//****************************************************************************** // // BINDING.CPP // // Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation // //****************************************************************************** #include "precomp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Quota.h" #define MIN_TIMEOUT_BETWEEN_TOKEN_ATTEMPTS 60000 //***************************************************************************** // // Syncronization model: // // 1. Bindings themselves are immutable and do not require protection. // 2. Releasing a binding (removing from table) can release the other end-point // and generally cannot be done in a CS. // //*************************** Event Consumer ********************************** long g_lNumConsumers = 0; long g_lNumBindings = 0; long g_lNumFilters = 0; CEventConsumer::CEventConsumer( CEssNamespace* pNamespace ) : CQueueingEventSink(pNamespace), m_pOwnerSid(NULL) { InterlockedIncrement( &g_lNumConsumers ); } CEventConsumer::~CEventConsumer() { InterlockedDecrement( &g_lNumConsumers ); delete [] m_pOwnerSid; } HRESULT CEventConsumer::EnsureReferences(CEventFilter* pFilter, CBinding* pBinding) { CBinding* pOldBinding = NULL; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); for(int i = 0; i < m_apBindings.GetSize(); i++) { if(m_apBindings[i]->GetFilter() == pFilter) { // Replace the binding // =================== m_apBindings.SetAt(i, pBinding, &pOldBinding); break; } } if(pOldBinding == NULL) { // Add it to the list // ================== if(m_apBindings.Add(pBinding) < 0) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } if(pOldBinding) { // Found // ===== pOldBinding->Release(); return S_FALSE; } else { return S_OK; } } HRESULT CEventConsumer::EnsureNotReferences(CEventFilter* pFilter) { CBinding* pOldBinding = NULL; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); for(int i = 0; i < m_apBindings.GetSize(); i++) { if(m_apBindings[i]->GetFilter() == pFilter) { // Remove the binding // ================== m_apBindings.RemoveAt(i, &pOldBinding); break; } } } if(pOldBinding) { pOldBinding->Release(); return S_OK; } else { // Not found // ========= return S_FALSE; } } HRESULT CEventConsumer::Unbind() { // Unbind the binding array from the consumer // ========================================== CBinding** apBindings = NULL; int nNumBindings = 0; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); nNumBindings = m_apBindings.GetSize(); apBindings = m_apBindings.UnbindPtr(); if ( NULL == apBindings ) { return WBEM_S_FALSE; } } // Instruct all the filters that are bound to us to unbind // ======================================================= HRESULT hres = S_OK; for(int i = 0; i < nNumBindings; i++) { HRESULT hr = apBindings[i]->GetFilter()->EnsureNotReferences(this); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { hres = hr; } apBindings[i]->Release(); } delete [] apBindings; return hres; } HRESULT CEventConsumer::ConsumeFromBinding(CBinding* pBinding, long lNumEvents, IWbemEvent** apEvents, CEventContext* pContext) { DWORD dwQoS = pBinding->GetQoS(); if( dwQoS == WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_SYNCHRONOUS ) { // Synchronous delivery --- call the ultimate client // ================================================= IUnknown* pOldSec = NULL; HRESULT hr; if(!pBinding->IsSecure()) { hr = CoSwitchCallContext(NULL, &pOldSec); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } } HRESULT hres = ActuallyDeliver( lNumEvents, apEvents, pBinding->IsSecure(), pContext ); if(!pBinding->IsSecure()) { IUnknown* pGarb = NULL; hr = CoSwitchCallContext(pOldSec, &pGarb); if ( FAILED( hr ) && SUCCEEDED ( hres ) ) { return hr; } } return hres; } // Asynchronous delivery --- delegate to queueing sink // =================================================== return CQueueingEventSink::SecureIndicate( lNumEvents, apEvents, pBinding->IsSecure(), pBinding->ShouldSlowDown(), dwQoS, pContext ); } HRESULT CEventConsumer::GetAssociatedFilters( CRefedPointerSmallArray& apFilters) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); for(int i = 0; i < m_apBindings.GetSize(); i++) { if(apFilters.Add(m_apBindings[i]->GetFilter()) < 0) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } HRESULT CEventConsumer::ReportEventDrop(IWbemEvent* pEvent) { // Log a message // ============= ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Dropping event destined for event consumer %S in " "namespace %S\n", (LPCWSTR)(WString)GetKey(), m_pNamespace->GetName())); if(pEvent->InheritsFrom(EVENT_DROP_CLASS) == S_OK) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Unable to deliver an event indicating inability " "to deliver another event to event consumer %S in namespace %S.\n" "Not raising an error event to avoid an infinite loop!\n", (LPCWSTR)(WString)GetKey(), m_pNamespace->GetName())); return S_FALSE; } return S_OK; } //*************************** Event Filter ********************************** CEventFilter::CEventFilter(CEssNamespace* pNamespace) : m_pNamespace(pNamespace), m_eState(e_Inactive), m_ForwardingSink(this), m_ClassChangeSink(this), m_eValidity(e_TemporarilyInvalid), m_pOwnerSid(NULL), m_bSingleAsync(false), m_lSecurityChecksRemaining(0), m_lSubjectToSDSCount(0), m_hresPollingError(S_OK), m_hresFilterError(WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR), m_bCheckSDs(true), m_bHasBeenValid(false), m_dwLastTokenAttempt(0), m_pToken(NULL), m_bReconstructOnHit(false), m_hresTokenError(WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR) { InterlockedIncrement( &g_lNumFilters ); m_pNamespace->AddRef(); } CEventFilter::~CEventFilter() { InterlockedDecrement( &g_lNumFilters ); delete [] m_pOwnerSid; if(m_pNamespace) m_pNamespace->Release(); if(m_pToken) m_pToken->Release(); } HRESULT CEventFilter::EnsureReferences(CEventConsumer* pConsumer, CBinding* pBinding) { CBinding* pOldBinding = NULL; { CInUpdate iu(this); // Actually change the bindings // ============================ { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); for(int i = 0; i < m_apBindings.GetSize(); i++) { if(m_apBindings[i]->GetConsumer() == pConsumer) { // Replace the binding // =================== // binding cannot change synchronicity --- in such cases, // it is first removed, and then re-added. Therefore, // no m_bSingleAsync adjustment is needed m_apBindings.SetAt(i, pBinding, &pOldBinding); break; } } if(pOldBinding == NULL) { // Add it to the list // ================== if(m_apBindings.Add(pBinding) < 0) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; AdjustSingleAsync(); } } // Activate if needed // ================== AdjustActivation(); } if(pOldBinding) { // Found // ===== pOldBinding->Release(); return S_FALSE; } else { return S_OK; } } HRESULT CEventFilter::EnsureNotReferences(CEventConsumer* pConsumer) { CBinding* pOldBinding = NULL; { CInUpdate iu(this); // Make the actual change // ====================== { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); for(int i = 0; i < m_apBindings.GetSize(); i++) { if(m_apBindings[i]->GetConsumer() == pConsumer) { // Remove the binding // ================== m_apBindings.RemoveAt(i, &pOldBinding); AdjustSingleAsync(); break; } } // for } // m_cs // Deactivate the filter if necessary // ================================== AdjustActivation(); } // update if(pOldBinding) { pOldBinding->Release(); return S_OK; } else { // Not found // ========= return S_FALSE; } } HRESULT CEventFilter::Unbind(bool bShuttingDown) { // Unbind the binding array from the filter // ======================================== std::vector< CWbemPtr < CBinding >,wbem_allocator< CWbemPtr > > apBindings; int nNumBindings = 0; { CInUpdate iu(this); { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); nNumBindings = m_apBindings.GetSize(); apBindings.insert(apBindings.begin(),nNumBindings,CWbemPtr()); // may throw CBinding ** ppBindTmp = m_apBindings.UnbindPtr(); //needed to set size to zero CVectorDeleteMe dm(ppBindTmp); if ( NULL == ppBindTmp) { return WBEM_S_FALSE; } for (int Idx=0;IdxGetConsumer()->EnsureNotReferences(this); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { hres = hr; } apBindings[i].Release(); // performs the "final" release } return hres; } void CEventFilter::SetInactive() { m_eState = e_Inactive; } BOOL CEventFilter::IsActive() { return (m_eState == e_Active); } HRESULT CEventFilter::GetFilterError() { return m_hresFilterError; } HRESULT CEventFilter::GetEventNamespace(LPWSTR* pwszNamespace) { *pwszNamespace = NULL; return S_OK; } // assumes in m_cs void CEventFilter::AdjustSingleAsync() { if(m_apBindings.GetSize() > 1) m_bSingleAsync = false; else if(m_apBindings.GetSize() == 0) m_bSingleAsync = false; else if(m_apBindings[0]->IsSynch()) m_bSingleAsync = false; else m_bSingleAsync = true; } bool CEventFilter::IsBound() { return (m_apBindings.GetSize() != 0); } // Requires: in m_csChangeBindings HRESULT CEventFilter::AdjustActivation() { // Invalid filters cannot be activated or deactivated // ================================================== if(m_eValidity == e_PermanentlyInvalid) return S_FALSE; HRESULT hres = S_FALSE; if(!IsBound() ) { // // Even if this filter is not active, it may be subscribed for // activation events if it is temporarily invalid (and that's the only // reason it is not active). // m_pNamespace->UnregisterFilterFromAllClassChanges(this); if(m_eState == e_Active) { hres = m_pNamespace->DeactivateFilter(this); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; m_eState = e_Inactive; } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else if(m_eState == e_Inactive && IsBound() ) { // // Even though this filter is not active, it may be subscribed for // activation events if it is temporarily invalid (and that's the only // reason it is not active). // m_pNamespace->UnregisterFilterFromAllClassChanges(this); hres = m_pNamespace->ActivateFilter(this); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; m_eState = e_Active; return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else { return S_FALSE; } } void CEventFilter::MarkAsPermanentlyInvalid(HRESULT hres) { m_eValidity = e_PermanentlyInvalid; m_hresFilterError = hres; } void CEventFilter::MarkAsTemporarilyInvalid(HRESULT hres) { m_eValidity = e_TemporarilyInvalid; m_hresFilterError = hres; } void CEventFilter::MarkAsValid() { m_eValidity = e_Valid; m_bHasBeenValid = true; m_hresFilterError = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } void CEventFilter::MarkReconstructOnHit(bool bReconstruct) { // // Reconstruction is not really needed, since dummer nodes are used for // this // m_bReconstructOnHit = bReconstruct; } HRESULT CEventFilter::CheckEventAccessToFilter( IServerSecurity* pProvCtx ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; const PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pEventAccessSD = GetEventAccessSD(); if ( pEventAccessSD == NULL ) { // // filter allows all events // return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } // // check that the event provider's calling context has access to filter // if ( pProvCtx != NULL ) { hr = pProvCtx->ImpersonateClient(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { HANDLE hToken; if ( OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &hToken ) ) { GENERIC_MAPPING map; ZeroMemory( &map, sizeof(GENERIC_MAPPING) ); PRIVILEGE_SET ps; DWORD dwPrivLength = sizeof(ps); BOOL bStatus; DWORD dwGranted; if ( ::AccessCheck( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(pEventAccessSD), hToken, WBEM_RIGHT_PUBLISH, &map, &ps, &dwPrivLength, &dwGranted, &bStatus ) ) { hr = bStatus ? WBEM_S_NO_ERROR : WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); } CloseHandle( hToken ); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); } pProvCtx->RevertToSelf(); } } return hr; } HRESULT CEventFilter::CheckFilterAccessToEvent( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pEventSD ) { HRESULT hr; if ( pEventSD == NULL ) { // // event provider allows all filters access // return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } if( !m_bCheckSDs ) { // // This filter was unconditionally allowed by all its event providers! // return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } // // Get the token for this filter // if( m_pToken == NULL && FAILED(m_hresTokenError) ) { // // Check how long it's been since we last attempted to get the token -- // don't want to do that too often. // if(m_dwLastTokenAttempt == 0 || m_dwLastTokenAttempt < GetTickCount() - MIN_TIMEOUT_BETWEEN_TOKEN_ATTEMPTS ) { // // Get the filter to find a token, however it does that // m_hresTokenError = ObtainToken( &m_pToken ); if( FAILED(m_hresTokenError) ) { m_dwLastTokenAttempt = GetTickCount(); } } } if ( m_hresTokenError == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { _DBG_ASSERT( m_pToken != NULL ); // // Check security for real // DWORD dwGranted; hr = m_pToken->AccessCheck( WBEM_RIGHT_SUBSCRIBE, (const BYTE*)pEventSD, &dwGranted ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if(dwGranted & WBEM_RIGHT_SUBSCRIBE) { hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else { hr = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED; } } } else { hr = m_hresTokenError; } return hr; } HRESULT CEventFilter::AccessCheck( CEventContext* pContext, IWbemEvent* pEvent) { HRESULT hr; // // With polling, there will be a null context. we don't do an access // check in that case. // if ( pContext == NULL ) { return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pEventSD = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)pContext->GetSD(); // // check that the filter allows access to the event provider and owner. // owner and provider can be different when the provider is signaling // events on behalf of some other identity. // CWbemPtr pProvCtx = NULL; CoGetCallContext( IID_IServerSecurity, (void**)&pProvCtx ); // // NOTE: With cross namespace events, the two parts of the access check // are split up between the namespaces. The FilterAccessToEvent is // performed in the event's namespace with the temp subscription's // AccessCheck. This is possible because the owner sid is propagated // over with the temp subscription. The EventAccessToFilter is performed // in the subscription namespace. This is possible because the call // context and the SD of the event ( containing the event owner sid ) // is propagated with the event. Both functions are called in // both namespaces, but the unnecessary calls turn out to be no-ops. // hr = CheckEventAccessToFilter( pProvCtx ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // // check that the event provider allows access to the filter. // hr = CheckFilterAccessToEvent( pEventSD ); } return hr; } HRESULT CEventFilter::Deliver( long lNumEvents, IWbemEvent** apEvents, CEventContext* pContext ) { int i; if( m_lSecurityChecksRemaining > 0 ) { return WBEM_S_FALSE; } CBinding* pBinding = NULL; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); if(m_bSingleAsync) { // // Thought we could deliver (call Indicate on the binding) right // here, since single async ensures that no delivery will occur on // this thread. But no --- an error may be raised, and that event // will be delivered on this thread, so we must exit the critsec // before calling // pBinding = m_apBindings[0]; pBinding->AddRef(); } } if( pBinding ) { CReleaseMe rm1(pBinding); return pBinding->Indicate( lNumEvents, apEvents, pContext ); } // Make referenced copies of all the bindings to deliver over // ========================================================== // CANNOT USE SCOPING DUE TO CTempArray --- it uses _alloca m_cs.Enter(); CTempArray apBindings; int nSize = m_apBindings.GetSize(); if(!INIT_TEMP_ARRAY(apBindings, nSize)) { m_cs.Leave(); return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } { for(i = 0; i < nSize; i++) { CBinding* pBindingInner = m_apBindings[i]; pBindingInner->AddRef(); apBindings[i] = pBindingInner; } } m_cs.Leave(); // Deliver and release the bindings // ================================ HRESULT hresGlobal = S_OK; for(i = 0; i < nSize; i++) { CBinding* pBindingInner = apBindings[i]; HRESULT hres = pBindingInner->Indicate( lNumEvents, apEvents, pContext ); pBindingInner->Release(); if(FAILED(hres)) hresGlobal = hres; } return hresGlobal; } HRESULT CEventFilter::LockForUpdate() { // Don't need to do anything since the namespace is locked! /* m_csChangeBindings.Enter(); AddRef(); */ return S_OK; } HRESULT CEventFilter::UnlockForUpdate() { /* m_csChangeBindings.Leave(); Release(); */ return S_OK; } HRESULT CEventFilter::CEventForwardingSink::Indicate(long lNumEvents, IWbemEvent** apEvents, CEventContext* pContext) { return m_pOwner->Deliver(lNumEvents, apEvents, pContext); } void CEventFilter::IncrementRemainingSecurityChecks() { InterlockedIncrement(&m_lSecurityChecksRemaining); InterlockedIncrement(&m_lSubjectToSDSCount); } void CEventFilter::DecrementRemainingSecurityChecks(HRESULT hresProvider) { // // The provider could have said; // S_OK: this subscription is fine, send all events through or // S_SUBJECT_TO_SDS: check event security descriptors before sending // So, if all the providers gave us a blank check, we won't check security // descriptors, but if any did, we will check them all. // if(hresProvider != WBEM_S_SUBJECT_TO_SDS) { if(hresProvider != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Invalid return code from provider security test: " "0x%X\n", hresProvider)); return; } InterlockedDecrement(&m_lSubjectToSDSCount); } InterlockedDecrement(&m_lSecurityChecksRemaining); if ( 0 == m_lSubjectToSDSCount && 0 == m_lSecurityChecksRemaining ) { m_bCheckSDs = false; } else { InterlockedExchange( &m_lSubjectToSDSCount, 0 ); } } HRESULT CEventFilter::SetActualClassChangeSink( IWbemObjectSink* pSink, IWbemObjectSink** ppOldSink ) { HRESULT hr; if ( m_pActualClassChangeSink != NULL ) { m_pActualClassChangeSink->AddRef(); *ppOldSink = m_pActualClassChangeSink; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else { *ppOldSink = NULL; hr = WBEM_S_FALSE; } m_pActualClassChangeSink = pSink; return hr; } HRESULT CEventFilter::Reactivate() { HRESULT hres; // // This is called when a class or something like that changes from // from underneath us. // What we need to do is lock the namespace, deactivate this filter, then // activate it again // CInUpdate iu(m_pNamespace); DEBUGTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Attempting to reactivate filter '%S' in namespace " "'%S'\n", (LPCWSTR)(WString)GetKey(), m_pNamespace->GetName())); // Invalid filters cannot be activated or deactivated // ================================================== if(m_eValidity == e_PermanentlyInvalid) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Not reactivate filter '%S' in namespace " "'%S': permanently invalid\n", (LPCWSTR)(WString)GetKey(), m_pNamespace->GetName())); return S_FALSE; } if(m_eState == e_Active) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Deactivating filter '%S' in namespace " "'%S' prior to reactivation\n", (LPCWSTR)(WString)GetKey(), m_pNamespace->GetName())); hres = m_pNamespace->DeactivateFilter(this); if(FAILED(hres)) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Deactivating filter '%S' in namespace " "'%S' prior to reactivation failed: 0x%X\n", (LPCWSTR)(WString)GetKey(), m_pNamespace->GetName(), hres)); return hres; } m_eState = e_Inactive; } hres = AdjustActivation(); DEBUGTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Reactivating filter '%S' in namespace " "'%S' returned 0x%X\n", (LPCWSTR)(WString)GetKey(), m_pNamespace->GetName(), hres)); return hres; } STDMETHODIMP CEventFilter::CClassChangeSink::Indicate( long lNumEvents, IWbemEvent** apEvents ) { HRESULT hr; hr = m_pOuter->Reactivate(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = m_pOuter->m_pNamespace->FirePostponedOperations(); } else { m_pOuter->m_pNamespace->FirePostponedOperations(); } if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Error encountered when reactivating filter '%S' " "due to a class change. Namespace is '%S', HRES=0x%x\n", (LPCWSTR)(WString)m_pOuter->GetKey(), m_pOuter->m_pNamespace->GetName(), hr )); } return hr; } //***************************** Binding *************************************** CBinding::CBinding() : m_pConsumer(NULL), m_pFilter(NULL), m_dwQoS( WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_EXPRESS ), m_bSlowDown(false), m_bSecure(false), m_bDisabledForSecurity(false) { InterlockedIncrement( &g_lNumBindings ); } CBinding::CBinding(ADDREF CEventConsumer* pConsumer, ADDREF CEventFilter* pFilter) : m_pConsumer(NULL), m_pFilter(NULL), m_dwQoS( WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_EXPRESS ), m_bSlowDown(false), m_bSecure(false) { InterlockedIncrement( &g_lNumBindings ); SetEndpoints(pConsumer, pFilter, NULL); } HRESULT CBinding::SetEndpoints(ADDREF CEventConsumer* pConsumer, ADDREF CEventFilter* pFilter, READONLY PSID pBinderSid) { m_pConsumer = pConsumer; m_pConsumer->AddRef(); m_pFilter = pFilter; m_pFilter->AddRef(); // Make sure that the owner of this binding is the same as the // owners of the endpoints // ================================================================== if(pBinderSid && (!EqualSid(pBinderSid, pConsumer->GetOwner()) || !EqualSid(pBinderSid, pFilter->GetOwner()))) { DisableForSecurity(); } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } void CBinding::DisableForSecurity() { ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "An event binding is disabled because its creator is " "not the same security principal as the creators of the endpoints. " "The binding and the endpoints must be created by the same user!\n")); m_bDisabledForSecurity = true; } CBinding::~CBinding() { InterlockedDecrement( &g_lNumBindings ); if(m_pConsumer) m_pConsumer->Release(); if(m_pFilter) m_pFilter->Release(); } DWORD CBinding::GetQoS() NOCS { return m_dwQoS; } bool CBinding::IsSynch() NOCS { return m_dwQoS == WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_SYNCHRONOUS; } bool CBinding::IsSecure() NOCS { return m_bSecure; } bool CBinding::ShouldSlowDown() NOCS { return m_bSlowDown; } HRESULT CBinding::Indicate(long lNumEvents, IWbemEvent** apEvents, CEventContext* pContext) { // Check if this binding is active // =============================== if(m_bDisabledForSecurity) return WBEM_S_FALSE; // It is: deliver // ============== return m_pConsumer->ConsumeFromBinding(this, lNumEvents, apEvents, pContext); } //************************* Consumer watch instruction ************************ CWbemInterval CConsumerWatchInstruction::mstatic_Interval; CConsumerWatchInstruction::CConsumerWatchInstruction(CBindingTable* pTable) : CBasicUnloadInstruction(mstatic_Interval), m_pTableRef(pTable->m_pTableRef) { if(m_pTableRef) m_pTableRef->AddRef(); } CConsumerWatchInstruction::~CConsumerWatchInstruction() { if(m_pTableRef) m_pTableRef->Release(); } void CConsumerWatchInstruction::staticInitialize(IWbemServices* pRoot) { mstatic_Interval = CBasicUnloadInstruction::staticRead(pRoot, GetCurrentEssContext(), L"__EventSinkCacheControl=@"); } HRESULT CConsumerWatchInstruction::Fire(long, CWbemTime) { if(!m_bTerminate) { CEssThreadObject Obj(NULL); SetConstructedEssThreadObject(&Obj); CEssNamespace* pNamespace = NULL; if(m_pTableRef) { m_pTableRef->GetNamespace(&pNamespace); m_pTableRef->UnloadUnusedConsumers(m_Interval); } Terminate(); if( pNamespace ) { pNamespace->FirePostponedOperations(); pNamespace->Release(); } ClearCurrentEssThreadObject(); } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; // no point worrying the timer } //*************************** Binding Table ************************************ class CConsumersToRelease { CEventConsumer** m_apConsumers; int m_nNumConsumers; public: CConsumersToRelease(CEventConsumer** apConsumers, int nNumConsumers) : m_apConsumers(apConsumers), m_nNumConsumers(nNumConsumers) { } ~CConsumersToRelease() { for(int i = 0; i < m_nNumConsumers; i++) { m_apConsumers[i]->Shutdown(); m_apConsumers[i]->Release(); } delete [] m_apConsumers; } static DWORD Delete(void* p) { delete (CConsumersToRelease*)p; return 0; } }; CBindingTable::CBindingTable(CEssNamespace* pNamespace) : m_pNamespace(pNamespace), m_pInstruction(NULL), m_bUnloadInstruction(FALSE), m_lNumPermConsumers(0), m_pTableRef(NULL) { m_pTableRef = new CBindingTableRef(this); if(m_pTableRef) m_pTableRef->AddRef(); } void CBindingTable::Clear( bool bSkipClean ) { // // Ensure that no more unloading instructions can make it in // if(m_pTableRef) { m_pTableRef->Disconnect(); m_pTableRef->Release(); m_pTableRef = NULL; } // Unbind filter and consumer arrays from the table // ================================================ CEventFilter** apFilters; int nNumFilters; CEventConsumer** apConsumers; int nNumConsumers; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); nNumFilters = m_apFilters.GetSize(); apFilters = m_apFilters.UnbindPtr(); nNumConsumers = m_apConsumers.GetSize(); apConsumers = m_apConsumers.UnbindPtr(); } int i; // Unbind and release all filters // ============================== if ( apFilters ) { for(i = 0; i < nNumFilters; i++) { if (!apFilters[i]->IsInternal()) { g_quotas.DecrementQuotaIndex( apFilters[i]->GetOwner() ? ESSQ_PERM_SUBSCRIPTIONS : ESSQ_TEMP_SUBSCRIPTIONS, apFilters[i], 1 ); } apFilters[i]->Unbind(bSkipClean); // shutting down apFilters[i]->Release(); } delete [] apFilters; } // // unbind all consumers, but postpone their release. // if ( apConsumers ) { for(i = 0; i < nNumConsumers; i++) { apConsumers[i]->Unbind(); // shutting down } // // Release all consumers (unbound by virtue of filter unbinding), but do // so on a separate thread // CConsumersToRelease* pToRelease = new CConsumersToRelease(apConsumers, nNumConsumers); DWORD dwId; HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)CConsumersToRelease::Delete, pToRelease, 0, &dwId); if(hThread == NULL) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Unable to launch consumer deleting thread: %d\n", GetLastError())); } else { DWORD dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE ); _DBG_ASSERT( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwRes ); CloseHandle(hThread); } } } HRESULT CBindingTable::AddEventFilter(CEventFilter* pFilter) { HRESULT hr; if (pFilter->IsInternal() || SUCCEEDED(hr = g_quotas.IncrementQuotaIndex( pFilter->GetOwner() ? ESSQ_PERM_SUBSCRIPTIONS : ESSQ_TEMP_SUBSCRIPTIONS, pFilter, 1))) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); if (m_apFilters.Add(pFilter) >= 0) hr = S_OK; else hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return hr; } HRESULT CBindingTable::AddEventConsumer(CEventConsumer* pConsumer) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); if(m_apConsumers.Add(pConsumer) < 0) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if(pConsumer->IsPermanent()) { if(m_lNumPermConsumers++ == 0) m_pNamespace->SetActive(); } return S_OK; } HRESULT CBindingTable::FindEventFilter(LPCWSTR wszKey, RELEASE_ME CEventFilter** ppFilter) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); if(m_apFilters.Find(wszKey, ppFilter)) return S_OK; else return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; } HRESULT CBindingTable::FindEventConsumer(LPCWSTR wszKey, RELEASE_ME CEventConsumer** ppConsumer) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); if(m_apConsumers.Find(wszKey, ppConsumer)) return S_OK; else return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; } HRESULT CBindingTable::RemoveEventFilter(LPCWSTR wszKey) { // Find it and remove it from the table // ==================================== CEventFilter* pFilter = NULL; HRESULT hres; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); if(!m_apFilters.Remove(wszKey, &pFilter)) return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; } if(pFilter == NULL) return WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; // Remove 1 from our quota count. if (!pFilter->IsInternal()) { g_quotas.DecrementQuotaIndex( pFilter->GetOwner() ? ESSQ_PERM_SUBSCRIPTIONS : ESSQ_TEMP_SUBSCRIPTIONS, pFilter, 1); } // Unbind it, thus deactivating // ============================ hres = pFilter->Unbind(); pFilter->Release(); return hres; } void CBindingTable::MarkRemoval(CEventConsumer* pConsumer) { if(pConsumer && pConsumer->IsPermanent()) { if(--m_lNumPermConsumers == 0) m_pNamespace->SetInactive(); } } HRESULT CBindingTable::RemoveEventConsumer(LPCWSTR wszKey) { // Find it and remove it from the table // ==================================== CEventConsumer* pConsumer = NULL; HRESULT hres; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); if(!m_apConsumers.Remove(wszKey, &pConsumer)) return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; MarkRemoval(pConsumer); } if(pConsumer == NULL) return WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; hres = pConsumer->Unbind(); pConsumer->Release(); return hres; } HRESULT CBindingTable::Bind(LPCWSTR wszFilterKey, LPCWSTR wszConsumerKey, CBinding* pBinding, PSID pBinderSid) { // Find them both and get ref-counted pointers // =========================================== CEventFilter* pFilter; CEventConsumer* pConsumer; HRESULT hres; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); hres = FindEventFilter(wszFilterKey, &pFilter); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; hres = FindEventConsumer(wszConsumerKey, &pConsumer); if(FAILED(hres)) { pFilter->Release(); return hres; } } // Fully construct the binding --- will check security // =================================================== hres = pBinding->SetEndpoints(pConsumer, pFilter, pBinderSid); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; // Make them reference each other // ============================== HRESULT hresGlobal = S_OK; hres = pFilter->EnsureReferences(pConsumer, pBinding); if(FAILED(hres)) hresGlobal = hres; hres = pConsumer->EnsureReferences(pFilter, pBinding); if(FAILED(hres)) hresGlobal = hres; // Cleanup // ======= pConsumer->Release(); pFilter->Release(); return hresGlobal; } HRESULT CBindingTable::Unbind(LPCWSTR wszFilterKey, LPCWSTR wszConsumerKey) { // Find them both and get ref-counted pointers // =========================================== CEventFilter* pFilter; CEventConsumer* pConsumer; HRESULT hres; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); hres = FindEventFilter(wszFilterKey, &pFilter); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; hres = FindEventConsumer(wszConsumerKey, &pConsumer); if(FAILED(hres)) { pFilter->Release(); return hres; } } // Remove respective references // ============================ HRESULT hresGlobal = S_OK; hres = pFilter->EnsureNotReferences(pConsumer); if(FAILED(hres)) hresGlobal = hres; pConsumer->EnsureNotReferences(pFilter); if(FAILED(hres)) hresGlobal = hres; pFilter->Release(); pConsumer->Release(); return hresGlobal; } BOOL CBindingTable::DoesHavePermanentConsumers() { return (m_lNumPermConsumers != 0); } HRESULT CBindingTable::ResetProviderRecords(LPCWSTR wszProviderRef) { // Make a copy of the list of consumers, AddRefed // ============================================== CRefedPointerArray apConsumers; if(!GetConsumers(apConsumers)) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // Go through all the consumers and see if they reference this record // ================================================================== for(int i = 0; i < apConsumers.GetSize(); i++) { apConsumers[i]->ResetProviderRecord(wszProviderRef); } return S_OK; } //******************************************************************************* // // EnsureConsumerWatchInstruction / UnloadUnusedConsumers synchronization // // Usage: // // ECWI is called when a consumer is loaded. It is called after the consumer // record has been updated. Post-condition: UnloadUnusedConsumers must be // called at least once after this function starts executing. // // UUC is called by the CConsumerWatchTimerInstruction::Fire on timer. The // instruction then self-destructs. Post-condition: idle consumers // unloaded; if any are still active, another UUC will occur in the future; // If none are active for a while, no UUC will occur in the future, // until ECWI is called. // // Primitives: // // CS m_cs: atomic, data access // // BOOL m_bUnloadInstruction: Can only be accessed in m_cs. Semantics: // TRUE if an instruction is either scheduled or will be scheduled // shortly; this putative instruction, when fired, is guaranteed to // examine any consumer in the table at the time of he check. // // Algorithm: // // ECWI checks m_bUnloadInstructiion (in m_cs) and if TRUE does nothing, as the // m_bUnloadInstruction == TRUE guarantee above assures that UUC will be // called. If it is FALSE, ECWI sets it to TRUE, then schedules an // instruction (outside of m_cs). The setting of m_bUnloadInstruction to // TRUE is correct, since an instruction will be scheduled shortly. Thus, // ECWI post-condition is satisfied, assuming primitive semantics above. // // UUC, in m_cs, sets m_bUnloadInstriction to FALSE and makes a copy of the // consumer list. Outside of m_cs, it iterates over the copy and unloads // consumers as required. Then, if any are active, it calls ECWI. This // guarantees that another UUC will be called. If a consumer was active // before the entry into m_cs, we call ECWI. If a consumer became active // after we entered into m_cs, it will call ECWI after we have reset // m_bUnloadInstruction, causing another instruction to be scheduled. This // proves our post-condition assuming primitive semantics above. // // Proof of primitives: // // m_bUnloadInstruction becomes TRUE only in ECWI. When it does, ECWI is // guaranteed to schedule a new instruction, causing a call to UUC. So, the // semantics holds in the beginning. It can become invalid if UUC fires and is // not rescheduled. But UUC resets m_bUnloadInstruction to FALSE, thus making // semantics valid vacuously. // // Now, we need to show that any consumer in the table at the time when // m_bUnloadInstruction == TRUE will be examined by the scheduled UUC. Well, // the latest scheduled (or about to be scheduled) UUC, cannot have exited // its m_cs stint yet, for otherwise m_bUnloadInstruction would be FALSE. // Therefore, it hasn't entered it yet, and therefore hasn't made a copy yet. // //****************************************************************************** HRESULT CBindingTable::EnsureConsumerWatchInstruction() { // Check if it is already there // ============================ BOOL bMustSchedule = FALSE; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); if(!m_bUnloadInstruction) { // Not there. Mark as there, preventing others from scheduling // more. // ============================================================ m_bUnloadInstruction = TRUE; bMustSchedule = TRUE; } } if(bMustSchedule) { CConsumerWatchInstruction* pInst = new CConsumerWatchInstruction(this); if(pInst == NULL) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); m_bUnloadInstruction = FALSE; return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } pInst->AddRef(); // Set it in the generator // ======================= HRESULT hres = m_pNamespace->GetTimerGenerator().Set(pInst); if(FAILED(hres)) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); m_bUnloadInstruction = FALSE; return hres; } pInst->Release(); return S_OK; } else { return S_FALSE; } } HRESULT CBindingTable::UnloadUnusedConsumers(CWbemInterval Interval) { // Mark unload instruction as empty and copy consumer records // ========================================================== CRefedPointerArray apConsumers; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); m_bUnloadInstruction = FALSE; if(!GetConsumers(apConsumers)) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } // Go through the consumers and unload them if needed // ================================================== BOOL bUnloaded = FALSE; BOOL bActive = FALSE; for(int i = 0; i < apConsumers.GetSize(); i++) { if(apConsumers[i]->UnloadIfUnusedFor(Interval)) bUnloaded = TRUE; else if(!apConsumers[i]->IsFullyUnloaded()) bActive = TRUE; } // Schedule DLL unloading if any COM objects were unloaded // ======================================================= if(bUnloaded) m_pNamespace->GetTimerGenerator().ScheduleFreeUnusedLibraries(); // Schedule the new instruction if needed // ====================================== if(bActive) return EnsureConsumerWatchInstruction(); return S_OK; } BOOL CBindingTable::GetConsumers( CRefedPointerArray& apConsumers) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); TConsumerIterator it; for(it = m_apConsumers.Begin(); it != m_apConsumers.End(); it++) { if(apConsumers.Add(*it) < 0) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CBindingTable::GetEventFilters( CRefedPointerArray< CEventFilter > & apEventFilters ) { CInCritSec ics( &m_cs ); TFilterIterator it; for( it = m_apFilters.Begin( ); it != m_apFilters.End( ); ++it ) { if( apEventFilters.Add( *it ) < 0 ) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } HRESULT CBindingTable::RemoveConsumersStartingWith(LPCWSTR wszPrefix) { CRefedPointerArray apToRelease; int nLen = wcslen(wszPrefix); { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); TConsumerIterator it = m_apConsumers.Begin(); while(it != m_apConsumers.End()) { if(!wcsncmp((WString)(*it)->GetKey(), wszPrefix, nLen)) { // Found it --- move to the "to be released" list // ============================================== CEventConsumer* pConsumer; it = m_apConsumers.Remove(it, &pConsumer); MarkRemoval(pConsumer); apToRelease.Add(pConsumer); pConsumer->Release(); } else { it++; } } } // Unbind all the consumers we have left. Release will happen on destruct // ======================================================================= for(int i = 0; i < apToRelease.GetSize(); i++) { apToRelease[i]->Unbind(); } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } HRESULT CBindingTable::RemoveConsumerWithFilters(LPCWSTR wszConsumerKey) { HRESULT hres; CRefedPointerSmallArray apFilters; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); // Find the consumer in question // ============================= CEventConsumer* pConsumer = NULL; hres = FindEventConsumer(wszConsumerKey, &pConsumer); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; CReleaseMe rm1(pConsumer); // Make addrefed copies of all its associated filters // ================================================== hres = pConsumer->GetAssociatedFilters(apFilters); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; } // Remove the consumer // =================== RemoveEventConsumer(wszConsumerKey); // Remove every one of its filters // =============================== for(int i = 0; i < apFilters.GetSize(); i++) { RemoveEventFilter((WString)apFilters[i]->GetKey()); } return S_OK; } HRESULT CBindingTable::ReactivateAllFilters() { // Retrieve a copy of all the filters // ================================== CRefedPointerArray apFilters; { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); TFilterIterator it; for(it = m_apFilters.Begin(); it != m_apFilters.End(); it++) { if(apFilters.Add(*it) < 0) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } // Reactivate them all // =================== for(int i = 0; i < apFilters.GetSize(); i++) { CEventFilter* pFilter = apFilters[i]; pFilter->SetInactive(); pFilter->AdjustActivation(); } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } void CBindingTable::Park() { // // Tell each filter to "park" itself // CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); TFilterIterator it; for(it = m_apFilters.Begin(); it != m_apFilters.End(); it++) { (*it)->Park(); } } void CBindingTable::DumpStatistics(FILE* f, long lFlags) { fprintf(f, "%d consumers (%d permanent), %d filters\n", m_apConsumers.GetSize(), m_lNumPermConsumers, m_apFilters.GetSize()); } CBindingTableRef::~CBindingTableRef() { } CBindingTableRef::CBindingTableRef(CBindingTable* pTable) : m_pTable(pTable), m_lRef(0) { } void CBindingTableRef::AddRef() { InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRef); } void CBindingTableRef::Release() { if(InterlockedDecrement(&m_lRef) == 0) delete this; } void CBindingTableRef::Disconnect() { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); m_pTable = NULL; } HRESULT CBindingTableRef::UnloadUnusedConsumers(CWbemInterval Interval) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); if(m_pTable) return m_pTable->UnloadUnusedConsumers(Interval); else return WBEM_S_FALSE; } HRESULT CBindingTableRef::GetNamespace(RELEASE_ME CEssNamespace** ppNamespace) { CInCritSec ics(&m_cs); if(m_pTable) { *ppNamespace = m_pTable->m_pNamespace; if(*ppNamespace) (*ppNamespace)->AddRef(); } else { *ppNamespace = NULL; } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }