/* * title: drvclass.cpp * * purpose: Implement C++ utilities * * */ extern "C" { #include } #define BOOL BOOLEAN #define BYTE unsigned char #define PBYTE unsigned char * #include "drvclass.h" #define HidBattTag 'HtaB' extern "C" NTSTATUS DriverEntry (DRIVER_OBJECT *, UNICODE_STRING *); void * __cdecl operator new(size_t nSize, POOL_TYPE iType, ULONG iPoolTag) { return ExAllocatePoolWithTag(iType,nSize,iPoolTag); }; void __cdecl operator delete(void* p) { ExFreePool(p); }; // CUString::CUString() // // Default constructor. Creates an empty string. // CUString :: CUString() { m_String.MaximumLength = 0; m_String.Length = 0; m_String.Buffer = NULL; m_bType = TYPE_SYSTEM_ALLOCATED; m_status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } // // CUString::CUString( CUString& ) // // Copy constructor // CUString :: CUString( CUString * pNewString ) { /* RtlInitUnicodeString( &m_String, NULL ); m_String.MaximumLength = NewString.m_String.MaximumLength; m_String.Length = 0; m_String.Buffer = ( unsigned short* )ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, m_String.MaximumLength, HidBattTag ); if( !m_String.Buffer ) { m_status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return; } RtlZeroMemory( m_String.Buffer, m_String.MaximumLength ); RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString( &m_String, &NewString.m_String ); m_bType = TYPE_CLASS_ALLOCATED; m_status = STATUS_SUCCESS; m_String.Buffer[ m_String.Length ] = NULL; */ m_bType = TYPE_CLASS_ALLOCATED; m_status = STATUS_SUCCESS; m_String.MaximumLength = pNewString->m_String.MaximumLength; m_String.Length = pNewString->m_String.Length; m_String.Buffer = ( PWSTR )ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, m_String.MaximumLength, HidBattTag ); if( !m_String.Buffer ) { m_status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return; } ZeroBuffer(); memcpy( m_String.Buffer, pNewString->m_String.Buffer, m_String.MaximumLength ); } // // CUString::CUString( UNICODE_STRING& ) // // Copy constructor for UNICODE_STRING objects // CUString :: CUString( UNICODE_STRING * NewString ) { /* RtlInitUnicodeString( &m_String, NULL ); m_bType = TYPE_CLASS_ALLOCATED; m_String.MaximumLength = NewString.MaximumLength + sizeof( WCHAR ); m_String.Length = 0; m_String.Buffer = ( unsigned short* )ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, m_String.MaximumLength, HidBattTag ); if( !m_String.Buffer ) { m_status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return; } RtlCopyUnicodeString( &m_String, &NewString ); m_status = STATUS_SUCCESS; m_String.Buffer[ m_String.Length ] = NULL; */ m_bType = TYPE_CLASS_ALLOCATED; m_status = STATUS_SUCCESS; m_String.MaximumLength = NewString->Length + sizeof( WCHAR ); m_String.Length = NewString->Length; m_String.Buffer = ( PWSTR )ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, m_String.MaximumLength, HidBattTag ); if( !m_String.Buffer ) { m_status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return; } ZeroBuffer(); memcpy( m_String.Buffer, NewString->Buffer, m_String.Length ); } // // CUString::CUString( PWCHAR ) // // Copy constructor for WCHAR pointer objects // CUString :: CUString( PWCHAR NewString ) { m_bType = TYPE_CLASS_ALLOCATED; m_status = STATUS_SUCCESS; m_String.Length = ( unsigned short )( Length( NewString ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); m_String.MaximumLength = m_String.Length + sizeof( WCHAR ); m_String.Buffer = ( PWSTR )ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, m_String.MaximumLength, HidBattTag ); if( !m_String.Buffer ) { m_status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return; } ZeroBuffer(); memcpy( m_String.Buffer, NewString, m_String.Length ); } // // CUString::CUString( int ) // // Constructor which creates an empty string but // allocates a string buffer of the given size of characters // CUString :: CUString( int nSize ) { ASSERT( nSize >= 0 ); m_bType = TYPE_CLASS_ALLOCATED; m_String.MaximumLength = 0; m_String.Length = 0; m_String.Buffer = NULL; if( nSize > 0 ) { m_String.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(( nSize + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR )); if( nSize ) { m_String.Buffer = (PWSTR)ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, m_String.MaximumLength, HidBattTag ); if( !m_String.Buffer ) { m_status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return; } ZeroBuffer(); } } m_status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } // // CUString::CUString( UNICODE_STRING& ) // // Constructor with creates a string that is a representation // of the given integer and radix. // CUString :: CUString( int iVal, int iBase ) { m_status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; m_bType = TYPE_CLASS_ALLOCATED; m_String.Length = 0; m_String.MaximumLength = 0; m_String.Buffer = NULL; int iSize = 1; int iValCopy = ( !iVal ) ? 1 : iVal; while( iValCopy >= 1 ) { iValCopy /= iBase; iSize++; }; // // iSize is the number of digits in number, max length of string // is iSize plus the null terminator // m_String.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(( iSize + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR )); m_String.Buffer = (PWSTR)ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, m_String.MaximumLength, HidBattTag ); ASSERT( m_String.Buffer ); if( !m_String.Buffer ) { m_status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return; } ZeroBuffer(); m_status = RtlIntegerToUnicodeString(iVal, iBase, &m_String); } // // CUString::~CUString() // // Destructor which frees the string buffer if: // 1. It exists, // and // 2. It was allocated by the class // CUString :: ~CUString() { // // If the buffer exists and was allocated by the class, free it. // if( ( m_bType == TYPE_CLASS_ALLOCATED ) && m_String.Buffer ) { ExFreePool(m_String.Buffer); } } // // CUString::Append( CUString& ) // // Append the given string to the object // void CUString :: Append( CUString * Append ) { UNICODE_STRING NewString; // // Determine the length of the new string ( including a null ) and allocate its memory // NewString.MaximumLength = m_String.Length + Append->m_String.Length + sizeof( WCHAR ); NewString.Length = 0; NewString.Buffer = (PWSTR)ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, NewString.MaximumLength, HidBattTag ); ASSERT( NewString.Buffer ); // // Check for allocation failure. // if( !NewString.Buffer ) { m_status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return; } RtlZeroMemory( NewString.Buffer, NewString.MaximumLength ); // // Copy the original string into the new string // RtlCopyUnicodeString( &NewString, &m_String ); // // Append the 'append' string onto the new string // NTSTATUS Status = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString( &NewString, &Append->m_String ); // // If we allocated the original string, free it // if( m_bType == TYPE_CLASS_ALLOCATED && m_String.Buffer ) { ExFreePool( m_String.Buffer ); } // // Copy the new string into the original strings place // m_String.MaximumLength = NewString.MaximumLength; m_String.Length = NewString.Length; m_String.Buffer = NewString.Buffer; m_bType = TYPE_CLASS_ALLOCATED; m_status = Status; } // // CUString::Append( UNICODE_STRING* ) // // Append the given string to the object // void CUString :: Append( UNICODE_STRING* pAppendString ) { ASSERT( pAppendString ); if( !pAppendString ) return; CUString AppendString( pAppendString ); Append( &AppendString ); } /* // // operator + ( UNICODE_STRING&, ULONG& ) // CUString operator + ( UNICODE_STRING * pUCS, ULONG dwValue ) { // This routine is broken for now...don't use... ASSERT( 0 ); CUString ReturnString( pUCS ); CUString ValueString( dwValue, 10 ); ReturnString.Append( ValueString ); return ReturnString; } // // operator + ( CUString&, CUString& ) // CUString operator + ( CUString& l, CUString& r ) { CUString ReturnString( l ); ReturnString.Append( r ); return ReturnString; } // // operator + ( UNICODE_STRING&, UNICODE_STRING& ) // CUString operator + ( UNICODE_STRING& l, UNICODE_STRING& r ) { CUString ReturnValue( l ); CUString Right( r ); ReturnValue.Append( Right ); return ReturnValue; } */ // // operator = ( CUString ) // void CUString :: operator = ( CUString str ) { m_String.Length = str.m_String.Length; m_String.MaximumLength = str.m_String.MaximumLength; m_String.Buffer = NULL; // // If the source string has a non-zero length buffer make a buffer of // equal size in the destination. // if( str.m_String.MaximumLength > 0 ) { m_String.Buffer = (PWSTR)ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, str.m_String.MaximumLength, HidBattTag ); if( !m_String.Buffer ) { m_status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; return; } ZeroBuffer(); // // If the source string has a non-zero length, copy it into the dest string. // if( str.m_String.Length > 0 ) { memcpy( m_String.Buffer, str.m_String.Buffer, str.m_String.Length ); } } m_bType = TYPE_CLASS_ALLOCATED; m_status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS CUString :: ToCString( char** pString ) { ULONG dwLength = m_String.Length >> 1; *pString = ( char* )ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, dwLength + 1, HidBattTag ); if( !*pString ) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; char* pDst = *pString; char* pSrc = ( char* )m_String.Buffer; while( *pSrc ) { *pDst++ = *pSrc; pSrc += sizeof( WCHAR ); } *pDst = 0x0; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } void CUString :: Dump() { char* pString; ToCString( &pString ); KdPrint( ( pString ) ); KdPrint( ( "\n" ) ); ExFreePool( pString ); } ULONG CUString :: Length( PWCHAR String ) { ULONG dwLength = 0; while( *String++ ) { dwLength++; } return dwLength; } // the registry access class CRegistry::CRegistry(int iSize) { m_status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; m_pTable = (PRTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE) ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool,sizeof(RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE)*(iSize+1),HidBattTag); if(m_pTable) { m_status = STATUS_SUCCESS; RtlZeroMemory(m_pTable,sizeof(RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE)*(iSize+1)); //this will terminate the table }; // appropriately }; CRegistry::~CRegistry() { if (m_pTable) ExFreePool(m_pTable); }; BOOL CRegistry::QueryDirect(CUString *location,CUString *key, void **pReceiveBuffer, ULONG uType) { ULONG zero = 0; m_pTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; m_pTable[0].Name = key->m_String.Buffer; m_pTable[0].EntryContext = *pReceiveBuffer; m_pTable[0].DefaultType = uType; m_pTable[0].DefaultData = &zero; m_pTable[0].DefaultLength = sizeof(ULONG); // there must be something here, but we need to know what... KdPrint( ( "RegClass QueryDirect: to retrieve Reg name...\n" ) ); location->Dump(); key->Dump(); if (STATUS_SUCCESS!= RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE,location->m_String.Buffer,m_pTable,NULL,NULL)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }; /*NTSTATUS CRegistry::QueryMustExist( CUString* pwzLocation, CUString* pwzKey, void **pReceiveBuffer ) { m_pTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT | RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_NOEXPAND | RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_REQUIRED; m_pTable[0].Name = pwzKey->m_String.Buffer; m_pTable[0].EntryContext = *pReceiveBuffer; KdPrint( ( "RegClass QueryMustExist(): to retriee Reg name...\n" ) ); pwzLocation->Dump(); pwzKey->Dump(); return RtlQueryRegistryValues( RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, pwzLocation->m_String.Buffer, m_pTable, NULL, NULL ); } */ BOOL CRegistry::QueryWithCallback(PRTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_ROUTINE callback,ULONG RelativeTo,PWSTR Path,PVOID Context, PVOID Environment) { m_pTable[0].QueryRoutine = callback; m_pTable[0].Name = NULL; m_status = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RelativeTo|RTL_REGISTRY_OPTIONAL,Path,m_pTable,Context,Environment); return NT_SUCCESS(m_status); }; BOOL CRegistry::WriteString(ULONG relativeTo, CUString *pBuffer, CUString *pPath, CUString *pKey) { return NT_SUCCESS(RtlWriteRegistryValue(relativeTo, pPath->GetString(), pKey->GetString(),REG_SZ,pBuffer->GetString(),pBuffer->GetLength()+sizeof(UNICODE_NULL))); }; BOOL CRegistry::WriteDWord(ULONG relativeTo, void *pBuffer,CUString *pPath,CUString *pKey) { return NT_SUCCESS(RtlWriteRegistryValue(relativeTo, pPath->GetString(), pKey->GetString(),REG_DWORD,pBuffer,sizeof(REG_DWORD))); }; NTSTATUS CRegistry::zwOpenKey(HANDLE * pKeyHandle,HANDLE hRoot,ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,CUString * pPath) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ThisObject; NTSTATUS status; // setup target object for call InitializeObjectAttributes( &ThisObject, &(pPath->m_String), OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, hRoot, NULL); KdPrint( ( "RESMAN: Opening registry key: " ) ); pPath->Dump(); status = ZwOpenKey( pKeyHandle, DesiredAccess, &ThisObject ); return status; } /* NTSTATUS CRegistry::DeleteKey(HANDLE hTheKey) { return ZwDeleteKey(hTheKey); } */ NTSTATUS CRegistry::zwCreateKey(HANDLE * pKeyHandle,HANDLE hRoot,ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,CUString * pPath,ULONG CreateOptions) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ThisObject; NTSTATUS status; // setup target object for call InitializeObjectAttributes( &ThisObject, &(pPath->m_String), OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, hRoot, NULL); KdPrint( ( "RESMAN: Creating registry key: " ) ); pPath->Dump(); status = ZwCreateKey(pKeyHandle, DesiredAccess, &ThisObject, 0, NULL, CreateOptions, (ULONG*)&m_lDisposition); return status; } BOOL CRegistry::zwCloseKey(HANDLE TheKey) { return NT_SUCCESS(ZwClose(TheKey)); } NTSTATUS CRegistry::zwWriteValue(HANDLE hTheKey,CUString * ValueName,ULONG lType,PVOID pData,ULONG lSize) { NTSTATUS status; status = ZwSetValueKey(hTheKey, &ValueName->m_String, 0, lType, pData, lSize); return status; } NTSTATUS CRegistry::CheckKey(ULONG RelativeTo ,PUNICODE_STRING puRegKey) { // return (RtlCheckRegistryKey( RelativeTo,(PWSTR)puRegKey)); return FALSE; } // error logging methods /* CErrorLogEntry::CErrorLogEntry(PVOID pSource, ULONG errorCode, USHORT dumpDataSize, ULONG uniqueErrorValue, NTSTATUS status, ULONG *dumpData, UCHAR FunctionCode) { m_pPacket = (PIO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET) IoAllocateErrorLogEntry(pSource, (UCHAR) (sizeof(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET)+ (dumpDataSize * sizeof(ULONG)))); if (!m_pPacket) return; int i; m_pPacket->ErrorCode = errorCode; m_pPacket->DumpDataSize = dumpDataSize * sizeof(ULONG); m_pPacket->SequenceNumber = 0; m_pPacket->MajorFunctionCode = FunctionCode; m_pPacket->IoControlCode = 0; m_pPacket->RetryCount = 0; m_pPacket->UniqueErrorValue = uniqueErrorValue; m_pPacket->FinalStatus = status; for (i = 0; i < dumpDataSize; i++) m_pPacket->DumpData[i] = dumpData[i]; IoWriteErrorLogEntry(m_pPacket); }; CErrorLogEntry::~CErrorLogEntry() { }; */