*************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** *** *** *** This file contains the change history for the MSVC++ v6.0 C/C++ *** *** Run-Time Libraries (that is, modifications since since 5.0). *** *** The file should always be edited at the top so that the most *** *** recent changes are at the beginning of the file (immediately *** *** after this comment) and the oldest changes are at the end. *** *** *** *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 04-Feb-99 (GregF) crtw32\startup\crt0dat.c crtw32\dllstuff\crtdll.c Changed terminator execution loop slightly so that atexit() routines may register additional atexit routines. This fixes VisualStudio7 6787 crtw32\convert\wcstol.c Added a range check on each wide char before calling __ascii_isw*() with it. This fixes NTBug 287463. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 18-Dec-98 (GregF) crtw32\startup\tidtable.c Forgot to delete the code to unlink the thread locale info struct from the list (these structs are no longer kept in a list). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 14-Dec-98 (GregF) crtw32\misc\initmon.c, initnum.c, setlocal.c crtw32\start\tidtable.c Fixed a number of bugs beginning with a performance bug (Monte Carlo #11418) which concealed the others. The performance bug was the per-thread pointer to the locale information struct was not being updated. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 04-Dec-98 (JamesMa) crtw32\eh\comerr.cpp, crtw32\h\comerr.h, libw32\include\comerr.h Removed. crtw32\h\mtdll.h, crtw32\startup\tidtable.c Removed all references to _pceh as part of comerr removal. makefile, makefile.inc, crtw32\eh\lsources, srcrel\pd-b, srcrel\objects.mkf, crtw32\tools\win32\relinc.cmd Removed all references to comerr.cpp & comerr.h. srcrel\bldnt.cmd, srcrel\bldwin95.bat Replaced references to VC6.0 with VC6.1 (MC bugs 8019, 8020) and pulled references to Mac builds from the usage messages. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Wed 02-Dec-98 (KFrei) crtw32\rtc\memory.cpp Fixed MC 11240 - I was trying to allocating memory, even if allocation wasn't enabled ----------------------------------------------------------------- Wed 02-Dec-98 (GregF) crtw32\heap\expand.c Removed extra _munlock. This fixes Monte Carlo #11187 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 01-Dec-98 (KFrei) crtw32\misc\dbgheap.c, crtw32\rtc\shadow.cpp Fixed RTC bug involving dbg versions of realloc & expand (another) Monte Carlo #11029 crtw32\rtc\memory.cpp Added some DebugString output when the RTC stuff is built for debugging I also fixed Greg's date from 01-Nov-98 to 01-Dec-98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 01-Dec-98 (GregF) crtw32\misc\onexit.c Grow the atexit/_onexit more quickly. This fixes Monte Carlo #9897. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 30-Nov-98 (KFrei) crtw32\misc\dbgheap.c Fixed RTC bug involving dbg versions of realloc & expand ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 25-Nov-98 (KFrei) crtw32\rtc\init.cpp, crtw32\rtc\userapi.cpp Fixed bug MC 10777 - Delay loaded DLLs & -RTCm crash ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 24-Nov-98 (KFrei) crtw32\h\rtcapi.h, crtw32\h\rtcsup.h, crtw32\misc\i386\chkesp.c crtw32\rtc\init.cpp, libw32\include\rtcapi.h Added a new RTC callback, to be used by memory functions for -RTCm checks rtcapi also got new callbacks for more extensive memory checking crtw32\h\rtcpriv.h, crtw32\rtc\shadow.cpp Fixed MC #10665 - problem with page tables and shadow memory Added parameter and reg0 (return value) pointer checking API ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 24-Nov-98 (GregF) crtw32\h\setlocal.h crtw32\misc\setlocal.c Changed to handle longer specifications for the codepage, and to handle too long specifications without crashing. This fixes Monte Carlo 8162 crtw32\stdio\ungetwc.c Changed to NOT push characters back onto a string. This fixes Monte Carlo 8052. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 24-Nov-98 (KFrei) crtw32\rtc\shadow.cpp Removed a reference to InterlockedCompareExchange, which isn't available on Win95. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 23-Nov-98 (GregF) crtw32\h\winheap.h crtw32\heap\calloc.c, expand.c, free.c, heapchk.c, heapinit.c, heapmin.c, malloc.c, msize.c, realloc.c, sbheap.c crtw32\misc\dbgheap.c Package of changes which resurrect the VC++ 5.0 small-block heap and implement a selection method to choose between the VC++ 6.0 small-block heap, the VC++ 5.0 small-block heap and no small-block heap at all. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 19-Nov-98 (JamesMa) makefile.inc, srcrel\pd-b Added heap\new2.cpp, stdcpp\delaop.cpp, stdcpp\newaop.cpp, stdcpp\newaop2.cpp, stdcpp\delaop_s.cpp, stdcpp\newaop_s.cpp & stdcpp\newaop2_s.cpp crtw32\heap\heap.mkf, crtw32\heap\lsources Added new2.obj crtw32\heap\new.cpp Split off new[] to new2.cpp for better granularity. crtw32\misc\dbgheap.c _crtDbgFlag now has _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF set by default; also removed 2 tests prone to false positives and silenced error reporting from within CheckBytes(). crtw32\stdcpp\*, crtw32\stdhpp\* Updated all files to Plauger's drop of 11/13. libw32\include Updated all STL headers to Plauger's drop of 11/13. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 29-Oct-98 (JamesMa) crtw32\helper\i386\lldvrm.asm, crtw32\helper\i386\ulldvrm.asm New compiler helper files, courtesy of Simon Koeman. crtw32\makefile, crtw32\makefile.inc crtw32\srcrel\external.mkf, crtw32\srcrel\objects.mkf, crtw32\srcrel\pd-b crtw32\helper\lsources, crtw32\helper\sources.nt Added lldvrm & ulldvrm to build process. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 27-Oct-98 (JamesMa) crtw32\stdcpp\ios.cpp, crtw32\stdhpp\iosfwd, libw32\include\iosfwd Definition of BADOFF moved from ios.cpp to iosfwd for compatibility with 6.0 (MC bug #7642) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 22-Oct-98 (JamesMa) makefile.sub Now uses batch-mode compilation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 13-Oct-98 (gregf) crtw32\heap\sbheap.c Added a check to __sbh_free_block for an already freed block. In case such a block is found, simply return with no other action. crtw32\mbstring\ismbalph.c Minor typo, MT should have been _MT. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 08-Oct-98 (gregf) crtw32\dllstuff\crtlib.c crtw32\h\stdlib.h, winheap.h crtw32\heap\calloc.c, expand.c, free.c, heapchk.c, heapinit.c, heapmin.c, malloc.c, msize.c. realloc.c, sbheap.c crtw32\misc\getqloc.c crtw32\startup\crt0.c, crt0dat.c, dllcrt0.c libw32\msvcrt.src libw32\include\stdlib.h Package of changes intended to suppress the small-block heap, by default, on NT 5.0. As part of this, use of GetVersion was replaced by GetVersionEx and a global variable, _osplatform, was introduced to distinguish between NT and Win9x. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 28-Sep-98 (gregf) crtw32\time\localtim.c, loctim64.c Fixed very minor error in determinin of DST status at the ends of the Epoch. This was Monte Carlo 2842. crtw32\time\tzset.c Fixed error in calculation of DST transition date (when the transition day is the first day of the month). This was Monte Carlo #1059 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 24-Sep-98 (gregf) crtw32\lowio\eof.c Use _lseeki64_lk instead of _lseek_lk so that _eof works with very large files. This was Monte Carlo bug 3834. crtw32\misc\wperror.c Fixed handling of NULL, or empty, message string argument. This was Monte Carlo bug 2757. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 22-Sep-98 (gregf) crtw32\stdio\input.c, output.c Added support for %I and %I32 size modifiers. %I is equivalent to %I32 in Crts for Win32 (and equivalent to %I64 in Crts for Win64). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sun 20-Sept-98 (JamesMa) crtw32\stdhpp\xlocale, xlocnum libw32\include\xlocale, xlocnum Restored explicit casts. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sat 12-Sept-98 (JamesMa) srcrel\external.mkf Fixed translation of sampl[d|e]_.def (MC bug #5419). crtw32\stdcpp\dlldef.obj Re-enabled warning 4667 (MC bug #3995, fixed in Plauger's 1st 6.1 drop). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 11-Sept-98 (JamesMa) makefile, makefile.inc crtw32\h\fpieee.h crtw32\stdcpp\_tolower.c, _toupper.c, delop.cpp, delop_s.cpp, dlldef.cpp, fiopen.cpp, iomanip.cpp, ios.cpp, iostream.cpp, limits.cpp [NEW], locale.cpp, locale0.cpp, newop.cpp, newop_s.cpp, newop2.cpp, newop2_s.cpp, nomemory.cpp, stdthrow.cpp [NEW], string.cpp, strstrea.cpp, uncaught.cpp, wctrans.c, wctype.c,wiostrea.cpp, wlocale.cpp, xcosh.c, xdnorm.c, xdscale.c, xdtest.c, xexp.c, xfcosh.c,xfdnorm.c, xfdscale.c, xfdtest.c, xfexp.c, xfsinh.c, xfvalues.c, xlcosh.c, xldnorm.c,xldscale.c, xldtest.c, xlexp.c, xlocale.cpp, xlock.cpp, xlpoly.c, xlsinh.c, xlvalues.c,xmath.h, xmbtowc.c, xpoly.c, xsinh.c, xstod.c, xstrcoll.c, xstrxfrm.c, xvalues.c,xwcscoll.c, xwcsxfrm.c, xwctomb.c crtw32\stdhpp\algorithm, bitset, cassert, cctype, cerrno, cfloat, ciso646, climits, clocale, cmath, complex, csetjmp, csignal, cstdarg, cstddef, cstdio, cstdlib, cstring, ctime, cwchar, cwctype, deque, exception, fstream, functional, iomanip, ios, iosfwd, iostream, iso646.h, istream, iterator, limits, list, locale, map, memory, new, numeric, ostream, queue, set, sstream, stack, stdexcept, stl.h, streambuf, string, strstream, typeinfo, use_ansi.h, utility, valarray, vector, wctype.h, xcomplex, xiosbase, xlocale, xlocinfo, xlocinfo.h, xlocmon, xlocmes [NEW], xlocnum, xloctime, xmemory, xstddef, xstring, xtree, xutility, ymath.h, yvals.h fpw32\tran\lsources fpw32\tran\i386\filter.c, filter_simd.c [NEW], xmmi_fp_emul.c [NEW], filter.h [NEW], temp_context.h [NEW], xmmi_types.h [NEW] libw32\msvcp61.rc [NEW] libw32\include\algorithm, bitset, cassert, cctype, cerrno, cfloat, ciso646, climits, clocale, cmath, complex, csetjmp, csignal, cstdarg, cstddef, cstdio, cstdlib, cstring, ctime, cwchar, cwctype, deque, exception, fpieee.h, fstream, functional, iomanip, ios, iosfwd, iostream, iso646.h, istream, iterator, limits, list, locale, map, memory, new, numeric, ostream, queue, set, sstream, stack, stdexcept, stl.h, streambuf, string, strstream, typeinfo, use_ansi.h, utility, valarray, vector, wctype.h, xcomplex, xiosbase, xlocale, xlocinfo, xlocinfo.h, xlocmon, xlocmes [NEW], xlocnum, xloctime, xmemory, xstddef, xstring, xtree, xutility, ymath.h, yvals.h srcrel\external.mkf, mkclnmkf.c, objects.mkf, pd-b ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 11-Sep-98 (GregF) crtw32\misc\a_cmp.c, a_loc.c, a_map.c, a_str.c, w_cmp.c, w_loc.c, w_map.c, w_str.c Revised method of temporary allocations so that _malloc_crt is used if the attempt to use _alloca fails. crtw32\misc\aw_com.c, mbtowenv.c, putenv.c, w_env.c, wtombenv.c Fixed cases where CP_ACP should have been used, but wasn't crtw32\startup\i386\chkstk.asm Fixed handling of small frames makefile.inc crtw32\convert\_ctype.c, _mbslen.c, atox.c, isctype.c, iswctype.c, mblen.c, mbstowcs.c, mbtowc.c, strtol.c, tolower.c, toupper.c, towlower.c, towupper.c, wcstol.c, wcstombs.c, wctomb.c, xtow.c crtw32\h\ctype.h, mtdll.h, setlocal.h, stdlib.h, string.h crtw32\misc\initctyp.c, initmon.c, initnum.c, inittime.c, setlocal.c crtw32\startup\tidtable.c crtw32\string\lsources, memicmp.c, strcoll.c, stricmp.c, stricoll.c, strlwr.c, strncoll.c, strnicmp.c, strnicol.c, strupr.c, strxfrm.c, wcscoll.c, wcsicmp.c, wcsicoll.c, wcslwr.c, wcsncoll.c, wcsnicmp.c, wcsnicol.c, wcsupr.c, wcsxfrm.c crtw32\string\i386\_memicmp.asm (renamed from memicmp.asm), _stricmp.asm (renamed from stricmp.asm), _strnicm.asm(renamed from strnicmp.asm) crtw32\time\strftime.c, tzset.c, wcsftime.c Converted handling of locale data in multithread apps from a scheme of serializing access with our 'locks' to a scheme somewhat akin to per-thread data. More specifically, each thread has its own pointer to a copy of the locale info. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 30-July-98 (JamesMa) crtw32\rtc\userapi.cpp Bug fix from KFrei: errnum is now type _RTC_ErrorNumber throughout. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 28-July-98 (JamesMa) crtw32\rtc\bintree.cpp, callsite.cpp, chsyheap.cpp, contain.cpp, convert.cpp, error.cpp, fileio.cpp, init.cpp, memory.cpp, pdblkup.cpp, shadow.cpp, stack.cpp, userapi.cpp, lsources New directory & files - KFrei's RTC support. crtw32\heap\calloc.c, delete.cpp, expand.c, free.c, malloc.c, new.cpp, realloc.cpp misc\dbgdel.cpp, dbgheap.c, dbgnew.cpp, i386\chkesp.c RTC update. crtw32\h\rtcsup.h, rtcapi.h, rtcpriv.h RTC headers (last 2 new). crtw32\eh\comerr.cpp, lsources COM+ EH support routines from JonCaves (1st file new) crtw32\startup\tidtable.c Per-thread COM+ EH variable initialization crtw32\h\comerr.h, mtdll.h COM+ EH headers (1st file new) crtw32\bsku\bsku.cpp, lsources New directory & files - support for 'Book SKU' version of CRTs. libw32\include\rtcapi.h, comerr.h Release versions of new headers. makefile, makefile.inc srcrel\pd-b, objects.mkf, external.mkf, makefile Build support for RTC, COM+ EH & Book SKU. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 07-July-98 (JamesMa) libw32\msvcrt.rc, msvcirt.rc, msvcp60.rc Version strings revved to 6.10 (Monte Carlo bug #3289). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 15-June-98 (GregF) crtw32\time\gmtime64.c Fixed elapsed years calculation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 12-June-98 (GregF) crtw32\time\ftime64.c, gmtime64.c Fixed compiler warnings about assignments of __int64 values to ints or longs. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 11-June-98 (GregF) crtw32\dos\stat64.h crtw32\h\tchar.h, time.h crtw32\lowio\fstat64.c makefile.inc Fixes to the 6/8 checkin, plus one file (makefile.inc) that I forgot to check in. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 08-June-98 (GregF) crtw32\direct\findf64.c, lsources, wfndf64.c crtw32\dos\lsources, stat64.c, wstat64.c crtw32\h\ctime.h, internal.h, io.h, tchar.h, time.h, wchar.h crtw32\h\sys\stat.h, timeb.h, types.h, utime.h crtw32\lowio\fstat64.c, lsources crtw32\time\ctime64.c, dtoxtm64.c, ftime64.c, gmtime64.c, loctim64.c, lsources, mktime64.c, time64.c, tzset.c, utime64.c, wctime64.c doc\copycrt.bat srcrel\pd-b Implementation of support for a 64-bit time_t-like type. The new type is called __time64_t. For each old time_t-dependent type or function, there is a type or function using __time64_t in place of time_t. crtw32\time\time.c Get UTC time directly from the system. Previously, UTC was computed from local time (for compatibility with Win32S). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 09-June-98 (JamesMa) fpw32\conv\intrncvt.c Fixed long-standing off-by-1 error in _RoundMan(). crtw32\h\crtdbg.h Minor cleanups. libw32\include\iso646.h, wctype.h, ymath.h, yvals.h, new Files were out-of-ssync with crtw32\h, primarily RTC and #pragma once changes. libw32\include\crtdbg.h Updated copyright. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 28-May-98 (GregF) crtw32\misc\a_cmp.c, a_map.c, w_cmp.c, w_map.c Fixed internal, string-length utilities, strncnt and wcsncnt. This fixes RAID VS98 45402. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Wed 27-May-98 (GregF) srcrel\pd-b doc\copysrc.bat Build changes for ntcsup.h ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 26-May-98 (GregF) crtw32\h\ntcsup.h Added header needed by the immediately preceeding checkin. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 22-May-98 (JamesMa) crtw32\heap\malloc.c, crtw32\heap\calloc.c, crtw32\heap\realloc.c, crtw32\heap\free.c, crtw32\heap\new.cpp, crtw32\heap\delete.cpp, crtw32\misc\dbgheap.c, crtw32\misc\dbgnew.cpp, crtw32\misc\dbgdel.cpp, crtw32\misc\i386\chkesp.c, crtw32\stdcpp\newop.cpp, crtw32\stdcpp\newop2.cpp, crtw32\stdcpp\delop.cpp, crtw32\stdhpp\new, crtw32\h\crtdbg.h, libw32\include\crtdbg.h, libw32\msvcrt.src Support for KFrei's RTC work, and operators new[] and delete[]. fpw32\tran\i386\filter.c Fix for VS98 bug 40117. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 01-May-98 (GregF) crtw32\h\mbctype.h, mbdata.h, mbstring.h, mtdll.h crtw32\mbstring\ismbalnm.c, ismbalph.c, ismbdgt.c, ismbgrph.c, ismblgl.c, ismblwr.c, ismbprn.c, ismbpunc.c, ismbsle.c, ismbspc.c, ismbstr.c, ismbupr.c, mbbtype.c, mbccpy.c, mbclen.c, mbclevel.c, mbctype.c, mbsbtype.c, mbschr.c, mbscmp.c, mbscoll.c, mbscspn.c, mbsdec.c, mbsicmp.c, mbsicoll.c, mbsinc.c, mbslen.c, mbslwr.c, mbsnbcat.c, mbsnbcmp.c, mbsnbcnt.c, mbsnbcol.c, mbsnbcpy.c, mbsnbicm.c, mbsnbico.c, mbsncat.c, mbsnccnt.c, mbsncmp.c, mbsncoll.c, mbsncpy.c, mbsnextc.c, mbsnicmp.c, mbsnicol.c, mbsnset.c, mbsrchr.c, mbsrev.c, mbsspn.c, mbsstr.c, mbstok.c, mbsupr.c, mbtolwr.c, mbtoupr.c, tojisjms.c crtw32\misc\splitpat.c crtw32\startup\tidtable.c libw32\include\mbctype.h, mbstring Package of changes converting the multithread flavor of the mbc support over to using per-thread copies of the mbc info rather directly referencing the global vars and arrays. The idea is that each thread has a private reference to a struct containing all the mbc info, and the logic to update that reference at the start of each function using it. While many threads may be using the same struct (indeed, ideally they all are), each thread's reference is a per-thread datum. The structs themselves are created, as needed, destroyed when no longer used by any thread, but never modified (except for a reference count field). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Wed 29-Apr-98 (GregF) srcrel\makefile Changed references to crt60 to crt60a. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 03-Apr-98 (JamesMa) crtw32\startup\tlssup.c _tls_start & _tls_end are no longer initialized (VS98 bug #34711). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 26-Mar-98 (Gregf) crtw32\dos\drive.c, getcwd.c crtw32\heap\calloc.c, expand.c, free.c, heapchk.c, heapmin.c, malloc.c, msize.c, realloc.c crtw32\lowio\chsize.c, close.c, commit.c, dup.c, dup2.c, eof.c, flength.c, fleni64.c, fstat.c, locking.c, lseek.c, lseeki64.c, open.c, pipe.c, read.c, setmode.c, write.c crtw32\misc\dbgheap.c, getenv.c, onexit.c, perror.c, putenv.c, winsig.c, wperror.c crtw32\stdio\clearerr.c, closeall.c, fclose.c, fdopen.c, fflush.c, fgetc.c, fgets.c, fgetwc.c, fopen.c, fprintf.c, fputc.c, fputs.c, fputwc.c, fputws.c, fread.c, freopen.c, fscanf.c, fseek.c, fseeki64.c, ftell.c, ftelli64.c, fwprintf.c, fwrite.c, fwscanf.c, gets.c, getw.c, popen.c, printf.c, puts.c, putw.c, rewind.c, rmtmp.c, scanf.c, setmaxf.c, setvbuf.c, stream.c, tempnam.c, tmpfile.c, ungetc.c, ungetwc.c, vfprintf.c, vfwprint.c, vprintf.c, vwprintf.c, wprintf.c, wscanf.c Exception-safe locking. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tues 10-Mar-98 (v-jfujii) fpw32\tran\alpha\dpml_exc.c fix for bug#146614, invalid exception handling broken, found by the NT group makefile removed "-filealign:8192" to Alpha linker flags ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 9-Mar-98 (v-jfujii) makefile added "-filealign:8192" to Alpha linker flags ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 17-Feb-98 (JamesMa) makefile Added "-filealign:4096" to x86 linker flags, per DanS's suggestion. libw32\msvcrt.rc, msvcirt.rc, msvcp60.rc Now include verstamp.h instead of version.h and use 'rbld' as final field of FILEVERSION & PRODUCTVERSION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 5-Feb-98 (v-jfujii) crtw32\h\math.h libw32\include\math.h add ALPHA declaration for ceil and floor ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 30-Jan-98 (Gregf) crtw32\convert\iswctype.c Allow meaningful processing of wide characters in the C locale. This is vaguely against the letter of ISO (which says locale does affect the isw* functions), but consistent with our own doc and far more useful than treating every wide char > 255 as an error. Fixes NT bug 129235. crtw32\time\tzset.c If no locale has been set for LC_ALL or LC_CTYPE, use the default ANSI codepage when trying to convert the time zone name strings from UNICODE to multibyte. This fixes NT bug 100144. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 22-Jan-98 (JamesMa) crtw32\stdhpp\deque, libw32\include\deque Fix for VS98 bug #26947. crtw32\stdhpp\, libw32\include\ Added "#pragma once" (VS98 bug #26683). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 20-Jan-98 (Gregf) crtw32\h\setlocal.h crtw32\misc\nlsdata2.c, setlocal.c crtw32\string\strcoll.c, stricoll.c, strncoll.c, strnicol.c, strxfrm.c, wcscoll.c, wcsicoll.c, wcsncoll.c, wcsnicol.c, wcsxfrm.c crtw32\stdcpp\xstrcoll.c, xstrxfrm.c, xwcscoll.c, xwcsxfrm.c Added new internal global, __lc_collate_cp, to keep track of and use the proper codepage for LC_COLLATE stuff. This fixes VC98 bug #25645. crtw32\time\ftime.c Completely rewritten to fix the determination of DST status. This fixes VC98 bug #25763. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 19-Jan-98 (JamesMa) crtw32\h\crtdbg.h, libw32\include\crtdbg.h At request of DeanM, made debug prototypes of new() & delete() #ifndef _MFC_OVERRIDES_NEW. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 09-Jan-98 (JamesMa) makefile.sub Line number info is now removed from BBT-enabled dll .objs for which no source is shipped (VS98 bug #10687). libw32\tools\i386\whackline.exe New file; removes line number info from .objs, courtesy of DanS/KHerold. crtw32\tools\win32\newline.sed, crtw32\tools\win32\delblank.sed New files; needed for 'whackline' processing. srcrel\pd-b Added libw32\tools\i386\whackline.exe, crtw32\tools\win32\newline.sed and crtw32\tools\win32\delblank.sed makefile .pdbs for BBT-enabled dlls are now created in bbt\dll_pdb subdirectory. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 19-Dec-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\stdhpp\xlocnum, libw32\include\xlocnum Fixed buffer-overflow problem (VS98 #4706) by enlarging internal buffers. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 15-Dec-97 (Gregf) crtw32\misc\initctyp.c When no codepage is defined, use LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, rather than LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE. crtw32\stdcpp\xstrcoll.c, xstrxfrm.c, xwcscoll.c, xwcsxfrm.c crtw32\string\strcoll.c, stricoll.c, strncoll.c, strnicol.c, strxfrm.c, wcscoll.c, wcsicoll.c, wcsncoll.c, wcsnicol.c, wcsxfrm.c Use __lc_codepage in the locale-dependent string functions. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 12-Dec-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\h\eh.h, libw32\include\eh.h, crtw32\h\process.h, libw32\include\process.h, crtw32\h\setjmp.h, libw32\include\setjmp.h All __declspec(noreturn)s are now #ifdef _MSC_VER >= 1200 (VS98 #22226). crtw32\h\stdlib.h, libw32\include\stdlib.h Protos for abort, exit & _exit are now __declspec(noreturn) (VS98 #22223). cleanbld.cmd, srcrel\external.mkf, srcrel\makefile, srcrel\objects.mkf Now builds CRTs into a directory specified by CRT_BUILDDIR environment variable; default is \msdev, as always. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 11-Dec-97 (Gregf) crtw32\stdhpp\functional Added const to () definition in mem_fun* (e.g., mem_fun_t) template classes. This fixes VS 98 bug #21393. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 09-Dec-97 (Gregf) crtw32\heap\sbheap.c Release the address space reserved for a region when that region is is discarded. This fixes VS98 #21538. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 08-Dec-1997 (v-jfujii) makefile add -Gy to Alpha specific CC_OPTS and AS_OPTS fpw32\tran\alpha\pows.s change .eflag value from 128 to 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 04-Dec-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\stdhpp\utility, libw32\include\utility Added constructor for pair cv-conversion bug (VS98 #16727). crtw32\stdhpp\queue, libw32\include\queue Includes (VS98 #20113). crtw32\stdhpp\list, libw32\include\list _Next & _Prev are now _Node *, not void * (VS98 #1491). crtw32\stdhpp\xtree, libw32\include\xtree _Next, _Parent & _Right are now _Node *, not void * (VS98 #1491). (Kudos to MMalone for observing that these last 2 fixes are now feasible!) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tues 25-Nov-97 (v-jfujii) crtw32\helper\alpha\smove.s, smovem.s - check in the fixes to OtsMove and OtsMoveMinimum to prevent them from prefetching beyond their buffers. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 21-Nov-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\h\process.h, libw32\include\process.h _cexit() & _c_exit() are no longer __declspec(noreturn). makefile .pdbs for the debug dlls are now generated in a dll_pdb subdirectory with their 'natural' names. doc\copycrt.bat .pdbs for the debug dlls are now copied from a dll_pdb subdirectory. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Wed 19-Nov-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\h\math.h, libw32\include\math.h Cleaned up _Pow_int to prevent C4146. crtw32\stdhpp\new, libw32\include\new Removed extern _New_hand (VS98 #18416). crtw32\stdhpp\xcomplex, libw32\include\xcomplex Added redefiniton guard (VS98 #18346). crtw32\stdhpp\xtree, libw32\include\xtree Tidied up redefinition guard (_XTREE_ instead of _TREE_). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 13-Nov-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\makefile Image base of msvcp60d.dll moved from 10400000 to 10480000 (VS98 #4687). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 07-Nov-97 (GregF) crtw32\mbstring\mbsncoll.c Small fix for POSIX build from Roger Lanser (already in ia64 tree). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 06-Nov-97 (GregF) crtw32\heap\calloc.c, expand.c, free.c, malloc.c, msize.c, realloc.c Small fixes for POSIX build from Roger Lanser. crtw32\h\wchar.h libw32\include\wchar.h Enclosed macro and inline defs of isleadbyte() in #ifndef _CTYPE_DISABLE_MACROS. Affected NT build. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 03-Nov-97 (v-jfujii) crtw32\helper\alpha\sfill.s check in fix for NTBUG#115659, Win16 apps on Alpha - most dialog title bars contain garbage text "yyyyyyy|||||||||". ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 03-Nov-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\convert\wtox.c Fixed buffer-size bug in __int64 version (VS98 #15991). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 30-Oct-97 (JamesMa) cleanbld.cmd Added 'DELNODE' argument; returns errlev. makefile Debug dll .pdbs now named msvcxxx_dll.pdb. doc\copycrt.bat New msvcxxx_dll.pdbs copied to debug\msvcxxx.pdb. srcrel\external.mkf Striplin.exe now built with default compiler. srcrel\makefile Mkclnmkf.exe now built with default compiler. crtw32\h\eh.h, libw32\include\eh.h terminate() & unexpected() now __declspec(noreturn). crtw32\h\process.h, libw32\include\process.h abort(), exit(), _exit(), _cexit() and _c_exit() now __declspec(noreturn). crtw32\h\setjmp.h, libw32\include\setjmp.h longjmp() now __declspec(noreturn). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 22-Oct-97 (GregF) crtw32\stdhpp\list libw32\include\list Added constructor (for list) for a pair of const _Ty * -s. This fixes VS98 bug #1478. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 17-Oct-97 (GregF) crtw32\stdhpp\vector libw32\include\vector Changed relational operators (==, et al) from member functions to template functions. This fixes VS98 #1047. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 14-Oct-97 (GregF) crtw32\stdhpp\map libw32\include\map Added assignment operator to map and multimap templates crtw32\stdhpp\set crtw32\include\set Made the const and non-const iterator types in the set and multiset templates distinct, same for const and non-const reference types. Added versions of appropriate methods for non-const iterators. This fixes VS98 bug #1458. crt tests\test\old\slconform\t23a.cpp Removed the const from the defs of Ptrty so that it is distinct from Cptrty. This goes with the change to the set header above. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 10-Oct-97 (v-jfujii) crtw32\helper\alpha\insv.s - check in a fix that made it into the NT pool but not here. see raid db VS98 #11884 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 06-Oct-97 (JamesMa) makefile.inc Non-debug version of chkesp.obj now used exclusively (bug #10687). crtw32\heap\malloc.c Minor Posix fix - wrong #endifs corrected. crtw32\h\assert.h, conio.h, ctype.h, direct.h, dos.h, eh.h, errno.h, excpt.h, float.h, fpieee.h, io.h, locale.h, malloc.h, math.h, mbctype.h, mbstring.h, memory.h, new.h, process.h, search.h, setjmp.h, signal.h, stddef.h, stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h, time.h, wchar.h, crtw32\h\sys\stat.h, timeb.h, utime.h, crtw32\stdhpp\wctype.h, libw32\include\assert.h, conio.h, ctype.h, direct.h, dos.h, eh.h, errno.h, excpt.h, float.h, fpieee.h, io.h, locale.h, malloc.h, math.h, mbctype.h, mbstring.h, memory.h, new.h, process.h, search.h, setjmp.h, signal.h, stddef.h, stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h, time.h, wchar.h, wctype.h, libw32\include\sys\stat.h, timeb.h, utime.h Restored not-so-obsolete _CRTAPI1 macro. crtw32\h\mbdata.h, crtw32\h\stdio.h, libw32\include\stdio.h Incorporated BryanT's _POSIX #ifdefs. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 30-Sep-97 (BryanT) crtw32\heap\calloc.c, expand.c, free.c, heapinit.c, heapmin.c, malloc.c, msize.c, realloc.c crtw32\mbstring\ismbalnm.c, ismbalph.c, ismbdgt.c, ismbgrph.c, ismblwr.c, ismbprn.c, ismbpunc.c, ismbspc.c, ismbupr.c, mbctype.c mbscoll.c, mbsicmp.c, mbsicoll.c, mbslwr.c, mbsnbcol.c, mbsnbico.c mbsncoll.c, mbsnicol.c, mbsupr.c, mbtolwr.c, mbtoupr.c crtw32\misc\perror.c crtw32\startup\crt0dat.c, tidtable.c crtw32\stdio\_file.c, fdopen.c fpw32\tran\alpha\*.s, *.c V6TOOLS (VC98 bug #4064). srcrel\mkclnmkf.c, srcrel\_sample_.r Revved version numbers from 4.0 to 6.0 (VC98 bug #4064). srcrel\_sample_.rc Revved version numbers from 5.0 to 6.0 (VC98 bug #4064). crtw32\convert\_fptostr.c strcpy() replaced by memmove() (VC98 Bug #1473). crtw32\h\new.h, libw32\include\new.h set_new_handler() now __cdecl. (VC98 Bug #3034). crtw32\h\strstrea.h, libw32\include\strstrea.h Title in comment now "strstrea.h", not "strstream.h" (VCBug #3133). crtw32\heap\handler.cpp, crtw32\heap\setnewh.cpp, crtw32\heap\new_mode.cpp All routines now appropriately __cdecl. crtw32\stdcpp\x{f|l}[cosh|sinh|exp].c All routines now appropriately __cdecl (VCBug #6039). crtw32\stdhpp\ymath.h, libw32\include\ymath.h All routines now appropriately __cdecl (VCBug #6039); unwanted prototypes for _Log & _Sin removed. crtw32\stdhpp\istream, libw32\include\istream Fix for VCBug #1308. crtw32\stdhpp\limits, libw32\include\limits "ignaling" => "signaling" (VCBug #3112). crtw32\stdhpp\xstring, libw32\include\xstring _Nullstr now __cdecl (VCBug #438). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 08-Aug-97 (GregF) crtw32\stdio\tmpfile.c Removed unused local from the multithread version of _ttmpfile(). The new and much pickier frontend issued a warning and broke our build. Also, detab-ed it. crtw32\dllstuff\crtlib.c Rearranged ifdef-s so the local, ptd, is only defined when ANSI_NEW_HANDLER is defined (which is the only case where it is needed). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 07-Aug-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\stdhpp\xstring Fixed memory overwrite problem (VC98 bugs 1451 & 3159). crtw32\eh\ehveccvb.cpp, frame.cpp, unhandld.cpp, user.cpp Disabled new compiler warning C4191. crtw32\eh\rtti.cpp, fpw32\conv\cvt.c, fpw32\conv\tenpow.c, crtw32\stdhpp\ostream Removed unused locals to avoid new compiler warning C4189. crtw32\h\internal.h, crtw32\heap\sbheap.c, crtw32\stdcpp\xdscale, crtw32\stdcpp\xfdscale.cpp Minor modifications to avoid new compiler warning c4554. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Wed 06-Aug-97 (GregF) crtw32\startup\crt0.c, crt0dat.c Moved definition of __mbsctype_initialized from crt0.c to crt0dat.c ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 15-July-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\h\sys\stat.h, libw32\include\sys\stat.h Restored oldnames for stat() & fstat() (VC98 bug 3809). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 07-July-97 (GregF) crt60\makefile.sub Changed compiler opt switch to 'size' rather than 'speed'. crt60\crtw32\misc\getqloc.c Made use of a suggestion of Dean McCrory's, the arrays of data are now __declspec( selectany ) (note that I had to make all of them global in order to do this). This allows the linker to eliminate them from the load image when possible (don't ask, it's voodoo to me too). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 30-Jun-97 (v-jfujii) fpw32\tran\alpha\dpml_exc.c fixes a bug found in the previous version checked in fpw32\tran\alpha\captcont.s, dpml_com.s latest release of the above files. actually dpml_com.s did not change. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 23-Jun-97 (v-jfujii) fpw32\tran\lsources added alpha-specific assembler flag fpw32\tran\alpha\cabs.s, cabsf.s replace previous checkin of wrong versions of the above files fpw32\tran\alpha\dpml_exc.c checkin the latest dpml_exc.c ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 23-June-97 (GregF) crtw32\h\math.h Fixed minor typo introduced by DEC checkin on 6/19. Inline acosf() body was missing ';'. Oddly, the cleansed libw32\include\math.h didn't have the typo! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 20-Jun-97 (v-kimpe) fpw32\tran\alpha\*.s update all files with the latest. this fixes a number of exception handling problems ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 20-June-97 (GregF) crtw32\startup\mlock.c crtw32\stdio\_file.c Moved stdio-level file locking from mlock.c to _file.c. While in mlock.c, it caused most of stdio to be pulled into any multithread app, whether the app actually used stdio-level i/o or not. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 13-June-97 (GregF) makefile.inc crtw32\misc\aw_cmp.c -> a_cmp.c and w_cmp.c aw_env.c -> a_env.c and w_env.c aw_loc.c -> a_loc.c and w_loc.c aw_map.c -> a_map.c and w_map.c aw_str.c -> a_str.c and w_str.c doc\copysrc.bat srcrel\pd-b Split the multibyte and wide character versions into different source files. Also, replaced the use of malloc/free with _alloca and cleaned up some brain-damage in the code. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Wed 04-June-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\makefile.inc crtw32\stdcpp\delop_s.cpp, newop_s.cpp, newop2_s.cpp Static components of msvcprt.lib now built with .pdb info in msvcprt[d].pdb crtw32\stdcpp\dlldef.cpp Cleaned up export of basic_ostream insertion operator. crtw32\stdhpp\xlocale Added export of ctype crtw32\stdhpp\fstream Cosmetic change only - bogus _Fiopen() member removed altogether. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 02-Jun-97 (Richk) crtw32\h\winheap.h crtw32\heap\calloc.c, expand.c, free.c, heapchk.c, heapinit.c, heapmin.c, malloc.c, msize.c, realloc.c, sbheap.c crtw32\misc\dbgheap.c Implemented new small-block heap scheme. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 22-May-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\makefile crtw32\stdcpp\dlldef.cpp, fiopen.cpp, locale.cpp, xlocale.cpp, wlocale.cpp crtw32\stdhpp\complex, fstream, ios, iosfwd, istream, locale, ostream, sstream, streambuf, string, typeinfo, utility, xcomplex, xlocale, xlocmon, xlocnum, xloctime, xstring libw32\include\complex, fstream, ios, iosfwd, istream, locale, ostream, sstream, streambuf, string, typeinfo, utility, xcomplex, xlocale, xlocmon, xlocnum, xloctime, xstring libw32\msvcprt.src, msvcp60.rc (new file) srcrel\external.mkf, mkclnmkf.c, objects.mkf, pd-b This package of changes restores most of the exports missing from msvcp50[d].dll as a result of changes to the post-VC++5.0 compiler and renames the C++ .dll to msvcp60[d].dll ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 12-May-97 (Richk) crtw32\stdcpp\dlldef.cpp Provided basic_string npos defintion flavor for VC 5.0 compiler. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 12-May-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\stdhpp\locale, crtw32\stdhpp\xlocnum, libw32\include\locale, libw32\include\xlocnum Inline 2-parameter isdigit() moved from locale to xlocnum. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 21-Apr-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\h\crtdbg.h, libw32\include\crtdbg.h 4-parameter operator delete() now #ifdef _MSC_VER >=1200. crtw32\stdcpp\string.cpp, strstrea.cpp, wiostrea.cpp, iomanip.cpp, iostream.cpp, fiopen.cpp Added #include to pick up 2-param isdigit(). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 22-Apr-97 (JamesMa) libw32\include\crtdbg.h, libw32\include\new.h, libw32\include\new, libw32\include\string, libw32\include\xlocnum Updated with yesterday's changes. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 21-Apr-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\h\crtdbg.h Added operator delete() corresponding to debug operator new(). crtw32\h\new.h, crtw32\stdhpp\new Placement delete() now #if _MSC_VER > 1200 crtw32\stdcpp\dlldef.cpp,crtw32\stdhpp\string, crtw32\stdhpp\xlocnum Syntax modified to agree with 6.0 compiler. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 18-Apr-97 (JamesMa) crtw32\eh\frame.cpp In __InternalCxxFrameHandler(), 'recursive' changed to BOOLEAN. crtw32\h\new.h, crtw32\stdhpp\new, libw32\include\new.h, libw32\h\new Placement operator delete() added. crtw32\heap\sbheap.c, crtw32\mbstring\mbctype.c, crtw32\stdio\fputwc.c, crtw32\stdio\fgetwc.c, crtw32\stdcpp\strstrea.cpp, crtw32\stdcpp\xmbtowc.c, crtw32\stdcpp\xdscale.c, crtw32\stdcpp\xfdscale.c, crtw32\stdhpp\xlocale, libw32\include\xlocale, crtw32\stdhpp\xlocmon, libw32\include\xlocmon, crtw32\stdhpp\xlocnum, libw32\include\xlocnum, crtw32\stdhpp\xloctime, libw32\include\xloctime, crtw32\stdhpp\fstream, libw32\include\fstream, crtw32\stdhpp\istream, libw32\include\istream, crtw32\stdhpp\xlocale, libw32\include\xlocale, crtw32\stdhpp\iosfwd, libw32\include\iosfwd Explicit casts added to avoid new C4242 warnings. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 18-Apr-97 (GregF) crtw32\h\stdlib.h, internal.h libw32\include\stdlib.h Restored macros (see change notes for April 4, below) for _[w]pgmptr and _[w]initenv. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 04-Apr-97 (GregF) crtw32\h\stdlib.h libw32\include\stdlib.h Restored some of the macros defining globals as dereferenced functions in the DLL (removed as part of the change below). These may be useful in later performance work. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 31-Mar-97 (GregF) crtw32\h\assert.h, cmsgs.h, conio.h, crtdbg.h, cruntime.h, ctime.h, ctype.h, cvt.h, dbgint.h, direct.h, dos.h, dostypes.h, eh.h, ehassert.h, ehhooks.h, ehstate.h, errmsg.h, errno.h, excpt.h, fcntl.h, file2.h, float.h, fltintrn.h, fpieee.h, fstream.h, heap.h, internal.h, io.h, iomanip.h, ios.h, iostream.h, istream.h, limits.h, locale.h, malloc.h, math.h, mbctype.h, mbdata.h, mbstring.h, memory.h, minmax.h, msdos.h, mtdll.h, mtest.h, new.h, nlsint.h, oscalls.h, ostream.h, plstring.h, process.h, rterr.h, rtti.h, search.h, setjmp.h, setjmpex.h, setlocal.h, share.h, signal.h, sizeptr.h, stdarg.h, stddef.h, stdexcpt,h, stdio.h, stdiostr.h, stdlib.h, streamb.h, string.h, strstrea.h, syserr.h, tchar.h, time.h, trnsctrl.h, typeinfo.h, useoldio.h, v2tov3.h, varargs.h, wchar.h, winheap.h crtw32\h\sys\stat.h, timeb.h, types.h, utime.h crtw32\stdhpp\wctype.h libw32\include\*.h (headers corresponding to the ones listed above) Large package of minor changes. I deleted the support for/usage of the obsolete macros: _CALLTYPE*, _CRTAPI*, DLL_FOR_WIN32S and _NTSDK. I also removed other macros supporting Win32s. Where appropriate I replaced defined(_M_MPPC) && defined(_M_M68K) with defined(_MAC). I detab-ed the headers and made other minor cosmetic changes while I was at it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thu 27-Mar-97 (Richk) crtw32\convert\isctype.c crtw32\convert\tolower.c crtw32\convert\toupper.c crtw32\dllstuff\crtlib.c crtw32\dllstuff\imp_data.c crtw32\dllstuff\macdll\msvcrt.def crtw32\dllstuff\macdll\msvcrtd.def crtw32\h\awint.h crtw32\h\mbctype.h crtw32\h\mbdata.h crtw32\mbstring\ismbalnm.c crtw32\mbstring\ismbalph.c crtw32\mbstring\ismbdgt.c crtw32\mbstring\ismbgrph.c crtw32\mbstring\ismblwr.c crtw32\mbstring\ismbprn.c crtw32\mbstring\ismbpunc.c crtw32\mbstring\ismbspc.c crtw32\mbstring\ismbupr.c crtw32\mbstring\mbctype.c crtw32\mbstring\mbsicmp.c crtw32\mbstring\mbslwr.c crtw32\mbstring\mbsnbicm.c crtw32\mbstring\mbsnicmp.c crtw32\mbstring\mbsupr.c crtw32\mbstring\mbtolwr.c crtw32\mbstring\mbtoupr.c crtw32\misc\aw_map.c crtw32\misc\aw_str.c crtw32\misc\initctyp.c crtw32\stdcpp\_tolower.c crtw32\stdcpp\_toupper.c crtw32\stdcpp\xstrxfrm.c crtw32\string\strlwr.c crtw32\string\strupr.c crtw32\string\strxfrm.c libw32\include\mbctype.h Calling _setmbcp with a single-byte codepage now uses that codepage for upper/lowercase translations for OEM characters. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tue 18-Mar-97 (v-JohnMo) crtw32\eh\ppc\handlers.s crtw32\helper\ppc\memcpy_.s crtw32\startup\ppc\chkstk.s crtw32\string\ppc\memmovep.s fpw32\include\trans.h fpw32\tran\ppc\fpctrl.s fpw32\tran\ppc\sqrtp.s Various late fixes for PowerPC/NT specific code. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 26-Feb-97 (Richk) crtw32\misc\getqloc.c Fixes to make Win95 operation compatible with shipped CRT version. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 21-Feb-97 (Richk) crtw32\misc\getqloc.c Fixed problem for where language string starting with nonletter returned default locale instead of error. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Wed 19-Feb-97 (GregF) crtw32\startup\dllcrt0.c Deleted obsolete test for Win32s and PharLap's TNT. Also, made a few cosmetic changes. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 17-Feb-97 (Richk) crtw32\misc\aw_cmp.c, aw_loc.c, aw_map.c, aw_str.c For the ANSI versions of the CRT routines, try to use the WIDE NLS calls before trying the ANSI versions. This will permit Windows NT program to use the WIDE NLS routines so the current codepage can be used to translate the parameters strings from/to Unicode. Using the ANSI NLS calls use only the ANSI codepage, causing incorrect results. crtw32\misc\getqloc.c Complete rewrite of module to qualify CRT locale strings. The system LCIDs are now enumerated instead of using a fixed table, so new locales can be recognized dynamically. Fixed random errors of incorrect language/country translations. crtw32\h\setlocal.h Changed CP_MAX_LEN to 8 to handle 5-digit codepage numbers. Commented out now-unused definitions for getqloc.c. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 11-Feb-97 (v-KimPe) crtw32\eh\alpha\bridge.s crtw32\eh\alpha\trnsctrl.cpp crtw32\h\trnsctrl.h crtw32\misc\alpha\chandler.c crtw32\misc\alpha\ghandler.c crtw32\misc\alpha\jmpuwind.s crtw32\misc\alpha\longjmp.s change _NLG* declarations to __NLG* to match the changes in the debugger ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 11-Feb-97 (v-KimPe) fpw32\tran\lsources fpw32\tran\sources.nt fpw32\tran\alpha\rsqrt.s fpw32\tran\alpha\rsqrtf.s libw32\msvcrt.src srcrel\makefile srcrel\pd-b Added Alpha __rsqrt and __rsqrtf functions which are called by compiler This was fixed on the side for the Alpha VC 5.0 product. Corrected makefile to use crt60 tree. This resulted in some significant changes to pd-b: mssccprj.scc files removed lego subdirectories added to lib\[platform] directories libw32\msvcp42.rc added libw32\lib\i386\win32s subdirectory added log_v50.txt added ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 11-Feb-97 (v-KimPe) crtw32\h\math.h libw32\include\math.h Separated Alpha single precision math declarations from MIPS to allow intrinsics to be applied to them. This was fixed on the side for the Alpha VC 5.0 product. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 11-Feb-97 (v-KimPe) fpw32\tran\alpha\atan2f.s fpw32\tran\alpha\atan2s.s fpw32\tran\alpha\cotf.s fpw32\tran\alpha\f_atan2.s fpw32\tran\alpha\f_atan2f.s fpw32\tran\alpha\f_hypot.s fpw32\tran\alpha\f_hypotf.s fpw32\tran\alpha\f_sqrt.s fpw32\tran\alpha\f_sqrtf.s fpw32\tran\alpha\fmodf.s fpw32\tran\alpha\fmods.s fpw32\tran\alpha\hypotf.s fpw32\tran\alpha\hypots.s fpw32\tran\alpha\j0f.s fpw32\tran\alpha\j1f.s fpw32\tran\alpha\jnf.s fpw32\tran\alpha\log10f.s fpw32\tran\alpha\log10s.s fpw32\tran\alpha\logbf.s fpw32\tran\alpha\logf.s fpw32\tran\alpha\logs.s fpw32\tran\alpha\nextaftf.s fpw32\tran\alpha\powf.s fpw32\tran\alpha\pows.s fpw32\tran\alpha\sqrtf.s fpw32\tran\alpha\sqrts.s fpw32\tran\alpha\tanhf.s fpw32\tran\alpha\trig_rdx.s fpw32\tran\alpha\y0f.s fpw32\tran\alpha\y1f.s fpw32\tran\alpha\ynf.s Corrected alignment in assembly code to before the label, instead of after. This caused error in sqrt(0) as well as returning a null function name with matherr. This was fixed on the side for the Alpha VC 5.0 product. This fixes DevStudio96 22172 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 10-Feb-97 (GregF) crtw32\stdio\_sftbuf.c Added code to better handle it when malloc fails while attempting to allocate the buffer. In this case, temporarily use the _charbuf field as the buffer. This fixes NTBUG #20000. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mon 20-Jan-97 (GregF) crtw32\startup\crt0.c Changed startup code so if _heapinit() or _mtinit() fails, ExitProcess is called directly rather than _exit() (_exit uses a lock!). This was NT RAID #51100. crtw32\startup\tidtable.c Changed _freeptd() so the thread's copy of the exception-action table is freed up. This was DevStudio96 #20282. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fri 10-Jan-97 (JamesMa) log.txt -> log_v50.txt Renamed old LOG.TXT from V5.0 and started a new LOG.TXT (this file). ----------------------------------------------------------------- *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** *** *** *** This file contains the history for MSVC++ v6.0 (relative to v5.0) *** *** The file should always be edited at the top so that the most *** *** recent changes are at the beginning of the file and the oldest *** *** changes are at the end of the file. This comment marks the end. *** *** *** *************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************