//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. // // File: ddwarn.cpp // // Contents: implementation of CDlgDependencyWarn // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "stdafx.h" #include "snapmgr.h" #include "cookie.h" #include "DDWarn.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDlgDependencyWarn dialog CDlgDependencyWarn::CDlgDependencyWarn(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CHelpDialog(a238HelpIDs, IDD, pParent) { m_pResult = NULL; m_dwValue = SCE_NO_VALUE; //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CDlgDependencyWarn) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT } CDlgDependencyWarn::~CDlgDependencyWarn() { for(int iCheck = 0; iCheck < m_aFailedList.GetSize(); iCheck++){ if(m_aFailedList[iCheck]){ LocalFree(m_aFailedList[iCheck]); } } m_aFailedList.RemoveAll(); for(int iCheck = 0; iCheck < m_aDependsList.GetSize(); iCheck++){ if(m_aDependsList[iCheck]){ m_aDependsList[iCheck]->Release(); } } m_aDependsList.RemoveAll(); } void CDlgDependencyWarn::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CDlgDependencyWarn) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDlgDependencyWarn::m_aMinMaxInfo // Min max info for items. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEPENDENCYMINMAX CDlgDependencyWarn::m_aMinMaxInfo [] = { // ID // Min value // Max Value // Increment by //Flags { IDS_LOCK_DURATION, 1, 99999, 1}, { IDS_MIN_PAS_AGE, 0, 998, 1}, { IDS_MAX_PAS_AGE, 0, 999, 1}, { IDS_LOCK_COUNT, 0, 999, 1}, { IDS_MIN_PAS_LEN, 0, 14, 1}, { IDS_PAS_UNIQUENESS, 0, 24, 1}, { IDS_LOCK_RESET_COUNT, 1, 99999, 1}, { IDS_SYS_LOG_MAX, 64, 4194240, 64}, { IDS_SEC_LOG_MAX, 64, 4194240, 64}, { IDS_APP_LOG_MAX, 64, 4194240, 64}, { IDS_SYS_LOG_DAYS, 1, 365, 1}, { IDS_SEC_LOG_DAYS, 1, 365, 1}, { IDS_APP_LOG_DAYS, 1, 365, 1}, { IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_AGE, 1, 99999, 1}, { IDS_KERBEROS_RENEWAL, 1, 99999, 1}, { IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_SERVICE, 10, 99999, 1}, { IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_CLOCK, 0, 99999, 1} }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CDlgDependencyWarn::GetMinMaxInfo // // Returns the row which contains the [uID] // // Arguments: [uID] - The ID to search for. // // Returns: A row pointer or NULL if the ID is not contained in the table. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DEPENDENCYMINMAX * CDlgDependencyWarn::LookupMinMaxInfo(UINT uID) { int nSize = sizeof(m_aMinMaxInfo)/sizeof(DEPENDENCYMINMAX); for(int i = 0; i < nSize; i++){ if(m_aMinMaxInfo[i].uID == uID){ return &(m_aMinMaxInfo[i]); } } return NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The dependency list. // The ID defines what we are checking. // The Dependent IDS are the items the item is dependent on. // Count - The number of dependencies. // Default - The default value for the item if no other values can be used. // This is only used if the Item must be configured and it is not. // Conversion - What units the item must be converted to before performing the check. // Operator - ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEPENDENCYLIST g_aDList [] = { // ID // Depend ID //Count/Default/Conversion //Check type // // Password reset count <= password Lock duratio, and Password lock count must be // configured. // { IDS_LOCK_RESET_COUNT, IDS_LOCK_DURATION, 4, 30, 1, DPCHECK_GREATEREQUAL | DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC}, { 0, IDS_LOCK_COUNT, 0, 5, 1, DPCHECK_CONFIGURED|DPCHECK_NEVER }, { 0, IDS_LOCK_DURATION, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED}, { 0, IDS_LOCK_COUNT, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED|DPCHECK_NEVER}, // // Password lock duration, Reset count must be <=, and if this item is not configured, // then Reset Count is also not configured. // { IDS_LOCK_DURATION, IDS_LOCK_RESET_COUNT, 4, 30, 1, DPCHECK_LESSEQUAL | DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC}, { 0, IDS_LOCK_COUNT, 0, 5, 1, DPCHECK_CONFIGURED|DPCHECK_NEVER}, { 0, IDS_LOCK_RESET_COUNT, 0, 5, 1, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED}, { 0, IDS_LOCK_COUNT, 0, 5, 1, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED|DPCHECK_NEVER}, // // Password Lock count. If this item is configured then both Lock count and reset // should be configured. If it is not configured or 0 then the above items can not // configured. // { IDS_LOCK_COUNT, IDS_LOCK_DURATION, 4, 0, 1, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED|DPCHECK_NEVER}, { 0, IDS_LOCK_RESET_COUNT, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED|DPCHECK_NEVER}, { 0, IDS_LOCK_DURATION, 0, 30,1, DPCHECK_CONFIGURED|DPCHECK_NEVER}, { 0, IDS_LOCK_RESET_COUNT, 0, 30,1, DPCHECK_CONFIGURED|DPCHECK_NEVER}, // // Kerberos Max ticket age is dependent on all three things being set. // { IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_AGE, IDS_KERBEROS_RENEWAL, 4, 7, 24, DPCHECK_GREATEREQUAL | DPCHECK_FOREVER | DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC}, { 0, IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_SERVICE, 0, 10, 60, DPCHECK_LESSEQUAL | DPCHECK_FOREVER | DPCHECK_INVERSE | DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC}, { 0, IDS_KERBEROS_RENEWAL, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED}, { 0, IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_SERVICE, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED}, // // Kerberos renewel is dependent on all three things being set. // { IDS_KERBEROS_RENEWAL, IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_AGE, 4, 0, 24, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED}, { 0, IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_SERVICE, 0, 0, 1440, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED}, { 0, IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_AGE, 0, 7, 24, DPCHECK_LESSEQUAL | DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC | DPCHECK_FOREVER | DPCHECK_INVERSE }, { 0, IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_SERVICE, 0, 10, 1440, DPCHECK_LESSEQUAL | DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC | DPCHECK_FOREVER | DPCHECK_INVERSE }, // // Kerberose max service age is dependent on all three being set. // { IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_SERVICE, IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_AGE, 4, 7, 60, DPCHECK_GREATEREQUAL | DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC}, { 0, IDS_KERBEROS_RENEWAL, 0, 10, 1440, DPCHECK_GREATEREQUAL | DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC }, { 0, IDS_KERBEROS_RENEWAL, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED}, { 0, IDS_KERBEROS_MAX_AGE, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED}, // // Password min age is dependent on password max age being set. // { IDS_MIN_PAS_AGE, IDS_MAX_PAS_AGE, 2, 30, 1, DPCHECK_GREATER | DPCHECK_FOREVER | DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC}, { 0, IDS_MAX_PAS_AGE, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED}, // // Password max age is dependent on password min age being set. // { IDS_MAX_PAS_AGE, IDS_MIN_PAS_AGE, 2, 30, 1, DPCHECK_LESS | DPCHECK_FOREVER | DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC}, { 0, IDS_MIN_PAS_AGE, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED}, // //"Retention method for application log" is dependent on //"Retain Application Log for // { IDS_APP_LOG_RET, IDS_APP_LOG_DAYS, 2, 7, 1, DPCHECK_RETENTION_METHOD_CONFIGURED }, { 0, IDS_APP_LOG_DAYS, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_RETENTION_METHOD_NOTCONFIGURED }, { IDS_SEC_LOG_RET, IDS_SEC_LOG_DAYS, 2, 7, 1, DPCHECK_RETENTION_METHOD_CONFIGURED }, { 0, IDS_SEC_LOG_DAYS, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_RETENTION_METHOD_NOTCONFIGURED }, { IDS_SYS_LOG_RET, IDS_SYS_LOG_DAYS, 2, 7, 1, DPCHECK_RETENTION_METHOD_CONFIGURED }, { 0, IDS_SYS_LOG_DAYS, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_RETENTION_METHOD_NOTCONFIGURED }, // //"Retain Application Log for is dependent on //"Retention method for application log" // { IDS_APP_LOG_DAYS, IDS_APP_LOG_RET, 2, SCE_RETAIN_BY_DAYS, 1, DPCHECK_RETAIN_FOR_CONFIGURED }, { 0, IDS_APP_LOG_RET, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_RETAIN_FOR_NOTCONFIGURED }, { IDS_SEC_LOG_DAYS, IDS_SEC_LOG_RET, 2, SCE_RETAIN_BY_DAYS, 1, DPCHECK_RETAIN_FOR_CONFIGURED }, { 0, IDS_SEC_LOG_RET, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_RETAIN_FOR_NOTCONFIGURED }, { IDS_SYS_LOG_DAYS, IDS_SYS_LOG_RET, 2, SCE_RETAIN_BY_DAYS, 1, DPCHECK_RETAIN_FOR_CONFIGURED }, { 0, IDS_SYS_LOG_RET, 0, 0, 1, DPCHECK_RETAIN_FOR_NOTCONFIGURED } }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CDlgDependencyWarn::InitializeDependancies // // Initialize the dependancies check. This needs to be done immediately when the // property sheet whose dependancies we'll want to check is created because it // ensures that all of the result items who this attribute is dependant on stick // around. // // Arguments [pSnapin] - The snapin which is associated with the CREsult item. // [pResult] - The result item we are checking. // [pList] - An alternate dependancy list to use // [iCount] - The size of the alternate dependancy list // Returns: // ERROR_SUCCESS - Everything initialized properly // ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - Either [pSnapin] or [pResult] is NULL. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CDlgDependencyWarn::InitializeDependencies( CSnapin *pSnapin, // The snapin who owns the CResult item. CResult *pResult, // The CResult item we are checking PDEPENDENCYLIST pList,// The Dependency list check. int iCount // The count of dependencies in the list. ) { if( !pSnapin || !pResult){ return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } m_pResult = pResult; m_pSnapin = pSnapin; // // If no dependency list is passed in then set it to the default one. // if(!pList){ pList = g_aDList; iCount = sizeof(g_aDList)/sizeof(DEPENDENCYLIST); } // // Find the item in the table. // for(int i = 0; i < iCount; i++){ if( pList[i].uID == (UINT)pResult->GetID() ){ break; } i += (pList[i].uDependencyCount - 1); } // // No dependencies for this item // if( i >= iCount){ m_pList = NULL; m_iCount = 0; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // // Count of dependencies for the item. // m_iCount = pList[i].uDependencyCount; m_pList = &(pList[i]); CResult *pDepends = NULL; // // Check each dependency. // pList = m_pList; for(int iCheck = 0; iCheck < m_iCount; iCheck++, pList++){ pDepends = GetResultItem( pResult, pList->uDepends ); if(pDepends){ // // We're going to need this dependant item later // pDepends->AddRef(); m_aDependsList.Add( pDepends ); } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CDlgDependencyWarn::CheckDendencies // // This function is used to see if all the dependencies for the result value // are met. If a check fails then the function returns ERROR_MORE_DATA and // the calling procedure can optionally display more information through the dialog // box. The function also creates suggested values that would meet the // dependencies as specifide in the dependency table. // // Arguments: // [dwValue] - The new value. // Returns: // ERROR_SUCCESS - The value is fine or there is no record in the table. // ERROR_MORE_DATA - At least of of the dependency checks failed. // ERROR_NOT_READY - InitializeDependencies hasn't yet been called //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CDlgDependencyWarn::CheckDependencies( DWORD dwValue // The value we are checking. ) { if( !m_pSnapin || !m_pResult) { return ERROR_NOT_READY; } if (!m_pList) { // // No Dependancies // return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // // Save this information for later use, just in case the dialog box is displayed. // m_dwValue = dwValue; // // Free up the dependency array, as it is no longer valid when this function // starts. // CResult *pDepends = NULL; for(int iCheck = 0; iCheck < m_aFailedList.GetSize(); iCheck++){ if(m_aFailedList[iCheck]){ LocalFree(m_aFailedList[iCheck]); } } m_aFailedList.RemoveAll(); // // Check each dependency. // PDEPENDENCYLIST pList = m_pList; for(int iCheck = 0; iCheck < m_aDependsList.GetSize(); iCheck++,pList++){ ASSERT(pList->uConversion != 0); //Check the expression. Raid #550912, yanggao. pDepends = m_aDependsList[iCheck]; if(pDepends){ // // perform check. // BOOL bFailed = FALSE; DWORD dwCheck = 0; DWORD dwItem = 0; LONG_PTR dwSuggest = 0; BOOL bNever = 0; BOOL bSourceConfigured; BOOL bDependConfigured; switch( 0x0000FFFF & pList->uOpFlags ){ case DPCHECK_CONFIGURED: //Rule:if the source is configured, depend must be configured // // The depent item must be configured. Failure accurs only if the items // value is some error value of SCE. // dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR)pList->uDefault; bNever = pList->uOpFlags & DPCHECK_NEVER; dwCheck = (DWORD) pDepends->GetBase(); //check if source is configured if (SCE_NO_VALUE == dwValue || SCE_ERROR_VALUE == dwValue) { // this item is not configured bSourceConfigured = FALSE; } else if( 0 == dwValue && bNever ){ bSourceConfigured = FALSE; } else{ bSourceConfigured = true; } //check if depend is configured if (SCE_NO_VALUE == dwCheck || SCE_ERROR_VALUE == dwCheck) { // the dependant item is not configured bDependConfigured = false; } else if ( 0 == dwCheck && bNever ) { // the dependant item is not configured if bNever is true bDependConfigured = false; } else{ bDependConfigured = true; } bFailed = bSourceConfigured ? !bDependConfigured : false; break; case DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED: //Rule: if source is not configured, depend should not be //configured dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR)SCE_NO_VALUE; bNever = pList->uOpFlags & DPCHECK_NEVER; dwCheck = (DWORD) pDepends->GetBase(); //check if source is configured if (SCE_NO_VALUE == dwValue ) { // this item is not configured bSourceConfigured = FALSE; } else if( 0 == dwValue && bNever ){ bSourceConfigured = FALSE; } else{ bSourceConfigured = true; } //check if depend is configured if (SCE_NO_VALUE == dwCheck ) { // the dependant item is not configured bDependConfigured = false; } else if ( 0 == dwCheck && bNever ) { // the dependant item is not configured if bNever is true bDependConfigured = false; } else{ bDependConfigured = true; } bFailed = bSourceConfigured ? false : bDependConfigured; break; //This case statement is Specially for retention method case case DPCHECK_RETENTION_METHOD_CONFIGURED: //Here is the rule for DPCHECK_RETENTION_METHOD_CONFIGURED and DPCHECK_RETENTION_METHOD_NOTCONFIGURED //If and Only if "Overwrite Event by days" is checked //Retain **** Log for is configured //Rule:if the source is configured, depend must be configured dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR)pList->uDefault; dwCheck = (DWORD) pDepends->GetBase(); //check if source is configured if ( SCE_RETAIN_BY_DAYS == dwValue ) bSourceConfigured = true; else bSourceConfigured = false; //check if depend is configured if (SCE_NO_VALUE == dwCheck || SCE_ERROR_VALUE == dwCheck) bDependConfigured = false; else bDependConfigured = true; bFailed = bSourceConfigured ? !bDependConfigured : false; break; case DPCHECK_RETENTION_METHOD_NOTCONFIGURED: //Rule: if source is not configured, depend should not be //configured dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR)SCE_NO_VALUE; dwCheck = (DWORD) pDepends->GetBase(); //check if source is configured if (SCE_RETAIN_BY_DAYS == dwValue ) bSourceConfigured = true; else bSourceConfigured = false; //check if depend is configured if (SCE_NO_VALUE == dwCheck || SCE_ERROR_VALUE == dwCheck) bDependConfigured = false; else bDependConfigured = true; bFailed = bSourceConfigured ? false : bDependConfigured; break; //This case statement is Specially for Retain *** Log For case case DPCHECK_RETAIN_FOR_CONFIGURED: //Here is the rule for DPCHECK_RETAIN_FOR_CONFIGURED and DPCHECK_RETAIN_FOR_NOTCONFIGURED //If "Retain **** Log for" is configured //then "Overwrite Event by days" is checked dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR)pList->uDefault; dwCheck = (DWORD) pDepends->GetBase(); //check if source is configured if (SCE_NO_VALUE == dwValue || SCE_ERROR_VALUE == dwValue) bSourceConfigured = false; else bSourceConfigured = true; //check if depend is configured if (SCE_RETAIN_BY_DAYS == dwCheck ) bDependConfigured = true; else bDependConfigured = false; bFailed = bSourceConfigured ? !bDependConfigured : false; break; case DPCHECK_RETAIN_FOR_NOTCONFIGURED: //Rule: if source is not configured, depend should not be //configured dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR)SCE_NO_VALUE; dwCheck = (DWORD) pDepends->GetBase(); //check if source is configured if (SCE_NO_VALUE == dwValue || SCE_ERROR_VALUE == dwValue) bSourceConfigured = false; else bSourceConfigured = true; //check if depend is configured if (SCE_RETAIN_BY_DAYS == dwCheck ) bDependConfigured = true; else bDependConfigured = false; bFailed = bSourceConfigured ? false : bDependConfigured; break; default: // // convert the values as needed. If the check value is NOT Configured, // Then we don't have anything to do, unless the item must be configured // for the value to be correct. This is specifide by DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC // being set. At this point, if the depend item is not configured then // we will set the check item to the default value. We will allow the // check to be performed, (mostly because we need to get the suggested value. // dwItem = dwValue; dwCheck = (DWORD)pDepends->GetBase(); if( (!(pList->uOpFlags & DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC) && dwCheck == SCE_NO_VALUE) || dwItem == SCE_NO_VALUE ){ // // The dependent item is not configured and DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC is // not set, nothing to do. continue; } else if(dwCheck == SCE_NO_VALUE){ // // Set the suggested value to the default specifide in the table. // if(pList->uOpFlags & DPCHECK_INVERSE){ if( 0 != m_pList->uConversion ) //Raid #550912, yanggao. { dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR) ((DWORD)pList->uDefault/ m_pList->uConversion); } else { dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR) ((DWORD)pList->uDefault); } } else { dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR) ((DWORD)pList->uDefault * m_pList->uConversion); } dwCheck = pList->uDefault; } if( pList->uOpFlags & DPCHECK_FOREVER){ // // Convert values to maximum natural number. // if(dwItem == SCE_FOREVER_VALUE){ dwItem = -1; } // // The value to check against. // if(dwCheck == SCE_FOREVER_VALUE){ dwCheck = -1; } else { goto ConvertUnits; } } else { ConvertUnits: // // Normal conversion routine. We need to convert the number to // the item we are checkings units. // if(pList->uOpFlags & DPCHECK_INVERSE){ // // When deviding by integers we want to round up, not down. // if( 0 != pList->uConversion && 0 != m_pList->uConversion) //Raid #550912, yanggao. { dwCheck = (DWORD)(dwCheck / pList->uConversion) + (dwCheck%m_pList->uConversion ? 1:0); } } else { dwCheck = (DWORD)(dwCheck * pList->uConversion); } } switch( 0x0000FFFF & pList->uOpFlags ){ case DPCHECK_GREATEREQUAL: // // Fails only if the dependency value is less than the item we // are checking. // if( dwCheck < dwItem){ dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR)dwValue; bFailed = TRUE; } break; case DPCHECK_GREATER: // // Fails only if the dependency value is less than or equal to // the item we are checking. // if( dwCheck <= dwItem){ dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR)(dwValue + 1); bFailed = TRUE; } break; case DPCHECK_LESSEQUAL: // // Fails if the dependency value is greater than the value. // if( dwCheck > dwItem ){ dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR)dwValue; bFailed = TRUE; } break; case DPCHECK_LESS: // // Fails if the dependency value is greater than or equal to the value. // if( dwCheck >= dwItem ){ dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR)dwValue - 1; bFailed = TRUE; } break; } // // We do one more final check on the dependency value. If the dependency value // is not configured or an error then we know the test failed. // so set the bFailed flag. The suggested value has already been set at // this point. // if( pDepends->GetBase() == (LONG_PTR)SCE_NO_VALUE || pDepends->GetBase() == (LONG_PTR)SCE_ERROR_VALUE ){ bFailed = TRUE; } } if(bFailed){ // // The check failed so add the item to the failed list. // dwItem = (DWORD)dwSuggest; // // Calculate the actual value. // if(dwItem == -1 && pList->uOpFlags & DPCHECK_FOREVER){ // // Special case for forever value. dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR)SCE_FOREVER_VALUE; } else if(dwItem != SCE_NO_VALUE){ // // Other values must be converted back to their units. // if(pList->uOpFlags & DPCHECK_INVERSE){ dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR) (dwItem * pList->uConversion); } else { if( 0 != pList->uConversion && 0 != m_pList->uConversion ) //Raid #550912, yanggao. { if(dwItem%pList->uConversion){ dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR) ((dwItem + pList->uConversion)/m_pList->uConversion); } else { dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR) ((dwItem)/pList->uConversion); } } else { dwSuggest = (LONG_PTR)SCE_FOREVER_VALUE; } } } // // check bounds on suggested settings. // const DEPENDENCYMINMAX *pMinMax = LookupMinMaxInfo( (UINT)pDepends->GetID()); if(pMinMax && dwSuggest != SCE_NO_VALUE && dwSuggest != SCE_FOREVER_VALUE){ if(pMinMax->uMin > (UINT)dwSuggest){ dwSuggest = pMinMax->uMin; } else if( pMinMax->uMax < (UINT)dwSuggest ){ dwSuggest = pMinMax->uMax; } } if( pDepends->GetBase() != dwSuggest ) //Raid #402030 { PDEPENDENCYFAILED pAdd = (PDEPENDENCYFAILED)LocalAlloc(0, sizeof(DEPENDENCYFAILED)); if(pAdd){ // // Add the item to the failed list. // pAdd->pList = pList; pAdd->pResult = pDepends; pAdd->dwSuggested = dwSuggest; m_aFailedList.Add( pAdd ); } } } } } // // Returns ERROR_MORE_DATA if one of the dependencies failed. // if(m_aFailedList.GetSize()){ return ERROR_MORE_DATA; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CDlgDependencyWarn::GetResultItem // // Returns the first result item associated with [pBase] with matching // [uID] throught CResult::GetID(); // Arguments [pBase] - To get the CFolder object. // [uID] - The ID we are looking for. // Returns: // If the function succeeds then a valid CREsult item is returned otherwise // NULL //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CResult * CDlgDependencyWarn::GetResultItem(CResult *pBase, UINT uID) { if(!pBase){ return NULL; } CFolder *pFolder = reinterpret_cast(pBase->GetCookie()); if(!pFolder){ // // Nothing to do. // return NULL; } HANDLE handle; pFolder->GetResultItemHandle ( &handle ); if(!handle){ // // Nothing to do. // return NULL; } POSITION pos = NULL; // // Enumerate through all the result items and find out if any of them // matches the ID. If so then return the item. // pFolder->GetResultItem (handle, pos, &pBase); while(pBase){ if( (UINT)pBase->GetID() == uID){ break; } if(!pos){ pBase = NULL; break; } pFolder->GetResultItem(handle, pos, &pBase); } pFolder->ReleaseResultItemHandle (handle); return pBase; } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDlgDependencyWarn, CHelpDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CDlgDependencyWarn) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDlgDependencyWarn message handlers //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CDlgDependencyWarn::OnInitDialog // // When this dialog is initialized. We prepare the listctrl for display. // Set the title of the window and the static window that displays // information text for the user. // Create the columns in the list ctrl. // For each dependency that failed, Insert the item into the list ctrl, // and set each columns text, by querying the string from the specifide // result item. // // Returns: the default. BOOL CDlgDependencyWarn::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); if(!m_pResult){ // // Nothing to do. // return TRUE; } CWnd *pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_WARNING); CListCtrl *pCtrl = reinterpret_cast(GetDlgItem(IDC_FAILEDLIST)); CString str, strVal, strTitle, strFormat; GetWindowText(str); // // Set the window text GetResultItemString(strTitle, 0, m_pResult); GetResultItemString(strVal, 1, m_pResult, (LONG_PTR)m_dwValue); strFormat.Format( str, strTitle ); SetWindowText(strFormat); if(pWnd){ // // Set the description text. // pWnd->GetWindowText(str); strFormat.Format( str, strTitle, strVal ); pWnd->SetWindowText(strFormat); } int iItem = 0; if(pCtrl){ // // Insert the columns. // CRect rect; pCtrl->GetWindowRect(rect); str.LoadString(IDS_ATTR); iItem = (int)(rect.Width() * 0.45); pCtrl->InsertColumn(0, str, LVCFMT_LEFT, iItem); CFolder* pFolder = (CFolder*)m_pResult->GetCookie(); //Raid #490553, yanggao, 11/28/2001 if( pFolder ) { switch(pFolder->GetMode()) { case SCE_MODE_EDITOR: //template snapin str.LoadString(IDS_TEMPLATE_SET); break; case SCE_MODE_DOMAIN_COMPUTER: case SCE_MODE_DOMAIN_USER: //group policy case SCE_MODE_LOCAL_COMPUTER: case SCE_MODE_LOCAL_USER: //local policy str.LoadString(IDS_POLICY_SET); break; case SCE_MODE_VIEWER: //analysis and configuration snapin default: str.LoadString(IDS_BASE_ANALYSIS); break; } } //str.LoadString(IDS_BASE_ANALYSIS); rect.left += iItem; iItem = rect.Width()/2; pCtrl->InsertColumn(1, str, LVCFMT_LEFT, iItem); str.LoadString(IDS_SUGGESTSETTING); rect.left += iItem; pCtrl->InsertColumn(2, str, LVCFMT_LEFT, rect.Width()); } // // Create image list for this dialog. // CBitmap bmp; if(bmp.LoadBitmap(IDB_ICON16)){ CDC *dc = GetDC(); CDC bmDC; if ( bmDC.CreateCompatibleDC(dc) ) { CBitmap *obmp = bmDC.SelectObject(&bmp); COLORREF cr = bmDC.GetPixel(0, 0); bmDC.SelectObject(obmp); bmp.DeleteObject(); m_imgList.Create(IDB_ICON16, 16, 0, RGB(255,0,255)); //Raid #482861, Yanggao pCtrl->SetImageList(CImageList::FromHandle(m_imgList), LVSIL_SMALL); } ReleaseDC(dc); } CFolder *pFolder = reinterpret_cast(m_pResult->GetCookie()); if(pFolder){ // // Add the items to the error list. // for(int i = 0; i < m_aFailedList.GetSize(); i++){ if(!m_aFailedList[i]){ continue; } CResult *pDepend = m_aFailedList[i]->pResult; if(pDepend){ // // First column text. // pDepend->GetDisplayName(NULL, str, 0); int dwStatus = pDepend->GetStatus(); pDepend->SetStatus(SCE_STATUS_NOT_CONFIGURED); iItem = pCtrl->InsertItem(0, str, GetResultImageIndex(pFolder, pDepend) ); pDepend->SetStatus( dwStatus ); // // Second column text. // GetResultItemString(str, 1, pDepend, pDepend->GetBase()); pCtrl->SetItemText(iItem, 1, str); // // Suggested item text. // GetResultItemString(str, 1, pDepend, m_aFailedList[i]->dwSuggested); pCtrl->SetItemText(iItem, 2, str); } } } return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CDlgDependencyWarn::GetResultItemString // // Queries the result item for the full text it would display in the specifide // column if [dwValue] were it's base value. // // Arguments: [str] - The returned string // [iCol] - The column being queryed. // [pResult]- The result being queryed // [dwValue]- The base value to set before quering string. The old value // is not erased. // // Returns: TRUE - [str] is a valid string. // FALSE - something went wrong. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDlgDependencyWarn::GetResultItemString( CString &str, int iCol, CResult *pResult, LONG_PTR dwValue ) { if(!pResult){ return FALSE; } CFolder *pFolder = reinterpret_cast(pResult->GetCookie()); if(!pFolder){ return FALSE; } // // Remember the old status and base. int iStatus = pResult->GetStatus(); LONG_PTR lpData = pResult->GetBase(); // // Set the base value to the new one, and status to not configured. // pResult->SetBase( dwValue ); pResult->SetStatus(SCE_STATUS_NOT_CONFIGURED); // // Query for the string. // pResult->GetDisplayName( NULL, str, iCol ); // // Reset the old status and base. // pResult->SetStatus( iStatus ); pResult->SetBase(lpData); return TRUE; }