#include #include "fdres.h" // icons IDFDISK ICON dskmgr.ico // main icon IDB_SMALLDISK BITMAP smdisk.bmp // small disk IDB_REMOVABLE BITMAP rmdisk.bmp // removable disk // string table STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_APPNAME "Disk Administrator" IDS_MULTIPLEITEMS "Multiple items selected" IDS_FREESPACE "Free space" IDS_PARTITION "Partition" IDS_LOGICALVOLUME "Logical drive" IDS_DISKN "Disk %u" IDS_CONFIRM "Confirm" IDS_NOT_IN_APP_MSG_FILE "Could not find message %u in the application message file" IDS_NOT_IN_SYS_MSG_FILE "Could not find message %u in the system message file" IDS_UNFORMATTED "Unformatted" IDS_NEW_UNFORMATTED "New unformatted" IDS_UNKNOWN "Unknown" IDS_STRIPESET "Stripe set" IDS_VOLUMESET "Volume set" IDS_EXTENDEDPARTITION "Empty extended partition" IDS_FREEEXT "Free space in extended partition" IDS_DRIVELET_DESCR "%1 MB %2 %3 on disk %4" IDS_HEALTHY "HEALTHY" IDS_BROKEN "BROKEN" IDS_RECOVERABLE "RECOVERABLE" IDS_INITIALIZING "INITIALIZING" IDS_REGENERATING "REGENERATING" IDS_REGENERATED "REGENERATED" IDS_NEW "NEW" IDS_OFFLINE "OFF-LINE" IDS_DISABLED "DISABLED" IDS_INIT_FAILED "Initialization Failed" IDS_INSERT_DISK "Insert Disk" IDS_MEGABYTES_ABBREV "MB" IDS_NO_CONFIG_INFO "Configuration information not available" #if i386 IDS_ACTIVEPARTITION "Active partition" #endif IDS_CRTPART_CAPTION_P "Create Primary Partition" IDS_CRTPART_CAPTION_E "Create Extended Partition" IDS_CRTPART_CAPTION_L "Create Logical Drive" IDS_CRTPART_MIN_P "Minimum size for the partition is" IDS_CRTPART_MAX_P "Maximum size for the partition is" IDS_CRTPART_MIN_L "Minimum size for the logical drive is" IDS_CRTPART_MAX_L "Maximum size for the logical drive is" IDS_CRTPART_SIZE_P "Create partition of size" IDS_CRTPART_SIZE_L "Create logical drive of size" IDS_CRTPSTRP_CAPTION "Create Stripe Set With Parity" IDS_CRTSTRP_CAPTION "Create Stripe Set" IDS_CRTSTRP_MIN "Minimum total size for the stripe set is" IDS_CRTSTRP_MAX "Maximum total size for the stripe set is" IDS_CRTSTRP_SIZE "Create stripe set of total size" IDS_CRTVSET_CAPTION "Create Volume Set" IDS_EXPVSET_CAPTION "Extend Volume Set" IDS_CRTVSET_MIN "Minimum total size for the volume set is" IDS_CRTVSET_MAX "Maximum total size for the volume set is" IDS_CRTVSET_SIZE "Create volume set of total size" IDS_STATUS_STRIPESET "Stripe set #%u" IDS_STATUS_PARITY "Stripe set with parity #%u [%ws]" IDS_DLGCAP_PARITY "Stripe set with parity #%u" IDS_STATUS_VOLUMESET "Volume set #%u" IDS_STATUS_MIRROR "Mirror set #%u [%ws]" IDS_DLGCAP_MIRROR "Mirror set #%u" // Note: these must be in same order as BRUSH_xxx constants in fdisk.h IDS_LEGEND_PRIMARY "Primary partition" IDS_LEGEND_LOGICAL "Logical drive" IDS_LEGEND_STRIPESET "Stripe set" IDS_LEGEND_MIRROR "Mirror set" IDS_LEGEND_VOLUMESET "Volume set" IDS_PARTITION_FREE "Free Space" IDS_PARTITION_XENIX1 "XENIX1" IDS_PARTITION_XENIX2 "XENIX2" IDS_PARTITION_OS2_BOOT "OS/2 Boot Manager" IDS_PARTITION_EISA "EISA Utilities" IDS_PARTITION_UNIX "Unix" IDS_PARTITION_POWERPC "PowerPC Boot" // Double space support strings IDS_DBLSPACE_DELETE "Delete DoubleSpace Volume" IDS_DBLSPACE_MOUNTED "DoubleSpace Volume currently mounted as drive" IDS_DBLSPACE_DISMOUNTED "DoubleSpace Volume is dismounted" IDS_WITH_DBLSPACE "with DoubleSpace Volumes" IDS_MOUNT "Mount" IDS_DISMOUNT "Dismount" IDS_CREATING_DBLSPACE "Creating DoubleSpace volume..." IDS_DBLSPACECOMPLETE "Creation of DoubleSpace volume is complete" // format support strings IDS_QUICK_FORMAT "Quick Formatting..." IDS_PERCENTCOMPLETE "Percent Complete" IDS_FORMATSTATS "%ld KB total disk space\n%ld KB available on disk" IDS_FORMATCOMPLETE "Format Complete" IDS_FORMAT_TITLE "Formatting %c:" IDS_LABEL_TITLE "Label for Volume %c:" IDS_SOURCE_PATH "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion" IDS_SOURCE_PATH_NAME "SourcePath" END // frame window menu IDFDISK MENU BEGIN POPUP "&Partition" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Create..." ,IDM_PARTITIONCREATE , GRAYED MENUITEM "Create &Extended..." ,IDM_PARTITIONCREATEEX, GRAYED MENUITEM "&Delete" ,IDM_PARTITIONDELETE , GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Create &Volume Set..." ,IDM_FTCREATEVOLUMESET, GRAYED MENUITEM "Ex&tend Volume Set..." ,IDM_FTEXTENDVOLUMESET, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Create &Stripe Set..." ,IDM_FTCREATESTRIPE , GRAYED #if i386 MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mark &Active" ,IDM_PARTITIONACTIVE , GRAYED #else MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Sec&ure System Partition",IDM_SECURESYSTEM #endif MENUITEM SEPARATOR POPUP "Confi&guration" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Save..." ,IDM_CONFIGSAVE MENUITEM "&Restore..." ,IDM_CONFIGRESTORE MENUITEM "Sear&ch..." ,IDM_CONFIGMIGRATE END MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "C&ommit Changes Now..." ,IDM_COMMIT , GRAYED MENUITEM "E&xit" ,IDM_PARTITIONEXIT END POPUP "&Fault Tolerance" BEGIN MENUITEM "Establish &Mirror" ,IDM_FTESTABLISHMIRROR, GRAYED MENUITEM "&Break Mirror..." ,IDM_FTBREAKMIRROR , GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Create Stripe Set with &Parity...",IDM_FTCREATEPSTRIPE , GRAYED MENUITEM "&Regenerate" ,IDM_FTRECOVERSTRIPE , GRAYED END POPUP "&Tools" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Format..." ,IDM_PARTITIONFORMAT , GRAYED MENUITEM "&Label..." ,IDM_PARTITIONLABEL , GRAYED MENUITEM "Dri&ve Letter..." ,IDM_PARTITIONLETTER , GRAYED #ifdef DOUBLE_SPACE_SUPPORT_INCLUDED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&DoubleSpace Volumes...",IDM_DBLSPACE , GRAYED MENUITEM "&Automount DoubleSpace Floppies",IDM_AUTOMOUNT #endif MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&CD-ROM Drive Letters..." ,IDM_CDROM , GRAYED END POPUP "&Options" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Status Bar" ,IDM_OPTIONSSTATUS MENUITEM "&Legend" ,IDM_OPTIONSLEGEND MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Colors and Patterns...",IDM_OPTIONSCOLORS MENUITEM "&Region Display..." ,IDM_OPTIONSDISPLAY END POPUP "&Help" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Contents" ,IDM_HELPCONTENTS MENUITEM "&Search for Help on..." ,IDM_HELPSEARCH MENUITEM "&How to Use Help" ,IDM_HELPHELP MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&About Disk Administrator..." ,IDM_HELPABOUT END #if DBG && DEVL POPUP "DEBUG" BEGIN MENUITEM "Allow delete all partitions",IDM_DEBUGALLOWDELETES END #endif END MainAcc ACCELERATORS PRELOAD DISCARDABLE BEGIN VK_F1, IDM_HELP, VIRTKEY END #include "fdisk.dlg" #include "fdiskmsg.rc" #include #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_APP #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Disk Partitioning Utility" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "fdisk\0" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "WINDISK.EXE" #include "common.ver"