;/* ; * Microsoft Confidential ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991 ; * All Rights Reserved. ; */ ; The following are all of the segments used in the load order ; ;SR; We switch the order of the CODE and DATA segments since we will have to ;move the CODE segment for HIMEM COMMAND ; DATARES segment public byte ; resident data DATARES ends ; ;Dummy segment to align the code segment on a paragraph boundary ; DUMMY segment public para DUMMY ENDS CODERES segment public byte ; resident code CODERES ends ;SR; ;No environment segments ; ;;ENVARENA segment public para ; space for DOS ALLOCATE header ;;ENVARENA ends ;;ENVIRONMENT segment public para ; default COMMAND environment ;;ENVIRONMENT ends INIT segment public para ; initialization code INIT ends TAIL segment public para ; end of init - start of transient TAIL ends TRANCODE segment public byte ; transient code TRANCODE ends TRANDATA segment public byte ; transient data area TRANDATA ends TRANSPACE segment public byte ; transient modifiable data area TRANSPACE ends TRANTAIL segment public para ; end of transient TRANTAIL ends ;SR; ; We still keep the CODE and DATA in a group. This is to make addressability ;easy during init. This will not work for COMMAND in ROM but it is fine for ;HIMEM COMMAND. However, the resident code will not refer to any data using ;RESGROUP ; RESGROUP group CODERES,DATARES,INIT,TAIL TRANGROUP group TRANCODE,TRANDATA,TRANSPACE,TRANTAIL