/*++ Copyright (C) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: polyline.cpp Abstract: Implementation of the CPolyline class that is exposed as a component object. --*/ #include "polyline.h" #include "smonctrl.h" #include "unihelpr.h" #include "utils.h" extern ITypeLib *g_pITypeLib; /* * CPolyline:CPolyline * CPolyline::~CPolyline * * Constructor Parameters: * pUnkOuter LPUNKNOWN of the controlling unknown. * pfnDestroy PFNDESTROYED to call when an object is * destroyed. * hInst HINSTANCE of the application we're in. */ CPolyline::CPolyline ( LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, PFNDESTROYED pfnDestroy ) : m_cRef ( 0 ), m_pUnkOuter ( pUnkOuter ), m_pfnDestroy ( pfnDestroy ), m_fDirty ( FALSE ), #ifdef USE_SAMPLE_IPOLYLIN10 m_pImpIPolyline ( NULL ), #endif m_pImpIConnPtCont ( NULL ), m_cf ( 0 ), m_clsID ( CLSID_SystemMonitor ), m_pIStorage ( NULL ), m_pIStream ( NULL ), m_pImpIPersistStorage ( NULL ), m_pImpIPersistStreamInit ( NULL ), m_pImpIPersistPropertyBag ( NULL ), m_pImpIPerPropertyBrowsing ( NULL ), m_pImpIDataObject ( NULL ), m_pImpIObjectSafety ( NULL ), m_pIDataAdviseHolder ( NULL ), m_pDefIUnknown ( NULL ), m_pDefIDataObject ( NULL ), m_pDefIViewObject ( NULL ), m_pDefIPersistStorage ( NULL ), m_pIOleAdviseHolder ( NULL ), m_pImpIOleObject ( NULL ), m_pIOleClientSite ( NULL ), m_pImpIViewObject ( NULL ), m_pIAdviseSink ( NULL ), m_dwFrozenAspects ( 0 ), m_dwAdviseAspects ( 0 ), m_dwAdviseFlags ( 0 ), m_pImpIRunnableObject ( NULL ), m_bIsRunning ( FALSE ), // m_pImpIExternalConnection ( NULL ), m_fLockContainer ( FALSE ), m_dwRegROT ( 0L ), m_pIOleIPSite ( NULL ), m_pIOleIPFrame ( NULL ), m_pIOleIPUIWindow ( NULL ), m_pImpIOleIPObject ( NULL ), m_pImpIOleIPActiveObject ( NULL ), m_hMenuShared ( NULL ), m_hOLEMenu ( NULL ), m_pHW ( NULL ), m_fAllowInPlace ( TRUE ), m_fUIActive ( FALSE ), m_fContainerKnowsInsideOut ( FALSE ), m_pImpISpecifyPP ( NULL ), m_pImpIProvideClassInfo ( NULL ), m_pImpIDispatch ( NULL ), m_pImpISystemMonitor ( NULL ), m_pImpIOleControl ( NULL ), m_pImpICounters ( NULL ), m_pImpILogFiles ( NULL ), m_pITypeLib ( NULL ), m_pIOleControlSite ( NULL ), m_pIDispatchAmbients ( NULL ), m_fFreezeEvents ( FALSE ), m_fHatch ( TRUE ), m_pCtrl ( NULL ) { // Set default extents SetRect(&m_RectExt, 0, 0, 300, 200); return; } CPolyline::~CPolyline(void) { LPUNKNOWN pIUnknown=this; if (NULL!=m_pUnkOuter) pIUnknown=m_pUnkOuter; if (NULL!=m_pHW) { delete m_pHW; m_pHW = NULL; } if (NULL != m_pCtrl) { delete m_pCtrl; m_pCtrl = NULL; } /* * In aggregation, release cached pointers but * AddRef the controlling unknown first. */ pIUnknown->AddRef(); pIUnknown->AddRef(); pIUnknown->AddRef(); ReleaseInterface(m_pDefIViewObject); ReleaseInterface(m_pDefIDataObject); ReleaseInterface(m_pDefIPersistStorage); //Cached pointer rules do not apply to IUnknown ReleaseInterface(m_pDefIUnknown); ReleaseInterface(m_pIAdviseSink); ReleaseInterface(m_pIOleClientSite); ReleaseInterface(m_pIOleAdviseHolder); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIOleObject); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIViewObject); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIRunnableObject); //Other in-place interfaces released in deactivation. DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIOleIPObject); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIOleIPActiveObject); ReleaseInterface(m_pIDispatchAmbients); ReleaseInterface(m_pIOleControlSite); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpISpecifyPP); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIProvideClassInfo); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIDispatch); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpISystemMonitor); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIOleControl); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpICounters); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpILogFiles); //Anything we might have registered in IRunnableObject::Run if (m_dwRegROT != 0) { IRunningObjectTable *pROT; if (!FAILED(GetRunningObjectTable(0, &pROT))) { pROT->Revoke(m_dwRegROT); pROT->Release(); } } // DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIExternalConnection); ReleaseInterface(m_pIDataAdviseHolder); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIDataObject); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIObjectSafety); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIPersistStreamInit); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIPersistStorage); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIPersistPropertyBag); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIPerPropertyBrowsing); ReleaseInterface(m_pIStream); ReleaseInterface(m_pIStorage); DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIConnPtCont); #ifdef USE_SAMPLE_IPOLYLIN10 DeleteInterfaceImp(m_pImpIPolyline); #endif return; } /* * CPolyline::Init * * Purpose: * Performs any intiailization of a CPolyline that's prone to * failure that we also use internally before exposing the * object outside this DLL. * * Parameters: * None * * Return Value: * BOOL TRUE if the function is successful, * FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL CPolyline::Init(void) { LPUNKNOWN pIUnknown=this; HRESULT hr; INT i; if (NULL!=m_pUnkOuter) pIUnknown=m_pUnkOuter; m_cf=(CLIPFORMAT)RegisterClipboardFormat(SZSYSMONCLIPFORMAT); m_pImpIPersistStorage=new CImpIPersistStorage(this, pIUnknown); if (NULL==m_pImpIPersistStorage) return FALSE; m_pImpIPersistStreamInit=new CImpIPersistStreamInit(this, pIUnknown); if (NULL==m_pImpIPersistStreamInit) return FALSE; m_pImpIPersistPropertyBag=new CImpIPersistPropertyBag(this, pIUnknown); if (NULL==m_pImpIPersistPropertyBag) return FALSE; m_pImpIPerPropertyBrowsing=new CImpIPerPropertyBrowsing(this, pIUnknown); if (NULL==m_pImpIPerPropertyBrowsing) return FALSE; #ifdef USE_SAMPLE_IPOLYLIN10 m_pImpIPolyline=new CImpIPolyline(this, pIUnknown); if (NULL==m_pImpIPolyline) return FALSE; #endif m_pImpIConnPtCont=new CImpIConnPtCont(this, pIUnknown); if (NULL==m_pImpIConnPtCont) return FALSE; for (i=0; iSetInterface(DIID_DISystemMonitor, m_pImpISystemMonitor); m_pImpIOleControl=new CImpIOleControl(this, pIUnknown); if (NULL==m_pImpIOleControl) return FALSE; m_pImpIObjectSafety = new CImpIObjectSafety(this, pIUnknown); if (NULL == m_pImpIObjectSafety) { return FALSE; } m_pCtrl = new CSysmonControl(this); if (NULL==m_pCtrl) return FALSE; if ( !m_pCtrl->AllocateSubcomponents() ) return FALSE; /* * We're sitting at ref count 0 and the next call will AddRef a * few times and Release a few times. This insures we don't * delete ourselves prematurely. */ m_cRef++; // // Aggregate OLE's cache for IOleCache* interfaces. // hr = CreateDataCache(pIUnknown, CLSID_SystemMonitor , IID_IUnknown, (PPVOID)&m_pDefIUnknown); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; /* * NOTE: The spec specifically states that any interfaces * besides IUnknown that we obtain on an aggregated object * should be Released immediately after we QueryInterface for * them because the QueryInterface will AddRef us, and since * we would not release these interfaces until we were * destroyed, we'd never go away because we'd never get a zero * ref count. */ //Now try to get other interfaces to which we delegate hr=m_pDefIUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObject2 , (PPVOID)&m_pDefIViewObject); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; pIUnknown->Release(); hr=m_pDefIUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IDataObject , (PPVOID)&m_pDefIDataObject); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; pIUnknown->Release(); hr=m_pDefIUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistStorage , (PPVOID)&m_pDefIPersistStorage); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; pIUnknown->Release(); m_cRef--; #ifdef USE_SAMPLE_IPOLYLIN10 m_pImpIPolyline->New(); #endif /* * The type information lib already loaded in DllAttach * just use it.(AddRef on it is called in DllAttach) * */ m_pITypeLib = g_pITypeLib; //Set up our CONTROLINFO structure (we have two mnemonics) m_ctrlInfo.cb=sizeof(CONTROLINFO); m_ctrlInfo.dwFlags=0; m_ctrlInfo.hAccel=NULL; m_ctrlInfo.cAccel=0; /* * Note: we cannot initialize ambients until we get * a container interface pointer in IOleObject::SetClientSite. */ return TRUE; } /* * CPolyline::QueryInterface * CPolyline::AddRef * CPolyline::Release * * Purpose: * IUnknown members for CPolyline object. */ STDMETHODIMP CPolyline::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, PPVOID ppv ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { *ppv=NULL; if (IID_IUnknown==riid) *ppv=this; else if (IID_IConnectionPointContainer==riid) *ppv=m_pImpIConnPtCont; else if (IID_IPersistStorage==riid) *ppv=m_pImpIPersistStorage; else if (IID_IPersist==riid || IID_IPersistStream==riid || IID_IPersistStreamInit==riid) *ppv=m_pImpIPersistStreamInit; else if (IID_IPersistPropertyBag==riid ) *ppv=m_pImpIPersistPropertyBag; else if (IID_IPerPropertyBrowsing==riid ) *ppv=m_pImpIPerPropertyBrowsing; else if (IID_IDataObject==riid) *ppv=m_pImpIDataObject; else if (IID_IOleObject==riid) *ppv=m_pImpIOleObject; else if (IID_IViewObject==riid || IID_IViewObject2==riid) *ppv=m_pImpIViewObject; else if (IID_IRunnableObject==riid) // *ppv=m_pImpIRunnableObject; return E_NOINTERFACE; else if (IID_IExternalConnection==riid) // *ppv=m_pImpIExternalConnection; return E_NOINTERFACE; //IOleWindow will be the InPlaceObject else if (IID_IOleWindow==riid || IID_IOleInPlaceObject==riid) *ppv=m_pImpIOleIPObject; // The OLE rule state that InPlaceActiveObject should not be // provided in response to a query, but the current MFC (4.0) // won't work if we don't do it. else if (IID_IOleInPlaceActiveObject==riid) *ppv=m_pImpIOleIPActiveObject; else if (IID_ISpecifyPropertyPages==riid) *ppv=m_pImpISpecifyPP; else if (IID_IProvideClassInfo==riid) *ppv=m_pImpIProvideClassInfo; else if (IID_IDispatch==riid || DIID_DISystemMonitor==riid) *ppv=m_pImpIDispatch; else if (IID_ISystemMonitor==riid) *ppv=m_pImpISystemMonitor; else if (IID_IOleControl==riid) *ppv=m_pImpIOleControl; //Use the default handler's cache. else if (IID_IOleCache==riid || IID_IOleCache2==riid) return m_pDefIUnknown->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); else if (IID_IObjectSafety == riid) { *ppv = m_pImpIObjectSafety; } else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } } catch (...) { hr = E_POINTER; } assert ( NULL != *ppv ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && NULL != *ppv ) { ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPolyline::AddRef(void) { return ++m_cRef; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPolyline::Release(void) { if (0L!=--m_cRef) return m_cRef; // Prevent reentrant call m_cRef++; if (NULL!=m_pfnDestroy) (*m_pfnDestroy)(); delete this; return 0L; } /* * CPolyline::RectConvertMappings * * Purpose: * Converts the contents of a rectangle from device (MM_TEXT) or * HIMETRIC to the other. * * Parameters: * pRect LPRECT containing the rectangle to convert. * fToDevice BOOL TRUE to convert from HIMETRIC to device, * FALSE to convert device to HIMETRIC. * * Return Value: * None */ void CPolyline::RectConvertMappings( LPRECT pRect, BOOL fToDevice ) { HDC hDC = NULL; INT iLpx, iLpy; if ( NULL != pRect ) { hDC=GetDC(NULL); if ( NULL != hDC ) { iLpx=GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSX); iLpy=GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY); ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC); if (fToDevice) { pRect->left=MulDiv(iLpx, pRect->left, HIMETRIC_PER_INCH); pRect->top =MulDiv(iLpy, pRect->top , HIMETRIC_PER_INCH); pRect->right =MulDiv(iLpx, pRect->right, HIMETRIC_PER_INCH); pRect->bottom=MulDiv(iLpy, pRect->bottom,HIMETRIC_PER_INCH); } else { if ( 0 != iLpx && 0 != iLpy ) { pRect->left=MulDiv(pRect->left, HIMETRIC_PER_INCH, iLpx); pRect->top =MulDiv(pRect->top , HIMETRIC_PER_INCH, iLpy); pRect->right =MulDiv(pRect->right, HIMETRIC_PER_INCH, iLpx); pRect->bottom=MulDiv(pRect->bottom,HIMETRIC_PER_INCH, iLpy); } } } } return; } /* * CPolyline::RenderBitmap * * Purpose: * Creates a bitmap image of the current Polyline. * * Parameters: * phBmp HBITMAP * in which to return the bitmap. * * Return Value: * HRESULT NOERROR if successful, otherwise a * POLYLINE_E_ value. */ STDMETHODIMP CPolyline::RenderBitmap( HBITMAP *phBmp, HDC hAttribDC ) { //HDC hDC; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; HDC hMemDC; HBITMAP hBmp = NULL; RECT rc; HGDIOBJ hObj; HWND hWnd; if (NULL==phBmp) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if ( NULL == hAttribDC ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { hWnd = m_pCtrl->Window(); if ( NULL != hWnd ) { //Render a bitmap the size of the current rectangle. hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hAttribDC); if ( NULL != hMemDC ) { GetClientRect(hWnd, &rc); hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hAttribDC, rc.right, rc.bottom); if (NULL!=hBmp) { //Draw the control into the bitmap. hObj = SelectObject(hMemDC, hBmp); Draw(hMemDC, hAttribDC, FALSE, TRUE, &rc); SelectObject(hMemDC, hObj); } DeleteDC(hMemDC); // ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC); } *phBmp=hBmp; hr = NOERROR; } else { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } } return hr; } /* * CPolyline::RenderMetafilePict * * Purpose: * Renders the current Polyline into a METAFILEPICT structure in * global memory. * * Parameters: * phMem HGLOBAL * in which to return the * METAFILEPICT. * * Return Value: * HRESULT NOERROR if successful, otherwise a * POLYLINE_E_ value. */ STDMETHODIMP CPolyline::RenderMetafilePict( HGLOBAL *phMem, HDC hAttribDC ) { HGLOBAL hMem; HMETAFILE hMF; LPMETAFILEPICT pMF; RECT rc; HDC hDC; if (NULL==phMem) return E_POINTER; //Create a memory metafile and return its handle. hDC=(HDC)CreateMetaFile(NULL); if (NULL==hDC) return STG_E_MEDIUMFULL; SetMapMode(hDC, MM_ANISOTROPIC); // // Always set up the window extents to the real window size // so the drawing routines can work in their normal dev coords // /********* Use the extent rect, not the window rect *********/ rc = m_RectExt; // GetClientRect(m_pCtrl->Window(), &rc); /************************************************************/ Draw( hDC, hAttribDC, TRUE, TRUE, &rc ); hMF=CloseMetaFile(hDC); if (NULL==hMF) return STG_E_MEDIUMFULL; //Allocate the METAFILEPICT structure. hMem=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE | GMEM_MOVEABLE , sizeof(METAFILEPICT)); if (NULL==hMem) { DeleteMetaFile(hMF); return E_FAIL; } /* * Global lock only fails in PMODE if the selector is invalid * (like it was discarded) or references a 0 length segment, * neither of which can happen here. */ pMF=(LPMETAFILEPICT)GlobalLock(hMem); pMF->hMF=hMF; pMF->mm=MM_ANISOTROPIC; //Insert the extents in MM_HIMETRIC units. /********* Use the extent rect, not the window rect *********/ rc = m_RectExt; // GetClientRect(m_pCtrl->Window(), &rc); /************************************************************/ RectConvertMappings(&rc, FALSE); pMF->xExt=rc.right; pMF->yExt=rc.bottom; GlobalUnlock(hMem); *phMem=hMem; return NOERROR; } /* * CPolyline::SendAdvise * * Purpose: * Calls the appropriate IOleClientSite or IAdviseSink member * function for various events such as closure, renaming, etc. * * Parameters: * uCode UINT OBJECTCODE_* identifying the notification. * * Return Value: * None */ void CPolyline::SendAdvise(UINT uCode) { DWORD dwAspect=DVASPECT_CONTENT | DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL; switch (uCode) { case OBJECTCODE_SAVED: if (NULL!=m_pIOleAdviseHolder) m_pIOleAdviseHolder->SendOnSave(); break; case OBJECTCODE_CLOSED: if (NULL!=m_pIOleAdviseHolder) m_pIOleAdviseHolder->SendOnClose(); break; case OBJECTCODE_RENAMED: //Call IOleAdviseHolder::SendOnRename (later) break; case OBJECTCODE_SAVEOBJECT: if (m_fDirty && NULL!=m_pIOleClientSite) m_pIOleClientSite->SaveObject(); m_fDirty=FALSE; break; case OBJECTCODE_DATACHANGED: m_fDirty=TRUE; //No flags are necessary here. if (NULL!=m_pIDataAdviseHolder) { m_pIDataAdviseHolder->SendOnDataChange(m_pImpIDataObject, 0, 0); } if ( ( NULL!=m_pIAdviseSink ) & (dwAspect & m_dwAdviseAspects)) { m_pIAdviseSink->OnViewChange(dwAspect & m_dwAdviseAspects, 0); } break; case OBJECTCODE_SHOWWINDOW: if (NULL!=m_pIOleClientSite) m_pIOleClientSite->OnShowWindow(TRUE); break; case OBJECTCODE_HIDEWINDOW: if (NULL!=m_pIOleClientSite) m_pIOleClientSite->OnShowWindow(FALSE); break; case OBJECTCODE_SHOWOBJECT: if (NULL!=m_pIOleClientSite) m_pIOleClientSite->ShowObject(); break; } return; } /* * CPolyline::SendEvent * * Purpose: * Send an event to all connection points. * * * Parameters: * uEventType Event Type * dwParam Parameter to send with event. * * Return Value: * None */ void CPolyline::SendEvent ( IN UINT uEventType, IN DWORD dwParam ) { INT i; // Don't send if container has frozen events if (m_fFreezeEvents) return; // Pass event to each connection point for (i=0; iWindow()); } return NOERROR; } // Initialization, obtaining interfaces, OnInPlaceActivate. hr=pActiveSite->QueryInterface(IID_IOleInPlaceSite, (PPVOID)&m_pIOleIPSite); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr=m_pIOleIPSite->CanInPlaceActivate(); if (NOERROR!=hr) { m_pIOleIPSite->Release(); m_pIOleIPSite=NULL; return E_FAIL; } m_pIOleIPSite->OnInPlaceActivate(); // Get the window context and create a window. m_pIOleIPSite->GetWindow(&hWndSite); frameInfo.cb=sizeof(OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO); m_pIOleIPSite->GetWindowContext(&m_pIOleIPFrame, &m_pIOleIPUIWindow, &rcPos, &rcClip, &frameInfo); /* * Create the hatch window after we get a parent window. We * could not create the hatch window sooner because had nothing * to use for the parent. */ m_pHW=new CHatchWin(); if (NULL==m_pHW) { InPlaceDeactivate(); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (!m_pHW->Init(hWndSite, ID_HATCHWINDOW, NULL)) { InPlaceDeactivate(); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } hr=m_pImpIRunnableObject->Run(NULL); // Move the hatch window to the container window. hWndHW = m_pHW->Window(); SetParent(hWndHW, hWndSite); // Move the Polyline window from the hidden dialog to hatch window hWndCtrl = m_pCtrl->Window(); m_pHW->HwndAssociateSet(hWndCtrl); m_pHW->ChildSet(hWndCtrl); m_pHW->RectsSet(&rcPos, &rcClip); //Positions polyline ShowWindow(hWndHW, SW_SHOW); SendAdvise(OBJECTCODE_SHOWOBJECT); // Critical for accelerators to work initially. SetFocus(hWndCtrl); if (fIncludeUI) hr = UIActivate(); else hr = NOERROR; /* * Since we don't have an Undo while in-place, tell the continer * to free it's undo state immediately. */ m_pIOleIPSite->DiscardUndoState(); return hr; } /* * CPolyline::InPlaceDeactivate * * Purpose: * Reverses all the activation steps from InPlaceActivate. * * Parameters: * None * * Return Value: * None */ void CPolyline::InPlaceDeactivate(void) { UIDeactivate(); if (NULL!=m_pHW) { ShowWindow(m_pHW->Window(), SW_HIDE); // Move the window to its foster home if (m_pCtrl->Window()) { SetParent(m_pCtrl->Window(), g_hWndFoster); } m_pHW->ChildSet(NULL); delete m_pHW; m_pHW=NULL; } ReleaseInterface(m_pIOleIPFrame); ReleaseInterface(m_pIOleIPUIWindow) if (NULL!=m_pIOleIPSite) { m_pIOleIPSite->OnInPlaceDeactivate(); ReleaseInterface(m_pIOleIPSite); } return; } /* * CPolyline::UIActivate * * Purpose: * Goes through all the steps of activating the user interface of * Polyline as an in-place object. * * Parameters: * None * * Return Value: * HRESULT NOERROR or error code. */ HRESULT CPolyline::UIActivate(void) { LPWSTR szUserType; // If already UI active, just return if (m_fUIActive) return NOERROR; m_fUIActive = TRUE; // Show hatched border only if enabled if (m_fHatch) m_pHW->ShowHatch(TRUE); // Call IOleInPlaceSite::UIActivate if (NULL!=m_pIOleIPSite) m_pIOleIPSite->OnUIActivate(); // Set the active object szUserType = ResourceString(IDS_USERTYPE); if (NULL != m_pIOleIPFrame) m_pIOleIPFrame->SetActiveObject(m_pImpIOleIPActiveObject, szUserType); if (NULL != m_pIOleIPUIWindow) m_pIOleIPUIWindow->SetActiveObject(m_pImpIOleIPActiveObject, szUserType); // Negotiate border space. None needed. if (NULL != m_pIOleIPFrame) m_pIOleIPFrame->SetBorderSpace(NULL); if (NULL != m_pIOleIPUIWindow) m_pIOleIPUIWindow->SetBorderSpace(NULL); // Create the shared menu. No items added. if (NULL != m_pIOleIPFrame) m_pIOleIPFrame->SetMenu(NULL, NULL, m_pCtrl->Window()); return NOERROR; } /* * CPolyline::UIDeactivate * * Purpose: * Reverses all the user interface activation steps from * UIActivate. * * Parameters: * None * * Return Value: * None */ void CPolyline::UIDeactivate(void) { if (!m_fUIActive){ return; } m_fUIActive=FALSE; // Hide hatched border if enabled if (m_fHatch && NULL != m_pHW ){ m_pHW->ShowHatch(FALSE); } // Tell frame and UI Window we aren't active if (NULL!=m_pIOleIPFrame){ m_pIOleIPFrame->SetActiveObject(NULL, NULL); } if (NULL!=m_pIOleIPUIWindow){ m_pIOleIPUIWindow->SetActiveObject(NULL, NULL); } //We don't have any shared menu or tools to clean up. if (NULL!=m_pIOleIPSite){ m_pIOleIPSite->OnUIDeactivate(FALSE); } } /* * AmbientGet * * Purpose: * Retrieves a specific ambient property into a VARIANT. * * Parameters: * dispID DISPID of the property to retrieve. * pva VARIANT * to fill with the new value. * * Return value * BOOL TRUE if the ambient was retrieved, FALSE * otherwise. */ BOOL CPolyline::AmbientGet(DISPID dispID, VARIANT *pva) { HRESULT hr; DISPPARAMS dp; if (NULL==pva) return FALSE; if (NULL==m_pIDispatchAmbients) return FALSE; SETNOPARAMS(dp); hr=m_pIDispatchAmbients->Invoke(dispID, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &dp, pva, NULL, NULL); return SUCCEEDED(hr); } /* * AmbientsInitialize * * Purpose: * Attempts to retrieve the container's ambient properties * and initialize (or reinitialize) Polyline accordingly. * * Parameters: * dwWhich DWORD containing INITAMBIENT_... flags * describing which ambients to initialize. * This can be any combination. * * Return Value: * None */ void CPolyline::AmbientsInitialize(DWORD dwWhich) { VARIANT va; LPFONT pIFont,pIFontClone; LPFONTDISP pIFontDisp; if (NULL == m_pIDispatchAmbients) { return; } /* * We need to retrieve these ambients into these variables: * * Ambient Property: Variable: * ----------------------------------------------- * DISPID_AMBIENT_SHOWHATCHING m_fHatch * DISPID_AMBIENT_UIDEAD m_fUIDead * DISPID_AMBIENT_BACKCOLOR m_pCtrl... * DISPID_AMBIENT_FONT ..... m_pCtrl... * DISPID_AMBIENT_FORECOLOR m_pCtrl... * DISPID_AMBIENT_APPEARANCE m_pCtrl... * DISPID_AMBIENT_USERMODE m_pCtrl... */ VariantInit(&va); if ((INITAMBIENT_SHOWHATCHING & dwWhich) &&AmbientGet(DISPID_AMBIENT_SHOWHATCHING, &va)) { m_fHatch=V_BOOL(&va); if (NULL != m_pHW) m_pHW->ShowHatch(m_fHatch && m_fUIActive); } if ((INITAMBIENT_UIDEAD & dwWhich) && AmbientGet(DISPID_AMBIENT_UIDEAD, &va)) { m_pCtrl->m_fUIDead = (BOOLEAN)V_BOOL(&va); } if ((INITAMBIENT_USERMODE & dwWhich) && AmbientGet(DISPID_AMBIENT_USERMODE, &va)) { m_pCtrl->m_fUserMode = (BOOLEAN)V_BOOL(&va); } if ((INITAMBIENT_APPEARANCE & dwWhich) && AmbientGet(DISPID_AMBIENT_APPEARANCE, &va)) { m_pCtrl->put_Appearance(V_I4(&va), TRUE); } if ((INITAMBIENT_BACKCOLOR & dwWhich) && AmbientGet(DISPID_AMBIENT_BACKCOLOR, &va)) { m_pCtrl->put_BackPlotColor(V_I4(&va), TRUE); } if ((INITAMBIENT_FORECOLOR & dwWhich) && AmbientGet(DISPID_AMBIENT_FORECOLOR, &va)) { m_pCtrl->put_FgndColor(V_I4(&va), TRUE); } if ((INITAMBIENT_FONT & dwWhich) && AmbientGet(DISPID_AMBIENT_FONT, &va)) { pIFontDisp = (LPFONTDISP)V_DISPATCH(&va); if (pIFontDisp != NULL) { if (SUCCEEDED(pIFontDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IFont, (PPVOID)&pIFont))) { if (SUCCEEDED(pIFont->Clone(&pIFontClone))) { m_pCtrl->put_Font(pIFontClone, TRUE); pIFontClone->Release(); } pIFont->Release(); } pIFontDisp->Release(); } } if ((INITAMBIENT_RTL & dwWhich) && AmbientGet( DISPID_AMBIENT_RIGHTTOLEFT, &va)) { m_pCtrl->m_fRTL = (BOOLEAN)V_BOOL(&va); } } void CPolyline::Draw( HDC hDC, HDC hAttribDC, BOOL fMetafile, BOOL fEntire, LPRECT pRect) { RECT rc; if (!fMetafile && !RectVisible(hDC, pRect)) return; SetMapMode(hDC, MM_ANISOTROPIC); // // Always set up the window extents to the natural window size // so the drawing routines can work in their normal dev coords // // Use client rect vs. extent rect for Zoom calculation. // Zoom factor = prcPos / Extent, so pRect/ClientRect. /********* Use the extent rect, not the window rect *********/ // Using rectExt makes Word printing correct at all zoom levels. rc = m_RectExt; // GetClientRect(m_pCtrl->Window(), &rc); /************************************************************/ SetWindowOrgEx(hDC, 0, 0, NULL); SetWindowExtEx(hDC, rc.right, rc.bottom, NULL); SetViewportOrgEx(hDC, pRect->left, pRect->top, NULL); SetViewportExtEx(hDC, pRect->right - pRect->left, pRect->bottom - pRect->top, NULL); m_pCtrl->InitView( g_hWndFoster); m_pCtrl->Render(hDC, hAttribDC, fMetafile, fEntire, &rc); return; }