/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved Module Name: rangesup.c Abstract: Supplies support function for dealing with SUPPORTED_RANGEs. Author: Ken Reneris (kenr) March-27-1995 Environment: Kernel mode only. Revision History: */ #include "halp.h" #define STATIC STATIC ULONG HalpSortRanges ( IN PSUPPORTED_RANGE pRange1 ); typedef struct tagNRParams { PIO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR InDesc; PIO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR OutDesc; PSUPPORTED_RANGE CurrentPosition; LONGLONG Base; LONGLONG Limit; UCHAR DescOpt; BOOLEAN AnotherListPending; } NRPARAMS, *PNRPARAMS; STATIC PIO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR HalpGetNextSupportedRange ( IN LONGLONG MinimumAddress, IN LONGLONG MaximumAddress, IN OUT PNRPARAMS PNRParams ); // // These following functions are usable at to initialize // the supported_ranges information for a bus handler. // HalpMergeRanges - merges two bus supported ranges // HalpMergeRangeList - merges two single supported ranges lists // HalpCopyRanges - copy a bus supported ranges to a new supported ranges structure // HalpAddRangeList - adds a supported range list to another // HalpAddRange - adds a single range to a supported range list // HalpRemoveRanges - removes all ranges from one buses supported ranges from another // HalpRemoveRangeList - removes all ranges in one supported range list from another // HalpRemoveRange - removes a single range from a supported range list // HalpAllocateNewRangeList - allocates a new, "blank" bus supported ranges structure // HalpFreeRangeList - frees an entire bus supported ranges // // HalpConsolidateRanges - cleans up a supported ranges structure to be ready for usage // // // These functions are used to intersect a buses supported ranges // to an IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST: // HaliAdjustResourceListRange // // These functions are used internal to this module: // HalpSortRanges // HalpGetNextSupportedRange // #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpMergeRanges) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpMergeRangeList) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpCopyRanges) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpAddRangeList) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpAddRange) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpRemoveRanges) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpRemoveRangeList) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpRemoveRange) #pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpConsolidateRanges) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,HalpAllocateNewRangeList) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,HalpFreeRangeList) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,HaliAdjustResourceListRange) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,HalpSortRanges) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE,HalpGetNextSupportedRange) #endif #ifdef ALLOC_DATA_PRAGMA #pragma const_seg("PAGECONST") #endif struct { ULONG Offset; } const HalpRangeList[] = { FIELD_OFFSET (SUPPORTED_RANGES, IO), FIELD_OFFSET (SUPPORTED_RANGES, Memory), FIELD_OFFSET (SUPPORTED_RANGES, PrefetchMemory), FIELD_OFFSET (SUPPORTED_RANGES, Dma), 0, }; #ifdef ALLOC_DATA_PRAGMA #pragma const_seg() #endif #define RANGE_LIST(a,i) ((PSUPPORTED_RANGE) ((PUCHAR) a + HalpRangeList[i].Offset)) PSUPPORTED_RANGES HalpMergeRanges ( IN PSUPPORTED_RANGES Parent, IN PSUPPORTED_RANGES Child ) /*++ Routine Description: This function produces a NewList which is a subset of all overlapping ranges in Parent and Child for all range lists. The resulting SystemBaseAddresses and SystemAddressSpaces are taken from the Child supported ranges. Note: Resulting list needs consolidated --*/ { PSUPPORTED_RANGES NewList; PSUPPORTED_RANGES List1; NewList = HalpAllocateNewRangeList(); HalpMergeRangeList (&NewList->IO, &Parent->IO, &Child->IO); HalpMergeRangeList (&NewList->Dma, &Parent->Dma, &Child->Dma); HalpMergeRangeList (&NewList->Memory, &Parent->Memory, &Child->Memory); List1 = HalpAllocateNewRangeList(); HalpAddRangeList (&List1->Memory, &Parent->Memory); HalpAddRangeList (&List1->Memory, &Parent->PrefetchMemory); HalpMergeRangeList (&NewList->PrefetchMemory, &List1->Memory, &Child->PrefetchMemory); HalpFreeRangeList (List1); return NewList; } VOID HalpMergeRangeList ( OUT PSUPPORTED_RANGE NewList, IN PSUPPORTED_RANGE Parent, IN PSUPPORTED_RANGE Child ) /*++ Routine Description: Completes NewList to be a subset of all overlapping ranges in the Parent and Child list. The resulting SystemBaseAddresses and SystemAddressSpaces are taken from the Child supported ranges. Note: Resulting list needs consolidated --*/ { BOOLEAN HeadCompleted; PSUPPORTED_RANGE List1, List2; LONGLONG Base, Limit; HeadCompleted = FALSE; for (List1 = Parent; List1; List1 = List1->Next) { for (List2 = Child; List2; List2 = List2->Next) { Base = List1->Base; Limit = List1->Limit; // // Clip to range supported by List2 // if (Base < List2->Base) { Base = List2->Base; } if (Limit > List2->Limit) { Limit = List2->Limit; } // // If valid range, add it // if (Base <= Limit) { if (HeadCompleted) { NewList->Next = ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( SPRANGEPOOL, sizeof (SUPPORTED_RANGE), HAL_POOL_TAG ); RtlZeroMemory (NewList->Next, sizeof (SUPPORTED_RANGE)); NewList = NewList->Next; NewList->Next = NULL; } HeadCompleted = TRUE; NewList->Base = Base; NewList->Limit = Limit; NewList->SystemBase = List2->SystemBase; NewList->SystemAddressSpace = List2->SystemAddressSpace; } } } } PSUPPORTED_RANGES HalpCopyRanges ( PSUPPORTED_RANGES Source ) /*++ Routine Description: Builds a copy of the Source list to the destination list. Note that an invalid entry lands at the begining of the copy, but that's OK - it will be pulled out at consolidation time. Note: Resulting list needs consolidated --*/ { PSUPPORTED_RANGES Dest; ULONG i; Dest = HalpAllocateNewRangeList (); for (i=0; HalpRangeList[i].Offset; i++) { HalpAddRangeList (RANGE_LIST(Dest, i), RANGE_LIST(Source, i)); } return Dest; } VOID HalpAddRangeList ( IN OUT PSUPPORTED_RANGE DRange, OUT PSUPPORTED_RANGE SRange ) /*++ Routine Description: Adds ranges from SRange to DRange. --*/ { while (SRange) { HalpAddRange ( DRange, SRange->SystemAddressSpace, SRange->SystemBase, SRange->Base, SRange->Limit ); SRange = SRange->Next; } } VOID HalpAddRange ( PSUPPORTED_RANGE HRange, ULONG AddressSpace, LONGLONG SystemBase, LONGLONG Base, LONGLONG Limit ) /*++ Routine Description: Adds a range to the supported list. Here we just add the range, if it's a duplicate it will be removed later at consolidation time. --*/ { PSUPPORTED_RANGE Range; Range = ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( SPRANGEPOOL, sizeof (SUPPORTED_RANGE), HAL_POOL_TAG ); RtlZeroMemory (Range, sizeof (SUPPORTED_RANGE)); Range->Next = HRange->Next; HRange->Next = Range; Range->Base = Base; Range->Limit = Limit; Range->SystemBase = SystemBase; Range->SystemAddressSpace = AddressSpace; } VOID HalpRemoveRanges ( IN OUT PSUPPORTED_RANGES Minuend, IN PSUPPORTED_RANGES Subtrahend ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns a list where all ranges from Subtrahend are removed from Minuend. Note: Resulting list needs consolidated --*/ { HalpRemoveRangeList (&Minuend->IO, &Subtrahend->IO); HalpRemoveRangeList (&Minuend->Dma, &Subtrahend->Dma); HalpRemoveRangeList (&Minuend->Memory, &Subtrahend->Memory); HalpRemoveRangeList (&Minuend->Memory, &Subtrahend->PrefetchMemory); HalpRemoveRangeList (&Minuend->PrefetchMemory, &Subtrahend->PrefetchMemory); HalpRemoveRangeList (&Minuend->PrefetchMemory, &Subtrahend->Memory); } VOID HalpRemoveRangeList ( IN OUT PSUPPORTED_RANGE Minuend, IN PSUPPORTED_RANGE Subtrahend ) /*++ Routine Description: Removes all ranges from Subtrahend from Minuend ranges in Source1 and Source1 list --*/ { while (Subtrahend) { HalpRemoveRange ( Minuend, Subtrahend->Base, Subtrahend->Limit ); Subtrahend = Subtrahend->Next; } } VOID HalpRemoveRange ( PSUPPORTED_RANGE HRange, LONGLONG Base, LONGLONG Limit ) /*++ Routine Description: Removes the range Base-Limit from the the HRange list Note: The returned list needs consolidated, as some entries may be turned into "null ranges". --*/ { PSUPPORTED_RANGE Range; // // If range isn't a range at all, then nothing to remove // if (Limit < Base) { return ; } // // Clip any area not to include this range // for (Range = HRange; Range; Range = Range->Next) { if (Range->Limit < Range->Base) { continue; } if (Range->Base < Base) { if (Range->Limit >= Base && Range->Limit <= Limit) { // truncate Range->Limit = Base - 1; } if (Range->Limit > Limit) { // // Target area is contained totally within this area. // Split into two ranges // HalpAddRange ( HRange, Range->SystemAddressSpace, Range->SystemBase, Limit + 1, Range->Limit ); Range->Limit = Base - 1; } } else { // Range->Base >= Base if (Range->Base <= Limit) { if (Range->Limit <= Limit) { // // This range is totally within the target area. Remove it. // (make it invalid - it will get remove when colsolidated) // Range->Base = 1; Range->Limit = 0; } else { // Bump begining Range->Base = Limit + 1; } } } } } PSUPPORTED_RANGES HalpConsolidateRanges ( IN OUT PSUPPORTED_RANGES Ranges ) /*++ Routine Description: Cleans the Range list. Consolidates overlapping ranges, removes ranges which don't have any size, etc... The returned Ranges list is a clean as possible, and is now ready to be used. --*/ { PSUPPORTED_RANGE RangeList, List1, List2; LONGLONG Base, Limit, SystemBase; ULONG i, AddressSpace; LONGLONG l; ASSERT (Ranges != NULL); for (i=0; HalpRangeList[i].Offset; i++) { RangeList = RANGE_LIST(Ranges, i); // // Sort the list by base address // for (List1 = RangeList; List1; List1 = List1->Next) { for (List2 = List1->Next; List2; List2 = List2->Next) { if (List2->Base < List1->Base) { Base = List1->Base; Limit = List1->Limit; SystemBase = List1->SystemBase; AddressSpace = List1->SystemAddressSpace; List1->Base = List2->Base; List1->Limit = List2->Limit; List1->SystemBase = List2->SystemBase; List1->SystemAddressSpace = List2->SystemAddressSpace; List2->Base = Base; List2->Limit = Limit; List2->SystemBase = SystemBase; List2->SystemAddressSpace = AddressSpace; } } } // // Check for adjacent/overlapping ranges and combined them // List1 = RangeList; while (List1 && List1->Next) { if (List1->Limit < List1->Base) { // // This range's limit is less then it's base. This // entry doesn't reprent anything uasable, remove it. // List2 = List1->Next; List1->Next = List2->Next; List1->Base = List2->Base; List1->Limit = List2->Limit; List1->SystemBase = List2->SystemBase; List1->SystemAddressSpace = List2->SystemAddressSpace; ExFreePool (List2); continue; } l = List1->Limit + 1; if (l > List1->Limit && l >= List1->Next->Base && (List1->SystemBase == List1->Next->SystemBase)) { // // Overlapping. Combine them. // List2 = List1->Next; List1->Next = List2->Next; if (List2->Limit > List1->Limit) { List1->Limit = List2->Limit; ASSERT (List1->SystemAddressSpace == List2->SystemAddressSpace); } ExFreePool (List2); continue ; } List1 = List1->Next; } // // If the last range is invalid, and it's not the only // thing in the list - remove it // if (List1 != RangeList && List1->Limit < List1->Base) { for (List2=RangeList; List2->Next != List1; List2 = List2->Next) ; List2->Next = NULL; ExFreePool (List1); } } return Ranges; } PSUPPORTED_RANGES HalpAllocateNewRangeList ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocates a range list --*/ { PSUPPORTED_RANGES RangeList; ULONG i; PAGED_CODE(); RangeList = (PSUPPORTED_RANGES) ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( SPRANGEPOOL, sizeof (SUPPORTED_RANGES), HAL_POOL_TAG ); RtlZeroMemory (RangeList, sizeof (SUPPORTED_RANGES)); RangeList->Version = BUS_SUPPORTED_RANGE_VERSION; for (i=0; HalpRangeList[i].Offset; i++) { // Limit set to zero, set initial base to 1 RANGE_LIST(RangeList, i)->Base = 1; } return RangeList; } VOID HalpFreeRangeList ( PSUPPORTED_RANGES Ranges ) /*++ Routine Description: Frees a range list which was allocated via HalpAllocateNewRangeList, and extended / modified via the generic support functions. --*/ { PSUPPORTED_RANGE Entry, NextEntry; ULONG i; PAGED_CODE(); for (i=0; HalpRangeList[i].Offset; i++) { Entry = RANGE_LIST(Ranges, i)->Next; while (Entry) { NextEntry = Entry->Next; ExFreePool (Entry); Entry = NextEntry; } } ExFreePool (Ranges); } #if DBG STATIC VOID HalpDisplayAddressRange ( PSUPPORTED_RANGE Address, PUCHAR String ) /*++ Routine Description: Debugging code. Used only by HalpDisplayAllBusRanges --*/ { ULONG i; i = 0; while (Address) { if (i == 0) { DbgPrint (String); i = 3; } i -= 1; DbgPrint (" %x:%08x - %x:%08x ", (ULONG) (Address->Base >> 32), (ULONG) (Address->Base), (ULONG) (Address->Limit >> 32), (ULONG) (Address->Limit) ); Address = Address->Next; } } VOID HalpDisplayAllBusRanges ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Debugging code. Displays the current supported range information for all the registered buses in the system. --*/ { PSUPPORTED_RANGES Addresses; PBUS_HANDLER Bus; PUCHAR p; ULONG i, j; DbgPrint ("\nHAL - dumping all supported bus ranges"); for (i=0; i < MaximumInterfaceType; i++) { for (j=0; Bus = HaliHandlerForBus (i, j); j++) { Addresses = Bus->BusAddresses; if (Addresses) { p = NULL; switch (Bus->InterfaceType) { case Internal: p = "Internal"; break; case Isa: p = "Isa"; break; case Eisa: p = "Eisa"; break; case PCIBus: p = "PCI"; break; } if (p) { DbgPrint ("\n%s %d", p, Bus->BusNumber); } else { DbgPrint ("\nBus-%d %d", Bus->InterfaceType, Bus->BusNumber); } HalpDisplayAddressRange (&Addresses->IO, "\n IO......:"); HalpDisplayAddressRange (&Addresses->Memory, "\n Memory..:"); HalpDisplayAddressRange (&Addresses->PrefetchMemory,"\n PFMemory:"); HalpDisplayAddressRange (&Addresses->Dma, "\n Dma.....:"); DbgPrint ("\n"); } } } } #endif NTSTATUS HaliAdjustResourceListRange ( IN PSUPPORTED_RANGES SRanges, IN PSUPPORTED_RANGE InterruptRange, IN OUT PIO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST *pResourceList ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions takes an IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENT_LIST and adjusts it such that all ranges in the list fit in the ranges specified by SRanges & InterruptRange. This function is used by some HALs to clip the possible settings to be contained on what the particular bus supports in reponse to a HalAdjustResourceList call. Arguments: SRanges - Valid IO, Memory, Prefetch Memory, and DMA ranges. InterruptRange - Valid InterruptRanges pResourceList - The resource requirements list which needs to be adjusted to only contain the ranges as described by SRanges & InterruptRange. Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS or an appropiate error return. --*/ { PIO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST InCompleteList, OutCompleteList; PIO_RESOURCE_LIST InResourceList, OutResourceList; PIO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR HeadOutDesc, SetDesc; NRPARAMS Pos; ULONG len, alt, cnt, i; ULONG icnt; PAGED_CODE(); // // Sanity check // if (!SRanges || SRanges->Version != BUS_SUPPORTED_RANGE_VERSION) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // If SupportedRanges aren't sorted, sort them and get the // number of ranges for each type // if (!SRanges->Sorted) { SRanges->NoIO = HalpSortRanges (&SRanges->IO); SRanges->NoMemory = HalpSortRanges (&SRanges->Memory); SRanges->NoPrefetchMemory = HalpSortRanges (&SRanges->PrefetchMemory); SRanges->NoDma = HalpSortRanges (&SRanges->Dma); SRanges->Sorted = TRUE; } icnt = HalpSortRanges (InterruptRange); InCompleteList = *pResourceList; len = InCompleteList->ListSize; // // Scan input list - verify revision #'s, and increase len varible // by amount output list may increase. // i = 1; InResourceList = InCompleteList->List; for (alt=0; alt < InCompleteList->AlternativeLists; alt++) { if (InResourceList->Version != 1 || InResourceList->Revision < 1) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Pos.InDesc = InResourceList->Descriptors; for (cnt = InResourceList->Count; cnt; cnt--) { switch (Pos.InDesc->Type) { case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: i += icnt; break; case CmResourceTypePort: i += SRanges->NoIO; break; case CmResourceTypeDma: i += SRanges->NoDma; break; case CmResourceTypeMemory: i += SRanges->NoMemory; if (Pos.InDesc->Flags & CM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_PREFETCHABLE) { i += SRanges->NoPrefetchMemory; } break; default: return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // take one off for the original which is already accounted for in 'len' i -= 1; // Next descriptor Pos.InDesc++; } // Next Resource List InResourceList = (PIO_RESOURCE_LIST) Pos.InDesc; } len += i * sizeof (IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR); // // Allocate output list // OutCompleteList = (PIO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST) ExAllocatePoolWithTag (PagedPool, len, ' laH'); if (!OutCompleteList) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlZeroMemory (OutCompleteList, len); // // Walk each ResourceList and build output structure // InResourceList = InCompleteList->List; *OutCompleteList = *InCompleteList; OutResourceList = OutCompleteList->List; for (alt=0; alt < InCompleteList->AlternativeLists; alt++) { OutResourceList->Version = 1; OutResourceList->Revision = 1; Pos.InDesc = InResourceList->Descriptors; Pos.OutDesc = OutResourceList->Descriptors; HeadOutDesc = Pos.OutDesc; for (cnt = InResourceList->Count; cnt; cnt--) { // // Limit desctiptor to be with the buses supported ranges // Pos.DescOpt = Pos.InDesc->Option; Pos.AnotherListPending = FALSE; switch (Pos.InDesc->Type) { case CmResourceTypePort: // // Get supported IO ranges // Pos.CurrentPosition = &SRanges->IO; do { SetDesc = HalpGetNextSupportedRange ( Pos.InDesc->u.Port.MinimumAddress.QuadPart, Pos.InDesc->u.Port.MaximumAddress.QuadPart, &Pos ); if (SetDesc) { SetDesc->u.Port.MinimumAddress.QuadPart = Pos.Base; SetDesc->u.Port.MaximumAddress.QuadPart = Pos.Limit; } } while (SetDesc) ; break; case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: // // Get supported Interrupt ranges // Pos.CurrentPosition = InterruptRange; do { SetDesc = HalpGetNextSupportedRange ( Pos.InDesc->u.Interrupt.MinimumVector, Pos.InDesc->u.Interrupt.MaximumVector, &Pos ); if (SetDesc) { SetDesc->u.Interrupt.MinimumVector = (ULONG) Pos.Base; SetDesc->u.Interrupt.MaximumVector = (ULONG) Pos.Limit; } } while (SetDesc) ; break; case CmResourceTypeMemory: // // Get supported memory ranges // if (Pos.InDesc->Flags & CM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_PREFETCHABLE) { // // This is a Prefetchable range. // First add in any supported prefetchable ranges, then // add in any regualer supported ranges // Pos.AnotherListPending = TRUE; Pos.CurrentPosition = &SRanges->PrefetchMemory; do { SetDesc = HalpGetNextSupportedRange ( Pos.InDesc->u.Memory.MinimumAddress.QuadPart, Pos.InDesc->u.Memory.MaximumAddress.QuadPart, &Pos ); if (SetDesc) { SetDesc->u.Memory.MinimumAddress.QuadPart = Pos.Base; SetDesc->u.Memory.MaximumAddress.QuadPart = Pos.Limit; SetDesc->Option |= IO_RESOURCE_PREFERRED; } } while (SetDesc) ; Pos.AnotherListPending = FALSE; } // // Add in supported bus memory ranges // Pos.CurrentPosition = &SRanges->Memory; do { SetDesc = HalpGetNextSupportedRange ( Pos.InDesc->u.Memory.MinimumAddress.QuadPart, Pos.InDesc->u.Memory.MaximumAddress.QuadPart, &Pos ); if (SetDesc) { SetDesc->u.Memory.MinimumAddress.QuadPart = Pos.Base; SetDesc->u.Memory.MaximumAddress.QuadPart = Pos.Limit; } } while (SetDesc); break; case CmResourceTypeDma: // // Get supported DMA ranges // Pos.CurrentPosition = &SRanges->Dma; do { SetDesc = HalpGetNextSupportedRange ( Pos.InDesc->u.Dma.MinimumChannel, Pos.InDesc->u.Dma.MaximumChannel, &Pos ); if (SetDesc) { SetDesc->u.Dma.MinimumChannel = (ULONG) Pos.Base; SetDesc->u.Dma.MaximumChannel = (ULONG) Pos.Limit; } } while (SetDesc) ; break; #if DBG default: DbgPrint ("HalAdjustResourceList: Unkown resource type\n"); break; #endif } // // Next descriptor // Pos.InDesc++; } OutResourceList->Count = (ULONG)(Pos.OutDesc - HeadOutDesc); // // Next Resource List // InResourceList = (PIO_RESOURCE_LIST) Pos.InDesc; OutResourceList = (PIO_RESOURCE_LIST) Pos.OutDesc; } // // Free input list, and return output list // ExFreePool (InCompleteList); OutCompleteList->ListSize = (ULONG) ((PUCHAR) OutResourceList - (PUCHAR) OutCompleteList); *pResourceList = OutCompleteList; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } STATIC PIO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR HalpGetNextSupportedRange ( IN LONGLONG MinimumAddress, IN LONGLONG MaximumAddress, IN OUT PNRPARAMS Pos ) /*++ Routine Description: Support function for HaliAdjustResourceListRange. Returns the next supported range in the area passed in. Arguments: MinimumAddress MaximumAddress - Min & Max address of a range which needs to be clipped to match that of the supported ranges of the current bus. Pos - describes the current postion Return Value: NULL is no more returned ranges Otherwise, the IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR which needs to be set with the matching range returned in Pos. --*/ { LONGLONG Base, Limit; // // Find next range which is supported // Base = MinimumAddress; Limit = MaximumAddress; while (Pos->CurrentPosition) { Pos->Base = Base; Pos->Limit = Limit; // // Clip to current range // if (Pos->Base < Pos->CurrentPosition->Base) { Pos->Base = Pos->CurrentPosition->Base; } if (Pos->Limit > Pos->CurrentPosition->Limit) { Pos->Limit = Pos->CurrentPosition->Limit; } // // set position to next range // Pos->CurrentPosition = Pos->CurrentPosition->Next; // // If valid range, return it // if (Pos->Base <= Pos->Limit) { *Pos->OutDesc = *Pos->InDesc; Pos->OutDesc->Option = Pos->DescOpt; // // next descriptor (if any) is an alternative // to the descriptor being returned now // Pos->OutDesc += 1; Pos->DescOpt |= IO_RESOURCE_ALTERNATIVE; return Pos->OutDesc - 1; } } // // There's no overlapping range. If this descriptor is // not an alternative and this descriptor is not going to // be processed by another range list, then return // a descriptor which can't be satisified. // if (!(Pos->DescOpt & IO_RESOURCE_ALTERNATIVE) && Pos->AnotherListPending == FALSE) { #if DBG DbgPrint ("HAL: returning impossible range\n"); #endif Pos->Base = MinimumAddress; Pos->Limit = Pos->Base - 1; if (Pos->Base == 0) { // if wrapped, fix it Pos->Base = 1; Pos->Limit = 0; } *Pos->OutDesc = *Pos->InDesc; Pos->OutDesc->Option = Pos->DescOpt; Pos->OutDesc += 1; Pos->DescOpt |= IO_RESOURCE_ALTERNATIVE; return Pos->OutDesc - 1; } // // No range found (or no more ranges) // return NULL; } STATIC ULONG HalpSortRanges ( IN PSUPPORTED_RANGE RangeList ) /*++ Routine Description: Support function for HaliAdjustResourceListRange. Sorts a supported range list into decending order. Arguments: pRange - List to sort Return Value: --*/ { ULONG cnt; LONGLONG hldBase, hldLimit, hldSystemBase; PSUPPORTED_RANGE Range1, Range2; PAGED_CODE(); // // Sort it // for (Range1 = RangeList; Range1; Range1 = Range1->Next) { for (Range2 = Range1->Next; Range2; Range2 = Range2->Next) { if (Range2->Base > Range1->Base) { hldBase = Range1->Base; hldLimit = Range1->Limit; hldSystemBase = Range1->SystemBase; Range1->Base = Range2->Base; Range1->Limit = Range2->Limit; Range1->SystemBase = Range2->SystemBase; Range2->Base = hldBase; Range2->Limit = hldLimit; Range2->SystemBase = hldSystemBase; } } } // // Count the number of ranges // cnt = 0; for (Range1 = RangeList; Range1; Range1 = Range1->Next) { cnt += 1; } return cnt; }