/*++ Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: cnapi.c Abstract: Cluster Network configuration APIs Author: Mike Massa (mikemas) 18-Mar-1996 Environment: User Mode - Win32 Revision History: --*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // Private Support Routines. // static NTSTATUS OpenDevice( HANDLE *Handle, LPWSTR DeviceName, ULONG ShareAccess ) /*++ Routine Description: This function opens a specified IO device. Arguments: Handle - pointer to location where the opened device Handle is returned. DriverName - name of the device to be opened. Return Value: Windows Error Code. --*/ { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; UNICODE_STRING nameString; NTSTATUS status; *Handle = NULL; // // Open a Handle to the device. // RtlInitUnicodeString(&nameString, DeviceName); InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, &nameString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, (HANDLE) NULL, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) NULL ); status = NtCreateFile( Handle, SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, &objectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, ShareAccess, FILE_OPEN_IF, 0, NULL, 0 ); return(status); } // OpenDevice NTSTATUS DoIoctl( IN HANDLE Handle, IN DWORD IoctlCode, IN PVOID Request, IN DWORD RequestSize, IN PVOID Response, IN OUT PDWORD ResponseSize, IN LPOVERLAPPED Overlapped ) /*++ Routine Description: Packages and issues an ioctl. Arguments: Handle - An open file Handle on which to issue the request. IoctlCode - The IOCTL opcode. Request - A pointer to the input buffer. RequestSize - Size of the input buffer. Response - A pointer to the output buffer. ResponseSize - On input, the size in bytes of the output buffer. On output, the number of bytes returned in the output buffer. Return Value: NT Status Code. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Overlapped)) { Overlapped->Internal = (ULONG_PTR) STATUS_PENDING; status = NtDeviceIoControlFile( Handle, Overlapped->hEvent, NULL, (((DWORD_PTR) Overlapped->hEvent) & 1) ? NULL : Overlapped, (PIO_STATUS_BLOCK) &(Overlapped->Internal), IoctlCode, Request, RequestSize, Response, *ResponseSize ); } else { IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock = {0, 0}; HANDLE event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (event != NULL) { // // Prevent operation from completing to a completion port. // event = (HANDLE) (((ULONG_PTR) event) | 1); status = NtDeviceIoControlFile( Handle, event, NULL, NULL, &ioStatusBlock, IoctlCode, Request, RequestSize, Response, *ResponseSize ); if (status == STATUS_PENDING) { status = NtWaitForSingleObject( event, TRUE, NULL ); } if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { status = ioStatusBlock.Status; // NOTENOTE: on 64 bit this truncates might want to add > code *ResponseSize = (ULONG)ioStatusBlock.Information; } else { *ResponseSize = 0; } CloseHandle(event); } else { status = GetLastError(); } } return(status); } // DoIoctl #define FACILITY_CODE_MASK 0x0FFF0000 #define FACILITY_CODE_SHIFT 16 #define SHIFTED_FACILITY_CLUSTER (FACILITY_CLUSTER_ERROR_CODE << FACILITY_CODE_SHIFT) DWORD NtStatusToClusnetError( NTSTATUS Status ) { DWORD dosStatus; if ( !((Status & FACILITY_CODE_MASK) == SHIFTED_FACILITY_CLUSTER) ) { dosStatus = RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status); } else { //dosStatus = (DWORD) Status; switch ( Status ) { case STATUS_CLUSTER_INVALID_NODE: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_NODE; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_EXISTS: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_EXISTS; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_JOIN_IN_PROGRESS: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_IN_PROGRESS; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_FOUND: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_FOUND; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_LOCAL_NODE_NOT_FOUND: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_LOCAL_NODE_NOT_FOUND; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NETWORK_EXISTS: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_EXISTS; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_EXISTS: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_EXISTS; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND: dosStatus =ERROR_CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_NOT_FOUND; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_INVALID_REQUEST: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_REQUEST; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_INVALID_NETWORK_PROVIDER: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_NETWORK_PROVIDER; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_DOWN: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_DOWN; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_UNREACHABLE: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_UNREACHABLE; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_MEMBER: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_MEMBER; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_JOIN_NOT_IN_PROGRESS: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_JOIN_NOT_IN_PROGRESS; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_INVALID_NETWORK: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_INVALID_NETWORK; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_UP: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_UP; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_PAUSED: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_NOT_PAUSED; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NO_SECURITY_CONTEXT: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NO_SECURITY_CONTEXT; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_INTERNAL: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_NOT_INTERNAL; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_UP: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_UP; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_DOWN: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_DOWN; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NETWORK_ALREADY_ONLINE: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_ALREADY_ONLINE; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NETWORK_ALREADY_OFFLINE: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NETWORK_ALREADY_OFFLINE; break; case STATUS_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_MEMBER: dosStatus = ERROR_CLUSTER_NODE_ALREADY_MEMBER; break; default: dosStatus = (DWORD)Status; break; } } return(dosStatus); } // // Public Routines // HANDLE ClusnetOpenControlChannel( IN ULONG ShareAccess ) { HANDLE handle = NULL; DWORD status; status = OpenDevice(&handle, L"\\Device\\ClusterNetwork", ShareAccess); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } return(handle); } // ClusnetOpenControlChannel DWORD ClusnetEnableShutdownOnClose( IN HANDLE ControlChannel ) { NTSTATUS status; ULONG responseSize = 0; CLUSNET_SHUTDOWN_ON_CLOSE_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); request.ProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CLUSNET_ENABLE_SHUTDOWN_ON_CLOSE, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetEnableShutdownOnClose DWORD ClusnetDisableShutdownOnClose( IN HANDLE ControlChannel ) { NTSTATUS status; ULONG responseSize = 0; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CLUSNET_DISABLE_SHUTDOWN_ON_CLOSE, NULL, 0, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetEnableShutdownOnClose DWORD ClusnetInitialize( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID LocalNodeId, IN ULONG MaxNodes, IN CLUSNET_NODE_UP_ROUTINE NodeUpRoutine, IN CLUSNET_NODE_DOWN_ROUTINE NodeDownRoutine, IN CLUSNET_CHECK_QUORUM_ROUTINE CheckQuorumRoutine, IN CLUSNET_HOLD_IO_ROUTINE HoldIoRoutine, IN CLUSNET_RESUME_IO_ROUTINE ResumeIoRoutine, IN CLUSNET_HALT_ROUTINE HaltRoutine ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CLUSNET_INITIALIZE_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.LocalNodeId = LocalNodeId; request.MaxNodes = MaxNodes; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CLUSNET_INITIALIZE, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetInitialize DWORD ClusnetShutdown( IN HANDLE ControlChannel ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; DWORD requestSize = 0; DWORD responseSize = 0; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CLUSNET_SHUTDOWN, NULL, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetShutdown DWORD ClusnetRegisterNode( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_NODE_REG_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.Id = NodeId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_REGISTER_NODE, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetRegisterNode DWORD ClusnetDeregisterNode( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_NODE_DEREG_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.Id = NodeId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_DEREGISTER_NODE, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetDeregisterNode DWORD ClusnetRegisterNetwork( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, IN ULONG Priority, IN BOOLEAN Restricted ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_NETWORK_REG_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.Id = NetworkId; request.Priority = Priority; request.Restricted = Restricted; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_REGISTER_NETWORK, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetRegisterNetwork DWORD ClusnetDeregisterNetwork( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_NETWORK_DEREG_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.Id = NetworkId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_DEREGISTER_NETWORK, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetDeregisterNetwork DWORD ClusnetRegisterInterface( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, IN ULONG Priority, IN PWSTR AdapterId, IN ULONG AdapterIdLength, IN PVOID TdiAddress, IN ULONG TdiAddressLength, OUT PULONG MediaStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Registers a node's interface on a network. Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. NodeId - The ID of the node for which to register the interface. NetworkId - The ID of the network for which to register the interface. Priority - The priority value assigned to the interface. If a value of zero is specified, the interface will inherit its priority from the network. AdapterId - ID of adapter associated with interface AdapterIdLength - Length of buffer holding adapter ID, not including terminating UNICODE_NULL character TdiAddress - A pointer to a TDI TRANSPORT_ADDRESS structure containing the transport address of the interface. TdiAddressLength - The length, in bytes, of the TdiAddress buffer. MediaStatus - returned current status of media (e.g. cable disconnected) Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PCX_INTERFACE_REG_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize; CX_INTERFACE_REG_RESPONSE response; DWORD responseSize = sizeof(CX_INTERFACE_REG_RESPONSE); DWORD adapterIdOffset; // calculate the size of the request structure without the adapter // id string. requestSize = FIELD_OFFSET(CX_INTERFACE_REG_REQUEST, TdiAddress) + TdiAddressLength; // round request to type alignment for adapter id string requestSize = ROUND_UP_COUNT(requestSize, TYPE_ALIGNMENT(PWSTR)); // add buffer for interface name. null-terminate to be safe. if (AdapterId == NULL) { AdapterIdLength = 0; } adapterIdOffset = requestSize; requestSize += AdapterIdLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); if (requestSize < sizeof(CX_INTERFACE_REG_REQUEST)) { requestSize = sizeof(CX_INTERFACE_REG_REQUEST); } request = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, requestSize); if (request == NULL) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } ZeroMemory(request, requestSize); request->NodeId = NodeId; request->NetworkId = NetworkId; request->Priority = Priority; request->TdiAddressLength = TdiAddressLength; MoveMemory( &(request->TdiAddress[0]), TdiAddress, TdiAddressLength ); request->AdapterIdLength = AdapterIdLength; request->AdapterIdOffset = adapterIdOffset; if (AdapterId != NULL) { CopyMemory( (PUWSTR)((PUCHAR)request + adapterIdOffset), AdapterId, AdapterIdLength ); } status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_REGISTER_INTERFACE, request, requestSize, &response, &responseSize, NULL ); LocalFree(request); if (MediaStatus != NULL) { *MediaStatus = response.MediaStatus; } return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetRegisterInterface DWORD ClusnetDeregisterInterface( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_INTERFACE_DEREG_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.NodeId = NodeId; request.NetworkId = NetworkId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_DEREGISTER_INTERFACE, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetDeregisterInterface DWORD ClusnetOnlineNodeComm( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId ) /*++ Routine Description: Enables communication to the specified node. Arguments: ControlChannel - An open control channel handle to the Cluster Network driver. NodeId - The ID of the node to which to enable communication. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_ONLINE_NODE_COMM_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.Id = NodeId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_ONLINE_NODE_COMM, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetOnlineNodeCommunication DWORD ClusnetOfflineNodeComm( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId ) /*++ Routine Description: Disable communication to the specified node. Arguments: ControlChannel - An open control channel handle to the Cluster Network driver. NodeId - The ID of the node to which to disable communication. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_OFFLINE_NODE_COMM_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.Id = NodeId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_OFFLINE_NODE_COMM, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetOfflineNodeCommunication DWORD ClusnetOnlineNetwork( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, IN PWCHAR TdiProviderName, IN PVOID TdiBindAddress, IN ULONG TdiBindAddressLength, IN LPWSTR AdapterName, OUT PVOID TdiBindAddressInfo, IN PULONG TdiBindAddressInfoLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Brings a cluster network online using the specified TDI transport provider and local TDI transport address. Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. NetworkId - The ID of the network to bring online. TdiProviderName - The name of the transport provider device that this network should open (e.g. \Device\Udp). TdiAddress - A pointer to a TDI TRANSPORT_ADDRESS structure containing the transport address of the local interface to which the network should be bound. TdiAddressLength - The length, in bytes, of the TdiAddress buffer. AdapterName - name of the adapter on which this network is associated TdiBindAddressInfo - A pointer to a TDI_ADDRESS_INFO structure. On output, this structure contains the actual address that the provider opened. TdiBindAddressInfoLength - On input, a pointer to the size, in bytes, of the TdiBindAddressInfo parameter. On output, the variable is updated to the amount of date returned in the TdiBindAddressInfo structure. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PCX_ONLINE_NETWORK_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize; PVOID response; ULONG tdiProviderNameLength; ULONG adapterNameLength; tdiProviderNameLength = (wcslen(TdiProviderName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); adapterNameLength = (wcslen(AdapterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); // // The request size is based on the size and required alignment // of each field of data following the structure. // requestSize = sizeof(CX_ONLINE_NETWORK_REQUEST); // Provider Name requestSize = ROUND_UP_COUNT(requestSize, TYPE_ALIGNMENT(PWSTR)) + tdiProviderNameLength; // Bind Address requestSize = ROUND_UP_COUNT(requestSize, TYPE_ALIGNMENT(PWSTR)) + TdiBindAddressLength; // Adapter Name requestSize = ROUND_UP_COUNT(requestSize, TYPE_ALIGNMENT(PWSTR)) + adapterNameLength; request = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, requestSize); if (request == NULL) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } request->Id = NetworkId; request->TdiProviderNameLength = tdiProviderNameLength; request->TdiProviderNameOffset = ROUND_UP_COUNT(sizeof(CX_ONLINE_NETWORK_REQUEST), TYPE_ALIGNMENT(PWSTR)); MoveMemory( (((PUCHAR) request) + request->TdiProviderNameOffset), TdiProviderName, tdiProviderNameLength ); request->TdiBindAddressLength = TdiBindAddressLength; request->TdiBindAddressOffset = ROUND_UP_COUNT((request->TdiProviderNameOffset + tdiProviderNameLength), TYPE_ALIGNMENT(TRANSPORT_ADDRESS)); MoveMemory( (((PUCHAR) request) + request->TdiBindAddressOffset), TdiBindAddress, TdiBindAddressLength ); request->AdapterNameLength = adapterNameLength; request->AdapterNameOffset = ROUND_UP_COUNT((request->TdiBindAddressOffset + TdiBindAddressLength), TYPE_ALIGNMENT(PWSTR)); MoveMemory( (((PUCHAR) request) + request->AdapterNameOffset), AdapterName, adapterNameLength ); status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_ONLINE_NETWORK, request, requestSize, TdiBindAddressInfo, TdiBindAddressInfoLength, NULL ); LocalFree(request); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetOnlineNetwork DWORD ClusnetOfflineNetwork( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_OFFLINE_NETWORK_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.Id = NetworkId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_OFFLINE_NETWORK, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetOfflineNetwork DWORD ClusnetSetNetworkRestriction( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, IN BOOLEAN Restricted, IN ULONG NewPriority ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_SET_NETWORK_RESTRICTION_REQUEST request; DWORD responseSize = 0; request.Id = NetworkId; request.Restricted = Restricted; request.NewPriority = NewPriority; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_SET_NETWORK_RESTRICTION, &request, sizeof(CX_SET_NETWORK_RESTRICTION_REQUEST), NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetSetNetworkRestriction DWORD ClusnetGetNetworkPriority( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, OUT PULONG Priority ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PCX_GET_NETWORK_PRIORITY_REQUEST request; PCX_GET_NETWORK_PRIORITY_RESPONSE response; DWORD requestSize; DWORD responseSize; requestSize = sizeof(CX_GET_NETWORK_PRIORITY_REQUEST); responseSize = sizeof(CX_GET_NETWORK_PRIORITY_RESPONSE); if (requestSize > responseSize) { request = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, requestSize); response = (PCX_GET_NETWORK_PRIORITY_RESPONSE) request; } else { response = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, responseSize); request = (PCX_GET_NETWORK_PRIORITY_REQUEST) response; } if (request == NULL) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } request->Id = NetworkId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_GET_NETWORK_PRIORITY, request, requestSize, response, &responseSize, NULL ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (responseSize != sizeof(CX_GET_NETWORK_PRIORITY_RESPONSE)) { status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { *Priority = response->Priority; } } LocalFree(request); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetGetNetworkPriority DWORD ClusnetSetNetworkPriority( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, IN ULONG Priority ) /*++ Routine Description: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Arguments: Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_SET_NETWORK_PRIORITY_REQUEST request; DWORD responseSize = 0; request.Id = NetworkId; request.Priority = Priority; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_SET_NETWORK_PRIORITY, &request, sizeof(CX_SET_NETWORK_PRIORITY_REQUEST), NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetSetNetworkPriority DWORD ClusnetGetInterfacePriority( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, OUT PULONG InterfacePriority, OUT PULONG NetworkPriority ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PCX_GET_INTERFACE_PRIORITY_REQUEST request; PCX_GET_INTERFACE_PRIORITY_RESPONSE response; DWORD requestSize; DWORD responseSize; requestSize = sizeof(CX_GET_INTERFACE_PRIORITY_REQUEST); responseSize = sizeof(CX_GET_INTERFACE_PRIORITY_RESPONSE); if (requestSize > responseSize) { request = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, requestSize); response = (PCX_GET_INTERFACE_PRIORITY_RESPONSE) request; } else { response = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, responseSize); request = (PCX_GET_INTERFACE_PRIORITY_REQUEST) response; } if (request == NULL) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } request->NodeId = NodeId; request->NetworkId = NetworkId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_GET_INTERFACE_PRIORITY, request, requestSize, response, &responseSize, NULL ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (responseSize != sizeof(CX_GET_INTERFACE_PRIORITY_RESPONSE)) { status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { *InterfacePriority = response->InterfacePriority; *NetworkPriority = response->NetworkPriority; } } LocalFree(request); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetGetInterfacePriority DWORD ClusnetSetInterfacePriority( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, IN ULONG Priority ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_SET_INTERFACE_PRIORITY_REQUEST request; DWORD responseSize = 0; request.NodeId = NodeId; request.NetworkId = NetworkId; request.Priority = Priority; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_SET_INTERFACE_PRIORITY, &request, sizeof(CX_SET_INTERFACE_PRIORITY_REQUEST), NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetGetInterfacePriority DWORD ClusnetGetNodeCommState( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, OUT PCLUSNET_NODE_COMM_STATE State ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PCX_GET_NODE_STATE_REQUEST request; PCX_GET_NODE_STATE_RESPONSE response; DWORD requestSize; DWORD responseSize; requestSize = sizeof(CX_GET_NODE_STATE_REQUEST); responseSize = sizeof(CX_GET_NODE_STATE_RESPONSE); if (requestSize > responseSize) { request = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, requestSize); response = (PCX_GET_NODE_STATE_RESPONSE) request; } else { response = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, responseSize); request = (PCX_GET_NODE_STATE_REQUEST) response; } if (request == NULL) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } request->Id = NodeId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_GET_NODE_STATE, request, requestSize, response, &responseSize, NULL ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (responseSize != sizeof(CX_GET_NODE_STATE_RESPONSE)) { status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { *State = response->State; } } LocalFree(request); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetGetNodeState DWORD ClusnetGetNetworkState( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, OUT PCLUSNET_NETWORK_STATE State ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PCX_GET_NETWORK_STATE_REQUEST request; PCX_GET_NETWORK_STATE_RESPONSE response; DWORD requestSize; DWORD responseSize; requestSize = sizeof(CX_GET_NETWORK_STATE_REQUEST); responseSize = sizeof(CX_GET_NETWORK_STATE_RESPONSE); if (requestSize > responseSize) { request = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, requestSize); response = (PCX_GET_NETWORK_STATE_RESPONSE) request; } else { response = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, responseSize); request = (PCX_GET_NETWORK_STATE_REQUEST) response; } if (request == NULL) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } request->Id = NetworkId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_GET_NETWORK_STATE, request, requestSize, response, &responseSize, NULL ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (responseSize != sizeof(CX_GET_NETWORK_STATE_RESPONSE)) { status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { *State = response->State; } } LocalFree(request); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetGetNetworkState DWORD ClusnetGetInterfaceState( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, OUT PCLUSNET_INTERFACE_STATE State ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PCX_GET_INTERFACE_STATE_REQUEST request; PCX_GET_INTERFACE_STATE_RESPONSE response; DWORD requestSize; DWORD responseSize; requestSize = sizeof(CX_GET_INTERFACE_STATE_REQUEST); responseSize = sizeof(CX_GET_INTERFACE_STATE_RESPONSE); if (requestSize > responseSize) { request = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, requestSize); response = (PCX_GET_INTERFACE_STATE_RESPONSE) request; } else { response = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, responseSize); request = (PCX_GET_INTERFACE_STATE_REQUEST) response; } if (request == NULL) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } request->NodeId = NodeId; request->NetworkId = NetworkId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_GET_INTERFACE_STATE, request, requestSize, response, &responseSize, NULL ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (responseSize != sizeof(CX_GET_INTERFACE_STATE_RESPONSE)) { status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { *State = response->State; } } LocalFree(request); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetGetInterfaceState #ifdef MM_IN_CLUSNSET DWORD ClusnetFormCluster( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN ULONG ClockPeriod, IN ULONG SendHBRate, IN ULONG RecvHBRate ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CMM_FORM_CLUSTER_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.ClockPeriod = ClockPeriod; request.SendHBRate = SendHBRate; request.RecvHBRate = RecvHBRate; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CMM_FORM_CLUSTER, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetFormCluster DWORD ClusnetJoinCluster( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID JoiningNodeId, IN CLUSNET_JOIN_PHASE Phase, IN ULONG JoinTimeout, IN OUT PVOID * MessageToSend, OUT PULONG MessageLength, OUT PULONG DestNodeMask ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CMM_JOIN_CLUSTER_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); PCMM_JOIN_CLUSTER_RESPONSE response; ULONG IoctlCode; DWORD responseSize; // // Parse the input parameters // if ( Phase == ClusnetJoinPhase1 ) IoctlCode = IOCTL_CMM_JOIN_CLUSTER_PHASE1; else if ( Phase == ClusnetJoinPhase2 ) IoctlCode = IOCTL_CMM_JOIN_CLUSTER_PHASE2; else if ( Phase == ClusnetJoinPhase3 ) IoctlCode = IOCTL_CMM_JOIN_CLUSTER_PHASE3; else if ( Phase == ClusnetJoinPhase4 ) IoctlCode = IOCTL_CMM_JOIN_CLUSTER_PHASE4; else if ( Phase == ClusnetJoinPhaseAbort ) IoctlCode = IOCTL_CMM_JOIN_CLUSTER_ABORT; else return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); request.JoiningNode = JoiningNodeId; request.JoinTimeout = JoinTimeout; // // allocate space for the response buffer and a message space at the back // of the struct. Current RGP message requirements are 80 bytes // (sizeof(rgp_msgbuf)). // responseSize = sizeof(*response) + 200; if (*MessageToSend != NULL) { // // recycle old message buffer // response = CONTAINING_RECORD( *MessageToSend, CMM_JOIN_CLUSTER_RESPONSE, SendData ); } else { response = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, responseSize); } if ( response == NULL ) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IoctlCode, &request, requestSize, response, &responseSize, NULL ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { *MessageToSend = &(response->SendData[0]); *MessageLength = response->SizeOfSendData; *DestNodeMask = response->SendNodeMask; return(ERROR_SUCCESS); } LocalFree( response ); *MessageToSend = NULL; return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetJoinCluster VOID ClusnetEndJoinCluster( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN PVOID LastSentMessage ) { ULONG responseSize = 0; PCMM_JOIN_CLUSTER_RESPONSE response; if (LastSentMessage != NULL) { response = CONTAINING_RECORD( LastSentMessage, CMM_JOIN_CLUSTER_RESPONSE, SendData ); LocalFree(response); } (VOID) DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CMM_JOIN_CLUSTER_END, NULL, 0, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return; } // ClusnetEndJoinCluster DWORD ClusnetDeliverJoinMessage( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN PVOID Message, IN ULONG MessageLength ) { NTSTATUS status; DWORD responseSize = 0; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CMM_DELIVER_JOIN_MESSAGE, Message, MessageLength, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetDeliverJoinMessage DWORD ClusnetLeaveCluster( IN HANDLE ControlChannel ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; DWORD responseSize = 0; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CMM_LEAVE_CLUSTER, NULL, 0, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetLeaveCluster DWORD ClusnetEvictNode( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN ULONG NodeId ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CMM_EJECT_CLUSTER_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.Node = NodeId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CMM_EJECT_CLUSTER, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetEvictNode #endif // MM_IN_CLUSNSET DWORD ClusnetGetNodeMembershipState( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN ULONG NodeId, OUT CLUSNET_NODE_STATE * State ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_GET_NODE_MMSTATE_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); CX_GET_NODE_MMSTATE_RESPONSE response; DWORD responseSize = sizeof(response); request.Id = NodeId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_GET_NODE_MMSTATE, &request, requestSize, &response, &responseSize, NULL ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { *State = response.State; } return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetGetNodeMembershipState DWORD ClusnetSetNodeMembershipState( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN ULONG NodeId, IN CLUSNET_NODE_STATE State ) /*++ Routine Description: Set the internal node membership state to the indicated value Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_SET_NODE_MMSTATE_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize; request.NodeId = NodeId; request.State = State; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_SET_NODE_MMSTATE, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetSetNodeMembershipState DWORD ClusnetSetEventMask( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CLUSNET_EVENT_TYPE EventMask ) /*++ Routine Description: Based on the supplied callback pointers, set the mask of events generated in kernel mode in which this file handle is interested Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. EventMask - bit mask of interested events Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CLUSNET_SET_EVENT_MASK_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.EventMask = EventMask; request.KmodeEventCallback = NULL; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CLUSNET_SET_EVENT_MASK, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetSetEventMask DWORD ClusnetGetNextEvent( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, OUT PCLUSNET_EVENT Event, IN LPOVERLAPPED Overlapped OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Wait for the next event to be completed. Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Event - handle to event that is set when IO is complete Response - pointer to structure that is filled in when IRP completes Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; ULONG ResponseSize = sizeof( CLUSNET_EVENT ); // // if no event passed in, then assume the caller wants to block. // we still need an event to block on while waiting... // status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CLUSNET_GET_NEXT_EVENT, NULL, 0, Event, &ResponseSize, Overlapped ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetGetNextEvent DWORD ClusnetHalt( IN HANDLE ControlChannel ) /*++ Routine Description: Tell clusnet that we need to halt immediately Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; DWORD responseSize; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CLUSNET_HALT, NULL, 0, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetHalt DWORD ClusnetSetMemLogging( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN ULONG NumberOfEntries ) /*++ Routine Description: Turn in-memory logging in clusnet on or off. Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. NumberOfEntires - # of entries to allocate for the log. Zero turns off logging Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CLUSNET_SET_MEM_LOGGING_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof( request ); DWORD responseSize; request.NumberOfEntries = NumberOfEntries; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CLUSNET_SET_MEMORY_LOGGING, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetSetMemLogging DWORD ClusnetSendPoisonPacket( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId ) /*++ Routine Description: Send a poison packet to the indicated node Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_SEND_POISON_PKT_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.Id = NodeId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_SEND_POISON_PACKET, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } DWORD ClusnetSetOuterscreen( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN ULONG Outerscreen ) /*++ Routine Description: set the cluster member outerscreen Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_SET_OUTERSCREEN_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.Outerscreen = Outerscreen; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_SET_OUTERSCREEN, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } DWORD ClusnetRegroupFinished( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN ULONG EventEpoch, IN ULONG RegroupEpoch ) /*++ Routine Description: inform clusnet that regroup has finished Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. NewEpoch - new event epoch used to detect stale events Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_REGROUP_FINISHED_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.EventEpoch = EventEpoch; request.RegroupEpoch = RegroupEpoch; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_REGROUP_FINISHED, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } DWORD ClusnetImportSecurityContexts( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID JoiningNodeId, IN PWCHAR PackageName, IN ULONG SignatureSize, IN PVOID ServerContext, IN PVOID ClientContext ) /*++ Routine Description: inform clusnet that regroup has finished Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. NewEpoch - new event epoch used to detect stale events Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_IMPORT_SECURITY_CONTEXT_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.JoiningNodeId = JoiningNodeId; request.PackageName = PackageName; request.PackageNameSize = sizeof(WCHAR) * ( wcslen( PackageName ) + 1 ); request.SignatureSize = SignatureSize; request.ServerContext = ServerContext; request.ClientContext = ClientContext; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_IMPORT_SECURITY_CONTEXTS, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } DWORD ClusnetReserveEndpoint( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN PWSTR EndpointString ) /*++ Routine Description: Tell clusnet to tell TCP/IP to reserve the port number in EndpointString. Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. EndpointString - string containing port number assigned to clusnet Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { USHORT port; DWORD err; DWORD responseSize = 0; NTSTATUS status; err = ClRtlTcpipStringToEndpoint(EndpointString, &port); if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // TCP/IP needs the port in host byte-order format. // ClRtlTcpipStringToEndpoint returns it in network // byte-order format. port = ntohs(port); status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_RESERVE_ENDPOINT, &port, sizeof(port), NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); err = NtStatusToClusnetError(status); } return err; } DWORD ClusnetConfigureMulticast( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, IN ULONG MulticastNetworkBrand, IN PVOID MulticastAddress, IN ULONG MulticastAddressLength, IN PVOID Key, IN ULONG KeyLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Configures multicast parameters for the specified network. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PCX_CONFIGURE_MULTICAST_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize; DWORD requestDataOffset = 0; DWORD responseSize = 0; // // The request size is based on the size and required alignment // of each field of data following the structure. If there is no // data following the structure, only the structure is required. // requestSize = sizeof(CX_CONFIGURE_MULTICAST_REQUEST); requestDataOffset = requestSize; if (MulticastAddressLength != 0) { requestSize = ROUND_UP_COUNT(requestSize, TYPE_ALIGNMENT(TRANSPORT_ADDRESS) ) + MulticastAddressLength; } if (KeyLength != 0) { requestSize = ROUND_UP_COUNT(requestSize, TYPE_ALIGNMENT(PVOID) ) + KeyLength; } // // Allocate the request buffer. // request = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, requestSize); if (request == NULL) { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } request->NetworkId = NetworkId; request->MulticastNetworkBrand = MulticastNetworkBrand; if (MulticastAddress != NULL) { request->MulticastAddress = ROUND_UP_COUNT( requestDataOffset, TYPE_ALIGNMENT(TRANSPORT_ADDRESS) ); MoveMemory( (((PUCHAR) request) + request->MulticastAddress), MulticastAddress, MulticastAddressLength ); request->MulticastAddressLength = MulticastAddressLength; requestDataOffset = request->MulticastAddress + request->MulticastAddressLength; } else { request->MulticastAddress = 0; request->MulticastAddressLength = 0; } if (Key != NULL) { request->Key = ROUND_UP_COUNT( requestDataOffset, TYPE_ALIGNMENT(PVOID) ); MoveMemory( (((PUCHAR) request) + request->Key), Key, KeyLength ); request->KeyLength = KeyLength; requestDataOffset = request->Key + request->KeyLength; } else { request->Key = 0; request->KeyLength = 0; } status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_CONFIGURE_MULTICAST, request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); LocalFree(request); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetConfigureMulticast DWORD ClusnetGetMulticastReachableSet( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId, OUT ULONG * NodeScreen ) /*++ Routine Description: Queries the current set of nodes considered reachable by a multicast on the specified network. Arguments: ControlChannel - open clusnet control channel NetworkId - multicast network NodeScreen - mask of nodes Return value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_GET_MULTICAST_REACHABLE_SET_REQUEST request; CX_GET_MULTICAST_REACHABLE_SET_RESPONSE response; DWORD responseSize = sizeof(response); request.Id = NetworkId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_GET_MULTICAST_REACHABLE_SET, &request, sizeof(request), &response, &responseSize, NULL ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { *NodeScreen = response.NodeScreen; } return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetGetMulticastReachableSet DWORD ClusnetSetIamaliveParam( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN ULONG Timeout, IN ClussvcHangAction Action ) /*++ Routine Description: Sets the Timeout and Action to be taken by clusnet in case of clusnet hang. Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Timeout - Timeout in Secs. Action - Action to be taken by Clusnet in case of clussvc hang. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; DWORD responseSize = 0; CLUSNET_SET_IAMALIVE_PARAM_REQUEST request; request.Timeout = Timeout; request.Action = Action; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CLUSNET_SET_IAMALIVE_PARAM, &request, sizeof(CLUSNET_SET_IAMALIVE_PARAM_REQUEST), NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetSetIamaliveParam DWORD ClusnetIamalive( IN HANDLE ControlChannel ) /*++ Routine Description: Clussvc to Clusnet Heartbeat Ioctl Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; DWORD requestSize = 0; DWORD responseSize = 0; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CLUSNET_IAMALIVE, NULL, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } // ClusnetIamalive #if DBG DWORD ClusnetSetDebugMask( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN ULONG Mask ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CLUSNET_SET_DEBUG_MASK_REQUEST request; DWORD responseSize = 0; request.DebugMask = Mask; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CLUSNET_SET_DEBUG_MASK, &request, sizeof(CLUSNET_SET_DEBUG_MASK_REQUEST), NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } DWORD ClusnetOnlinePendingInterface( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_ONLINE_PENDING_INTERFACE_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.NodeId = NodeId; request.NetworkId = NetworkId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_ONLINE_PENDING_INTERFACE, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } DWORD ClusnetOnlineInterface( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_ONLINE_INTERFACE_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.NodeId = NodeId; request.NetworkId = NetworkId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_ONLINE_INTERFACE, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } DWORD ClusnetOfflineInterface( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_OFFLINE_INTERFACE_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.NodeId = NodeId; request.NetworkId = NetworkId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_OFFLINE_INTERFACE, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } DWORD ClusnetFailInterface( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, IN CL_NETWORK_ID NetworkId ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_FAIL_INTERFACE_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; request.NodeId = NodeId; request.NetworkId = NetworkId; status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_FAIL_INTERFACE, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } DWORD ClusnetSendMmMsg( IN HANDLE ControlChannel, IN CL_NODE_ID NodeId, IN ULONG Pattern ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: ControlChannel - An open handle to the Cluster Network control device. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if the operation was successful. A Windows error code otherwise. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; CX_SEND_MM_MSG_REQUEST request; DWORD requestSize = sizeof(request); DWORD responseSize = 0; DWORD i; request.DestNodeId = NodeId; for (i=0; i < CX_MM_MSG_DATA_LEN; i++) { request.MessageData[i] = Pattern; } status = DoIoctl( ControlChannel, IOCTL_CX_SEND_MM_MSG, &request, requestSize, NULL, &responseSize, NULL ); return(NtStatusToClusnetError(status)); } #endif // DBG