// xlocmon internal header (from ) #ifndef _XLOCMON_ #define _XLOCMON_ #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma pack(push,8) #if 1200 <= _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push,3) #pragma warning(disable:4786) #endif #endif /* _MSC_VER */ _STD_BEGIN // STRUCT money_base struct _CRTIMP2 money_base : public locale::facet { enum _Part {symbol = '$', sign = '+', space = ' ', value = 'v', none = 'x'}; _BITMASK(_Part, part); struct pattern { char field[4]; }; money_base(size_t _R = 0) : locale::facet(_R) {} }; _BITMASK_OPS(money_base::_Part); // TEMPLATE CLASS _Mpunct template class _Mpunct : public money_base { public: typedef _E char_type; typedef basic_string<_E, char_traits<_E>, allocator<_E> > string_type; _E decimal_point() const {return (do_decimal_point()); } _E thousands_sep() const {return (do_thousands_sep()); } string grouping() const {return (do_grouping()); } string_type curr_symbol() const {return (do_curr_symbol()); } string_type positive_sign() const {return (do_positive_sign()); } string_type negative_sign() const {return (do_negative_sign()); } int frac_digits() const {return (do_frac_digits()); } pattern pos_format() const {return (do_pos_format()); } pattern neg_format() const {return (do_neg_format()); } explicit _Mpunct(size_t _R, bool _Intl) : money_base(_R), _Ifl(_Intl) {_Init(_Locinfo()); } _Mpunct(const _Locinfo& _Lobj, size_t _R, bool _Intl) : money_base(_R), _Ifl(_Intl) {_Init(_Lobj); } static size_t __cdecl _Getcat() {return (_LC_NUMERIC); } _PROTECTED: virtual ~_Mpunct() {delete[] _Mgr; delete[] _Mcs; delete[] _Mps; delete[] _Mns; } protected: void _Init(const _Locinfo& _Lobj) {const lconv *_P = _Lobj._Getlconv(); _Mdp = _WIDEN(_E, _P->mon_decimal_point[0]); _Mks = _WIDEN(_E, _P->mon_thousands_sep[0]); _Mgr = _MAKLOCSTR(char, _P->mon_grouping); _Mcs = _MAKLOCSTR(_E, _Ifl ? _P->int_curr_symbol : _P->currency_symbol); _Mps = _MAKLOCSTR(_E, _P->p_sign_posn < 0 || 4 < _P->p_sign_posn ? "" : _P->positive_sign); _Mns = _MAKLOCSTR(_E, _P->n_sign_posn < 0 || 4 < _P->n_sign_posn ? "-" : _P->negative_sign); _Mfd = _Ifl ? _P->int_frac_digits : _P->frac_digits; if (_Mfd < 0 || CHAR_MAX <= _Mfd) _Mfd = 0; _Makpat(_Mpf, _P->p_sep_by_space, _P->p_cs_precedes, _P->p_sign_posn); _Makpat(_Mnf, _P->n_sep_by_space, _P->n_cs_precedes, _P->n_sign_posn); } virtual _E do_decimal_point() const {return (_Mdp); } virtual _E do_thousands_sep() const {return (_Mks); } virtual string do_grouping() const {return (string(_Mgr)); } virtual string_type do_curr_symbol() const {return (string_type(_Mcs)); } virtual string_type do_positive_sign() const {return (string_type(_Mps)); } virtual string_type do_negative_sign() const {return (string_type(_Mns)); } virtual int do_frac_digits() const {return (_Mfd); } virtual pattern do_pos_format() const {return (_Mpf); } virtual pattern do_neg_format() const {return (_Mnf); } private: void _Makpat(pattern& _Pat, char _Sep, char _Pre, char _Pos) {char *_S = _Ifl || (_Sep & ~1) != 0 || (_Pre & ~1) != 0 || _Pos < 0 || 4 < _Pos ? "$+vx" : "+v$x" "+v$x" "v$+x" "v+$x" "v$+x" "+$vx" "+$vx" "$v+x" "+$vx" "$+vx" "+v $" "+v $" "v $+" "v+ $" "v $+" "+$ v" "+$ v" "$ v+" "+$ v" "$ +v" + (_Pos + (_Pre == 1 ? 20 : 0) + (_Sep == 1 ? 40 : 0)); memcpy(_Pat.field, _S, 4); } char *_Mgr; _E _Mdp, _Mks, *_Mcs, *_Mps, *_Mns; int _Mfd; pattern _Mpf, _Mnf; bool _Ifl; }; // TEMPLATE CLASS moneypunct template class moneypunct : public _Mpunct<_E> { public: static const bool intl; static locale::id id; explicit moneypunct(size_t _R = 0) : _Mpunct<_E>(_R, _Intl) {} moneypunct(const _Locinfo& _Lobj, size_t _R = 0) : _Mpunct<_E>(_Lobj, _R, _Intl) {} static size_t __cdecl _Getcat() {return (_LC_NUMERIC); } }; template const bool moneypunct<_E, _Intl>::intl = _Intl; template locale::id moneypunct<_E, _Intl>::id; // TEMPLATE CLASS moneypunct_byname template class moneypunct_byname : public moneypunct<_E, _Intl> { public: explicit moneypunct_byname(const char *_S, size_t _R = 0) : moneypunct<_E, _Intl>(_Locinfo(_S), _R) {} _PROTECTED: virtual ~moneypunct_byname() {} }; // TEMPLATE CLASS money_get template > > class money_get : public locale::facet { typedef moneypunct<_E, false> _Mypunct0; typedef moneypunct<_E, true> _Mypunct1; public: typedef _E char_type; typedef _II iter_type; typedef basic_string<_E, char_traits<_E>, allocator<_E> > string_type; _II get(_II _F, _II _L, bool _Intl, ios_base& _X, ios_base::iostate& _St, long double& _V) const {return (do_get(_F, _L, _Intl, _X, _St, _V)); } _II get(_II _F, _II _L, bool _Intl, ios_base& _X, ios_base::iostate& _St, string_type& _D) const {return (do_get(_F, _L, _Intl, _X, _St, _D)); } static locale::id id; explicit money_get(size_t _R = 0) : locale::facet(_R) {_Init(_Locinfo()); } money_get(const _Locinfo& _Lobj, size_t _R = 0) : locale::facet(_R) {_Init(_Lobj); } static size_t __cdecl _Getcat() {return (_LC_MONETARY); } _PROTECTED: virtual ~money_get() {} protected: void _Init(const _Locinfo& _Lobj) {} virtual _II do_get(_II _F, _II _L, bool _Intl, ios_base& _X, ios_base::iostate& _St, long double& _V) const {string_type _Str = _Getmfld(_F, _L, _Intl, _X); if (_F == _L) _St |= ios_base::eofbit; if (_Str.size() == 0) _St |= ios_base::failbit; else {string _Str2; _Str2.reserve(_Str.size()); for (size_t _I = 0; _I < _Str.size(); ++_I) _Str2 += (char)_NARROW(_E, _Str[_I]); const char *_Eb = _Str2.c_str(); char *_Ep; errno = 0; const long double _Ans = _Stold(_Eb, &_Ep, 0); if (_Ep == _Eb || errno != 0) _St |= ios_base::failbit; else _V = _Ans; } return (_F); } virtual _II do_get(_II _F, _II _L, bool _Intl, ios_base& _X, ios_base::iostate& _St, string_type& _D) const {string_type _Str = _Getmfld(_F, _L, _Intl, _X); if (_F == _L) _St |= ios_base::eofbit; if (_Str.size() == 0) _St |= ios_base::failbit; else _D = _Str; return (_F); } private: string_type _Getmfld(_II& _F, _II& _L, bool _Intl, ios_base& _X) const {const _Mpunct<_E> *_Pfac; if (_Intl) _Pfac = &_USE(_X.getloc(), _Mypunct1); else _Pfac = &_USE(_X.getloc(), _Mypunct0); const ctype<_E>& _Fac2 = _USE(_X.getloc(), ctype<_E>); bool _Bad = false, _Neg = false; string_type _Sg, _Str; const money_base::pattern _Pat = _Pfac->neg_format(); for (size_t _N = 0; !_Bad && _N < 4; ++_N) switch (_Pat.field[_N]) {case money_base::symbol: {string_type _Cs = _Pfac->curr_symbol(); const _E *_S; if (_X.flags() & ios_base::showbase) ; else if (_N == 3 && _Sg.size() == 0 || _F == _L || *_F != *_Cs.c_str()) _Cs.erase(); for (_S = _Cs.begin(); _F != _L && _S != _Cs.end() && *_F == *_S; ++_S, ++_F) ; if (_S != _Cs.end()) _Bad = true; } break; case money_base::sign: {if (_F == _L) ; else if (0 < (_Pfac->positive_sign()).size() && _Pfac->positive_sign()[0] == *_F) ++_F, _Sg = _Pfac->positive_sign(); else if (0 < (_Pfac->negative_sign()).size() && _Pfac->negative_sign()[0] == *_F) ++_F, _Sg = _Pfac->negative_sign(), _Neg = true; if (_Sg.size() == 1) _Sg.erase(); } break; case money_base::value: {int _Nfd = 0; int _Fd = _Pfac->frac_digits(); const string _Gr = _Pfac->grouping(); if (*_Gr.c_str() <= '\0') while (_F != _L && _Fac2.is(ctype_base::digit, *_F)) _Str += *_F++; else {const _E _Ks = _Pfac->thousands_sep(); string _Grin(1, '\0'); size_t _I = 0; for (; _F != _L; ++_F) if (_Fac2.is(ctype_base::digit, *_F)) {_Str += *_F; if (_Grin[_I] != CHAR_MAX) ++_Grin[_I]; } else if (_Grin[_I] == '\0' || *_F != _Ks) break; else _Grin.append(1, '\0'), ++_I; if (_I == 0) ; else if ('\0' < _Grin[_I]) ++_I; else _Bad = true; for (const char *_Pg = _Gr.c_str(); !_Bad && 0 < _I; --_I) if (*_Pg == CHAR_MAX) break; else if (0 < --_I && *_Pg != _Grin[_I] || 0 == _I && *_Pg < _Grin[_I]) _Bad = true; else if ('\0' < _Pg[1]) ++_Pg; if (_Bad) break; } if (_F != _L && *_F == _Pfac->decimal_point()) {while (++_F != _L && _Fac2.is(ctype_base::digit, *_F)) if (_Nfd < _Fd) _Str += *_F, ++_Nfd; } if (_Str.size() == 0) _Bad = true; else for (; _Nfd < _Fd; ++_Nfd) _Str += _WIDEN(_E, '0'); } break; default: {if (_N == 3) break; while (_F != _L && _Fac2.is(ctype_base::space, *_F)) ++_F; }} if (!_Bad && 0 < _Sg.size()) {const _E *_S; for (_S = _Sg.begin(); _F != _L && ++_S != _Sg.end() && *_F == *_S; ++_F) ; if (_S != _Sg.end()) _Bad = true; } if (_Bad) _Str.erase(); else if (_Neg) _Str.insert((size_t)0, (size_t)1, _WIDEN(_E, '-')); return (_Str); } }; template locale::id money_get<_E, _II>::id; // TEMPLATE CLASS money_put template > > class money_put : public locale::facet { typedef moneypunct<_E, false> _Mypunct0; typedef moneypunct<_E, true> _Mypunct1; public: typedef _E char_type; typedef _OI iter_type; typedef basic_string<_E, char_traits<_E>, allocator<_E> > string_type; _OI put(_OI _F, bool _Intl, ios_base& _X, _E _Fill, long double _V) const {return (do_put(_F, _Intl, _X, _Fill, _V)); } _OI put(_OI _F, bool _Intl, ios_base& _X, _E _Fill, const string_type& _D) const {return (do_put(_F, _Intl, _X, _Fill, _D)); } static locale::id id; explicit money_put(size_t _R = 0) : locale::facet(_R) {_Init(_Locinfo()); } money_put(const _Locinfo& _Lobj, size_t _R = 0) : locale::facet(_R) {_Init(_Lobj); } static size_t __cdecl _Getcat() {return (_LC_MONETARY); } _PROTECTED: virtual ~money_put() {} protected: void _Init(const _Locinfo& _Lobj) {} virtual _OI do_put(_OI _F, bool _Intl, ios_base& _X, _E _Fill, long double _V) const {bool _Neg = false; if (_V < 0) _Neg = true, _V = -_V; size_t _Exp; for (_Exp = 0; 1e35 <= _V && _Exp < 5000; _Exp += 10) _V /= 1e10; string_type _D2; char _Buf[40]; int _N = sprintf(_Buf, "%.0Lf", _V); for (int _I = 0; _I < _N; ++_I) _D2.append(1, _WIDEN(_E, _Buf[_I])); _D2.append(_Exp, _WIDEN(_E, '0')); return (_Putmfld(_F, _Intl, _X, _Fill, _Neg, _D2)); } virtual _OI do_put(_OI _F, bool _Intl, ios_base& _X, _E _Fill, const string_type& _D) const {const ctype<_E>& _Fac = _USE(_X.getloc(), ctype<_E>); const _E *_S = _D.c_str(); bool _Neg = false; if (*_S == _WIDEN(_E, '-')) _Neg = true, ++_S; size_t _N; for (_N = 0; _Fac.is(ctype_base::digit, _S[_N]); ++_N) ; string_type _D2(_S, _N); if (_N == 0) _D2.append(1, _WIDEN(_E, '0')); return (_Putmfld(_F, _Intl, _X, _Fill, _Neg, _D2)); } private: _OI _Putmfld(_OI _F, bool _Intl, ios_base& _X, _E _Fill, bool _Neg, string_type _D) const {const _Mpunct<_E> *_Pfac; if (_Intl) _Pfac = &_USE(_X.getloc(), _Mypunct1); else _Pfac = &_USE(_X.getloc(), _Mypunct0); size_t _Fd = _Pfac->frac_digits(); const string _Gr = _Pfac->grouping(); if (_Fd < _D.size() && '\0' < *_Gr.c_str()) {const _E _Ks = _Pfac->thousands_sep(); const char *_Pg = _Gr.c_str(); size_t _I = _D.size() - _Fd; while (*_Pg != CHAR_MAX && '\0' < *_Pg && *_Pg < _I) {_D.insert(_I -= *_Pg, (size_t)1, _Ks); if ('\0' < _Pg[1]) ++_Pg; }} money_base::pattern _Pat; string_type _Sg; if (_Neg) {_Pat = _Pfac->neg_format(); _Sg = _Pfac->negative_sign(); } else {_Pat = _Pfac->pos_format(); _Sg = _Pfac->positive_sign(); } string_type _Cs; if (_X.flags() & ios_base::showbase) _Cs = _Pfac->curr_symbol(); bool _Intern = false; size_t _M, _N; for (_M = 0, _N = 0; _N < 4; ++_N) switch (_Pat.field[_N]) {case money_base::symbol: _M += _Cs.size(); break; case money_base::sign: _M += _Sg.size(); break; case money_base::value: _M += _D.size() + (0 < _Fd ? 1 : 0) + (_D.size() <= _Fd ? _Fd - _D.size() + 1 : 0); break; case money_base::space: _Intern = true; } _M = _X.width() <= 0 || _X.width() <= _M ? 0 : _X.width() - _M; ios_base::fmtflags _Afl = _X.flags() & ios_base::adjustfield; if (_Afl != ios_base::left && (_Afl != ios_base::internal || !_Intern)) _F = _Rep(_F, _Fill, _M), _M = 0; for (_N = 0; _N < 4; ++_N) switch (_Pat.field[_N]) {case money_base::symbol: _F = _Put(_F, _Cs.begin(), _Cs.size()); break; case money_base::sign: if (0 < _Sg.size()) _F = _Put(_F, _Sg.begin(), 1); break; case money_base::value: if (_Fd == 0) _F = _Put(_F, _D.begin(), _D.size()); else if (_D.size() <= _Fd) {*_F++ = _WIDEN(_E, '0'); *_F++ = _Pfac->decimal_point(); _F = _Rep(_F, _WIDEN(_E, '0'), _Fd - _D.size()); _F = _Put(_F, _D.begin(), _D.size()); } else {_F = _Put(_F, _D.begin(), _D.size() - _Fd); *_F++ = _Pfac->decimal_point(); _F = _Put(_F, _D.end() - _Fd, _Fd); } break; case money_base::space: if (_Afl == ios_base::internal) _F = _Rep(_F, _Fill, _M), _M = 0; } if (1 < _Sg.size()) _F = _Put(_F, _Sg.begin() + 1, _Sg.size() - 1); _X.width(0); return (_Rep(_F, _Fill, _M)); } static _OI _Put(_OI _F, const _E *_S, size_t _N) {for (; 0 < _N; --_N, ++_F, ++_S) *_F = *_S; return (_F); } static _OI _Rep(_OI _F, _E _C, size_t _N) {for (; 0 < _N; --_N, ++_F) *_F = _C; return (_F); } }; template locale::id money_put<_E, _OI>::id; #ifdef _DLL #ifdef __FORCE_INSTANCE template class _CRTIMP2 _Mpunct; template class _CRTIMP2 _Mpunct; template class _CRTIMP2 moneypunct; template class _CRTIMP2 moneypunct; template class _CRTIMP2 moneypunct; template class _CRTIMP2 moneypunct; template class _CRTIMP2 money_get > >; template class _CRTIMP2 money_get > >; template class _CRTIMP2 money_put > >; template class _CRTIMP2 money_put > >; #else // __FORCE_INSTANCE #pragma warning(disable:4231) /* the extern before template is a non-standard extension */ extern template class _CRTIMP2 _Mpunct; extern template class _CRTIMP2 _Mpunct; extern template class _CRTIMP2 moneypunct; extern template class _CRTIMP2 moneypunct; extern template class _CRTIMP2 moneypunct; extern template class _CRTIMP2 moneypunct; extern template class _CRTIMP2 money_get > >; extern template class _CRTIMP2 money_get > >; extern template class _CRTIMP2 money_put > >; extern template class _CRTIMP2 money_put > >; #pragma warning(default:4231) /* restore previous warning */ #endif // __FORCE_INSTANCE #endif // _DLL _STD_END #ifdef _MSC_VER #if 1200 <= _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif #pragma pack(pop) #endif /* _MSC_VER */ #endif /* _XLOCMON_ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995 by P.J. Plauger. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions. */