@echo off REM REM runtests.bat - copies all files needed to run the dsmod and dsadd tests and then runs the tests REM Created 07-Oct-2000 by Jeff Jones (JeffJon) REM REM REM Copy command executables REM copy /Y \\jeffjondev\admin\dscmd\dsadd\obj\i386\dsadd.exe copy /Y \\jeffjondev\admin\dscmd\dsadd\obj\i386\dsadd.pdb copy /Y \\jeffjondev\admin\dscmd\dsmod\obj\i386\dsmod.exe copy /Y \\jeffjondev\admin\dscmd\dsmod\obj\i386\dsmod.pdb copy /Y \\jeffjondev\admin\dscmd\dsrm\obj\i386\dsrm.exe copy /Y \\jeffjondev\admin\dscmd\dsrm\obj\i386\dsrm.pdb REM REM Copy tests REM copy /Y \\jeffjondev\admin\dscmd\test\dsaddtest.bat copy /Y \\jeffjondev\admin\dscmd\test\dsmodtest.bat copy /Y \\jeffjondev\admin\dscmd\test\dstestcleanup.bat copy /Y \\jeffjondev\admin\dscmd\test\expectedsuccess.txt copy /Y \\jeffjondev\admin\dscmd\test\expectederrors.txt REM REM Run tests REM echo. echo Running cleanup... call dstestcleanup.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 echo. echo Running test... Test will be complete when prompt returns call dsmodtest.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 > modtestsuccess.txt 2> modtesterrors.txt IF EXIST windiff.exe goto RUNWINDIFF IF EXIST %SystemDrive%\mstools\windiff.exe goto RUNWINDIFF IF EXIST %SystemRoot%\system32\windiff.exe goto RUNWINDIFF echo. echo Could not find windiff.exe in the current directory, %SystemDrive%\mstools, or %SystemRoot%\system32. To determine results of the test you will have to compare the following files: echo expectedsuccess.txt and modtestsuccess.txt echo expectederrors.txt and modtesterrors.txt goto END :RUNWINDIFF echo. echo View the results in the windiff windows that are open. echo If there are any discrepancies the test did not pass. start windiff expectedsuccess.txt modtestsuccess.txt start windiff expectederrors.txt modtesterrors.txt :END