//____________________________________________________________________________ // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 // // File: oncmenu.cpp // // Contents: // // Classes: // // Functions: // // History: 1/9/1997 RaviR Created //____________________________________________________________________________ // #include "stdafx.h" #include "tasks.h" #include "oncmenu.h" #include // COM Component Categories Manager #include "compcat.h" #include "guids.h" #include "newnode.h" #include "..\inc\amcmsgid.h" #include "multisel.h" #include "scopndcb.h" #include "cmenuinfo.h" #include "contree.h" #include "conview.h" #include "conframe.h" #include "rsltitem.h" #include "variant.h" // ConvertByRefVariantToByValue #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif // forward reference class CConsoleStatusBar; //############################################################################ //############################################################################ // // Language-independent menu names. DO NOT CHANGE THESE!! // // the macro expands out to something like // const LPCTSTR szCONTEXTHELP = TEXT("_CONTEXTHELP") // //############################################################################ //############################################################################ #define DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(_item) const LPCTSTR sz##_item = TEXT("_")TEXT(#_item); DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(CONTEXTHELP) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(VIEW) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(CUSTOMIZE) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(COLUMNS) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(VIEW_LARGE) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(VIEW_SMALL) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(VIEW_LIST) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(VIEW_DETAIL) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(VIEW_FILTERED) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(ORGANIZE_FAVORITES) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(CUT) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(COPY) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(PASTE) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(DELETE) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(PRINT) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(RENAME) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(REFRESH) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(SAVE_LIST) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(PROPERTIES) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(OPEN) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(EXPLORE) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(NEW_TASKPAD_FROM_HERE) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(EDIT_TASKPAD) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(DELETE_TASKPAD) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(ARRANGE_ICONS) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(ARRANGE_AUTO) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(LINE_UP_ICONS) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(TASK) DECLARE_MENU_ITEM(CREATE_NEW) //############################################################################ //############################################################################ // // Trace Tags // //############################################################################ //############################################################################ #ifdef DBG CTraceTag tagOnCMenu(TEXT("OnCMenu"), TEXT("OnCMenu")); #endif //############################################################################ //############################################################################ // // Implementation of class CCustomizeViewDialog // //############################################################################ //############################################################################ class CCustomizeViewDialog : public CDialogImpl { typedef CCustomizeViewDialog ThisClass; typedef CDialogImpl BaseClass; public: // Operators enum { IDD = IDD_CUSTOMIZE_VIEW }; CCustomizeViewDialog(CViewData *pViewData); protected: BEGIN_MSG_MAP(ThisClass) MESSAGE_HANDLER (WM_INITDIALOG, OnInitDialog) CONTEXT_HELP_HANDLER() COMMAND_ID_HANDLER (IDOK, OnOK) COMMAND_HANDLER (IDC_CUST_STD_MENUS, BN_CLICKED, OnClick) COMMAND_HANDLER (IDC_CUST_SNAPIN_MENUS, BN_CLICKED, OnClick) COMMAND_HANDLER (IDC_CUST_STD_BUTTONS, BN_CLICKED, OnClick) COMMAND_HANDLER (IDC_CUST_SNAPIN_BUTTONS, BN_CLICKED, OnClick) COMMAND_HANDLER (IDC_CUST_STATUS_BAR, BN_CLICKED, OnClick) COMMAND_HANDLER (IDC_CUST_DESC_BAR, BN_CLICKED, OnClick) COMMAND_HANDLER (IDC_CUST_CONSOLE_TREE, BN_CLICKED, OnClick) COMMAND_HANDLER (IDC_CUST_TASKPAD_TABS, BN_CLICKED, OnClick) END_MSG_MAP(); IMPLEMENT_CONTEXT_HELP(g_aHelpIDs_IDD_CUSTOMIZE_VIEW); LRESULT OnInitDialog (UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled); LRESULT OnOK (WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled); LRESULT OnCancel (WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled); LRESULT OnClick (WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled); bool PureIsDlgButtonChecked (int nIDButton) const { return (IsDlgButtonChecked(nIDButton) == BST_CHECKED); } private: CViewData * m_pViewData; bool m_bStdMenus : 1; bool m_bSnapinMenus : 1; bool m_bStdButtons : 1; bool m_bSnapinButtons : 1; bool m_bStatusBar : 1; bool m_bDescBar : 1; bool m_bConsoleTree : 1; bool m_bTaskpadTabs : 1; }; CCustomizeViewDialog::CCustomizeViewDialog(CViewData *pViewData) : m_pViewData(pViewData) { DWORD dwToolbarsDisplayed = pViewData->GetToolbarsDisplayed(); m_bStdMenus = dwToolbarsDisplayed & STD_MENUS; m_bSnapinMenus = dwToolbarsDisplayed & SNAPIN_MENUS; m_bStdButtons = dwToolbarsDisplayed & STD_BUTTONS; m_bSnapinButtons = dwToolbarsDisplayed & SNAPIN_BUTTONS; m_bStatusBar = pViewData->IsStatusBarVisible(); m_bDescBar = pViewData->IsDescBarVisible(); m_bConsoleTree = pViewData->IsScopePaneVisible(); m_bTaskpadTabs = pViewData->AreTaskpadTabsAllowed(); } LRESULT CCustomizeViewDialog::OnInitDialog(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { /* * Since these two values correspond to the possible values of a bool, * we don't have to have an ugly conditional operator below, i.e.: * * CheckDlgButton (..., (m_bStdMenus) ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); */ ASSERT (BST_CHECKED == true); ASSERT (BST_UNCHECKED == false); CheckDlgButton (IDC_CUST_SNAPIN_MENUS, m_bSnapinMenus); CheckDlgButton (IDC_CUST_SNAPIN_BUTTONS, m_bSnapinButtons); CheckDlgButton (IDC_CUST_STATUS_BAR, m_bStatusBar); CheckDlgButton (IDC_CUST_DESC_BAR, m_bDescBar); CheckDlgButton (IDC_CUST_TASKPAD_TABS, m_bTaskpadTabs); // if snap-in has disabled standard menus and toolbars, don't // allow user to enable them. // (Note: NOTOOLBARS disables both menus and toolbars) if (m_pViewData->GetWindowOptions() & MMC_NW_OPTION_NOTOOLBARS) { CheckDlgButton (IDC_CUST_STD_MENUS, false); CheckDlgButton (IDC_CUST_STD_BUTTONS, false); ::EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(IDC_CUST_STD_MENUS), false); ::EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(IDC_CUST_STD_BUTTONS), false); } else { CheckDlgButton (IDC_CUST_STD_MENUS, m_bStdMenus); CheckDlgButton (IDC_CUST_STD_BUTTONS, m_bStdButtons); } // if snap-in has disable the scope pane, then don't let user // try to enable/disable scope tree access. if (m_pViewData->GetWindowOptions() & MMC_NW_OPTION_NOSCOPEPANE) { CheckDlgButton (IDC_CUST_CONSOLE_TREE, false); ::EnableWindow (GetDlgItem(IDC_CUST_CONSOLE_TREE), false); } else { CheckDlgButton (IDC_CUST_CONSOLE_TREE, m_bConsoleTree); } // Disable/Remove the "Close"/"ALT+F4" from the dialog. HMENU hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE); if (hSysMenu) VERIFY(RemoveMenu(hSysMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND)); return 0; } LRESULT CCustomizeViewDialog::OnClick (WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { CConsoleView* pConsoleView = m_pViewData->GetConsoleView(); ASSERT (pConsoleView != NULL); switch (wID) { case IDC_CUST_STD_MENUS: m_pViewData->ToggleToolbar(MID_STD_MENUS); break; case IDC_CUST_SNAPIN_MENUS: m_pViewData->ToggleToolbar(MID_SNAPIN_MENUS); break; case IDC_CUST_STD_BUTTONS: m_pViewData->ToggleToolbar(MID_STD_BUTTONS); break; case IDC_CUST_SNAPIN_BUTTONS: m_pViewData->ToggleToolbar(MID_SNAPIN_BUTTONS); break; case IDC_CUST_STATUS_BAR: if (pConsoleView != NULL) pConsoleView->ScToggleStatusBar(); break; case IDC_CUST_DESC_BAR: if (pConsoleView != NULL) pConsoleView->ScToggleDescriptionBar(); break; case IDC_CUST_CONSOLE_TREE: if (pConsoleView != NULL) pConsoleView->ScToggleScopePane(); break; case IDC_CUST_TASKPAD_TABS: if (pConsoleView != NULL) pConsoleView->ScToggleTaskpadTabs(); break; } return (0); } LRESULT CCustomizeViewDialog::OnOK(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { EndDialog(IDOK); return 0; } //############################################################################ //############################################################################ // // Implementation of class CContextMenu // //############################################################################ //############################################################################ DEBUG_DECLARE_INSTANCE_COUNTER(CContextMenu); CContextMenu::CContextMenu() : m_pNode(NULL), m_pNodeCallback(NULL), m_pCScopeTree(NULL), m_eDefaultVerb((MMC_CONSOLE_VERB)0), m_lCommandIDMax(0), m_pStatusBar(NULL), m_pmenuitemRoot(NULL), m_MaxPrimaryOwnerID(OWNERID_PRIMARY_MIN), m_MaxThirdPartyOwnerID(OWNERID_THIRD_PARTY_MIN), m_CurrentExtensionOwnerID(OWNERID_NATIVE), m_nNextMenuItemID(MENUITEM_BASE_ID), m_fPrimaryInsertionFlags(0), m_fThirdPartyInsertionFlags(0), m_fAddingPrimaryExtensionItems(false), m_fAddedThirdPartyExtensions(false), m_SnapinList(NULL) { DEBUG_INCREMENT_INSTANCE_COUNTER(CContextMenu); // Fix!! m_SnapinList = new SnapinStructList; ASSERT(m_SnapinList); } SC CContextMenu::ScInitialize( CNode* pNode, CNodeCallback* pNodeCallback, CScopeTree* pCScopeTree, const CContextMenuInfo& contextInfo) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScInitialize")); m_pNode = pNode; m_pNodeCallback = pNodeCallback; m_pCScopeTree = pCScopeTree; m_ContextInfo = contextInfo; return sc; } CContextMenu::~CContextMenu() { EmptyMenuList(); ASSERT(m_SnapinList != NULL); if (m_SnapinList != NULL) { #ifdef DBG int const count = m_SnapinList->GetCount(); ASSERT( count == 0); #endif delete m_SnapinList; } DEBUG_DECREMENT_INSTANCE_COUNTER(CContextMenu); } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::SetStatusBar * * PURPOSE: Sets the status bar pointer. * * PARAMETERS: * CConsoleStatusBar * pStatusBar : * * RETURNS: * void * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CContextMenu::SetStatusBar(CConsoleStatusBar *pStatusBar) { if(NULL != pStatusBar) m_pStatusBar = pStatusBar; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::GetStatusBar * * PURPOSE: Returns a pointer to the status bar to use when displaying the menu. * * RETURNS: * CConsoleStatusBar * * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CConsoleStatusBar * CContextMenu::GetStatusBar() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::GetStatusBar")); if(m_pStatusBar) return m_pStatusBar; if(m_pNode && m_pNode->GetViewData()) { m_pStatusBar = m_pNode->GetViewData()->GetStatusBar(); return m_pStatusBar; } // last try, use the console view if(m_ContextInfo.m_pConsoleView) { sc = m_ContextInfo.m_pConsoleView->ScGetStatusBar(&m_pStatusBar); if(sc) return NULL; } return m_pStatusBar; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScCreateInstance * * PURPOSE: Creates a new context menu instance. * * PARAMETERS: * ContextMenu ** ppContextMenu : pointer to the ContextMenu interface on * the instance. This maintains the lifetime. * * CContextMenu **ppCContextMenu : If non-null, returns the derived object pointer. * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScCreateInstance(ContextMenu **ppContextMenu, CContextMenu **ppCContextMenu) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScCreateInstance")); sc = ScCheckPointers(ppContextMenu, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; CComObject > *pContextMenu = NULL; sc = pContextMenu->CreateInstance(&pContextMenu); if(sc.IsError() || !pContextMenu) return (sc = E_UNEXPECTED).ToHr(); *ppContextMenu = pContextMenu; // handles the lifetime. (*ppContextMenu)->AddRef(); // addref for client. if(ppCContextMenu != NULL) *ppCContextMenu = pContextMenu; return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScCreateContextMenu * * PURPOSE: Creates a context menu for the specified node. * * PARAMETERS: * PNODE pNode : * PPCONTEXTMENU ppContextMenu : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScCreateContextMenu( PNODE pNode, HNODE hNode, PPCONTEXTMENU ppContextMenu, CNodeCallback *pNodeCallback, CScopeTree *pScopeTree) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScCreateContextMenu")); CNode *pNodeTarget = CNode::FromHandle(hNode); // validate parameters sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode, pNodeTarget, ppContextMenu); if(sc) return sc; // init out parameter *ppContextMenu = NULL; BOOL bIsScopeNode = false; sc = pNode->IsScopeNode(&bIsScopeNode); if(sc) return sc; if(!bIsScopeNode) return (sc = E_NOTIMPL); // TODO: result items and multiselect items. // create a context menu object initialized to the specified node. CContextMenu *pContextMenu = NULL; // not using upt parameter directly to avoid returning the object // with an error result code. See bug 139528 // will assign at the end when we now that everything succeeded ContextMenuPtr spContextMenu; sc = CContextMenu::ScCreateContextMenuForScopeNode(pNodeTarget, pNodeCallback, pScopeTree, &spContextMenu, pContextMenu); if(sc) return sc; sc = pContextMenu->ScBuildContextMenu(); if(sc) return sc; // return the object *ppContextMenu = spContextMenu.Detach(); return sc; } /***************************************************************************\ * * METHOD: CContextMenu::ScCreateContextMenuForScopeNode * * PURPOSE: * * PARAMETERS: * CNode *pNode - [in] node on which the context menu will be created * CNodeCallback *pNodeCallback - [in] node callback * CScopeTree *pScopeTree - [in] scope tree * PPCONTEXTMENU ppContextMenu - [out] context menu interface * CContextMenu * &pContextMenu - [out] context menu raw pointer * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CContextMenu::ScCreateContextMenuForScopeNode(CNode *pNode, CNodeCallback *pNodeCallback, CScopeTree *pScopeTree, PPCONTEXTMENU ppContextMenu, CContextMenu * &pContextMenu) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScCreateContextMenuForScopeNode")); // validate parameters sc = ScCheckPointers(ppContextMenu); if(sc) return sc; CContextMenuInfo contextInfo; // always use the temp verbs - cannot depend on what the active pane is contextInfo.m_dwFlags = CMINFO_USE_TEMP_VERB; bool fScopeItem = true; // initialize the context info structure. { contextInfo.m_eContextMenuType = MMC_CONTEXT_MENU_DEFAULT; contextInfo.m_eDataObjectType = fScopeItem ? CCT_SCOPE: CCT_RESULT; contextInfo.m_bBackground = FALSE; contextInfo.m_hSelectedScopeNode = NULL; //assigned below contextInfo.m_resultItemParam = NULL; //resultItemParam; contextInfo.m_bMultiSelect = FALSE; //(resultItemParam == LVDATA_MULTISELECT); contextInfo.m_bScopeAllowed = fScopeItem; contextInfo.m_dwFlags |= CMINFO_SHOW_SCOPEITEM_OPEN; // when called through the object model, always add the open item so that this can be accessed. if ( pNode!= NULL ) { CViewData *pViewData = pNode->GetViewData(); CConsoleView *pView = NULL; if (NULL != pViewData && NULL != (pView = pViewData->GetConsoleView())) { // set the owner of the view contextInfo.m_hSelectedScopeNode = pView->GetSelectedNode(); //if the scope node is also the owner of the view , // add more menu items if (contextInfo.m_hSelectedScopeNode == CNode::ToHandle(pNode)) { contextInfo.m_dwFlags |= CMINFO_SHOW_VIEWOWNER_ITEMS; // show view items as well contextInfo.m_dwFlags |= CMINFO_SHOW_VIEW_ITEMS; //.. and if there is a list it can be saved if ( NULL != pViewData->GetListCtrl() ) contextInfo.m_dwFlags |= CMINFO_SHOW_SAVE_LIST; } } contextInfo.m_hWnd = pNode->GetViewData()->GetView(); contextInfo.m_pConsoleView = pNode->GetViewData()->GetConsoleView(); } } // create a context menu object initialized to the specified node. sc = CContextMenu::ScCreateInstance(ppContextMenu, &pContextMenu); if (sc) return sc; // recheck the pointer sc = ScCheckPointers(pContextMenu, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc; sc = pContextMenu->ScInitialize(pNode, pNodeCallback, pScopeTree, contextInfo); if(sc) return sc; return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScCreateSelectionContextMenu * * PURPOSE: Creates a context menu object for the selection in the list view. * * PARAMETERS: * HNODE hNodeScope : * CContextMenuInfo * pContextInfo : * PPCONTEXTMENU ppContextMenu : * CNodeCallback * pNodeCallback : * CScopeTree * pScopeTree : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScCreateSelectionContextMenu( HNODE hNodeScope, const CContextMenuInfo *pContextInfo, PPCONTEXTMENU ppContextMenu, CNodeCallback *pNodeCallback, CScopeTree *pScopeTree) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScCreateSelectionContextMenu")); CNode *pNodeSel = CNode::FromHandle(hNodeScope); // validate parameters sc = ScCheckPointers(pNodeSel, ppContextMenu); if(sc) return sc; // create a context menu object initialized to the specified node. CContextMenu *pContextMenu = NULL; sc = CContextMenu::ScCreateInstance(ppContextMenu, &pContextMenu); if(sc.IsError() || !pContextMenu) { return (sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY); } sc = pContextMenu->ScInitialize(pNodeSel, pNodeCallback, pScopeTree, *pContextInfo); if(sc) return sc; sc = pContextMenu->ScBuildContextMenu(); if(sc) return sc; return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScGetItem * * PURPOSE: Returns the iItem'th menu item. * * PARAMETERS: * int iItem : The zero-based item index. * CMenuItem** ppMenuItem : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScGetItem(int iItem, CMenuItem** ppMenuItem) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScGetItem")); sc = ScCheckPointers(ppMenuItem, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; // init out param *ppMenuItem = NULL; sc = ScGetItem(GetMenuItemList(), iItem, ppMenuItem); return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScGetItem * * PURPOSE: Returns the nth item in the list of menu items, or NULL if * there are insufficient items. * Also returns the total count of items in the list. * * NOTE: This method allows the context menu to be traversed. Just call it * with increasing iItem, for 0 <= iItem < count. * * NOTE: ScGetItemCount benefits from knowledge about implementation details * of this function. * * PARAMETERS: * MenuItemList * pMenuItemList : [in] The context menu to traverse. * int & iItem : [in, destroyed on exit]: the (zero-based) item index * CMenuItem** ppMenuItem : [out]: The iItem'th menu item. * * RETURNS: * SC : S_OK for success, an error code for error. * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScGetItem(MenuItemList *pMenuItemList, int &iItem, CMenuItem** ppMenuItem) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScGetItem")); sc = ScCheckPointers(pMenuItemList, ppMenuItem, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; *ppMenuItem = NULL; POSITION position = pMenuItemList->GetHeadPosition(); // presumably we're already at the head position. while(position!=NULL && *ppMenuItem == NULL) { CMenuItem* pMenuItem = pMenuItemList->GetNext(position); if( (pMenuItem->IsSpecialSubmenu() || pMenuItem->IsPopupMenu() ) && pMenuItem->HasChildList()) { // recurse through the submenus sc = ScGetItem( &pMenuItem->GetMenuItemSubmenu(), iItem, ppMenuItem ); if(sc) return sc; // errors get reported right away. } else if( !pMenuItem->IsSpecialSeparator() && !pMenuItem->IsSpecialInsertionPoint() && !(pMenuItem->GetMenuItemFlags() & MF_SEPARATOR)) { if(iItem-- == 0) // found the i'th item, but keep going to find the count of items. *ppMenuItem = pMenuItem; } } // either found one or iterated to the end ... return sc; } /***************************************************************************\ * * METHOD: CContextMenu::ScGetItemCount * * PURPOSE: Counts menu items by iterating thu them * * NOTE: benefits from knowledge about implementation details of ScGetItem * * PARAMETERS: * UINT &count * * RETURNS: * SC - result code * \***************************************************************************/ SC CContextMenu::ScGetItemCount(UINT &count) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScGetItemCount")); count = 0; // set iItem to invalid index - so ScGetItem will iterate to the end const int iInvalidIndexToSearch = -1; int iItem = iInvalidIndexToSearch; CMenuItem * pMenuItem = NULL; sc = ScGetItem(GetMenuItemList(), iItem, &pMenuItem); if(sc) return sc; ASSERT( pMenuItem == NULL); // we do not expect it to be found! // since iItem was decremented for each element - we can easily // calculate how many items we've got count = -(iItem - iInvalidIndexToSearch); return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScEnumNext * * PURPOSE: Returns a pointer to the next menu item * * PARAMETERS: * Position & pos : * PDISPATCH & pDispatch : * * RETURNS: * ::SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ::SC CContextMenu::ScEnumNext(Position &pos, PDISPATCH & pDispatch) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScEnumNext")); // initialize out parameter pDispatch = NULL; long cnt = 0; sc = get_Count(&cnt); if (sc) return sc; // false if no more items if (cnt <= pos) return sc = S_FALSE; MenuItem *pMenuItem = NULL; // deliberately not a smart pointer. sc = get_Item(CComVariant((int)pos+1) /*convert from zero-based to one-based*/, &pMenuItem); if(sc.IsError() || sc == ::SC(S_FALSE)) return sc; // failed of no with such an index items (S_FALSE) // increment position pos++; pDispatch = pMenuItem; //retains the refcount. return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScEnumSkip * * PURPOSE: Skips the specified number of menu items. * * PARAMETERS: * unsigned long : * unsigned long : * Position & pos : * * RETURNS: * ::SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ::SC CContextMenu::ScEnumSkip(unsigned long celt, unsigned long& celtSkipped, Position &pos) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScEnumSkip")); long count = 0; sc = get_Count(&count); if(sc) return sc; if(count <= pos + celt) // could not skip as many as needed { celtSkipped = count - celt - 1; pos = count; // one past the end. return (sc = S_FALSE); } else // could skip as many as needed. { celtSkipped = celt; pos += celt; return sc; } } ::SC CContextMenu::ScEnumReset(Position &pos) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScEnumReset")); pos = 0; return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::get_Count * * PURPOSE: * * PARAMETERS: * PLONG pCount : * * RETURNS: * STDMETHODIMP * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CContextMenu::get_Count(PLONG pCount) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CMMCContextMenu::get_Count")); sc = ScCheckPointers(pCount); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); // init out param *pCount = 0; UINT count = 0; sc = ScGetItemCount(count); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); *pCount = count; return sc.ToHr(); } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::get_Item * * PURPOSE: Returns the menu item specified by the index. * * PARAMETERS: * long Index : The one-based index of the menu item to return. * PPMENUITEM ppMenuItem : * * RETURNS: * STDMETHODIMP * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CContextMenu::get_Item(VARIANT IndexOrName, PPMENUITEM ppMenuItem) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CMMCContextMenu::get_Item")); sc = ScCheckPointers(ppMenuItem); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); // init out param *ppMenuItem = NULL; VARIANT* pvarTemp = ConvertByRefVariantToByValue(&IndexOrName); sc = ScCheckPointers( pvarTemp, E_UNEXPECTED ); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); bool bByReference = ( 0 != (V_VT(pvarTemp) & VT_BYREF) ); // value passed by reference UINT uiVarType = (V_VT(pvarTemp) & VT_TYPEMASK); // get variable type (strip flags) CMenuItem * pMenuItem = NULL; // compute the one-based index of the item if (uiVarType == VT_I4) // int type in C++; Long type in VB { // index: get I4 properly ( see if it's a reference ) UINT uiIndex = bByReference ? *(pvarTemp->plVal) : pvarTemp->lVal; // find menu item by index sc = ScGetItem(uiIndex -1 /* convert from one-based to zero-based */, &pMenuItem); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); } else if (uiVarType == VT_I2) // short type in C++; Integer type in VB { // index: get I2 properly ( see if it's a reference ) UINT uiIndex = bByReference ? *(pvarTemp->piVal) : pvarTemp->iVal; // find menu item by index sc = ScGetItem(uiIndex -1 /* convert from one-based to zero-based */, &pMenuItem); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); } else if (uiVarType == VT_BSTR) // BSTR type in C++; String type in VB { // Name: get string properly ( see if it's a reference ) LPOLESTR lpstrPath = bByReference ? *(pvarTemp->pbstrVal) : pvarTemp->bstrVal; // look for subitem of root menu item if (m_pmenuitemRoot) { USES_CONVERSION; // convert to string. Avoid NULL pointer (change to empty string) LPCTSTR lpctstrPath = lpstrPath ? OLE2CT(lpstrPath) : _T(""); // find menu item by path pMenuItem = m_pmenuitemRoot->FindItemByPath( lpctstrPath ); } } else // something we did not expect { // we expect either index (VT_I2 , VT_I4) or path (VT_BSTR) only // anything else is treatead as invalid agument return (sc = E_INVALIDARG).ToHr(); } if(!pMenuItem) // did not find it - return null { *ppMenuItem = NULL; return (sc = S_FALSE).ToHr(); } // construct com object sc = pMenuItem->ScGetMenuItem(ppMenuItem); return sc.ToHr(); } HRESULT CContextMenu::CreateContextMenuProvider() { if (PContextInfo()->m_bBackground == TRUE && PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType == CCT_SCOPE) return S_OK; ASSERT(m_pNode != NULL); if (m_pNode == NULL) return E_FAIL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; do // not a loop { // // Use the standard verb present for this view. // if (!(PContextInfo()->m_dwFlags & CMINFO_USE_TEMP_VERB)) { m_spVerbSet = m_pNode->GetViewData()->GetVerbSet(); break; } // // Create a temporary Standard verb .. // // .. for a scope item if (PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType == CCT_SCOPE) { hr = CreateTempVerbSet(true); break; } // .. for a list item if (!IS_SPECIAL_LVDATA(PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam)) { hr = CreateTempVerbSet(false); break; } // .. for a multi-sel in list view if (PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam == LVDATA_MULTISELECT) { hr = CreateTempVerbSetForMultiSel(); break; } else { ASSERT(0); hr = E_FAIL; break; } } while (0); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; m_spVerbSet->GetDefaultVerb(&m_eDefaultVerb); return S_OK; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddInsertionPoint * * PURPOSE: * * PARAMETERS: * long lCommandID : * long lInsertionPointID : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddInsertionPoint(long lCommandID, long lInsertionPointID /*= CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_ROOT_MENU*/) { SC sc; CONTEXTMENUITEM contextmenuitem; ::ZeroMemory( &contextmenuitem, sizeof(contextmenuitem) ); contextmenuitem.strName = NULL; contextmenuitem.strStatusBarText = NULL; contextmenuitem.lCommandID = lCommandID; contextmenuitem.lInsertionPointID = lInsertionPointID; contextmenuitem.fFlags = 0; contextmenuitem.fSpecialFlags = CCM_SPECIAL_INSERTION_POINT; sc = AddItem(&contextmenuitem); if(sc) goto Error; Cleanup: return sc; Error: TraceError(TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddInsertionPoint"), sc); goto Cleanup; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddSeparator * * PURPOSE: Adds a separator to the context menu * * PARAMETERS: * long lInsertionPointID : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddSeparator(long lInsertionPointID /* = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_ROOT_MENU */) { SC sc; CONTEXTMENUITEM contextmenuitem; ::ZeroMemory( &contextmenuitem, sizeof(contextmenuitem) ); contextmenuitem.strName = NULL; contextmenuitem.strStatusBarText = NULL; contextmenuitem.lCommandID = 0; contextmenuitem.lInsertionPointID = lInsertionPointID; contextmenuitem.fFlags = MF_SEPARATOR; contextmenuitem.fSpecialFlags = CCM_SPECIAL_SEPARATOR; sc = AddItem( &contextmenuitem); if(sc) goto Error; Cleanup: return sc; Error: TraceError(TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddSeparator"), sc); goto Cleanup; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItem * * PURPOSE: Adds a menu item to the context menu. * * PARAMETERS: * UINT nResourceID : contains text and status text separated by '\n' * long lCommandID : the ID used to notify the IExtendContextMenu when an item is selected * long lInsertionPointID : the location to insert the item * long fFlags : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItem( UINT nResourceID, // contains text and status text separated by '\n' LPCTSTR szLanguageIndependentName, long lCommandID, long lInsertionPointID /* = CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_ROOT_MENU */, long fFlags /* = 0 */) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItem")); sc = ScCheckPointers(szLanguageIndependentName, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; USES_CONVERSION; HINSTANCE hInst = GetStringModule(); CONTEXTMENUITEM2 contextmenuitem2; // load the resource CStr strText; strText.LoadString(hInst, nResourceID ); ASSERT( !strText.IsEmpty() ); // split the resource into the menu text and status text CStr strStatusText; int iSeparator = strText.Find(_T('\n')); if (0 > iSeparator) { ASSERT( FALSE ); strStatusText = strText; } else { strStatusText = strText.Right( strText.GetLength()-(iSeparator+1) ); strText = strText.Left( iSeparator ); } // add the menu item ::ZeroMemory( &contextmenuitem2, sizeof(contextmenuitem2) ); contextmenuitem2.strName = T2OLE(const_cast((LPCTSTR)strText)); contextmenuitem2.strLanguageIndependentName = T2OLE(const_cast(szLanguageIndependentName)); contextmenuitem2.strStatusBarText = T2OLE(const_cast((LPCTSTR)strStatusText)); contextmenuitem2.lCommandID = lCommandID; contextmenuitem2.lInsertionPointID = lInsertionPointID; contextmenuitem2.fFlags = fFlags; contextmenuitem2.fSpecialFlags = ((fFlags & MF_POPUP) ? CCM_SPECIAL_SUBMENU : 0L) | ((fFlags & MF_DEFAULT) ? CCM_SPECIAL_DEFAULT_ITEM : 0L); sc = AddItem(&contextmenuitem2); if(sc) return sc; return sc; } HRESULT CContextMenu::CreateTempVerbSetForMultiSel(void) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::CreateTempVerbSetForMultiSel")); sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode, m_pNodeCallback, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc.ToHr(); // set standard bars CComObject* pVerbSet; sc = CComObject::CreateInstance(&pVerbSet); if (sc) return sc.ToHr(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pVerbSet, E_OUTOFMEMORY); if (sc) return sc.ToHr(); m_spVerbSet = pVerbSet; sc = m_pNodeCallback->ScInitializeTempVerbSetForMultiSel(m_pNode, *pVerbSet); if (sc) return sc.ToHr(); return sc.ToHr(); } /* CContextMenu::CreateTempVerbSet * * PURPOSE: Used to create a temporary CVerbSet * * PARAMETERS: * bool bForScopeItem: * * RETURNS: * HRESULT */ HRESULT CContextMenu::CreateTempVerbSet(bool bForScopeItem) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::CreateTempVerbSet")); sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc.ToHr(); // ensure component is initialized !!! // for instance task wizard will call this for static nodes which aren't expanded yet // Does not hurt to check anyway - better safe than sorry sc = m_pNode->InitComponents (); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); CComponent* pCC = m_pNode->GetPrimaryComponent(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pCC, E_FAIL); if (sc) return sc.ToHr(); sc = pCC->ScResetConsoleVerbStates(); if (sc) return sc.ToHr(); CComObject* pVerb; sc = CComObject::CreateInstance(&pVerb); if (sc) return sc.ToHr(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pVerb, E_OUTOFMEMORY); if (sc) return sc.ToHr(); sc = pVerb->ScInitialize(m_pNode, PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam, bForScopeItem); if (sc) { delete pVerb; return sc.ToHr(); } m_spVerbSet = pVerb; return sc.ToHr(); } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::AddMenuItems * * PURPOSE: Adds all menu items into the menu. * * RETURNS: * HRESULT * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CContextMenu::AddMenuItems() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::AddMenuItems")); sc = EmptyMenuList(); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); // Add menu items if (PContextInfo()->m_eContextMenuType == MMC_CONTEXT_MENU_VIEW) { sc = ScAddMenuItemsForViewMenu(MENU_LEVEL_TOP); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); } else if (PContextInfo()->m_dwFlags & CMINFO_FAVORITES_MENU) { sc = ScAddMenuItemsforFavorites(); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); } else if (PContextInfo()->m_bBackground == TRUE) { if (PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType != CCT_SCOPE) { sc = ScAddMenuItemsForLVBackgnd(); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); } } else { if (PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType == CCT_SCOPE) { sc = ScAddMenuItemsForTreeItem(); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); } else if ( m_pNode && (PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType == CCT_RESULT) && (m_pNode->GetViewData()->HasOCX()) ) { // Selection is an OCX sc = ScAddMenuItemsForOCX(); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); } else if ( m_pNode && (PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType == CCT_RESULT) && (m_pNode->GetViewData()->HasWebBrowser()) ) { // do nothing for web pages. } else if (PContextInfo()->m_bMultiSelect == FALSE) { sc = ScAddMenuItemsForLV(); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); } else { sc = ScAddMenuItemsForMultiSelect(); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); } } // Add "Help" to every context menu except the view menu if (PContextInfo()->m_eContextMenuType != MMC_CONTEXT_MENU_VIEW) { sc = ScAddSeparator(); // make sure there is a separator. if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); sc = ScAddMenuItem (IDS_MMC_CONTEXTHELP, szCONTEXTHELP, MID_CONTEXTHELP); if(sc) return sc.ToHr(); } return sc.ToHr(); } void CContextMenu::RemoveTempSelection (CConsoleTree* pConsoleTree) { if (pConsoleTree != NULL) pConsoleTree->ScRemoveTempSelection (); } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * CContextMenu::Display * * PURPOSE: Creates the context menu tree, and shows it, if needed. * * PARAMETERS: * BOOL b: FALSE: (Normal): Display the context menu * TRUE: Don't show the context menu * * RETURNS: * HRESULT /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CContextMenu::Display(BOOL b) { TRACE_METHOD(CContextMenu, Display); HRESULT hr = S_OK; // b == 0 => normal // b == TRUE => don't show context menu // Validate menu type if (PContextInfo()->m_eContextMenuType >= MMC_CONTEXT_MENU_LAST) { ASSERT(FALSE); return S_FALSE; } // Display a context menu for the scope or result side if (PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType != CCT_SCOPE && PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType != CCT_RESULT) { ASSERT(FALSE); return S_FALSE; } hr = CreateContextMenuProvider(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = AddMenuItems(); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; // Display the context menu long lSelected = 0; // 0 means no selection hr = ShowContextMenuEx(PContextInfo()->m_hWnd, PContextInfo()->m_displayPoint.x, PContextInfo()->m_displayPoint.y, &PContextInfo()->m_rectExclude, PContextInfo()->m_bAllowDefaultItem, &lSelected); TRACE(_T("hr = %X, Command %ld\n"), hr, lSelected); RemoveTempSelection (PContextInfo()->m_pConsoleTree); // remove the temporary selection, if any. return hr; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScBuildContextMenu * * PURPOSE: Builds the context menu. * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScBuildContextMenu() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScBuildContextMenu")); sc = EmptyMenuList(); if(sc) return sc; // Validate menu type if (PContextInfo()->m_eContextMenuType >= MMC_CONTEXT_MENU_LAST) return (sc = S_FALSE); // Display a context menu for the scope or result side if (PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType != CCT_SCOPE && PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType != CCT_RESULT) return (sc = S_FALSE); sc = CreateContextMenuProvider(); if(sc) return sc; sc = AddMenuItems(); if(sc) return sc; CConsoleTree* pConsoleTree = PContextInfo()->m_pConsoleTree; // get this value BEFORE calling BuildAndTraverseCOntextMenu. WTL::CMenu menu; VERIFY( menu.CreatePopupMenu() ); START_CRITSEC_BOTH; if (NULL == m_pmenuitemRoot) return S_OK; sc = BuildContextMenu(menu); // build the context menu if(sc) return sc; END_CRITSEC_BOTH; /* NOTE: Do NOT use the "this" object or any of its members after this point * because it might have been deleted. This happens, for instance, when a selection * change occurs. */ // remove the temporary selection, if any. RemoveTempSelection (pConsoleTree); return sc; } inline BOOL CContextMenu::IsVerbEnabled(MMC_CONSOLE_VERB verb) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::IsVerbEnabled")); if (verb == MMC_VERB_PASTE) { ASSERT(m_pNode); ASSERT(m_pNodeCallback); if (m_pNode == NULL || m_pNodeCallback == NULL) return false; bool bPasteAllowed = false; // From given context determine whether scope pane or result pane item is selected. bool bScope = ( m_ContextInfo.m_bBackground || (m_ContextInfo.m_eDataObjectType == CCT_SCOPE)); LPARAM lvData = bScope ? NULL : m_ContextInfo.m_resultItemParam; sc = m_pNodeCallback->QueryPasteFromClipboard(CNode::ToHandle(m_pNode), bScope, lvData, bPasteAllowed); if (sc) return (bPasteAllowed = false); return bPasteAllowed; } else { ASSERT(m_spVerbSet != NULL); if (m_spVerbSet == NULL) return FALSE; BOOL bFlag = FALSE; m_spVerbSet->GetVerbState(verb, HIDDEN, &bFlag); if (bFlag == TRUE) return FALSE; m_spVerbSet->GetVerbState(verb, ENABLED, &bFlag); return bFlag; } } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForViewMenu * * PURPOSE: Adds the menu items for the View menu * * PARAMETERS: * MENU_LEVEL menuLevel : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForViewMenu(MENU_LEVEL menuLevel) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::AddMenuItemsForViewMenu")); sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; CViewData* pViewData = m_pNode->GetViewData(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pViewData, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; ASSERT(pViewData != NULL); LONG lInsertID = 0; int nViewMode = -1; if (PContextInfo()->m_spListView) nViewMode = PContextInfo()->m_spListView->GetViewMode(); // If no a top level menu, insert the view submenu item // and insert view items under it if (menuLevel == MENU_LEVEL_SUB) { sc = ScAddMenuItem(IDS_VIEW, szVIEW, MID_VIEW, 0, MF_POPUP); if(sc) return sc; lInsertID = MID_VIEW; } // Add cols only if it is List View in report or filtered mode. if ((m_pNode->GetViewData() ) && (m_pNode->GetViewData()->GetListCtrl() ) && ( (nViewMode == MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_REPORT) || (nViewMode == MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_FILTERED) ) ) { sc = ScAddMenuItem(IDS_COLUMNS, szCOLUMNS, MID_COLUMNS, lInsertID); if(sc) return sc; } sc = ScAddSeparator( lInsertID); if(sc) return sc; DWORD dwListOptions = pViewData->GetListOptions(); DWORD dwMiscOptions = pViewData->GetMiscOptions(); // If allowed, insert the standard listview choices if (!(dwMiscOptions & RVTI_MISC_OPTIONS_NOLISTVIEWS)) { #define STYLECHECK(Mode) ((Mode == nViewMode) ? MF_CHECKED|MFT_RADIOCHECK : 0) sc = ScAddMenuItem(IDS_VIEW_LARGE, szVIEW_LARGE, MID_VIEW_LARGE, lInsertID, STYLECHECK(LVS_ICON)); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddMenuItem(IDS_VIEW_SMALL, szVIEW_SMALL, MID_VIEW_SMALL, lInsertID, STYLECHECK(LVS_SMALLICON)); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddMenuItem(IDS_VIEW_LIST, szVIEW_LIST, MID_VIEW_LIST, lInsertID, STYLECHECK(LVS_LIST)); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddMenuItem(IDS_VIEW_DETAIL, szVIEW_DETAIL, MID_VIEW_DETAIL, lInsertID, STYLECHECK(LVS_REPORT)); if(sc) return sc; if (dwListOptions & RVTI_LIST_OPTIONS_FILTERED) { sc = ScAddMenuItem(IDS_VIEW_FILTERED, szVIEW_FILTERED, MID_VIEW_FILTERED, lInsertID, STYLECHECK(MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_FILTERED)); if(sc) return sc; } sc = ScAddSeparator( lInsertID); if(sc) return sc; } // Ask IComponent to insert view items if (m_spIDataObject == NULL) { sc = ScCheckPointers (m_pNode->GetMTNode(), E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc; sc = m_pNode->GetMTNode()->QueryDataObject(CCT_SCOPE, &m_spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; } sc = ScCheckPointers(m_spIDataObject, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; CComponent* pCC = m_pNode->GetPrimaryComponent(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pCC, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; IUnknownPtr spUnknown = pCC->GetIComponent(); sc = ScCheckPointers(spUnknown); if(sc) return sc; // Add insertion point for primary custom views sc = ScAddInsertionPoint(CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_VIEW, lInsertID); if(sc) return sc; sc = AddPrimaryExtensionItems(spUnknown, m_spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; if (pViewData->AllowViewCustomization()) { // "Customize" menu item sc = ScAddSeparator( lInsertID); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_CUSTOMIZE, szCUSTOMIZE, MID_CUSTOMIZE, lInsertID); if(sc) return sc; } return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsforFavorites * * PURPOSE: Adds items for the Favorites menu * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsforFavorites() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsforFavorites")); sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; CViewData* pViewData = m_pNode->GetViewData(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pViewData, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; if (pViewData->IsAuthorMode()) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_ORGANIZEFAVORITES, szORGANIZE_FAVORITES, MID_ORGANIZE_FAVORITES); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; } return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForVerbSets * * PURPOSE: Adds the built-in menu items for the verbs * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForVerbSets() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForVerbSets")); // Add print menu item sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_CUT) == TRUE) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_CUT, szCUT, MID_CUT); if(sc) return sc; } if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_COPY) == TRUE) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_COPY, szCOPY, MID_COPY); if(sc) return sc; } if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_PASTE) == TRUE) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_PASTE, szPASTE, MID_PASTE); if(sc) return sc; } if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_DELETE) == TRUE) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_DELETE, szDELETE, MID_DELETE); if(sc) return sc; } if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_PRINT) == TRUE) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_PRINT, szPRINT, MID_PRINT); if(sc) return sc; } if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_RENAME) == TRUE) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_RENAME, szRENAME, MID_RENAME); if(sc) return sc; } if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_REFRESH) == TRUE) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_REFRESH, szREFRESH, MID_REFRESH); if(sc) return sc; } // NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB // In the verb add command because it is diaplayed next to the verbs // Send a message to the list asking if it has anything on it. // If so, display the 'save list' item if (PContextInfo()->m_dwFlags & CMINFO_SHOW_SAVE_LIST) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_SAVE_LIST, szSAVE_LIST, MID_LISTSAVE); if(sc) return sc; } // NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB | NOT A VERB sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; // Ask the node whether it will put up property pages. If so add the // "Properties" menu item if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES) == TRUE) { // Do not make properties bold for scope items. bool bScopeItemInScopePane = (CMINFO_DO_SCOPEPANE_MENU & m_ContextInfo.m_dwFlags); bool bEnablePropertiesAsDefaultMenu = ( (m_eDefaultVerb == MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES) && (! bScopeItemInScopePane) ); sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_PROPERTIES, szPROPERTIES, MID_PROPERTIES, 0, bEnablePropertiesAsDefaultMenu ? MF_DEFAULT : 0); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; } return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForTreeItem * * PURPOSE: Adds menu items for a scope node in the tree * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForTreeItem() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForTreeItem")); sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode); if(sc) return sc; CMTNode* pMTNode = m_pNode->GetMTNode(); CViewData* pViewData = m_pNode->GetViewData(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pMTNode, pViewData); if(sc) return sc; // Show Open item if enabled or forced by caller if ( IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_OPEN) == TRUE || PContextInfo()->m_dwFlags & CMINFO_SHOW_SCOPEITEM_OPEN ) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_OPEN, szOPEN, MID_OPEN, 0, (m_eDefaultVerb == MMC_VERB_OPEN) ? MF_DEFAULT : 0); if(sc) return sc; } sc = ScAddInsertionPoint(CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; // Add "Create New" menu item sc = ScAddSubmenu_CreateNew(m_pNode->IsStaticNode()); if(sc) return sc; // Add "Task" menu item sc = ScAddSubmenu_Task(); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; // Show the view menu if (PContextInfo()->m_dwFlags & CMINFO_SHOW_VIEW_ITEMS) { sc = ScAddMenuItemsForViewMenu(MENU_LEVEL_SUB); if(sc) return sc; } // New window is allowed only if the view allows customization and // it is not SDI user mode. if (m_pNode->AllowNewWindowFromHere() && !pViewData->IsUser_SDIMode()) ScAddMenuItem( IDS_EXPLORE, szEXPLORE, MID_EXPLORE); // Taskpad editing only allowed in author mode and for node that owns the view if (pViewData->IsAuthorMode() && (PContextInfo()->m_dwFlags & CMINFO_SHOW_VIEWOWNER_ITEMS)) { // add the "New Taskpad..." menu item sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_NEW_TASKPAD_FROM_HERE, szNEW_TASKPAD_FROM_HERE, MID_NEW_TASKPAD_FROM_HERE); if(sc) return sc; // add the "Edit Taskpad" and "Delete Taskpad" menus item if the callback pointer is non-null. if ((pViewData->m_spTaskCallback != NULL) && (pViewData->m_spTaskCallback->IsEditable() == S_OK)) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_EDIT_TASKPAD, szEDIT_TASKPAD, MID_EDIT_TASKPAD); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_DELETE_TASKPAD, szDELETE_TASKPAD, MID_DELETE_TASKPAD); if(sc) return sc; } } sc = ScAddMenuItemsForVerbSets(); if(sc) return sc; // Ask the snap-ins to add there menu items. CComponentData* pCCD = pMTNode->GetPrimaryComponentData(); if (m_spIDataObject == NULL) { sc = pMTNode->QueryDataObject(CCT_SCOPE, &m_spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; } //ASSERT(m_pNode->GetPrimaryComponent() != NULL); //IUnknownPtr spUnknown = m_pNode->GetPrimaryComponent()->GetIComponent(); // TODO: This is temporary. All context menu notifications should // go to IComponent's in the future. IUnknownPtr spUnknown = pCCD->GetIComponentData(); ASSERT(spUnknown != NULL); sc = AddPrimaryExtensionItems(spUnknown, m_spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; sc = AddThirdPartyExtensionItems(m_spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForMultiSelect * * PURPOSE: Menu for use when multiple items are selected and the right mouse button is pressed * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForMultiSelect() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForMultiSelect")); sc = EmptyMenuList(); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddInsertionPoint(CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; // no Create New menu for result items sc = ScAddSubmenu_Task(); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddMenuItemsForVerbSets(); if(sc) return sc; { ASSERT(m_pNode != NULL); sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode->GetViewData(), E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; CMultiSelection* pMS = m_pNode->GetViewData()->GetMultiSelection(); if (pMS != NULL) { IDataObjectPtr spIDataObject; sc = pMS->GetMultiSelDataObject(&spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; CSnapIn* pSI = m_pNode->GetPrimarySnapIn(); if (pSI != NULL && pMS->IsAnExtensionSnapIn(pSI->GetSnapInCLSID()) == TRUE) { sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode->GetPrimaryComponent(), E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; IComponent* pIComponent = m_pNode->GetPrimaryComponent()->GetIComponent(); sc = AddPrimaryExtensionItems(pIComponent, spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; } sc = AddMultiSelectExtensionItems(reinterpret_cast(pMS)); if(sc) return sc; } } return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForOCX * * PURPOSE: This method will be called if there is an OCX in * Result pane and some thing is selected in OCX and * the user clicked "Action" menu. * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForOCX() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForOCX")); LPCOMPONENT pIComponent = NULL; // IComponent interface to the snap-in CComponent* pComponent = NULL; // Internal component structure MMC_COOKIE cookie; sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; sc = EmptyMenuList(); if(sc) return sc; if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_OPEN) == TRUE) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_OPEN, szOPEN, MID_OPEN, 0, (m_eDefaultVerb == MMC_VERB_OPEN) ? MF_DEFAULT : 0); if(sc) return sc; } sc = ScAddInsertionPoint(CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; // no Create New menu for result items sc = ScAddSubmenu_Task(); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddMenuItemsForVerbSets(); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObj = (m_pNode->GetViewData()->HasOCX()) ? DOBJ_CUSTOMOCX : DOBJ_CUSTOMWEB; // Item must be from primary component pComponent = m_pNode->GetPrimaryComponent(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pComponent, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; pIComponent = pComponent->GetIComponent(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pIComponent, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; sc = AddPrimaryExtensionItems(pIComponent, lpDataObj); if(sc) return sc; return TRUE; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForLV * * PURPOSE: Add menu items for a list view item * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForLV() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForLV")); LPCOMPONENT pIComponent; // IComponet interface to the snap-in CComponent* pComponent; // Internal component structure MMC_COOKIE cookie; ASSERT(m_pNode != NULL); sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc; // if virtual list if (m_pNode->GetViewData()->IsVirtualList()) { // ItemParam is the item index, use it as the cookie cookie = PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam; // Item must be from primary component pComponent = m_pNode->GetPrimaryComponent(); } else { // ItemParam is list item data, get cookie and component ID from it ASSERT(PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam != 0); CResultItem* pri = GetResultItem(); if (pri != NULL) { ASSERT(!pri->IsScopeItem()); cookie = pri->GetSnapinData(); pComponent = m_pNode->GetComponent(pri->GetOwnerID()); } } sc = ScCheckPointers(pComponent, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; pIComponent = pComponent->GetIComponent(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pIComponent); if(sc) return sc; // Load the IDataObject for the snap-in's cookie if (m_spIDataObject == NULL) { sc = pIComponent->QueryDataObject(cookie, CCT_RESULT, &m_spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; } sc = EmptyMenuList(); if(sc) return sc; if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_OPEN) == TRUE) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_OPEN, szOPEN, MID_OPEN, 0, (m_eDefaultVerb == MMC_VERB_OPEN) ? MF_DEFAULT : 0); if(sc) return sc; } sc = ScAddInsertionPoint(CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; // no Create New menu for result items sc = ScAddSubmenu_Task(); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddMenuItemsForVerbSets(); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; sc = AddPrimaryExtensionItems(pIComponent, m_spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; sc = AddThirdPartyExtensionItems(m_spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForLVBackgnd * * PURPOSE: This handles a right mouse click on the result pane side (Assuming our listview) * It displays also adds the currently selected folders context menu items * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForLVBackgnd() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItemsForLVBackgnd")); sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; sc = EmptyMenuList(); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddInsertionPoint(CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSubmenu_CreateNew(m_pNode->IsStaticNode()); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSubmenu_Task(); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; // Add relevant standard verbs. if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_PASTE) == TRUE) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_PASTE, szPASTE, MID_PASTE); if(sc) return sc; } if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_REFRESH) == TRUE) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_REFRESH, szREFRESH, MID_REFRESH); if(sc) return sc; } // Displays the save list icon if necessary if ((PContextInfo()->m_pConsoleView != NULL) && (PContextInfo()->m_pConsoleView->GetListSize() > 0)) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_SAVE_LIST, szSAVE_LIST, MID_LISTSAVE); if(sc) return sc; } sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; // Add view submenu sc = ScAddMenuItemsForViewMenu(MENU_LEVEL_SUB); if(sc) return sc; // Add Arrange Icons sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_ARRANGE_ICONS, szARRANGE_ICONS, MID_ARRANGE_ICONS, 0, MF_POPUP); if(sc) return sc; long lStyle = 0; if (PContextInfo()->m_spListView) { lStyle = PContextInfo()->m_spListView->GetListStyle(); ASSERT(lStyle != 0); } // auto arrange sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_ARRANGE_AUTO, szARRANGE_AUTO, MID_ARRANGE_AUTO, MID_ARRANGE_ICONS, ((lStyle & LVS_AUTOARRANGE) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED)); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_LINE_UP_ICONS, szLINE_UP_ICONS, MID_LINE_UP_ICONS); if(sc) return sc; // Ask the node whether it will put up property pages. If so add the // "Properties" menu item if (IsVerbEnabled(MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES) == TRUE) { sc = ScAddMenuItem( IDS_PROPERTIES, szPROPERTIES, MID_PROPERTIES); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator(); if(sc) return sc; } // if there is a valid data object we would have gotten it when adding the // view menu itmes, so we don't need to duplicate the code to get it here if (m_spIDataObject != NULL) { CComponent* pCC = m_pNode->GetPrimaryComponent(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pCC, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; IUnknownPtr spUnknown = pCC->GetIComponent(); sc = ScCheckPointers(spUnknown); if(sc) return sc; sc = AddPrimaryExtensionItems(spUnknown, m_spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; sc = AddThirdPartyExtensionItems(m_spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; } return sc; } void OnCustomizeView(CViewData* pViewData) { CCustomizeViewDialog dlg(pViewData); dlg.DoModal(); } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::AddMenuItems * * PURPOSE: Unimplemented, but needed because this class implements * IExtendContextMenu * * PARAMETERS: * LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject : * LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pCallback : * long * pInsertionAllowed : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItems( LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pCallback, long * pInsertionAllowed) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddMenuItems")); ASSERT(0 && "Should not come here!"); return sc = E_UNEXPECTED; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::Command * * PURPOSE: Handles the built- in menu item execution. * * PARAMETERS: * long lCommandID : * LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScCommand(long lCommandID, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::Command")); CNodeCallback * pNodeCallback=GetNodeCallback(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pNodeCallback, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // special case: MID_CONTEXTHELP: m_pNode can be NULL when help clicked on scope node background, // so we handle this first. if(MID_CONTEXTHELP == lCommandID) { sc = ScCheckPointers(PContextInfo()); if(sc) return sc; CConsoleView* pConsoleView = PContextInfo()->m_pConsoleView; sc = ScCheckPointers(pConsoleView); if(sc) return sc; if (PContextInfo()->m_bMultiSelect) { sc = pConsoleView->ScContextHelp (); if(sc) return sc; } else { sc = pNodeCallback->Notify(CNode::ToHandle(m_pNode), NCLBK_CONTEXTHELP, ((PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType == CCT_SCOPE) || (PContextInfo()->m_bBackground == TRUE)), PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam); // if snap-in did not handle the help request, show mmc topics if (sc.ToHr() != S_OK) sc = PContextInfo()->m_pConsoleView->ScHelpTopics (); return sc; } return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // must have a non-null m_pNode. sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode); if(sc) return sc; HNODE hNode = CNode::ToHandle(m_pNode); BOOL bModeChange = FALSE; int nNewMode; // some widely used objects CViewData * pViewData = m_pNode->GetViewData(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pViewData); if(sc) return sc; CConsoleFrame* pFrame = pViewData->GetConsoleFrame(); CMTNode* pMTNode = m_pNode->GetMTNode(); CConsoleView* pConsoleView= pViewData->GetConsoleView(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pFrame, pMTNode, pConsoleView, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; // handle the correct item switch (lCommandID) { case MID_RENAME: sc = pConsoleView->ScOnRename(PContextInfo()); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_REFRESH: { BOOL bScope = ( (PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType == CCT_SCOPE) || (PContextInfo()->m_bBackground == TRUE) ); sc = pConsoleView->ScOnRefresh(hNode, bScope, PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam); if(sc) return sc; } break; case MID_LINE_UP_ICONS: sc = pConsoleView->ScLineUpIcons(); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_ARRANGE_AUTO: sc = pConsoleView->ScAutoArrangeIcons(); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_ORGANIZE_FAVORITES: sc = pConsoleView->ScOrganizeFavorites(); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_DELETE: { bool bScope = (CCT_SCOPE == PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType); bool bScopeItemInResultPane = PContextInfo()->m_dwFlags & CMINFO_SCOPEITEM_IN_RES_PANE; bool bScopeItemInScopePaneOrResultPane = bScope || bScopeItemInResultPane; LPARAM lvData = PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam; if (PContextInfo()->m_bBackground) lvData = LVDATA_BACKGROUND; else if (PContextInfo()->m_bMultiSelect) lvData = LVDATA_MULTISELECT; sc = pNodeCallback->Notify(hNode, NCLBK_DELETE, bScopeItemInScopePaneOrResultPane , lvData); if(sc) return sc; break; } case MID_NEW_TASKPAD_FROM_HERE: sc = pNodeCallback->Notify(hNode, NCLBK_NEW_TASKPAD_FROM_HERE, 0, 0); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_EDIT_TASKPAD: sc = pNodeCallback->Notify(hNode, NCLBK_EDIT_TASKPAD, 0, 0); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_DELETE_TASKPAD: sc = pNodeCallback->Notify(hNode, NCLBK_DELETE_TASKPAD, 0, 0); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_EXPLORE: // New window from here { CreateNewViewStruct cnvs; cnvs.idRootNode = pMTNode->GetID(); cnvs.lWindowOptions = MMC_NW_OPTION_NONE; cnvs.fVisible = true; sc = pFrame->ScCreateNewView(&cnvs); if(sc) return sc; } break; case MID_OPEN: { sc = pConsoleView->ScSelectNode (pMTNode->GetID()); if(sc) return sc; } break; case MID_PROPERTIES: if (NULL == m_pNode) return (sc = E_UNEXPECTED); sc = ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet(); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_VIEW_LARGE: bModeChange = TRUE; nNewMode = LVS_ICON; break; case MID_VIEW_SMALL: bModeChange = TRUE; nNewMode = LVS_SMALLICON; break; case MID_VIEW_LIST: bModeChange = TRUE; nNewMode = LVS_LIST; break; case MID_VIEW_DETAIL: bModeChange = TRUE; nNewMode = LVS_REPORT; break; case MID_VIEW_FILTERED: bModeChange = TRUE; nNewMode = MMCLV_VIEWSTYLE_FILTERED; break; case MID_CUT: sc = pNodeCallback->Notify(CNode::ToHandle(m_pNode), NCLBK_CUT, (PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType == CCT_SCOPE), PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam); if(sc) return sc; sc = pConsoleView->ScCut (PContextInfo()->m_htiRClicked); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_COPY: sc = pNodeCallback->Notify(CNode::ToHandle(m_pNode), NCLBK_COPY, (PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType == CCT_SCOPE), PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_PASTE: sc = pNodeCallback->Paste(CNode::ToHandle(m_pNode), ((PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType == CCT_SCOPE) || (PContextInfo()->m_bBackground == TRUE)), PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam); if(sc) return sc; sc = pConsoleView->ScPaste (); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_COLUMNS: ASSERT(m_pNode); if (m_pNode) m_pNode->OnColumns(); break; case MID_LISTSAVE: // If the listsave menu item has been activated, then tell the view to // save the active list sc = pConsoleView->ScSaveList(); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_PRINT: sc = pNodeCallback->Notify(CNode::ToHandle(m_pNode), NCLBK_PRINT, ((PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType == CCT_SCOPE) || (PContextInfo()->m_bBackground == TRUE)), PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam); if(sc) return sc; break; case MID_CUSTOMIZE: if (pViewData) OnCustomizeView(pViewData); break; default: ASSERT(0 && "Should not come here"); break; } if (bModeChange) { sc = ScChangeListViewMode(nNewMode); if(sc) return sc; } return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScChangeListViewMode * * PURPOSE: Changes the list view mode to the specified mode. * * PARAMETERS: * int nNewMode : The mode to change to. * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScChangeListViewMode(int nNewMode) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScChangeListViewMode")); sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; // If switching from a snapin custom to a standard listview // send snapin a notification command if ((PContextInfo()->m_spListView == NULL)) { sc = ScCheckPointers(m_spIDataObject.GetInterfacePtr(), E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; CComponent* pCC = m_pNode->GetPrimaryComponent(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pCC, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; IExtendContextMenuPtr spIExtendContextMenu = pCC->GetIComponent(); if(spIExtendContextMenu) { try { sc = spIExtendContextMenu->Command(MMCC_STANDARD_VIEW_SELECT, m_spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; } catch ( std::bad_alloc ) { return (sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY); } catch ( std::exception ) { return (sc = E_UNEXPECTED); } } } CViewData *pViewData = m_pNode->GetViewData(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pViewData, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc; // Persist the new mode. sc = m_pNode->ScSetViewMode(nNewMode); if (sc) return sc; // tell conui to change the list mode. CConsoleView* pConsoleView = pViewData->GetConsoleView(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pConsoleView, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc; sc = pConsoleView->ScChangeViewMode (nNewMode); if (sc) return sc; return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddSubmenu_Task * * PURPOSE: Adds the Task submenu * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddSubmenu_Task() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddSubmenu_Task")); sc = ScAddMenuItem(IDS_TASK, szTASK, MID_TASK, 0, MF_POPUP); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddInsertionPoint(CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TASK, MID_TASK); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator( MID_TASK ); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddInsertionPoint(CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_3RDPARTY_TASK, MID_TASK); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator( MID_TASK); if(sc) return sc; return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScAddSubmenu_CreateNew * * PURPOSE: Adds the New submenu * * PARAMETERS: * BOOL fStaticFolder : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScAddSubmenu_CreateNew(BOOL fStaticFolder) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScAddSubmenu_CreateNew")); sc = ScAddMenuItem(IDS_CREATE_NEW, szCREATE_NEW, MID_CREATE_NEW, 0, MF_POPUP); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddInsertionPoint(CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_NEW, MID_CREATE_NEW); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator( MID_CREATE_NEW); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddInsertionPoint(CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_3RDPARTY_NEW, MID_CREATE_NEW); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScAddSeparator( MID_CREATE_NEW); if(sc) return sc; return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * CContextMenu::ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet * * PURPOSE: * * RETURNS: * void * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC CContextMenu::ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet() { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("CContextMenu::ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet")); sc = ScCheckPointers(m_pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if (sc) return sc; if (CCT_SCOPE == PContextInfo()->m_eDataObjectType || PContextInfo()->m_bBackground == TRUE) { sc = ScDisplaySnapinNodePropertySheet(m_pNode); if(sc) return sc; } else { // Get the view type. ASSERT(m_pNode->GetViewData()); CViewData *pViewData = m_pNode->GetViewData(); if (PContextInfo()->m_bMultiSelect) { // Must be in the result pane. sc = ScDisplayMultiSelPropertySheet(m_pNode); if(sc) return sc; } else if (m_pNode->GetViewData()->IsVirtualList()) { // if virtual list, must be leaf item and resultItemParam is the cookie sc = ScDisplaySnapinLeafPropertySheet(m_pNode, PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam); if(sc) return sc; } else if( (pViewData->HasOCX()) || (pViewData->HasWebBrowser()) ) { LPDATAOBJECT pdobj = (pViewData->HasOCX()) ? DOBJ_CUSTOMOCX : DOBJ_CUSTOMWEB; CComponent* pCC = m_pNode->GetPrimaryComponent(); ASSERT(pCC != NULL); // The custom view was selected and "properties" was selected from "Action Menu". // We dont know anything about the view, so we fake "Properties" button click. pCC->Notify(pdobj, MMCN_BTN_CLICK, 0, MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES); } else { CResultItem* pri = GetResultItem(); if (pri != NULL) { if (pri->IsScopeItem()) { sc = ScDisplaySnapinNodePropertySheet(m_pNode); if(sc) return sc; } else { sc = ScDisplaySnapinLeafPropertySheet(m_pNode, pri->GetSnapinData()); if(sc) return sc; } } } } return sc; } /************************************************************************ * ----------------------------------------- * Order: Calling function * Called function 1 * Called function 2 * ----------------------------------------- * * * CContextMenu::ProcessSelection() * CContextMenu::ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet() * ScDisplaySnapinNodePropertySheet(CNode* pNode) * ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet * FindPropertySheet * ScDisplayMultiSelPropertySheet(CNode* pNode) * ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet * FindPropertySheet * ScDisplaySnapinLeafPropertySheet(CNode* pNode, LPARAM lParam) * ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet * FindPropertySheet * * CNodeCallback::OnProperties(CNode* pNode, BOOL bScope, LPARAM lvData) * ScDisplaySnapinNodePropertySheet(CNode* pNode) * ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet * FindPropertySheet * ScDisplayMultiSelPropertySheet(CNode* pNode) * ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet * FindPropertySheet * ScDisplaySnapinLeafPropertySheet(CNode* pNode, LPARAM lParam) * ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet * FindPropertySheet ************************************************************************/ SC ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet(IComponent* pComponent, IComponentData* pComponentData, IDataObject* pDataObject, EPropertySheetType type, LPCWSTR pName, LPARAM lUniqueID, CMTNode* pMTNode); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SC ScDisplaySnapinNodePropertySheet(CNode* pNode) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("ScDisplaySnapinNodePropertySheet")); sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScDisplayScopeNodePropertySheet(pNode->GetMTNode()); if(sc) return sc; return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * ScDisplayScopeNodePropertySheet * * PURPOSE: Displays a property sheet for a scope node. * * PARAMETERS: * CMTNode * pMTNode : The scope node. * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC ScDisplayScopeNodePropertySheet(CMTNode *pMTNode) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("ScDisplayScopeNodePropertySheet")); IDataObjectPtr spIDataObject; sc = pMTNode->QueryDataObject(CCT_SCOPE, &spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; CComponentData* pCCD = pMTNode->GetPrimaryComponentData(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pCCD); if(sc) return sc; LPARAM lUniqueID = CMTNode::ToScopeItem(pMTNode); tstring strName = pMTNode->GetDisplayName(); if (strName.empty()) strName = _T(""); USES_CONVERSION; sc = ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet(NULL, pCCD->GetIComponentData(), spIDataObject, epstScopeItem, T2CW (strName.data()), lUniqueID, pMTNode); return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * ScDisplayMultiSelPropertySheet * * PURPOSE: * * PARAMETERS: * CNode* pNode : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC ScDisplayMultiSelPropertySheet(CNode* pNode) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("ScDisplayMultiSelPropertySheet")); USES_CONVERSION; // check inputs sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode->GetViewData(), E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; CMultiSelection* pMS = pNode->GetViewData()->GetMultiSelection(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pMS, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; ASSERT(pMS->IsSingleSnapinSelection()); if (pMS->IsSingleSnapinSelection() == false) return (sc = E_UNEXPECTED); IDataObjectPtr spIDataObject = pMS->GetSingleSnapinSelDataObject(); sc = ScCheckPointers(spIDataObject, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; CComponent* pCC = pMS->GetPrimarySnapinComponent(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pCC, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; LPARAM lUniqueID = reinterpret_cast(pMS); CStr strName; strName.LoadString(GetStringModule(), IDS_PROP_ON_MULTIOBJ); LPWSTR pwszDispName = T2W((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)strName); sc = ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet(pCC->GetIComponent(), NULL, spIDataObject, epstMultipleItems, pwszDispName, lUniqueID, pNode->GetMTNode()); if(sc) return sc; return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * ScDisplaySnapinLeafPropertySheet * * PURPOSE: * * PARAMETERS: * CNode* pNode : * LPARAM lParam : * * RETURNS: * SC * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC ScDisplaySnapinLeafPropertySheet(CNode* pNode, LPARAM lParam) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("ScDisplaySnapinLeafPropertySheet")); ASSERT(!(IS_SPECIAL_COOKIE(lParam))); sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode); if(sc) return sc; sc = ScCheckPointers(pNode->GetViewData(), E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; ASSERT(lParam != 0 || pNode->GetViewData()->IsVirtualList()); CComponent* pCC = pNode->GetPrimaryComponent(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pCC, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; IComponent* pIComponent = pCC->GetIComponent(); sc = ScCheckPointers(pIComponent, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) return sc; // Get the IDataObject for the snap-in's cookie IDataObjectPtr spIDataObject; sc = pIComponent->QueryDataObject(lParam, CCT_RESULT, &spIDataObject); if(sc) return sc; RESULTDATAITEM rdi; ZeroMemory(&rdi, sizeof(rdi)); if (pNode->GetViewData()->IsVirtualList()) rdi.nIndex = lParam; else rdi.lParam = lParam; rdi.mask = RDI_STR; LPWSTR pName = L""; sc = pIComponent->GetDisplayInfo(&rdi); if (!sc.IsError() && rdi.str != NULL) pName = rdi.str; sc = ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet(pIComponent, NULL, spIDataObject, epstResultItem, pName, 0, pNode->GetMTNode()); return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet * * * PURPOSE: * *+-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SC ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet(IComponent* pComponent, IComponentData* pComponentData, IDataObject* pDataObject, EPropertySheetType type, LPCWSTR pName, LPARAM lUniqueID, CMTNode* pMTNode) { DECLARE_SC(sc, TEXT("ScDisplaySnapinPropertySheet")); // one of pComponent and pComponentData must be non-null if(pComponentData == NULL && pComponent == NULL) return (sc = E_INVALIDARG); // check other parameters sc = ScCheckPointers(pDataObject, pName, pMTNode); if(sc) return sc; IUnknown *pUnknown = (pComponent != NULL) ? (IUnknown *)pComponent : (IUnknown *)pComponentData; IPropertySheetProviderPrivatePtr spPropSheetProviderPrivate; do { ASSERT(pDataObject != NULL); ASSERT(pUnknown != NULL); sc = spPropSheetProviderPrivate.CreateInstance(CLSID_NodeInit, NULL, MMC_CLSCTX_INPROC); if(sc) break; sc = ScCheckPointers(spPropSheetProviderPrivate, E_UNEXPECTED); if(sc) break; // See if the prop page for this is already up sc = spPropSheetProviderPrivate->FindPropertySheetEx(lUniqueID, pComponent, pComponentData, pDataObject); if (sc == S_OK) break; // No it is not present. So create a property sheet. DWORD dwOptions = (type == epstMultipleItems) ? MMC_PSO_NO_PROPTITLE : 0; sc = spPropSheetProviderPrivate->CreatePropertySheet(pName, TRUE, lUniqueID, pDataObject, dwOptions); if(sc) break; // This data is used to get path to property sheet owner for tooltips spPropSheetProviderPrivate->SetPropertySheetData(type, CMTNode::ToHandle(pMTNode)); sc = spPropSheetProviderPrivate->AddPrimaryPages(pUnknown, TRUE, NULL, (type == epstScopeItem)); //#ifdef EXTENSIONS_CANNOT_ADD_PAGES_IF_PRIMARY_DOESNT // note that only S_OK continues execution, S_FALSE breaks out if (!(sc == S_OK) ) // ie if sc != S_OK break; //#endif // Enable adding extensions if (type == epstMultipleItems) { IPropertySheetProviderPrivatePtr spPSPPrivate = spPropSheetProviderPrivate; sc = spPSPPrivate->AddMultiSelectionExtensionPages(lUniqueID); } else { sc = spPropSheetProviderPrivate->AddExtensionPages(); } // any errors from extensions are thrown away. CWindow w(CScopeTree::GetScopeTree()->GetMainWindow()); sc = spPropSheetProviderPrivate->Show((LONG_PTR)w.m_hWnd, 0); } while (0); // Clean up the 'Created' property sheet if there was an error if (spPropSheetProviderPrivate != NULL && sc.IsError()) spPropSheetProviderPrivate->Show(-1, 0); return sc; } /*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * CContextMenu::GetResultItem * * Returns the CResultItem pointer for the result item represented by the * context info. * * This function is out-of-line to eliminate coupling between oncmenu.h and * rsltitem.h. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CResultItem* CContextMenu::GetResultItem () const { return (CResultItem::FromHandle (PContextInfo()->m_resultItemParam)); }