/*++ Copyright (c) 1994-95 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: srvobj.cpp Abstract: Server object implementation. Author: Don Ryan (donryan) 04-Jan-1995 Environment: User Mode - Win32 Revision History: Jeff Parham (jeffparh) 30-Jan-1996 o Modified to use LlsProductLicensesGet() to avoid race conditions in getting the correct number of concurrent licenses with secure products. o Ported to LlsLocalService API to remove dependencies on configuration information being in the registry. --*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "llsmgr.h" #include #include #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CServer, CCmdTarget) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CServer, CCmdTarget) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CServer) // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here. //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CServer, CCmdTarget) //{{AFX_DISPATCH_MAP(CServer) DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CServer, "Application", GetApplication, SetNotSupported, VT_DISPATCH) DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CServer, "Name", GetName, SetNotSupported, VT_BSTR) DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CServer, "Parent", GetParent, SetNotSupported, VT_DISPATCH) DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CServer, "Controller", GetController, SetNotSupported, VT_BSTR) DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CServer, "IsLogging", IsLogging, SetNotSupported, VT_BOOL) DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CServer, "IsReplicatingToDC", IsReplicatingToDC, SetNotSupported, VT_BOOL) DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CServer, "IsReplicatingDaily", IsReplicatingDaily, SetNotSupported, VT_BOOL) DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CServer, "ReplicationTime", GetReplicationTime, SetNotSupported, VT_I4) DISP_PROPERTY_PARAM(CServer, "Services", GetServices, SetNotSupported, VT_DISPATCH, VTS_VARIANT) DISP_DEFVALUE(CServer, "Name") //}}AFX_DISPATCH_MAP END_DISPATCH_MAP() CServer::CServer(CCmdTarget* pParent, LPCTSTR pName) /*++ Routine Description: Constructor for server object. Arguments: pParent - creator of object. pName - name of server. Return Values: None. --*/ { EnableAutomation(); #ifdef ENABLE_PARENT_CHECK ASSERT(pParent && pParent->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CDomain))); #endif // ENABLE_PARENT_CHECK m_pParent = pParent; ASSERT(pName && *pName); m_strName = pName; m_strController.Empty(); m_pServices = NULL; m_serviceArray.RemoveAll(); m_bServicesRefreshed = FALSE; m_hkeyRoot = (HKEY)0L; m_hkeyLicense = (HKEY)0L; m_hkeyReplication = (HKEY)0L; m_IsWin2000 = uninitialized; m_hLls = NULL; } CServer::~CServer() /*++ Routine Description: Destructor for server object. Arguments: None. Return Values: None. --*/ { if (m_pServices) m_pServices->InternalRelease(); #ifdef CONFIG_THROUGH_REGISTRY if (m_hkeyReplication) RegCloseKey(m_hkeyReplication); if (m_hkeyLicense) RegCloseKey(m_hkeyLicense); if (m_hkeyRoot) RegCloseKey(m_hkeyRoot); #endif DisconnectLls(); } void CServer::OnFinalRelease() /*++ Routine Description: When the last reference for an automation object is released OnFinalRelease is called. This implementation deletes object. Arguments: None. Return Values: None. --*/ { ResetServices(); delete this; } LPDISPATCH CServer::GetApplication() /*++ Routine Description: Returns the application object. Arguments: None. Return Values: VT_DISPATCH. --*/ { return theApp.GetAppIDispatch(); } BSTR CServer::GetController() /*++ Routine Description: Returns license controller for server. Arguments: None. Return Values: VT_BSTR. --*/ { LONG Status; CString strValue = _T(""); if (InitializeIfNecessary()) { #ifdef CONFIG_THROUGH_REGISTRY TCHAR szValue[256]; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szValue); Status = RegQueryValueEx( m_hkeyReplication, REG_VALUE_ENTERPRISE_SERVER, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szValue, &dwSize ); LlsSetLastStatus(Status); // called api if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) strValue = szValue; #else PLLS_SERVICE_INFO_0 pConfig = NULL; Status = ::LlsServiceInfoGet( m_hLls, 0, (LPBYTE *) &pConfig ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { strValue = pConfig->EnterpriseServer; ::LlsFreeMemory( pConfig->ReplicateTo ); ::LlsFreeMemory( pConfig->EnterpriseServer ); ::LlsFreeMemory( pConfig ); } else if ( IsConnectionDropped( Status ) ) { DisconnectLls(); } #endif } return strValue.AllocSysString(); } BSTR CServer::GetName() /*++ Routine Description: Returns the name of the server. Arguments: None. Return Values: VT_BSTR. --*/ { return m_strName.AllocSysString(); } LPDISPATCH CServer::GetParent() /*++ Routine Description: Returns the parent of the object. Arguments: None. Return Values: VT_DISPATCH. --*/ { return m_pParent ? m_pParent->GetIDispatch(TRUE) : NULL; } LPDISPATCH CServer::GetServices(const VARIANT FAR& index) /*++ Routine Description: Returns a collection object containing all of the services registered in the server's registry or returns an individual service described by an index into the collection. Arguments: index - optional argument that may be a string (VT_BSTR) indicating a service name or a number (VT_I4) indicating the position within collection. Return Values: VT_DISPATCH or VT_EMPTY. --*/ { LPDISPATCH lpdispatch = NULL; if (!m_pServices) { m_pServices = new CServices(this, &m_serviceArray); } if (m_pServices) { if (V_ISVOID((VARIANT FAR*)&index)) { if (RefreshServices()) { lpdispatch = m_pServices->GetIDispatch(TRUE); } } else { if (m_bServicesRefreshed) { lpdispatch = m_pServices->GetItem(index); } else if (RefreshServices()) { lpdispatch = m_pServices->GetItem(index); } } } else { LlsSetLastStatus(STATUS_NO_MEMORY); } return lpdispatch; } BOOL CServer::IsLogging() /*++ Routine Description: Returns true if server replicating license information. Arguments: None. Return Values: VT_BOOL. --*/ { return TRUE; // CODEWORK... } BOOL CServer::RefreshServices() /*++ Routine Description: Refreshs service object list. Arguments: None. Return Values: VT_BOOL. --*/ { ResetServices(); LONG Status; if (InitializeIfNecessary()) { #ifdef CONFIG_THROUGH_REGISTRY TCHAR szValue[260]; DWORD cchValue = sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR); DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwValueType; DWORD dwValueSize; FILETIME ftLastWritten; DWORD index = 0L; int iService = 0; HKEY hkeyService = NULL; CString strServiceName; CString strServiceDisplayName; BOOL bIsPerServer; BOOL bIsReadOnly; long lPerServerLimit; while ((Status = RegEnumKeyEx( m_hkeyLicense, index, szValue, &cchValue, NULL, // lpdwReserved NULL, // lpszClass NULL, // lpcchClass &ftLastWritten )) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { strServiceName = szValue; // store for ctor... Status = RegOpenKeyEx( m_hkeyLicense, MKSTR(strServiceName), 0, // dwReserved KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyService ); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // abort... dwValueType = REG_SZ; dwValueSize = sizeof(szValue); Status = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyService, REG_VALUE_NAME, 0, // dwReserved &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)&szValue[0], &dwValueSize ); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // abort... strServiceDisplayName = szValue; dwValueType = REG_DWORD; dwValueSize = sizeof(DWORD); Status = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyService, REG_VALUE_MODE, 0, // dwReserved &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwValueSize ); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // abort... // // 0x0 = per seat mode // 0x1 = per server mode // bIsPerServer = (dwValue == 0x1); dwValueType = REG_DWORD; dwValueSize = sizeof(DWORD); Status = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyService, REG_VALUE_FLIP, 0, // dwReserved &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwValueSize ); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // abort... // // 0x0 = can change mode // 0x1 = can't change mode // bIsReadOnly = (dwValue == 0x1); BOOL bGetLimitFromRegistry = TRUE; if ( ConnectLls() ) { Status = LlsProductLicensesGet( m_hLls, MKSTR(strServiceDisplayName), LLS_LICENSE_MODE_PER_SERVER, &dwValue ); if ( STATUS_SUCCESS == Status ) { bGetLimitFromRegistry = FALSE; } } if ( bGetLimitFromRegistry ) { dwValueType = REG_DWORD; dwValueSize = sizeof(DWORD); Status = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyService, REG_VALUE_LIMIT, 0, // dwReserved &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwValueSize ); } if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; // abort... lPerServerLimit = (long)dwValue; CService* pService = new CService(this, strServiceName, strServiceDisplayName, bIsPerServer, bIsReadOnly, lPerServerLimit ); m_serviceArray.SetAtGrow(iService++, pService); index++; cchValue = sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(TCHAR); RegCloseKey(hkeyService); // no longer needed... hkeyService = NULL; } if (hkeyService) RegCloseKey(hkeyService); if (Status == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; LlsSetLastStatus(Status); // called api if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_bServicesRefreshed = TRUE; } else { ResetServices(); } #else DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0; int iService = 0; do { PLLS_LOCAL_SERVICE_INFO_0 pServiceList = NULL; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0; Status = ::LlsLocalServiceEnum( m_hLls, 0, (LPBYTE *) &pServiceList, LLS_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, &dwResumeHandle ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { DWORD i; for ( i=0; i < dwEntriesRead; i++ ) { BOOL bIsPerServer = ( LLS_LICENSE_MODE_PER_SERVER == pServiceList[ i ].Mode ); BOOL bIsReadOnly = ( 0 == pServiceList[ i ].FlipAllow ); DWORD dwConcurrentLimit; // get number of per server license in case where product // is secure, and // ( is currently in per seat mode, or // new secure per server licenses have just been added and registry // has not been updated yet ) if ( STATUS_SUCCESS != LlsProductLicensesGet( m_hLls, pServiceList[ i ].DisplayName, LLS_LICENSE_MODE_PER_SERVER, &dwConcurrentLimit ) ) { dwConcurrentLimit = pServiceList[ i ].ConcurrentLimit; } CService* pService = new CService( this, pServiceList[ i ].KeyName, pServiceList[ i ].DisplayName, bIsPerServer, bIsReadOnly, dwConcurrentLimit ); m_serviceArray.SetAtGrow(iService++, pService); ::LlsFreeMemory( pServiceList[ i ].KeyName ); ::LlsFreeMemory( pServiceList[ i ].DisplayName ); ::LlsFreeMemory( pServiceList[ i ].FamilyDisplayName ); } ::LlsFreeMemory( pServiceList ); } } while ( STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES == Status ); LlsSetLastStatus( Status ); // called api if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { m_bServicesRefreshed = TRUE; } else { ResetServices(); if ( IsConnectionDropped( Status ) ) { DisconnectLls(); } } #endif } return m_bServicesRefreshed; } void CServer::ResetServices() /*++ Routine Description: Resets service object list. Arguments: None. Return Values: None. --*/ { CService* pService; INT_PTR iService = m_serviceArray.GetSize(); while (iService--) { pService = (CService*)m_serviceArray[iService]; if (NULL != pService) { ASSERT(pService->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CService))); pService->InternalRelease(); } } m_serviceArray.RemoveAll(); m_bServicesRefreshed = FALSE; } BOOL CServer::InitializeIfNecessary() /*++ Routine Description: Initialize registry keys if necessary. Arguments: None. Return Values: VT_BOOL. --*/ { #ifdef CONFIG_THROUGH_REGISTRY LONG Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!m_hkeyRoot) { Status = RegConnectRegistry( MKSTR(m_strName), HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &m_hkeyRoot ); LlsSetLastStatus(Status); // called api } if (!m_hkeyLicense && (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { ASSERT(m_hkeyRoot); Status = RegOpenKeyEx( m_hkeyRoot, REG_KEY_LICENSE, 0, // dwReserved KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &m_hkeyLicense ); LlsSetLastStatus(Status); // called api } if (!m_hkeyReplication && (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { ASSERT(m_hkeyRoot); Status = RegOpenKeyEx( m_hkeyRoot, REG_KEY_SERVER_PARAMETERS, 0, // dwReserved KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &m_hkeyReplication ); LlsSetLastStatus(Status); // called api } return (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS); #else return ConnectLls(); #endif } BOOL CServer::IsReplicatingToDC() /*++ Routine Description: Returns true if server replicating to domain controller. Arguments: None. Return Values: VT_BOOL. --*/ { LONG Status; DWORD dwValue = 0; if (InitializeIfNecessary()) { #ifdef CONFIG_THROUGH_REGISTRY DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); Status = RegQueryValueEx( m_hkeyReplication, REG_VALUE_USE_ENTERPRISE, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize ); #else PLLS_SERVICE_INFO_0 pConfig = NULL; Status = ::LlsServiceInfoGet( m_hLls, 0, (LPBYTE *) &pConfig ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { dwValue = pConfig->UseEnterprise; ::LlsFreeMemory( pConfig->ReplicateTo ); ::LlsFreeMemory( pConfig->EnterpriseServer ); ::LlsFreeMemory( pConfig ); } if ( IsConnectionDropped( Status ) ) { DisconnectLls(); } #endif LlsSetLastStatus(Status); // called api } return !((BOOL)dwValue); } BOOL CServer::IsReplicatingDaily() /*++ Routine Description: Returns true if server replicating daily at certain time. Arguments: None. Return Values: VT_BOOL. --*/ { LONG Status; DWORD dwValue = 0; if (InitializeIfNecessary()) { #ifdef CONFIG_THROUGH_REGISTRY DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); Status = RegQueryValueEx( m_hkeyReplication, REG_VALUE_REPLICATION_TYPE, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize ); #else PLLS_SERVICE_INFO_0 pConfig = NULL; Status = ::LlsServiceInfoGet( m_hLls, 0, (LPBYTE *) &pConfig ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { dwValue = pConfig->ReplicationType; ::LlsFreeMemory( pConfig->ReplicateTo ); ::LlsFreeMemory( pConfig->EnterpriseServer ); ::LlsFreeMemory( pConfig ); } if ( IsConnectionDropped( Status ) ) { DisconnectLls(); } #endif LlsSetLastStatus(Status); // called api } return (dwValue == LLS_REPLICATION_TYPE_TIME); } long CServer::GetReplicationTime() /*++ Routine Description: Returns time in seconds between replication or seconds from midnight if replicating daily. Arguments: None. Return Values: VT_I4. --*/ { LONG Status; DWORD dwValue = 0; if (InitializeIfNecessary()) { #ifdef CONFIG_THROUGH_REGISTRY DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); Status = RegQueryValueEx( m_hkeyReplication, REG_VALUE_REPLICATION_TIME, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize ); #else PLLS_SERVICE_INFO_0 pConfig = NULL; Status = ::LlsServiceInfoGet( m_hLls, 0, (LPBYTE *) &pConfig ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { dwValue = pConfig->ReplicationTime; ::LlsFreeMemory( pConfig->ReplicateTo ); ::LlsFreeMemory( pConfig->EnterpriseServer ); ::LlsFreeMemory( pConfig ); } if ( IsConnectionDropped( Status ) ) { DisconnectLls(); } #endif LlsSetLastStatus(Status); // called api } return dwValue; } BOOL CServer::ConnectLls() /*++ Routine Description: Connects to license service on this server. Arguments: None. Return Values: VT_BOOL. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; if ( NULL == m_hLls ) { CString strNetServerName = m_strName; if ( strNetServerName.Left(2).Compare( TEXT( "\\\\" ) ) ) { strNetServerName = TEXT( "\\\\" ) + strNetServerName; } Status = LlsConnect( MKSTR(strNetServerName), &m_hLls ); if ( STATUS_SUCCESS != Status ) { m_hLls = NULL; } else if ( !HaveAdminAuthority() ) { m_hLls = NULL; Status = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; } LlsSetLastStatus( Status ); } return ( NULL != m_hLls ); } void CServer::DisconnectLls() /*++ Routine Description: Disconnects from license service on this server. Arguments: None. Return Values: None. --*/ { if ( NULL != m_hLls ) { LlsClose( m_hLls ); m_hLls = NULL; } } BOOL CServer::HaveAdminAuthority() /*++ Routine Description: Checks whether the current user has admin authority on the server. Arguments: None. Return Values: BOOL. --*/ { BOOL bIsAdmin; CString strNetShareName; strNetShareName = m_strName + TEXT( "\\ADMIN$" ); if ( strNetShareName.Left(2).Compare( TEXT( "\\\\" ) ) ) { strNetShareName = TEXT( "\\\\" ) + strNetShareName; } #ifdef USE_WNET_API DWORD dwError; NETRESOURCE NetResource; ZeroMemory( &NetResource, sizeof( NetResource ) ); NetResource.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; NetResource.lpLocalName = NULL; NetResource.lpRemoteName = MKSTR(strNetShareName); NetResource.lpProvider = NULL; dwError = WNetAddConnection2( &NetResource, NULL, NULL, 0 ); bIsAdmin = ( NO_ERROR == dwError ); if ( NO_ERROR != dwError ) { bIsAdmin = FALSE; } else { bIsAdmin = TRUE; WNetCancelConnection2( MKSTR(strNetShareName), 0, FALSE ); } #else NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; USE_INFO_1 UseInfo; DWORD dwErrorParm; ZeroMemory( &UseInfo, sizeof( UseInfo ) ); UseInfo.ui1_remote = MKSTR( strNetShareName ); NetStatus = NetUseAdd( NULL, 1, (LPBYTE) &UseInfo, &dwErrorParm ); if ( NERR_Success != NetStatus ) { bIsAdmin = FALSE; } else { bIsAdmin = TRUE; NetStatus = NetUseDel( NULL, MKSTR(strNetShareName), 0 ); // ignore status } #endif return bIsAdmin; } BOOL CServer::IsWin2000() /*++ Routine Description: Checks whether the current server is Windows 2000 or greater. Arguments: None. Return Values: BOOL. --*/ { if ( m_IsWin2000 == uninitialized ) { if ( GetName() != NULL ) { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; PWKSTA_INFO_100 pWkstaInfo100 = NULL; NetStatus = NetWkstaGetInfo( GetName(), 100, (LPBYTE*)&pWkstaInfo100 ); if (NetStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pWkstaInfo100->wki100_ver_major < 5) { m_IsWin2000 = notwin2000; } else { m_IsWin2000 = win2000; } NetApiBufferFree(pWkstaInfo100); } } } // if still unitialized, assume win2000. return ( !(m_IsWin2000 == notwin2000) ); }