// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, // or project specific include files that are used frequently, // but are changed infrequently #if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__2D61FC60_76C0_4B2F_94C7_8C23B1A6CB9E__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_STDAFX_H__2D61FC60_76C0_4B2F_94C7_8C23B1A6CB9E__INCLUDED_ #include #include #include #include #include #include // // From HelpServiceTypeLib.idl // #include #include #include "NetSearchConfig.h" #include "ParamConfig.h" #include "RemoteConfig.h" #include "NetSW.h" #include // Constants for the NetSearchWrapper #define NSW_TIMEOUT_REMOTECONFIG (15 * 1000) #define NSW_TIMEOUT_QUERY (30 * 1000) #define CONTENTTYPE_ERROR_OFFLINE (-2) #define UPDATE_FREQUENCY 7 // Hardcoded parameters for the query string #define NSW_PARAM_QUERYSTRING L"QueryString" #define NSW_PARAM_LCID L"LCID" #define NSW_PARAM_SKU L"SKU" #define NSW_PARAM_MAXRESULTS L"MaxResults" #define NSW_PARAM_PREVQUERY L"PrevQuery" #define NSW_PARAM_SUBQUERY L"SubQuery" #define NSW_PARAM_CURRENTQUERY L"CurrentQuery" // XML tags #define NSW_TAG_STRING L"string" // Result list schema tags #define NSW_TAG_RESULTLIST L"ResultList" #define NSW_TAG_RESULTITEM L"ResultItem" #define NSW_TAG_ERRORINFO L"ErrorInfo" //Configuration data schema tags #define NSW_TAG_DATA L"DATA" #define NSW_TAG_CONFIGDATA L"CONFIG_DATA" #define NSW_TAG_PARAMITEM L"PARAM_ITEM" // Remote configuration data schema tag #define NSW_TAG_LASTUPDATED L"LASTUPDATED" //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}} // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line. #endif // !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__2D61FC60_76C0_4B2F_94C7_8C23B1A6CB9E__INCLUDED)