/*++ Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: precomp.h Abstract: This includes the header files needed by everyone in this directory. Revision History: --*/ // // A MiniRedir must declare its name and imports ptr. // #define MINIRDR__NAME MRxDAV #define ___MINIRDR_IMPORTS_NAME (MRxDAVDeviceObject->RdbssExports) #define RX_PRIVATE_BUILD 1 // // Get the minirdr environment. // #include "rx.h" // // NT network file system driver include files. // #include "ntddnfs2.h" // // Reflector library's user mode header file. // #include "ntumrefl.h" // // Describes the data structures shared by the user and kernel mode // components of the DAV miniredir. // #include "usrmddav.h" #include "netevent.h" #include "davname.h" #include "infocach.h" // // Reflector library's kernel mode header file. // #include "umrx.h"