/* * _DEBUG.H * * Purpose: * RICHEDIT debugging support--commented out in ship builds * * History: * 7/29/98 KeithCu Wrote it stealing much from Rich Arneson's code * * Copyright (c) 1995-1998, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */ #ifndef _DEBUG_H #define _DEBUG_H #define DllExport __declspec(dllexport) #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_RELEASE_ASSERTS_) #define ASSERTDATA static char _szFile[] = __FILE__; BOOL WINAPI DebugMain (HINSTANCE hDLL, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved); #else // DEBUG #define ASSERTDATA #define DebugMain(hDll, dwReason, lpReserved) #endif // DEBUG, else #if !defined(MACPORT) && (defined(DEBUG) || defined(_RELEASE_ASSERTS_)) //This is the buffer length used for building messages #define MAXDEBUGSTRLEN (MAX_PATH + MAX_PATH) #ifndef _RELEASE_ASSERTS_ //The following constants are used to specify and interpret //packed values in the DWORD flags parameter passed to TraceMsg. //Each of these is held in a 4-bit field in the DWORD. //Subsystem field values #define TRCSUBSYSNONE 0x0 #define TRCSUBSYSDISP 0x1 #define TRCSUBSYSWRAP 0x2 #define TRCSUBSYSEDIT 0x3 #define TRCSUBSYSTS 0x4 #define TRCSUBSYSTOM 0x5 #define TRCSUBSYSOLE 0x6 #define TRCSUBSYSBACK 0x7 #define TRCSUBSYSSEL 0x8 #define TRCSUBSYSHOST 0x9 #define TRCSUBSYSDTE 0xa #define TRCSUBSYSUNDO 0xb #define TRCSUBSYSRANG 0xc #define TRCSUBSYSUTIL 0xd #define TRCSUBSYSNOTM 0xe #define TRCSUBSYSRTFR 0xf #define TRCSUBSYSRTFW 0x10 #define TRCSUBSYSPRT 0x11 #define TRCSUBSYSFE 0x12 #define TRCSUBSYSFONT 0x13 //Severity field values #define TRCSEVNONE 0x0 #define TRCSEVWARN 0x1 #define TRCSEVERR 0x2 #define TRCSEVASSERT 0x3 #define TRCSEVINFO 0x4 #define TRCSEVMEM 0x5 //Scope field values #define TRCSCOPENONE 0x0 #define TRCSCOPEEXTERN 0x1 #define TRCSCOPEINTERN 0x2 //Data field values #define TRCDATANONE 0x0 #define TRCDATAHRESULT 0x1 #define TRCDATASTRING 0x2 #define TRCDATAPARAM 0x3 #define TRCDATADEFAULT 0x4 #endif //!_RELEASE_ASSERTS_ //Debug option flags. See the macros in this header for setting and testing //these option flags. #define OPTUSEDEFAULTS 0x00000001 //Use defaults from win.ini //(used only with InitDebugServices). #define OPTLOGGINGON 0x00000008 //Logging of trace output #define OPTVERBOSEON 0x00000010 //Subsys, Scope & PID/TID #define OPTINFOON 0x00000020 //Informational messages #define OPTTRACEON 0x00000040 //All function tracing on #define OPTTRACEEXT 0x00000080 //Function tracing only for external functions #define OPTMEMORYON 0x00000100 //Memory alloc/free tracing on //no tracing for release with asserts #ifndef _RELEASE_ASSERTS_ //The following options allow tracing to be enabled for one or more //specific subsystems. If OPTTRACEON is set, these will have no effect. //if OPTTRACEEXT is set, they will enable tracing for all functions in //the designated subsystem in addition to external functions. //The SETOPT and ISOPTSET macros should be used for setting and checking //these options. INITDEBUGSERVICES can also be used. #define OPTTRACEDISP 0x00001000 //Function tracing for Display subsystem #define OPTTRACEWRAP 0x00002000 //Function tracing for Wrapper subsystem #define OPTTRACEEDIT 0x00004000 //Function tracing for Edit subsystem #define OPTTRACETS 0x00008000 //Function tracing for TextServices subsystem #define OPTTRACETOM 0x00010000 //Function tracing for TOM subsystem #define OPTTRACEOLE 0x00020000 //Function tracing for OLE support subsystem #define OPTTRACEBACK 0x00040000 //Function tracing for Backing Store subsystem #define OPTTRACESEL 0x00080000 //Function tracing for Selection subsystem #define OPTTRACEHOST 0x00100000 //Function tracing for WinHost subsystem #define OPTTRACEDTE 0x00200000 //Function tracing for DataXfer subsystem #define OPTTRACEUNDO 0x00400000 //Function tracing for Muli-undo subsystem #define OPTTRACERANG 0x00800000 //Function tracing for Range subsystem #define OPTTRACEUTIL 0x01000000 //Function tracing for Utility subsystem #define OPTTRACENOTM 0x02000000 //Function tracing for Notification Mgr subsystem #define OPTTRACERTFR 0x04000000 //Function tracing for RTF reader subsystem #define OPTTRACERTFW 0x08000000 //Function tracing for RTF writer subsystem #define OPTTRACEPRT 0x10000000 //Function tracing for Printing subsystem #define OPTTRACEFE 0x20000000 //Function tracing for Far East subsystem #define OPTTRACEFONT 0x40000000 //Function tracing for Font Cache //Union for handling tracing flags //This union is used to decode the //packed DWORD passed to TraceMsg. typedef union { struct { unsigned uData2 :4; unsigned uData1 :4; unsigned uScope :4; unsigned uSeverity :4; unsigned uSubSystem :8; unsigned uUnused1 :4; unsigned uUnused2 :4; } fields; DWORD dw; } TrcFlags; //Exported classes and functions. //Generally, these should not be used directly by the user. //They should be used via the macros defined in this header. //This helps to ensure that the parameter lists are well //formed and keeps references to them from showing up in //in non-debug builds. //This class is used to implement the function Entry/Exit //tracing. By declaring it on the stack at the beginning //of a function, Entry and Exit messages are automatically //generated by the constructor and destructor. class CTrace { public: CTrace(DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, LPSTR); ~CTrace(); private: TrcFlags trcf; char szFileName[MAXDEBUGSTRLEN]; char szFuncName[80]; }; extern DWORD dwDebugOptions; extern void SetLogging(BOOL); void Tracef(DWORD, LPSTR szFmt, ...); void TraceError(LPSTR sz, LONG sc); #endif //!_RELEASE_ASSERTS_ typedef BOOL (CALLBACK * PFNASSERTHOOK)(LPSTR, LPSTR, int*); typedef BOOL (CALLBACK * PFNTRACEHOOK)(DWORD*, DWORD*, DWORD*, LPSTR, int*); extern PFNTRACEHOOK pfnTrace; extern PFNASSERTHOOK pfnAssert; void AssertSzFn(LPSTR, LPSTR, int); void TraceMsg(DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, LPSTR, int); DllExport void WINAPI InitDebugServices(DWORD, PFNASSERTHOOK, PFNTRACEHOOK); //Assert based on boolean f. #define Assert(f) AssertSz((f), NULL) //Assert based on boolean f in debug, resolve to f in non-debug. #define SideAssert(f) AssertSz((f), NULL) //Assert based on boolean f and use string sz in assert message. #define AssertSz(f, sz) (!(f) ? AssertSzFn(sz, __FILE__, __LINE__) : 0); //Set an assert or trace hook function. The function specified will be called //before the default functionality executes. Pointers to all parameters are passed //to the hook to allow it to modify them. If the hook function returns false, //default functionality is terminated. If the hook function returns true, default //functionality continues with the potentially modified parameters. pfn can //be NULL (default functionality only). #define SETASSERTFN(pfn) (pfnAssert = (pfn)) //The following macros provide access to the debug services in this dll. //Assert macros pop a dialog. Trace macros output to debug output and //logfile if enabled. //Macro for InitDebugServices #define INITDEBUGSERVICES(f, pfnA, pfnT) InitDebugServices(f, pfnA, pfnT) //This is a utility macro for internal use. The user should not need this. #define MAKEFLAGS(ss, sv, sc, d1, d2) ((ss << 16) + (sv << 12) + (sc << 8)\ + (d1 << 4) + (d2)) #ifndef _RELEASE_ASSERTS_ //Assert only on debug builds, not on _RELEASE_ASSERTS_ builds //This is for asserts that contain debug only code #ifndef AssertNr #define AssertNr(f) AssertSz((f), NULL) #endif #ifndef AssertNrSz #define AssertNrSz(f, sz) (!(f) ? AssertSzFn(sz, __FILE__, __LINE__) : 0); #endif //Macro for TraceError #define TRACEERRSZSC(sz, sc) TraceError(sz, sc) //Warning based on GetLastError or default message if no last error. #define TRACEWARN TraceMsg(MAKEFLAGS(TRCSUBSYSNONE, TRCSEVWARN,\ TRCSCOPENONE, TRCDATADEFAULT, TRCDATANONE),\ (DWORD)0, (DWORD)0, __FILE__, __LINE__) //Error based on GetLastError or default message if no last error. #define TRACEERROR TraceMsg(MAKEFLAGS(TRCSUBSYSNONE, TRCSEVERR,\ TRCSCOPENONE, TRCDATADEFAULT, TRCDATANONE),\ (DWORD)0, (DWORD)0, __FILE__, __LINE__) //Warning based on HRESULT hr #define TRACEWARNHR(hr) TraceMsg(MAKEFLAGS(TRCSUBSYSNONE, TRCSEVWARN,\ TRCSCOPENONE, TRCDATAHRESULT, TRCDATANONE),\ (DWORD)(hr), (DWORD)0, __FILE__, __LINE__) //Test for a failure HR && warn #define TESTANDTRACEHR(hr) if( hr < 0 ) { TRACEWARNHR(hr); } //Error based on HRESULT hr #define TRACEERRORHR(hr) TraceMsg(MAKEFLAGS(TRCSUBSYSNONE, TRCSEVERR,\ TRCSCOPENONE, TRCDATAHRESULT, TRCDATANONE),\ (DWORD)(hr), (DWORD)0, __FILE__, __LINE__) //Warning using string sz #define TRACEWARNSZ(sz) TraceMsg(MAKEFLAGS(TRCSUBSYSNONE, TRCSEVWARN,\ TRCSCOPENONE, TRCDATASTRING, TRCDATANONE),\ (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)(sz), (DWORD)0, __FILE__, __LINE__) //Trace based on Assert, user passes file name and line #define TRACEASSERT(szFile, iLine) TraceMsg (MAKEFLAGS(TRCSUBSYSNONE,\ TRCSEVASSERT, TRCSCOPENONE,\ TRCDATANONE, TRCDATANONE),\ (DWORD)0, (DWORD)0, szFile, iLine) //Trace based on Assert, user passes file name and line #define TRACEASSERTSZ(sz, szFile, iLine) TraceMsg (MAKEFLAGS(TRCSUBSYSNONE,\ TRCSEVASSERT, TRCSCOPENONE,\ TRCDATASTRING, TRCDATANONE),\ (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)sz, (DWORD)0, szFile, iLine) //Error using string sz #define TRACEERRORSZ(sz) TraceMsg(MAKEFLAGS(TRCSUBSYSNONE, TRCSEVERR,\ TRCSCOPENONE, TRCDATASTRING, TRCDATANONE),\ (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)(sz), (DWORD)0, __FILE__, __LINE__) //Error using string sz #define TRACEINFOSZ(sz) TraceMsg(MAKEFLAGS(TRCSUBSYSNONE, TRCSEVINFO,\ TRCSCOPENONE, TRCDATASTRING, TRCDATANONE),\ (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)(sz), (DWORD)0, __FILE__, __LINE__) //Initiate tracing. This declares an instance of the CTtrace class //on the stack. Subsystem (ss), Scope (sc), and the function name //(sz) must be specifed. ss and sc are specified using the macros //defined in this header (i.e. - TRCSUBSYSTOM, TRCSCOPEEXTERN, etc.). //sz can be a static string. #define TRACEBEGIN(ss, sc, sz) CTrace trc(MAKEFLAGS((ss), TRCSEVNONE,\ (sc), TRCDATASTRING, TRCDATANONE),\ (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)(sz), (DWORD)0, __FILE__) //Same as TRACEBEGIN but it takes the additional param which is interpreted //by TraceMsg as a Text Message request. #define TRACEBEGINPARAM(ss, sc, sz, param) \ CTrace trc(MAKEFLAGS((ss), TRCSEVNONE,\ (sc), TRCDATASTRING, TRCDATAPARAM),\ (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)(sz), (DWORD)(param), __FILE__) //Set logging to on (f = TRUE) or off (f = FALSE) #define SETLOGGING(f) SetLogging(f) //Set output of process & thread IDs to on (f = TRUE) or off (f = FALSE) #define SETVERBOSE(f) ((f) ? (dwDebugOptions |= OPTVERBOSEON) :\ (dwDebugOptions &= ~OPTVERBOSEON)) //Set information messages to on (f = TRUE) or off (f = FALSE) #define SETINFO(f) ((f) ? (dwDebugOptions |= OPTINFOON) :\ (dwDebugOptions &= ~OPTINFOON)) //Set information messages to on (f = TRUE) or off (f = FALSE) #define SETMEMORY(f) ((f) ? (dwDebugOptions |= OPTMEMORYON) :\ (dwDebugOptions &= ~OPTMEMORYON)) //Set tracing for all functions to on (f = TRUE) or off (f = FALSE). //If this is set to "on", external and subsystem level tracing //has no effect since all function traces are enabled. If it is off, //external and subsystem level tracing remain in whatever state they //have been set to. #define SETTRACING(f) ((f) ? (dwDebugOptions |= OPTTRACEON) :\ (dwDebugOptions &= ~OPTTRACEON)) //Set tracing for EXTERNAL scope calls only to on (f = TRUE) //or off (f = FALSE). This is only effective if OPTTRACEON has not //been set. #define SETTRACEEXT(f) ((f) ? (dwDebugOptions |= OPTTRACEEXT) :\ (dwDebugOptions &= ~OPTTRACEEXT)) //This macro turns all function tracing off. #define SETALLTRACEOFF (dwDebugOptions &= ~(OPTTRACEEXT | OPTTRACEON | 0xfffff000)) //This macro sets a given option or options (if they are or'ed together) //to on (f = TRUE), or off (f = FALSE). It cannot be used to set logging. #define SETOPT(opt, f) ((f) ? (dwDebugOptions |= (opt)) :\ (dwDebugOptions &= (~(opt)))) //This macro determines the state of a given option. #define ISOPTSET(opt) ((opt) & dwDebugOptions) //Set an assert or trace hook function. The function specified will be called //before the default functionality executes. Pointers to all parameters are passed //to the hook to allow it to modify them. If the hook function returns false, //default functionality is terminated. If the hook function returns true, default //functionality continues with the potentially modified parameters. pfn can //be NULL (default functionality only). #define SETTRACEFN(pfn) (pfnTrace = (pfn)) //The following option tests are explicitly defined for convenience. #define fLogging (OPTLOGGINGON & dwDebugOptions) #define fVerbose (OPTVERBOSEON & dwDebugOptions) #define fInfo (OPTINFOON & dwDebugOptions) #define fTrace (OPTTRACEON & dwDebugOptions) #define fTraceExt (OPTTRACEEXT & dwDebugOptions) #else //_RELEASE_ASSERTS_ //Functions not used by release build with asserts #ifndef AssertNr #define AssertNr(f) #endif #ifndef AssertNrSz #define AssertNrSz(f, sz) #endif #define Tracef ;/##/ #define TRACEERRSZSC(sz, sc) #define TRACEWARN #define TRACEERROR #define TRACEWARNHR(hr) #define TESTANDTRACEHR(hr) #define TRACEERRORHR(hr) #define TRACEWARNSZ(sz) #define TRACEASSERT(szFile, iLine) #define TRACEASSERTSZ(sz, szFile, iLine) #define TRACEERRORSZ(sz) #define TRACEINFOSZ(sz) #define TRACEBEGIN(ss, sc, sz) #define TRACEBEGINPARAM(ss, sc, sz, param) #define SETLOGGING(f) #define SETVERBOSE(f) #define SETINFO(f) #define SETMEMORY(f) #define SETTRACING(f) #define SETTRACEEXT(f) #define SETALLTRACEOFF #define SETOPT(opt, f) #define ISOPTSET(opt) #define SETTRACEFN(pfn) #define TraceError(_sz, _sc) // MACPORT ADDED THIS - TraceError #endif //_RELEASE_ASSERTS_ #else //DEBUG,_RELEASE_ASSERTS_ #define Tracef ;/##/ #define INITDEBUGSERVICES(f, pfnA, pfnT) #define TRACEERRSZSC(sz, sc) #ifndef Assert #define Assert(f) #endif #ifndef SideAssert #define SideAssert(f) (f) #endif #ifndef AssertSz #define AssertSz(f, sz) #endif #ifndef AssertNr #define AssertNr(f) #endif #ifndef AssertNrSz #define AssertNrSz(f, sz) #endif #define TRACEWARN #define TRACEERROR #define TRACEWARNHR(hr) #define TESTANDTRACEHR(hr) #define TRACEERRORHR(hr) #define TRACEWARNSZ(sz) #define TRACEASSERT(szFile, iLine) #define TRACEASSERTSZ(sz, szFile, iLine) #define TRACEERRORSZ(sz) #define TRACEINFOSZ(sz) #define TRACEBEGIN(ss, sc, sz) #define TRACEBEGINPARAM(ss, sc, sz, param) #define SETLOGGING(f) #define SETVERBOSE(f) #define SETINFO(f) #define SETMEMORY(f) #define SETTRACING(f) #define SETTRACEEXT(f) #define SETALLTRACEOFF #define SETOPT(opt, f) #define ISOPTSET(opt) #define SETASSERTFN(pfn) #define SETTRACEFN(pfn) #define AssertSzFn(sz, __FILE__, __LINE__) // MACPORT ADDED THIS - Dbug32AssertSzFn #define TraceError(_sz, _sc) // MACPORT ADDED THIS - TraceError #endif #endif //DEBUG_H