//*************************************************************************** // // VPTASKSU.CPP // // Module: WBEM VIEW PROVIDER // // Purpose: Contains the union methods taskobject implementation // // Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // //*************************************************************************** //need the following three lines //to get the security stuff to work #include "precomp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include BOOL WbemTaskObject::CreateAndIndicateUnions(WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, int index) { BOOL retVal = TRUE; if (index != -1) { retVal = CreateAndIndicate(a_ErrorObject, m_ObjSinkArray[index]); for (int x = 0; x < m_ObjSinkArray.GetSize(); x++) { if (m_ObjSinkArray[x] != NULL) { m_ObjSinkArray[x]->Release(); } } } else { for (int x = 0; x < m_ObjSinkArray.GetSize(); x++) { if ((m_ObjSinkArray[x] != NULL) && SUCCEEDED(m_ObjSinkArray[x]->GetResult())) { BOOL t_bRes = CreateAndIndicate(a_ErrorObject, m_ObjSinkArray[x]); retVal = retVal && t_bRes; } else if (retVal) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ) ; if ( FAILED ( m_ObjSinkArray[x]->GetResult() ) ) { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( ( WBEMSTATUS ) m_ObjSinkArray[x]->GetResult() ) ; } else { a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; } a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"A source query failed." ); } if (m_ObjSinkArray[x] != NULL) { m_ObjSinkArray[x]->Release(); } } } m_ObjSinkArray.RemoveAll(); return retVal; } //for unions and associations BOOL WbemTaskObject::CreateAndIndicate(WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, CObjectSinkResults* pSrcs) { BOOL retVal = TRUE; for (int x = 0; x < pSrcs->m_ObjArray.GetSize(); x++) { BOOL bIndicate = TRUE; IWbemClassObject* srcObj = pSrcs->m_ObjArray[x]->GetWrappedObject(); IWbemClassObject* viewObj = NULL; if ( SUCCEEDED(m_ClassObject->SpawnInstance(0, &viewObj)) ) { POSITION propPos = m_PropertyMap.GetStartPosition(); while ((propPos != NULL) && bIndicate) { CStringW propName; CPropertyQualifierItem* propProps; m_PropertyMap.GetNextAssoc(propPos, propName, propProps); VARIANT v; CIMTYPE c; if (propProps->m_SrcPropertyNames[pSrcs->GetIndex()].IsEmpty()) { if (propProps->IsKey()) { if (retVal) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to set key value for union view instance." ); } bIndicate = FALSE; } } else { if ( SUCCEEDED(srcObj->Get(propProps->m_SrcPropertyNames[pSrcs->GetIndex()], 0, &v, &c, NULL)) ) { if (((v.vt == VT_NULL) || (v.vt == VT_EMPTY)) && propProps->IsKey()) { if (retVal) { retVal = FALSE; } bIndicate = FALSE; } else { //transpose reference if necessary //================================= BOOL bPut = TRUE; if (m_bAssoc && (propProps->GetCimType() == CIM_REFERENCE)) { VARIANT vTmp; DWORD dwNSIndx = pSrcs->m_ObjArray[x]->GetIndex(); CWbemServerWrap** pSrvs = m_NSpaceArray[pSrcs->GetIndex()]->GetServerPtrs(); if (TransposeReference(propProps, v, &vTmp, TRUE, &pSrvs[dwNSIndx])) { VariantClear(&v); VariantInit(&v); if (FAILED(VariantCopy(&v, &vTmp))) { throw Heap_Exception(Heap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } } else { if (propProps->IsKey()) { if (retVal) { retVal = FALSE; } bIndicate = FALSE; } bPut = FALSE; } VariantClear(&vTmp); } if (bPut && FAILED(viewObj->Put(propName, 0, &v, c)) ) { if (retVal) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to put property" ); } if (propProps->IsKey()) { bIndicate = FALSE; } } } VariantClear(&v); } else { if (retVal) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get property from Source." ) ; } } } } if (bIndicate && m_bIndicate) { m_NotificationHandler->Indicate(1, &viewObj); } viewObj->Release(); } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_UNEXPECTED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"WBEM API FAILURE:- Failed to spawn an instance of the view class." ) ; break; } } return retVal; }