/*++ Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: detecthw.c Abstract: Routines for determining which drivers/HAL need to be loaded. Author: John Vert (jvert) 20-Oct-1993 Revision History: --*/ #include "setupldr.h" // // NOTE: SlHalDetect() has been moved to boot\lib\i386\haldtect.c // VOID SlDetectScsi( IN PSETUP_LOADER_BLOCK SetupBlock ) /*++ Routine Description: SCSI detection routine for x86 machines. Arguments: SetupBlock - Supplies the Setup loader block Return Value: None. --*/ { PVOID SifHandle; PCHAR p; ULONG LineCount,u; PDETECTED_DEVICE ScsiDevice; ULONG Ordinal; PCHAR ScsiFileName; PTCHAR ScsiDescription; SCSI_INSERT_STATUS sis; extern BOOLEAN LoadScsiMiniports; // // If winnt.sif wasn't loaded, assume it's not a winnt setup // and therefore not unattended setup, and we detect no scsi // in this case on x86. // if(WinntSifHandle == NULL) { return; } else { SifHandle = WinntSifHandle; } // // If it's a floppyless setup, then the default is to load all // known scsi miniports. If it's not a floppyless setup, // the default is to load no miniports. // p = SlGetSectionKeyIndex(SifHandle,"Data","Floppyless",0); if(p && (*p != '0')) { // // Even if no miniport drivers are loaded, we want to indicate that // we "detected scsi". // SetupBlock->ScalarValues.LoadedScsi = 1; LineCount = SlCountLinesInSection(SifHandle,"DetectedMassStorage"); if(LineCount == (ULONG)(-1)) { // // Section does not exist -- load all known miniports. // Setting this flag will cause all known miniports to be loaded // (see ..\setup.c). // LoadScsiMiniports = TRUE; } else { for(u=0; uBaseDllName, ScsiFileName)) { SlError(400); return; } #endif } else { // // Find the driver description // #ifdef UNICODE ScsiDescription = SlGetIniValueW( InfFile, "SCSI", p, SlCopyStringAW(p)); #else ScsiDescription = (PTCHAR)SlGetIniValue( InfFile, "SCSI", p, p); #endif ScsiDevice->IdString = p; ScsiDevice->Description = ScsiDescription; ScsiDevice->ThirdPartyOptionSelected = FALSE; ScsiDevice->FileTypeBits = 0; ScsiDevice->Files = NULL; ScsiDevice->BaseDllName = ScsiFileName; } } } } } } VOID SlDetectVideo( IN PSETUP_LOADER_BLOCK SetupBlock ) /*++ Routine Description: Video detection routine for x86 machines. Currently, no video detection is done on x86 machines, this just fills in the appropriate fields in the setuploaderblock that say "VGA" Arguments: SetupBlock - Supplies the Setup loader block Return Value: None. --*/ { SetupBlock->VideoDevice.Next = NULL; SetupBlock->VideoDevice.IdString = SlCopyStringA(VIDEO_DEVICE_NAME); SetupBlock->VideoDevice.ThirdPartyOptionSelected = FALSE; SetupBlock->VideoDevice.FileTypeBits = 0; SetupBlock->VideoDevice.Files = NULL; SetupBlock->VideoDevice.BaseDllName = NULL; SetupBlock->Monitor = NULL; SetupBlock->MonitorId = NULL; return; }