/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/ /* SpecDlg.hxx This dialog contains the definition for the Permissions Special dialog FILE HISTORY: Johnl 29-Aug-1991 Created */ #ifndef _SPECDLG_HXX_ #define _SPECDLG_HXX_ #include "permdlg.hxx" #define CID_SPECIAL_BASE (CID_PERM_LAST) /* The checkbox control IDs must be in consecutive order. */ #define COUNT_OF_CHECKBOXES 18 #define CHECK_PERM_1 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+1) #define CHECK_PERM_2 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+2) #define CHECK_PERM_3 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+3) #define CHECK_PERM_4 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+4) #define CHECK_PERM_5 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+5) #define CHECK_PERM_6 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+6) #define CHECK_PERM_7 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+7) #define CHECK_PERM_8 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+8) #define CHECK_PERM_9 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+9) #define CHECK_PERM_10 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+10) #define CHECK_PERM_11 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+11) #define CHECK_PERM_12 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+12) #define CHECK_PERM_13 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+13) #define CHECK_PERM_14 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+14) #define CHECK_PERM_15 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+15) #define CHECK_PERM_16 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+16) #define CHECK_PERM_17 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+17) #define CHECK_PERM_18 (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+18) #define SLE_SUBJECT_NAME (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+20) #define FRAME_PERMISSION_BOX (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+21) /* BUTTON_PERMIT (aka "Other") and BUTTON_ALL (generic all) are in all * of the NT special permission dialogs. The BUTTON_NOT_SPECIFIED button * is only in the "New Item" special dialog. */ #define BUTTON_PERMIT (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+25) #define BUTTON_ALL (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+26) #define BUTTON_NOT_SPECIFIED (CID_SPECIAL_BASE+27) #ifndef RC_INVOKED /************************************************************************* NAME: ACCESS_PERM_CHECKBOX SYNOPSIS: This class is a checkbox that has a bitfield associated with it. INTERFACE: ACCESS_PERM_CHECKBOX Takes normal parameters plus the name of this checkbox and the bitfield to associate this checkbox with. QueryBitMask Returns the bitmask this CHECKBOX is associated with. See CHECKBOX for all other methods. PARENT: CHECKBOX USES: BITFIELD CAVEATS: NOTES: HISTORY: Johnl 30-Aug-1991 Created **************************************************************************/ class ACCESS_PERM_CHECKBOX : public CHECKBOX { private: BITFIELD _bitsMask ; public: ACCESS_PERM_CHECKBOX( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, const NLS_STR & nlsPermName, BITFIELD & bitsMask ) ; BITFIELD * QueryBitMask( void ) { return &_bitsMask ; } } ; /************************************************************************* NAME: SPECIAL_DIALOG SYNOPSIS: This class is the "Special" dialog that the user will use to check the individual access writes. INTERFACE: SetCheckBoxNames Sets the name of each Checkbox based on the passed MASK_MAP (looks for each PERMTYPE_SPECIAL item in the MASK_MAP and consecutively sets the permission name). The name should have the embedded '&' accelerator. Resize Given the current state of the dialog, resizes the checkbox and repositions the contained controls so it is aesthetically pleasing. ApplyPermissionsToCheckBoxes Checks the appropriate checkboxes based on the passed bitfield QueryUserSelectedBits Builds a bitfield from the checkboxes the user selected QueryCheckBox Returns a pointer to the checkbox at the passed index (checks the index). QueryCount Returns the number of successfully constructed checkboxes QueryAccessBits Returns the Access permission map that this dialog is editting. PARENT: PERM_BASE_DLG USES: SLT, MASK_MAP, BITFIELD, ACCESS_PERMISSION, ACCESS_PERM_CHECKBOX CAVEATS: NOTES: This first ACCESS_PERM_CHECKBOX's CID in this dialog should start at CHECK_PERM_1 and be numbered consecutively up to (CHECK_PERM_1 + COUNT_OF_CHECKBOXES). HISTORY: Johnl 29-Aug-1991 Created **************************************************************************/ class SPECIAL_DIALOG : public PERM_BASE_DLG { private: // // User/Group name we are editting // SLE _sleSubjectName ; // // The Bitfield/string pair map we are using. // MASK_MAP * _pAccessMaskMap ; // // Number of constructed checkboxes // UINT _cUsedCheckBoxes ; // // Pointer to the permission we are going to edit // BITFIELD * _pbitsAccessPerm ; // // Array of checkboxes (all checkboxes in this dialog are initially // hidden and disabled) // ACCESS_PERM_CHECKBOX *_pAccessPermCheckBox ; // // The frame surrounding the checkboxes (we may need to resize). // CONTROL_WINDOW _cwinPermFrame ; // // This flag is TRUE if we are a special group that cannot be // denied all (such as LM groups). // BOOL _fCannotDenyAll ; // // This flag is TRUE if this dialog is read only, FALSE otherwise. // BOOL _fIsReadOnly ; protected: virtual BOOL OnOK( void ) ; virtual ULONG QueryHelpContext( void ) ; APIERR SetCheckBoxNames( MASK_MAP * pAccessMaskMap, BOOL fReadOnly ) ; APIERR ApplyPermissionsToCheckBoxes( BITFIELD * bitmask ) ; void Resize( void ) ; BOOL IsReadOnly( void ) const { return _fIsReadOnly ; } public: SPECIAL_DIALOG( const TCHAR * pszDialogName, HWND hwndParent, const TCHAR * pszResourceType, const TCHAR * pszResourceName, const TCHAR * pszHelpFileName, const TCHAR * pszDialogTitle, BITFIELD * pbitsAccessPerm, MASK_MAP * pAccessMaskMap, const TCHAR * pszSubjectTitle, ULONG * ahcHelp, BOOL fIsReadOnly ) ; virtual ~SPECIAL_DIALOG() ; void QueryUserSelectedBits( BITFIELD * pbitsUserSelected ) ; ACCESS_PERM_CHECKBOX * QueryCheckBox( UINT index ) { UIASSERT( index < QueryCount() ) ; return &_pAccessPermCheckBox[index] ; } /* Returns the number of checkboxes that are in use */ UINT QueryCount( void ) { return _cUsedCheckBoxes ; } BITFIELD * QueryAccessBits( void ) { return _pbitsAccessPerm ; } /* Returns TRUE if a whole column of checkboxes is filled (thus we don't * need to resize vertically). */ BOOL IsFilledVertically( void ) { return (QueryCount() >= COUNT_OF_CHECKBOXES / 2 ) ; } } ; /************************************************************************* NAME: NT_SPECIAL_DIALOG SYNOPSIS: This class includes an "All" radio button choice that corresponds to Generic All. It is used for all NT objects except for the "New Item" permissions. INTERFACE: PARENT: SPECIAL_DIALOG CAVEATS: NOTES: HISTORY: Johnl 30-Mar-1992 Created **************************************************************************/ class NT_SPECIAL_DIALOG : public SPECIAL_DIALOG { private: MAGIC_GROUP _mgrpSelectionOptions ; protected: virtual BOOL OnOK( void ) ; public: NT_SPECIAL_DIALOG( const TCHAR * pszDialogName, HWND hwndParent, const TCHAR * pszResourceType, const TCHAR * pszResourceName, const TCHAR * pszHelpFileName, const TCHAR * pszDialogTitle, BITFIELD * pbitsAccessPerm, MASK_MAP * pAccessMaskMap, const TCHAR * pszSubjectTitle, ULONG * ahcHelp, BOOL fIsReadOnly, INT cMagicGroupButtons = 2, CID cidDefaultMagicGroupButton = BUTTON_PERMIT) ; ~NT_SPECIAL_DIALOG() ; BOOL IsAllSpecified( void ) { return _mgrpSelectionOptions.QuerySelection() == BUTTON_ALL ; } const MAGIC_GROUP * QueryMagicGroup( void ) const { return &_mgrpSelectionOptions ; } } ; /************************************************************************* NAME: NEW_OBJ_SPECIAL_DIALOG SYNOPSIS: This dialog is essentially the SPECIAL_DIALOG except a magic group has been added that allows the user to specify the special permissions are not specified for new files INTERFACE: Same as SPECIAL_DIALOG except: IsSpecified Returns TRUE if the user has chosen the "Permit" radio button, FALSE otherwise. PARENT: SPECIAL_DIALOG USES: MAGIC_GROUP CAVEATS: NOTES: HISTORY: Johnl 18-Nov-1991 Created **************************************************************************/ class NEW_OBJ_SPECIAL_DIALOG : public NT_SPECIAL_DIALOG { protected: virtual BOOL OnOK( void ) ; virtual ULONG QueryHelpContext( void ) ; public: NEW_OBJ_SPECIAL_DIALOG( const TCHAR * pszDialogName, HWND hwndParent, const TCHAR * pszResourceType, const TCHAR * pszResourceName, const TCHAR * pszHelpFileName, const TCHAR * pszDialogTitle, BITFIELD * pbitsAccessPerm, MASK_MAP * pAccessMaskMap, const TCHAR * pszSubjectTitle, ULONG * ahcHelp, BOOL fIsReadOnly, BOOL fPermSpecified ) ; ~NEW_OBJ_SPECIAL_DIALOG() ; BOOL IsNotSpecified( void ) { return QueryMagicGroup()->QuerySelection() == BUTTON_NOT_SPECIFIED ; } } ; #endif // RC_INVOKED #endif // _SPECDLG_HXX_