plb->hdc, SYSRGB(WINDOW)); COLORREF crText = SetTextColor(plb->hdc, SYSRGB(WINDOWTEXT)); DrawFocusRect(plb->hdc, &rc); SetBkColor(plb->hdc, crBk); SetTextColor(plb->hdc, crText); } if (fNewDC) LBReleaseDC(plb); } plb->fCaretOn = !!fSetCaret; } } /***************************************************************************\ * IsSelected * * History: * 16-Apr-1992 beng The NODATA listbox case \***************************************************************************/ BOOL IsSelected( PLBIV plb, INT sItem, UINT wOpFlags) { LPBYTE lp; if ((sItem >= plb->cMac) || (sItem < 0)) { RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX, RIP_VERBOSE, ""); // return LB_ERR; return(FALSE); } if (plb->wMultiple == SINGLESEL) { return (sItem == plb->iSel); } lp = plb->rgpch + sItem + (plb->cMac * (plb->fHasStrings ? sizeof(LBItem) : (plb->fHasData ? sizeof(LBODItem) : 0))); sItem = *lp; if (wOpFlags == HILITEONLY) { sItem >>= 4; } else { sItem &= 0x0F; /* SELONLY */ } return sItem; } /***************************************************************************\ * CItemInWindow * * Returns the number of items which can fit in a list box. It * includes the partially visible one at the bottom if fPartial is TRUE. For * var height ownerdraw, return the number of items visible starting at iTop * and going to the bottom of the client rect. * * History: \***************************************************************************/ INT CItemInWindow( PLBIV plb, BOOL fPartial) { RECT rect; if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { return CItemInWindowVarOwnerDraw(plb, fPartial); } if (plb->fMultiColumn) { return plb->itemsPerColumn * (plb->numberOfColumns + (fPartial ? 1 : 0)); } _GetClientRect(plb->spwnd, &rect); /* * fPartial must be considered only if the listbox height is not an * integral multiple of character height. * A part of the fix for Bug #3727 -- 01/14/91 -- SANKAR -- */ UserAssert(plb->cyChar); return (INT)((rect.bottom / plb->cyChar) + ((rect.bottom % plb->cyChar)? (fPartial ? 1 : 0) : 0)); } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLBoxCtlScroll * * Handles vertical scrolling of the listbox * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxLBoxCtlScroll( PLBIV plb, INT cmd, int yAmt) { INT iTopNew; INT cItemPageScroll; DWORD dwTime = 0; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); if (plb->fMultiColumn) { /* * Don't allow vertical scrolling on a multicolumn list box. Needed * in case app sends WM_VSCROLL messages to the listbox. */ return; } cItemPageScroll = plb->cItemFullMax; if (cItemPageScroll > 1) cItemPageScroll--; if (plb->cMac) { iTopNew = plb->iTop; switch (cmd) { case SB_LINEUP: dwTime = yAmt; iTopNew--; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: dwTime = yAmt; iTopNew++; break; case SB_PAGEUP: if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { iTopNew = LBPage(plb, plb->iTop, FALSE); } else { iTopNew -= cItemPageScroll; } break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { iTopNew = LBPage(plb, plb->iTop, TRUE); } else { iTopNew += cItemPageScroll; } break; case SB_THUMBTRACK: case SB_THUMBPOSITION: { /* * If the listbox contains more than 0xFFFF items * it means that the scrolbar can return a position * that cannot fit in a WORD (16 bits), so use * GetScrollInfo (which is slower) in this case. */ if (plb->cMac < 0xFFFF) { iTopNew = yAmt; } else { SCROLLINFO si; si.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO); si.fMask = SIF_TRACKPOS; GetScrollInfo( HWq(plb->spwnd), SB_VERT, &si); iTopNew = si.nTrackPos; } break; } case SB_TOP: iTopNew = 0; break; case SB_BOTTOM: iTopNew = plb->cMac - 1; break; case SB_ENDSCROLL: plb->fSmoothScroll = TRUE; xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(plb); xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); return; } xxxNewITopEx(plb, iTopNew, dwTime); } } /***************************************************************************\ * LBGetScrollFlags * \***************************************************************************/ DWORD LBGetScrollFlags(PLBIV plb, DWORD dwTime) { DWORD dwFlags; if (GetAppCompatFlags(NULL) & GACF_NOSMOOTHSCROLLING) goto NoSmoothScrolling; if (dwTime != 0) { dwFlags = MAKELONG(SW_SCROLLWINDOW | SW_SMOOTHSCROLL | SW_SCROLLCHILDREN, dwTime); } else if (TEST_EffectPUSIF(PUSIF_LISTBOXSMOOTHSCROLLING) && plb->fSmoothScroll) { dwFlags = SW_SCROLLWINDOW | SW_SMOOTHSCROLL | SW_SCROLLCHILDREN; plb->fSmoothScroll = FALSE; } else { NoSmoothScrolling: dwFlags = SW_SCROLLWINDOW | SW_INVALIDATE | SW_ERASE | SW_SCROLLCHILDREN; } return dwFlags; } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLBoxCtlHScroll * * Supports horizontal scrolling of listboxes * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxLBoxCtlHScroll( PLBIV plb, INT cmd, int xAmt) { int newOrigin = plb->xOrigin; int oldOrigin = plb->xOrigin; int windowWidth; RECT rc; DWORD dwTime = 0; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); /* * Update the window so that we don't run into problems with invalid * regions during the horizontal scroll. */ if (plb->fMultiColumn) { /* * Handle multicolumn scrolling in a separate segment */ xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(plb, cmd, xAmt); return; } _GetClientRect(plb->spwnd, &rc); windowWidth = rc.right; if (plb->cMac) { switch (cmd) { case SB_LINEUP: dwTime = xAmt; newOrigin -= plb->cxChar; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: dwTime = xAmt; newOrigin += plb->cxChar; break; case SB_PAGEUP: newOrigin -= (windowWidth / 3) * 2; break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: newOrigin += (windowWidth / 3) * 2; break; case SB_THUMBTRACK: case SB_THUMBPOSITION: newOrigin = xAmt; break; case SB_TOP: newOrigin = 0; break; case SB_BOTTOM: newOrigin = plb->maxWidth; break; case SB_ENDSCROLL: plb->fSmoothScroll = TRUE; xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(plb); xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); return; } xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); plb->xOrigin = newOrigin; plb->xOrigin = xxxSetLBScrollParms(plb, SB_HORZ); if ((cmd == SB_BOTTOM) && plb->fRightAlign) { /* * so we know where to draw from. */ plb->xRightOrigin = plb->xOrigin; } if(oldOrigin != plb->xOrigin) { HWND hwnd = HWq(plb->spwnd); DWORD dwFlags; dwFlags = LBGetScrollFlags(plb, dwTime); ScrollWindowEx(hwnd, oldOrigin-plb->xOrigin, 0, NULL, &rc, NULL, NULL, dwFlags); UpdateWindow(hwnd); } xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); } else { // this is a less-than-ideal fix for ImageMind ScreenSaver (Win95 // B#8252) but it works and it doesn't hurt anybody -- JEFFBOG 10/28/94 xxxSetLBScrollParms(plb, SB_HORZ); } } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLBoxCtlPaint * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxLBPaint( PLBIV plb, HDC hdc, LPRECT lprcBounds) { INT i; RECT rect; RECT scratchRect; BOOL fHilite; INT iLastItem; HBRUSH hbrSave = NULL; HBRUSH hbrControl; BOOL fCaretOn; RECT rcBounds; HDC hdcSave; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); if (lprcBounds == NULL) { lprcBounds = &rcBounds; _GetClientRect(plb->spwnd, lprcBounds); } hdcSave = plb->hdc; plb->hdc = hdc; // Initialize dc. LBInitDC(plb); // Turn caret off if (fCaretOn = plb->fCaretOn) xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); hbrSave = NULL; hbrControl = xxxLBGetBrush(plb, &hbrSave); // Get listbox's client _GetClientRect(plb->spwnd, &rect); // Adjust width of client rect for scrolled amount // fix for #140, t-arthb if (plb->fRightAlign && !(plb->fMultiColumn || plb->OwnerDraw) && plb->fHorzBar) rect.right += plb->xOrigin + (plb->xRightOrigin - plb->xOrigin); else rect.right += plb->xOrigin; // Get the index of the last item visible on the screen. This is also // valid for var height ownerdraw. iLastItem = plb->iTop + CItemInWindow(plb,TRUE); iLastItem = min(iLastItem, plb->cMac - 1); // Fill in the background of the listbox if it's an empty listbox // or if we're doing a control print if (iLastItem == -1) FillRect(plb->hdc, &rect, hbrControl); // Allow AnimateWindow() catch the apps that do not use our DC when // drawing the list box SetBoundsRect(plb->hdc, NULL, DCB_RESET | DCB_ENABLE); for (i = plb->iTop; i <= iLastItem; i++) { /* * Note that rect contains the clientrect from when we did the * _GetClientRect so the width is correct. We just need to adjust * the top and bottom of the rectangle to the item of interest. */ rect.bottom = rect.top + plb->cyChar; if ((UINT)i < (UINT)plb->cMac) { /* * If var height, get the rectangle for the item. */ if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR || plb->fMultiColumn) { LBGetItemRect(plb, i, &rect); } if (IntersectRect(&scratchRect, lprcBounds, &rect)) { fHilite = !plb->fNoSel && IsSelected(plb, i, HILITEONLY); if (plb->OwnerDraw) { /* * Fill in the drawitem struct */ xxxLBoxDrawItem(plb, i, ODA_DRAWENTIRE, (UINT)(fHilite ? ODS_SELECTED : 0), &rect); } else { xxxLBDrawLBItem(plb, i, &rect, fHilite, hbrControl); } } } rect.top = rect.bottom; } if (hbrSave != NULL) SelectObject(hdc, hbrSave); if (fCaretOn) xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); LBTermDC(plb); plb->hdc = hdcSave; } /***************************************************************************\ * ISelFromPt * * In the loword, returns the closest item number the pt is on. The high * word is 0 if the point is within bounds of the listbox client rect and is * 1 if it is outside the bounds. This will allow us to make the invertrect * disappear if the mouse is outside the listbox yet we can still show the * outline around the item that would be selected if the mouse is brought back * in bounds... * * History: \***************************************************************************/ BOOL ISelFromPt( PLBIV plb, POINT pt, LPDWORD piItem) { RECT rect; int y; UINT mouseHighWord = 0; INT sItem; INT sTmp; _GetClientRect(plb->spwnd, &rect); if (pt.y < 0) { /* * Mouse is out of bounds above listbox */ *piItem = plb->iTop; return TRUE; } else if ((y = pt.y) > rect.bottom) { y = rect.bottom; mouseHighWord = 1; } if (pt.x < 0 || pt.x > rect.right) mouseHighWord = 1; /* * Now just need to check if y mouse coordinate intersects item's rectangle */ if (plb->OwnerDraw != OWNERDRAWVAR) { if (plb->fMultiColumn) { if (y < plb->itemsPerColumn * plb->cyChar) { if (plb->fRightAlign) sItem = plb->iTop + (INT)((y / plb->cyChar) + ((rect.right - pt.x) / plb->cxColumn) * plb->itemsPerColumn); else sItem = plb->iTop + (INT)((y / plb->cyChar) + (pt.x / plb->cxColumn) * plb->itemsPerColumn); } else { /* * User clicked in blank space at the bottom of a column. * Just select the last item in the column. */ mouseHighWord = 1; sItem = plb->iTop + (plb->itemsPerColumn - 1) + (INT)((pt.x / plb->cxColumn) * plb->itemsPerColumn); } } else { sItem = plb->iTop + (INT)(y / plb->cyChar); } } else { /* * VarHeightOwnerdraw so we gotta do this the hardway... Set the x * coordinate of the mouse down point to be inside the listbox client * rectangle since we no longer care about it. This lets us use the * point in rect calls. */ pt.x = 8; pt.y = y; for (sTmp = plb->iTop; sTmp < plb->cMac; sTmp++) { (void)LBGetItemRect(plb, sTmp, &rect); if (PtInRect(&rect, pt)) { *piItem = sTmp; return mouseHighWord; } } /* * Point was at the empty area at the bottom of a not full listbox */ *piItem = plb->cMac - 1; return mouseHighWord; } /* * Check if user clicked on the blank area at the bottom of a not full list. * Assumes > 0 items in the listbox. */ if (sItem > plb->cMac - 1) { mouseHighWord = 1; sItem = plb->cMac - 1; } *piItem = sItem; return mouseHighWord; } /***************************************************************************\ * SetSelected * * This is used for button initiated changes of selection state. * * fSelected : TRUE if the item is to be set as selected, FALSE otherwise * * wOpFlags : HILITEONLY = Modify only the Display state (hi-nibble) * SELONLY = Modify only the Selection state (lo-nibble) * HILITEANDSEL = Modify both of them; * * History: * 16-Apr-1992 beng The NODATA listbox case \***************************************************************************/ void SetSelected( PLBIV plb, INT iSel, BOOL fSelected, UINT wOpFlags) { LPSTR lp; BYTE cMask; BYTE cSelStatus; if (iSel < 0 || iSel >= plb->cMac) return; if (plb->wMultiple == SINGLESEL) { if (fSelected) plb->iSel = iSel; } else { cSelStatus = (BYTE)fSelected; switch (wOpFlags) { case HILITEONLY: /* * Mask out lo-nibble */ cSelStatus = (BYTE)(cSelStatus << 4); cMask = 0x0F; break; case SELONLY: /* * Mask out hi-nibble */ cMask = 0xF0; break; case HILITEANDSEL: /* * Mask the byte fully */ cSelStatus |= (cSelStatus << 4); cMask = 0; break; } lp = (LPSTR)(plb->rgpch) + iSel + (plb->cMac * (plb->fHasStrings ? sizeof(LBItem) : (plb->fHasData ? sizeof(LBODItem) : 0))); *lp = (*lp & cMask) | cSelStatus; } } /***************************************************************************\ * LastFullVisible * * Returns the last fully visible item in the listbox. This is valid * for ownerdraw var height and fixed height listboxes. * * History: \***************************************************************************/ INT LastFullVisible( PLBIV plb) { INT iLastItem; if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR || plb->fMultiColumn) { iLastItem = plb->iTop + CItemInWindow(plb, FALSE) - 1; iLastItem = max(iLastItem, plb->iTop); } else { iLastItem = min(plb->iTop + plb->cItemFullMax - 1, plb->cMac - 1); } return iLastItem; } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxInvertLBItem * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxInvertLBItem( PLBIV plb, INT i, BOOL fHilite) /* The new selection state of the item */ { RECT rect; BOOL fCaretOn; HBRUSH hbrControl; BOOL fNewDC; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); // Skip if item isn't showing. if (plb->fNoSel || (i < plb->iTop) || (i >= (plb->iTop + CItemInWindow(plb, TRUE)))) return; if (IsLBoxVisible(plb)) { LBGetItemRect(plb, i, &rect); /* * Only turn off the caret if it is on. This avoids annoying caret * flicker when nesting xxxCaretOns and xxxCaretOffs. */ if (fCaretOn = plb->fCaretOn) { xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); } fNewDC = LBGetDC(plb); hbrControl = xxxLBGetBrush(plb, NULL); if (!plb->OwnerDraw) { if (!fHilite) { FillRect(plb->hdc, &rect, hbrControl); hbrControl = NULL; } xxxLBDrawLBItem(plb, i, &rect, fHilite, hbrControl); } else { /* * We are ownerdraw so fill in the drawitem struct and send off * to the owner. */ xxxLBoxDrawItem(plb, i, ODA_SELECT, (UINT)(fHilite ? ODS_SELECTED : 0), &rect); } if (fNewDC) LBReleaseDC(plb); /* * Turn the caret back on only if it was originally on. */ if (fCaretOn) { xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); } } } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxResetWorld * * Resets everyone's selection and hilite state except items in the * range sStItem to sEndItem (Both inclusive). * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxResetWorld( PLBIV plb, INT iStart, INT iEnd, BOOL fSelect) { INT i; INT iLastInWindow; BOOL fCaretOn; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); /* * If iStart and iEnd are not in correct order we swap them */ if (iStart > iEnd) { i = iStart; iStart = iEnd; iEnd = i; } if (plb->wMultiple == SINGLESEL) { if (plb->iSel != -1 && ((plb->iSel < iStart) || (plb->iSel > iEnd))) { xxxInvertLBItem(plb, plb->iSel, fSelect); plb->iSel = -1; } return; } iLastInWindow = plb->iTop + CItemInWindow(plb, TRUE); if (fCaretOn = plb->fCaretOn) xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); for (i = 0; i < plb->cMac; i++) { if (i == iStart) // skip range to be preserved i = iEnd; else { if ((plb->iTop <= i) && (i <= iLastInWindow) && (fSelect != IsSelected(plb, i, HILITEONLY))) // Only invert the item if it is visible and present Selection // state is different from what is required. xxxInvertLBItem(plb, i, fSelect); // Set all items outside of preserved range to unselected SetSelected(plb, i, fSelect, HILITEANDSEL); } } if (fCaretOn) xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxNotifyOwner * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxNotifyOwner( PLBIV plb, INT sEvt) { TL tlpwndParent; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); ThreadLock(plb->spwndParent, &tlpwndParent); SendMessage(HW(plb->spwndParent), WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(PTR_TO_ID(plb->spwnd->spmenu), sEvt), (LPARAM)HWq(plb->spwnd)); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndParent); } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxSetISelBase * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxSetISelBase( PLBIV plb, INT sItem) { CheckLock(plb->spwnd); xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); plb->iSelBase = sItem; xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); xxxInsureVisible(plb, plb->iSelBase, FALSE); /* * We need to send this event even if the listbox isn't visible. See * bug #88548. Also see 355612. */ if (_IsWindowVisible(plb->spwnd) || (GetFocus() == HWq(plb->spwnd))) { LBEvent(plb, EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, sItem); } } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxTrackMouse * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxTrackMouse( PLBIV plb, UINT wMsg, POINT pt) { INT iSelFromPt; INT iSelTemp; BOOL mousetemp; BOOL fMouseInRect; RECT rcClient; UINT wModifiers = 0; BOOL fSelected; UINT uEvent = 0; INT trackPtRetn; HWND hwnd = HWq(plb->spwnd); TL tlpwndEdit; TL tlpwndParent; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); /* * Optimization: do nothing if mouse not captured */ if ((wMsg != WM_LBUTTONDOWN) && (wMsg != WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK)) { if (!plb->fCaptured) { return; } /* * If we are processing a WM_MOUSEMOVE but the mouse has not moved * from the previous point, then we may be dealing with a mouse * "jiggle" sent from the kernel (see zzzInvalidateDCCache). If we * process this, we will snap the listbox selection back to where * the mouse cursor is pointing, even if the user has not touched * the mouse. Windows NT Bug #220722. * * Some apps (like MSMoney98) rely on this, so we need to check the * SRVIF_LASTRITWASKEYBOARD flag. Windows NT Bug #244450. */ if (wMsg == WM_MOUSEMOVE && RtlEqualMemory(&pt, &(plb->ptPrev), sizeof(POINT)) && TEST_SRVIF(SRVIF_LASTRITWASKEYBOARD)) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "xxxTrackMouse ignoring WM_MOUSEMOVE with no mouse movement"); return; } } mousetemp = ISelFromPt(plb, pt, &iSelFromPt); /* * If we allow the user to cancel his selection then fMouseInRect is true if * the mouse is in the listbox client area otherwise it is false. If we * don't allow the user to cancel his selection, then fMouseInRect will * always be true. This allows us to implement cancelable selection * listboxes ie. The selection reverts to the origional one if the user * releases the mouse outside of the listbox. */ fMouseInRect = !mousetemp || !plb->pcbox; _GetClientRect(plb->spwnd, &rcClient); switch (wMsg) { case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: /* * We want to divert mouse clicks. If the user clicks outside * of a dropped down listbox, we want to popup it up, using * the current selection. */ if (plb->fCaptured) { /* * If plb->pcbox is NULL, this is a listbox that * received a WM_LBUTTONDOWN again w/o receiving * a WM_LBUTTONUP for the previous WM_LBUTTONDOWN * bug */ if (plb->pcbox && mousetemp) { _ClientToScreen(plb->spwnd, &pt); if (!PtInRect(KPRECT_TO_PRECT(&plb->spwnd->rcWindow), pt)) { /* * Cancel selection if clicked outside of combo; * Accept if clicked on combo button or item. */ xxxCBHideListBoxWindow(plb->pcbox, TRUE, FALSE); } else if (!PtInRect(KPRECT_TO_PRECT(&plb->spwnd->rcClient), pt)) { /* * Let it pass through. Save, restore capture in * case user is clicking on scrollbar. */ plb->fCaptured = FALSE; NtUserReleaseCapture(); SendMessageWorker(plb->spwnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, FindNCHit(plb->spwnd, POINTTOPOINTS(pt)), MAKELONG(pt.x, pt.y), FALSE); NtUserSetCapture(hwnd); plb->fCaptured = TRUE; } break; } plb->fCaptured = FALSE; NtUserReleaseCapture(); } if (plb->pcbox) { /* * If this listbox is in a combo box, set the focus to the combo * box window so that the edit control/static text is also * activated */ ThreadLock(plb->pcbox->spwndEdit, &tlpwndEdit); NtUserSetFocus(HWq(plb->pcbox->spwndEdit)); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndEdit); } else { /* * Get the focus if the listbox is clicked in and we don't * already have the focus. If we don't have the focus after * this, run away... */ NtUserSetFocus(hwnd); if (!plb->fCaret) return; } if (plb->fAddSelMode) { /* * If it is in "Add" mode, quit it using shift f8 key... * However, since we can't send shift key state, we have to turn * this off directly... */ /* *SendMessage(HW(plb->spwnd),WM_KEYDOWN, (UINT)VK_F8, 0L); */ /* * Switch off the Caret blinking */ NtUserKillTimer(hwnd, IDSYS_CARET); /* * Make sure the caret does not vanish */ xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); plb->fAddSelMode = FALSE; } if (!plb->cMac) { /* * Don't even bother handling the mouse if no items in the * listbox since the code below assumes >0 items in the * listbox. We will just get the focus (the statement above) if * we don't already have it. */ break; } if (mousetemp) { /* * Mouse down occurred in a empty spot. Just ignore it. */ break; } plb->fDoubleClick = (wMsg == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK); if (!plb->fDoubleClick) { /* * This hack put in for the shell. Tell the shell where in the * listbox the user clicked and at what item number. The shell * can return 0 to continue normal mouse tracking or TRUE to * abort mouse tracking. */ ThreadLock(plb->spwndParent, &tlpwndParent); trackPtRetn = (INT)SendMessage(HW(plb->spwndParent), WM_LBTRACKPOINT, (DWORD)iSelFromPt, MAKELONG(pt.x+plb->xOrigin, pt.y)); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndParent); if (trackPtRetn) { if (trackPtRetn == 2) { /* * Ignore double clicks */ NtUserCallNoParam(SFI__RESETDBLCLK); } return; } } if (plb->pcbox) { /* * Save the last selection if this is a combo box. So that it * can be restored if user decides to cancel the selection by up * clicking outside the listbox. */ plb->iLastSelection = plb->iSel; } /* * Save for timer */ plb->ptPrev = pt; plb->fMouseDown = TRUE; NtUserSetCapture(hwnd); plb->fCaptured = TRUE; if (plb->fDoubleClick) { /* * Double click. Fake a button up and exit */ xxxTrackMouse(plb, WM_LBUTTONUP, pt); return; } /* * Set the system timer so that we can autoscroll if the mouse is * outside the bounds of the listbox rectangle */ NtUserSetTimer(hwnd, IDSYS_SCROLL, gpsi->dtScroll, NULL); /* * If extended multiselection listbox, are any modifier key pressed? */ if (plb->wMultiple == EXTENDEDSEL) { if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) wModifiers = SHIFTDOWN; if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) wModifiers += CTLDOWN; /* * Please Note that (SHIFTDOWN + CTLDOWN) == (SHCTLDOWN) */ } switch (wModifiers) { case NOMODIFIER: MouseMoveHandler: if (plb->iSelBase != iSelFromPt) { xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); } /* * We only look at the mouse if the point it is pointing to is * not selected. Since we are not in ExtendedSelMode, anywhere * the mouse points, we have to set the selection to that item. * Hence, if the item isn't selected, it means the mouse never * pointed to it before so we can select it. We ignore already * selected items so that we avoid flashing the inverted * selection rectangle. Also, we could get WM_SYSTIMER simulated * mouse moves which would cause flashing otherwise... */ iSelTemp = (fMouseInRect ? iSelFromPt : -1); /* * If the LB is either SingleSel or Extended multisel, clear all * old selections except the new one being made. */ if (plb->wMultiple != MULTIPLESEL) { xxxResetWorld(plb, iSelTemp, iSelTemp, FALSE); /* * This will be TRUE if iSelTemp isn't -1 (like below) * and also if it is but there is a current selection. */ if ((iSelTemp == -1) && (plb->iSel != -1)) { uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONREMOVE; } } fSelected = IsSelected(plb, iSelTemp, HILITEONLY); if (iSelTemp != -1) { /* * If it is MULTIPLESEL, then toggle; For others, only if * not selected already, select it. */ if (((plb->wMultiple == MULTIPLESEL) && (wMsg != WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK)) || !fSelected) { SetSelected(plb, iSelTemp, !fSelected, HILITEANDSEL); /* * And invert it */ xxxInvertLBItem(plb, iSelTemp, !fSelected); fSelected = !fSelected; /* Set the new state */ if (plb->wMultiple == MULTIPLESEL) { uEvent = (fSelected ? EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONADD : EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONREMOVE); } else { uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION; } } } /* * We have to set iSel in case this is a multisel lb. */ plb->iSel = iSelTemp; /* * Set the new anchor point */ plb->iMouseDown = iSelFromPt; plb->iLastMouseMove = iSelFromPt; plb->fNewItemState = fSelected; break; case SHIFTDOWN: /* * This is so that we can handle click and drag for multisel * listboxes using Shift modifier key . */ plb->iLastMouseMove = plb->iSel = iSelFromPt; /* * Check if an anchor point already exists */ if (plb->iMouseDown == -1) { plb->iMouseDown = iSelFromPt; /* * Reset all the previous selections */ xxxResetWorld(plb, plb->iMouseDown, plb->iMouseDown, FALSE); /* * Select the current position */ SetSelected(plb, plb->iMouseDown, TRUE, HILITEANDSEL); xxxInvertLBItem(plb, plb->iMouseDown, TRUE); /* * We are changing the selction to this item only */ uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION; } else { /* * Reset all the previous selections */ xxxResetWorld(plb, plb->iMouseDown, plb->iMouseDown, FALSE); /* * Select all items from anchor point upto current click pt */ xxxAlterHilite(plb, plb->iMouseDown, iSelFromPt, HILITE, HILITEONLY, FALSE); uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONWITHIN; } plb->fNewItemState = (UINT)TRUE; break; case CTLDOWN: /* * This is so that we can handle click and drag for multisel * listboxes using Control modifier key. */ /* * Reset the anchor point to the current point */ plb->iMouseDown = plb->iLastMouseMove = plb->iSel = iSelFromPt; /* * The state we will be setting items to */ plb->fNewItemState = (UINT)!IsSelected(plb, iSelFromPt, (UINT)HILITEONLY); /* * Toggle the current point */ SetSelected(plb, iSelFromPt, plb->fNewItemState, HILITEANDSEL); xxxInvertLBItem(plb, iSelFromPt, plb->fNewItemState); uEvent = (plb->fNewItemState ? EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONADD : EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONREMOVE); break; case SHCTLDOWN: /* * This is so that we can handle click and drag for multisel * listboxes using Shift and Control modifier keys. */ /* * Preserve all the previous selections */ /* * Deselect only the selection connected with the last * anchor point; If the last anchor point is associated with a * de-selection, then do not do it */ if (plb->fNewItemState) { xxxAlterHilite(plb, plb->iMouseDown, plb->iLastMouseMove, FALSE, HILITEANDSEL, FALSE); } plb->iLastMouseMove = plb->iSel = iSelFromPt; /* * Check if an anchor point already exists */ if (plb->iMouseDown == -1) { /* * No existing anchor point; Make the current pt as anchor */ plb->iMouseDown = iSelFromPt; } /* * If one exists preserve the most recent anchor point */ /* * The state we will be setting items to */ plb->fNewItemState = (UINT)IsSelected(plb, plb->iMouseDown, HILITEONLY); /* * Select all items from anchor point upto current click pt */ xxxAlterHilite(plb, plb->iMouseDown, iSelFromPt, plb->fNewItemState, HILITEONLY, FALSE); uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONWITHIN; break; } /* * Set the new base point (the outline frame caret). We do the check * first to avoid flashing the caret unnecessarly. */ if (plb->iSelBase != iSelFromPt) { /* * Since xxxSetISelBase always turns on the caret, we don't need to * do it here... */ xxxSetISelBase(plb, iSelFromPt); } /* * SetISelBase will change the focus and send a focus event. * Then we send the selection event. */ if (uEvent) { LBEvent(plb, uEvent, iSelFromPt); } if (wMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN && TestWF(plb->spwnd, WEFDRAGOBJECT)) { if (NtUserDragDetect(hwnd, pt)) { /* * User is trying to drag object... */ /* * Fake an up click so that the item is selected... */ xxxTrackMouse(plb, WM_LBUTTONUP, pt); /* * Notify parent * #ifndef WIN16 (32-bit Windows), plb->iSelBase gets * zero-extended to LONG wParam automatically by the compiler. */ ThreadLock(plb->spwndParent, &tlpwndParent); SendMessage(HW(plb->spwndParent), WM_BEGINDRAG, plb->iSelBase, (LPARAM)hwnd); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndParent); } else { xxxTrackMouse(plb, WM_LBUTTONUP, pt); } return; } break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { int dist; int iTimer; /* * Save for timer. */ plb->ptPrev = pt; /* * Autoscroll listbox if mouse button is held down and mouse is * moved outside of the listbox */ if (plb->fMouseDown) { if (plb->fMultiColumn) { if ((pt.x < 0) || (pt.x >= rcClient.right - 1)) { /* * Reset timer interval based on distance from listbox. * use a longer default interval because each multicolumn * scrolling increment is larger */ dist = pt.x < 0 ? -pt.x : (pt.x - rcClient.right + 1); iTimer = ((gpsi->dtScroll * 3) / 2) - ((WORD) dist << 4); if (plb->fRightAlign) xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(plb, (pt.x < 0 ? SB_LINEDOWN : SB_LINEUP), 0); else xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(plb, (pt.x < 0 ? SB_LINEUP : SB_LINEDOWN), 0); goto SetTimerAndSel; } } else if ((pt.y < 0) || (pt.y >= rcClient.bottom - 1)) { /* * Reset timer interval based on distance from listbox. */ dist = pt.y < 0 ? -pt.y : (pt.y - rcClient.bottom + 1); iTimer = gpsi->dtScroll - ((WORD) dist << 4); xxxLBoxCtlScroll(plb, (pt.y < 0 ? SB_LINEUP : SB_LINEDOWN), 0); SetTimerAndSel: NtUserSetTimer(hwnd, IDSYS_SCROLL, max(iTimer, 1), NULL); ISelFromPt(plb, pt, &iSelFromPt); } } else { /* * Ignore if not in client since we don't autoscroll */ if (!PtInRect(&rcClient, pt)) break; } switch (plb->wMultiple) { case SINGLESEL: /* * If it is a single selection or plain multisel list box */ goto MouseMoveHandler; break; case MULTIPLESEL: case EXTENDEDSEL: /* * Handle mouse movement with extended selection of items */ if (plb->iSelBase != iSelFromPt) { xxxSetISelBase(plb, iSelFromPt); /* * If this is an extended Multi sel list box, then * adjust the display of the range due to the mouse move */ if (plb->wMultiple == EXTENDEDSEL) { xxxLBBlockHilite(plb, iSelFromPt, FALSE); LBEvent(plb, EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONWITHIN, iSelFromPt); } plb->iLastMouseMove = iSelFromPt; } break; } break; } case WM_LBUTTONUP: if (plb->fMouseDown) xxxLBButtonUp(plb, LBUP_RELEASECAPTURE | LBUP_NOTIFY | (mousetemp ? LBUP_RESETSELECTION : 0) | (fMouseInRect ? LBUP_SUCCESS : 0)); } } /***************************************************************************\ * * LBButtonUp() * * Called in response to both WM_CAPTURECHANGED and WM_LBUTTONUP. * \***************************************************************************/ void xxxLBButtonUp(PLBIV plb, UINT uFlags) { CheckLock(plb->spwnd); /* * If the list box is an Extended listbox, then change the select status * of all items between the anchor and the last mouse position to the * newItemState */ if (plb->wMultiple == EXTENDEDSEL) xxxAlterHilite(plb, plb->iMouseDown, plb->iLastMouseMove, plb->fNewItemState, SELONLY, FALSE); /* * This is a combo box and user upclicked outside the listbox * so we want to restore the original selection. */ if (plb->pcbox && (uFlags & LBUP_RESETSELECTION)) { int iSelOld; iSelOld = plb->iSel; if (iSelOld >= 0) xxxInvertLBItem(plb, plb->iSel, FALSE); plb->iSel = plb->iLastSelection; xxxInvertLBItem(plb, plb->iSel, TRUE); /* * Note that we always send selection events before we tell the * app. This is on purpose--the app may turn around and select * something else when notified. In which case our event would * be out of order. */ LBEvent(plb, EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION, plb->iSel); /* * On win-95 and NT4 the check used to be !(uFlags & LBUP_NOTIFY) which * is a bug because we would notify even when the lb is not LBUP_NOTIFY */ if ((uFlags & LBUP_NOTIFY) && plb->fNotify && (iSelOld != plb->iSel)) xxxNotifyOwner(plb, LBN_SELCHANGE); } NtUserKillTimer(HWq(plb->spwnd), IDSYS_SCROLL); plb->fMouseDown = FALSE; if (plb->fCaptured) { plb->fCaptured = FALSE; if (uFlags & LBUP_RELEASECAPTURE) NtUserReleaseCapture(); } /* * Don't scroll item as long as any part of it is visible */ if (plb->iSelBase < plb->iTop || plb->iSelBase > plb->iTop + CItemInWindow(plb, TRUE)) xxxInsureVisible(plb, plb->iSelBase, FALSE); if (plb->fNotify) { if (uFlags & LBUP_NOTIFY) { if (uFlags & LBUP_SUCCESS) { /* * ArtMaster needs this SELCHANGE notification now! */ if ((plb->fDoubleClick) && !TestWF(plb->spwnd, WFWIN31COMPAT)) xxxNotifyOwner(plb, LBN_SELCHANGE); /* * Notify owner of click or double click on selection */ xxxNotifyOwner(plb, (plb->fDoubleClick) ? LBN_DBLCLK : LBN_SELCHANGE); } else { /* * Notify owner that the attempted selection was cancelled. */ xxxNotifyOwner(plb, LBN_SELCANCEL); } } else if (uFlags & LBUP_SELCHANGE) { /* * Did we do some semi-selecting with mouse moves, then hit Enter? * If so, we need to make sure the app knows that something was * really truly selected. */ UserAssert(TestWF(plb->spwnd, WFWIN40COMPAT)); if (plb->iLastSelection != plb->iSel) xxxNotifyOwner(plb, LBN_SELCHANGE); } } } /***************************************************************************\ * IncrementISel * * History: \***************************************************************************/ INT IncrementISel( PLBIV plb, INT iSel, INT sInc) { /* * Assumes cMac > 0, return iSel+sInc in range [0..cmac). */ iSel += sInc; if (iSel < 0) { return 0; } else if (iSel >= plb->cMac) { return plb->cMac - 1; } return iSel; } /***************************************************************************\ * NewITop * \***************************************************************************/ void xxxNewITop(PLBIV plb, INT iTopNew) { xxxNewITopEx(plb, iTopNew, 0); } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxNewITopEx * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxNewITopEx( PLBIV plb, INT iTopNew, DWORD dwTime) { int iTopOld; BOOL fCaretOn; BOOL fMulti = plb->fMultiColumn; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); // Always try to turn off caret whether or not redraw is on if (fCaretOn = plb->fCaretOn) xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); iTopOld = (fMulti) ? (plb->iTop / plb->itemsPerColumn) : plb->iTop; plb->iTop = iTopNew; iTopNew = xxxSetLBScrollParms(plb, (fMulti) ? SB_HORZ : SB_VERT); plb->iTop = (fMulti) ? (iTopNew * plb->itemsPerColumn) : iTopNew; if (!IsLBoxVisible(plb)) { return; } if (iTopNew != iTopOld) { int xAmt, yAmt; RECT rc; DWORD dwFlags; _GetClientRect(plb->spwnd, &rc); if (fMulti) { yAmt = 0; if (abs(iTopNew - iTopOld) > plb->numberOfColumns) // Handle scrolling a large number of columns properly so that // we don't overflow the size of a rect. xAmt = 32000; else { xAmt = (iTopOld - iTopNew) * plb->cxColumn; if (plb->fRightAlign) xAmt = -xAmt; } } else { xAmt = 0; if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { // // Have to fake iTopOld for OWNERDRAWVAR listboxes so that // the scrolling amount calculations work properly. // plb->iTop = iTopOld; yAmt = LBCalcVarITopScrollAmt(plb, iTopOld, iTopNew); plb->iTop = iTopNew; } else if (abs(iTopNew - iTopOld) > plb->cItemFullMax) yAmt = 32000; else yAmt = (iTopOld - iTopNew) * plb->cyChar; } dwFlags = LBGetScrollFlags(plb, dwTime); ScrollWindowEx(HWq(plb->spwnd), xAmt, yAmt, NULL, &rc, NULL, NULL, dwFlags); UpdateWindow(HWq(plb->spwnd)); } // Note that although we turn off the caret regardless of redraw, we // only turn it on if redraw is true. Slimy thing to fixup many // caret related bugs... if (fCaretOn) // Turn the caret back on only if we turned it off. This avoids // annoying caret flicker. xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxInsureVisible * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxInsureVisible( PLBIV plb, INT iSel, BOOL fPartial) /* It is ok for the item to be partially visible */ { INT sLastVisibleItem; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); if (iSel < plb->iTop) { xxxNewITop(plb, iSel); } else { if (fPartial) { /* * 1 must be subtracted to get the last visible item * A part of the fix for Bug #3727 -- 01/14/91 -- SANKAR */ sLastVisibleItem = plb->iTop + CItemInWindow(plb, TRUE) - (INT)1; } else { sLastVisibleItem = LastFullVisible(plb); } if (plb->OwnerDraw != OWNERDRAWVAR) { if (iSel > sLastVisibleItem) { if (plb->fMultiColumn) { xxxNewITop(plb, ((iSel / plb->itemsPerColumn) - max(plb->numberOfColumns-1,0)) * plb->itemsPerColumn); } else { xxxNewITop(plb, (INT)max(0, iSel - sLastVisibleItem + plb->iTop)); } } } else if (iSel > sLastVisibleItem) xxxNewITop(plb, LBPage(plb, iSel, FALSE)); } } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLBoxCaretBlinker * * Timer callback function toggles Caret * Since it is a callback, it is APIENTRY * * History: \***************************************************************************/ VOID xxxLBoxCaretBlinker( HWND hwnd, UINT wMsg, UINT_PTR nIDEvent, DWORD dwTime) { PWND pwnd; PLBIV plb; /* * Standard parameters for a timer callback function that aren't used. * Mentioned here to avoid compiler warnings */ UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(wMsg); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(nIDEvent); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dwTime); pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd); plb = ((PLBWND)pwnd)->pLBIV; /* * leave caret on, don't blink it off (prevents rapid blinks?) */ if (ISREMOTESESSION() && plb->fCaretOn) { return; } /* * Check if the Caret is ON, if so, switch it OFF */ xxxLBSetCaret(plb, !plb->fCaretOn); return; } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput * * If msg == LB_KEYDOWN, vKey is the number of the item to go to, * otherwise it is the virtual key. * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput( PLBIV plb, UINT msg, UINT vKey) { INT i; INT iNewISel; INT cItemPageScroll; PCBOX pcbox; BOOL fDropDownComboBox; BOOL fExtendedUIComboBoxClosed; BOOL hScrollBar = TestWF(plb->spwnd, WFHSCROLL); UINT wModifiers = 0; BOOL fSelectKey = FALSE; /* assume it is a navigation key */ UINT uEvent = 0; HWND hwnd = HWq(plb->spwnd); TL tlpwndParent; TL tlpwnd; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); pcbox = plb->pcbox; /* * Is this a dropdown style combo box/listbox ? */ fDropDownComboBox = pcbox && (pcbox->CBoxStyle & SDROPPABLE); /* *Is this an extended ui combo box which is closed? */ fExtendedUIComboBoxClosed = fDropDownComboBox && pcbox->fExtendedUI && !pcbox->fLBoxVisible; if (plb->fMouseDown || (!plb->cMac && vKey != VK_F4)) { /* * Ignore keyboard input if we are in the middle of a mouse down deal or * if there are no items in the listbox. Note that we let F4's go * through for combo boxes so that the use can pop up and down empty * combo boxes. */ return; } /* * Modifiers are considered only in EXTENDED sel list boxes. */ if (plb->wMultiple == EXTENDEDSEL) { /* * If multiselection listbox, are any modifiers used ? */ if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) wModifiers = SHIFTDOWN; if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) wModifiers += CTLDOWN; /* * Please Note that (SHIFTDOWN + CTLDOWN) == (SHCTLDOWN) */ } if (msg == LB_KEYDOWN) { /* * This is a listbox "go to specified item" message which means we want * to go to a particular item number (given by vKey) directly. ie. the * user has typed a character and we want to go to the item which * starts with that character. */ iNewISel = (INT)vKey; goto TrackKeyDown; } cItemPageScroll = plb->cItemFullMax; if (cItemPageScroll > 1) cItemPageScroll--; if (plb->fWantKeyboardInput) { /* * Note: msg must not be LB_KEYDOWN here or we'll be in trouble... */ ThreadLock(plb->spwndParent, &tlpwndParent); iNewISel = (INT)SendMessage(HW(plb->spwndParent), WM_VKEYTOITEM, MAKELONG(vKey, plb->iSelBase), (LPARAM)hwnd); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndParent); if (iNewISel == -2) { /* * Don't move the selection... */ return; } if (iNewISel != -1) { /* * Jump directly to the item provided by the app */ goto TrackKeyDown; } /* * else do default processing of the character. */ } switch (vKey) { // LATER IanJa: not language independent!!! // We could use VkKeyScan() to find out which is the '\' key // This is VK_OEM_5 '\|' for US English only. // Germans, Italians etc. have to type CTRL+^ (etc) for this. // This is documented as File Manager behaviour for 3.0, but apparently // not for 3.1., although functionality remains. We should still fix it, // although German (etc?) '\' is generated with AltGr (Ctrl-Alt) (???) case VERKEY_BACKSLASH: /* '\' character for US English */ /* * Check if this is CONTROL-\ ; If so Deselect all items */ if ((wModifiers & CTLDOWN) && (plb->wMultiple != SINGLESEL)) { xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); xxxResetWorld(plb, plb->iSelBase, plb->iSelBase, FALSE); /* * And select the current item */ SetSelected(plb, plb->iSelBase, TRUE, HILITEANDSEL); xxxInvertLBItem(plb, plb->iSelBase, TRUE); uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION; goto CaretOnAndNotify; } return; break; case VK_DIVIDE: /* NumPad '/' character on enhanced keyboard */ // LATER IanJa: not language independent!!! // We could use VkKeyScan() to find out which is the '/' key // This is VK_OEM_2 '/?' for US English only. // Germans, Italians etc. have to type CTRL+# (etc) for this. case VERKEY_SLASH: /* '/' character */ /* * Check if this is CONTROL-/ ; If so select all items */ if ((wModifiers & CTLDOWN) && (plb->wMultiple != SINGLESEL)) { xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); xxxResetWorld(plb, -1, -1, TRUE); uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONWITHIN; CaretOnAndNotify: xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); LBEvent(plb, uEvent, plb->iSelBase); xxxNotifyOwner(plb, LBN_SELCHANGE); } return; break; case VK_F8: /* * The "Add" mode is possible only in Multiselection listboxes... Get * into it via SHIFT-F8... (Yes, sometimes these UI people are sillier * than your "typical dumb user"...) */ if (plb->wMultiple != SINGLESEL && wModifiers == SHIFTDOWN) { /* * We have to make the caret blink! Do something... */ if (plb->fAddSelMode) { /* * Switch off the Caret blinking */ NtUserKillTimer(hwnd, IDSYS_CARET); /* * Make sure the caret does not vanish */ xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); } else { /* * Create a timer to make the caret blink */ NtUserSetTimer(hwnd, IDSYS_CARET, gpsi->dtCaretBlink, xxxLBoxCaretBlinker); } /* * Toggle the Add mode flag */ plb->fAddSelMode = (UINT)!plb->fAddSelMode; } return; case VK_SPACE: /* Selection key is space */ i = 0; fSelectKey = TRUE; break; case VK_PRIOR: if (fExtendedUIComboBoxClosed) { /* * Disable movement keys for TandyT. */ return; } if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { i = LBPage(plb, plb->iSelBase, FALSE) - plb->iSelBase; } else { i = -cItemPageScroll; } break; case VK_NEXT: if (fExtendedUIComboBoxClosed) { /* * Disable movement keys for TandyT. */ return; } if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { i = LBPage(plb, plb->iSelBase, TRUE) - plb->iSelBase; } else { i = cItemPageScroll; } break; case VK_HOME: if (fExtendedUIComboBoxClosed) { /* * Disable movement keys for TandyT. */ return; } i = (INT_MIN/2)+1; /* A very big negative number */ break; case VK_END: if (fExtendedUIComboBoxClosed) { /* * Disable movement keys for TandyT. */ return; } i = (INT_MAX/2)-1; /* A very big positive number */ break; case VK_LEFT: if (plb->fMultiColumn) { if (plb->fRightAlign ^ (!!TestWF(plb->spwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL))) { goto ReallyRight; } ReallyLeft: if (plb->iSelBase / plb->itemsPerColumn == 0) { i = 0; } else { i = -plb->itemsPerColumn; } break; } if (hScrollBar) { goto HandleHScrolling; } else { /* * Fall through and handle this as if the up arrow was pressed. */ vKey = VK_UP; } /* * Fall through */ case VK_UP: if (fExtendedUIComboBoxClosed) // Disable movement keys for TandyT. return; i = -1; break; case VK_RIGHT: if (plb->fMultiColumn) { if (plb->fRightAlign ^ (!!TestWF(plb->spwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL))) { goto ReallyLeft; } ReallyRight: if (plb->iSelBase / plb->itemsPerColumn == plb->cMac / plb->itemsPerColumn) { i = 0; } else { i = plb->itemsPerColumn; } break; } if (hScrollBar) { HandleHScrolling: PostMessage(hwnd, WM_HSCROLL, (vKey == VK_RIGHT ? SB_LINEDOWN : SB_LINEUP), 0L); return; } else { /* * Fall through and handle this as if the down arrow was * pressed. */ vKey = VK_DOWN; } /* * Fall through */ case VK_DOWN: if (fExtendedUIComboBoxClosed) { /* * If the combo box is closed, down arrow should open it. */ if (!pcbox->fLBoxVisible) { /* * If the listbox isn't visible, just show it */ ThreadLock(pcbox->spwnd, &tlpwnd); xxxCBShowListBoxWindow(pcbox, TRUE); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwnd); } return; } i = 1; break; case VK_ESCAPE: case VK_RETURN: if (!fDropDownComboBox || !pcbox->fLBoxVisible) return; // | If this is a dropped listbox for a combobox and the ENTER | // | key is pressed, close up the listbox, so FALLTHRU | // V V case VK_F4: if (fDropDownComboBox && !pcbox->fExtendedUI) { /* * If we are a dropdown combo box/listbox we want to process * this key. BUT for TandtT, we don't do anything on VK_F4 if we * are in extended ui mode. */ ThreadLock(pcbox->spwnd, &tlpwnd); if (!pcbox->fLBoxVisible) { /* * If the listbox isn't visible, just show it */ xxxCBShowListBoxWindow(pcbox, (vKey != VK_ESCAPE)); } else { /* * Ok, the listbox is visible. So hide the listbox window. */ xxxCBHideListBoxWindow(pcbox, TRUE, (vKey != VK_ESCAPE)); } ThreadUnlock(&tlpwnd); } /* * Fall through to the return */ default: return; } /* * Find out what the new selection should be */ iNewISel = IncrementISel(plb, plb->iSelBase, i); if (plb->wMultiple == SINGLESEL) { if (plb->iSel == iNewISel) { /* * If we are single selection and the keystroke is moving us to an * item which is already selected, we don't have to do anything... */ return; } uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION; plb->iTypeSearch = 0; if ((vKey == VK_UP || vKey == VK_DOWN) && !IsSelected(plb, plb->iSelBase, HILITEONLY)) { /* * If the caret is on an unselected item and the user just hits the * up or down arrow key (ie. with no shift or ctrl modifications), * then we will just select the item the cursor is at. This is * needed for proper behavior in combo boxes but do we always want * to run this code??? Note that this is only used in single * selection list boxes since it doesn't make sense in the * multiselection case. Note that an LB_KEYDOWN message must not be * checked here because the vKey will be an item number not a * VK_and we will goof. Thus, trackkeydown label is below this to * fix a bug caused by it being above this... */ iNewISel = (plb->iSelBase == -1) ? 0 : plb->iSelBase; } } TrackKeyDown: xxxSetISelBase(plb, iNewISel); xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); if (wModifiers & SHIFTDOWN) { // Check if iMouseDown is un-initialised if (plb->iMouseDown == -1) plb->iMouseDown = iNewISel; if (plb->iLastMouseMove == -1) plb->iLastMouseMove = iNewISel; // Check if we are in ADD mode if (plb->fAddSelMode) { /* Preserve all the pre-existing selections except the * ones connected with the last anchor point; If the last * Preserve all the previous selections */ /* Deselect only the selection connected with the last * anchor point; If the last anchor point is associated * with de-selection, then do not do it */ if (!plb->fNewItemState) plb->iLastMouseMove = plb->iMouseDown; /* We haven't done anything here because, LBBlockHilite() * will take care of wiping out the selection between * Anchor point and iLastMouseMove and select the block * between anchor point and current cursor location */ } else { /* We are not in ADD mode */ /* Remove all selections except between the anchor point * and last mouse move because it will be taken care of in * LBBlockHilite */ xxxResetWorld(plb, plb->iMouseDown, plb->iLastMouseMove, FALSE); } uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONWITHIN; /* LBBlockHilite takes care to deselect the block between * the anchor point and iLastMouseMove and select the block * between the anchor point and the current cursor location */ /* Toggle all items to the same selection state as the item * item at the anchor point) from the anchor point to the * current cursor location. */ plb->fNewItemState = IsSelected(plb, plb->iMouseDown, SELONLY); xxxLBBlockHilite(plb, iNewISel, TRUE); plb->iLastMouseMove = iNewISel; /* Preserve the existing anchor point */ } else { /* Check if this is in ADD mode */ if ((plb->fAddSelMode) || (plb->wMultiple == MULTIPLESEL)) { /* Preserve all pre-exisiting selections */ if (fSelectKey) { /* Toggle the selection state of the current item */ plb->fNewItemState = !IsSelected(plb, iNewISel, SELONLY); SetSelected(plb, iNewISel, plb->fNewItemState, HILITEANDSEL); xxxInvertLBItem(plb, iNewISel, plb->fNewItemState); /* Set the anchor point at the current location */ plb->iLastMouseMove = plb->iMouseDown = iNewISel; uEvent = (plb->fNewItemState ? EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONADD : EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONREMOVE); } } else { /* We are NOT in ADD mode */ /* Remove all existing selections except iNewISel, to * avoid flickering. */ xxxResetWorld(plb, iNewISel, iNewISel, FALSE); /* Select the current item */ SetSelected(plb, iNewISel, TRUE, HILITEANDSEL); xxxInvertLBItem(plb, iNewISel, TRUE); /* Set the anchor point at the current location */ plb->iLastMouseMove = plb->iMouseDown = iNewISel; uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION; } } /* * Move the cursor to the new location */ xxxInsureVisible(plb, iNewISel, FALSE); xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(plb); xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); if (uEvent) { LBEvent(plb, uEvent, iNewISel); } /* * Should we notify our parent? */ if (plb->fNotify) { if (fDropDownComboBox && pcbox->fLBoxVisible) { /* * If we are in a drop down combo box/listbox and the listbox is * visible, we need to set the fKeyboardSelInListBox bit so that the * combo box code knows not to hide the listbox since the selchange * message is caused by the user keyboarding through... */ pcbox->fKeyboardSelInListBox = TRUE; plb->iLastSelection = iNewISel; } xxxNotifyOwner(plb, LBN_SELCHANGE); } } /***************************************************************************\ * Compare * * Is lpstr1 equal/prefix/less-than/greater-than lsprst2 (case-insensitive) ? * * LATER IanJa: this assume a longer string is never a prefix of a longer one. * Also assumes that removing 1 or more characters from the end of a string will * give a string tahs sort before the original. These assumptions are not valid * for all languages. We nedd better support from NLS. (Consider French * accents, Spanish c/ch, ligatures, German sharp-s/SS, etc.) * * History: \***************************************************************************/ INT Compare( LPCWSTR pwsz1, LPCWSTR pwsz2, DWORD dwLocaleId) { UINT len1 = wcslen(pwsz1); UINT len2 = wcslen(pwsz2); INT result; /* * CompareStringW returns: * 1 = pwsz1 < pwsz2 * 2 = pwsz1 == pwsz2 * 3 = pwsz1 > pwsz2 */ result = CompareStringW((LCID)dwLocaleId, NORM_IGNORECASE, pwsz1, min(len1,len2), pwsz2, min(len1, len2)); if (result == CSTR_LESS_THAN) { return LT; } else if (result == CSTR_EQUAL) { if (len1 == len2) { return EQ; } else if (len1 < len2) { /* * LATER IanJa: should not assume shorter string is a prefix * Spanish "c" and "ch", ligatures, German sharp-s/SS etc. */ return PREFIX; } } return GT; } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxFindString * * Scans for a string in the listbox prefixed by or equal to lpstr. * For OWNERDRAW listboxes without strings and without the sort style, we * try to match the long app supplied values. * * History: * 16-Apr-1992 beng The NODATA case \***************************************************************************/ INT xxxFindString( PLBIV plb, LPWSTR lpstr, INT sStart, INT code, BOOL fWrap) { /* * Search for a prefix match (case-insensitive equal/prefix) * sStart == -1 means start from beginning, else start looking at sStart+1 * assumes cMac > 0. */ INT sInd; /* index of string */ INT sStop; /* index to stop searching at */ lpLBItem pRg; TL tlpwndParent; INT sortResult; /* * Owner-Draw version of pRg */ #define pODRg ((lpLBODItem)pRg) COMPAREITEMSTRUCT cis; LPWSTR listboxString; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); if (plb->fHasStrings && (!lpstr || !*lpstr)) return LB_ERR; if (!plb->fHasData) { RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_WARNING, "FindString called on NODATA lb"); return LB_ERR; } if ((sInd = sStart + 1) >= plb->cMac) sInd = (fWrap ? 0 : plb->cMac - 1); sStop = (fWrap ? sInd : 0); /* * If at end and no wrap, stop right away */ if (((sStart >= plb->cMac - 1) && !fWrap) || (plb->cMac < 1)) { return LB_ERR; } /* * Apps could pass in an invalid sStart like -2 and we would blow up. * Win 3.1 would not so we need to fixup sInd to be zero */ if (sInd < 0) sInd = 0; pRg = (lpLBItem)(plb->rgpch); do { if (plb->fHasStrings) { /* * Searching for string matches. */ listboxString = (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)plb->hStrings + pRg[sInd].offsz); if (code == PREFIX && listboxString && *lpstr != TEXT('[') && *listboxString == TEXT('[')) { /* * If we are looking for a prefix string and the first items * in this string are [- then we ignore them. This is so * that in a directory listbox, the user can goto drives * by selecting the drive letter. */ listboxString++; if (*listboxString == TEXT('-')) listboxString++; } if (Compare(lpstr, listboxString, plb->dwLocaleId) <= code) { goto FoundIt; } } else { if (plb->fSort) { /* * Send compare item messages to the parent for sorting */ cis.CtlType = ODT_LISTBOX; cis.CtlID = PtrToUlong(plb->spwnd->spmenu); cis.hwndItem = HWq(plb->spwnd); cis.itemID1 = (UINT)-1; cis.itemData1 = (ULONG_PTR)lpstr; cis.itemID2 = (UINT)sInd; cis.itemData2 = pODRg[sInd].itemData; cis.dwLocaleId = plb->dwLocaleId; ThreadLock(plb->spwndParent, &tlpwndParent); sortResult = (INT)SendMessage(HW(plb->spwndParent), WM_COMPAREITEM, cis.CtlID, (LPARAM)&cis); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndParent); if (sortResult == -1) { sortResult = LT; } else if (sortResult == 1) { sortResult = GT; } else { sortResult = EQ; } if (sortResult <= code) { goto FoundIt; } } else { /* * Searching for app supplied long data matches. */ if ((ULONG_PTR)lpstr == pODRg[sInd].itemData) goto FoundIt; } } /* * Wrap round to beginning of list */ if (++sInd == plb->cMac) sInd = 0; } while (sInd != sStop); sInd = -1; FoundIt: return sInd; } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLBoxCtlCharInput * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxLBoxCtlCharInput( PLBIV plb, UINT inputChar, BOOL fAnsi) { INT iSel; BOOL fControl; TL tlpwndParent; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); if (plb->cMac == 0 || plb->fMouseDown) { /* * Get out if we are in the middle of mouse routines or if we have no * items in the listbox, we just return without doing anything. */ return; } fControl = (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0); switch (inputChar) { case VK_ESCAPE: plb->iTypeSearch = 0; if (plb->pszTypeSearch) plb->pszTypeSearch[0] = 0; break; case VK_BACK: if (plb->iTypeSearch) { plb->pszTypeSearch[plb->iTypeSearch--] = 0; if (plb->fSort) { iSel = -1; goto TypeSearch; } } break; case VK_SPACE: if (plb->fAddSelMode || plb->wMultiple == MULTIPLESEL) break; /* Otherwise, for single/extended selection listboxes not in add * selection mode, let the space go thru as a type search character * FALL THRU */ default: /* * Move selection to first item beginning with the character the * user typed. We don't want do this if we are using owner draw. */ if (fAnsi && IS_DBCS_ENABLED() && IsDBCSLeadByteEx(THREAD_CODEPAGE(), (BYTE)inputChar)) { WCHAR wch; LPWSTR lpwstr = &wch; inputChar = DbcsCombine(HWq(plb->spwnd), (BYTE)inputChar); RIPMSG1(RIP_VERBOSE, "xxxLBoxCtlCharInput: combined DBCS. 0x%04x", inputChar); if (inputChar == 0) { RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "xxxLBoxCtlCharInput: cannot combine two DBCS. LB=0x%02x", inputChar); break; } // If it is DBCS, let's ignore the ctrl status. fControl = FALSE; // Convert DBCS to UNICODE. // Note: Leading byte is in the low byte, trailing byte is in high byte. // Let's assume Little Endian CPUs only, so inputChar can directly be // input for MBSToWCSEx as an ANSI string. if (MBToWCSEx(THREAD_CODEPAGE(), (LPCSTR)&inputChar, 2, &lpwstr, 1, FALSE) == 0) { RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "xxxLBoxCtlCharInput: cannot convert 0x%04x to UNICODE.", inputChar); break; } inputChar = wch; } if (plb->fHasStrings) { // Incremental Type Search processing // // update szTypeSearch string and then move to the first item from // the current selection whose prefix matches szTypeSearch // // the szTypeSearch will continue to grow until a "long enough" // gap between key entries is encountered -- at which point any // more searching will start over /* * Undo CONTROL-char to char */ if (fControl && inputChar < 0x20) inputChar += 0x40; if (plb->iTypeSearch == MAX_TYPESEARCH) { NtUserMessageBeep(0); break; } iSel = -1; if (plb->pszTypeSearch == NULL) plb->pszTypeSearch = (LPWSTR)UserLocalAlloc(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(WCHAR) * (MAX_TYPESEARCH + 1)); if (plb->pszTypeSearch == NULL) { NtUserMessageBeep(0); break; } plb->pszTypeSearch[plb->iTypeSearch++] = (WCHAR) inputChar; plb->pszTypeSearch[plb->iTypeSearch] = 0; TypeSearch: if (plb->fSort) { // Set timer to determine when to kill incremental searching NtUserSetTimer(HWq(plb->spwnd), IDSYS_LBSEARCH, gpsi->dtLBSearch, NULL); } else { // If this is not a sorted listbox, no incremental search. plb->iTypeSearch = 0; iSel = plb->iSelBase; } /* * Search for the item beginning with the given character starting * at iSel+1. We will wrap the search to the beginning of the * listbox if we don't find the item. If SHIFT is down and we are * a multiselection lb, then the item's state will be set to * plb->fNewItemState according to the current mode. */ iSel = xxxFindString(plb, plb->pszTypeSearch, iSel, PREFIX, TRUE); if (iSel == -1) { // no match found -- check for prefix match // (i.e. "p" find FIRST item that starts with 'p', // "pp" find NEXT item that starts with 'p') if(plb->iTypeSearch) { plb->iTypeSearch--; if ((plb->iTypeSearch == 1) && (plb->pszTypeSearch[0] == plb->pszTypeSearch[1])) { plb->pszTypeSearch[1] = 0; iSel = xxxFindString(plb, plb->pszTypeSearch, plb->iSelBase, PREFIX, TRUE); } } } // if match is found -- select it if (iSel != -1) { CtlKeyInput: xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(plb, LB_KEYDOWN, iSel); } } else { if (plb->spwndParent != NULL) { ThreadLock(plb->spwndParent, &tlpwndParent); iSel = (INT)SendMessageWorker(plb->spwndParent, WM_CHARTOITEM, MAKELONG(inputChar, plb->iSelBase), (LPARAM)HWq(plb->spwnd), fAnsi); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndParent); } else iSel = -1; if (iSel != -1 && iSel != -2) goto CtlKeyInput; } break; } } /***************************************************************************\ * LBoxGetSelItems * * effects: For multiselection listboxes, this returns the total number of * selection items in the listbox if fCountOnly is true. or it fills an array * (lParam) with the items numbers of the first wParam selected items. * * History: \***************************************************************************/ int LBoxGetSelItems( PLBIV plb, BOOL fCountOnly, int wParam, LPINT lParam) { int i; int itemsselected = 0; if (plb->wMultiple == SINGLESEL) return LB_ERR; for (i = 0; i < plb->cMac; i++) { if (IsSelected(plb, i, SELONLY)) { if (!fCountOnly) { if (itemsselected < wParam) *lParam++ = i; else { /* * That's all the items we can fit in the array. */ return itemsselected; } } itemsselected++; } } return itemsselected; } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLBSetRedraw * * Handle WM_SETREDRAW message * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxLBSetRedraw( PLBIV plb, BOOL fRedraw) { CheckLock(plb->spwnd); if (fRedraw) fRedraw = TRUE; if (plb->fRedraw != (UINT)fRedraw) { plb->fRedraw = !!fRedraw; if (fRedraw) { xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(plb); if (plb->fDeferUpdate) { plb->fDeferUpdate = FALSE; RedrawWindow(HWq(plb->spwnd), NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } } } } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLBSelRange * * Selects the range of items between i and j, inclusive. * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxLBSelRange( PLBIV plb, int iStart, int iEnd, BOOL fnewstate) { DWORD temp; RECT rc; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); if (iStart > iEnd) { temp = iEnd; iEnd = iStart; iStart = temp; } /* * We don't want to loop through items that don't exist. */ iEnd = min(plb->cMac, iEnd); iStart = max(iStart, 0); if (iStart > iEnd) return; /* * iEnd could be equal to MAXINT which is why we test temp and iEnd * as DWORDs. */ for (temp = iStart; temp <= (DWORD)iEnd; temp++) { if (IsSelected(plb, temp, SELONLY) != fnewstate) { SetSelected(plb, temp, fnewstate, HILITEANDSEL); LBGetItemRect(plb, temp, &rc); xxxLBInvalidateRect(plb, (LPRECT)&rc, FALSE); } } UserAssert(plb->wMultiple); LBEvent(plb, EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONWITHIN, iStart); } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLBSetCurSel * * History: \***************************************************************************/ int xxxLBSetCurSel( PLBIV plb, int iSel) { CheckLock(plb->spwnd); if (!(plb->wMultiple || iSel < -1 || iSel >= plb->cMac)) { xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); if (plb->iSel != -1) { /* * This prevents scrolling when iSel == -1 */ if (iSel != -1) xxxInsureVisible(plb, iSel, FALSE); /* * Turn off old selection */ xxxInvertLBItem(plb, plb->iSel, FALSE); } if (iSel != -1) { xxxInsureVisible(plb, iSel, FALSE); plb->iSelBase = plb->iSel = iSel; /* * Highlight new selection */ xxxInvertLBItem(plb, plb->iSel, TRUE); } else { plb->iSel = -1; if (plb->cMac) plb->iSelBase = min(plb->iSelBase, plb->cMac-1); else plb->iSelBase = 0; } /* * Send both focus and selection events * * We need to send this event even if the listbox isn't visible. See * bug #88548. Also see 355612. */ if (_IsWindowVisible(plb->spwnd) || (GetFocus() == HWq(plb->spwnd))) { LBEvent(plb, EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, plb->iSelBase); LBEvent(plb, EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION, plb->iSel); } xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); return plb->iSel; } return LB_ERR; } /***************************************************************************\ * LBSetItemData * * Makes the item at index contain the data given. * * History: * 16-Apr-1992 beng The NODATA listbox case \***************************************************************************/ int LBSetItemData( PLBIV plb, int index, LONG_PTR data) { LPSTR lpItemText; /* * v-ronaar: fix bug #25865, don't allow negative indices! */ if ((index != -1) && ((UINT) index >= (UINT) plb->cMac)) { RIPERR1(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX, RIP_WARNING, "LBSetItemData with invalid index %x", index); return LB_ERR; } /* * No-data listboxes just ignore all LB_SETITEMDATA calls */ if (!plb->fHasData) { return TRUE; } lpItemText = (LPSTR)plb->rgpch; if (index == -1) { /* * index == -1 means set the data to all the items */ if (plb->fHasStrings) { for (index = 0; index < plb->cMac; index++) { ((lpLBItem)lpItemText)->itemData = data; lpItemText += sizeof(LBItem); } } else { for (index = 0; index < plb->cMac; index++) { ((lpLBODItem)lpItemText)->itemData = data; lpItemText += sizeof(LBODItem); } } return TRUE; } if (plb->fHasStrings) { lpItemText = (LPSTR)(lpItemText + (index * sizeof(LBItem))); ((lpLBItem)lpItemText)->itemData = data; } else { lpItemText = (LPSTR)(lpItemText + (index * sizeof(LBODItem))); ((lpLBODItem)lpItemText)->itemData = data; } return TRUE; } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxCheckRedraw * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxCheckRedraw( PLBIV plb, BOOL fConditional, INT sItem) { CheckLock(plb->spwnd); if (fConditional && plb->cMac && (sItem > (plb->iTop + CItemInWindow(plb, TRUE)))) return; /* * Don't do anything if the parent is not visible. */ xxxLBInvalidateRect(plb, (LPRECT)NULL, TRUE); } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxCaretDestroy * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxCaretDestroy( PLBIV plb) { CheckLock(plb->spwnd); /* * We're losing the focus. Act like up clicks are happening so we release * capture, set the current selection, notify the parent, etc. */ if (plb->fCaptured) /* * If we have the capture and we lost the focus, that means we already * changed the selection and we have to notify also the parent about * this. So we need to add also the LBUP_SUCCESS flag in this case. */ xxxLBButtonUp(plb, LBUP_RELEASECAPTURE | LBUP_NOTIFY | (plb->fMouseDown ? LBUP_SUCCESS : 0)); if (plb->fAddSelMode) { /* * Switch off the Caret blinking */ NtUserKillTimer(HWq(plb->spwnd), IDSYS_CARET); /* * Make sure the caret goes away */ xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); plb->fAddSelMode = FALSE; } plb->fCaret = FALSE; } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLbSetSel * * History: \***************************************************************************/ LONG xxxLBSetSel( PLBIV plb, BOOL fSelect, /* New state to set selection to */ INT iSel) { INT sItem; RECT rc; UINT uEvent = 0; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); /* * Bug 17656. WinZip's accelerator key for 'DeSelect All' sends a LB_SETSEL * message with lparam = 0x0000ffff instead of 0xffffffff(-1). If iSel * is equal to 0x0000ffff and there are less than 0xffff elements in the * list we set iSel equal to 0xffffffff. */ if ((iSel == (UINT)0xffff) && (iSel >= plb->cMac)) { iSel = -1; RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "Sign extending iSel=0xffff to 0xffffffff"); } if ((plb->wMultiple == SINGLESEL) || (iSel != -1 && iSel >= plb->cMac)) { RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_WARNING, "xxxLBSetSel:Invalid iSel or SINGLESEL listbox"); return LB_ERR; } xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); if (iSel == -1/*(INT)0xffff*/) { /* * Set/clear selection from all items if -1 */ for (sItem = 0; sItem < plb->cMac; sItem++) { if (IsSelected(plb, sItem, SELONLY) != fSelect) { SetSelected(plb, sItem, fSelect, HILITEANDSEL); if (LBGetItemRect(plb, sItem, &rc)) { xxxLBInvalidateRect(plb, &rc, FALSE); } } } xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONWITHIN; } else { if (fSelect) { /* * Check if the item if fully hidden and scroll it into view if it * is. Note that we don't want to scroll partially visible items * into full view because this breaks the shell... */ xxxInsureVisible(plb, iSel, TRUE); plb->iSelBase = plb->iSel = iSel; plb->iMouseDown = plb->iLastMouseMove = iSel; uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS; } else { uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONREMOVE; } SetSelected(plb, iSel, fSelect, HILITEANDSEL); /* * Note that we set the caret on bit directly so that we avoid flicker * when drawing this item. ie. We turn on the caret, redraw the item and * turn it back on again. */ if (!fSelect && plb->iSelBase != iSel) { xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); } else if (plb->fCaret) { plb->fCaretOn = TRUE; } if (LBGetItemRect(plb, iSel, &rc)) { xxxLBInvalidateRect(plb, &rc, FALSE); } } /* * We need to send this event even if the listbox isn't visible. See * bug #88548. Also see 355612. */ if (_IsWindowVisible(plb->spwnd) || (GetFocus() == HWq(plb->spwnd))) { if (uEvent == EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS) { LBEvent(plb, uEvent, plb->iSelBase); uEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION; } LBEvent(plb, uEvent, iSel); } return 0; } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLBoxDrawItem * * This fills the draw item struct with some constant data for the given * item. The caller will only have to modify a small part of this data * for specific needs. * * History: * 16-Apr-1992 beng The NODATA case \***************************************************************************/ void xxxLBoxDrawItem( PLBIV plb, INT item, UINT itemAction, UINT itemState, LPRECT lprect) { DRAWITEMSTRUCT dis; TL tlpwndParent; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); /* * Fill the DRAWITEMSTRUCT with the unchanging constants */ dis.CtlType = ODT_LISTBOX; dis.CtlID = PtrToUlong(plb->spwnd->spmenu); /* * Use -1 if an invalid item number is being used. This is so that the app * can detect if it should draw the caret (which indicates the lb has the * focus) in an empty listbox */ dis.itemID = (UINT)(item < plb->cMac ? item : -1); dis.itemAction = itemAction; dis.hwndItem = HWq(plb->spwnd); dis.hDC = plb->hdc; dis.itemState = itemState | (UINT)(TestWF(plb->spwnd, WFDISABLED) ? ODS_DISABLED : 0); if (TestWF(plb->spwnd, WEFPUIFOCUSHIDDEN)) { dis.itemState |= ODS_NOFOCUSRECT; } if (TestWF(plb->spwnd, WEFPUIACCELHIDDEN)) { dis.itemState |= ODS_NOACCEL; } /* * Set the app supplied data */ if (!plb->cMac || !plb->fHasData) { /* * If no strings or no items, just use 0 for data. This is so that we * can display a caret when there are no items in the listbox. * * Lazy-eval listboxes of course have no data to pass - only itemID. */ dis.itemData = 0L; } else { dis.itemData = LBGetItemData(plb, item); } CopyRect(&dis.rcItem, lprect); /* * Set the window origin to the horizontal scroll position. This is so that * text can always be drawn at 0,0 and the view region will only start at * the horizontal scroll offset. We pass this as wParam */ /* * Note: Only pass the itemID in wParam for 3.1 or newer apps. We break * ccMail otherwise. */ ThreadLock(plb->spwndParent, &tlpwndParent); SendMessage(HW(plb->spwndParent), WM_DRAWITEM, TestWF(plb->spwndParent, WFWIN31COMPAT) ? dis.CtlID : 0, (LPARAM)&dis); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndParent); } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxLBBlockHilite * * In Extended selection mode for multiselection listboxes, when * mouse is draged to a new position, the range being marked should be * properly sized(parts of which will be highlighted/dehighlighted). * NOTE: This routine assumes that iSelFromPt and LasMouseMove are not * equal because only in that case this needs to be called; * NOTE: This routine calculates the region whose display attribute is to * be changed in an optimised way. Instead of de-highlighting the * the old range completely and highlight the new range, it omits * the regions that overlap and repaints only the non-pverlapping * area. * fKeyBoard = TRUE if this is called for Keyboard interface * FALSE if called from Mouse interface routines * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxLBBlockHilite( PLBIV plb, INT iSelFromPt, BOOL fKeyBoard) { INT sCurPosOffset; INT sLastPosOffset; INT sHiliteOrSel; BOOL fUseSelStatus; BOOL DeHiliteStatus; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); if (fKeyBoard) { /* * Set both Hilite and Selection states */ sHiliteOrSel = HILITEANDSEL; /* * Do not use the Selection state while de-hiliting */ fUseSelStatus = FALSE; DeHiliteStatus = FALSE; } else { /* * Set/Reset only the Hilite state */ sHiliteOrSel = HILITEONLY; /* * Use the selection state for de-hilighting */ fUseSelStatus = TRUE; DeHiliteStatus = plb->fNewItemState; } /* * The idea of the routine is to : * 1. De-hilite the old range (iMouseDown to iLastMouseDown) and * 2. Hilite the new range (iMouseDwon to iSelFromPt) */ /* * Offset of current mouse position from the anchor point */ sCurPosOffset = plb->iMouseDown - iSelFromPt; /* * Offset of last mouse position from the anchor point */ sLastPosOffset = plb->iMouseDown - plb->iLastMouseMove; /* * Check if both current position and last position lie on the same * side of the anchor point. */ if ((sCurPosOffset * sLastPosOffset) >= 0) { /* * Yes they are on the same side; So, highlight/dehighlight only * the difference. */ if (abs(sCurPosOffset) > abs(sLastPosOffset)) { xxxAlterHilite(plb, plb->iLastMouseMove, iSelFromPt, plb->fNewItemState, sHiliteOrSel, FALSE); } else { xxxAlterHilite(plb, iSelFromPt, plb->iLastMouseMove, DeHiliteStatus, sHiliteOrSel, fUseSelStatus); } } else { xxxAlterHilite(plb, plb->iMouseDown, plb->iLastMouseMove, DeHiliteStatus, sHiliteOrSel, fUseSelStatus); xxxAlterHilite(plb, plb->iMouseDown, iSelFromPt, plb->fNewItemState, sHiliteOrSel, FALSE); } } /***************************************************************************\ * xxxAlterHilite * * Changes the hilite state of (i..j] (ie. excludes i, includes j in case * you've forgotten this notation) to fHilite. It inverts this changes * the hilite state. * * OpFlags: HILITEONLY Only change the display state of the items * SELONLY Only Change the selection state of the items * HILITEANDSELECT Do both. * fHilite: * HILITE/TRUE * DEHILITE/FALSE * fSelStatus: * if TRUE, use the selection state of the item to hilite/dehilite * if FALSE, use the fHilite parameter to hilite/dehilite * * History: \***************************************************************************/ void xxxAlterHilite( PLBIV plb, INT i, INT j, BOOL fHilite, INT OpFlags, BOOL fSelStatus) { INT low; INT high; INT sLastInWindow; BOOL fCaretOn; BOOL fSelected; CheckLock(plb->spwnd); sLastInWindow = plb->iTop + CItemInWindow(plb, TRUE); sLastInWindow = min(sLastInWindow, plb->cMac - 1); high = max(i, j) + 1; if (fCaretOn = plb->fCaretOn) { xxxLBSetCaret(plb, FALSE); } for (low = min(i, j); low < high; low++) { if (low != i) { if (OpFlags & HILITEONLY) { if (fSelStatus) { fSelected = IsSelected(plb, low, SELONLY); } else { fSelected = fHilite; } if (IsSelected(plb, low, HILITEONLY) != fSelected) { if (plb->iTop <= low && low <= sLastInWindow) { /* * Invert the item only if it is visible */ xxxInvertLBItem(plb, low, fSelected); } SetSelected(plb, low, fSelected, HILITEONLY); } } if (OpFlags & SELONLY) { SetSelected(plb, low, fHilite, SELONLY); } } } if (fCaretOn) { xxxLBSetCaret(plb, TRUE); } }