/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MODULE NAME: davrpc.idl ABSTRACT: DavClient to DAV Service RPC interface definition for the web client service. CREATED: 03/30/99 Andy Herron [AndyHe] 01/23/00 Rohan Kumar [RohanK] REVISION HISTORY: --*/ [ uuid(c8cb7687-e6d3-11d2-a958-00c04f682e16), version(1.0), pointer_default(unique) ] interface davclntrpc { import "wtypes.idl"; // // The RPC Function interface. // DWORD DavrCreateConnection( [in, string, unique] wchar_t *LocalName, [in, string] wchar_t *RemoteName, [in] DWORD Type, [in, string, unique] wchar_t *Password, [in, string, unique] wchar_t *UserName ); DWORD DavrDoesServerDoDav( [in, string, ref] wchar_t *ServerName, [in, out, ref] boolean *DoesDav ); DWORD DavrIsValidShare( [in, string, ref] wchar_t *ServerName, [in, string, ref] wchar_t *ShareName, [in, out, ref] boolean *ValidShare ); DWORD DavrEnumNetUses( [in, out, ref] DWORD *Index, [out, string] LPWSTR *LocalName, [out, string] LPWSTR *RemoteName, [in, out, ref] boolean *Done ); DWORD DavrEnumShares( [in, out, ref] DWORD *Index, [in, string, ref] wchar_t *ServerName, [out, string] LPWSTR *RemoteName, [in, out, ref] boolean *Done ); DWORD DavrEnumServers( [in, out, ref] DWORD *Index, [out, string] LPWSTR *RemoteName, [in, out, ref] boolean *Done ); DWORD DavrGetConnection( [in, string, ref] wchar_t *LocalName, [out, string] LPWSTR *RemoteName, [in, out, ref] boolean *Connected ); DWORD DavrDeleteConnection( [in, string, ref] wchar_t *ConnectionName, [in] DWORD UseForce ); DWORD DavrGetUser( [in, string, ref] wchar_t *ConnectionName, [out, string] LPWSTR *UserName ); DWORD DavrConnectionExist( [in, string, ref] wchar_t *ConnectionName ); DWORD DavrWinlogonLogonEvent( void ); DWORD DavrWinlogonLogoffEvent( void ); DWORD DavrGetDiskSpaceUsage( [out, size_is(Size), length_is(*pLength), ref] wchar_t *lptzLocation, [in, range(0, 260)] long Size, [out, ref] long *pLength, [in, out, ref] ULARGE_INTEGER *lpMaxSpace, [in, out, ref] ULARGE_INTEGER *lpUsedSpace ); DWORD DavrFreeUsedDiskSpace( [in] DWORD dwPercent ); DWORD DavrGetTheLockOwnerOfTheFile( [in, string, ref] wchar_t *FileName, [out, string] LPWSTR *LockOwnerName ); }