var context = WScript.CreateObject ("WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet"); context.Add ("J", null); context.Add ("fred", 23); context("fred").Value = 12; context.Add ("Hah", true); context.Add ("Whoah", "Freddy the frog"); // A string array var bam = new Array ("whoops", "a", "daisy"); context.Add ("Bam", bam); // An embedded object WScript.Echo ("There are", context.Count , "elements in the context"); context.Remove("hah"); WScript.Echo ("There are", context.Count , "elements in the context"); context.Remove("Hah"); WScript.Echo ("There are", context.Count , "elements in the context"); var bam = new VBArray (context("Bam").Value).toArray (); WScript.Echo (""); WScript.Echo ("Here are the names:"); WScript.Echo ("=================="); for (var x = 0; x < bam.length; x++) { WScript.Echo (bam[x]); } WScript.Echo (""); WScript.Echo ("Here are the names & values:"); WScript.Echo ("==========================="); // Use the Enumerator helper to manipulate collections e = new Enumerator (context); s = ""; for (;!e.atEnd();e.moveNext ()) { var y = e.item (); s += y.Name; s += "="; if (null != y.Value) s += y; s += "\n"; } WScript.Echo (s);