#include "header.inc" #include "debug_js.inc" REMOTE_ASSISTANCE_INVITE
Remote Assistance
Was the e-mail invitation successfully sent?
A message appeared including the invitation and instructions for my assistant, and I sent it.
No message appeared, one appeared but was blank, or I accidentally closed it.
  I want to manually create an e-mail message.
   If you are connected to the Internet and your invitation is accepted, you will be notified that the recipient is ready to connect to your computer.
   E-mail invitations you create are saved in the invitation status list.
     Your invitation has been saved successfully to:
   Use your preferred method to send it to your assistant (for example, attach it to an e-mail message or place it in a shared folder). You should also tell your assistant to open the invitation in order to start the Remote Assistance session.
   If you are connected to the Internet and your invitation is accepted, you will be notified that the recipient is ready to connect to your computer.
Tell me about connection issues

  Send a new invitation
  View invitation status   View the status of all my invitations