//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1998. // // File: Main.CXX // // Contents: Main file for DfsApi // // History: 11-Mar-98 MariusB Created // 10-Dec-98 MariusB Minor fixes // 20-Nov-00 MariusB // // Notes: // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lm.h" #include "lmdfs.h" #include "winsock2.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(DFS_STORAGE_STATE_MASTER) #define DFS_STORAGE_STATE_MASTER 0x0010 #define DFS_STORAGE_STATE_STANDBY 0x0020 #endif #define RETURN return #if !defined(UNICODE) || !defined(_UNICODE) #error For UNICODE only #endif #define NOREBOOT 1 #define CHECK_ERR(x) BOOL bDebug = FALSE; FILE* fDebug = NULL; #define MSG \ if (bDebug) fprintf(fDebug, "File %s, %lu\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ if (bDebug) fprintf ULONG Usage(LPSTR ptszAppNane); ULONG Add(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG Remove(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG Enum(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG GetInfo(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG SetInfo(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG GetClientInfo(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG SetClientInfo(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); #if NOREBOOT ULONG AddStdRoot(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG RemoveStdRoot(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG AddFtRoot(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG RemoveFtRoot(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG RemoveFtRootForced(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG AddStdRootForced(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); #endif ULONG GetDcAddress(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); #if 0 ULONG SetDcAddress(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); #endif ULONG AddConnection(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG AddConnection1(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG AddConnection2(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG CancelConnection(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG CancelConnection1(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG CancelConnection2(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG GetLocalName(LPTSTR ptszLocalName, ULONG ulLocalNameLen, LPTSTR ptszArg); ULONG GetNetResource(NETRESOURCE* pNetResource, LPTSTR ptszType, LPTSTR ptszLocalName, LPTSTR ptszRemoteName, LPTSTR ptszProvider); ULONG GetWNetConnectionFlags(DWORD* pdwFlags, DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG AddressToSite(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv); ULONG PrintDfsInfo(DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE pBuffer); ULONG PrintDfsInfo1(PDFS_INFO_1 pBuffer); ULONG PrintDfsInfo2(PDFS_INFO_2 pBuffer); ULONG PrintDfsInfo3(PDFS_INFO_3 pBuffer); ULONG PrintDfsInfo4(PDFS_INFO_4 pBuffer); ULONG PrintDfsInfo200(PDFS_INFO_200 pBuffer); ULONG PrintDfsInfo300(PDFS_INFO_300 pBuffer); ULONG PrintStgInfo(PDFS_STORAGE_INFO pStorage); LPTSTR GetStringParam(LPTSTR ptszParam); //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: main // // Synopsis: Core function for the application. // // Arguments: [argc] -- The number of arguments // [argv] -- The arguments // // Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS -- Success // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG __cdecl main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwArgc = 0; LPTSTR* pptszArgv = NULL; INT i = 0; INT nArgNdx = 0; if (argc < 2 || argv[1][1]=='?' && ( argv[1][0]=='-' || argv[1][0]=='/')) { ulErr = Usage(argv[0]); RETURN(ulErr); } if (NULL == (pptszArgv = (LPTSTR*)malloc(sizeof(LPTSTR)*max(argc,32)))) { _ftprintf(stderr, _T("Not enough memory\n")); ulErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CHECK_ERR(ulErr); goto Error; } memset(pptszArgv, 0, sizeof(LPTSTR)*max(argc,32)); for (i=0; i]] \n\n" "commands:\n" "\tadd [ []]\n" "\t [/range:-]\n" "\t\toptions=add|restore\n" "\t\t/range works with options=add only. When /range is present\n" "\t\tthe command adds multiple links\n" "\tremove [ ]\n" "\tenum []\n" "\t\tprefmaxlen=integer greater than 0 (resume only)\n" "\t\tlevel=1,2,3,4,200,300\n" "\tgetinfo \n" "\t\tlevel=1,2,3,4,100\n" "\tsetinfo \n" "\t\tlevel=100, options=, no , \n" "\t\tlevel=101, options=[active] [offline] [online] when is not null\n" "\t\tlevel=101, options=ok|inconsistent|offline|online when is null\n" "\t\tlevel=102, options=, no , \n" "\tgetclientinfo [ ] \n" "\t\tlevel=1,2,3,4\n" "\tsetclientinfo [ ] \n" "\t\tlevel=101, options=[active] [offline] [online]\n" "\t\tlevel=102, options=, no , \n" #if NOREBOOT "\taddstdroot [ []]\n" "\tremovestdroot []\n" "\taddftroot []\n" "\tremoveftroot []\n" "\tremoveftrootforced " " []\n" "\taddstdrootforced [] \n" #endif "\tgetdcaddress \n" #if 0 "\tsetdcaddress []\n" #endif "\twnetaddconnection [] []\n" "\t\tlevel=1|2\n" "\t\tlocalname=:, *, LPT1, etc.\n" "\t\tlevel2params= [] [] []\n" "\t\ttype=disk|print|any\n" "\t\tflags=[update_profile] [update_recent] " "[temporary] [interactive] [prompt] [need_drive] [refcount] " "[redirect] [localdrive] [current_media] [deferred]\n" "\twnetcancelconnection [] [force]\n" "\t\tlevel=1|2\n" "\t\tlocalname=:, etc\n" "\t\tflags=[update_profile] [update_recent] " "[temporary] [interactive] [prompt] [need_drive] [refcount] " "[redirect] [localdrive] [current_media] [deferred]\n" "\t\tforce=if present, the deletion of the connection is forced\n" "\n" "\taddresstosite \n\n" "To specify a NULL string in the middle of the command, use " "\"\".\n" "Example: setinfo \\\\myserver\\myentrypath \"\" \"\" " "100 \"My comment\".\n", ptszAppName); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); };//Usage //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: Add // // Synopsis: This function performs NetDfsAdd. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG Add(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwFlags = 0; ULONG ulLo = 0; ULONG ulHi = 0; LPTSTR ptszVolName = NULL; LPTSTR ptszRange = NULL; LPTSTR ptszMinus = NULL; MSG(fDebug, "Entering Add(%lu,...)\n", dwArgc); if (dwArgc < 3 || NULL == pptszArgv || dwArgc > 6) { MSG(fDebug, "%lu < 3 || NULL == pptszArgv || %lu > 6", dwArgc, dwArgc); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (4 < dwArgc) { if (0 == _tcsicmp(pptszArgv[4], _T("add"))) { dwFlags = DFS_ADD_VOLUME; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(pptszArgv[4], _T("restore"))) { dwFlags = DFS_RESTORE_VOLUME; } else { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } if (5 < dwArgc) { if (0 != _tcsnicmp(pptszArgv[5], _T("/range:"), _tcslen(_T("/range:")))) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } ptszRange = pptszArgv[5]+_tcslen(_T("/range:")); if (NULL == (ptszMinus = _tcschr(ptszRange, _T('-')))) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } *ptszMinus = _T('\0'); ulLo = _ttol(ptszRange); *ptszMinus = _T('-'); ulHi = _ttol(ptszMinus+1); if (ulLo > ulHi) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } MSG(fDebug, "Calling NetDfsAdd(%ws, %ws, %ws, %ws, %lu)\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[3]), dwFlags); if (0 == ulLo && 0 == ulHi) { ulErr = NetDfsAdd(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[3]), dwFlags); } else { ULONG ulLen = 0; if (NULL != GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0])) { ulLen += _tcslen(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0])); } ptszVolName = new TCHAR[ulLen+11]; if (NULL != ptszVolName) { memset(ptszVolName, 0, (11+ulLen) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL != GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0])) { _tcscpy(ptszVolName, GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0])); } for (ULONG i=ulLo; i <= ulHi && ERROR_SUCCESS == ulErr; i++) { memset(ptszVolName+ulLen, 0, sizeof(TCHAR)*11); _ltot(i, ptszVolName+ulLen, 10); ulErr = NetDfsAdd(ptszVolName, GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[3]), dwFlags); MSG(fDebug, "NetDfsAdd(%ws, %ws, %ws, %ws, %lu) %s\n", ptszVolName, GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[3]), dwFlags, ((ERROR_SUCCESS == ulErr) ? "succeded" : "failed")); } //for delete [] ptszVolName; } else { MSG(fDebug, "Error %lu: not enough memory\n", ulErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } //else } //else MSG(fDebug, "Exiting Add(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //Add //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: Remove // // Synopsis: This function performs NetDfsRemove. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG Remove(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSG(fDebug, "Entering Remove(%lu,..)\n", dwArgc); if (dwArgc < 1 || dwArgc > 3 || NULL == pptszArgv || dwArgc > 1 && NULL == pptszArgv[1] || dwArgc > 2 && NULL == pptszArgv[2] || 2 == dwArgc) { MSG(fDebug, "%lu < 1 || %lu > 3 || NULL == pptszArgv ||" " %lu > 1 && NULL == %ws ||" " %lu > 2 && NULL == %ws ||" " 2 == %lu", dwArgc, dwArgc, dwArgc, pptszArgv[1], dwArgc, pptszArgv[2], dwArgc); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //if MSG(fDebug, "Calling NetDfsRemove(%ws, %ws, %ws)\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2])); ulErr = NetDfsRemove(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2])); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting Remove(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //Remove //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: Enum // // Synopsis: This function performs NetDfsEnum. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG Enum(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwLevel = 0; DWORD dwPrefMaxLen = (DWORD)-1; LPBYTE pBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0; MSG(fDebug, "Entering Enum(%lu,..)\n", dwArgc); if (dwArgc < 2 || NULL == pptszArgv) { MSG(fDebug, "%lu < 2 || NULL == pptszArgv\n", dwArgc); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (0 == _tcsicmp(pptszArgv[1], _T("1"))) { dwLevel = 1; dwPrefMaxLen = sizeof(DFS_INFO_1); } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(pptszArgv[1], _T("2"))) { dwLevel = 2; dwPrefMaxLen = sizeof(DFS_INFO_2); } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(pptszArgv[1], _T("3"))) { dwLevel = 3; dwPrefMaxLen = sizeof(DFS_INFO_3); } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(pptszArgv[1], _T("4"))) { dwLevel = 4; dwPrefMaxLen = sizeof(DFS_INFO_4); } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(pptszArgv[1], _T("200"))) { dwLevel = 200; dwPrefMaxLen = sizeof(DFS_INFO_200); } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(pptszArgv[1], _T("300"))) { dwLevel = 300; dwPrefMaxLen = sizeof(DFS_INFO_300); } else { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (2 == dwArgc) { dwPrefMaxLen = (DWORD)-1; } else { if (3 != dwArgc || NULL == pptszArgv[2] || 0 >= _ttoi(pptszArgv[2])) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //if dwPrefMaxLen *= _ttoi(pptszArgv[2]); } MSG(fDebug, "Calling NetDfsEnum(%ws,%lu,%lu,..,..,%lu)\n", pptszArgv[0], dwLevel, dwPrefMaxLen, dwResumeHandle); ulErr = NetDfsEnum(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), dwLevel, dwPrefMaxLen, &pBuffer, &dwEntriesRead, &dwResumeHandle); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ulErr) { goto Error; } if ((DWORD)-1 == dwPrefMaxLen) { LPBYTE pCurBuffer = pBuffer; for (DWORD i=0; i 4 || NULL == pptszArgv) { MSG(fDebug, "%lu < 3 || " "%lu > 4 || " "NULL == pptszArgv\n", dwArgc, dwArgc); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //if if (4 == dwArgc) { dwOptions = _ttoi(pptszArgv[3]); } MSG(fDebug, "Calling NetDfsAddStdRoot(%ws,%ws,%ws,%lu)\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), dwOptions); ulErr = NetDfsAddStdRoot( GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), dwOptions); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting AddStdRoot(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //AddStdRoot //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: RemoveStdRoot // // Synopsis: This function performs NetDfsRemoveStdRoot. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG RemoveStdRoot(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwOptions = 0; MSG(fDebug, "Entering RemoveStdRoot(%lu,..)\n", dwArgc); if (dwArgc < 2 || dwArgc > 3 || NULL == pptszArgv) { MSG(fDebug, "%lu < 2 || %lu > 3 || NULL == pptszArgv\n", dwArgc, dwArgc); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //if if (3 == dwArgc) { dwOptions = _ttoi(pptszArgv[2]); } MSG(fDebug, "Calling NetDfsRemoveStdRoot" "(%ws,%ws,%lu)\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), dwOptions); ulErr = NetDfsRemoveStdRoot( GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), dwOptions); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting RemoveStdRoot(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //RemoveStdRoot //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: AddFtRoot // // Synopsis: This function performs NetDfsAddFtRoot. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG AddFtRoot(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwOptions = 0; MSG(fDebug, "Entering AddFtRoot(%lu,..)\n", dwArgc); if (dwArgc < 3 || dwArgc > 5 || NULL == pptszArgv) { MSG(fDebug, "%lu < 3 || " "%lu > 4 || " "NULL == pptszArgv\n", dwArgc, dwArgc); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //if if (5 == dwArgc) { dwOptions = _ttoi(pptszArgv[4]); } MSG(fDebug, "Calling NetDfsAddFtRoot(%ws,%ws,%ws,%ws,%lu)\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[3]), dwOptions); ulErr = NetDfsAddFtRoot(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[3]), dwOptions); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting AddFtRoot(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //AddFtRoot //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: RemoveFtRoot // // Synopsis: This function performs NetDfsRemoveFtRoot. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG RemoveFtRoot(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwOptions = 0; MSG(fDebug, "Entering RemoveFtRoot(%lu,..)\n", dwArgc); if (dwArgc < 3 || dwArgc > 4 || NULL == pptszArgv) { MSG(fDebug, "%lu < 3 || %lu > 4 || NULL == pptszArgv\n", dwArgc, dwArgc); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //if if (4 == dwArgc) { dwOptions = _ttoi(pptszArgv[3]); } // // BUGBUG // // for the time being we ignore every option // dwOptions = 0; MSG(fDebug, "Calling NetDfsRemoveFtRoot" "(%ws,%ws,%ws,%lu)\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), dwOptions); ulErr = NetDfsRemoveFtRoot(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), dwOptions); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting RemoveFtRoot(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //RemoveFtRoot //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: RemoveFtRootForced // // Synopsis: This function performs NetDfsRemoveFtRootForced. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG RemoveFtRootForced(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwOptions = 0; MSG(fDebug, "Entering RemoveFtRootForced(%lu,..)\n", dwArgc); if (dwArgc < 4 || dwArgc > 5 || NULL == pptszArgv) { MSG(fDebug, "%lu < 4 || %lu > 5 || NULL == pptszArgv\n", dwArgc, dwArgc); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //if if (5 == dwArgc) { dwOptions = _ttoi(pptszArgv[3]); } // // BUGBUG // // for the time being we ignore every option // dwOptions = 0; MSG(fDebug, "Calling NetDfsRemoveFtRootForced" "(%ws,%ws,%ws,%ws,%lu)\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[3]), dwOptions); ulErr = NetDfsRemoveFtRootForced(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[3]), dwOptions); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting RemoveFtRootForced(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //RemoveFtRootForced //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: AddStdRootForced // // Synopsis: This function performs NetDfsAddStdRootForced. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG AddStdRootForced(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwOptions = 0; MSG(fDebug, "Entering AddStdRootForced(%lu,..)\n", dwArgc); if (dwArgc < 2 || dwArgc > 4 || NULL == pptszArgv) { MSG(fDebug, "%lu < 3 || " "%lu > 4 || " "NULL == pptszArgv\n", dwArgc, dwArgc); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //if MSG(fDebug, "Calling NetDfsAddStdRootForced(%ws,%ws,%ws,%ws)\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[3])); ulErr = NetDfsAddStdRootForced(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[3])); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting AddStdRootForced(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //AddStdRoot //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: GetDcAddress // // Synopsis: This function performs NetDfsGetDcAddress. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG GetDcAddress(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwOptions = 0; LPTSTR ptszIpAddress = NULL; BOOLEAN bIsRoot = FALSE; ULONG ulTimeout = 0; MSG(fDebug, "Entering AddStdRootForced(%lu,..)\n", dwArgc); if (1 != dwArgc || NULL == pptszArgv) { MSG(fDebug, "%lu != 1 || NULL == pptszArgv\n", dwArgc); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //if MSG(fDebug, "Calling NetDfsGetDcAddress(%ws,...)\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0])); ulErr = NetDfsGetDcAddress(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), &ptszIpAddress, &bIsRoot, &ulTimeout); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == ulErr) { LPTSTR ptszIs = bIsRoot?_T("is"):_T("is not"); fprintf(stdout, "%ws %ws a Dfs server and it will be " "sticking to the DC having the %ws " "address for %lu seconds\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), ptszIs, ptszIpAddress, ulTimeout); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error %lu: cannot retrieve DC address " "for %ws\n", ulErr, GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0])); } if (NULL != ptszIpAddress) { NetApiBufferFree(ptszIpAddress); } MSG(fDebug, "Exiting AddStdRootForced(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //GetDcAddress #if 0 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SetDcAddress // // Synopsis: This function performs NetDfsSetDcAddress. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG SetDcAddress(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG ulTimeout = 0; ULONG ulFlags = 0; MSG(fDebug, "Entering SetDcAddress(%lu,..)\n", dwArgc); if (dwArgc < 2 || dwArgc > 4 || NULL == pptszArgv) { MSG(fDebug, "%lu < 3 || " "%lu > 4 || " "NULL == pptszArgv\n", dwArgc, dwArgc); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //if ulTimeout = (ULONG)_ttol(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2])); ulFlags = 0; MSG(fDebug, "Calling NetDfsSetDcAddress(%ws,%ws,%lu,%lu)\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), ulTimeout, ulFlags); ulErr = NetDfsSetDcAddress(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), ulTimeout, ulFlags); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting NetDfsSetDcAddress(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //AddStdRoot #endif // 0 #endif // NOREBOOT #if 0 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: AddConnection // // Synopsis: This function performs WNetAddConnectionX. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG AddConnection(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (0 == dwArgc || NULL == pptszArgv) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (0 == _tcsicmp(pptszArgv[0], _T("1"))) { ulErr = AddConnection1(dwArgc-1, pptszArgv+1); } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(pptszArgv[0], _T("2"))) { ulErr = AddConnection2(dwArgc-1, pptszArgv+1); } else { MSG(fDebug, "Error %lu: invalid level: %ws\n", ulErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, pptszArgv[0]); } RETURN(ulErr); }; //AddConnection //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: AddConnection1 // // Synopsis: This function performs WNetAddConnection. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG AddConnection1(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); }; //AddConnection1 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: AddConnection2 // // Synopsis: This function performs WNetAddConnection2. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG AddConnection2(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; NETRESOURCE NetResource; DWORD dwFlags = 0; TCHAR tszLocalName[128+1]; ULONG ulLocalNameLen = 128; MSG(fDebug, "Entering AddConnection2(%lu, ..)\n", dwArgc); if (NULL == pptszArgv || dwArgc <= 5) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } memset(tszLocalName, 0, sizeof(tszLocalName)); ulErr = GetLocalName(tszLocalName, ulLocalNameLen, GetStringParam(pptszArgv[2])); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ulErr) { goto Error; } ulErr = GetNetResource(&NetResource, GetStringParam(pptszArgv[3]), // type tszLocalName, // localname GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), // remotename GetStringParam(pptszArgv[4])); // provider if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ulErr) { goto Error; } ulErr = GetWNetConnectionFlags(&dwFlags, dwArgc-6, pptszArgv+6); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ulErr) { goto Error; } MSG(fDebug, "Calling WNetAddConnection2(.., %ws, %ws, %lu)\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[5]), dwFlags); ulErr = WNetAddConnection2(&NetResource, GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[5]), dwFlags); Error:; MSG(fDebug, "Exiting AddConnection2(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //AddConnection2 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CancelConnection // // Synopsis: This function performs WNetCancelConnectionX. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG CancelConnection(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (0 == dwArgc || NULL == pptszArgv) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (0 == _tcsicmp(pptszArgv[0], _T("1"))) { ulErr = CancelConnection1(dwArgc-1, pptszArgv+1); } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(pptszArgv[0], _T("2"))) { ulErr = CancelConnection2(dwArgc-1, pptszArgv+1); } else { MSG(fDebug, "Error %lu: invalid level: %ws\n", ulErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, pptszArgv[0]); } RETURN(ulErr); }; //CancelConnection //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CancelConnection1 // // Synopsis: This function performs WNetCancelConnection. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG CancelConnection1(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); }; //CancelConnection1 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CancelConnection2 // // Synopsis: This function performs WNetCancelConnection2. // // Arguments: [dwArg] the number of arguments // [pptszArg] the arguments // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG CancelConnection2(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwFlags = 0; BOOL bForce = FALSE; MSG(fDebug, "Entering CancelConnection2(%lu, ..)\n", dwArgc); if (NULL == pptszArgv || dwArgc <= 0) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (2 == dwArgc && 0 == _tcsicmp(_T("force"), pptszArgv[dwArgc-1])) { bForce = TRUE; --dwArgc; } ulErr = GetWNetConnectionFlags(&dwFlags, dwArgc-1, pptszArgv+1); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ulErr) { goto Error; } MSG(fDebug, "Calling WNetCancelConnection2(%ws, %lu, %ws)\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), dwFlags, bForce ? _T("TRUE") : _T("FALSE")); ulErr = WNetCancelConnection2(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), dwFlags, bForce); Error:; MSG(fDebug, "Exiting CancelConnection2(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //CancelConnection2 #endif //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: GetLocalName // // Synopsis: This function returns the first available letter for net // use // // Arguments: [...] // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG GetLocalName(LPTSTR ptszLocalName, ULONG ulLocalNameLen, LPTSTR ptszArg) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; CHAR szDrive[4]; BOOL bFound = FALSE; MSG(fDebug, "Entering GetNetResource(%ws, %lu, %ws)\n", ptszLocalName, ulLocalNameLen, ptszArg); if (NULL != ptszArg && 0 != _tcsicmp(ptszArg, _T("available")) && 0 != _tcsicmp(ptszArg, _T("*"))) { if (ulLocalNameLen < _tcslen(ptszArg)) { RETURN(ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES); } _tcscpy(ptszLocalName, ptszArg); } else { if (ulLocalNameLen < 2) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } szDrive[1] = ':'; szDrive[2] = '\\'; szDrive[3] = '\0'; for (CHAR C='C'; !bFound && C<='Z'; C++) { ULONG ulType = 0; szDrive[0] = C; switch (ulType = GetDriveTypeA(szDrive)) { case 0: case DRIVE_REMOVABLE: case DRIVE_FIXED: case DRIVE_REMOTE: case DRIVE_CDROM: case DRIVE_RAMDISK: MSG(fDebug, "%s is of type %lu\n", szDrive, ulType); continue; case 1: bFound = TRUE; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); }// switch } //for if (!bFound) { ulErr = ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES; } else { szDrive[2] = '\0'; #ifdef UNICODE mbstowcs(ptszLocalName, szDrive, ulLocalNameLen); #else _strcpy(ptszLocalName, szDrive); #endif } MSG(fDebug, "Entering GetNetResource(%ws, %lu, %ws) with %lu\n", ptszLocalName, ulLocalNameLen, ptszArg, ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //GetLocalName //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: GetNetResource // // Synopsis: This function fils a NETRESOURCE structure out // // Arguments: [...] // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG GetNetResource(NETRESOURCE* pNetResource, LPTSTR ptszType, LPTSTR ptszLocalName, LPTSTR ptszRemoteName, LPTSTR ptszProvider) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwType = 0; MSG(fDebug, "Entering GetNetResource(.., %ws, %ws, %ws, %ws)\n", ptszType, ptszLocalName, ptszRemoteName, ptszProvider); if (NULL == pNetResource || NULL == ptszType) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } memset(pNetResource, 0, sizeof(NETRESOURCE)); if (0 == _tcsicmp(ptszType, _T("disk"))) { dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(ptszType, _T("print"))) { dwType = RESOURCETYPE_PRINT; } else if (0 == _tcsicmp(ptszType, _T("any"))) { dwType = RESOURCETYPE_ANY; } else { MSG(fDebug, "%ws is an invalid type\n", ptszType); RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } pNetResource->dwType = dwType; pNetResource->lpLocalName = ptszLocalName; pNetResource->lpRemoteName = ptszRemoteName; pNetResource->lpProvider = ptszProvider; MSG(fDebug, "Entering GetNetResource(.., %ws, %ws, %ws, %ws) with %lu\n", ptszType, ptszLocalName, ptszRemoteName, ptszProvider, ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //GetNetResource //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: GetWNetConnectionFlags // // Synopsis: This function returns flags for WNetAddConnection2 // // Arguments: [...] // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG GetWNetConnectionFlags(DWORD* pdwFlags, DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR* pptszArgv) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSG(fDebug, "Entering CWNetAddConnection2Flags(.., %lu, ..)\n", dwArgc); if (NULL == pdwFlags || NULL == pptszArgv) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } *pdwFlags = 0; for (ULONG i=0; ih_addrtype; SockAddrIn.sin_port = 0; memcpy(&SockAddrIn.sin_addr, pHost->h_addr, pHost->h_length); SocketAddress.iSockaddrLength = sizeof(SockAddrIn); SocketAddress.lpSockaddr = (LPSOCKADDR)&SockAddrIn; ulErr = DsAddressToSiteNames(GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), 1, &SocketAddress, &pptszSites); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == ulErr && NULL != pptszSites[0]) { fprintf(stdout, "The site of %ws on DC \\\\%ws is %ws\n", GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), pptszSites[0]); NetApiBufferFree(pptszSites); } else if (ERROR_SUCCESS == ulErr && NULL == pptszSites[0]) { fprintf(stdout, "Error %lu: address %ws is not associated " "to a site or it has an invalid format\n", ulErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1])); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error %lu: cannot retrieve site of " "%ws from DC \\\\%ws\n", ulErr, GetStringParam(pptszArgv[0]), GetStringParam(pptszArgv[1])); } WSACleanup(); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting AddressToSite(%lu, ...) with %lu\n", dwArgc, ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; // AddressToSite #endif //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: PrintDfsInfo // // Synopsis: This function prints a DFS_INFO_XXX buffer out. // // Arguments: [dwLevel] the info level // [pBuffer] the info buffer // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG PrintDfsInfo(DWORD dwLevel, LPBYTE pBuffer) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSG(fDebug, "Entering PrintDfsInfo(%lu,..)\n", dwLevel); if (NULL == pBuffer) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } switch (dwLevel) { case 1: ulErr = PrintDfsInfo1((PDFS_INFO_1)pBuffer); break; case 2: ulErr = PrintDfsInfo2((PDFS_INFO_2)pBuffer); break; case 3: ulErr = PrintDfsInfo3((PDFS_INFO_3)pBuffer); break; case 4: ulErr = PrintDfsInfo4((PDFS_INFO_4)pBuffer); break; case 200: ulErr = PrintDfsInfo200((PDFS_INFO_200)pBuffer); break; case 300: ulErr = PrintDfsInfo300((PDFS_INFO_300)pBuffer); break; default: RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //switch MSG(fDebug, "Exiting PrintDfsInfo(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //PrintDfsInfo //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: PrintDfsInfo1 // // Synopsis: This function prints a DFS_INFO_1 buffer out. // // Arguments: [pBuffer] the info buffer // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG PrintDfsInfo1(PDFS_INFO_1 pBuffer) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSG(fDebug, "Entering PrintDfsInfo1(..)\n"); if (NULL == pBuffer) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } fprintf(stdout, "%ws\n", pBuffer->EntryPath); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting PrintDfsInfo1(..) witb %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //PrintDfsInfo1 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: PrintDfsInfo2 // // Synopsis: This function prints a DFS_INFO_2 buffer out. // // Arguments: [pBuffer] the info buffer // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG PrintDfsInfo2(PDFS_INFO_2 pBuffer) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSG(fDebug, "Entering PrintDfsInfo2(..)\n"); if (NULL == pBuffer) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } fprintf(stdout, "%ws ", pBuffer->EntryPath); fprintf(stdout, "\"%ws\" ", pBuffer->Comment); switch (pBuffer->State & 0xff) { case DFS_VOLUME_STATE_OK: fprintf(stdout, "OK "); break; case DFS_VOLUME_STATE_INCONSISTENT: fprintf(stdout, "INCONS "); break; case DFS_VOLUME_STATE_ONLINE: fprintf(stdout, "ONLINE "); break; case DFS_VOLUME_STATE_OFFLINE: fprintf(stdout, "OFFLINE "); break; default: RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //switch switch (pBuffer->State & DFS_VOLUME_FLAVORS) { case DFS_VOLUME_FLAVOR_STANDALONE: fprintf(stdout, "Standalone "); break; case DFS_VOLUME_FLAVOR_AD_BLOB: fprintf(stdout, "Ad Blob "); break; } //switch fprintf(stdout, "%lu\n", pBuffer->NumberOfStorages); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting PrintDfsInfo2(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //PrintDfsInfo2 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: PrintDfsInfo3 // // Synopsis: This function prints a DFS_INFO_3 buffer out. // // Arguments: [pBuffer] the info buffer // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG PrintDfsInfo3(PDFS_INFO_3 pBuffer) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD i = 0; PDFS_STORAGE_INFO pStorage = NULL; MSG(fDebug, "Entering PrintDfsInfo3(..)\n"); if (NULL == pBuffer) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } fprintf(stdout, "%ws ", pBuffer->EntryPath); fprintf(stdout, "\"%ws\" ", pBuffer->Comment); switch (pBuffer->State & 0xff) { case DFS_VOLUME_STATE_OK: fprintf(stdout, "OK "); break; case DFS_VOLUME_STATE_INCONSISTENT: fprintf(stdout, "INCONS "); break; case DFS_VOLUME_STATE_ONLINE: fprintf(stdout, "ONLINE "); break; case DFS_VOLUME_STATE_OFFLINE: fprintf(stdout, "OFFLINE "); break; default: RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //switch switch (pBuffer->State & DFS_VOLUME_FLAVORS) { case DFS_VOLUME_FLAVOR_STANDALONE: fprintf(stdout, "Standalone "); break; case DFS_VOLUME_FLAVOR_AD_BLOB: fprintf(stdout, "Ad Blob "); break; } //switch fprintf(stdout, "%lu\n", pBuffer->NumberOfStorages); for (i=0, pStorage=pBuffer->Storage; iNumberOfStorages && ERROR_SUCCESS == ulErr; i++,pStorage=pBuffer->Storage+i) { ulErr = PrintStgInfo(pStorage); } MSG(fDebug, "Exiting PrintDfsInfo3(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //PrintDfsInfo3 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: PrintDfsInfo4 // // Synopsis: This function prints a DFS_INFO_4 buffer out. // // Arguments: [pBuffer] the info buffer // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG PrintDfsInfo4(PDFS_INFO_4 pBuffer) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD i = 0; PDFS_STORAGE_INFO pStorage = NULL; MSG(fDebug, "Entering PrintDfsInfo4(..)\n"); if (NULL == pBuffer) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } fprintf(stdout, "%ws ", pBuffer->EntryPath); fprintf(stdout, "\"%ws\" ", pBuffer->Comment); switch (pBuffer->State & 0xff) { case DFS_VOLUME_STATE_OK: fprintf(stdout, "OK "); break; case DFS_VOLUME_STATE_INCONSISTENT: fprintf(stdout, "INCONS "); break; case DFS_VOLUME_STATE_ONLINE: fprintf(stdout, "ONLINE "); break; case DFS_VOLUME_STATE_OFFLINE: fprintf(stdout, "OFFLINE "); break; default: RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } //switch switch (pBuffer->State & DFS_VOLUME_FLAVORS) { case DFS_VOLUME_FLAVOR_STANDALONE: fprintf(stdout, "Standalone "); break; case DFS_VOLUME_FLAVOR_AD_BLOB: fprintf(stdout, "Ad Blob "); break; } //switch fprintf(stdout, "%lus ", pBuffer->Timeout); fprintf(stdout, "%lu storage(s)\n", pBuffer->NumberOfStorages); for (i=0, pStorage=pBuffer->Storage; iNumberOfStorages && ERROR_SUCCESS == ulErr; i++,pStorage=pBuffer->Storage+i) { ulErr = PrintStgInfo(pStorage); } MSG(fDebug, "Exiting PrintDfsInfo4(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //PrintDfsInfo4 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: PrintDfsInfo200 // // Synopsis: This function prints a DFS_INFO_200 buffer out. // // Arguments: [pBuffer] the info buffer // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG PrintDfsInfo200(PDFS_INFO_200 pBuffer) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSG(fDebug, "Entering PrintDfsInfo200(..)\n"); if (NULL == pBuffer) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } fprintf(stdout, "%ws\n", pBuffer->FtDfsName); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting PrintDfsInfo200(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //PrintDfsInfo4 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: PrintDfsInfo300 // // Synopsis: This function prints a DFS_INFO_200 buffer out. // // Arguments: [pBuffer] the info buffer // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG PrintDfsInfo300(PDFS_INFO_300 pBuffer) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSG(fDebug, "Entering PrintDfsInfo300(..)\n"); if (NULL == pBuffer) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } fprintf(stdout, "%ws:", pBuffer->DfsName); fprintf(stdout, "Flavor: %x\n", pBuffer->Flags); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting PrintDfsInfo300(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //PrintDfsInfo4 //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: PrintStgInfo // // Synopsis: This function prints a DFS_STORAGE_INFO buffer out. // // Arguments: [pBuffer] the info buffer // // Returns: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG PrintStgInfo(PDFS_STORAGE_INFO pBuffer) { ULONG ulErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSG(fDebug, "Entering PrintStgInfo(..)\n"); if (NULL == pBuffer) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } fprintf(stdout, "\t\\\\%ws\\%ws\t", pBuffer->ServerName, pBuffer->ShareName); if (pBuffer->State & DFS_STORAGE_STATE_ONLINE) { fprintf(stdout, "online "); if (pBuffer->State & DFS_STORAGE_STATE_OFFLINE) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); } } //if if (pBuffer->State & DFS_STORAGE_STATE_OFFLINE) { fprintf(stdout, "offline "); if (pBuffer->State & DFS_STORAGE_STATE_ONLINE) { RETURN(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); } } //if if (pBuffer->State & DFS_STORAGE_STATE_ACTIVE) { fprintf(stdout, "active "); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); MSG(fDebug, "Exiting PrintStgInfo(..) with %lu\n", ulErr); RETURN(ulErr); }; //PrintStgInfo //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: GetStringParam // // Synopsis: This function receives a string and it returns the // string itself if it is a "good" one (not null, not // empty, etc). // // Arguments: [ptszParam] the string to evaluate // // Returns: the string itself or NULL. // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LPTSTR GetStringParam(LPTSTR ptszParam) { if (NULL == ptszParam || _T('\0') == ptszParam[0] || 0 == _tcscmp(_T("\"\""), ptszParam)) { return(NULL); } return(ptszParam); }; //GetStringParam